OpenOffice.org Conference 2005 Koper - Capodistria Slovenia 28.9. - 30.9.2005

OpenOffice.orgConference2005 Koper - Capodistria Slovenia 28 ...aufbix.org/~r/ooocon2005_tmp/zbornik.pdf · Abstracts for Keynote Presentations Thursday,29.9.2005 Open Source and

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OpenOffice.org Conference 2005Koper - Capodistria

Slovenia 28.9. - 30.9.2005

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OpenOffice. org Conference 2005 • Koper - Capodistria, Slovenia • 28.9. - 30.9.2005


OpenOffice.org is probably the fastest growing software suite in the world. Its potential is limitless, and it is seenby many as the most plausible alternative to current commercial office automation software suites (guess which).Its main advantages lie in its use of open standards and formats and in the community of developers and users that stand behind it and support it. Since 2000, when Sun Microsystems Inc. first released the source code to thepublic, there have been at least 42 million downloads of the application and source.

The conference, organized by the Slovenian and Italian OpenOffice.org project teams in collaboration with LU-GOS (Linux User Group Of Slovenia) and LugTS (Linux User Group Trieste), follows the successes of the last two years OOoCon 2003 in Hamburg and OOoCon 2004 in Berlin and is intended to bring together all people who are interested in the development, deployment and use of the software suite. The first part of the program willcover topics such as development and OpenOffice.org in education, for those interested in the community and theproject itself, whereas the last part of the conference will be focused on the end-users and the use of OpenOffice.org in public administration and enterprises.

We choosed some locations that are not common for this kind of activities – like Theater and Museum – andmaybe this will put an extra character to this year’s conference .

Big thanks to all sponsors – in the first place financial, who helped to make this conference happened. Of coursethanks goes to the other sponsors, too, and especially to organizations that helped with their enthusiasm and posi-tive energy. Last but not the least, thanks to all individuals who gave your vote for Koper – Capodistria.

You can find names and logos with links of mayor entities that helped this year’s conference to become true on theconference’s homepage.

Enjoy your staying in Slovenia. We hope that you will also find things and people that you will want to see andmeet again in the future.

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OpenOffice. org Conference 2005 • Koper - Capodistria, Slovenia • 28.9. - 30.9.2005

OpenOffice.org Conference 2005 Schedule

Wednesday, 28th September 2005

Community Meetings

11:00 - 13:00 Engineering Steering Committee Invitation only

13:00 - 14:00 Break

14:00 - 16:00 Community Council Council members only

16:00 - 17:00 Break

17:00 - 19:00 Native Language Confederation Project Leads only

19:00 - 20:00 Break

20:00 Evening Event: Open AttendanceNLC Party at Museum Garden

All meetings will be hold at Pedagocical faculty. Additional information will be available at the registration place.Beside the formal community meetings there will be unformal gatherings of groups with common interests. You will find more information on the spot.

NLC Party at Museum Garden detailsLocation: Garden and Lapidary of Pokrajinski Museum

In the first half hour, Istrian folklore with dance and songs will be presented in the nice ambient. Evening willcontinue with cold buffet and drinks, including good domestic wines and beer.

Entrance: 10 EUR and only for registered OOoCon visitors. Entrance includes 1st drink and free food.

Thursday, 29th September 2005

Developer General Community


Open Source and Government of the Republic of Sloveniamag. Jože Zrimšek

09:35The Future of Office Suites

Tim Bray

10:15 Break

10:45Internationalization for Localization (i18n for l10n) Eike Rathke

OpenOffice.org in Vienna City’sAdministration Ing. Brigitte Lutz & Ing. Patrick Amcha

Community RE (report from the bleeding edge) Pavel Janík

11:45Usage of the OpenDocument interfaces in OpenOffice.org Writer Florian Reuter

What’s new in OpenOffice.org 2.0and StarOffice 8?Erwin Tenhumberg

Entering the OpenOffice.orgCommunity Andre Schnabel

12:45 Lunch


Deploying OpenOffice.orgextensions through UNO packages Paolo Mantovani

Cambodia: re-computerisation of the Country based on OpenOffice.org 2.0 Javier Solá

The State of theProject - Year 5 Louis Suarez-Potts


OpenOffice.org and XUL- embedding Gecko in OpenOffice.org Stephan Schäfer

Commercial Solutions based on OpenOffice.org Erwin Tenhumberg

Localising OpenOffice.org Monica Badia / TheLocalisation process Alessandro Cattelan

15:45 Break


Speeding up OpenOffice.org- profiling, tools, approaches Dhananjay Keskar

Organisational and Psychological determinants of OpenOffice.org adoptionSalvatore Zappalà & Maurizio Berti

The Lingucomponent Project- linguistic tools in OpenOffice.org Daniel Naber

“Birds of a Feather” Sessions

17:15The Cairo Canvas backend Radek Doulík

Introduction to OpenOffice.org Macro development Ian Craig Laurenson

Localisation - the tools and the people Adam Rambousek

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OpenOffice. org Conference 2005 • Koper - Capodistria, Slovenia • 28.9. - 30.9.2005

Developer General Community18:15 Break

18:45Mac OS X Port - the Start of the Art Eric Bachard

Imagining an OpenOffice.orgFoundation Louis Suarez-Potts

Bug hunting Party André Schnabel

19:3020:00 Evening Event at MKC, Part 122:00 Evening Event at MKC, Part 2

Evening event at MKC details

Location: MKC, concert hall. Also a location of one of the sessions line.

Description: Concert hall, which is used for sessions during the day will be adapted into nice gathering place. In the Part 1 there will be some easy music so people can get together and talk to each other. Free first drinkand some light food.Part 2, starting around 22:00 will bring more spirit:

Free Rhythms

DJ Labosh from Zagreb (Croatia) has been traveling the spinning genres over the wide span of »groove-breaks« while he's as well a producer of curiously inventive musiq, which he's releasing at croatian net.label Egoboo.bits. For the Oocon, he'll mix us up with selection of 'egoboo' vibes, which are all available aunder CC or GPL licences.

DJ Nova Viator, long-time breakbeat dj and electronic producer from Ljubljana, lately very much into elek-tro-tech-clash fad (zarobotko), has been over years presenting free electronic music through radio waves (radiostudent:elektroblef), the today exploded CC-licenced net/labels' scene.

MD-Mikka - electro-acoustic and visual experimentologist - has been lurking in Ljubljana's underground for too long. It's still hard to get him out of his environment of penguin-powered noiseating boxes. Visual enter-taint-ment will therefore be excludively penguin-based - created with Free Software(tm) - -, at hear ofwhich pounds Pure Data - graphical programming environment for lo-level A/V.

There is a nice garden beside where people, who want a little more quiet ambient can stay. Hope that impres-sions from that day will be mixed well with drinks and food.

Entrance: Free and only for registered OOoCon visitors.

