AcademyIE 2013 1 Persuasion for Sales© Persuasion For Sales Fundamentals Workbook

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AcademyIE 2013 1 Persuasion for Sales©

Persuasion For Sales



AcademyIE 2013 2 Persuasion for Sales©

Definition of persuasion:

Table of contents

Part 1—Fundamentals

Self assessment………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 4

VAK test……………….….……………………………………………………………………………………………... 5

Rapport 1…….…………….…………………………………………………………………………………………... 6

VAK word test..……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Pace & Lead questionnaire .……………………………………………………………………………………. 7

Rapport 2……..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

Six principles….………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 9

Six principles exercise………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

Your tools…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

Active listening…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12

Good questions………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13

AcademyIE 2013 3 Persuasion for Sales©

Usually Sometimes Seldom

1) I have a clear objective in mind before I ask someone for something.

□ □ □

2) I tailor my arguments to the values, goals, styles of the person I am trying to influence.

□ □ □

3) When I want something from someone I make it clear to that person how doing it will be in their self-interest.

□ □ □

4) If I were a manager, I’d expect my subordinates to obey my requests because I have the authority in my position.

□ □ □

5) If I want something from someone, I assume that person is intelligent and will respond to logic.

□ □ □

6) I am a good listener.

□ □ □

7) When I want something from someone, I use emotional appeals as well as logical.

□ □ □

8) I use a positive, tactful tone when trying to persuade someone.

□ □ □

9) I am respectful, direct and sincere when trying to persuade someone.

□ □ □

Scoring Key

Questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 3 points for Usually, 2 points for Sometimes, 1 point for Seldom Question 4 3 points for Seldom, 2 points for Sometimes, 1 point for Usually. Sum your total points: 25 or Higher You make effective use of your persuasive resources 22 – 24 You can be more persuasive in your interpersonal relationships Below 22 Indicates that you have room for significant improvement in your oral persuasion skills.

Your score____

Persuasion Self assessment:

AcademyIE 2013 4 Persuasion for Sales©

Introduction This course is designed to teach participants both the art and science of persuasion for sales. Persuasion is a

science as there are learnable principles and it is an art knowing when, how and in what order to apply these


This fundamentals course is divided into six distinct sessions:

Session 1: Introduction

Session 2: Rapport 1

Session 3: Rapport 2

Session 4: Six principles of persuasion

Session 5: Your Tools

Session 6: Asking better questions

What is persuasion?

Persuasion is the process of moving a person or group of people to a

position that they do not currently hold. Some believe it to involve

underhanded or sneaky tactics. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Persuasion is about finding a shared solution. Persuasion is about

compromise….or at least the illusion of compromise.

Why do we need it?

According to the Harvard Business Review the days of ‘command and

control are over’. Leading a team in business can no longer be done

through fear. Technology has pushed business on to a point where

employees ask not only what they should do but why they should do it.

In sales, the customer is bombarded daily with advertisements and

special offers. These days you cannot sell anything to anyone….the customer has to discover that they want what you

have to sell. Persuasion is the key to moving people to this conclusion.

How do we do it?

Persuasion techniques by themselves are not much use unless you understand how people communicate. If you

understand how you yourself communicate first you can then

project this knowledge onto others so that you can break

down their style of communicating and persuade more


When do we do it?

Persuasion techniques that we are about to reveal to you can

be used in all walks of life. In your personal life, your business

life and especially in sales. However, we would suggest that

you start small, digest the information a little bit at a time and

use this and the next workbook as a reference that you can

refer back to as you become more comfortable with the


AcademyIE 2013 5 Persuasion for Sales©

Exercise - V.A.K.

1. When learning how to use my computer, I prefer to:

A. Read the manual first

B. Have someone explain how to do it first

C. Just start using the computer and get help if I need it

2. When getting directions to a new location, it is easier to:

A. Look at a map

B. Have someone tell me how to get there

C. Follow someone or have them take me there

4. For relaxation, I prefer to:

A. Read a book or magazine

B. Listen to or play music

C. Go for a walk or do something physical

5. I am better at:

A. Reading

B. Talking

C. Physical activities

7. I tend to be a:

A. Thinker

B. Talker

C. Doer

8. It is easier for me to remember:

A. Faces

B. Names

C. Events

9. On Saturday, I would prefer to:

A. See a movie

B. Go to a concert

C. Participate in athletics or be outside

13. When I get lost, I prefer to:

A. Look at the map

B. Call or ask for directions

C. Drive around the area until I recognize familiar landmarks

14. When cooking, I often:

A. Look for new recipes

B. Talk to others to get new ideas

C. Put it together and it generally comes out OK

15. When assembling a new toy or piece of furniture, I usually:

A. Read the instructions first

B. Talk myself through each step

C. Start putting it together and read the directions if I get stuck

16. When solving a problem, it is more useful to:

A. Read a best selling book on the topic

B. Talk over the options with a trusted friend

C. Do something about it

17. Which statement do you like the best:

A. A picture is worth a thousand words

B. Talk to me and I can understand.

C. Just do it.

18. When I was a child, my mother said I:

A. Spent a lot of time reading, taking photos or drawing

B. Had lots of friends and was always talking to someone on the phone

C. Was always taking things apart to see how they worked

Score Your Quiz:

Visual Learners _____ Count the number of A’s

Auditory Learners _____ Count the number of B’s

Kinesthetic/Tactile Learners _____ Count the number of C’s

AcademyIE 2013 6 Persuasion for Sales©

Rapport 1 You are said to be in rapport with someone when you are in synchronisation in your body movements, breathing rate,

words you use, tempo of speech and energy levels. When you meet up with a close friend whom you haven’t seen for a

while, you fall into rapport within minutes. You will find that you unconsciously sit in a similar position, you will lean in

when the other person leans in and you will use similar words. This is natural rapport. Trying to copy a person’s

movement’s gesture for gesture is awkward and obvious. It will make the other person uncomfortable. You do not copy,

you mirror.

