(Under the Holy Apostolic See of Antioch and All the East) May 2010 (PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY) P.O. BOX 25709, ABU DHABI, UAE TEL. NO: 02-6422535, FAX: 02-6417622, MOBILE: 050-5727614 E-Mail: [email protected], Web: ststephensauh.com

Parish bull May-10 - St Stephens SOC Abu · PDF filethere is a gap between their and our understanding which we coin in modern terms as Generation Gap. But God, Himself commands us

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(Under the Holy Apostolic See of Antioch and All the East)


P.O. BOX 25709, ABU DHABI, UAE TEL. NO: 02-6422535, FAX: 02-6417622, MOBILE: 050-5727614

E-Mail: [email protected], Web: ststephensauh.com

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Holy Qurbana

FRIDAYS : 6.30 TO 9.30 AM at St. Andrew’s centre MONDAYS : 7.30 TO 9.30 PM at St. Joseph’s church Hall

Intercessory Prayers

St. Mary 1st Fridays at St. Andrew’s Centre and 1st Mondays at St. Joseph’s Hall

St. Stephen & St. George 2nd Fridays at St. Andrew’s Centre and 2nd Monday at St. Joseph’s Hall

St. Gregerios of Malankara 3rd Fridays at St. Andrew’s Centre and 3rd Mondays at St. Joseph’s Hall

Prayer Meetings

Prayer meetings : 7 PM to 9 PM on all Fridays : 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM at Mussafah area (Schedule of Prayer meetings and locations will be announced in church)

Sunday school

From 9.30 PM to 12.00 PM on all Fridays at Marthomma Church premises, Abu Dhabi


The primary cause of Man’s creation was to obey God’s Commandments and serve him with all heart so that he would be placed on the seat at heaven that was emptied by “lucifer”, I;e satan. But due to the prevalence of evil in the form of satan, man was tempted in Eden and hence he broke the law of obedience with God. For this act he and his entire species that followed had to pay a massive price. As described in Genesis 3.All throughout the bible we can see and study the lives of different people, how their obedience to God had been rewarded and also their disobedience had been priced for. In Gen 6: 22 we see how Noah obeyed God’s commandment and hence he was saved from the flood that rained for 40 days and 40 nights. In Gen 22:3 we see how Abraham had obeyed God’s commandments and was blessed for having generation like that of the stars in the sky. Also in Samuel 15 we also read that due to the disobedience of Saul, God cursed him and hence he lost his throne and died by his own sword. When we go through the Old Testament of the holy bible, we understand how God rewards and punishes man for his deeds. But even with such laws and understanding of the Holy Scriptures, we still see man’s disobedience to God. The Israel people were freed from the captivity of Egyptians; they praised God initially and later forgot God and disobeyed him. Then and there itself we see what was brought down upon the Israel people by God every time they disobeyed. The Law of God is same for all, it is a covenant of truth and hence it tells us of both good and evil. The freedom of choice has been entirely rested on man by God, either to obey or disobey God’s commandment. The holy book conveys clearly that the consequences of our deeds good and evil will be judged on the last judgment day. Due to this our Loving Father could not resist to see his most beloved creation made by His own hand be ruined or to be send to the bottomless pit. Hence the one and only solution for regaining mankind from the hold of satan and sin was for God to send his only begotten son. John 3:16. The complete meaning and spirit of obedience, which God expect from us has been defined by the verse I Samuel 15: 22 “To obey is better than sacrifice” and also in Ephesians 6:1“Children obey your parents, verse 3 “that it may be well with you and that you will live long on earth. “ Obedience and submission to God, his preaching’s, scriptures and the holy bible is what clearly defines a true Christian. Whatever be our deeds, whoever we are in society, what judges our moral and spiritual character is our utmost obedience. This type of character in a person has to be nurtured at a stage as early as childhood. That is why Obedience to parents is stated as the one of the most important law in the Ten Commandments. Well for most of us young or old it sometimes becomes a burden to obey our parents, we feel there is a gap between their and our understanding which we coin in modern terms as Generation Gap. But God, Himself commands us that if we are to earn the eternal life, the first and foremost deed is to obey our parents. Jesus Christ perfectly knew that he was the son of God, when he was questioned by his mother at Jerusalem temple for his disappearance. But He bowed himself in submission to his parents obeying their commandment to return with them.Haven’t we all avoided and disobeyed our parents or our elders in some part of our life. If so I personally feel this is the time to rethink and repent for it. There is nothing greater in this world than to accept defeat or loss to our parents, even if we are right on our part because there is a living God watching over us. It is this message that I would like to share in core with all of you out here today. To conclude, God took the Israel people from the hands of Egyptians. But not all could enter the Promised Land, not even Moses who disobeyed God. Then in that case today I would like to leave you all with this thought, that obedience is the key to the Promised Land for which we are all waiting for. Let us not loose it……………Submitting all under HIS grace…….