Friday, 30th September 2005

Developer Education Community

09:00 Should I adopt OpenOffice.org? Prof. Giancarlo Succi

09:45 E-education on the national levelBernard Herman

10:30 Break

11:00OpenOffice.org development:next steps, next level Mathias Bauer

OpenOffice.org in SlovenianHigh Schools Renato Lukač

FOSS Participation in the developing world Danese Cooper

12:00 URE living all over me Stephan Bergmann

Introducing open-source software - includingOpenOffice.org - into Slovenianschools Mojca Tomažin

Developing for OpenOffice.org Martin Hollmichel

13:00 Lunch

14:00OpenOffice.org - slow,bloated? Michael Meeks

Lowering the Barriers to Entryin Education Ian Lynch

Doing QA at OpenOffice.org Joost Andrae

15:00OpenOffice.org and theAMD64 Platform Jan Holesovsky

The OpenOffice.org ECDL Angelika Goeszler

Add-ons: from Production to End Users Laurent Godard

16:00 Break16:15 Round Table17:00 Closing Notes / Townhall Meeting17:30 Conference Close

Round TableTopic: OpenOffice.org (and FLOSS) as a mean to achieve and master the digital independence of a country

Moderator: Louis Suarez-Potts, OpenOffice.orgGuests:• mag. Jože Zrimšek, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Information Society Directorate• Gianni Vota, Sun Italy• Stefano Maffulli, Free Software Foundation Europe• Charles H. Schultz, OpenOffice.org

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OpenOffice. org Conference 2005 • Koper - Capodistria, Slovenia • 28.9. - 30.9.2005

Abstracts for Keynote Presentations

Thursday, 29.9.2005

Open Source and Government of the Republic of Slovenia

mag. Jože Zrimšek, generalni direktor Direktorata za informacijsko družbo na Ministrstvu za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo.

Althougt the roots of open-source and free software reach back to the very start od the development of com-puter products, it is only recently that, together with the related business models, it has become increasingly prominent and competitive w ith proprietary software. Open-source software is not just transitional in nature.The state administration of the Republicof Slovenia has been aware of its existence and importance for at leasta number of years. The administration has been diligently using it, particularly in the aeea of servers andnetwork support systems, since at least the mid-90s, a period in which the need for such solutions, the rising number of users and the ongoing rationalisation of operations. To support the open-source software the stateadministration of the Republicof Slovenia has invest in a lot of OSS project.

Biography: Mag. Jože Zrimšek je leta 1991 končal Fakulteto za elektrotehniko in računalništvo v Ljubljani, smer elektronika, leta 1996 pa je končal magisterski študij s področja telekomunikacij. Pri magistrskem študiju se je v okviru projekta Tempus izpopolnjeval na Univerzi v Padovi in v Mednarodnem centru za teoretično fiziko vTrstu.Pri svojem dosedanjem delu je bil kot razvojni inženir zaposlen v podjetju Iskra Elekrozveze, za tem pa kot sistemski inženir v sistemskem razvoju Javnega zavoda RTV Slovenija. Leta 1997 se je zaposlil na Telekomu Slovenije, kjer je od leta 1999 kot direktor sektorja vodil Sektor za prodajo poslovnim uporabnikom, ki se je ukvarjal s celovito ponudbo in prodajo telekomunikacijskih storitev Telekoma Slovenije poslovnim uporabnikom. Na Telekomu Slovenije je med drugim tudi aktivno sodeloval pri razvoju in realizaciji sistema za sprejem in distribucijo multimedijskih vsebin preko širokopasovnega omrežja z uporabo internetnega protokola do končnih naročnikov (storitev se uporablja pod blagovno znamko SiOL TV). Mag. Jože Zrimšek je že drugi mandat tudi član Sveta za radiodifuzijo. Sedaj opravlja delo v.d. generalnega direktorja Direktorata za informacijsko družbo, na Ministrstvu za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo.

The Future of Office Suites

Tim Bray, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

What are office suites for, and why do we need them? What kinds of businesses can be built around them?This talk will try to identify the key trends affecting the future of office-suite technology and business. Theperspective will be a little bit XML-centric and strongly Net-centric.

Biografy: Tim Bray managed the Oxford English Dictionary project at the University of Waterloo in 1987-1989, co-founded Open Text Corporation (Nasdaq:OTEX) in 1989, launched one of the first public web search enginesin 1995, co- invented XML 1.0 and co-edited »Namespaces in XML« between 1996 and 1999, founded Antarctica Systems in 1999, and served as a Tim Berners-Lee appointee on the W3C Technical Architecture Group in 2002-2004. Currently, he serves as Director of Web Technologies at Sun Microsystems, publishes a popular weblog, and co-chairs the IETF AtomPub Working Group.

Friday, 30.9.2005

Should I adopt OpenOffice.org? Prof.Giancarlo Succi, Free University of Bozen - Bolzano. Cospa Project

Often, a rather theological discussion is made on whether the OpenOffice.org Suite can be an effec-tive substitute of the Microsoft Office Suite. While clearly no license fees are required to use Ope-nOffice.org, claims are made that there are other, more insidious costs to consider, rather than thesimple license cost. The discussion is kept at a very high level of abstraction, complex enough to scare /regular/ users to think at migrations in either way. In the opinion of the speaker, the problem is not al-ways straightforward and there is not a single, Boolean answer that applies in any context. However, it is possible to lay down a handful factors to consider in evaluating the costs of the migration and to use them as a guide in making informed decisions. Such factors define the comprehensive cost in adoptinga tool, often called with the esoteric term »TCO« or Total Cost of Ownership. In the talk a manageablestructure for the TCO of Office/OpenOffice.org is presented and sample case studies are discussed.

Biography: Giancarlo Succi is Professor with Tenure at the Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, Italy, where he directs the Center for Applied Software Engineering. Before joining the Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, he has been Professorwith Tenure at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Associate Professor at the University of Calgary, Alberta, and Assistant Professor at the University of Trento, Italy. He was also chairman of a small software company, EuTec. The research interest of Giancarlo Succi involve multiple areas of software engineering, including (a) opensource development - empirical studies of the evolution of open source projects, analysis of the structure of the market in presence of monopolies and open source products, tools supporting open source and agile method-ologies; (b) agile methodologies, with specific interest to the relationships of methodologies and practices, de-termining the scope of the application of the different agile methodologies; (c) experimental software engi-neering, - measuring the effectiveness of so called »software best practices« using software metrics, standardstatistical techniques, statistical meta-analysis and neural networks, with special attention to quality, reliabil-ity, and customer satisfaction; (d) software engineering over the Internet - development of means to imple-ment tools on demands (tools that can be downloaded from the Internet, rented on a »per-use« basis), dis-tributed repositories of reusable software components, system for co-ordinating, managing, and accounting thework of distributed teams, web services and software engineering; (e) software product lines and software re-use - when and how to establish a software product line and to use domain analysis and engineering to makethe software product line cost effective, integrating a reuse policy inside a software development process underthe perspectives of programming paradigm, process maturity, productivity, quality, legal issues, ...

