1 Licenciatura em Informática – Inglês Instrumental – 3ª Parte Uso do Dicionário Olá aluno, o Dicionário: To use or not to use? That´s the question! Recorra ao dicionário apenas para as palavras-chave durante a leitura do texto. A seguir é mostrado um exemplo de consulta de palavra ao dicionário, para o significado da palavra play. Em inglês play / plei / s. 1. jogo m., partida, disputa f. 2. divertimento m., brincadeira f. 3.folguedo, passatempo m. 4. peça teatral ou cinematográfica f. 5. (Mus.) execução, interpretação f. 6. gracejo m. 7. jogatina f., modo m. de jogar 8. (Mec) jogo m., folga f. 9. lance m., jogada f. 10. atividade, ação f., movimento m. / / v. 1. jogar, disputar. 2. brincar, folgar, divertir-se. 3. tocar (instrumentos musicais), executar. 4. agir, proceder. S. vibrar, oscilar, tremular. 6. representar, desempenhar. 7. (Mec.) jogar, ter folga. 8. por em movimento, movimentar, acionar. 9. bancar, fingir. 10. apostar. 11. imitar. a ~ of Shaw (ou by Shaw) uma peça de Shaw; at~ em jogo. at the ~ no teatro. in full ~ em plena atividade. to bring into ~ movimentar, acionar. to ~ one's abilities proporcionar ambiente em que alguém possa desenvolver livremente as suas aptidões. said in ~ dito por brincadeira. ~ in the gear folga no jogo da engrenagem. ~ of colours jogo de cores. to ~ around (fam.) namorar, flertar. to ~ at 1. participar (de um jogo). 2. brincar com. 3. fazer de conta. to ~ a trick on pregar uma peça em. to ~ both ends against the middle (fam.) jogar com varias possibilidades. to ~ down depreciar, negligenciar. to ~ fair agir corretamente. to ~ false enganar, trair. to ~ first violin.· ter papel preponderante. to ~ foul proceder incorretamente. to ~ horse with (E.UA., giria) 1. fazer gato e sapato de. 2. desarrumar, lançar em desordem. to ~ into a person's hands favorecer alguém. to ~ off 1. fazer, agir, praticar. 2. dar espetáculo, fazer cenas. 3. fingir. 4. concluir um jogo. to ~ on (ou upon) tocar de leve, roçar. to ~ on (ou upon) words fazer trocadilhos. to ~ one's cards empregar seus recursos. to ~ out 1. acabar, terminar. 2. fatigar, cansar, exaurir. 3. perder a eficácia.

Parte 3 - Ingles Instrumental

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Licenciatura em Informática – Inglês Instrumental – 3ª Parte

Uso do Dicionário

Olá aluno, o Dicionário: To use or not to use? That´s the question! Recorra ao dicionário apenas para as palavras-chave durante a leitura do texto. A seguir é mostrado um exemplo de consulta de palavra ao dicionário, para o significado da palavra play.

Em inglês play / plei / s. 1. jogo m., partida, disputa f. 2. divertimento m.,

brincadeira f. 3.folguedo, passatempo m. 4. peça teatral ou

cinematográfica f. 5. (Mus.) execução, interpretação f. 6. gracejo

m. 7. jogatina f., modo m. de jogar 8. (Mec) jogo m., folga f. 9.

lance m., jogada f. 10. atividade, ação f., movimento m. / / v. 1.

