L iste ni ng Se ction In this section of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each p art. Part I  Question one to three Directions: For each question you will see a picture in your test book and you will hear four short statements. These statements will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers sa y. When you hear the four statements, look at the picture in your test book and choose the statement that  best describes what you see in the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer. Look at the sample below.  Now listen to the four statements A. The are many houses near the river. B. The man is fishing in the lake. C. The men are sitting on the beach. D. The are boats in the sea. Sample answer A B C D Choice (C) “The men are sitting on the beach .”-- best describes what you see in the picture. Therefore, you should choose answer (C). 1.

Penjajakan Bantul 1. 2012-2013. Paket 1.A

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L istening Section 

In this section of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.

There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part I 

Question one to three

Directions: For each question you will see a picture in your test book and you will hear four short

statements. These statements will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so

you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.

When you hear the four statements, look at the picture in your test book and choose the statement that

 best describes what you see in the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the questionand mark your answer. Look at the sample below.

 Now listen to the four statements

A.  The are many houses near the river.

B.  The man is fishing in the lake.

C.  The men are sitting on the beach.D.  The are boats in the sea.

Sample answer A B C D

Choice (C) “The men are sitting on the beach.”-- best describes what you see in the picture.Therefore, you should choose answer (C).


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Part II 

Question four to seven

Directions: In this part of the test you will hear a question spoken in English, followed by threeresponses, also spoken in English. The question and responses will be spoken two times. They will not

 be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have

to choose the best response to each question.

 Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear: Sample answer 

X : Are you going to the Seminar?

A.  It was very well organized.B.  No, He forgot to register.

C.  I should but I have other plans.

The best response to the question” Are you going to the Seminar?” is choice( C ), “ I should but I have other plans.” 

Therefore, you should choose answer ( C )

4.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

5.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

6.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

7.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

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Part III 

Question eight to eleven.

Directions: In this part of the test you will hear several short conversations. The conversations will not

 be printed in your test book. You will hear the conversations two times. So you must listen carefully to

understand what the speakers say.

In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by

four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

8. What time does the woman go to work?

A.  5 a.m.

B.  6 a.m.

C.  7 a.m.

D.  5 p.m. 

9. What will the man have for his meal?

A.  Sirloin steak.

B.  Sweet shrimp.

C.  Baked tuna.

D.  Fruit salad.

10. What will the man possibly do after the semester test?

A.  Travelling.

B.  Studying hard.

C.  Passing the test.

D.  Getting good grades.

11. What did the woman possibly do at 8 p.m.?

A.  Calling the man.

B.  Working on her report.

C.  Going to bed.

D.  Answering the man’s call.

Part IV 

Question twelve to fi f teen 

Directions: In this part of the test you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken two times.They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember 

what is said.

In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will befollowed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your 

answer sheet.

Question number twelve and thirteen are based on the following instruction.

12. What is the instruction about?A.  Hanging up a call.

B.  Dialing a phone number.

C.  Making a call.

D.  Lifting a phone handset.

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13. According to the instruction, what should you do if you misdial a phone number?

A.  Finish talking.

B.  Lift the handset.

C.  Hang up and restart.

D.  Dial the number again directly.

Question number fourteen to fifteen are based on the following announcement.

14. Where will you probably hear the announcement?

A.  At a bus station.

B.  At a restaurant.

C.  At a railway station.

D.  At an airport.

15. Who should not board first?A.  Children.

B.  Adults.

C.  Old people.

D.  Handicapped persons.


Question 16 – 30, choose the appropriate answer.

16.  Andi : what do you think about the next examination? It will have 20 types of test.

Budi: …

A.  In my opinion we can do the exam successfully if we prepare it well.

B.  Don’t worry we have done the examination well.

C.  Sure, we will have 20 types of test item.

D.  I guess you will pass the examination.

17.  Teacher : Good morning everybody, …. 

Students : what is the agenda today?

A.  Sweep the floor before class begins.

B.  Sit down and open your book.

C.  We have an examination today.

D.  Leave the class one by one.

18.  Susi : Sorry, the kitchen is very dirty!

Tuti : Yeah, I know, you are very busy today…. Susi : That’s a good idea, I still have many job. 

A.  Why don’t you ask the housekeeper to clean it now? 

B.  Let’s go to the restaurant. 

C.  I’m sorry I can’t clean it.

D.  What should I do?

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19.  Andi : Budi, do you know where Heru is?

Budi : Well, it’s better for you to go to the library .... Andi : Thanks, see you later.

