7 17 18 21 25 28 45 54 67 68 105 109 113 128 7 12 18 21 27 33 34 35 45 61 63 68 71 92 96 109 110 7 12 15 17 18 21 25 33 34 35 67 68 95 109 110 130 132 7 17 18 21 22 25 45 49 57 68 97 109 110 123 2 7 12 18 19 21 31 47 49 54 68 98 102 109 110 127 7 17 18 21 25 34 39 45 58 67 68 95 99 101 109 110 132 7 12 15 17 18 21 45 58 60 68 74 80 95 99 101 109 110 113 7 15 17 18 21 45 49 58 68 74 80 95 99 101 109 110 113 130 7 12 17 18 21 28 45 49 58 68 74 80 95 99 101 109 110 113 7 17 18 21 34 39 45 58 67 68 95 99 101 109 110 132 7 17 18 21 28 34 39 45 58 67 68 95 99 101 109 110 132 7 17 18 21 27 28 49 51 67 68 105 109 110 113 7 17 18 21 25 28 49 51 68 71 105 109 110 7 18 21 25 27 28 49 51 68 105 109 110 113 7 17 18 21 25 27 28 51 68 105 109 110 113 7 17 18 21 25 27 28 49 51 68 105 109 110 113 7 17 18 21 25 28 49 51 92 105 109 110 113 7 18 21 22 25 32 33 34 35 45 54 68 71 72 92 105 109 113 7 18 21 22 25 32 33 34 35 45 54 68 71 92 105 109 113 7 14 18 19 21 27 45 54 68 102 109 131 7 14 18 19 21 27 45 54 68 71 102 109 7 14 18 19 21 25 45 54 68 102 109 7 14 18 19 21 25 45 54 68 102 109 131 7 17 18 21 33 34 35 39 45 47 49 71 95 99 101 109 110 7 15 17 18 19 21 33 34 35 39 45 49 92 95 99 104 109 7 18 19 21 25 27 45 99 102 109 129 7 18 19 21 22 25 27 45 51 54 67 68 92 109 7 18 19 21 22 25 49 54 68 92 96 99 109 110 7 18 21 25 33 34 35 45 54 91 101 109 113 127 7 18 25 27 32 35 47 54 71 99 102 104 109 110 113 7 18 27 32 47 54 68 71 97 99 102 109 113 6 18 21 25 33 34 35 45 54 72 91 101 109 113 127 7 18 25 32 35 47 68 71 72 97 101 104 109 110 1 7 18 27 28 32 35 47 54 68 71 72 104 109 113 6 18 21 25 33 34 35 45 54 72 91 96 101 109 113 127 7 18 21 25 33 34 35 45 54 72 91 96 101 109 113 127 7 18 21 25 33 34 35 45 72 91 101 109 113 127 7 18 27 28 32 47 54 68 71 72 104 109 113 7 18 21 25 33 34 35 45 54 72 91 101 109 113 127 7 18 25 27 32 35 71 99 102 104 109 110 113 132 7 18 25 32 47 68 71 72 97 101 104 109 110 7 18 21 25 33 34 35 45 47 54 72 91 101 109 113 127 7 17 18 21 22 25 28 41 56 68 97 101 109 110 7 13 15 18 44 59 68 82 83 86 100 103 109 110 115 7 13 15 18 44 59 68 82 83 86 93 100 103 109 110 115 7 13 15 18 44 68 82 83 86 93 100 101 109 110 115 5 10 11 17 18 25 30 34 48 64 65 78 93 102 108 117 5 11 17 18 25 30 34 48 64 65 78 93 102 108 117 5 11 17 18 25 30 34 48 65 71 78 93 102 108 117 5 9 18 20 25 28 30 34 37 39 48 64 68 69 71 85 93 108 112 123 50: Schubert_7 49: Theresita_7 48: WilliamStrong_6 47: Chepli_8 + 2 46: Jemerald_8 + 1 45: Librie_8 44: Nebulous_8 43: Neferthena_8 42: Alakazam_9 41: Hasitha_8 40: Zayuliv_8 + 2 39: Bustleton_6 + 1 38: Koji_6 37: PrincePhergus_6 36: Kauala_6 35: Sinatra_6 34: Lucky3_6 + 1 33: Pikmin_6 + 1 32: Pajaza_6 31: Finny_6 30: MCubed_6 + 1 29: Eleri_6 28: ColaCorta_6 + 3 27: HerculesXL_9 26: Ixel_8 25: Juanyo_6 24: YuuY_6 23: Quartz_6 + 2 22: MonChoix_6 21: Jenos_8 20: GardenB_6 19: Erla_6 + 3 18: Leafus_6 17: Endor_6 16: SonOfLevi_6 + 4 15: AlexAdler_6 + 1 14: Thorongil_6 13: Hamlet_6 + 2 12: Thompsone_6 + 61 11: McGalleon_7 10: Etna_6 + 5 9: SJay_6 + 9 8: Mercedes_7 7: Ziko_42 + 3 6: Fryberger_39 5: Keelan_37 4: 8UZL_9 3: Muddy_9 + 1 2: FF47_09 1: JacoRen57_6 Pham 15199