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OpenOffice. org Conference 2005 • Koper - Capodistria, Slovenia • 28.9. - 30.9.2005

Thursday, 29th September 2005

Abstracts of Conference Papers - Developer Stream

Internationalization for Localization (l10n for i18n)

Eike Rathke - Software Engineer, Sun Microsystems

The presentation will talk about the internationalization of the OpenOffice.org application suite, interna-tionalization that enables the software to run with different localizations, hence the title »i18n for l10n«. Thepresentation will not cover the steps of localization and translation. Planned coverage is an overview of the history of the i18n framework and its API, why it is there, what it does, how it developed, how it interfaces with other components, for example the ICU (International Components for Unicode), its relation with the CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository), and how it is used by the applications. I'll focus on how to add data and features for new locales, extensibility and difficulties. Current obstacles and problems, ideas how to solvethem and other plans will give an outlook on what can be done in the near and not so near future. Depending on the audience there will be a more or less extensive Q&A session at the end. Since it is not possible to cover all aspects in a 30-40 minutes presentation, I'll gather topics and opinions on the dev@l10n mailing list during preparation to hopefully be able to satisfy the needs.

Biography: Eike Rathke was born 1959 in Hamburg, Germany. Several years of travelling through Europe doing this and that. He started working with computers in 1986 when in an education as a technician for electronics, and beginning with traineeship he developed hardware (a bit) and software for computer-aided production dataacquisition and quality assurance and sticked with that for some years, focusing on software development. Hejoined StarDivision in 1993, and the StarCalc application's team in 1994. Since 2000 he is also deeply involved with the i18n framework, partly arisen from the various needs of the number formatter used in Calc and other applications, and the try to coordinate the related work.

Usage of the OpenDocument interfaces in OpenOffice.org Writer

Florian Reuter - Software Engineer, StarOffice Writer, Sun Microsystems

In our talk we will show how the OpenDocument interfaces of OpenOffice.org Writer are used. We addressthe XSL(T) as well as the UNO-SAX interface. Additionally we will highlight the possibilities which arise us-ing these interfaces in XML processing and outline the capibilities of the open, standardized OpenDocument in these scenarios.

Biography: Florian Reuter is the responsible engineer for the StarOffice Writer DOC, RTF, WordML and ODTfilters. He also is a member of the OASIS OpenDocument TC.

OpenOffice.org and XUL – Embedding Gecko in OOo

Stephan Schäfer - Software Engineer, Sun Microsystems

The user interface of OpenOffice.org is based on its own graphical toolkit that comes with a proprietary re-source system. Dialogs are defined by simple text files that contain descriptions of the controls, their labels,

E-education on the national level

Bernard Herman, uni. dipl. ing.

We will be speaking about legal, economical and technological aspects and the vision of e-education on the national level in Slovenia. We will stress the idea of an efficient production of didactic materials, trainingteachers and using free and open-source software in education. We will also talk about the necessity of estab-lishing a center for knowledge exchange and user support, setting up reference schools in regions, preparing didactic materials on the basis of open-source aplications and a de-centralized aspect of integrating IT into school system. We will mention the activities of the OKO group, which started the plan to introduce free and open-source software into national educational system in 2003. We will finish off with an open discussion andan invitation for further involvement from the participants.

Biography: Bernard Herman, electrical engineer was born 1952 in Celje. In 1977 he completed his degree at the Faculty of electrical engineering in Ljubljana, where he studied automatics. After his diploma he took a post atIskra Automatika, where he worked in software and hardware development for computer control devices forcontrol and supervision industrial processes. In 1985 he took over the management of a project for the develop-ment of industrial computer systems for control machines, robots and technological processes. Together with his colleagues, he received a national award for inventions and improvements.

In the next few years, he worked as an adviser on industrial automatisation and informatisation. In 1997 he started his work in the Slovenian goverment, at the Ministry of Finance, where he worked on informatics, mostly in the area of establishing local and international communication networks.

In 2001 he started working for the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, where he was the lead of the in-formation infrastructure department. He continued his work in the area of IT in educational establishments. In 2003 he started a project of introducing open-source and free software into educational establishments andcontinued to work on IT in 2005, when he was appointed as the lead of a workgroup to prepare and analyze a report on the options of internet access for school textbooks. He is currently involved in research activities about the possibilities of collaboration between education establishments, business subjects, public administration and society in the area of using free and open-source solutions.

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OpenOffice. org Conference 2005 • Koper - Capodistria, Slovenia • 28.9. - 30.9.2005

to many years ago. He has developed with various BASIC dialects, mainly with VB/VBA and since the second half of 2001 he discovered OpenOffice.org and its macros.He has released several Uno packages, freely available on http://www.ooomacros.orgHe's also the author of the code-snippet creator, a tool of the code-snippet base project.

Speeding Up OpenOffice – Profiling, Tools, Approaches

Dhananjay Keskar - Software Architect, Intel Corporation

We are interested in OpenOffice on Linux starting up and opening documents faster, for example, under 2 seconds for normal documents on a modern PC with reasonable memory and fast processor. Recent work by the community has resulted in significant improvements. To further contribute towards that end, we haverecently started profiling and refactoring OpenOffice code.In this session, we will present our profiling results and analysis of CPU utilization, memory usage and diskaccess traces. In addition, we hope to demonstrate automated performance regression tools that we are devel-oping, which can be incorporated in the QA & release process.We will also discuss approaches and patches which promise improved start-up times. Ideally, we would then reconvene in a BOF session to brainstorm further on ideas, approaches and future directions and coordinate our work with community members.

Biography: Dhananjay Keskar is a Software Architect in the Channel Software Operation at Intel Corporation,in Oregon, USA. He is currently working on improving OpenOffice performance along with team members inOregon and Beijing. In his prior life at Intel Labs, he prototyped new applications and usage mechanisms and played with information management, personalization and ubiquitous computing technologies.

The Cairo canvas backend

Radek Doulík - OOo hacker, Novell, Inc.

I will shortly introduce the new OOo canvas architecture and Cairo library. I will talk about creating the new cairo canvas backend. What problems we had to solve and what was achieved with the new canvas backend, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the Cairo backend, compare it to the other backends and show examples. I will explain where in the OOo code is the canvas used today and where it will be used in future. Where the Cairo is heading and what we can expect in future.

Biography: Graduated on Charles University in Prague, Worked 5 years for Helixcode/Ximian in the Evolution project team. Today working in Novell, in the Open Office team.

Mac OS X Port : state of the art

Eric Bachard - UTBM

Mac OS X porting : history, state of art, roadmap and proposal for development improvment

Biography: Volunteer of the french project, for the PowerPC port since one year. Several build & fixes for Mac OSX and Linux PPC.

and their size and position. During the build process those text files are compiled into binary files used atruntime. The dialog logic that instantiates the controls and that defines their behavior has to be written inC++. This approach has several disadvantages. There is the need to recompile parts of OpenOffice.org in or-der to make changes to the appearance or behavior of a dialog. A layout functionality is completely missing that would automatically reposition or resize controls in response to changes in dialog size or language set-tings. Additionally, there is no API that would enable developers to write external components using a rich user interface like the native components shipped with OpenOffice.org. A different approach is successfullyused by applications based on the Mozilla Platform. Their resource system is an XML application called XUL(XML User-interface Language) that combines a scripting language (JavaScript) with GUI widgets. Mozilla's Gecko engine that is normally used to display web content is able to render XUL files and comes with layoutmanagement and support for style sheets and skins. This talk will present the results of a feasibility studythat is about embedding the Gecko engine in OpenOffice.org. Its impact on dialog design, prototyping andimplementation will be discussed and a possible long-term migration path will be proposed. A live demo will show a prototype displaying sample dialogs written in XUL and JavaScript and demonstrating additional ap-plications of this approach.