A.  He is usually in the library.

B.  Yes, he was here yesterday.

C.  He worked in the yard.

D.  Sorry, I don’t know. 

20.  Shopkeeper : May I help you?Arif : Yes, I want to buy a belt. Do you have some?

Shopkeeper : Sure, We have a good collection of belts here they are. ….? 

Arif : The black one, please.

A. How many do you want

B. Which one do you like

C. What do you like

D. What color is it

21.  Rini: I’ve just bought this IPad and I still confused how to use it.

Who do you think can tell how to operate it?Kevin: … he works at a phone service. 

A. You should read a book 

B. Axel can ask for your helpC. You should buy a manual book 

D. Axel might be able to help you.

22.  Anita : Have you decided to join the singing contest?

Puri : Not yet. What do you think?

Anita : … it is a chance to show your ability.  Puri : O.K. Thanks for your support.

A. If you didn’t join, you would loss. 

B. If I were you, I would join it.C. I wish I could join it

D. I wish you would win

23.  Dendi : This coffee is delicious. It’s not our usual brand, …? Hendi : No, it isn’t. I bought it at a new gourmet coffee shop.

A. Isn’t it 

B. Is it

C. Does itD. Doesn’t it 

24.  Indri: Did you make your donut sukun presentation?

Dyah: Yes, I made the presentation yesterday afternoon. I was very nervous, but everything

went well.Indri: Did the management give you any feedback?

Dyah: Yes, I met him after the presentation and …. 

A.  The management had a tied decision.

B.  He was impressed with my work.C.  The presentation was very good.

D.  He complained about our report

25.  Rani : Hi, Deny. You look serious. What are you reading anyway?Deni: I’m reading the news about another plane crash. It’s so terrible. Look at this picture! 

Rani : … it was predicted that all the passengers and crews were killed.

A.  Let’s browse some information about the flight to the city. B.  Yeah, I had watched it in the morning TV news.

C.  I didn’t know about that news. 

D.  Yes, I know it now.

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26.  Prima: What shall we buy for the Budi’s birthday?Adam: Let’s get a Kenari bird, he loves bird.

Prima: … He has got many kinds of birds. 

A.  I don’t think it’s a good idea. B.  He must be very happy, then.

C.  What about cockatoo bird?

D.  Let’s go to the pet shop. 

27.  Travel agent: Dewangga Tour and travel. How may I help you?

Caller: …. for the 23rd

of this month.

Travel agent: Okay, what is your destination?Caller: Well, I am flying to Bali.

A.  I would like to make a flight reservation

B.  I have reserved a return ticket to BaliC.  We would like to go to Bali

D.  I want to buy tickets

28.  Candra : Hey Ayu, It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? Ayu : Yeah, I wish… 

Candra : Did you see the weather forecast?

Ayu : Unfortunately, it’s supposed to start raining tomorrow night. 

A.  It will be like this every day.

B.  It would be like this every day.

C.  It will have been like this every day.

D.  It would have been like this every day.

29.  Wisnu: What are you going to do after finishing your study in SMK?

Ary: … because my parents don’t have money to support my study and you?Wisnu: I’ll get a job, and continue my study as well. 

A.  I plan to look for a job.

B.  I’m going to apply for a scholarship. 

C.  I finish doing my study soon.

D.  I’ll go to university. 

30.  Rina : I am too tired to finish my homework. And I should finish OSIS report too.

Can you help me with this report?

Dewi : O.K. … after finishing my homework. 

A.  We should present the OSIS report today.B.  I might be going to do it.

C.  I have already finished it.

D.  I have something to do.

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Question 31 to 35, choose the inappropriate structure in the sentences below.

31.  Shop assistant: There are two colors available for this shirt, light blue and red.


What one do you prefer, sir?


Mr. Affandi: I’ll take the later one, please. It suits my dark trousers.C D

32.  Santi : How will I be able to identify the HRD manager? Does he wear glasses?


Diana : No, he doesn’t. He’s very tall with thick black hair. He’s got dimples on his


cheeks. He always carry his green suitcase.


33.  Go to the front desk of the hotel. If you have a reservation under your name, you’ll usually


needed some identification to verify your name. If you don’t, ask whether they have any rooms

C  D


34.  Jaya Ancol Dreamland Park is a recreation area located on the coast of Jakarta gulf. People are


interesting to visit Ancol since it has a number of different recreation facilities, such as Sea

 B C

World Indonesia, Ancol Marina Bay, Dunia Fantasy, Gelanggang Samudera, and Atlantis

Water Adventure. Other interesting places nearby Ancol Dreamland Park are Mangga Dua

DSquare and Kota Tua.