Pham 15199 - phages.wustl.edu

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Citation preview

7 1718 21 25 28 45 54 6768 105




7 12 18 21 27 333435 45 61 63 68 71 92 96 109


7 12 15 1718 21 25 333435 6768 95 109




7 1718 2122 25 45 49 57 68 97 109



2 7 12 181921 31 47 49 54 68 98 102




7 1718 21 25 34 39 45 58 6768 95 99 101




7 12 15 1718 21 45 5860 68 74 80 95 99 101




7 15 1718 21 45 49 58 68 74 80 95 99 101





7 12 1718 21 28 45 49 58 68 74 80 95 99 101




7 1718 21 34 39 45 58 6768 95 99 101




7 1718 21 28 34 39 45 58 6768 95 99 101




7 1718 21 27 28 4951 6768 105




7 1718 21 25 28 4951 68 71 105



7 18 21 25 27 28 4951 68 105




7 1718 21 25 27 28 51 68 105




7 1718 21 25 27 28 4951 68 105




7 1718 21 25 28 4951 92 105




7 18 2122 25 32333435 45 54 68 7172 92 105



7 18 2122 25 32333435 45 54 68 71 92 105



7 14 181921 27 45 54 68 102



7 14 181921 27 45 54 68 71 102


7 14 181921 25 45 54 68 102


7 14 181921 25 45 54 68 102



7 1718 21 333435 39 45 47 49 71 95 99 101



7 15 17181921 333435 39 45 49 92 95 99 104


7 181921 25 27 45 99 102



7 18192122 25 27 45 51 54 6768 92 109

7 18192122 25 49 54 68 92 9699 109


7 18 21 25 333435 45 54 91 101




7 18 25 27 32 35 47 54 71 99 102





7 18 27 32 47 54 68 71 9799 102



6 18 21 25 333435 45 54 72 91 101




7 18 25 32 35 47 68 7172 97 101




1 7 18 27 28 32 35 47 54 68 7172 104



6 18 21 25 333435 45 54 72 91 96 101




7 18 21 25 333435 45 54 72 91 96 101




7 18 21 25 333435 45 72 91 101




7 18 27 28 32 47 54 68 7172 104



7 18 21 25 333435 45 54 72 91 101




7 18 25 27 32 35 71 99 102






7 18 25 32 47 68 7172 97 101




7 18 21 25 333435 45 47 54 72 91 101




7 1718 2122 25 28 41 56 68 97 101



7 13 15 18 44 59 68 82 83 86 100





7 13 15 18 44 59 68 82 83 86 93 100





7 13 15 18 44 68 82 83 86 93 10010




55 1011 1718 25 30 34 48 6465 78 93 10



75 11 1718 25 30 34 48 6465 78 93 10



75 11 1718 25 30 34 48 65 71 78 93 10



75 9 18 20 25 28 30 34 37 39 48 64 6869 71 85 93 10




50: Schubert_7

49: Theresita_7

48: WilliamStrong_6

47: Chepli_8 + 2

46: Jemerald_8 + 1

45: Librie_8

44: Nebulous_8

43: Neferthena_8

42: Alakazam_9

41: Hasitha_8

40: Zayuliv_8 + 2

39: Bustleton_6 + 1

38: Koji_6

37: PrincePhergus_6

36: Kauala_6

35: Sinatra_6

34: Lucky3_6 + 1

33: Pikmin_6 + 1

32: Pajaza_6

31: Finny_6

30: MCubed_6 + 1

29: Eleri_6

28: ColaCorta_6 + 3

27: HerculesXL_9

26: Ixel_8

25: Juanyo_6

24: YuuY_6

23: Quartz_6 + 2

22: MonChoix_6

21: Jenos_8

20: GardenB_6

19: Erla_6 + 3

18: Leafus_6

17: Endor_6

16: SonOfLevi_6 + 4

15: AlexAdler_6 + 1

14: Thorongil_6

13: Hamlet_6 + 2

12: Thompsone_6 + 61

11: McGalleon_7

10: Etna_6 + 5

9: SJay_6 + 9

8: Mercedes_7

7: Ziko_42 + 3

6: Fryberger_39

5: Keelan_37

4: 8UZL_9

3: Muddy_9 + 1

2: FF47_09

1: JacoRen57_6

Pham 15199

7 15 1718 22 27 3839 49 5455 65 74 77 94 10310




87 16 1718 22 28 36 383940 55 60 65 7374 77 81 10







17 15 1718 22 27 35 3839 65 74 77 81 94 10




87 15 1718 22 27 3839 55 65 77 94 10




87 15 1718 22 27 3839 49 5455 65 74 77 94 10




87 15 1718 22 27 3839 49 55 65 74 77 94 10




87 15 18 22 35 39 44 49 55 81 10





47 15 18 22 35 39 44 49 61 81 10





47 15 18 22 35 39 44 49 81 10





47 15 18 22 35 39 44 49 55 81 10





47 1718 22 28 35 3839 55 61 81 98 10





47 1718 22 28 35 3839 55 81 98 10






47 1718 22 28 35 3839 55 81 10





47 1718 22 35 3839 5455 65 77 9698 10






37 1718 22 35 3839 55 81 10





47 1718 22 28 333536 50 52 54 59 69 79 10







87 15 18 333536 50 59 65 96 10





87 15 18 22 333536 39 50 65 96 10








77 18 22 3335 50 52 61 96 10





47 15 18 333536 50 65 96 10








77 15 18 333536 50 61 65 96 10






77 1718 22 333536 50 52 54 59 65 69 10





87 1718 22 333536 38 50 52 54 59 65 69 10





87 15 18 333536 50 61 65 96 10






77 15 18 333536 50 65 96 10







77 15 18 22 3335 50 61 96 10





87 15 18 333536 50 65 96 10








77 15 18 25 333536 50 61 65 96 10






77 1718 22 333536 50 52 69 10







87 15 1718 22 333536 50 52 65 69 10







87 15 18 333536 50 61 65 96 10







77 18 22 26 3335 39 5961 65 79 94 98 10






47 15 18 28 333536 50 65 96 10







77 15 18 27 333536 55 61 65 98 10






77 15 18 333536 50 65 96 10







77 15 18 333536 50 61 65 96 10






77 15 18 333536 50 65 96 10






73 4 11 25 35 38 42 49 88 90 98 10

93 4 11 25 38 42 49 88 90 98 10

97 1718 24 25 27 36 52 68 70 9910







47 1718 25 27 36 52 68 70 9910





97 1516 18 25 27 36 52 70 77 9910





97 1718 25 27 36 49 52 68 70 9910





97 1516 1718 24 25 27 36 52 70 9910





47 1516 1718 24 25 27 36 52 70 77 9910





47 1516 18 25 27 36 49 52 70 77 9910





47 1516 18 25 27 36 52 70 77 9910





47 1516 18 25 27 36 52 70 77 9910






47 18 2122 32 35 45 54 71 10





07 18 21 32 35 45 54 71 10





100: Malthus_14

99: Boilgate_10

98: Juliette_14 + 2

97: MissDaisy_14 + 2

96: Y2_14 + 2

95: Slarp_14 + 8

94: Hurricane_12

93: MacnCheese_13

92: Keshu_12

91: Pixie_12 + 2

90: TM4_9

89: BoostSeason_9 + 1

88: Findley_9 + 1

87: ZoeJ_9

86: DismalFunk_9 + 2

85: Chris_12

84: Curiosium_14

83: Anaya_14

82: Validus_13

81: Devera_13

80: Spock_13

79: Scarlett_12 + 1

78: KiSi_12 + 1

77: Boiiii_13 + 1

76: Yunkel11_13 + 2

75: Peanam_13 + 2

74: Illumine_13 + 1

73: Beezoo_13 + 1

72: MarkPhew_12

71: Nibb_12

70: BaghaKamala_13 + 1

69: Amelie_9 + 7

68: Stinson_13 + 2

67: LastHope_13

66: CrimD_13 + 3

65: Belladonna_13 + 47

64: SamuelLPlaqson_13 + 3

63: Eileen_6 + 1

62: GlobiWarming_6 + 3

61: Squirty_7

60: Cornucopia_7

59: Frankie_7 + 1

58: Mozy_7

57: Hegedechwinu_7 + 1

56: Plumbus_7 + 2

55: TootsiePop_7 + 1

54: Leozinho_7 + 26

53: Alexphander_7 + 5

52: ChickenKing_6 + 1

51: Cheeto1_7

Pham 15199

6 8 15 18 23 27 31 343536 49 55 75 84 93 99 105





7 8 16 18 2223 34 36 43 49 58 66 73 76 81 8789 93 10010






65 9 1516 1718 20 25 30 34 37 46 64 68 71 93 96 10


27 15 18 22 35 3839 49 54 59 74 81 10






07 15 18 22 3335 50 52 54 62 79 98 10






47 18 22 31 333536 65 98 10






37 15 1718 22 31 33 36 52 54 79 9698 10





87 15 18 22 27 3536 52 62 79 10







87 15 1718 22 333536 50 52 96 10







87 9 18 33 36 44 52 5455 61 79 98 10





47 18 22 333536 98 10







37 18 22 31 333536 55 98 10






37 15 18 22 27 3536 44 52 62 79 10







87 15 18 22 35 39 54 59 65 79 10







87 15 18 22 35 44 54 59 65 79 10






87 11 15 18 22 27 3536 52 62 79 10







87 18 22 27 2931 39 50 52 74 10




87 18 22 27 2931 35 39 50 52 10




87 18 22 27 2931 35 39 50 65 74 10





87 18 22 27 2931 35 39 50 52 10



87 18 22 27 2931 39 50 74 10




87 18 22 27 2931 35 39 50 52 10



87 18 22 27 2931 35 39 50 53 65 7475 10







123: Sparky_6

122: DS6A_11

121: NoShow_8

120: Aminay_11

119: SirPhilip_12

118: Ximenita_13

117: Yuna_13

116: Fefferhead_12

115: Marshawn_14

114: PhelpsODU_12 + 1

113: Krueger_12

112: Cain_12 + 3

111: Ellie_10

110: Ekdilam_10

109: Amohnition_12 + 2

108: Amgine_11

107: Thyatira_11 + 2

106: Kratio_10 + 2

105: Rando14_11

104: Edugator_10 + 2

103: SoSeph_11 + 4

102: AlleyCat_11

101: Omnicron_11

Pham 15199

Note: Tracks are now grouped by subcluster and scaled. Switching in subcluster isindicated by changes in track color. Track scale is now set by default to display theregion 30 bp upstream of start 1 to 30 bp downstream of the last possible start. If thisdefault region is judged to be packed too tightly with annotated starts, the track will befurther scaled to only show that region of the ORF with annotated starts. This actionwill be indicated by adding "Zoomed" to the title. For starts, yellow indicates thelocation of called starts comprised solely of Glimmer/GeneMark auto-annotations,green indicates the location of called starts with at least 1 manual gene annotation.

Pham 15199 Report

This analysis was run 02/01/22 on database version 453.

Pham number 15199 has 375 members, 36 are drafts.

Phages represented in each track:• Track 1 : JacoRen57_6• Track 2 : FF47_09• Track 3 : Muddy_9, Maco6_7• Track 4 : 8UZL_9• Track 5 : Keelan_37• Track 6 : Fryberger_39• Track 7 : Ziko_42, Volt_41, Guey18_44, Ronaldo_42• Track 8 : Mercedes_7• Track 9 : SJay_6, Peep_6, Teagan_6, Renzie_6, Dave_6, Ludgate_6, Bandik_6,Superfresh_6, Antoinette_6, Nagem_6• Track 10 : Etna_6, Stormbreaker8_6, BeeBee8_7, Redfield_6, Schnapsidee_6,Peppino_6• Track 11 : McGalleon_7• Track 12 : Thompsone_6, Chako_6, KannH_6, Stanktossa_6, Alyxandracam_6,Strathdee_6, Tenda_6, Gershwin_6, BonesMcCoy_6, TeddyBear_6, Papafritta_6,Benjalauren_6, Duocatuli_6, Lovelyunicorn_6, AxiPup_6, HanSolo_6, Kale_6,Phireproof_6, StingRay_6, WildNOut_6, Baines_6, Ilzat_6, ParleG_6, Pherferi_6,Espinosa_6, Gubbabump_6, MrWorldwide_6, Dothraki_6, Knox_6, BigRedClifford_6,Riyhil_6, Greys_6, Convict_6, Oxtober96_6, JasperRussell_6, Aubergine_6, Kurt1_6,Phriends_6, Winzigespinne_6, Martin_7, PuppyEggo_6, Velene_6, Sedgewig_6,Ioannes_6, BeautPeep30_6, Clancy_6, TatarkaPM_6, TinSulphur_6, Raptor_6,MaeLinda_6, Pocket_6, PhredFlintston_6, Oats_6, AranulaLuti_6, Shee_6,Inventa_6, MillyPhilly_6, Gargoyle_6, Robinson_6, ManRay_6, Christoph_6, Den3_6• Track 13 : Hamlet_6, Balsa_6, Raccoon_6• Track 14 : Thorongil_6• Track 15 : AlexAdler_6, Zada_6• Track 16 : SonOfLevi_6, Klimt_6, Etta_6, Gelo_6, Chamuel_6• Track 17 : Endor_6• Track 18 : Leafus_6• Track 19 : Erla_6, Calix_6, Nattles_6, Bonino_6• Track 20 : GardenB_6• Track 21 : Jenos_8• Track 22 : MonChoix_6• Track 23 : Quartz_6, Mandalorian_6, Nucci_6• Track 24 : YuuY_6• Track 25 : Juanyo_6• Track 26 : Ixel_8

• Track 27 : HerculesXL_9• Track 28 : ColaCorta_6, Glamour_5, Saratos_6, Andromedas_6• Track 29 : Eleri_6• Track 30 : MCubed_6, Sansa_5• Track 31 : Finny_6• Track 32 : Pajaza_6• Track 33 : Pikmin_6, Casey_6• Track 34 : Lucky3_6, Golden_6• Track 35 : Sinatra_6• Track 36 : Kauala_6• Track 37 : PrincePhergus_6• Track 38 : Koji_6• Track 39 : Bustleton_6, Pherbot_6• Track 40 : Zayuliv_8, QuadZero_8, Zepp_9• Track 41 : Hasitha_8• Track 42 : Alakazam_9• Track 43 : Neferthena_8• Track 44 : Nebulous_8• Track 45 : Librie_8• Track 46 : Jemerald_8, Juicer_8• Track 47 : Chepli_8, KatChan_8, Luna18_8• Track 48 : WilliamStrong_6• Track 49 : Theresita_7• Track 50 : Schubert_7• Track 51 : Cheeto1_7• Track 52 : ChickenKing_6, GaeCeo_7• Track 53 : Alexphander_7, Kingsley_7, Cerasum_7, Sarma624_7, Velveteen_7,BigPhil_7• Track 54 : Leozinho_7, Spikelee_7, Bobi_7, Job42_7, UncleRicky_7, SimranZ1_7,Pollywog_7, OwlsT2W_7, Enby_7, BuzzLyseyear_7, Piper2020_7, Girafales_7,Drago_7, Boomer_7, Beakin_7, DaWorst_7, Awesomesauce_7, Lorde_7, Coco12_7,RockyHorror_7, JalFarm20_7, DirtMcgirt_7, Ramsey_7, Madiba_7, Mova_7,Quico_7, Tootsieroll_7• Track 55 : TootsiePop_7, Misha28_7• Track 56 : Plumbus_7, Kimberlium_7, Juice456_7• Track 57 : Hegedechwinu_7, Flathead_7• Track 58 : Mozy_7• Track 59 : Frankie_7, Seagreen_7• Track 60 : Cornucopia_7• Track 61 : Squirty_7• Track 62 : GlobiWarming_6, Constance_6, Judy_6, Bridgette_6• Track 63 : Eileen_6, Peas_6• Track 64 : SamuelLPlaqson_13, Bella96_13, Urkel_13, DrHayes_13• Track 65 : Belladonna_13, Angelica_13, Mynx_13, Ganymede_13, Rosmarinus_13,Peel_13, CREW_13, Inky_13, AlishaPH_13, MeaningOfLife_13, Zavala_13, Jarvi_13,Atiba_13, Capricorn_13, Adephagia_13, Tachez_13, Deby_13, Durfee_13,Ramen_13, Rapunzel97_13, BGlluviae_13, Piatt_13, Hyperbowlee_14, Twitch_13,Slimphazie_13, Pokerus_13, YoureAdopted_12, QuincyRose_12, Emerson_13,CaseJules_13, Tiri_13, Asayake_13, Padfoot_13, Topper_13, ActinUp_13,Padpat_13, JAWS_13, Blizzard_13, Adonis_13, BEEST_13, HedwigODU_13,Homura_13, ShiaSurprise_14, Sulley_13, Dalmuri_13, Jeckyll_13, Apocalypse_13,Veliki_13• Track 66 : CrimD_13, TreyKay_13, Prithvi_13, LindNT_13

