Isu pembelajaran 1. Jelaskan mengenai eritropoisis! (2,8) 2. Jelaskan mengenai fungsi komponen darah! (5,9) 3. Jelaskan mengenai sintesis Hb! (3,4) 4. Jelaskan mengenai metabolisme besi dalam tubuh! (11, 10) 5. Thalasemia a. Definisi (1,6) b. Epidemiologi (1,6) The thalassemias are a diverse group of genetic diseases characterized by absent or decreased production of normal hemoglobin, resulting in a microcytic anemia. The alpha-thalassemias are concentrated in Southeast Asia, Malaysia, and southern China. The beta-thalassemias are seen primarily in the Mediterranean, Africa, and in Southeast Asia. Due to global migration patterns, there is an increase in the incidence of thalassemia in North America, primarily because of immigration from Southeast Asia. Like with sickle cell anemia, development of thalassemia is directly related to evolutionary pressure secondary to malaria. c. Etiologi (7,2) d. Faktor resiko (7,2) e. Klasifikasi (3,5) f. Patofisiologi (4,8) g. Manifestasi klinik (9,11) h. Diagnosis (6,7) i. Tatalaksana (10, 1) j. Prognosis (2,5) k. Edukasi (3,11) 6. Jelaskan mengenai anemia! (4,10) 7. Anemia hemolitik kronik a. Definisi (8,9) b. Epidemiologi (8,9) c. Etiologi (6, 5) d. Faktor resiko (6, 5) Recent articles have noted that intravenous immunoglobulin G (IVIG) therapy given during pregnancy, [13] the contrast medium iomeprol, [14] and mitral valve replacement [15] can cause hemolysis. Hereditary disorders may cause hemolysis as a result of erythrocyte membrane abnormalities, enzymatic defects, and hemoglobin abnormalities. Hereditary disorders include the following: Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency Hereditary spherocytosis Sickle cell anemia Acquired causes of hemolysis include the following:


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Page 1: PD PEMICU 2

Isu pembelajaran1. Jelaskan mengenai eritropoisis! (2,8)2. Jelaskan mengenai fungsi komponen darah! (5,9)3. Jelaskan mengenai sintesis Hb! (3,4)4. Jelaskan mengenai metabolisme besi dalam tubuh! (11, 10)5. Thalasemia

a. Definisi (1,6)b. Epidemiologi (1,6)

The thalassemias are a diverse group of genetic diseases characterized by absent or decreased production of normal hemoglobin, resulting in a microcytic anemia. The alpha-thalassemias are concentrated in Southeast Asia, Malaysia, and southern China. The beta-thalassemias are seen primarily in the Mediterranean, Africa, and in Southeast Asia. Due to global migration patterns, there is an increase in the incidence of thalassemia in North America, primarily because of immigration from Southeast Asia. Like with sickle cell anemia, development of thalassemia is directly related to evolutionary pressure secondary to malaria.

c. Etiologi (7,2)d. Faktor resiko (7,2)e. Klasifikasi (3,5)f. Patofisiologi (4,8)g. Manifestasi klinik (9,11)h. Diagnosis (6,7)i. Tatalaksana (10, 1)j. Prognosis (2,5)k. Edukasi (3,11)

6. Jelaskan mengenai anemia! (4,10)7. Anemia hemolitik kronik

a. Definisi (8,9)b. Epidemiologi (8,9)c. Etiologi (6, 5)d. Faktor resiko (6, 5)

Recent articles have noted that intravenous immunoglobulin G (IVIG) therapy given during pregnancy, [13] the contrast medium iomeprol,[14] and mitral valve replacement[15] can cause hemolysis.

Hereditary disorders may cause hemolysis as a result of erythrocyte membrane abnormalities, enzymatic defects, and hemoglobin abnormalities. Hereditary disorders include the following:

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency Hereditary spherocytosis Sickle cell anemia

Acquired causes of hemolysis include the following:

Immune disorders Toxic chemicals and drugs [3, 16]

Antiviral agents (eg, ribavirin [17] ) Physical damage Infections [18]

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) can be due to warm or cold autoantibody types and, rarely, mixed types.[12, 19, 20] Most warm autoantibodies belong to the immunoglobulin IgG class. These antibodies can be detected by a direct Coombs test, which also is known as a direct antiglobulin test (DAT). AIHA may occur after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The 3-year cumulative incidence in this population has been reported at 4.44%.[21]

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Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, which results in the production of fragmented erythrocytes (schistocytes), may be caused by any of the following[22, 23] :

Defective prosthetic cardiac valves Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)

In paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, hemolysis is due to intravascular complement-mediated destruction of erythrocytes.

e. Patofisiologi (7,1)f. Manifestasi klinik (2,3)g. Diagnosis (4, 11)h. Tatalaksana (8, 10)i. Prognosis (6,9)The prognosis for patients with hemolytic anemia depends on the underlying cause. Overall, mortality rates are low in hemolytic anemias. However, the risk is greater in older patients and patients with cardiovascular impairment. Morbidity depends on the etiology of the hemolysis and the underlying disorder, such as sickle cell anemia or malaria.j. Edukasi (1,5)

8. Perbedaan anemia defisiensi besi dan anemia defisiensi asam folat (2,4)9. Indikasi transfusi darah (3, 11,8)10. Hubungan riwayat ibu anemia selama kehamilan dengan kasus bayi tersebut (7,9)11. Penyebab splenomegali pada kasus (6,10)12. Hubungan BBLR pada kasus (1, 4)13. Pemeriksaan lanjutan yang diperlukan pada kasus (5, 10, 8)14. Interpretasi data pemicu dan data tambahan (3, 6, 11)15. Tatalaksana dan edukasi pada kasus (termasuk edukasi asi ekslusif yaa) (7, 2, 9)

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