pg 31 Suzugamori no iroiro 鈴ケ森 のいろいろ

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  • 8/8/2019 pg 31 Suzugamori no iroiro


    Tokyo Kabukiza Monthly Kabuki Review No. 64 54 15-55 1(Shwa 5 nen 15th!"#il 1$tMay 1%&'

    .. ()

    Suzugamori no iroiro .... Atsumi Seitar ... (sanjichi)Suzugamori Execution Ground this and that ..Atsumi Seitar .... (!")

    Atsumi Seitar ("#$%&"$'$) as Assistant Editor o Engei Gaho and theatre critic

  • 8/8/2019 pg 31 Suzugamori no iroiro


  • 8/8/2019 pg 31 Suzugamori no iroiro


  • 8/8/2019 pg 31 Suzugamori no iroiro


    Note* +his artic,e ta-es the orm o a conersation /eteen (A) and (0)+he ies ex1ressed in this artic,e are those o the author Atsumi Seitar and not those o the trans,atorA ,ist o tit,es o 1,a2s is inc,uded at the end o this document

    +he irst section is transcri/ed rom the origina, artic,e (a/oe) and is in the 3a1anese scri1t o the "$!4s+he second section is an Eng,ish trans,ation

    (A) , !"#$%%&', (')*+',(0) (-./&'(A) *01, (2.3/43567898:;?@1AB,,CDEFGBHI@JCAB,K.LMN@OB, PQRS@TUV,(0) WX@O4YZD, [\JB&\]^_`abcdef, ghfij1k.4, lm7no4pCqrc(A)st@u_cvw(0) axycijz{|},>,1~Df,

  • 8/8/2019 pg 31 Suzugamori no iroiro


    (0) JDB,JC,YZ5,B,, EGB&'@1.4J4,!5@w"#ZZ,c#$(A) %&D(0)'()'$*(, wf, +WX.,, [email protected]()'./.407(cD5 p4c,17C(A) 5\,&'cWX@p, 2(0) 34@4,EGB56c347'89f&:;ZWX?4C,5c@DABABCDLEDfJCf,

  • 8/8/2019 pg 31 Suzugamori no iroiro


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  • 8/8/2019 pg 31 Suzugamori no iroiro


    (0) XZwf~= (3K'C3) Z(34dr9f&(,5~=4C0@^.f5

  • 8/8/2019 pg 31 Suzugamori no iroiro


    (A) As an oender it isnt rea,,2 suita/,e or him to /e s1orting maegami/o2s@ hairst2,e ith cornered ore,oc-s is it8

    (0) e as rea,,2 a senior ,o2a, retainer. is Bnc,e5 ho as /ecoming the head o the ami,25 as 1,otting something. e a11eared to /einning Gon1achi oer as an a,,2. Gon1achi as remonstrating ith him somehat and the2 ere una/,e to reach an agreement. 6t is said thathe as una/,e to get his Bnc,e to sto1 and that this as er2 simi,ar to one o the man2 stor2,ines.

    (A) +hat rea,,2 as the situation out o hich Suzugamori dee,o1ed5 though hen that ha11ened is a matter o de/ate.

    (0) 6ts not er2 e,, -non is it8 +he encounter /eteen 7h/ei and Gon1achi as a,read2 a/sent rom 1,a2s in the o,den da2s and this asem1hatica,,2 eident in the st2,e o the Gida2 jruri recitation accom1anied /2 a shamisen. 6n the seenth month o the 2ear Anei # ("CC$) atthe 0izenza +heatre9 the Gida2 ca,,ed Deguro i2o-u&zu-a (+he oers Demoria, at Deguro) as 1erormed. :a/u-i as ,eaning toardsrecounting the stor2 and the ,arge Fai 0uden Setsu dance stage as /eing ado1ted at the time. Gon1achis decision to run aa2 rom his=roince and turn u1 in Edo as made or the right reasons. e entered the :aasa-i +eahouse /ecause he needed to rest. +he /oss 7h/eiho as trae,,ing /ac- and orth arries and as com1,ete,2 charmed /2 the e,, /ehaed 2oung man ith Edo era ore,oc-s. ext cameSuzugamori. Gon1achi cuts don the 1a,an?uin /earers and ,eaes the remains to 7h/ei. +his ro,e5 o oering assistance5 as regarded asim1ortant. B,timate,2 thats hat turned out to /e5 and hat continues to /e5 the same 1,ot o Suzugamori. +he2 drin- each others /,ood and/ecome sorn /rothers. e as ?uite ,itera,,2 an extreme,2 disagreea/,e /oss asnt he8 +his seems t21ica, o the cu,ture o the Anei era.