• Track 67 : LastHope_13• Track 68 : Stinson_13, Murucutumbu_13, LaterM_13• Track 69 : Amelie_9, Enkosi_9, SgtBeansprout_9, Nutello_9, Nikao_9, Mdavu_9,LilPharaoh_9, Biglebops_9• Track 70 : BaghaKamala_13, Joy99_13• Track 71 : Nibb_12• Track 72 : MarkPhew_12• Track 73 : Beezoo_13, Geraldini_13• Track 74 : Illumine_13, Dole_13• Track 75 : Peanam_13, Shaobing_13, Niklas_13• Track 76 : Yunkel11_13, Efra2_13, Guanica15_13• Track 77 : Boiiii_13, BarrelRoll_13• Track 78 : KiSi_12, LeMond_12• Track 79 : Scarlett_12, Oscar_12• Track 80 : Spock_13• Track 81 : Devera_13• Track 82 : Validus_13• Track 83 : Anaya_14• Track 84 : Curiosium_14• Track 85 : Chris_12• Track 86 : DismalFunk_9, Marcoliusprime_9, DismalStressor_9• Track 87 : ZoeJ_9• Track 88 : Findley_9, Milly_9• Track 89 : BoostSeason_9, Mufasa_9• Track 90 : TM4_9• Track 91 : Pixie_12, ShedlockHolmes_12, TBond007_12• Track 92 : Keshu_12• Track 93 : MacnCheese_13• Track 94 : Hurricane_12• Track 95 : Slarp_14, OmniCritical_14, Fionnbharth_14, Wintermute_14, Mitti_14,Cheetobro_14, Chancellor_14, SamScheppers_12, Taquito_12• Track 96 : Y2_14, Y10_14, JF1_14• Track 97 : MissDaisy_14, Reptar3000_14, Patt_14• Track 98 : Juliette_14, Eponine_14, Ruthiejr_13• Track 99 : Boilgate_10• Track 100 : Malthus_14• Track 101 : Omnicron_11• Track 102 : AlleyCat_11• Track 103 : SoSeph_11, Guillsminger_11, Leston_11, Paola_11, Gengar_11• Track 104 : Edugator_10, Psycho_11, Larva_11• Track 105 : Rando14_11• Track 106 : Kratio_10, InvictusManeo_11, Collard_11• Track 107 : Thyatira_11, OkiRoe_11, Waterfoul_11• Track 108 : Amgine_11• Track 109 : Amohnition_12, Hammy_12, DarthP_12• Track 110 : Ekdilam_10• Track 111 : Ellie_10• Track 112 : Cain_12, Sunflower1121_11, Phrank_12, Bryler_12• Track 113 : Krueger_12• Track 114 : PhelpsODU_12, Unicorn_12• Track 115 : Marshawn_14• Track 116 : Fefferhead_12• Track 117 : Yuna_13

• Track 118 : Ximenita_13• Track 119 : SirPhilip_12• Track 120 : Aminay_11• Track 121 : NoShow_8• Track 122 : DS6A_11• Track 123 : Sparky_6

Summary of Final Annotations (See graph section above for start numbers):

The start number called the most often in the published annotations is 7, it was calledin 321 of the 339 non-draft genes in the pham.

Genes that call this "Most Annotated" start:• ActinUp_13, Adephagia_13, Adonis_13, Alakazam_9, AlexAdler_6, Alexphander_7,AlishaPH_13, AlleyCat_11, Alyxandracam_6, Amelie_9, Amgine_11, Aminay_11,Amohnition_12, Anaya_14, Andromedas_6, Angelica_13, Antoinette_6,Apocalypse_13, AranulaLuti_6, Asayake_13, Atiba_13, Aubergine_6,Awesomesauce_7, AxiPup_6, BEEST_13, BGlluviae_13, BaghaKamala_13,Baines_6, Balsa_6, Bandik_6, BarrelRoll_13, Beakin_7, BeautPeep30_6,BeeBee8_7, Beezoo_13, Bella96_13, Belladonna_13, Benjalauren_6, BigPhil_7,BigRedClifford_6, Biglebops_9, Blizzard_13, Bobi_7, Boiiii_13, Boilgate_10,BonesMcCoy_6, Boomer_7, BoostSeason_9, Bryler_12, Bustleton_6,BuzzLyseyear_7, CREW_13, Cain_12, Capricorn_13, CaseJules_13, Casey_6,Cerasum_7, Chako_6, Chancellor_14, Cheeto1_7, Cheetobro_14, Chepli_8,ChickenKing_6, Chris_12, Christoph_6, Clancy_6, Coco12_7, ColaCorta_6,Collard_11, Convict_6, Cornucopia_7, CrimD_13, Curiosium_14, DS6A_11,DaWorst_7, Dalmuri_13, DarthP_12, Dave_6, Deby_13, Den3_6, Devera_13,DirtMcgirt_7, DismalFunk_9, DismalStressor_9, Dole_13, Dothraki_6, DrHayes_13,Drago_7, Duocatuli_6, Durfee_13, Edugator_10, Efra2_13, Ekdilam_10, Eleri_6,Ellie_10, Emerson_13, Enby_7, Endor_6, Enkosi_9, Eponine_14, Espinosa_6,Etna_6, Fefferhead_12, Findley_9, Finny_6, Fionnbharth_14, Flathead_7, Frankie_7,Fryberger_39, GaeCeo_7, Ganymede_13, GardenB_6, Gargoyle_6, Gengar_11,Geraldini_13, Gershwin_6, Girafales_7, Glamour_5, Golden_6, Greys_6,Guanica15_13, Gubbabump_6, Guey18_44, Guillsminger_11, Hamlet_6, Hammy_12,HanSolo_6, Hasitha_8, HedwigODU_13, Hegedechwinu_7, HerculesXL_9,Homura_13, Hurricane_12, Hyperbowlee_14, Illumine_13, Ilzat_6, Inky_13,Inventa_6, InvictusManeo_11, Ioannes_6, Ixel_8, JAWS_13, JF1_14, JalFarm20_7,Jarvi_13, JasperRussell_6, Jeckyll_13, Jemerald_8, Jenos_8, Job42_7, Joy99_13,Juanyo_6, Juice456_7, Juicer_8, Juliette_14, Kale_6, KannH_6, KatChan_8,Kauala_6, Keelan_37, Keshu_12, KiSi_12, Kimberlium_7, Kingsley_7, Knox_6,Koji_6, Kratio_10, Krueger_12, Kurt1_6, Larva_11, LastHope_13, LaterM_13,LeMond_12, Leafus_6, Leozinho_7, Leston_11, Librie_8, LilPharaoh_9, LindNT_13,Lorde_7, Lovelyunicorn_6, Lucky3_6, Ludgate_6, Luna18_8, MCubed_6,MacnCheese_13, Madiba_7, MaeLinda_6, Malthus_14, ManRay_6, Mandalorian_6,Marcoliusprime_9, MarkPhew_12, Marshawn_14, Martin_7, McGalleon_7, Mdavu_9,MeaningOfLife_13, Mercedes_7, MillyPhilly_6, Milly_9, Misha28_7, MissDaisy_14,Mitti_14, MonChoix_6, Mova_7, Mozy_7, MrWorldwide_6, Mufasa_9,Murucutumbu_13, Mynx_13, Nagem_6, Nebulous_8, Neferthena_8, Nibb_12,Nikao_9, Niklas_13, Nucci_6, Nutello_9, Oats_6, OkiRoe_11, OmniCritical_14,Omnicron_11, Oscar_12, OwlsT2W_7, Oxtober96_6, Padfoot_13, Padpat_13,