jogar, disputar. 2. brincar, folgar, divertir-se. 3. tocar

(instrumentos musicais), executar. 4. agir, proceder. S. vibrar,

oscilar, tremular. 6. representar, desempenhar. 7. (Mec.) jogar, ter

folga. 8. por em movimento, movimentar, acionar. 9. bancar,

fingir. 10. apostar. 11. imitar. a ~ of Shaw (ou by Shaw) uma

peça de Shaw; at~ em jogo. at the ~ no teatro. in full ~ em plena

atividade. to bring into ~ movimentar, acionar. to ~ one's

abilities proporcionar ambiente em que alguém possa

desenvolver livremente as suas aptidões. said in ~ dito por

brincadeira. ~ in the gear folga no jogo da engrenagem. ~ of

colours jogo de cores. to ~ around (fam.) namorar, flertar. to ~

at 1. participar (de um jogo). 2. brincar com. 3. fazer de conta. to

~ a trick on pregar uma peça em. to ~ both ends against the

middle (fam.) jogar com varias possibilidades. to ~ down

depreciar, negligenciar. to ~ fair agir corretamente. to ~ false

enganar, trair. to ~ first violin.· ter papel preponderante. to ~ foul

proceder incorretamente. to ~ horse with (E.UA., giria) 1. fazer

gato e sapato de. 2. desarrumar, lançar em desordem. to ~ into a

person's hands favorecer alguém. to ~ off 1. fazer, agir, praticar.

2. dar espetáculo, fazer cenas. 3. fingir. 4. concluir um jogo. to ~

on (ou upon) tocar de leve, roçar. to ~ on (ou upon) words fazer

trocadilhos. to ~ one's cards empregar seus recursos. to ~ out 1.

acabar, terminar. 2. fatigar, cansar, exaurir. 3. perder a eficácia.

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to ~ politics intrigar, maquinar, tramar. to ~ safe (fam.) agir com

cautela. to ~ the fool bancar 0 bobo. to ~ the game observar as

regras do jogo, agir corretamente. to ~ the gentleman bancar 0

cavalheiro. to ~ the market jogar na bolsa, especular. to ~

truant gazetear, cabular, faltar as aulas. to ~ up provocar,

espicaçar. to ~ up to (gíria) 1. contracenar. 2. apoiar. 3. adular,

bajular. to ~ with 1. brincar com. 2. jogar contra. 3. fazer pouco

de. to ~ with fire brincar com fogo. they ~ed the devil with him

procedem sem chance de sucesso. they are ~ed out eles estão

esgotados .

Em Português: tocar / to'kar / vt touch; play < piano, musica, disco etc >; ring

<campainha> § vi touch; <pianista, muska, disco etc> play;

<campainha, telefone, sino> ring; ~-se vpr touch; (mancar-se) take

the hint; ~ a (dizer respeito) concern; ~ em touch; touch on



Localize no dicionário o significado das palavras: hungry, run away, give up, fight, underneath. Quais classes gramaticais elas pertencem?

Grupos Verbais

Caro aluno, o quadro seguinte mostra o uso e as formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa dos principais tempos verbais (voz ativa e passiva) e modais em inglês. Os dados listados neste quadro têm o objetivo de evidenciar uma fórmula inerente a cada tempo verbal. Para tanto, a comparação é a estratégia de identificação de constantes e variáveis do sistema, as quais atuam como eixos norteadores ao leitor em inglês instrumental.



1. Infinitivo to have to do to delete

not to have not to do not to delete

"nome" do verbo (sem flexão).

2. Imperativo

Do it! Delete the file, please.

Don't do it! Don't delete the file!

Ordem, comando, instrução, pedido, oferecimento.

3. Presente simples

She deletes her files. They enter information.

She doesn't delete her files. They don't enter information.

Does she delete her files? Do they enter information?

Atividades habituais, estados.

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4. Presente contínuo

I am deleting files. She is processing the information. They are checking the equipment.

I am not deleting files. She isn't processing the information. They aren't checking the equipment.

Are you deleting files? Is she processing the information? Are they checking the equipment?

Ações acontecendo no momento em que se fala delas; Ações futuras próximas e agendadas, programadas.

5. Futuro simples

I will ('ll) delete files. She will insert the information. They will check the equipment.

I won't delete files. She won't insert the information. They won't check the equipment.

Will I delete files? Will she insert the information? Will they check the equipment?