    90izenza +heatre as a 1u11et theatre ,ocated in the 1,easure district o Sa-ai&ch near ihon/ashi 0ridge rom "HH"&"C#$

    (A) A thought struc- me that i thats ho it as then its exact,2 the same no. An area that 6e gien a great dea, o consideration to is horea, the re,ationshi1 as /eteen 7h/ei and Gon1achi.

    (0) Someho the aorementioned Gida2 encom1asses this and seems to signa, the /eginnings o Suzugamori. o characteristic it is or thesense o iso,ation to /e em1hasised /2 the st2,e o :a/u-i.

    (A) 6t is in the /eginnings o that dee,o1ment hich /ecame a cha,,enge or the st2,e o :a/u-i.

    (0) +he o,d 1,ace here it had its /eginnings is 1erha1s not that e,, -non. >e,, then 6 read a/out this m2sterious 1,ace it as on theoccasion o the second month o +enmei # ("C##) hen :eisei Azuma :agami (A 7ourtesans Dirror o the East)* as 1erormed in the o,dst2,e at the :iriza +heatre99. 6t as ritten /2 the Authors Associations ounder Sa-urada 3isu-e 6

    9 starred Datsumoto :shir 6I as 0anzui 7h/ei99+he:iriza+heatre as ,ocated in the Jotsu2a district o Edo (no +-2)

    (A) >e,, then i e assume that the Gida2 arrangement is dated Anei # ("CC$) and the :a/u-i 1roduction is dated +enmei # ("C##) then the:a/u-i st2,e ersion is a co12 o the Gida2 arrangement isnt it8,_Toyonobu,_1740s,_signed_Meij%C3%B4d%C3%B4_Ishikawa_Sh%C3%BBha_Toyonobu_zu,_MFA.jpg,_Toyonobu,_1740s,_signed_Meij%C3%B4d%C3%B4_Ishikawa_Sh%C3%BBha_Toyonobu_zu,_MFA.jpg
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    0unsei H ("#%!) 6chimuraza +heatre 1erormance6chi-aa Fanjr I66 as 7h/ei

    6ai :umesa/ur 6 (,ater 6ai anshir I) as Gon1achi

    (A) +hough its not -non or deinite5 1erha1s somehere around the same time5 7h/ei and Gon1achis encounter scene as co1ied.

    (A) and its the same in that Gon1achi -i,,s his unc,e.

    (0) 6t asnt the Bnc,e. Kn this occasion it 1roed to /e his athers riend. +here as regretta/,e misunderstanding /ut /e this as it ma2 6aiBnai as -i,,ed. +he situation hich remained as to do ith -i,,ing onj Su-eda2u99 oer a mista-e ith a 1a1er ,antern.

    99 onj Su-eda2u as the unc,e o and as -i,,ed /2 Shirai Gon1achi5 the reason or Gon1achis ,ight

    (A) +he rea, encounter at SuzugamoriL o as it done8

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    (0) +he ,ocation o this 1articu,ar scri1t as not at Suzugamori5 it as at Dount a-one.

    (A) Dount a-one8

    (0) ho 1erormed the ro,e o 7h/ei8

    (0) 6t as Datsumoto :shir 6I9. +hough its 1ossi/,e he 1,a2ed the Suzugamori 7h/ei it seems his reason or starting in the ro,e as

    /ecause in the ear,2 stages the scri1t reo,ed around the Dount a-one ,ocation. Ater that the Gida2 arrangement as co1ied com1,ete,2or Suzugamori. 6t can /e said ith conidence that the itticisms 1reious,2 mentioned ere as a resu,t o a 1re1arator2 consu,tation /eteenDatsumoto :shir 6I and Sa-urada 3isu-e 6. 6t ou,d a11ear that on this occasion the2 had 2et to com1,ete their or-.

    9 Kne o Datsumoto :shir 6Is /est ro,es as as 0anzui 7h/ei

    (A) +hen the scri1t that is used noada2s is not ,i-e it as then. o ,ong did it ta-e to com1,ete8


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    (A) Gien a,, that5 can e rea,,2 /e sure that the author tru,2 as an/o-u8


  • 8/8/2019 pg 31 Suzugamori no iroiro


    9 a/out the attem1ted execution o ichiren at +atsu no :uchi in Sagami =roince. +he execution as interru1ted /2 hat as 1ro/a/,2 ameteorite /urning /right,2 in the atmos1here.