Pajaza_6, Paola_11, Papafritta_6, ParleG_6, Patt_14, Peanam_13, Peel_13,Peep_6, Peppino_6, PhelpsODU_12, Pherbot_6, Pherferi_6, Phireproof_6,Phrank_12, PhredFlintston_6, Phriends_6, Piatt_13, Pikmin_6, Piper2020_7,Pixie_12, Plumbus_7, Pocket_6, Pokerus_13, Pollywog_7, PrincePhergus_6,Prithvi_13, Psycho_11, PuppyEggo_6, QuadZero_8, Quartz_6, Quico_7,QuincyRose_12, Raccoon_6, Ramen_13, Ramsey_7, Rando14_11, Raptor_6,Rapunzel97_13, Redfield_6, Renzie_6, Reptar3000_14, Riyhil_6, Robinson_6,RockyHorror_7, Ronaldo_42, Rosmarinus_13, Ruthiejr_13, SJay_6,SamScheppers_12, SamuelLPlaqson_13, Sansa_5, Saratos_6, Sarma624_7,Scarlett_12, Schnapsidee_6, Schubert_7, Seagreen_7, Sedgewig_6,SgtBeansprout_9, Shaobing_13, ShedlockHolmes_12, Shee_6, ShiaSurprise_14,SimranZ1_7, Sinatra_6, SirPhilip_12, Slarp_14, Slimphazie_13, SoSeph_11,Spikelee_7, Spock_13, Squirty_7, Stanktossa_6, StingRay_6, Stinson_13,Stormbreaker8_6, Strathdee_6, Sulley_13, Sunflower1121_11, Superfresh_6,TBond007_12, TM4_9, Tachez_13, Taquito_12, TatarkaPM_6, Teagan_6,TeddyBear_6, Tenda_6, Theresita_7, Thompsone_6, Thorongil_6, Thyatira_11,TinSulphur_6, Tiri_13, TootsiePop_7, Tootsieroll_7, Topper_13, TreyKay_13,Twitch_13, UncleRicky_7, Unicorn_12, Urkel_13, Validus_13, Velene_6, Veliki_13,Velveteen_7, Volt_41, Waterfoul_11, WildNOut_6, WilliamStrong_6, Wintermute_14,Winzigespinne_6, Ximenita_13, Y10_14, Y2_14, YoureAdopted_12, Yuna_13,Yunkel11_13, YuuY_6, Zada_6, Zavala_13, Zayuliv_8, Zepp_9, Ziko_42, ZoeJ_9,

Genes that have the "Most Annotated" start but do not call it:•

Genes that do not have the "Most Annotated" start:• 8UZL_9, Bonino_6, Bridgette_6, Calix_6, Chamuel_6, Constance_6, Eileen_6,Erla_6, Etta_6, FF47_09, Gelo_6, GlobiWarming_6, JacoRen57_6, Judy_6, Klimt_6,Maco6_7, Muddy_9, Nattles_6, NoShow_8, Peas_6, SonOfLevi_6, Sparky_6,

Summary by start number:

Start 3:• Found in 6 of 375 ( 1.6% ) of genes in pham• Manual Annotations of this start: 5 of 339• Called 100.0% of time when present• Phage (with cluster) where this start called: Bridgette_6 (FA), Constance_6 (FA),Eileen_6 (FA), GlobiWarming_6 (FA), Judy_6 (FA), Peas_6 (FA),

Start 5:• Found in 6 of 375 ( 1.6% ) of genes in pham• Manual Annotations of this start: 3 of 339• Called 100.0% of time when present• Phage (with cluster) where this start called: 8UZL_9 (AB), FF47_09 (AB),JacoRen57_6 (AB), Maco6_7 (AB), Muddy_9 (AB), NoShow_8 (UNK),

Start 6:• Found in 10 of 375 ( 2.7% ) of genes in pham• Manual Annotations of this start: 10 of 339• Called 100.0% of time when present• Phage (with cluster) where this start called: Bonino_6 (EA1), Calix_6 (EA1),Chamuel_6 (EA1), Erla_6 (EA1), Etta_6 (EA1), Gelo_6 (EA1), Klimt_6 (EA1),Nattles_6 (EA1), SonOfLevi_6 (EA1), Sparky_6 (singleton),

Start 7:• Found in 353 of 375 ( 94.1% ) of genes in pham• Manual Annotations of this start: 321 of 339• Called 100.0% of time when present• Phage (with cluster) where this start called: ActinUp_13 (K1), Adephagia_13 (K1),Adonis_13 (K1), Alakazam_9 (EA5), AlexAdler_6 (EA1), Alexphander_7 (F1),AlishaPH_13 (K1), AlleyCat_11 (K5), Alyxandracam_6 (EA1), Amelie_9 (K1),Amgine_11 (K6), Aminay_11 (K7), Amohnition_12 (K6), Anaya_14 (K1),Andromedas_6 (EA2), Angelica_13 (K1), Antoinette_6 (EA1), Apocalypse_13 (K1),AranulaLuti_6 (EA1), Asayake_13 (K1), Atiba_13 (K1), Aubergine_6 (EA1),Awesomesauce_7 (F1), AxiPup_6 (EA1), BEEST_13 (K1), BGlluviae_13 (K1),BaghaKamala_13 (K1), Baines_6 (EA1), Balsa_6 (EA1), Bandik_6 (EA1),BarrelRoll_13 (K1), Beakin_7 (F1), BeautPeep30_6 (EA1), BeeBee8_7 (EA1),Beezoo_13 (K1), Bella96_13 (K1), Belladonna_13 (K1), Benjalauren_6 (EA1),BigPhil_7 (F1), BigRedClifford_6 (EA1), Biglebops_9 (K1), Blizzard_13 (K1), Bobi_7(F1), Boiiii_13 (K1), Boilgate_10 (K4), BonesMcCoy_6 (EA1), Boomer_7 (F1),BoostSeason_9 (K2), Bryler_12 (K6), Bustleton_6 (EA4), BuzzLyseyear_7 (F1),CREW_13 (K1), Cain_12 (K6), Capricorn_13 (K1), CaseJules_13 (K1), Casey_6(EA3), Cerasum_7 (F1), Chako_6 (EA1), Chancellor_14 (K4), Cheeto1_7 (EA9),Cheetobro_14 (K4), Chepli_8 (EA6), ChickenKing_6 (EA9), Chris_12 (K1),Christoph_6 (EA1), Clancy_6 (EA1), Coco12_7 (F1), ColaCorta_6 (EA2), Collard_11(K5), Convict_6 (EA1), Cornucopia_7 (F1), CrimD_13 (K1), Curiosium_14 (K1),DS6A_11 (singleton), DaWorst_7 (F1), Dalmuri_13 (K1), DarthP_12 (K6), Dave_6(EA1), Deby_13 (K1), Den3_6 (EA1), Devera_13 (K1), DirtMcgirt_7 (F1),DismalFunk_9 (K2), DismalStressor_9 (K2), Dole_13 (K1), Dothraki_6 (EA1),DrHayes_13 (K1), Drago_7 (F1), Duocatuli_6 (EA1), Durfee_13 (K1), Edugator_10(K5), Efra2_13 (K1), Ekdilam_10 (K6), Eleri_6 (EA2), Ellie_10 (K6), Emerson_13(K1), Enby_7 (F1), Endor_6 (EA1), Enkosi_9 (K1), Eponine_14 (K4), Espinosa_6(EA1), Etna_6 (EA1), Fefferhead_12 (K6), Findley_9 (K2), Finny_6 (EA2),Fionnbharth_14 (K4), Flathead_7 (F1), Frankie_7 (F1), Fryberger_39 (DP),GaeCeo_7 (EA9), Ganymede_13 (K1), GardenB_6 (EA1), Gargoyle_6 (EA1),Gengar_11 (K5), Geraldini_13 (K1), Gershwin_6 (EA1), Girafales_7 (F1), Glamour_5(EA2), Golden_6 (EA4), Greys_6 (EA1), Guanica15_13 (K1), Gubbabump_6 (EA1),Guey18_44 (DP), Guillsminger_11 (K5), Hamlet_6 (EA1), Hammy_12 (K6),HanSolo_6 (EA1), Hasitha_8 (EA5), HedwigODU_13 (K1), Hegedechwinu_7 (F1),HerculesXL_9 (EA11), Homura_13 (K1), Hurricane_12 (K3), Hyperbowlee_14 (K1),Illumine_13 (K1), Ilzat_6 (EA1), Inky_13 (K1), Inventa_6 (EA1), InvictusManeo_11(K5), Ioannes_6 (EA1), Ixel_8 (EA11), JAWS_13 (K1), JF1_14 (K4), JalFarm20_7(F1), Jarvi_13 (K1), JasperRussell_6 (EA1), Jeckyll_13 (K1), Jemerald_8 (EA6),Jenos_8 (EA1), Job42_7 (F1), Joy99_13 (K1), Juanyo_6 (EA10), Juice456_7 (F1),Juicer_8 (EA6), Juliette_14 (K4), Kale_6 (EA1), KannH_6 (EA1), KatChan_8 (EA6),Kauala_6 (EA4), Keelan_37 (DP), Keshu_12 (K3), KiSi_12 (K1), Kimberlium_7 (F1),Kingsley_7 (F1), Knox_6 (EA1), Koji_6 (EA4), Kratio_10 (K5), Krueger_12 (K6),Kurt1_6 (EA1), Larva_11 (K5), LastHope_13 (K1), LaterM_13 (K1), LeMond_12 (K1),Leafus_6 (EA1), Leozinho_7 (F1), Leston_11 (K5), Librie_8 (EA5), LilPharaoh_9(K1), LindNT_13 (K1), Lorde_7 (F1), Lovelyunicorn_6 (EA1), Lucky3_6 (EA4),Ludgate_6 (EA1), Luna18_8 (EA6), MCubed_6 (EA2), MacnCheese_13 (K3),Madiba_7 (F1), MaeLinda_6 (EA1), Malthus_14 (K4), ManRay_6 (EA1),Mandalorian_6 (EA10), Marcoliusprime_9 (K2), MarkPhew_12 (K1), Marshawn_14(K6), Martin_7 (EA1), McGalleon_7 (EA1), Mdavu_9 (K1), MeaningOfLife_13 (K1),Mercedes_7 (EA), MillyPhilly_6 (EA1), Milly_9 (K2), Misha28_7 (F1), MissDaisy_14(K4), Mitti_14 (K4), MonChoix_6 (EA1), Mova_7 (F1), Mozy_7 (F1), MrWorldwide_6

