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OpenCV PPM Histogram

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Page 1: OpenCV PPM Histogram




Page 2: OpenCV PPM Histogram


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Page 3: OpenCV PPM Histogram


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Page 4: OpenCV PPM Histogram


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Page 5: OpenCV PPM Histogram


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Page 6: OpenCV PPM Histogram

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Page 7: OpenCV PPM Histogram

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Page 8: OpenCV PPM Histogram


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Page 9: OpenCV PPM Histogram


•  Gray Levels: {0,1, … , 255}

•  Number of Bins: 32

•  Number of intensity levels for each bin: 256 / 32 = 8

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620px 370px

Page 10: OpenCV PPM Histogram


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Page 11: OpenCV PPM Histogram


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Page 12: OpenCV PPM Histogram

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Page 13: OpenCV PPM Histogram

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Page 14: OpenCV PPM Histogram

>,+/)$(#"&EF:#;,D#=)-&It is possible to use the cumulative distribution function to remap the original distribution as an equally spread distribution simply by looking up each y-value in the original distribution and seeing where it should go in the equalized distribution.

Page 15: OpenCV PPM Histogram


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Page 16: OpenCV PPM Histogram


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Page 17: OpenCV PPM Histogram


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Page 18: OpenCV PPM Histogram


•  3)((%;#=)-Y&

•  30,W9F:#(%Y&

A high score represents a better match than a low score: •  A perfect match is 1; •  A maximal mismatch is –1; •  A value of 0 indicates no correlation (random association).

A low score represents a better match than a high score. •  A perfect match is 0 •  A total mismatch is unbounded (depending on the size of the histogram).

Page 19: OpenCV PPM Histogram


•  !-/%(+%*=)-Y&

•  d0#Q#*0#(GG#Y&

High scores indicate good matches and low scores indicate bad matches. If both histograms are normalized to 1, then: •  A perfect match is 1 •  A total mismatch is 0

Low scores indicate good matches and high scores indicate bad matches. •  A perfect match is 0 •  A total mismatch is a 1.

Page 20: OpenCV PPM Histogram


•  12%-34&0#+&#&<#/#&/G2%&N)(&(%2(%+%-=-$&0,+/)$(#"+&,-&)-%&)(&"#-G&<,"%-+,)-+P&

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Page 21: OpenCV PPM Histogram


•  For a uniform histogram, ranges is an array of floating-point value pairs, where the number of value pairs is equal to the number of dimensions.

•  For a non-uniform histogram, the pairs used by the uniform histogram are replaced by arrays containing the values by which the non-uniform bins are separated. If there are N bins, then there will be N + 1 entries in each of these subarrays.

Page 22: OpenCV PPM Histogram


•  ?0%&/G2%&*#-&O%&%,/0%(&34f>!9?fIccIUR&.0,*0&,+&:+%<&N)(&":;=<,"%-+,)-#;&0,+/)$(#"+&/)&O%&+/)(%<&:+,-$&/0%&<%-+%&":;=<,"%-+,)-#;&"#/(,H&+/(:*/:(%&X,P%PR&3A5#/CbZR&&

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Page 23: OpenCV PPM Histogram


•  For the i-th channel there are 30 bins in a range from 0 to 180, therefore 6 levels of intensity for each bin.

•  For the j-th channel there are 32 bins in a range from 0 to 255, therefore 8 levels of intensity for each bin.

Page 24: OpenCV PPM Histogram

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Page 25: OpenCV PPM Histogram


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Page 26: OpenCV PPM Histogram


•  >,+/)$(#"&C)("#;,D#=)-Y&

•  >,+/)$(#"&?0(%+0);<,-$Y&

•  The argument factor is the cutoff for the threshold.

•  The result of thresholding a histogram is that all bins whose value is below the threshold factor are set to 0.

Page 27: OpenCV PPM Histogram


•  >,+/)$(#"&EF:#;,D#=)-Y&

•  The source and destination must be a single-channel, 8-bit images of the same size.

•  For color images you will have to separate the channels and process them one by one.&

Page 28: OpenCV PPM Histogram


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Page 29: OpenCV PPM Histogram

•  *Ac%*/#-$;%XhZY&–  1-%&)N&/0%&(%*/#-$;% +̀&A%(=*%+&#-<&/0%&)22)+,/%&(%*/#-$;%&A%(/%H&–  @,-%&*);)(&XcBdZ&)(&O(,$0/-%++&X$(#G+*#;%&,"#$%Z&

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