Biography: Stephan is working as a software engineer with Sun where he is doing full-time development forStarOffice/OpenOffice.org. As lead of the GSL project at OpenOffice.org he is responsible for the visual class library (VCL) which serves as the GUI foundation and platform abstraction for the different supported windowsystems. Before joining Sun he spent his time doing research in the field of 3D computer graphics and managed toreceive a PhD in computer science.

Deploying OpenOffice.org extensions through UNO packages

Paolo Mantovani

Uno packages are the predefined system for deploying OpenOffice.org extensions.Although this system is very effective and powerful, until now it wasn't very popular among users and devel-opers, especially because of its interface, based on the command line.OpenOffice.org 2.0 offers a simple graphical user interface for the installation and the maintenance of UNOpackages and this will increase their use and popularity.This session aims to give some background informations in order to work effectively with UNO packages.Outline:

* Introduction * How to start with UNO packages * Common problems in deploying software * persistent informations * text and binary resources * localization of user interface * Background: the OpenOffice.org configuration registry * Building your own registry extensions * Demonstration: a simple UNO package, written in OOBasic

Biography: Paolo Mantovani 38, married with Cristina and father of two wonderful children, Umberto and Marta.Member of PLIO (the OpenOffice.org Italian language project)He works in the field of electrical plants and industrial automation. His passion for the BASIC language goes back

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Commercial Solutions based on OpenOffice.org

Erwin Tenhumberg - Product Marketing Manager, Sun Microsystems

This session will give an overview about solutions based on OpenOffice.org. Topics that will be covered are:

* OpenOffice.org market situation * OpenOffice.org deployments * OpenOffice.org derivatives * Linux distributions * Third party ISV integrations * Available add-ons * Support and services * Migration tools

The goal of this session is to show that OpenOffice.org is more than just an open source office suite.

Target audience: OpenOffice.org Users and Developers

Biography: Erwin Tenhumberg is the Product Marketing Manager for OpenOffice.org within the Client SystemsGroup at Sun Microsystems. Erwin started working for Sun as a Systems Engineer doing pre-sales for various soft-ware and desktop products including the StarOffice office suite and the Sun Ray ultra-thin client. Before Erwinjoined Sun he worked for various companies doing Java consulting, software development, desktop applicationadministration, and end user support.

Organizational and psychological determinants of OpenOffice.org suite adoption

Salvatore Zappalà - Professor, Università di Bologna - Facoltà di PsicologiaMaurizio Berti - Yacme Srl - Bologna

The adoption of new technologies is a process related to economical and technical reasons as well as organi-zational and psycho-social factors.At the end of 2004, Ospedali Galliera of Genova (a large hospital, over 600 pc's and 1200 employees) decided to turn to Open Formats by replacing Microsoft Office with OpenOffice.org. The migration is still in progressand is expected to get to completion within July 2005. The process needed proper migration planning, tar-geted communication (which was given remarkable importance so that everybody could share the reasons of that change), employees' training and post-migration support.In this scenario, organizational and individual variables, developed in the organizational psychology field,were measured through questionnaires, as it was expected that more positive attitudes towards OpenOffice.org could influence its acceptance and adoption.

The dependent variables of the research were:

* attitudes, usefulness and easiness of new software * acceptance and sharing of organizational change

Main predictors of the attitudes, measured through the questionnaire, were:

Abstracts of Conference Papers - General Stream

OpenOffice.org in Vienna's City Administration

Ing. Brigitte Lutz & Ing. Patrick Amcha - City of Vienna / Municipal Department 14 - Automated Data Processing, Information and Communications Technology

OpenOffice.org will be installed on 18.000 PC-Workstations of Vienna's City Administration.

* Presentation of the roll-out plan * How to guarantee the high-quality standard of the software environment * Internal Supporting Measures for the introduction of the new product

Target audience: Project managers, IT Managers, governmental administration

Biographies:Brigitte Lutz is engineer for organization and project management and responsible for the introduction of Open Source Software on the PC Workstations of Vienna's City Administration.Patrick Amcha is engineer for electronic systems and responsible for the product management of OpenOffice.orgin the Municipal Department for IT.

What is new in OpenOffice.org 2.0 and StarOffice 8?

Erwin Tenhumberg - Product Marketing Manager, Sun MicrosystemsThe presentation will mostly be a live demo of all the new features in OpenOffice.org 2.0 and StarOffice 8. Thetalk will given an overview about what the new version of the office suite is capable of. Among the features tobe shown are:

* The new database front end (OpenOffice.org Base) * The improved PDF export * The extended PivotTable support * The new multi-pane view in Impress * The improved support for animation effects and slide transitions * The new format paintbrush and the enhance word count feature * The XForms support * The digital signature feature * The new mail merge wizard * Management and migration tools

Target audience: OpenOffice.org Users

Biography: Erwin Tenhumberg is the Product Marketing Manager for OpenOffice.org within the Client SystemsGroup at Sun Microsystems. Erwin started working for Sun as a Systems Engineer doing pre-sales for various soft-ware and desktop products including the StarOffice office suite and the Sun Ray ultra-thin client. Before Erwinjoined Sun he worked for various companies doing Java consulting, software development, desktop applicationadministration, and end user support.

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OpenOffice. org Conference 2005 • Koper - Capodistria, Slovenia • 28.9. - 30.9.2005

Biography: Javier Solá is the coordinator of the Khmer OS Initiative, a NGO-based project aimed at producing free software in Khmer language. He is also directing a project to develop an »Open Source Localization Toolkit«addressed to small economies that wish to start localization projects. He participates in some specific Open Sourceprojects that attempt to facilitate localization processes. His interest on Open Source derives from the believe that it can be used to reduce the digital divide through localization. He is interested on finding working strategies forwide distribution of Open Source software in poor countries. He is the author of the localization documentationfor OpenOffice 2.0

Introduction to OpenOffice.org macro development

Ian Craig Laurenson

An overview of OpenOffice.org's underlying object model, using xray.xray to find the properties and methodsof objects and how to interpret the documentation in the Development Guide for writing macros in BASIC. Some suggested conventions in coding and distributing the code. Brief look at coding in other languages such as Python. Some code snippets, and some of Iannz macros that solve particular problems. Finishing with participants' problem solving session.

Target audience: Competent OpenOffice.org users who would like to be extend their skill set into writingmacros for OpenOffice.org.