(EA1), Mufasa_9 (K2), Murucutumbu_13 (K1), Mynx_13 (K1), Nagem_6 (EA1),Nebulous_8 (EA5), Neferthena_8 (EA5), Nibb_12 (K1), Nikao_9 (K1), Niklas_13 (K1),Nucci_6 (EA10), Nutello_9 (K1), Oats_6 (EA1), OkiRoe_11 (K5), OmniCritical_14(K4), Omnicron_11 (K5), Oscar_12 (K1), OwlsT2W_7 (F1), Oxtober96_6 (EA1),Padfoot_13 (K1), Padpat_13 (K1), Pajaza_6 (EA3), Paola_11 (K5), Papafritta_6(EA1), ParleG_6 (EA1), Patt_14 (K4), Peanam_13 (K1), Peel_13 (K1), Peep_6 (EA1),Peppino_6 (EA1), PhelpsODU_12 (K6), Pherbot_6 (EA4), Pherferi_6 (EA1),Phireproof_6 (EA1), Phrank_12 (K6), PhredFlintston_6 (EA1), Phriends_6 (EA1),Piatt_13 (K1), Pikmin_6 (EA3), Piper2020_7 (F1), Pixie_12 (K3), Plumbus_7 (F1),Pocket_6 (EA1), Pokerus_13 (K1), Pollywog_7 (F1), PrincePhergus_6 (EA4),Prithvi_13 (K1), Psycho_11 (K5), PuppyEggo_6 (EA1), QuadZero_8 (EA5), Quartz_6(EA10), Quico_7 (F1), QuincyRose_12 (K1), Raccoon_6 (EA1), Ramen_13 (K1),Ramsey_7 (F1), Rando14_11 (K5), Raptor_6 (EA1), Rapunzel97_13 (K1), Redfield_6(EA1), Renzie_6 (EA1), Reptar3000_14 (K4), Riyhil_6 (EA1), Robinson_6 (EA1),RockyHorror_7 (F1), Ronaldo_42 (DP), Rosmarinus_13 (K1), Ruthiejr_13 (K4),SJay_6 (EA1), SamScheppers_12 (K4), SamuelLPlaqson_13 (K1), Sansa_5 (EA2),Saratos_6 (EA2), Sarma624_7 (F1), Scarlett_12 (K1), Schnapsidee_6 (EA1),Schubert_7 (EA8), Seagreen_7 (F1), Sedgewig_6 (EA1), SgtBeansprout_9 (K1),Shaobing_13 (K1), ShedlockHolmes_12 (K3), Shee_6 (EA1), ShiaSurprise_14 (K1),SimranZ1_7 (F1), Sinatra_6 (EA4), SirPhilip_12 (K6), Slarp_14 (K4), Slimphazie_13(K1), SoSeph_11 (K5), Spikelee_7 (F1), Spock_13 (K1), Squirty_7 (F3),Stanktossa_6 (EA1), StingRay_6 (EA1), Stinson_13 (K1), Stormbreaker8_6 (EA1),Strathdee_6 (EA1), Sulley_13 (K1), Sunflower1121_11 (K6), Superfresh_6 (EA1),TBond007_12 (K3), TM4_9 (K2), Tachez_13 (K1), Taquito_12 (K4), TatarkaPM_6(EA1), Teagan_6 (EA1), TeddyBear_6 (EA1), Tenda_6 (EA1), Theresita_7 (EA7),Thompsone_6 (EA1), Thorongil_6 (EA1), Thyatira_11 (K5), TinSulphur_6 (EA1),Tiri_13 (K1), TootsiePop_7 (F1), Tootsieroll_7 (F1), Topper_13 (K1), TreyKay_13(K1), Twitch_13 (K1), UncleRicky_7 (F1), Unicorn_12 (K6), Urkel_13 (K1),Validus_13 (K1), Velene_6 (EA1), Veliki_13 (K1), Velveteen_7 (F1), Volt_41 (DP),Waterfoul_11 (K5), WildNOut_6 (EA1), WilliamStrong_6 (EA6), Wintermute_14 (K4),Winzigespinne_6 (EA1), Ximenita_13 (K6), Y10_14 (K4), Y2_14 (K4),YoureAdopted_12 (K1), Yuna_13 (K6), Yunkel11_13 (K1), YuuY_6 (EA10), Zada_6(EA1), Zavala_13 (K1), Zayuliv_8 (EA5), Zepp_9 (EA5), Ziko_42 (DP), ZoeJ_9 (K2),

Summary by clusters:

There are 26 clusters represented in this pham: singleton, K3, K2, K1, K7, K6, K5,K4, DP, UNK, AB, EA, EA9, EA8, EA1, EA3, EA2, EA5, EA4, EA7, EA6, F1, F3,EA11, EA10, FA,

Info for manual annotations of cluster AB:•Start number 5 was manually annotated 3 times for cluster AB.

Info for manual annotations of cluster DP:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 6 times for cluster DP.

Info for manual annotations of cluster EA:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 1 time for cluster EA.

Info for manual annotations of cluster EA1:•Start number 6 was manually annotated 9 times for cluster EA1.•Start number 7 was manually annotated 79 times for cluster EA1.

Info for manual annotations of cluster EA10:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 3 times for cluster EA10.

Info for manual annotations of cluster EA11:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 1 time for cluster EA11.

Info for manual annotations of cluster EA2:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 8 times for cluster EA2.

Info for manual annotations of cluster EA3:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 3 times for cluster EA3.

Info for manual annotations of cluster EA4:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 8 times for cluster EA4.

Info for manual annotations of cluster EA5:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 7 times for cluster EA5.

Info for manual annotations of cluster EA6:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 4 times for cluster EA6.

Info for manual annotations of cluster EA7:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 1 time for cluster EA7.

Info for manual annotations of cluster EA8:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 1 time for cluster EA8.

Info for manual annotations of cluster EA9:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 2 times for cluster EA9.

Info for manual annotations of cluster F1:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 42 times for cluster F1.

Info for manual annotations of cluster F3:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 1 time for cluster F3.

Info for manual annotations of cluster FA:•Start number 3 was manually annotated 5 times for cluster FA.

Info for manual annotations of cluster K1:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 85 times for cluster K1.

Info for manual annotations of cluster K2:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 9 times for cluster K2.

Info for manual annotations of cluster K3:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 6 times for cluster K3.

Info for manual annotations of cluster K4:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 18 times for cluster K4.

Info for manual annotations of cluster K5:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 17 times for cluster K5.

Info for manual annotations of cluster K6:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 17 times for cluster K6.

Info for manual annotations of cluster K7:•Start number 7 was manually annotated 1 time for cluster K7.

Gene Information:Gene: 8UZL_9 Start: 6448, Stop: 7437, Start Num: 5Candidate Starts for 8UZL_9:(Start: 5 @6448 has 3 MA's), (10, 6511), (11, 6523), (17, 6574), (18, 6580), (25, 6637), (30, 6694), (34,6721), (48, 6811), (64, 6928), (65, 6934), (78, 7018), (93, 7138), (102, 7189), (108, 7276), (117, 7339),

Gene: ActinUp_13 Start: 7931, Stop: 8869, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for ActinUp_13:(Start: 7 @7931 has 321 MA's), (15, 8021), (18, 8048), (33, 8195), (35, 8207), (36, 8219), (50, 8306),(61, 8390), (65, 8420), (96, 8618), (103, 8657), (109, 8741), (110, 8744), (114, 8777), (118, 8801),(127, 8843),

Gene: Adephagia_13 Start: 7931, Stop: 8869, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Adephagia_13:(Start: 7 @7931 has 321 MA's), (15, 8021), (18, 8048), (33, 8195), (35, 8207), (36, 8219), (50, 8306),(61, 8390), (65, 8420), (96, 8618), (103, 8657), (109, 8741), (110, 8744), (114, 8777), (118, 8801),(127, 8843),

Gene: Adonis_13 Start: 7942, Stop: 8874, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Adonis_13:(Start: 7 @7942 has 321 MA's), (15, 8032), (18, 8059), (33, 8206), (35, 8218), (36, 8230), (50, 8317),(61, 8401), (65, 8431), (96, 8629), (103, 8668), (109, 8752), (110, 8755), (114, 8788), (118, 8812),(127, 8854),

Gene: Alakazam_9 Start: 5969, Stop: 6946, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Alakazam_9:(Start: 7 @5969 has 321 MA's), (12, 6032), (17, 6080), (18, 6086), (21, 6107), (28, 6194), (45, 6308),(49, 6344), (58, 6425), (68, 6497), (74, 6530), (80, 6578), (95, 6683), (99, 6698), (101, 6716), (109,6800), (110, 6803), (113, 6827),

Gene: AlexAdler_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for AlexAdler_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (96, 5410), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127,5623),

Gene: Alexphander_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Alexphander_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (106, 5775), (109, 5805), (111,5820), (114, 5841),

Gene: AlishaPH_13 Start: 7933, Stop: 8868, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for AlishaPH_13:(Start: 7 @7933 has 321 MA's), (15, 8023), (18, 8050), (33, 8197), (35, 8209), (36, 8221), (50, 8308),(61, 8392), (65, 8422), (96, 8620), (103, 8659), (109, 8743), (110, 8746), (114, 8779), (118, 8803),(127, 8845),

Gene: AlleyCat_11 Start: 7993, Stop: 8925, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for AlleyCat_11:(Start: 7 @7993 has 321 MA's), (18, 8110), (22, 8137), (27, 8197), (29, 8233), (31, 8239), (35, 8269),(39, 8305), (50, 8368), (52, 8398), (109, 8803), (110, 8806), (118, 8863),

Gene: Alyxandracam_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Alyxandracam_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Amelie_9 Start: 7225, Stop: 8145, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Amelie_9:(Start: 7 @7225 has 321 MA's), (18, 7342), (22, 7369), (26, 7420), (33, 7489), (35, 7501), (39, 7537),(59, 7675), (61, 7684), (65, 7714), (79, 7813), (94, 7897), (98, 7918), (101, 7939), (103, 7951), (109,8035), (114, 8071), (123, 8122), (124, 8125),

Gene: Amgine_11 Start: 7569, Stop: 8492, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Amgine_11:(Start: 7 @7569 has 321 MA's), (11, 7629), (15, 7659), (18, 7686), (22, 7713), (27, 7773), (35, 7845),(36, 7857), (52, 7974), (62, 8037), (79, 8157), (101, 8283), (103, 8295), (105, 8313), (109, 8379), (110,8382), (114, 8415), (118, 8439),

Gene: Aminay_11 Start: 7845, Stop: 8768, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Aminay_11:(Start: 7 @7845 has 321 MA's), (15, 7935), (18, 7962), (22, 7989), (35, 8121), (38, 8151), (39, 8157),(49, 8217), (54, 8265), (59, 8295), (74, 8397), (81, 8457), (101, 8559), (103, 8571), (105, 8589), (109,8655), (114, 8691), (120, 8730),

