Parel Vallei Sport 2016/17

Parel Vallei Sport Presentation

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Parel Vallei Sport 2016/17

Page 2: Parel Vallei Sport Presentation



Mr Schenck (Headmaster)


Mrs Kets (Director of Sports)

PV Sports Presentation:

Mr Pienaar (Head of Rugby/Cricket)

Page 3: Parel Vallei Sport Presentation

Parel Valleiers weet al te goed dat hulle sukses op die atlektiekbaan alreeds begin met hulle voorbereiding op die landloopbaan. Dis juis met deelname aan dié sport dat stamina gebou word. Landloop word reeds van Parel Vallei se beginjare aangebied, maar dit is sedert die aanstelling van meneer Punt dat dié sport nou letterlik begin spoed optel! Die leerders word konstant aangemoedig om hulle eie tye te verbeter met behulp van die regte beplanning en kundige advies. Meneer Punt neem self ook nog gereeld deel aan wedlope en het al verskeie kere die Comrades Marathon voltooi. Sy doel is om dié sport in PV te neem op die pad van bemeestering deur: deelname aan nuwe wedlope en die Bolandliga, wat al ‘n jaarlikse instelling geword het.

PV se pragtige ligging aan die voet van die Helderberg bied ook die ideale oefenterrein aan leerders én hulle word goed voorberei op die verskeie uitdagings wat wedlope aan hulle mag bied. Die span seuns en dogters sweet saam as hulle Spookheuwel en die opdraandes van die Helderberg moet aandurf tydens oefensessies, maar sweef ook weer hoog saam as hulle goeie tye hardloop en beloon word vir hulle insette.

Prestasies Onlangs het een van ons atlete, Mia Doyle, die Bolandspan gehaal en tydens die

Bolandliga het twee atlete, Stephan Millard ‘n 4de plek en Alex Botha ‘n 5de plek in die seuns O.15-afdeling behaal. Ons het vanjaar al aan verskeie “Parkruns” deelgeneem, waartydens ons atlete puik gepresteer het. Alex Botha het algeheel ‘n 3de plek behaal in die junior ouderdomsgroep en Gerhard Eckley spog met ‘n 20ste plek. Gegewe die feit dat daar meer as 1 000 atlete is wat weekliks deelneem, is hierdie puik prestasies! Gedurende Mei neem ons altyd deel aan die SAD Safari-wedloop en hier het Stefan Millard weer naam gemaak toe hy die 10 km

wedloop in slegs 37 minute afgelê het!

Bulldog Landloop:

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Aktiwiteite: 1. Weeklikse oefensessies by die skool teen ons steil en bekende bulte. 2. Weeklikse 4 km-tydtoets aangebied deur die Strand Atletiekklub. 3. Verskeie Bolandligabyeenkomste. 4. Padwedlope (soos die SAD 10 km en Leapfrog van 10 km). 5. “Parkruns” 6. “Trailruns” (Op die Lourensford-wynlandgoed met ‘n 5 km- of 10 km- opsie) 7. In die 3de kwartaal pak PV se drawwers ook die Wildrunner trial series aan wat bestaan uit 4 wedlope, sowel as die 5/15 km Spookheuwel-padwedloop wat gewoonlik ‘n hoogtepunt is.

“Ons streef daarna om landloop by PV te laat groei deur so veel as moontlik atlete by landloop betrokke te kry, sowel as om ‘n fiksheidskultuur in ons skool te skep. ..”

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History :

Netball has been offered as a sport for girls at PV since the founding of the school. At present more than 180 girls participate in this sport.

In the early years, we trained on three courts only, but nowadays we have six courts, one of which is an indoor court. The well- equipped terrain provides enough practice time and allows players to practise together and maintain fitness levels.

We are proud of the fact that many players progress to the final rounds of trials and we can also boast of a number of Boland players.

Bulldog Netball:

The 2016 season took off on a high note with a victory over the u/19A team of Hoërskool DF Malan, proving that PV’s netball teams are a force

to be reckoned with!

Marinda Bruwer, a senior Boland player and biokineticist is, at present, one of PV’s coaches and her knowledge

is invaluable.

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We strive to provide all teams with maximum exposure to matches and to cultivate sportsmanship regardless of winning or losing. Our focus is on each centre throw which starts with a zero score and that from there we will play hard after each throw regardless of the score. More important than all goals we score, is that every netball girl is offered the opportunity to develop the necessary physical and life skills, so that she can reach her full potential and proudly achieve to her own benefit and to that of her school.