Biography: Ian is part of the OpenOffice.org community, currently writing macros and documentation. In thepast, amongst other things, he has been in charge of computing at two tertiary technical institutes and lectured on several short-term contracts at a university in New Zealand, and been computer manager of a research organisa-tion for a number of years.

Imagining An OpenOffice.org Foundation

Louis Suarez-Potts - Community Manager, OpenOffice.org/CollabNet

This talk examines the pros and cons of an OpenOffice.org Foundation. That is, one that would hold not justfunds for marketing and development but the source's IP. There has long been discussion on the issue, butfor various usually good reasons little action, unless strategic inaction counts. I briefly discuss the history ofthat inaction, the various calls for a foundation and their usually tacit rebutalls. I then examine the current situation and how an OpenOffice.org might look and work, what model it should follow and how it shouldbe set up.

Biography: Louis Suarez-Potts has been the community manager of OpenOffice.org since close to its beginning.He is also the chari of the Community Council and the lead of several projects on OpenOffice.org. He lives inToronto.

* “Organizational climate for innovation” * organizational and group support, * the individual sense of being able to manage one’s own problems (“general self-efficacy”) and problemswith computers (“computers self-efficacy”).

On-line and paper questionnaires were submitted to the employees who attended the training sessions. Data collection is still in progress. During the presentation:

1. the complete design of the migration plan and the research 2. the preliminary results, that show organizational and individual variables supporting or slowing down the acceptance and adoption of OpenOffice.org.

Target audience: Public Administration and and Enterprise

Biographies: Salvatore Zappalà, professor in the Faculty of Psychology of Bologna University, focuses on “Psychol-ogy of work and organizations”. He currently teaches “Psychology of economical behaviour” in the“Psychology of organizations and services” graduation program.Maurizio Berti has been a partner of Yacme company of Bologna since September 2000.He's the supervisor of Yacme's OpenOffice.org division and is mainly involved in migration process managementand training.

Cambodia: Re-computerization of the Country based on localized OpenOffice.org 2.0

Javier Solá - Coordinator – Khmer Software Initiative, Open Forum of Cambodia NGO

The Cambodian Government’s Master Plan for the Deployment of FOSS, whose center-piece is Khmer lan-guage OpenOffice 2.0, plans full migration of Government offices within the next year. All government teach-er training centers will only teach OpenOffice, following the training materials and the certification programdeveloped by the Open Forum of Cambodia NGO.Fully translated and operational versions of OOo 2.0 (including help) are already being used for training of trainers in the training center of NiDA (National Information Communications Technology Development Authority), producing 30 new prepared teachers every week. For this program, Open Forum has already developed 45 hours worth of OOo 2.0 training materials (including teacher instructions), student handouts, exercises, evaluation materials and 20 hours of training-for-trainers materials. All this is supported by a cer-tification program that will help standardization of computer education in the countryThe strength of the program is based on the fact that there are no proprietary computer tools translated toKhmer language, turning users into demanders of local-language software, and showing that language isstrongest added value to FOSS adoption.The strategy is to distribute first OpenOffice (and other localized FOSS applications) on Windows, in order toenlist the support of computer vendors and the training industry (not trying to make them change to Linux immediately), and then change to KDE on Windows and then on Linux, a small change for users that will already be spending 95% of their computer work time working on FOSS Khmer language applications.Thanks to OpenOffice 2.0 Cambodia is on the way of becoming the first country in the world in which s FOSSproductivity suite will be more used than proprietary software.

Target audience: Marketing - localisers

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OpenOffice. org Conference 2005 • Koper - Capodistria, Slovenia • 28.9. - 30.9.2005

Abstracts of Conference Papers - Community Stream

Community RE (report from the Bleeding Edge)

Pavel Janík - independent consultant

Developers' life is much easier now than it was in 1.x times. Much easier. We have EIS, child workspaces, we can do QA etc. The development process is open in several aspects. There are dark places though.In his presentation, Pavel will talk about his experiences with developer milestones, his build system and about his findings about processes of Hamburg RE. He will bring several interesting (and potentially con-flicting) questions. Could public tinderbox help Sun engineers identify potential conflicts between Sun buildenvironment and community environment? Can community member change the community build environ-ment without changes in Sun build environment? How can the member of community fix P1 build issues ef-fectively? More milestones a week: can we follow them at all? Master fixes and moving tags after the milestoneis ready: should it be announced?Sun only child workspaces and their effect on the development process (bugs in Sun internal bug trackingsystem, description of child workspace vs. every change in CVS).

Target: developers from both Sun RE and the community interesting in experiences from the hell^H^H^H^Hbleeding edge, problems and proposed solutions

Biography: Pavel Janík is long time user and developer of GNU/Linux and free software applications, memberof GNU project. He is a member of OpenOffice.org Community Council, OpenOffice.org Engineering SteeringCommittee, co-lead of l10n project and lead of Czech Native-Language project. He provides regular builds of de-velopment milestones for more than 20 languages and GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows and MacOS X operatingsystems.In his other life, he is an independent consultant working for various public and government companies, agencies and institutions in Czech republic and EU.

Entering the OOo Community

Sophie Gautier / Andre Schnabel

The aim of this session is to give a general overview of the projects and its organization, but also tips to enterinto a project.This session will have 3 axes in a first time :

* the overall project structure (Accepted, Incubator, NLC, CC) and its communication flow * the organization inside a project and how the NLC could be a bridge between the development project and the NL project, keeping people in touch and introducing people to those projects. * the documents (like specs template and features described in IZ) and tools used for collaboration (Li-censes, JCA, CVS, EIS)

NL projects are not independent entities, they are the first step to belong to a community and learn how tobehave in it. For those who wants to go further, the need of picturing the OOo community is a requirement. Aside the structure, there are general principles that are available in any FOSS community like: aiming dialog

and consensus, sharing knowledge and power, personal responsibility, confidence.This means for example that competencies are promoted and recognized not as personal contributions butfor what they bring to the project. In the same way some are projects leads, but only contributors in other projects.In conclusion, contributing to a project is based on an ethic of discussion and respect for others.

Target audience: All people from NLC (or not :-) willing to contribute to a project in OOo community for the first time.

The State of the Project Year 5

Louis Suarez-Potts - Community Manager, OpenOffice.org/CollabNet

This talk recapitulates the events of the last year and then looks forward to what the next year and beyondmight hold for OpenOffice.org. Topics include:

* What the past year has produced and how the project has evolved; * What we can do to enhance developer contributions: * Changing license is but one measure * Improving the build process * Re-architecting OOo to make it more modular * License change

And then there is 3.0 and beyond. How can OOo capture more attention? There is the well-known proposalfor OpenOffice.org Lite, which would require a re-architecting of the code. But it may be done if mobilephone companies and others get involved, for it is a very popular notion, one that merits more investigation.

Target audience: General

Biography: Louis Suarez-Potts has been the community manager of OpenOffice.org since close to its beginning.He is also the chair of the Community Council and the lead of several projects on OpenOffice.org. He lives inToronto.