A kindergarten teacher has decided to let her class play a game.

The teacher told each child in the class to bring along a plastic bag containing a few potatoes.

Each potato will be given a name of a person that the child hates,

So the number of potatoes that a child will put in his/her plastic bag will depend on the number of people he/she hates.

So when the day came, every child brought some potatoes with the name of the people he/she hated. Some had 2 potatoes; some 3 while some up to 5

potatoes. The teacher then told the children to carry with them the potatoes in the plastic bag wherever they go (even to the toilet) for 1


Days after days passed by, and the children started to complain due to the unpleasant smell let out by the rotten potatoes. Besides, those having 5 potatoes also had to carry heavier bags. After 1 week, the children were

relieved because the game had finally ended....

The teacher asked: "How did you feel while carrying the potatoes with you for 1 week?". The children let out their frustrations and started

complaining of the trouble that they had to go through having to carry the heavy and smelly potatoes wherever they go.

Then the teacher told them the hidden meaning behind the game. The teacher said: "This is exactly the situation when you carry your hatred for

somebody inside your heart. The stench of hatred will contaminate your heart and you will carry it with you wherever you go. If you cannot

tolerate the smell of rotten potatoes for just 1 week, can you imagine what is it like to have the stench of hatred in your heart for your


Moral of the story: Throw away any hatred for anyone from your heart so that you will not carry sins for a lifetime. Forgiving others is the best

attitude to take!

True love is not loving a perfect person but loving an imperfect person perfectly!!

“Many, O God, Our Lord, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us, no one can recount to you” (Psalms, 40:5)