“May our PV girls score many more goals on the netball court and also enjoy every moment off it as she strives to improve herself consistently…”

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Team-building camp: Every year a netball camp-cum-sleepover is held for all teams on the school’s premises to bolster spirit for the following season.

Extreme netball course: At the beginning of each season Anso Kemp, an international referee, and Erin Burger a Protea player of “Extreme Netball” present a skills improvement course for ALL players from u/14 to u/18. This is also a golden opportunity for all players to bond and make new friendships.

Tour: Part of each year’s activities is a tour with our first team to give a fillip to the coming season. We also offer a referees’ course to make players more aware of existing rules and to bring them up-to-date with new rules.

Elite training group: At the end of the season an elite junior and senior off-season group is chosen to train throughout the year.

Netball players can also participate in the Spring League in the off-season, where learners have the opportunity to hone their skills and maintain a consistent level of fitness.

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Toernooie in 2016: Paarl Gim toernooi. Alle A en B spanne Stellenberg toernooi. B – F spanne Stellenbosch graderingstoernooi A-F

spanne Paarl: Alle ouderdomme kompetisie

Eerstespan toer na Potchefstroom: Uitstekend kursus aangebied deur Dorette

Badenhorst, Puk universiteitspan hoofafrigter asook Protea-span hulpafrigter. Opgevlieg en trein terug gevat.

Moontlike kursusse/toere vir 2017: o/14 – o/18 A spanne kliniek by PV:

Aangebied deur Dorette Badenhorst (Puk hoofafrigter asook Protea hulpafrigter)

0/15: La-Rocelle extreme netball kliniek o/18 Namibië toer

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History: Boys and Girls

Parel Vallei is well known in school circles for its excellent standard of hockey; an achievement of which we are extremely proud. Hockey is indeed one of the strongest sports in the school’s sporting portfolio. Both girls’ and boys’ hockey has been offered at Parel Vallei since the school’s

inception and within a few years has developed to accommodate 30 teams.

Much of the reason for the sport’s success is the result of the passion and drive with which Mrs Kets and Mr Traut have managed the hockey portfolio, having worked at the school for 28 years and 11 years

respectively, and dedicating much time and effort to the sport’s development. Mrs Kets, herself, is still active as a hockey player at masters’ level and is a member of the masters’ team, Somerset West Club.

In the past she has also made a name for herself participating at provincial level.

Bulldog Hockey:

“Parel Vallei’s impeccably managed sports’ fields also provide ample opportunity for participants to excel at hockey. The school built the Astroturf field in 2012 thanks to the efforts of Mr Andy Mallet of the Parents’ Hockey Committee, becoming the first school in the Helderberg Basin to boast an Astroturf”

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GIRLS HOCKEY: U/19A,B,C,D & E U/16A,B,C,D,E & F U/14A,B,C,D

TOURS FOR 2017: u/14 Boys & Girls: Somerset College Festival - March Holidays DF Malan Tournament

u/16A Girls & Boys: Elsie Coetzer tournament – Bloemfontein

u/18B Girls & Boys: Elsie Coetzer Tournament – Bloemfontein

u/18A Boys and Girls:Kingswood College Festival - Grahamstown

Fairmont Tournament – Cape TownInternational Tournament – Cape Town


U/16A,B,C &DU/14A,B & C

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Activities During the Year:

Each year Parel Vallei hosts a hockey camp for U13 and U14 girls. Six teams are invited and receive top coaching over a four day period. Our

players enjoy these camps immensely and they remain a highlight on the annual hockey calendar.

PV’s U19 team gives back to the community by hosting coaching clinics throughout the year for primary school learners, for example the one

presented to Beaumont Primary learners.

Each year a coaching course for referees is offered to coaches and players which remains very popular.

During the 1st and 4th terms, ‘high performance’ coaching is offered to all hockey players. Grade 7 learners who are enrolled to attend Parel

Vallei the following year are also invited to attend these sessions.

In the off-season, an eight-a-side tournament is presented for all school learners and indoor hockey games are also enjoyed by learners.