Gene: Amohnition_12 Start: 7821, Stop: 8753, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Amohnition_12:(Start: 7 @7821 has 321 MA's), (15, 7911), (18, 7938), (22, 7965), (35, 8097), (44, 8154), (54, 8241),(59, 8271), (65, 8310), (79, 8409), (101, 8535), (103, 8547), (105, 8565), (109, 8631), (110, 8634),(118, 8691),

Gene: Anaya_14 Start: 7935, Stop: 8870, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Anaya_14:(Start: 7 @7935 has 321 MA's), (15, 8025), (18, 8052), (22, 8079), (33, 8199), (35, 8211), (36, 8223),(39, 8247), (50, 8310), (65, 8424), (96, 8622), (103, 8661), (105, 8679), (109, 8745), (110, 8748), (114,8781), (116, 8790), (118, 8805), (127, 8847),

Gene: Andromedas_6 Start: 4885, Stop: 5826, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Andromedas_6:(Start: 7 @4885 has 321 MA's), (14, 4972), (18, 5002), (19, 5014), (21, 5023), (25, 5059), (45, 5224),(54, 5308), (68, 5407), (102, 5629), (109, 5710), (131, 5815),

Gene: Angelica_13 Start: 7902, Stop: 8840, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Angelica_13:

(Start: 7 @7902 has 321 MA's), (15, 7992), (18, 8019), (33, 8166), (35, 8178), (36, 8190), (50, 8277),(61, 8361), (65, 8391), (96, 8589), (103, 8628), (109, 8712), (110, 8715), (114, 8748), (118, 8772),(127, 8814),

Gene: Antoinette_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Antoinette_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (47, 5068), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127,5623),

Gene: Apocalypse_13 Start: 7909, Stop: 8844, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Apocalypse_13:(Start: 7 @7909 has 321 MA's), (15, 7999), (18, 8026), (33, 8173), (35, 8185), (36, 8197), (50, 8284),(61, 8368), (65, 8398), (96, 8596), (103, 8635), (109, 8719), (110, 8722), (114, 8755), (118, 8779),(127, 8821),

Gene: AranulaLuti_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for AranulaLuti_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Asayake_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Asayake_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: Atiba_13 Start: 7897, Stop: 8832, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Atiba_13:(Start: 7 @7897 has 321 MA's), (15, 7987), (18, 8014), (33, 8161), (35, 8173), (36, 8185), (50, 8272),(61, 8356), (65, 8386), (96, 8584), (103, 8623), (109, 8707), (110, 8710), (114, 8743), (118, 8767),(127, 8809),

Gene: Aubergine_6 Start: 4722, Stop: 5648, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Aubergine_6:(Start: 7 @4722 has 321 MA's), (18, 4839), (21, 4860), (25, 4896), (33, 4989), (34, 4995), (35, 5001),(45, 5061), (54, 5145), (72, 5259), (91, 5385), (101, 5451), (109, 5535), (113, 5562), (127, 5637),

Gene: Awesomesauce_7 Start: 5010, Stop: 5918, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Awesomesauce_7:(Start: 7 @5010 has 321 MA's), (15, 5100), (16, 5103), (18, 5127), (25, 5184), (27, 5214), (36, 5298),(52, 5415), (70, 5547), (77, 5589), (99, 5706), (100, 5709), (105, 5754), (109, 5808), (111, 5823), (114,5844),

Gene: AxiPup_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for AxiPup_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: BEEST_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for BEEST_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),

(127, 8886),

Gene: BGlluviae_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for BGlluviae_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: BaghaKamala_13 Start: 7900, Stop: 8835, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for BaghaKamala_13:(Start: 7 @7900 has 321 MA's), (15, 7990), (18, 8017), (33, 8164), (35, 8176), (36, 8188), (50, 8275),(61, 8359), (65, 8389), (96, 8587), (103, 8626), (105, 8644), (109, 8710), (110, 8713), (114, 8746),(118, 8770), (127, 8812),

Gene: Baines_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Baines_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Balsa_6 Start: 4714, Stop: 5694, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Balsa_6:(Start: 7 @4714 has 321 MA's), (18, 4831), (27, 4921), (28, 4939), (32, 4975), (47, 5074), (54, 5137),(68, 5242), (71, 5263), (72, 5269), (104, 5485), (109, 5545), (113, 5572),

Gene: Bandik_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Bandik_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (47, 5068), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127,5623),

Gene: BarrelRoll_13 Start: 7926, Stop: 8861, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for BarrelRoll_13:(Start: 7 @7926 has 321 MA's), (15, 8016), (18, 8043), (33, 8190), (35, 8202), (36, 8214), (50, 8301),(61, 8385), (65, 8415), (96, 8613), (103, 8652), (109, 8736), (110, 8739), (114, 8772), (118, 8796),(127, 8838),

Gene: Beakin_7 Start: 5010, Stop: 5918, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Beakin_7:(Start: 7 @5010 has 321 MA's), (15, 5100), (16, 5103), (18, 5127), (25, 5184), (27, 5214), (36, 5298),(52, 5415), (70, 5547), (77, 5589), (99, 5706), (100, 5709), (105, 5754), (109, 5808), (111, 5823), (114,5844),

Gene: BeautPeep30_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for BeautPeep30_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: BeeBee8_7 Start: 4880, Stop: 5872, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for BeeBee8_7:(Start: 7 @4880 has 321 MA's), (18, 4997), (25, 5054), (32, 5141), (47, 5240), (68, 5408), (71, 5429),(72, 5435), (97, 5603), (101, 5627), (104, 5651), (109, 5723), (110, 5726),

Gene: Beezoo_13 Start: 7951, Stop: 8889, Start Num: 7

Candidate Starts for Beezoo_13:(Start: 7 @7951 has 321 MA's), (15, 8041), (18, 8068), (25, 8125), (33, 8215), (35, 8227), (36, 8239),(50, 8326), (61, 8410), (65, 8440), (96, 8638), (103, 8677), (109, 8761), (110, 8764), (114, 8797), (118,8821), (127, 8863),

Gene: Bella96_13 Start: 7861, Stop: 8796, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Bella96_13:(Start: 7 @7861 has 321 MA's), (15, 7951), (18, 7978), (33, 8125), (35, 8137), (36, 8149), (50, 8236),(65, 8350), (96, 8548), (103, 8587), (105, 8605), (109, 8671), (114, 8707), (118, 8731), (127, 8773),

Gene: Belladonna_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Belladonna_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: Benjalauren_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Benjalauren_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: BigPhil_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for BigPhil_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (106, 5775), (109, 5805), (111,5820), (114, 5841),

Gene: BigRedClifford_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for BigRedClifford_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Biglebops_9 Start: 7225, Stop: 8145, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Biglebops_9:(Start: 7 @7225 has 321 MA's), (18, 7342), (22, 7369), (26, 7420), (33, 7489), (35, 7501), (39, 7537),(59, 7675), (61, 7684), (65, 7714), (79, 7813), (94, 7897), (98, 7918), (101, 7939), (103, 7951), (109,8035), (114, 8071), (123, 8122), (124, 8125),

Gene: Blizzard_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Blizzard_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: Bobi_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Bobi_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: Boiiii_13 Start: 7976, Stop: 8911, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Boiiii_13:

(Start: 7 @7976 has 321 MA's), (15, 8066), (18, 8093), (33, 8240), (35, 8252), (36, 8264), (50, 8351),(61, 8435), (65, 8465), (96, 8663), (103, 8702), (109, 8786), (110, 8789), (114, 8822), (118, 8846),(127, 8888),

Gene: Boilgate_10 Start: 7916, Stop: 8845, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Boilgate_10:(Start: 7 @7916 has 321 MA's), (16, 8009), (17, 8027), (18, 8033), (22, 8060), (28, 8138), (36, 8204),(38, 8222), (39, 8228), (40, 8231), (55, 8348), (60, 8372), (65, 8405), (73, 8465), (74, 8468), (77,8495), (81, 8528), (105, 8660), (109, 8726), (111, 8741), (114, 8762), (115, 8765), (118, 8786), (121,8807),

Gene: BonesMcCoy_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for BonesMcCoy_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Bonino_6 Start: 4707, Stop: 5633, Start Num: 6Candidate Starts for Bonino_6:(Start: 6 @4707 has 10 MA's), (18, 4824), (21, 4845), (25, 4881), (33, 4974), (34, 4980), (35, 4986),(45, 5046), (54, 5130), (72, 5244), (91, 5370), (101, 5436), (109, 5520), (113, 5547), (127, 5622),

Gene: Boomer_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Boomer_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: BoostSeason_9 Start: 5933, Stop: 6856, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for BoostSeason_9:(Start: 7 @5933 has 321 MA's), (17, 6044), (18, 6050), (22, 6077), (28, 6155), (35, 6209), (38, 6239),(39, 6245), (55, 6365), (81, 6545), (98, 6626), (101, 6647), (103, 6659), (109, 6743), (114, 6779), (116,6788), (124, 6833),

Gene: Bridgette_6 Start: 5591, Stop: 6574, Start Num: 3Candidate Starts for Bridgette_6:(Start: 3 @5591 has 5 MA's), (4, 5615), (11, 5693), (25, 5807), (38, 5927), (42, 5948), (49, 5993), (88,6278), (90, 6290), (98, 6344), (109, 6464),

Gene: Bryler_12 Start: 6893, Stop: 7816, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Bryler_12:(Start: 7 @6893 has 321 MA's), (18, 7010), (22, 7037), (31, 7139), (33, 7157), (35, 7169), (36, 7181),(55, 7325), (98, 7586), (103, 7619), (105, 7637), (109, 7703), (110, 7706), (114, 7739), (123, 7790),

Gene: Bustleton_6 Start: 4719, Stop: 5669, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Bustleton_6:(Start: 7 @4719 has 321 MA's), (17, 4830), (18, 4836), (21, 4857), (27, 4926), (28, 4944), (49, 5094),(51, 5106), (67, 5238), (68, 5241), (105, 5490), (109, 5544), (110, 5547), (113, 5571),

Gene: BuzzLyseyear_7 Start: 5006, Stop: 5914, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for BuzzLyseyear_7:(Start: 7 @5006 has 321 MA's), (15, 5096), (16, 5099), (18, 5123), (25, 5180), (27, 5210), (36, 5294),(52, 5411), (70, 5543), (77, 5585), (99, 5702), (100, 5705), (105, 5750), (109, 5804), (111, 5819), (114,5840),