Name Date Name Date Pinky Susan Alex 01 May Mathew Chacko 13 May

Linsa 01 May Sini Philip 13 May

Benny Paulose 01 May Bejin Benny 14 May

Elizabeth Jose 01 May Jefon W John 14 May

Susan Rinu 02 May Chacko Binoy T 15 May

Sajan George 02 May Daniel T.C. 15 May

Basil K Varghese 03 May Jini Alias 15 May

Johnson Abraham 03 May Jacob K. I. 15 May

Sibi Kurian 03 May Jini Jaison 15 May

Jose Thomas K Dr. 05 May Anu D.Kurian 16 May

Ancy Reji 05 May Sosamma Uthup 16 May

Shery Philip 05 May Obin K Thomas 16 May

Biju George 07 May Susan Peter 16 May

Susan Jacob 07 May Trija M Rajan 16 May

Suja Jose 07 May Neena Skaria 16 May

Manoj N George 07 May Sheeja Sabu 16 May

Kevin Mathew George 07 May Renu Kurian 17 May

Ajoy Thomas 08 May Aswin Baby 17 May

Albin Philip 08 May Archana Rajan Babu 17 May

Lini Binu 09 May Sage George 17 May

Veena 09 May Sheeba Thomas 17 May

Manoj Kuriakose 09 May Angel Sara 18 May

Lilly Ajoy 10 May Baiju P K (Varghese) 18 May

Bigi S.Skariah 10 May Seena Shephi 18 May

Aliamma Chacko 10 May Manoj C Kuriakose 19 May

Joshua P J 10 May Shaju K.Mathai 19 May

Suraj Kuriakose 10 May Anita Shine Cherian 19 May

Bimal Thomas Vallikkattu 11 May Abraham K.V. 20 May

George John 11 May Baby Paul 20 May

Jothir Kurian 11 May Joji Chacko 20 May

George Cherian 11 May Rajesh T Varghese 20 May

Siby K Thomas 11 May Raju Thomas 20 May

Renju Jacob 12 May Shiju Kulappurath 20 May

Noyal Jacob 12 May Biju P Cherian 21 May

Sibi Joshua 12 May Tintu George 21 May

Noel Balu 13 May Nikhil Jacob 21 May

Joel Jaison 13 May Neha Racheal 21 May

Name Date Name Date Sabu K Paulose 21 May Subin 27 May

Sony Kurian 21 May Jessy Sam 27 May

Michael Jacob Kurian 22 May Meena Sabu 27 May

Maria Paul 22 May Ruby Shaji 27 May

Jobin Alex Abraham 23 May Sheeba 27 May

Ruby Jacob 23 May Annie 27 May

Jobin Alex Abraham 23 May Biny Peter 28 May

Mathews Alex 23 May Sabu Daniel 28 May

Dona Roy 23 May Riya Shaju 28 May

Sosamma Chacko 24 May Shaiju Cherian 28 May

Megha Reji 24 May Shobin Peter 29 May

Laila A John 25 May Abhilash Mathai 30 May

Alias P J 25 May Salamma Babu 30 May

Niju Baby 25 May Leena Binu 30 May

Mohan Mathai 25 May Biju Varghese 30 May

Renju Paul 25 May Lisan Varghese 30 May

Beena Suraj 25 May Jolly K Jose 30 May

Mercy Varghese 25 May Koshikutty P.C. (Giji) 30 May

Siby Varghese 25 May Mathews K Philip 30 May

George Elias Eralil 26 May Soly Mathews 30 May

Kurian Cherian 26 May Alias, K.Y 31 May

Siju Sajan 26 May Binu K Thampi 31 May

Ashwin Abraham 27 May Jaison Abraham 31 May

Ashwin Kuriakose Abraham 27 May Lilly 31 May

Lissy Biju 27 May Mathew Abraham 31 May

Basil Eldhose 27 May Quince George 31 May

Merrin Manoj 27 May Shervin 31 May

Raju Kurian 27 May

“Many, O God, Our Lord, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us, no one can recount to you” (Psalms, 40:5)

“I will always thank the lord; I will never stop praising Him. I will praise Him for what he has done.” (Psalms, 34:1)

Name Date Name Date

Varghese P.I. & Siby Varghese 19 Mar Thomas Joshua & Lucy Thomas 17 May

Chacko Varghese & Aliamma Chacko 02 May Ashwin Kuriakose Abraham & Rekha 18 May

Janith Jojee Pulikkottil & Elizabeth Janith 03 May Jacob K. I. & Elsy Jacob 19 May

Shery Philip & Suji Philip 04 May Jacob P.S. & Elsykutty Jacob 19 May

Roji George & Rini Roji 05 May Alias M.P. & Shaini Alias 20 May

Sage George & Mikky Koshy Mathew 05 May Prince John & Sheela Prince 20 May

Vinu Jacob Peter & Migi Jacob 05 May Paulose Eldho & Mini Eldho 20 May

Sylvem Mattathil Ipe & Mary Mathew 07 May Roy Joseph & Elizebeth Roy 21 May

Shaju K.Mathai & Rose Shaju 08 May Saju Varghese & Leena Saju 21 May

George T.M & Jessy George 10 May Kurian John & Mariamma Kurian 23 May

Babu K.George & Anitha Babu 11 May Reji K.Alias & Jiby K.Alias 23 May

Rajesh T Varghese & Sheena Rajesh 11 May Saji Ittoop & Jeena Saji 24 May

Anil George (Ang) & Saira Anil 14 May Dai Mon Kurian & Annamma Kurian 26 May

Sam Alias & Jessy Sam 14 May Manoj C Kuriakose & Susan George 27 May

Sabu K John & Suja Sabu 15 May Manoj Kuriakose & Sheena Manoj 29 May

Deepu Abraham & Divya Thankachen 16 May Reji Paul & Ancy Reji 29 May

Elgy C.Alex & Reenu Elgy 16 May Thomas Joshua & Lucy Thomas 17 May

Johnson V.K. & Elsy Johnson 16 May

“We wish all who are celebrating their Birthdays & Wedding Anniversary to Joy and Health for the coming years”