“We strive for our boys’ and girls’ teams to be in the top ten schools in the country. We aim to continuously provide

excellent training and exposure to our hockey players so that they may reach their full potential. We want to enable them to

compete at the highest level, reaching their goals both as individuals and as part of a team”

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Jarred Pitout Eunice Kets Hilton Traut

Chris Hawkridge Ryan Rawson

RESULTS 1ST TEAM GIRLS 2016 Unbeaten in Kingswood College Festival Lost in final of Fairmont tournament Lost only 1 match in the International tournament Currently ranked 16th in South Africa 2 SA hockey players for 2016 26 Boland players

RESULTS 1ST TEAM BOYS 2016 Won the Fairmont tournament

Played excellent hockey in the International tournament Currently ranked 26th in the country

16 Boland hockey players for 2016

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We strive to create a love for cycling and fitness among our learners and each year we aim to be selected to represent PV at the National Spur School League finals in Magaliesburg. It is a great achievement!

Bulldog Cycling:

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24 Hours of Oak Valley: PV’s teams were placed 1st and 2nd.

Joshua de Freitas: WC champion and SA Cup u16 champion.

WC Cycling Colours:

Carla Steyn, Matthew Keyser and Joshua de Freitas.

PV’s mixed team win Spur Schools League in WP!


Matthew Keyser: WC Championship u18 - 1st

Joshua de Freitas: WC Championship u18 - 3rd

Carla Steyn: WC Championship u16 - 3rd

WC Cycling Colours:

Michard Meets, Jana Barry, Joshua de Freitas, Matthew Keyser and Carla Steyn.

24 Hours of Oak Valley: PV’s teams were placed 1st, 3rd and 5th and set a new team record!

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Die geskiedenis van Rugby by Parel Vallei:

Rugby is by PV gespeel al van die skool se beginjare af en het elke

jaar stadig gegroei. In 2014 word ‘n bestuursbesluit geneem om meer op rugby te fokus en om dit op dieselfde vlak as al die ander aktiwiteite in die skool te bring. Die eerste stap was om die regte persoon aan te stel om hierdie nuwe droom te verwesenlik en so het die soektog begin. Dit was toe mnr Thinus Pienaar by die skool aankom dat ‘n rugbypassie gevoel kon word en binne ‘n paar weke word hy aangestel as die nuwe hoof van rugby vanaf November 2014!

Bulldog Rugby:

“Parel Vallei Rugby streef daarna om individuele talent te voed en te ontwikkel in ‘n arena wat spanwerk,

sportmanskap, respek, dissipline en nederigheid bevorder...”

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Jaarlikse Toernooie/toere:

Boland Landbou Rugbydag, Paarl WBHS Rugbyfees – Wynberg Boys High, CT KWAGGA Week 0/14 en 0/15, HS Outeniqua SKST 0/16 en 0/19 Sport Week, George

Die rugby bekendstellingsbraai:

Al die spelers, afrigters en ouers braai op die Parel Vallei kampus saam, hier word doelwitte vir die komende jaar gedeel, dan gesosialiseer en lekker saam kuier!

Die hoogtepunt van die jaar:

Pa en Seun Kamp op Grabouw waar 200 spelers, pa’s en oupas saam die afrigters kamp, geesbou en vriendskappe smee…

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Onlangse welslae: Die uitslae wat HS Parel Vallei se rugbyspanne vanjaar behaal het, onderstreep die feit dat hierdie skool hom beslis gevestig het as ‘n krag in skolerugby. Parel Vallei se prestasies vanjaar op die rugbyveld is die beste nog sedert die skool 30 jaar gelede gestig is.

Parel Vallei se o.19A-span se uitstekende vertoningslys vanjaar word geillustreer met sy indrukwekkende posisie van nommer 29 op die SA Skole nasionale rugbyranglys.

Ook die ander spanne van Parel Vallei het vanjaar met groot sukes gespeel. Die o.14A-span is in die 54ste plek op die nasionale ranglys en die o.15A-span in die 46ste plek.

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Ons strewe daarna om ons rugbyspelers te leer om te alle tye ambassadeurs op en langs die veld te wees! Daar is uitgebreide toekomsbeplanning en voorbereiding agter die skerms aan die gang om te verseker dat ons ons langtermyndoelwitte en aspirasies bereik.

Boodskap aan die PV Rugby Ouers: Ons wil graag elke ouer van elke seun bedank wat deelneem aan PV Rugby. Die toestemming wat u verleen het en u vertroue om u seun te ontwikkel word hoog op prys gestel en onderskryf die bloudruk van hierdie program. Aan ons toegewyde rugbyouerkomitee die grootste dank van almal. Die getroue ondersteuning van die komitee en die organisasie van verskeie suksesvolle sosiale funksies deur die rugbyma’s en -pa’s is wat uiteindelik die omvang van toekomstige suksesse sal bepaal. Bly glo in die toekoms van PV Rugby en hou aan om u seun se rugbyreis te ondersteun.