Localizing OpenOffice.org

Monica Badia - Italian Language Lead, Sun Microsystems

In June 2004, Sun Microsystems Inc. and OO.o started a Localization Pilot Process with the aim of improving the collaboration effort both in translation and localization testing (see: http://l10n.openoffice.org/localiza-tion/L10n_pilotprocess.html). Now that the short term goals have been reached, we would like to

1. share our experience during this pilot in the specific areas Translation and Testing 2. consolidate and set up the long term localization process.

The Globalization team of SMI would like to present in a BOF session the following topics:

* the general Localization Pilot Process

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The Localization Process

Alessandro Cattelan

The Italian OpenOffice project is reorganizing the localization process in order to improve the quality of thetranslation and to keep it as up-to-date as possible.We would like to propose the organization of a BOF where translators could discuss how to best carry out the translation process. We would like to focus on the following issues:

* the importance of Translation Memories (TM) and glossaries; * CAT tools (which CAT tool is best for the OOo localization); * how to work with a CAT tool; * workflow (how to organize the work of the translators – structure of a translation team, mailing lists, TMand glossaries repositories, stylistic guides, etc.); * coordination of the various national groups.

Target audience: Translators and people interested in the localization process.

Biography: Currently specializing in translation at the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (SSLMIT), Trieste, Italy.Working as a freelance translator and language teacher.I am currently co-operating with the Italian OpenOffice project team for the localization into Italian of thesuite.

Localization – the tools and the people

Adam Rambousek - Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University

This session will present the localization framework used by many native language projects with brief over-view of tools available for translators and project leaders. In addition to technical aspects, also people are im-portant for successful localization. I will present the experiences in attracting, choosing and retaining project contributors, organizing them to cooperate on translation and evaluating their work. And also, I will talk about collaboration with users on finding bugs in localized texts.Target audience: Anyone interested in localization process

Biography: I'm the member of Czech native language project for a few years and from the beginning of this year I'm the translation co-lead. Also, I'm a student at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University in Brno and I'm developing dictionary writing system in the Natural Language Processing Laboratory at FI MU.

* the Italian Success Story which will provide the audience with detailled information on the Translation process * the linguistic review process * the translation tools * the Localization Testing and TCM tool * OO.o 2.0 Dutch localization:an example of how Sun / Sun appointed vendors / and NL OO.o Communi-ties can work together. * the translation process automation – how Sun is setting up a process to automate the file exchange withthe OO.o and how the OO.o Community will benefit from the future automation.

Target audience: All members of the communities interested in the L10N of OO.o and in a collaboration with SMI

Biographies:Dott. Monica Badia: Italian Language Lead at Sun Microsystems. She is responsible for the quality control of Sun localized products in Italian. She is also lead of the linguistic QA Matrix and linguistic review process for the Eu-ropean languages. She counts a 6 year experience at Sun Microsystems in the field of localization. From 1999to2003 she was assigned to the translation and L10N testing of StarOffice in Italian.

The Lingucomponent Project – linguistic tools in OpenOffice.org

Daniel Naber - Software developer, IntraFind Software AG, Munich, Germany

The Lingucomponent project is responsible for spell checking, thesauri, and grammar checking inside Ope-nOffice.org. I will show where OOo's spell checking and thesaurus features stand today, how they differ fromthose in StarOffice and how the community can enhance them. One important thing is of course extendingthese features to new languages. This is a fair amount of work, but it doesn't require programming skills andI'll demonstrate the approaches that make these tasks feasible.

New thesauri can be built using OpenThesaurus, a PHP-driven website that allows the community to workon a new thesaurus or to maintain an existing one. Writing dictionaries is a task that's not well supported by tools, but I'll show the basic ideas behind MySpell – OOo's integrated spell checker – and how to get started writing your own spelling dictionary. For grammar checking, I will show what is still missing to integrate a grammar checking into OOo.

Also, the concept of a programming interface for spell checking and thesauri will be explained which allows everybody to plug in his own spell checkers and thesauri.

Targeted audience: developers, but not necessarily programmers

Biography: Daniel Naber studied computer science and linguistics at the University of Bielefeld, Germany. He now works at a software company in Munich that specializes in enhancing fulltext search with linguistic methods.He's author of OpenThesaurus, a web application that's used to maintain the German (www.openthesaurus.de),Polish, and Spanish thesaurus for OpenOffice.org. He also wrote LanguageTool, an English grammar checker thatcan be adapted for other languages.

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OpenOffice. org Conference 2005 • Koper - Capodistria, Slovenia • 28.9. - 30.9.2005

Friday, 30th September 2005

Abstracts of Conference Papers - Developer Stream

OpenOffice.org development: next steps, next level

Mathias Bauer - Manager Software Engineering, Sun Microsystems

The OpenOffice.org API and UDK teams are currently focusing on the improvement of the OpenOffice.orgAPI and the development tool support for the OpenOffice.org SDK, both with the goal to make the develop-ment of OpenOffice.org macros, scripts and components easier.In this session I will present the roadmap for all “programmability” related work we have planned for the next minor and major OpenOffice.org releases. So I will show how we use the new UNO features we introducedin OpenOffice.org 2.0 to make life easier for developers; how development of components will become easierwith new code generators and the integration of our SDK into IDEs;IDE support and new features for Add-On developers; improvements for OpenOffice.org Basic and theScripting Framework; new features for component development (e.g. licencing, versioning and signing); im-provements of component registration, deployment and integration; some examples and demos (e.g. from the Google Summer Of Code).Biography: Working on OpenOffice.org and its predecessor StarOffice for 10 years now, before this workingas a software developer for graphical and font software at URW. University courses in chemistry, finished witha doctor's degree.

URE living all over me

Stephan Bergmann - Sun Microsystems

UNO is OpenOffice.org's well-known component technology. Recently, it has been made available stand-alone in the form of the UNO Runtime Environment (URE). That has opened up the opportunity to utilizeUNO in all kinds of application areas. The relative advantages and disadvantages of using the URE in areasoutside its original domain of OpenOffice.org are discussed and demonstrated in this session. Also, an out-look is given of how OpenOffice.org and the URE can continue to co-exist and to influence each other in theirrespective future evolution.

Biography: Stephan is working for Sun for quite some time now, on various aspects of OpenOffice.org and StarOf-fice, and recently on setting UNO free.

OpenOffice: slow, bloated?

Michael Meeks - Itinerant Idiot, Novell, Inc.

OpenOffice.org has some interesting & challenging performance problems, particularly on Free systems. Thistalk will look at some of the opportunities in this area, and present various analysis of where OpenOffice.org& free systems are going wrong. I'll also give some overview of what has been done to improve things and the ongoing work at Novell in this area.

Bug hunting Party

André Schnabel

To give the daily work of our QA team a boost, the best way is to come together and do the job.There have been some virtual bug hunting days within the recent years, organized via IRC. We want to do thesame but invite people to meet each other, talk to each other, spread their knowledge and go for a bug hunt.After a short introduction of the daily work of a qu member, we would simply start doing it. That meanssearching issuezilla for unconfirmed issues, try to confirm them, look for duplicates or even already resolvedissues.People should bring a notebook with them, if possible.For the session we will need wired / wireless internet access.