Decisões sobre o futuro tomadas no momento, previsões, ofertas, promessas.

6. Futuro contínuo

I will be deleting files. She will be inserting the information. They will be checking the equipment.

I won't be deleting files. She won't be inserting the information. They won't be checking the equipment.

Will you be deleting files? Will she be inserting the information? Will they be checking the equipment?

Ação futura acontecendo num momento específico focalizado.

7. Futuro com "going


She is going to delete it. They are going to check it.

She isn't going to delete it. They aren't going to check it

Is she going to delete it? Are they going to check it?

Intenção futura; Ação planejada.

8. Passado simples

She deleted it. They deleted it. Daniel wrote it.

She didn't delete it. They didn't delete it. Daniel didn't write it.

Did she delete it? Did they delete it? Did Daniel write?

Ações num momento definido do passsado (yesterday, last century, last year).

9. Passado contínuo

She was deleting it. They were deleting it. Daniel was writing it.

She wasn't deleting it. They weren't deleting it. Daniel wasn't writing it.

Was she deleting it? Were they deleting it? Was Daniel writing?

Ações que estavam ocorrendo no passado quando forem referidas. Muitas vezes se relacionam a outras na frase.

10. Presente perfeito

She has deleted it. They have deleted it. Daniel has written it.

She hasn't deleted it. They haven't deleted it. Daniel hasn't written it

Has she deleted it? Have they deleted it? Has Daniel written it?

Para expressar ação que começou no passado e continua no presente; para indicar passado não especificado; para expressar uma ação que acabou de acontecer e tem efeito presente.

11. Presente perfeito contínuo

She has been deleting it. They have been deleting it. Daniel has been writing it.

She hasn't been deleting it. They haven't been deleting it. Daniel hasn't been writing it.

Has she been deleting it. Have they been deleting it? Has Daniel been

writing it?

Para enfatizar que algo que começou no passado e continua no presente sem interrupções.

12. Passado perfeito

She had deleted it. They had deleted it. Daniel had written it.

She hadn't deleted it. They hadn't deleted it. Daniel hadn't written it

Had she deleted it? Had they deleted it? Had Daniel written it?

Para expressar ações que acontece antes de outra ação no passado.

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13. Passado perfeito contínuo

She had been deleting it. They had been deleting it. Daniel had been writing it.

She hadn't been deleting it. They hadn't been deleting it. Daniel hadn't been writing it.

Had she been deleting it. Had they been deleting it? Had Daniel been writing it?

Para expressar a duraçãode uma aividade contínua começada antes de outra no passado.

14. Futuro perfeito

She'll (will) have deleted it by this time tomorrow. We will have gone home.

She'll (will) have deleted it by this time tomorrow. We will have gone home.

Will she have deleted it by this time tomorrow? Will we have gone home?

Para expressar o que terá acontecido ou quanto tempo terá durado até determinado ponto do futuro.

15. Modais*

She can file it. She could file it. They should file it. They ought to file it. They must file it. She may file it. She might file it. They would file it. They will file it.

She cannot file it. She could not file it. They should not file it. They ought not to file it. They must not file it. She may not file it. She might not file it. They wouldn't file it. They won't file it.

Can she file it? Could she file it? Should they file it. Must they file it? May she file it? Might she file it? Would the file it? Will they file it?

Can/could: habilidade, permissão, possibilidade. Should/ought to: recomendação. May/might: permissão, probalidade. Would: condicional. Will: futuro.

Voz Passiva:



1. Presente simples

It is done. They are deleted.

It isn't done They aren't deleted

Is it done? Are they deleted?

2. Presente contínuo

It is being done. It isn't being done. Is it done?

3. Futuro simples

It will be done. The data will be deleted.

It won't be done. The data won't be deleted.

Will it be done? Will it be done?

4. Futuro com "going to"

It is going to be done.

It isn't going to be done. Is it going to be done?

5. Passado simples

It was done. Files were deleted.