“Parel Vallei ontvang die volgende akkolade om die reeds suksesvolle 2016 seisoen af te sluit met ‘n Top 50 Rugbyskole toekenning op nasionale skolerugby webwerf Ruggas.co.za”

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PV gholf slaan af in 2001 en word van die begin erken as ‘n volwaardige skoolsport.

Talle provinsiale spelers is al opgelewer en die skool beloon gholfpresteerders met die toekenning van kleure en

erekleure. PV geniet die volle ondersteuning van die Somerset Wes

gemeenskap en dit is ‘n groot voorreg vir ons spelers om hierdie sportsoort gratis te mag beoefen by die Somerset-

Wes gholfbaan. Maandae oefen die Parel Valleiers gewoonlik saam en al ons tuiswedstryde word op hierdie

baan gespeel. Spelers wat nie by wedstryde betrokke is nie kan dan ook oefenrondtes speel en saam hulle vaardighede


Vanjaar was daar weer groot belangstelling in dié sportsoort onder ons nuwe graad 8’s en hulle entoesiasme is

aansteeklik! Met die ondersteuning van die seniors aan die graad 8 spelers kan die vooruitsigte van dié sport net

rooskleurig wees!

Bulldog Gholf:

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Parel Vallei neem deel aan die Bolandskoleliga. Ons twee spanne ding onderskeidelik in die A- en B-ligas mee teen die beste spelers in die provinsie. Ons is ook bevoorreg om op van die beste bane in die Paarl-, Stellenbosch- en Wellington-omgewing te speel.

Parel Vallei ding ook jaarliks mee in die Boland- skolekompetisie. (PV se top 4 gholfspelers speel in hierdie toernooi) Afgesien van ligawedstryde en skolekompetisies is daar gereelde afrigtingsgeleenthede wat aangebied word. Spelers kry geleentheid om professionele afrigting te ontvang en op hoë vlak mededingende gholf te speel.

PV se afrigtingsfilosofie word gebaseer op die ontwikkeling van elke speler se unieke styl en sterk punte en spelers word geleer om hulself, sowel as hul spel op die gholfbaan te bestuur. Aandag word gegee aan tegniek, vaardigheidsvlakke en oefenprogramme. Ontwikkeling en inoefening van kort- en langspelvaardighede word ook aangespreek asook algemene gholfkondisionering.

Daar is ook elke kwartaal verskeie geleenthede om by die “Momentum Golf Village” se oefenbof

(“driving range”) te gaan oefen onder mentorskap van ‘n oudleerder, Barry Barnard.

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Bulldog Swimming: Soos visse in water, só is die swemmers van PV en

hulle ry al lank die golf van uitnemendheid in dié sportsoort!

Marlise Kuhn (hoof van swem by PV) het van die beginjare van die skool aan die diepkant ingespring en die Hoërskool Strand en die Hoërskool Hottentots- Holland genader sodat PV deel kon raak van hul swem Interskole-kompetisie

in die Helderberg-kom. Tydens hierdie groot kompetisie wat by die Strand se munisipale swembad gehou is, was daar elke jaar ‘n taai stryd om die Interskole-trofee te verower, maar oor die jare het die ander skole afgeskaal wat swem betref en het die Interskole ook skipbreuk gely… Ten spyte hiervan het Parel Vallei se swemspan steeds hard bly oefen in die Laerskool Beaumont en in die Strand se munisipale swembad. Dié konstante deursettingsvermoë van die PV-swemspan is beloon met prestasies soos min!

Sommige van die uitstekende prestasies sluit in: Lucy Saunders wat haar Springbokkleure in Lewensredding behaal het, Ashley Olivier wat twee keer gekies was as lid van die SA Juniorspan wat in Brasilië gaan deelneem het en ‘n bronsmedalje by die Senior SA’s verower het!

Christine Zwiegers behaal goud by die Vlak 3 Nasionale byeenkoms en ‘n silwer medalje by die SA Senior kampioenskappe. Yolandi van der Merwe word gekies as die Senior WP-kaptein vir die SA kampioenskappe en verteenwoordig SA by die Oopwaterswem in Frankryk.

Christine Zwiegers, Yolandi van der Merwe en Shannon van Konynenburg het ook swembeurse vir studie aan oorsese universiteite ontvang, gebaseer op hul uitstaande swemprestasies.