Target audience: Community members, current and future members of the QA teamBiography: I'm member of the OpenOffice.org project since May 2002, mainly doing documentation, usersupport and QA.

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Target audience: Hard-core developers.

Biography: Michael is a Christian and enthusiastic believer in Free software. He very much enjoys working forNovell where as a member of the Desktop research team he has worked on desktop infrastructure and applica-tions, particularly the CORBA, Bonobo, Nautilus and accessibility, amongst other interesting things. He now works full time developing OpenOffice.org. Prior to this he worked for Quantel gaining expertise in real time AVediting and playback achieved with high performance focused hardware / software solutions.

OpenOffice.org and AMD64 platform

Jan Holesovsky - SUSE/Novell

Porting OpenOffice.org to 64bit platforms has several problems. The codebase is huge, parts of code are reallyold and do not handle 64bit longs and pointers, the gcc-UNO bridge has to be fixed, etc.

This talk will introduce the AMD64 architecture from the developer's point of view, describe the problems inlength, will consult the solutions of the problems (either existing or planned), and present the current status of the port. It will also focus on good developer habits that save effort of the porters.

Biography: 28 years old male with first Linux experience back in 1995. During 1998 and 1999 I was a partof KTTV team which was programming an editor of lecture notes for Linux (word processor and vector draw-ing program). I worked for SUSE as a YaST2 developer from 1999 to 2002, interrupted it to graduate from the Charles University, started my OpenOffice.org development in 2003, and joined SUSE again in 2004; this time asan OpenOffice.org developer.In OpenOffice.org, I focus on KDE integration (http://kde.openoffice.org/index.html) and AMD64 porting.

Abstracts of Conference Papers - Education Stream

OpenOffice.org in Slovenian High Schools

Renato Lukač - Gimnazija Murska Sobota

In Slovenian high schools IT takes place in the first class as a compulsory subject. The main emphasis is givento the effective usage of office suite software, i.e. word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool and drawingtool. Students are trained to use each tool separately and they are also evaluated about their achieved skills. However, at the end of the year each student has to prepare and submit a comprehensive project in which all the winning skills are presented and marked by teachers.There was a project OKO, in which Slovenian government was trying to introduce open source software tothe schools. Unfortunately, the project was stopped even before it full started. Therefore, we have only a fewschools where enthusiastic teachers are doing their best and trying to introduce new alternative model for IT.At Gimnazija Murska Sobota we have been successfully teaching IT in recent years only on open source soft-ware. We have been using Slovenian distribution Pingo, which is GNU/Linux operating system. OpenOffice.org suite has been used as a major application. Support to native language, availability for multiple platforms and free of charge licence are the main advantages of OpenOffice.org in comparison to the competitive prod-ucts. Moreover, the functional similarity to other tools and friendly interface made OpenOffice.org to ourchoice. We prepared on-line training materials and we evaluated every year opinion of our students. It was proved that our decision was correct. OpenOffice.org fulfils all requirements of contemporary curriculum.Targeted audience: teachers, training staff

Biography: Renato Lukač took his degree in physics in 1992 (University of Ljubljana) and his PhD in computer simulation of liquid crystals at the molecular level in January 2000 (University of Vienna), whereupon he went to University of Warwick, Great Britain. He worked for two years as a post-doctoral research fellow at the Chemistry Department. He has been teaching physics and information science at Gimnazija Murska Sobota for eleven years. His speciality is introduction of open source software to curriculum in high schools. Sincespring 2003 he is director of Spark, Institute for Research and Development, Beltinci, which main activity is related to open source software.

Introducing Open Source Software – including OpenOffice.org – into Slovenian Schools

Mojca Tomazin - Business School in Brezice

The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is becoming more and more important inlearning environments, and it is usually very expensive. This causes the global digital divide between theworld’s information-rich and information-deprived which affects educational opportunities. So educationalsystems around the world should take into consideration Open Source Software (OSS) as well.In the year 2003, Slovenian Ministry of Education has started the 'Open Source Project'. In fact an 'expert group' of enthusiastic teachers was formed and besides other activities we have also started a research about using OSS in education, because any such research in Slovenia hasn't been done in the past. We took similar questionnaires, as had been used in two previous studies - one was made by the Northwest Regional Educa-tional Laboratory in USA and the other was made in Europe, with a title ‘Free/Libre Open Source Software:Evidence from Germany, Sweden and UK’. In my presentation I will sumarize results of our - Slovenian re-

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The OpenOffice.org ECDL

Angelika Goeszler - agami systems integration

In Austria the Austrian Computer Association (OCG) supports also OpenOffice.org for the ECDL examssince the MQTB 4. This lecture should give an overview about the problems implementing the MQTB withOpenOffice.org and StarOffice. It should also give a short instruction for teachers and trainers how the examsshould be prepared based on the testcenter workshop regularly held by agami Training.The following questions are mainly focused:

* Why do not all countries have an OpenOffice.org exam for the ECDL? * What is about training material? * What are the pro's and contra's adapting the ECDL/ICDL1 certificate for OpenOffice.org or StarOffice? * Can the ECDL certificate be used as a multiplicator tool for Open Source software at school?

Last not but least I will tell some success and lesser success stories from all days training life.Target audience: teachers, IT trainers, writers of training materials, interested users

Biography: Angelika Goeszler get into the OpenOffice.org project in 2002 when she started the CD Rom distri-bution for OpenOffice.org in Austria. Quite soon she was involved in the German speaking marketing projectand founded one of the first user groups for OpenOffice.org (www.openoffice.or.at). Today her company agamisystems integration is authorized training partner for StarOffice and authorized testcenter for the ECDL examwith open source software.

search that refer to the use of OSS on desktops – especially office suites (including OpenOffice.org).As I teach courses in Business Informatics at the Business School I never miss the opportunity to tell my students about OSS. According to my experience, the best way of introducing OSS - especially in business schools - is to show students OpenOffice.org office suite. I decided to make a mini-research about attitude ofmy students towards OpenOffice.org and would also like to present the results, which I find to be very inter-esting.Target audience: teachers, 'decision makers' on education field...

Biography: Mojca Tomazin teaches courses in Business Informatics at the Business School in Brezice, Slovenia. Areas of research interest include use of Free/Open Source Software and e-resources in education.

Lowering barriers to entry in education

Ian Lynch - Chief assessor for the INGOTs, IRL Computer Systems Ltd; OpenOffice.org Lead for Schools.