TRUST“TRUST is a very important factor for all relationships. When trust is broken, it is the end of the relationship. Lack of

trust leads to suspicion, suspicion generates anger, anger causes enmity and enmity may result in separation”

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04/03/2010_W ææ·J¡çÖÎÈ (Darathulmia / Khalidia Area) ËÞÎßÜß ÏâÃàxßæa dÉÞVjÈÞçÏÞ·¢ dÖà. ÈÕàX çùÞÏßÏáæ¿ ÍÕÈJßW Õºîá È¿JæMGá. ÏâÃàxí æØdµGùßÏÞÏß (2010) dÖà. ®dÌÞÙÞ¢ µáøcÞçAÞæÏ æÄøE¿áJá. 05/03/2010_W ççÎÞùßÏ (Mussafah Area) ËÞÎßÜß ÏâÃàxßæa dÉÞVjÈÞçÏÞ·¢ ÎáØË ÎVçJÞN ÙÞ{ßW Õºîá È¿JæMGá. ÏâÃàxí æØdµGùßÏÞÏß (2010) dÖàµáøcÞºîX Õùá·àØßæÈ æÄøE¿áJá. 06/03/2010_W ØØàÈÞÏÏß (Electra / Najida Area) ËÞÎßÜßÏâÃàxßæa dÉÞVjÈÞçÏÞ·¢ dÖà. çÄÞÎØí ç¼Þ×bÞÏáæ¿ ÍÕÈJßW Õºîá È¿JæMGá. ÏâÃàxí æØdµGùßÏÞÏß (2010) dÖà. çÄÞÎØí ç¼Þ×bÞæÏ æÄøE¿áJá. 11/03/2010_W ÖÖÞçÜ¢ (Salam / TCA / Navi gate Area) ËÞÎßÜß ÏâÃàxßæa dÉÞVjÈÞçÏÞ·¢ dÖà. çÄÞÎØí Øß. Õß Ïáæ¿ ÍÕÈJßW Õºîá È¿JæMGá. ÏâÃàxí æØdµGùßÏÞÏß (2010) dÖà. çÄÞÎØí Øß. Õß æÏ æÄøE¿áJá. 20/03/2010_W çÌÆ¡ÜçÙ¢ (Murroor Road Areas) ËÞÎßÜß ÏâÃàxßæa dÉÞVjÈÞçÏÞ·¢ dÖà. æºùßÏÞX Éß. ææ® Ïáæ¿ ÍÕÈJßW Õºîá È¿JæMGá. ÏâÃàxí æØdµGùßÏÞÏß (2010) dÖà. çØÞÃßæÏ æÄøE¿áJá. 29/04/2010_W ÈÈØçùJ¡ (Hamdan / Khalifa Areas) ËÞÎßÜß ÏâÃàxßæa dÉÞVjÈÞçÏÞ·¢ dÖà. ¥ÈßW ç¼ÞV¼ßæa ÍÕÈJßW Õºîá È¿JæMGá. ÏâÃàxí æØdµGùßÏÞÏß (2010) dÖà. ç¼ÞY ÎÞÄcáÕßæÈ æÄøE¿áJá.



Comedy Show

ÈNáæ¿ ÉUßÏáæ¿ ¦ÍßÎá¶cJßW ¥ÌáÆÞÌß ÈÞ×ÃW ÄàÏxùßW Õºîí d̄ÉßW 16 Èí æµÞºîßX ·òKØßæa Atlas Black & White comedy show Õ{æø Í¢·òÏÞÏß È¿JæMGá. §Äßæa ÍÞ·ÎÞÏß ¨ çdÉÞd·ÞÎßæa Main Sponsers – æÈ çÕÆßÏßW Õºîí Memento ÈÜíµß ¦Çøߺîâ.


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¥ÌáÆÞÌß St. Andrews Anglical chaplain Õß ÞøßÏÞÏáøáK Rev. Fr. Clive Windebank ¥ºîÈí §¿ÕµÏáæ¿ ¦ÍßÎá¶cJßW 30/04/2010 æÕUßÏÞÝíºî Õß: µáVÌîÞÈÞÈLø¢ ÏÞdÄÏMí ÈWµß.


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Editorial Board: Fr. Jinu T. Joy, Jogin Alex Abraham, Basil Varghese & Shaju K. Mathai.