panis angelus

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  • 7/30/2019 panis angelus


    P A N I S A N G E L I C U S

    Latn Castellano English

    Panis angelicus

    fit panis hominum;dat panis coelicus

    figuris terminum:

    O res mirabilis!

    Manducat Dominum

    pauper, servus, et humilis.

    Te trina Deitas

    unaque poscimus:

    sic nos tu visita,

    sicut te colimus.

    Per tuas semitas

    duc nos quo tendimus,

    ad lucem quam inhabitas.


    El pan de los ngeles

    se convierte en pan de los hombres,y resulta ser pan del cielo

    que da fin a lo simblico:

    Oh, qu maravilla!

    Se alimenta del Seor

    el pobre, siervo y humilde.

    Te rogamos, divina Trinidad,

    una en tres:

    hazte as presente entre nosotros,como te rogamos.

    Por tus caminos

    guanos adonde anhelamos,

    a la luz en la que moras.


    The angelic bread

    becomes the bread of men,the heavenly bread

    ends all prefigurations:

    What wonder!

    The Lord is eaten by a poor

    and humble servant.

    Triune God,

    we beg of you:

    visit us,

    just as we worship you.

    By your ways,

    lead us where we're heading,

    to the light in which you dwell.


    P A N I S A N G E L I C U S

    Latn Castellano English

    Panis angelicus

    fit panis hominum;

    dat panis coelicus

    figuris terminum:

    O res mirabilis!

    Manducat Dominum

    pauper, servus, et humilis.

    Te trina Deitas

    unaque poscimus:

    sic nos tu visita,

    sicut te colimus.

    Per tuas semitas

    duc nos quo tendimus,

    ad lucem quam inhabitas.


    El pan de los ngeles

    se convierte en pan de los hombres,

    y resulta ser pan del cielo

    que da fin a lo simblico:

    Oh, qu maravilla!

    Se alimenta del Seor

    el pobre, siervo y humilde.

    Te rogamos, divina Trinidad,

    una en tres:

    hazte as presente entre nosotros,

    como te rogamos.

    Por tus caminos

    guanos adonde anhelamos,

    a la luz en la que moras.Amn

    The angelic bread

    becomes the bread of men,

    the heavenly bread

    ends all prefigurations:

    What wonder!

    The Lord is eaten by a poor

    and humble servant.

    Triune God,

    we beg of you:

    visit us,

    just as we worship you.

    By your ways,

    lead us where we're heading,

    to the light in which you dwell.


  • 7/30/2019 panis angelus


    Panis Angelicus es uno de los cinco himnos escritos porSanto Toms de Aquino

    para la Fiesta de Corpus Christi como parte de la liturgia completa de la Fiesta,

    incluyendo oraciones para la Misa y la Liturgia de las Horas.

    Realmente son las dos ltimas estrofas de las siete de las que se compone el himno

    Sacris Solemniis, que extradas del conjunto se cantan como antfona.

    Los otros cuatro himnos escritos por Santo Toms son O Salutaris Hostia (Verbum

    Supernum Prodiens), Adoro te devote, Pange lingua y Tantum Ergo (en realidad las

    dos ltimas estrofas del Pange Lingua).


    "The Bread of Angels" - this is often used as a Benediction hymn, for obvious reasons. It directs

    us to contemplate the great mystery of becoming one with Jesus Himself whenever we receive

    Him. God Himself becomes our nourishment! It then proceeds to ask Jesus for the grace to save

    our souls, so that we can join the citizens of Heaven, seeing Him forever in "the light in which

    Thou dwellest".

    This is taken from "Sacris Solemniis", written by St. Thomas Aquinas before the year 1274. It is

    the Matins hymn for Corpus Christi, the great feast of the Body of Christ when the Church turns

    our attention to the great Gift of the Eucharist. Jesus gave us this precious Gift of Himself so that

    He might always be with us.

    There are many melodies for this hymn, both Chant and modern. There are at least 3 Chant

    melodies, 2 modern melodies, and probably many more for this hymn. Whatever the melody, it is

    a beautiful hymn, worthy of the great Saint Thomas Aquinas -- the Common Doctor of the