  • 8/8/2019 pg 31 Suzugamori no iroiro


    here Soga enters the 1,ace ca,,ed Shigitatsu Saa (Fa,e o the oodcoc-)99 at Ssh rom here Gon1achi5 ho has -i,,ed onjSu-eda2u5 is esca1ing. (Soga no) a-omaru999 is a,so esca1ing5 coming rom a descent o Dount a-one. +he to associates are earingsimi,ar noshimecostumes5 -imonos made o intertined si,- and cotton thread. 6t is said that their unusua, a11earance as 1,anned. +hese toexchange their 1a,an?uins. hite i,t Sord 3i--o-uemon. +his ro,e as 1,a2ed /2 Knoe :i-ugor 666 ho had 1reious,2

    1,a2ed the ro,e o Gon1achi. +here as no one rom the acting trou1e 1,a2ing a ro,e simi,ar to that o 7h/ei. A character ith a simi,ar nameas incor1orated. +he other 1,a2s that ere 1erormed or the 1eo1,e o Msa-a ere the encounter at 6ta/ashiin Kmoa-u :urua :atagi(Ex1ectations o the icensed Ouarters) 99999 and the encounter at Dount a-one in Shirai Gon1achi Joshiara ga Joi (Shirai Gon1achi isitsthe Joshiara Ouarter). 0oth had ,ocations that had /een changed. 6n the 1,a2s that ere 1erormed in Msa-a the encounter at Suzugamorididnt a11ear. 6n the 1,a2s that o,,oed su/se?uent,2 in Edo Shirai Gon1achi did a11ear and ithout exce1tion in :eihan (:2t&Msa-a) ShiraiGon1achi did a11ear. Genera,,2 the true stor2 as to,d.
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    9 most other sources gie the C thmonth as date hen the 1erormance too- 1,ace99 Btsuno2a +ge is re1orted as haing its 1remiere in "#'H999 a med,e2 o his ghost ro,es9999 Shiratsu-a (:f- .,) hite 1atterned shar-s-in ra11ed hand,ed sord. +he Shiratsu-a&gumi (Shiratsu-a gang) ere a grou1o @hatamoto&2a--o@5 2oung assa,s in the senior eche,ons o the regime o Shgun +o-ugaa 6etsuna ("HN"&"H#4). +he2 had a re1utation asthuggish dandies5 -2-a-u5 ho s1ent most o their time in the 1,easure ?uarters. Kne o the 1o1u,ar and ashiona/,e trademar-s the2 ado1tedas to hae their sord hi,ts ra11ed in hite thread5 shiratsu-a (hite hi,t sord)999991remiered the eighth month o +enmei # in Msa-a at the ritten /2 ami-i Gohei. 6n this ersion Gon1achi searchesor a missing in- stone

    (A) >e,, Suzugamoris 7h/ei came a/out as a conse?uence. 6n Edo Datsumoto :shir I as the on,2 1erson ho 1erormed the ro,e in ast2,e that as an2thing ,i-e the origina,.

    (0) +hough o course Datsumoto :shir Is 1erormances rea,,2 ere conentiona, it as signiicant that hen :shir died 6chi-aa FanjrI66 inherited his 1o1u,arit2 rom him or his entire stage career. Again5 6chi-aa Fanjr 6P rea,,2 did inherit the same 1o1u,arit2 rom theseenth though toda2 this is not 2et ac-no,edged. Datsumoto :shir I as o another time a,together. 6t as said that though he as athome ith his artistic s-i,, there as an a1titude that it as otherise ho1ed others ou,d inherit rom Fanjr 6P. +hese da2s the setting or7h/ei is tota,,2 ,a,ess isnt it8

    (A) 6ndeed5 in this situation that coniction is the one thing that can /e used /2 the audience to ma-e an assessment.


    +rans,ators note*

    +it,es ,isted

    Suzugamori!":iametsu-i 0anzui 7h/ei (+he ;enoned Banzui 7h/ei).Deguro i2o-u&zu-a (+he oers Demoria, at Deguro):eisei Azuma :agami(A 7ourtesans Dirror o the East)

    :;;eigen Soga no :amiga-i (Dirac,e o the 0am/oo

  • 8/8/2019 pg 31 Suzugamori no iroiro


    >a-ai no Datta (+he Joung >aited)~=i2o-u no 7h aru no Soga&gi-u (A =air o oing 0utter,ies and the Soga 7hr2santhemum in S1ring)|(zL3'))Knoe :i-ugor 6chidai 0anashi (+he ie o Knoe :i-ugor 666)Btsuno2a +ge (+he Btsuno2a =ass)Kmoa-u :urua :atagi (Ex1ectations o the icensed Ouarters):;