Gene: CREW_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for CREW_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: Cain_12 Start: 6881, Stop: 7804, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Cain_12:(Start: 7 @6881 has 321 MA's), (18, 6998), (22, 7025), (31, 7127), (33, 7145), (35, 7157), (36, 7169),(55, 7313), (98, 7574), (103, 7607), (105, 7625), (109, 7691), (110, 7694), (114, 7727), (123, 7778),

Gene: Calix_6 Start: 4707, Stop: 5633, Start Num: 6Candidate Starts for Calix_6:(Start: 6 @4707 has 10 MA's), (18, 4824), (21, 4845), (25, 4881), (33, 4974), (34, 4980), (35, 4986),(45, 5046), (54, 5130), (72, 5244), (91, 5370), (101, 5436), (109, 5520), (113, 5547), (127, 5622),

Gene: Capricorn_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Capricorn_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: CaseJules_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for CaseJules_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: Casey_6 Start: 5146, Stop: 6075, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Casey_6:(Start: 7 @5146 has 321 MA's), (18, 5263), (21, 5284), (22, 5290), (25, 5320), (32, 5401), (33, 5407),(34, 5413), (35, 5419), (45, 5479), (54, 5563), (68, 5650), (71, 5671), (72, 5677), (92, 5809), (105,5899), (109, 5965), (113, 5992),

Gene: Cerasum_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Cerasum_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (106, 5775), (109, 5805), (111,5820), (114, 5841),

Gene: Chako_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Chako_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Chamuel_6 Start: 4709, Stop: 5635, Start Num: 6Candidate Starts for Chamuel_6:(Start: 6 @4709 has 10 MA's), (18, 4826), (21, 4847), (25, 4883), (33, 4976), (34, 4982), (35, 4988),(45, 5048), (54, 5132), (72, 5246), (91, 5372), (96, 5411), (101, 5438), (109, 5522), (113, 5549), (127,5624),

Gene: Chancellor_14 Start: 9175, Stop: 10104, Start Num: 7

Candidate Starts for Chancellor_14:(Start: 7 @9175 has 321 MA's), (15, 9265), (17, 9286), (18, 9292), (22, 9319), (27, 9379), (38, 9481),(39, 9487), (49, 9547), (55, 9607), (65, 9664), (74, 9727), (77, 9754), (94, 9847), (103, 9901), (105,9919), (109, 9985), (118, 10045),

Gene: Cheeto1_7 Start: 4820, Stop: 5764, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Cheeto1_7:(Start: 7 @4820 has 321 MA's), (18, 4937), (21, 4958), (32, 5081), (35, 5099), (45, 5159), (54, 5243),(71, 5363), (102, 5564), (104, 5585), (109, 5645), (113, 5672),

Gene: Cheetobro_14 Start: 9175, Stop: 10104, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Cheetobro_14:(Start: 7 @9175 has 321 MA's), (15, 9265), (17, 9286), (18, 9292), (22, 9319), (27, 9379), (38, 9481),(39, 9487), (49, 9547), (55, 9607), (65, 9664), (74, 9727), (77, 9754), (94, 9847), (103, 9901), (105,9919), (109, 9985), (118, 10045),

Gene: Chepli_8 Start: 5181, Stop: 6134, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Chepli_8:(Start: 7 @5181 has 321 MA's), (17, 5292), (18, 5298), (21, 5319), (22, 5325), (25, 5355), (45, 5520),(49, 5556), (57, 5634), (68, 5709), (97, 5904), (109, 6012), (110, 6015), (123, 6105),

Gene: ChickenKing_6 Start: 4646, Stop: 5590, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for ChickenKing_6:(Start: 7 @4646 has 321 MA's), (18, 4763), (21, 4784), (22, 4790), (32, 4907), (35, 4925), (45, 4985),(54, 5069), (71, 5189), (102, 5390), (104, 5411), (109, 5471), (113, 5498), (130, 5579),

Gene: Chris_12 Start: 6799, Stop: 7722, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Chris_12:(Start: 7 @6799 has 321 MA's), (17, 6910), (18, 6916), (22, 6943), (28, 7021), (33, 7063), (35, 7075),(36, 7087), (50, 7174), (52, 7204), (54, 7219), (59, 7249), (69, 7324), (79, 7387), (103, 7525), (107,7594), (109, 7609), (110, 7612), (114, 7645), (116, 7654), (118, 7669),

Gene: Christoph_6 Start: 4720, Stop: 5646, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Christoph_6:(Start: 7 @4720 has 321 MA's), (18, 4837), (21, 4858), (25, 4894), (33, 4987), (34, 4993), (35, 4999),(45, 5059), (54, 5143), (72, 5257), (91, 5383), (101, 5449), (109, 5533), (113, 5560), (127, 5635),

Gene: Clancy_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Clancy_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Coco12_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Coco12_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: ColaCorta_6 Start: 4885, Stop: 5826, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for ColaCorta_6:(Start: 7 @4885 has 321 MA's), (14, 4972), (18, 5002), (19, 5014), (21, 5023), (25, 5059), (45, 5224),(54, 5308), (68, 5407), (102, 5629), (109, 5710), (131, 5815),

Gene: Collard_11 Start: 8061, Stop: 8981, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Collard_11:(Start: 7 @8061 has 321 MA's), (18, 8178), (22, 8205), (27, 8265), (29, 8301), (31, 8307), (35, 8337),(39, 8373), (50, 8436), (52, 8466), (109, 8871), (110, 8874), (114, 8907), (118, 8931),

Gene: Constance_6 Start: 5596, Stop: 6579, Start Num: 3Candidate Starts for Constance_6:(Start: 3 @5596 has 5 MA's), (4, 5620), (11, 5698), (25, 5812), (38, 5932), (42, 5953), (49, 5998), (88,6283), (90, 6295), (98, 6349), (109, 6469),

Gene: Convict_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Convict_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Cornucopia_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Cornucopia_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (17, 5118), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295), (52, 5412),(68, 5526), (70, 5544), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (101, 5721), (105, 5751), (106, 5775), (109, 5805),

Gene: CrimD_13 Start: 7903, Stop: 8838, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for CrimD_13:(Start: 7 @7903 has 321 MA's), (15, 7993), (18, 8020), (33, 8167), (35, 8179), (36, 8191), (50, 8278),(65, 8392), (96, 8590), (103, 8629), (105, 8647), (109, 8713), (110, 8716), (114, 8749), (118, 8773),(127, 8815),

Gene: Curiosium_14 Start: 7298, Stop: 8221, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Curiosium_14:(Start: 7 @7298 has 321 MA's), (15, 7388), (18, 7415), (33, 7562), (35, 7574), (36, 7586), (50, 7673),(59, 7748), (65, 7787), (96, 7985), (103, 8024), (109, 8108), (110, 8111), (114, 8144), (118, 8168),

Gene: DS6A_11 Start: 8184, Stop: 9230, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for DS6A_11:(Start: 7 @8184 has 321 MA's), (8, 8208), (16, 8277), (18, 8301), (22, 8328), (23, 8331), (34, 8475),(36, 8493), (43, 8535), (49, 8577), (58, 8652), (66, 8706), (73, 8748), (76, 8766), (81, 8811), (87,8880), (89, 8892), (93, 8922), (100, 8955), (101, 8970), (103, 8982), (109, 9054), (119, 9123), (122,9141), (126, 9150),

Gene: DaWorst_7 Start: 5008, Stop: 5916, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for DaWorst_7:(Start: 7 @5008 has 321 MA's), (15, 5098), (16, 5101), (18, 5125), (25, 5182), (27, 5212), (36, 5296),(52, 5413), (70, 5545), (77, 5587), (99, 5704), (100, 5707), (105, 5752), (109, 5806), (111, 5821), (114,5842),

Gene: Dalmuri_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Dalmuri_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: DarthP_12 Start: 7821, Stop: 8753, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for DarthP_12:

(Start: 7 @7821 has 321 MA's), (15, 7911), (18, 7938), (22, 7965), (35, 8097), (44, 8154), (54, 8241),(59, 8271), (65, 8310), (79, 8409), (101, 8535), (103, 8547), (105, 8565), (109, 8631), (110, 8634),(118, 8691),

Gene: Dave_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Dave_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (47, 5068), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127,5623),

Gene: Deby_13 Start: 7902, Stop: 8840, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Deby_13:(Start: 7 @7902 has 321 MA's), (15, 7992), (18, 8019), (33, 8166), (35, 8178), (36, 8190), (50, 8277),(61, 8361), (65, 8391), (96, 8589), (103, 8628), (109, 8712), (110, 8715), (114, 8748), (118, 8772),(127, 8814),

Gene: Den3_6 Start: 4712, Stop: 5638, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Den3_6:(Start: 7 @4712 has 321 MA's), (18, 4829), (21, 4850), (25, 4886), (33, 4979), (34, 4985), (35, 4991),(45, 5051), (54, 5135), (72, 5249), (91, 5375), (101, 5441), (109, 5525), (113, 5552), (127, 5627),

Gene: Devera_13 Start: 7928, Stop: 8863, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Devera_13:(Start: 7 @7928 has 321 MA's), (15, 8018), (18, 8045), (33, 8192), (35, 8204), (36, 8216), (50, 8303),(65, 8417), (96, 8615), (103, 8654), (105, 8672), (109, 8738), (110, 8741), (114, 8774), (115, 8777),(118, 8798), (127, 8840),

Gene: DirtMcgirt_7 Start: 5009, Stop: 5917, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for DirtMcgirt_7:(Start: 7 @5009 has 321 MA's), (15, 5099), (16, 5102), (18, 5126), (25, 5183), (27, 5213), (36, 5297),(52, 5414), (70, 5546), (77, 5588), (99, 5705), (100, 5708), (105, 5753), (109, 5807), (111, 5822), (114,5843),

Gene: DismalFunk_9 Start: 5947, Stop: 6864, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for DismalFunk_9:(Start: 7 @5947 has 321 MA's), (17, 6058), (18, 6064), (22, 6091), (35, 6223), (38, 6253), (39, 6259),(55, 6379), (81, 6559), (101, 6661), (109, 6757), (114, 6793), (116, 6802), (124, 6847),

