Formazione@Arduino: “The Arduino open source platform for beginners” Open Source per il Lavoro e il Territorio, Messina 07/29/2015

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Formazione@Arduino: “The Arduino open source platform for beginners”

Open Source per il Lavoro e il Territorio, Messina 07/29/2015

The Open Source Platform Arduinofor beginners

dr. Riccardo Di Pietro

([email protected])

dr. Andrea Rocco Lotronto

([email protected])

eng. Maurizio Giacobbe PhD

([email protected])

Open Source per il Lavoro e il Territorio, Messina 07/29/2015

Course OverviewCourse features:

● Time range: June - July 2015● Lessons: 8● Single lesson: 3 hours● When: Fridays 9:30 to 12:30 ● Where: Engineering Campus - University of Messina● University of Messina acknoledges 3 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System Credits)

Description:The course was focused to enter the world of the Internet of Things (IoT) through the use of the Arduino open source platform, which is mainly characterized by its interactive laboratory work and focused on its practical application. It was attended by fifteen participants selected from the third-year graduate students in Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering and Computer Science, interested in exploring the issues of the IoT and the various development scenarios in the context of smart sensors and smart cities. Moreover, this course was part of the initiative to support the project's crowdfunding #SmartME (http://smartme.unime.it/) to build the future of Messina.


● Own laptop computer.● Basic knowledge of C language.

Open Source per il Lavoro e il Territorio, Messina 07/29/2015

Teaching materials

SparkFun Essential Sensor KitArduino Starter Kit

Open Source per il Lavoro e il Territorio, Messina 07/29/2015

Topics ● What is Arduino?● Arduino Overview:

○ power, details of input/outputa and pwm PINs.● “From the e- to make” smart introduction to use Starter Kit Arduino and SparkFun Essential Sensor

Kit: ○ resistor, potentiometer, pushbutton, breadboard, capacitor, diode, led, rgb led, transistor, bjt, fet.

● Introduction and use of Fritzing open source project.● Elements of Wiring programming language:

○ structure of a program, orthography, grammar and syntax, reserved words, libraries and functions, INPUT and OUTPUT functions, serial communication function, time functions, random functions, mathematical functions, tone() function.

● Introduction and use of Arduino IDE and the new Arduino Studio.● Sensors and actuators:

○ piezo speaker, mini photocell, force sensitive resistor 0.5", flex sensor 4.5", TMP36, led, rgb led, LCD screen, 7 Segments Display.

● Laboratory activities through the creation of sketches:○ blink led, supercar effect, on/off led with button, on/off led with button (memory state), interactive traffic

lights with pedestrian request, rgb led, rgb led with buttons, rgb led(pwm), printing to serial port, printing to LCD screen, piezo speaker used for music and knock sensor, brightness sensor with mini photocell, using of force sensitive resistor 0.5", using of flex sensor 4.5", using of TMP36, using of 7 Segments Display.

Open Source per il Lavoro e il Territorio, Messina 07/29/2015

Open Source per il Lavoro e il Territorio, Messina 07/29/2015

Open Source per il Lavoro e il Territorio, Messina 07/29/2015

Angelo is a student of Electronic Engineering while Vittorio is a student of Computer Science.

During this summer course, ARDUINO helps us to put them in front of some real problems.

We strongly believe in this kind of CONTAMINATION. This concept represent the final essence of ECS UNIME's VISION for the future.

Open Source per il Lavoro e il Territorio, Messina 07/29/2015

"Encourage young people to be Makers of things, not just consumers of things." — President Barack Obama

Open Source per il Lavoro e il Territorio, Messina 07/29/2015

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Lao - tzu

Riccardo Di PietroUniversity of [email protected]