It wasn't done. Files weren't deleted.

Was it done? Were files deleted

6. Passado contínuo

It was being done. Files were being checked.

It wasn't being done. Files weren't being checked.

Was it being done Were files being checked?

7. Presente perfeito

It has been done. Files have been deleted.

It hasn't been done. Files haven't been deleted.

Has it been done? Have files been deleted?

8. Passado perfeito

It had been done. Files had been deleted.

It hadn't been done. Files hadn't been deleted.

Had it been done? Had files been deleted?

9. Futuro perfeito

It will have been done. Files will have been deleted.

It won't have been done. Files won't have been deleted.

Will it have been done? Will files have been deleted?

10. Modais It could have been done. Files should have been deleted.

It couldn't have been done. Files shouldn't have been deleted.

Could it have been done? Should files have been deleted?

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can habilidade (presente) I can help him. I cannot (can't) help him. Can I help him?



could habilidade (passado) I could go. I could not (couldn't) go. Could I go?



may possibilidade I may go. I may not go. May I go?


might possibilidade I might get a visa. I might not get a visa. Might I get a visa?


should recomendação John should speak English. John should not (shouldn't) speak English. Should John speak English?

must obrigação I must study. I don't have to study. Must I study?

have to obrigação I have to study. I don't have to study. Do I have to study?


proibição You musn't park here.

ought to recomendação I ought to go. I ought not (oughtn't) go. Ought you to go?

would condicional ( -ria) I would (I'd) go. I would not (wouldn't) go. Would you go?

will futuro I will stay. I will not (won't) stay. Will you stay?

be going to futuro (acão planejada) She is ('s) going to study. She is not (isn't) going to study. Is she going to study?

be able to habilidade I am (I'm) able to swim. She is not (isn't) able to swim. Are they able to swim?

used to costume passado I used to swim. I did not (didn't) use to swim. Did you use to swim?

had better recomendação (seria melhor) We had (We'd) better go. Had we better go?

would rather preferência I would (I'd) rather stay at home. Would you rather walk than ride? I wouldn't rather walk than ride.

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Caro aluno, os verbos irregulares do idioma inglês são todos aqueles que não seguem a regra geral de formação do Passado e do Particípio Passado. A formação do “Past” (Passado) e do “Past Participle” (Particípio Passado), de acordo com a regra geral, se dá através do sufixo - ed. Exemplo: o verbo “to walk” (caminhar) é regular e seu passado é “walked” e seu particípio passado também é “walked” = I walk (Eu caminho); I walked (Eu caminhei); I had walked (Eu tinha caminhado). Portanto, todo verbo que não seguir este padrão, será classificado de irregular. A seguir, a lista dos verbos irregulares. Infinitivo – Passado – Particípio Passado Infinitivo – Passado – Particípio Passado arise - arose - arisen [surgir; erguer-se] awake - awoke - awoken [despertar] be - was; were - been [ser; estar] bear - bore - borne [suportar; dar a luz] beat - beat - beaten [bater] become - became - become [tornar-se] begin - began - begun [começar] behold - beheld - beheld [contemplar] bend - bent - bent [curvar, entortar] bet - bet - bet [apostar] bid - bid - bid [oferecer, fazer uma oferta] bind - bound - bound [unir; encadernar] bite - bit - bitten [morder] bleed - bled - bled [sangrar] blow - blew - blown [soprar; explodir] break - broke - broken [quebrar] breed - bred - bred [procriar, reproduzir] bring - brought - brought [trazer] broadcast - broadcast - broadcast [irradiar, transmitir (via TV ou rádio)] build - built - built [construir] buy - bought - bought [comprar] cast - cast - cast [arremessar, atirar] catch - caught - caught [pegar, apanhar] choose - chose - chosen [escolher] come - came - come [vir] cost - cost - cost [custar] creep - crept - crept [rastejar] cut - cut- cut [cortar] deal - dealt - dealt [negociar, tratar] dig - dug - dug [cavar] do - did - done [fazer] draw - drew - drawn [desenhar] drink - drank - drunk [beber] drive - drove - driven [dirigir (veículo)] eat - ate - eaten [comer] fall - fell - fallen [cair]

