Pediculosis Corporis By: Margallo, Juvy Venezuela, Maria Grenaiel C. Definition and Overview Also known as body lice.

Pediculosis Corporis

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Margallo, Juvy

Venezuela, Maria Grenaiel C.

Definition and Overview Also known as body lice.

Body lice are small, parasitic insects that liveon the body and in the clothing and bedding of those who are infested. Body lice feed off small amounts of blood that is sucked which can cause itching, irritation and infection.

Definition and Overview

In the United States, body lice are common and most prevalent in homeless people and transients who may not have regular access to laundry equipment, showers or changes of clean clothes.

Causative agent

The body louse (pediculus humanus corporis) follows a similar developmental and maturation pattern as the head louse. The adult body louse will then feed on the skin of the body of the infected individual but dwells andlays its eggs in the seamsof the individuals clothing and/or bedding.

Etiology Body lice live mostly in the clothing and feed offtheir hosts once or twicea day. Infestations of body lice spread easily incrowded conditions where hygiene is poor.

Risk Factors Participation in day care centers

Living in a nursing home Poor personal hygiene

Living conditions with poor sanitation

Warm, humid environments

Conditions that cause weakening of the immune system

Incubation Period P. corporis: 6-10days


Symptoms Intense itching Redness and crusting Rashes Red welts on the skin General darkening and thickening of skin

Infestation in one’s clothing and bedding


Pigmentation and honey crust of secondary pyoderma (a bacterial skin inflammation marked by pus-filled lesion)

Bacterial infection

Mode of transmission

Body lice are spread through direct contact with the body, clothing or other personal items of a person already carrying lice. Transmission of body liceis common where crowdsof people are in close contact, such as in schools, prisons and trenches.

Diagnostic test

A diagnosis of body lice can be made if the patient is subject to poor hygiene, lack of laundry facilities and skin itching and irritation with lice eggs,called nits, and lice themselves being present on the body and body hair, as well as in the clothing of the individual.


Medicated shampoos for head lice can be used on the body, but only with caution and should not be applied to sensitive areas such as the face,genital area, and anus. Medications should be applied according to the directions on the bottle or advice of a physician. Delousing agents (a type of pesticide) may be required for patients with excessive body hair. This may include pyrethrin or permethrin as well as Kwell which contains the insecticide lindane.

Nursing intervention

Body lice are easily treated with improved hygiene practices. Patients should take a hot shower and have a clean change of clothes. Infected clothing should be discarded or burned. If this is not an option, body lice in clothing and bedding can be killed if laundered in strong soap and hot water with temperatures exceeding 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

Nursing diagnosis Alteration in comfort

Impaired skin integrity

Risk for infection

Body image disturbance

Sleep disturbance

Knowledge deficit

Additional information

According to the Centersfor Disease Control, body lice can spread diseases such typhus, trench fever, and louse-borne relapsing fever. Ifit gets out of control, body lice can be responsible for epidemics.

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