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Athletics has always been one of Parel Vallei’s strongest sports. We encourage all our learnersto participate in this activity and to develop their sports talents in full. One can observe the PV BLUE THREAD of excellence in the achievements of various athletes who represented WP and Boland and who have even been awarded medals at SA championships.

“From the time that Parel Vallei became part of the triangular inter-schools athletics against Hottentot Holland High School and Hoërskool Strand, we have won the competition eleven times! A number of athletes have also garnered

medals at national championships. 2015 and 2016 saw back to back Interschools Crowns for PV Athletics!”

Annually we participate in a number of athletics meetings such as:• The Inter-schools between Hottentots High School, Hoërskool Strand and Parel Vallei High School.• Central Boland, Boland, Western Cape, Top Ten at Moorreesburg, Paul Roos invitation meeting and

the Cradock Top Ten meeting.

• Every year before Inter-schools we present a training camp with top coaches like Kai Preller, Megan Robertson, Joepie Loots, Llewellyn Wahl, Jacques Breitenbach,

Wimpie Burger and Mossie Mostert.

The Parel Vallei athletics management team strives to attract as many learners as possible to participate in athletics to allow them to develop optimally. We envision participating, within the next five years, in the countrywide Top Ten meeting as it is a goal which is

certainly achievable with the brilliant athletes produced by PV.

Bulldog Athletics:

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Bulldog Krieket:Die skool se krieketgeskiedenis begin in Januarie 1987 met een verteenwoordigende span in die WP-Skoleliga en Fanie Janse van Rensburg as afrigterspionier. Nou, in 2016 bestaan die program al uit 7 spanne.

Mnre. Hugo Cloete, Kobie Farmer en ander het deur die jare PV-krieket gelei, met mnr. Hilton Traut wat vir die laaste paar jaar die eerste krieketspan suksesvol bestuur het.

“ Die nuwe jaar bring nuwe dinge: Thinus Pienaar is die nuwe hoofafrigter en die seisoen het op ‘n hoë noot begin..”

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PV Krieket Ligas: 0.14A & B: Boland Weekdag 0.15A & B: Boland Saterdag

0.17A: Boland Weekdag 0.19A & B: Boland Saterdag

Verdere aktiwiteite: T.20-weekdag en voldag

Saterdagkrieketliga Vakansiekrieket en

spesialisafrigtings-klinieke Ashes-krieketderby

(driedagwedstryd teen Somerset College)

KFC Punt 0/19-Krieketfees gedurende September 2016

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Bulldog Chess At PV we try to encourage both enjoyable mass

participation and excellence. Although most league matches take place in the winter terms, we encourage everyone who hopes to make a team to participate in the open chess trials held early in February.

This year we entered 3 teams into the league matches. All three were invited to play in the District East Top Schools Tournament on 16 June where we achieved a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Our girls’ team went through to the Western Cape Top Schools tournament which was held in Mossel Bay in August.

Our top male players this year were Rohan Pieterse (u/18) who received Western Province Colours, Nico Olivier who was selected to play at the South African Schools Chess Championship for the u/15 Western Cape Team and Alex Van Greuning who was invited to participate in the African Youth Chess Championships (AYCC) held in Port Elizabeth from 21 – 29 August. He came 9th in the open section.

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Parel Vallei het die afgelope tyd uitstekende uitslae gelewer op die tennisbaan en Parel Valleiers het rede om opgewonde te wees oor tennis by die skool.

“PV se tennis word gekenmerk deur absolute spangees, pret, entoesiasme en nasionale en internasionale prestasies. ‘n Bekende tennisspeler wat PV al opgelewer het, is Nannie de Villiers,wat op internasionale vlak tennis speel!”

Seuns en dogters van alle ouderdomsgroepe geniet elke tennisseisoen dié sport op die skool se ses

tennisbane. PV se tennis groei ook elke jaar en tans is daar tien tennisspanne ingeskryf in die

Sentraal Boland -Tennisliga.

Bulldog Tennis:

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It has been a wonderful season with lots of exciting squash that was played!

Met 10 spanne in die liga het ons baie sukses behaal! Onder die leiding van Mev Sue van der Merwe, Riette Viljoen en Mnr Richard Castle aan die stuur van afrigting het 3 spelers dan ook Boland kleure ontvang!

Parel Vallei Girls also won the Interschools Crown against Strand High!

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Please stay on and enjoy the food and drink, all Winter Sport Code heads in attendance to

answer any questions. Drive home safely.

Do not hesitate to contact us:

PV Sports DepartmentContact: 021 852 1228

E mail: [email protected]

We thank you for coming!