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  • 8/11/2019 Pak-Ukraine.docx


    HEADLINE = Ukraine is the new Pakistan

    STRAP = Western hypocrisy created Pakistans jehad factory and now it is turning Ukraine into a war


    If Pakistan looks into a mirror, there is a fine chance it might see Ukraine staring back at it. Both Pakistan

    and Ukraine are classic examples of countries that have turned into dystopian nightmares because of

    western meddling.

    Both countries are stark examples of western hypocrisy. Since the US declared the sham War on

    Terror after 9/11, Washington and its allies have pumped over $30 billion in aid to the country despite

    the Pakistanis playing them for all they are worth.

    Pakistan is not only a state sponsor of terrorits fingerprints are found at almost every terror scene

    across the worldit also operated a nuclear black market which supplied atomic weapons building

    components and consultancy to North Korea and Libya. And yet the Western elites not only looked the

    other way but actively encouraged the export of terror. After all, in American eyes Pakistan was our


    But when Russia supports the people of east Ukraine against the neo-Nazi leadership in Kiev, the same

    set of actors in the West accuses the Russians of armed aggression. President Vladimir Putin has

    questioned this line of logic in which US aid convoys to Kosovo and Syria are considered humanitarian

    aid but Russian aid to Russians in Ukraine is considered aggression.

    In a speech before the Duma ( )on March 18, Putin said that for

    the West to claim that Kosovo and Crimea are different is not even double standards; this is amazing,primitive, blunt cynicism. One should not try so crudely to make everything suit their interests, calling

    the same thing white today and black tomorrow .

    Vitaly Churkin, Russias ambassador to the UN, used a similar line of argument as the aid convoy rolled

    into east Ukraine. On August 22, Churkin said at a media briefing (http://www.c- the Security Council in July

    had passed a resolution allowing for humanitarian aid to be delivered to rebel-controlled parts of Syria

    without the Syrian governments consent. We cooperated with that, Churkin said. So I dont see how

    with a straight face they can argue against this move of Russia.

    Like Pakistan, Ukraine too is an artificial country that shouldnt exist at all. If Pakistans Indus Valley is

    the cradle of Indias Vedic civilisation, then Ukraine is the fountainhead of Russian civilisation. But both

    countries today have the dubious honour of having becoming the Wests vassals.

    In the 1950s the west co-opted Pakistan into the western military system through a series of pacts such

    as SEATO and CENTO. In exchange, the US, France and Britain among others poured military aid into the

    dirt poor country, knowing full well that the weapons would only be used against India.
  • 8/11/2019 Pak-Ukraine.docx


    Today, Ukraine is the new Pakistan. It was the rain of dollars that perverted the Pakistani establishment

    and created the enduring nexus between Americans and the Pakistan Army that overthrew the

    democratically elected leadership. Similarly, billions of dollars in aid have been given to the illegitimate

    Ukrainian government that literally came to power in a coup. The parallels are too uncanny to be


    What irks Moscow is that the US is creating flashpoints in and around Russias sphere of influence. Since

    the voluntary dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the US has been doing pretty much what it

    pleases. It has effectively destroyed Iraq (a former Russian client) as a nation, bombed Serbia (an

    Orthodox Slav nation having deep ties with the Russian people), carved out Kosovo, and has destabilised

    Afghanistan, which was once firmly under Moscow's thumb. Also, going against all precepts of detente,

    Washington has encroached upon Russias front yard and brought NATO jet fighters minutes from

    Russian borders.

    From Russias point of view, the tipping point was reached when hawks likes John McCain and Victoria

    Nuland and the clearly brain dead Hilary Clinton swooped upon Ukraine earlier this year, distributing

    biscuits to rioters in central Kiev, virtually encouraging genocide against Russians. Indeed, Ukraine is

    being turned into a nation of Russia haters. This is happening despite the fact that half the population of

    Ukraine has Russian and Ukrainian family members.

    Lessons from a plan gone wrong

    Sometime in the early 1980s when the Soviet Union installed a proxy regime in Afghanistan, Britain

    entered into a Faustian bargain with the Islamists. The deal was thisas long as the Islamists killed

    Soviets it was fine. Just dont do anything in England, they were told.

    British Muslims, especially those who had migrated from Pakistan, went into a frenzy of fund gathering.Their goal was simplebuy weapons, travel to Afghanistan, kill communists. Frothing-at-the-mouth

    demagogues spewed hate speech from street corners in Birmingham and London.

    The British with their vast experience in dealing with these people certainly knew they were playing it

    dangerously. But their hatred for Russia was so much, they kept it under wraps.

    Islamic jehad even became a fashionable catchword in Britain, with pop singer Cat Stevens becoming its

    most visible votary.

    Encouraged by Britains green light for international jehad, Pakistani and pro -Pakistani shops in London's

    Muslim-dominated neighbourhoods now started displaying posters exhorting customers and passers-byto contribute money for killing Hindus in Kashmir. When an Indian friend of mine saw this, he promptly

    informed a British bobby about the offensive posters.

    The bobby did nothing, so the friend took the matter up with his superiors. Incredibly, the British police

    told him this was a South Asian matter and they didn't think it was necessary to clamp down on such

    banal activities.

  • 8/11/2019 Pak-Ukraine.docx


    But like all Faustian bargains, there always comes a time to pay up. Today Pakistanis, Arabs and

    Chechens based in Britain are hitting the worlds trouble spots. The beheading of American reporter

    James Foley by a British Muslim rapper turned Islamic State terrorist is an inevitable result of the

    Thatcherite policy of allying with jehadi elements of the Islamic world.

    The dogs of war that the West unleashed against Russia are now returning to haunt the West.Americans are now marked men in a huge swath of land extending from Turkey to Pakistan. But going

    by the continued backing for Ukrainian terrorists, the West has clearly not learned its lesson.