Your words

There are three main channels that we communicate through. These are visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. These are also

the same channels that we interpret the world through. Most of us do not have an equal balance between these. We

usually lean heavier on one or two. Listen to the words and expressions others use and incorporate them into your own

vernacular: Below is a list of words, put the letters V (visual), A (auditory) or K (kinaesthetic) or N (neutral) beside each.

Bright Grip Weight Focus

Wavelength Dim Tell Feel

Choose Tone Utter Flow

Ask Insight Transform Glimpse

Cold Think Analyse Educate


Pacing is to follow a person’s movement ‘at a distance’ for want

of a better phrase. If they move forward, wait until a few seconds

passed and then you mirror the movement. For example; If you

are having coffee with a colleague, take a drink just after they do.

As your body movements start to sync up, you can become

quicker with reacting to their movements.


Leading Only when you have paced can you lead. You do this through

regular checks. Change your body language and wait for the

person you are looking to persuade to follow your action. If they

do, then you are now in control of the interaction. If not, go back

a step and pace with them for a while longer.

AcademyIE 2013 7 Persuasion for Sales©

An incident when you failed to get a sale over the line:

What was that like for you?

How did you fail to pace and lead?

If faced with a similar situation now, what aspect of the interaction would you improve on?

What are three key areas that you could pace this other type of person?

What other ideas have come to you as a result of thinking back on this incident?


AcademyIE 2013 8 Persuasion for Sales©

Rapport 2


When it comes to reading people we are generally, as a

rule, quite poor at it. There are however some areas we

can watch to help us to get a an idea of what a person

may be thinking. Everybody communicates verbally and

non verbally.

“We cannot not communicate” - Unknown

We can use the areas of voice quality, speech content,

body language and micro expressions to get an

approximation of a persons inner thought processes.

1. ___________ 2. ___________

3. ___________

4. ___________

5. ___________

6. ___________

7. ___________

We all know how to act when in the company of someone we would prefer not to be in the company of (to put it politely).

We know from a young age how to ‘act appropriately’ so that the unwritten rules of society are upheld. We nod our head

at the right time, we mutter “mmh’s” and “yeah’s” at the right time. Meanwhile we are wondering if we remembered to

take something out of the freezer for dinner!! What if you are suspicious that you are at the receiving end of this

behaviour? We look for the….

AcademyIE 2013 9 Persuasion for Sales©

The Six Principles of Persuasion

1. Reciprocation— give before you get

2. Authority— be the expert

3. Scarcity— if a person can have what you

are offering at any stage then to their

mind, there is no rush and they are more

likely to put it on the long finger

4. Liking— One of the most important

aspects of persuasion and one that is

impossible to fake. It is hard wired into us

to be able to spot when it is being faked

5. Commitment— another word for this is

consistency. We all want to be consistent

to some degree or other with our

previous actions and decisions

6. Social Proof— this is tribal. There is

survival in numbers. If everyone else is

doing it then it must be ok. We trust

those we look up to. We align with their

beliefs and values. i.e. if person x is doing

it then it must be good


Persuasion can be used in all walks of life. The notion that using ‘persuasion techniques’ is

underhanded or devious is inaccurate. We live in an interesting time where we are all connected all of

the time. Persuasion does indeed involve moving people to a position they don’t currently hold, but

not by begging or cajoling and certainly not by deceiving. Persuasion is both a science and an art. There

are learnable principles but knowing when and how to implement these principles can be considered

an art. It involves careful preparation, the proper framing of arguments, the presentation of relevant

supporting evidence, and the effort to find the correct emotional match with your audience.

What principle (or principles) is being applied in each of the following adverts:

A. Give generously to our holiday fund. A homeless child will have a special present and a warm meal, thanks to


B. Smart people like you know a good deal when you see one. So head on down to Toby's Togs for our 50% off sale.

This weekend only.

C. According to a new government report home invasions are on the rise! How can you feel safe in your own home?

Call SAY-fty First today for the best home security system available! Voted best security system of 2013 by

Secure4U magazine. Just €29 a month after initial installation fee.

D. The Cinematic cinema is open seven days a week


Which is NOT an example of a persuasion technique?


AcademyIE 2013 10 Persuasion for Sales©

Distorted thinking

A) I haven’t made a sale in two weeks. I’ve lost it …………………………...

B) I could have enjoyed the picnic except the chicken was burnt …………………………...

C) You're either for me or against me …………………………...

D) He's always smiling, but I know he doesn’t like me …………………………...

E) Ever since Lisa I've never trusted a redhead …………………………...

Identify the distorted thinking style:

AcademyIE 2013 11 Persuasion for Sales©

Your Tools—Story Creation

What are the 2/3 emotions that this story will evoke?




Who are the characters and how do they relate to the story?




What is the storyline? (beginning, middle, end)




What issue does the story raise?




How does it solve this issue?




What are the details of the story that matter (weather/time etc.)




Where are the spaces for the audience to make connections?




AcademyIE 2013 12 Persuasion for Sales©

Where are you at present?



Where do you want to go? (Make this an SMART goal)



How are you going to get there?

Part 1 – What tools & resources will you use or develop to achieve this goal?



Part 2 – Create a list of very specific steps, in order, with due dates that you will take to achieve your goal.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________________

What are the negative consequences if you don’t follow through?




Setting SMART goals

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