lose - lost - lost [perder] make - made - made [fazer, fabricar] mean - meant - meant [significar] meet - met - met [encontrar; conhecer] overcome - overcame - overcome [superar] overtake - overtook - overtaken [alcançar; conseguir] pay - paid - paid [pagar] put - put - put [pôr, colocar] quit - quit - quit [desistir, abandonar] read /riid/ - read /réd/ - read /réd/ [ler] ride - rode - ridden [cavalgar; andar (de bicicleta); passear] ring - rang - rung [tocar (campainha)] rise - rose - risen [erguer-se] run - ran - run [correr; concorrer (em eleição)] saw - sawed - sawn [serrar] say - said - said [dizer] see - saw - seen [ver] seek - sought - sought [buscar; procurar] sell - sold - sold [vender] send - sent - sent [enviar] set - set - set [pôr, colocar; ajustar] shake - shook - shaken [tremer] shed - shed - shed [derramar] shine - shone - shone [brilhar, reluzir] shoot - shot - shot [atirar; filmar] show - showed - shown [mostar, exibir] shrink - shrank - shrunk [encolher] shut - shut - shut [fechar] sing - sang - sung [cantar] sink - sank - sunk [afundar] sit - sat - sat [sentar] slay - slew - slain [matar, assassinar] sleep - slept - slept [dormir] slide - slid - slid [deslizar, escorregar]

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feed - fed - fed [alimentar] feel - felt - felt [sentir] fight - fought - fought [lutar] find - found - found [encontrar] flee - fled - fled [fugir, escapar] fly - flew - flown [voar; pilotar] forbid - forbade - forbidden [proibir] forget - forgot - forgotten [esquecer] forgive - forgave - forgiven [perdoar] freeze - froze - frozen [congelar] get - got - gotten [obter] give - gave - given [dar] go - went - gone [ir] grind - ground - ground [moer] grow - grew - grown [crescer; cultivar] have - had - had [ter] hear - heard - heard [ouvir] hide - hid - hidden [esconder] hit - hit - hit [bater, atingir] hold - held - held [segurar; abraçar] hurt - hurt - hurt [ferir, machucar; magoar] keep - kept - kept [manter] know - knew - known [saber; conhecer] lay - laid - laid [pôr; botar ovos] lead - led - led [liderar] leave - left - left [deixar, partir] lend - lent - lent [emprestar] let - let - let [deixar] lie - lay - lain [deitar]

speak - spoke - spoken [falar] spend - spent - spent [gastar] spin - spun - spun [fazer girar] spit - spit / spat - spit / spat [cuspir] spread - spread - spread [espalhar; disseminar, difundir] spring - sprang - sprung [saltar] stand - stood - stood [ficar em pé; suportar] steal - stole - stolen [furtar] stick - stuck - stuck [fincar, enfiar] sting - stung - stung [picar, ferroar] stink - stank - stunk [feder] strike - struck - struck [golpear; atacar] strive - strove - striven [esforçar-se] swear - swore - sworn [jurar] sweep - swept - swept [varrer] swim - swam - swum [nadar] swing - swung - swung [balançar] take - took - taken [tomar] teach - taught - taught [ensinar; lecionar] tear - tore - torn [rasgar] tell - told - told [contar] think - thought - thought [pensar] throw - threw - thrown [jogar, atirar] undergo - underwent - undergone [submeter-se a] understand - understood - understood [entender] uphold - upheld - upheld [sustentar; apoiar] wear - wore - worn [vestir; usar (roupa)] win - won - won [vencer] wind /uaind/ - wound /uaund/ - wound /uaund/ [enrolar; dar corda] write - wrote - written [escrever]