This is a case study of setting up a sustainable business as a means of getting OpenOffice.org into the moststubborn school environments. OpenOffice.org and the community are an education resource through theirown unique social attributes. Schools will install the software for this reason alone and so there is no head tohead contest with Microsoft Office. There are also spin offs in teaching young people how to participate in thecommunity, generating resources to support the community and development of education resources based on OpenOffice.org. Launched in September 2004 after some initial pilots, The International Grades in OfficeTechnology currently has 50 registered Academies and 125 registered assessors in 10 countries. The initiativeis self-financing and has now taken on a prominent member of the community providing him with full-timeemployment in addition to my own involvement and part-time involvement of other company members. In the longer term it is envisaged that the business will grow, providing employment for OpenOffice.org activists,an income stream for development, and a vector for proliferation of OpenOffice.org in education and train-ing. The early development of the project has had modest financial backing from UK Trade and Industry, TheBritish Chambers of Commerce and The Learning Machine as well as general support from many members ofthe community. Income generated has already been used to support OpenOffice.org, for example, to providea presence for OpenOffice.org at the NEA conference in Los Angeles attended by 15,000 educators.Target audience: Anyone interested in strategies to get OpenOffice.org into schools. Anyone interested in howto set up a sustainable business based on OpenOffice.org.

Biography: Ian Lynch has experience working at a senior level in education in the UK. In 1993 he started his own consultancy company and in 1998 IRL Computer Systems Ltd winning the Midlands Region Small Business of the Year Award. He is a committee member of the Association for Free Software, a founder member of SchoolforgeUK and as the elected Chair of the Open Source Consortium/SFUK education working group, he is the main contact for the Government funded British Education Communication Technology Agency with the Open Source Community. He is interested in sustainable business development in software related fields that do not dependon paying for software licenses. He has been an active OpenOffice.org community volunteer for several years,providing support on issues related to education. Since January 2005 he has travelled around the world twice and extensively in Europe promoting INGOTs and representing the OpenOffice.org community. Outside the world oftechnology he is a keen sportsman having represented Great Britain in two World Powerlifting Championshipsand he still plays rugby during the season despite his advancing years.

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Abstracts of Conference Papers - Community Stream

FOSS Participation in the Developing World

Danese Cooper - Open Source Diva, Intel Corporation

OpenOffice.org has been a huge boon to the so-called “Developing World”, places where technology penetra-tion (even just electricity penetration) is relatively shallow and the hard-currency GDP is relatively low. Yet much of the Developing World has not yet understood that in the FOSS software commons, “Participation =Ownership”. Listen to a report on the current state of global participation in the FOSS ecosystem, garnered from first-hand observations by Danese Cooper, former Chief Open Source Evangelist for Sun Microsystemsand now Sr. Director of Open Source Strategy for Intel’s CSO Group.Biography: Danese Cooper has a 15-year history in the software industry and has long been an advocate fortransparent development methodologies. Danese worked for six years at Sun Microsystems, Inc. on the in-ception and growth of the various open source projects sponsored by Sun (including OpenOffice.org, java.net and blogs.sun.com). She was Sun's Chief Open Source Evangelist and founded Sun's Open Source Pro-grams Office. She has unique experience implementing open source projects from within a large proprietarycompany. She joined the OSI Board in December 2001 and currently serves as Secretary & Treasurer. As of March 2005 Danese has joined Intel to advise on open source projects, investment and support. She speaks internationally on Open Source and Licensing issues.

Developing for OpenOffice.org

Martin Hollmichel - OpenOffice.org Project Lead of Tools, Porting and External Project, Sun Microsystems

The session will introduce on how to contribute to OpenOffice.org.There are many different way on how to contribute to the project, we will look on different aspects:

* code contributions, * macros, examples and other contributions * legal aspects * access to resources of the Projects (Website, Issue Tracker, etc) * CVS access and branches * channels of communication

The new OpenOffice.org development process differs in several aspects from usual OpenSource habits ofother projects. The session will explain reasons for this differences and also discuss chances and difficulties ofhaving an own development style. In detail we will have a look onto different roles of contributors, especiallyat the impact of the new development process to core-developer, QA folks and add-on-developers.Target: New Developers

Doing QA at OpenOffice.org

Joost Andrae - StarOffice program manager, Sun Microsystems


* How can you help? * confirming issues * submitting issues * gather feedback from various sources (Users mailing list, discussion forums, etc.) * ... * Child workspaces from QA perspective * Information about OpenOffice.org automation * About crash reporting and how it helps OpenOffice.org development * QA project statistics * Localization (l10n) team collaboration with QA

Target audience: Developers, Testers, Translators and People interested into OpenOffice.org QABiography: Born in 1965. In the late 80's I had my first experiences with RDBMS, SQL, software distribu-tion, marketing and support on products running on DOS, OS/2 and Windows. Later I did Informix 4GL programming (at different companies) on SINIX and BSD UNIX. Since 1995 I'm working on the StarOfficeproduct which later open sourced as OpenOffice.org. I started as a QA engineer doing QA & testing in Calc,Chart, Math and on Sun ONE Webtop. Later I've been doing QA & Coordination within StarOffice develop-ment at Sun Microsystems in Hamburg, Germany. My current position is StarOffice Program Manager as partof the StarOffice Operations team within StarOffice.

Addons : From production to end-users

Laurent Godard - Directeur Technique, Nuxeo - Indesko

OOo scripting and addon production is just an other way to bring value to OOo by attracting new developpers.

OpenOffice.org brings a lot of possibilities regarding scripting.With the 2.0 release, a lot of new languages are available and the addon installation is now available at end users level

It is now time to take benefits of this capabilities and organize ourselves to make addon production and usemore and more easy. Building the scripting project through 3 main branches is a way to attract new develop-ers in OOo world's and bring value to end users.These 3 branches are :

* Provide basic knowledge and help new commers start quickly * Collect the addons and check/verify/valid them * Provide a user friendly tool allowing end users to install these addons

I'll begin by a description of the scripting incubator project, the needs regarding contributors and the benefitsthat end-users can attend from. Then the attendees will discuss the following points:

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OpenOffice. org Conference 2005 • Koper - Capodistria, Slovenia • 28.9. - 30.9.2005

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Gold sponsors

* How to build a development team covering the languages supported by OOo scripting (basic, java, python, javascript). Define the tools in each of them to make life easier to newcomers (pre-built wizards, introspectiontools...) * The translation mechanism we should adopt and the relation with the native-lang communities * The validation of the submitted addons and the repository * The end-user tool to browse the repository * The other possibilities of such a deployment tools (templates, galleries ...) * ...

Target audience: Addon developers (basic, python, java ...), translators – native-lang representative, End-users who want to deploy addons ...

Biography: The speaker is technical director of Indesko, building solutions for workflows and document manage-ment with OpenOffice.org for large companies. Involved in the OOo community for many years and author ofvarious well know tools such as DicOOo, FontOOo, OOoWikipedia ..., the speaker is dedicated to macros writing in various language and known as a reference regarding OOo API use. He is also the co-author of the only french book dealing with OOo macros and API. He is now deeply involved in the scripting project.

Silver sponsors

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OpenOffice. org Conference 2005 • Koper - Capodistria, Slovenia • 28.9. - 30.9.2005

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OpenOffice. org Conference 2005 • Koper - Capodistria, Slovenia • 28.9. - 30.9.2005


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Under the auspices of

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OpenOffice. org Conference 2005 • Koper - Capodistria, Slovenia • 28.9. - 30.9.2005



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