35.  Take a good care of your health. You should drink enough water and consume healthy food.A B C

Prevention is the best than treatment.


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Number 36 to 37 refer to the following memo.

36. A.

  beginB.  began

C.  begun

D.  be gone

37. A. tempo 

B. temporare 

C. temporary 

D. temperament

Number 38 to 40 refer to the following advertisement.

38. A. had

B. has

C. haveD. to have

39. A. inB. on

C. atD. of 

40. A. qualify

B. qualifies

C. qualified

D. to qualify

To : Residents of Prairie Green Apartments

From : Joan Sukartono, property manager 

Date : December 12, 2012Sbject : Painting of buildings

On December 17 our building services contractors will ... (36) repainting Prairie Green’s apartment buildings. Most of their work will take place Monday through Friday between the hours of 10:00

A.M and 4:00 P.M. Please remove all objects from your windows and balconies before December 

17 and avoid touching the buildings outside walls while the painting is being done.’ You should also be cautious when leaving and entering your apartment during this time as the

 painters’ ladders might block access to doorways and steps.

We apologize for this ... (37) inconvenience, but we trust that you will be pleased with the result!

Multinational company seeks HRD Manager for its office products division. Candidate

must ... (38) 5 years experience in HRD and management ... (39) the field and the

ability to motivate and train incoming HRD staff. Good salary and benefits package.

C ... (40) candidates should send their resumes to: The Daily News, Box 8552, 1627

Elm Street, Adelaide, Australia 

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Questions 41 to 43 refer to the following job description.

Reporters mostly report news and events from the place where it is happening. They

 play an investigative role too, as their job involves investigating stories, recordingstatements of witnesses and collecting all the necessary information that will make for a

good news story. Radio and television reporters report news from the scene of news in

real time and in front of a camera. Reporters are generally assigned a specific beat, likecrime, sports, etc., or they are assigned general assignments.

Adapted from: http://careers.stateuniversity.com

41. What is the text about?A.  Recording statements of witnesses.

B.  How to investigate cases.

C.  Reporters’ main jobs. D.  A good news story.

42. “... and collecting all the necessary information  that will make for a good news story”. 

What is the synonym of the underlined word?

A.  Numbers.

B.  Witness.C.  Letters.

D.  Data.

43. What is NOT included in a reporters’ job? A.  Gather necessary information.

B.  Manipulate information.

C.  Investigating a case.D.  Record statements.

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Questions 44 to 46 refer to the following application letter

Smarc & Co.

729 Lane StreetLondon 22710

Dear Human Resources Director:I read your advertisement in London News announcing that you require a programmer 

for your next project in Singapore. I would like to apply for the position you offer.

I understand that Smarc & Co. Has grown rapidly and spreaded the business to Aseancountries. I am a fresh graduate of LINK Institute of Technology in Atlanta. Even so, I served

as a computer consultant at my university’s computer center for the last two years where I

helped train computer users on new systems.I will be available at any time for an interview to discuss how my qualification and

experience match your needs. Should you need further information, you can reach me at (890)

2115722 or at [email protected]

Sincerely yours,

Sara Sara Johnson

44.  What is the purpose of the letter?A.  to inquire information about a job.

B.  to make a complaint.

C.  to refuse a job offer.D.  to apply for a job.

45.  What position does the writer apply for?

A.  a programmer.

B.  a computer trainer.

C.  a computer consultant.D.  a Human Resources Director.

46.  Should you need further information, you can reach me at (890) 2115722 or at

[email protected]

The word “reach” can be best replied by ....

A. writeB.  send

C. contact

D. information

Questions 47 to 48 refer to the following company profile.

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47. During what period did Tarstan earn 88 million?

A.  Last year 

B.  This year 

C.  The first half of the year 

D.  The last quarter of the year

48. Compared to last year, how did Tarstan perfom this year?A.  Poorly

B.  Comparably

C.  ImpressivelyD.  Somewhat better 

Questions 49 to 50 refer to the following advertisement.

49. When will the school help you get a job? 

A.  When you enroll

B.  When you are studying

C.  For a year after graduation

D.  When you have finished the course

50. What should you do if you want to know more?

A.  Visit classes

B.  Call the school

C.  Talk to employers 

D.  Meet some graduates 

Tarstan, Inc., earned 88 million in the fourth quarter, after 

a signifcant loss the previous year. This verifies animpressive comeback for the country’s oldest home – 

appliance manufacturer. For all of this year, Tarstan earned247 million, compared with a loss of 42 million last year.


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