Gene: DismalStressor_9 Start: 5947, Stop: 6864, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for DismalStressor_9:(Start: 7 @5947 has 321 MA's), (17, 6058), (18, 6064), (22, 6091), (35, 6223), (38, 6253), (39, 6259),(55, 6379), (81, 6559), (101, 6661), (109, 6757), (114, 6793), (116, 6802), (124, 6847),

Gene: Dole_13 Start: 7930, Stop: 8865, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Dole_13:(Start: 7 @7930 has 321 MA's), (15, 8020), (18, 8047), (33, 8194), (35, 8206), (36, 8218), (50, 8305),(65, 8419), (96, 8617), (103, 8656), (105, 8674), (109, 8740), (110, 8743), (114, 8776), (115, 8779),(118, 8800), (127, 8842),

Gene: Dothraki_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Dothraki_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: DrHayes_13 Start: 7882, Stop: 8817, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for DrHayes_13:(Start: 7 @7882 has 321 MA's), (15, 7972), (18, 7999), (33, 8146), (35, 8158), (36, 8170), (50, 8257),(65, 8371), (96, 8569), (103, 8608), (105, 8626), (109, 8692), (114, 8728), (118, 8752), (127, 8794),

Gene: Drago_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Drago_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: Duocatuli_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Duocatuli_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Durfee_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Durfee_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: Edugator_10 Start: 7994, Stop: 8926, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Edugator_10:(Start: 7 @7994 has 321 MA's), (18, 8111), (22, 8138), (27, 8198), (29, 8234), (31, 8240), (35, 8270),(39, 8306), (50, 8369), (52, 8399), (109, 8804), (110, 8807), (118, 8864),

Gene: Efra2_13 Start: 6872, Stop: 7801, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Efra2_13:(Start: 7 @6872 has 321 MA's), (15, 6962), (18, 6989), (33, 7136), (35, 7148), (36, 7160), (50, 7247),(65, 7361), (96, 7559), (103, 7598), (109, 7682), (110, 7685), (114, 7718), (118, 7742), (123, 7769),(127, 7784),

Gene: Eileen_6 Start: 5556, Stop: 6539, Start Num: 3Candidate Starts for Eileen_6:(Start: 3 @5556 has 5 MA's), (4, 5580), (11, 5658), (25, 5772), (35, 5862), (38, 5892), (42, 5913), (49,5958), (88, 6243), (90, 6255), (98, 6309), (109, 6429),

Gene: Ekdilam_10 Start: 7548, Stop: 8483, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Ekdilam_10:(Start: 7 @7548 has 321 MA's), (15, 7638), (18, 7665), (22, 7692), (35, 7824), (39, 7860), (54, 7968),(59, 7998), (65, 8037), (79, 8136), (101, 8262), (103, 8274), (105, 8292), (109, 8358), (110, 8361),(114, 8394), (118, 8418),

Gene: Eleri_6 Start: 4886, Stop: 5833, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Eleri_6:(Start: 7 @4886 has 321 MA's), (14, 4973), (18, 5003), (19, 5015), (21, 5024), (25, 5060), (45, 5225),(54, 5309), (68, 5408), (102, 5630), (109, 5711),

Gene: Ellie_10 Start: 7643, Stop: 8566, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Ellie_10:

(Start: 7 @7643 has 321 MA's), (15, 7733), (18, 7760), (22, 7787), (27, 7847), (35, 7919), (36, 7931),(44, 7976), (52, 8048), (62, 8111), (79, 8231), (101, 8357), (103, 8369), (105, 8387), (109, 8453), (110,8456), (114, 8489), (118, 8513),

Gene: Emerson_13 Start: 7934, Stop: 8869, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Emerson_13:(Start: 7 @7934 has 321 MA's), (15, 8024), (18, 8051), (33, 8198), (35, 8210), (36, 8222), (50, 8309),(61, 8393), (65, 8423), (96, 8621), (103, 8660), (109, 8744), (110, 8747), (114, 8780), (118, 8804),(127, 8846),

Gene: Enby_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Enby_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: Endor_6 Start: 5123, Stop: 6103, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Endor_6:(1, 4958), (Start: 7 @5123 has 321 MA's), (18, 5240), (27, 5330), (28, 5348), (32, 5384), (35, 5402),(47, 5483), (54, 5546), (68, 5651), (71, 5672), (72, 5678), (104, 5894), (109, 5954), (113, 5981),

Gene: Enkosi_9 Start: 7225, Stop: 8145, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Enkosi_9:(Start: 7 @7225 has 321 MA's), (18, 7342), (22, 7369), (26, 7420), (33, 7489), (35, 7501), (39, 7537),(59, 7675), (61, 7684), (65, 7714), (79, 7813), (94, 7897), (98, 7918), (101, 7939), (103, 7951), (109,8035), (114, 8071), (123, 8122), (124, 8125),

Gene: Eponine_14 Start: 9051, Stop: 9980, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Eponine_14:(Start: 7 @9051 has 321 MA's), (15, 9141), (17, 9162), (18, 9168), (22, 9195), (27, 9255), (35, 9327),(38, 9357), (39, 9363), (65, 9540), (74, 9603), (77, 9630), (81, 9663), (94, 9723), (103, 9777), (109,9861), (114, 9897), (118, 9921),

Gene: Erla_6 Start: 4707, Stop: 5633, Start Num: 6Candidate Starts for Erla_6:(Start: 6 @4707 has 10 MA's), (18, 4824), (21, 4845), (25, 4881), (33, 4974), (34, 4980), (35, 4986),(45, 5046), (54, 5130), (72, 5244), (91, 5370), (101, 5436), (109, 5520), (113, 5547), (127, 5622),

Gene: Espinosa_6 Start: 4720, Stop: 5646, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Espinosa_6:(Start: 7 @4720 has 321 MA's), (18, 4837), (21, 4858), (25, 4894), (33, 4987), (34, 4993), (35, 4999),(45, 5059), (54, 5143), (72, 5257), (91, 5383), (101, 5449), (109, 5533), (113, 5560), (127, 5635),

Gene: Etna_6 Start: 4705, Stop: 5697, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Etna_6:(Start: 7 @4705 has 321 MA's), (18, 4822), (25, 4879), (32, 4966), (47, 5065), (68, 5233), (71, 5254),(72, 5260), (97, 5428), (101, 5452), (104, 5476), (109, 5548), (110, 5551),

Gene: Etta_6 Start: 4711, Stop: 5637, Start Num: 6Candidate Starts for Etta_6:(Start: 6 @4711 has 10 MA's), (18, 4828), (21, 4849), (25, 4885), (33, 4978), (34, 4984), (35, 4990),(45, 5050), (54, 5134), (72, 5248), (91, 5374), (96, 5413), (101, 5440), (109, 5524), (113, 5551), (127,5626),

Gene: FF47_09 Start: 6426, Stop: 7418, Start Num: 5Candidate Starts for FF47_09:(Start: 5 @6426 has 3 MA's), (11, 6501), (17, 6552), (18, 6558), (25, 6615), (30, 6672), (34, 6699), (48,6789), (65, 6912), (71, 6954), (78, 6996), (93, 7116), (102, 7167), (108, 7254), (117, 7317),

Gene: Fefferhead_12 Start: 7810, Stop: 8733, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Fefferhead_12:(Start: 7 @7810 has 321 MA's), (15, 7900), (18, 7927), (22, 7954), (27, 8014), (35, 8086), (36, 8098),(52, 8215), (62, 8278), (79, 8398), (101, 8524), (103, 8536), (105, 8554), (109, 8620), (110, 8623),(114, 8656), (118, 8680),

Gene: Findley_9 Start: 5947, Stop: 6864, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Findley_9:(Start: 7 @5947 has 321 MA's), (17, 6058), (18, 6064), (22, 6091), (28, 6169), (35, 6223), (38, 6253),(39, 6259), (55, 6379), (81, 6559), (101, 6661), (109, 6757), (114, 6793), (116, 6802), (124, 6847),

Gene: Finny_6 Start: 4886, Stop: 5827, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Finny_6:(Start: 7 @4886 has 321 MA's), (14, 4973), (18, 5003), (19, 5015), (21, 5024), (27, 5093), (45, 5225),(54, 5309), (68, 5408), (102, 5630), (109, 5711), (131, 5816),

Gene: Fionnbharth_14 Start: 9165, Stop: 10094, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Fionnbharth_14:(Start: 7 @9165 has 321 MA's), (15, 9255), (17, 9276), (18, 9282), (22, 9309), (27, 9369), (38, 9471),(39, 9477), (49, 9537), (55, 9597), (65, 9654), (74, 9717), (77, 9744), (94, 9837), (103, 9891), (105,9909), (109, 9975), (118, 10035),

Gene: Flathead_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Flathead_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (17, 5118), (18, 5124), (24, 5163), (25, 5181),(27, 5211), (36, 5295), (52, 5412), (70, 5544), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (101, 5721), (105, 5751), (109,5805), (114, 5841),

Gene: Frankie_7 Start: 5201, Stop: 6109, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Frankie_7:(Start: 7 @5201 has 321 MA's), (15, 5291), (16, 5294), (18, 5318), (25, 5375), (27, 5405), (36, 5489),(52, 5606), (70, 5738), (77, 5780), (99, 5897), (100, 5900), (101, 5915), (105, 5945), (106, 5969), (109,5999),

Gene: Fryberger_39 Start: 14324, Stop: 15298, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Fryberger_39:(Start: 7 @14324 has 321 MA's), (13, 14396), (15, 14414), (18, 14441), (44, 14657), (59, 14774), (68,14843), (82, 14951), (83, 14978), (86, 14999), (93, 15047), (100, 15080), (103, 15107), (109, 15179),(110, 15182), (115, 15218),

Gene: GaeCeo_7 Start: 4819, Stop: 5760, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for GaeCeo_7:(Start: 7 @4819 has 321 MA's), (18, 4936), (21, 4957), (22, 4963), (32, 5080), (35, 5098), (45, 5158),(54, 5242), (71, 5362), (102, 5563), (104, 5584), (109, 5644), (113, 5671), (130, 5749),

Gene: Ganymede_13 Start: 7951, Stop: 8886, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Ganymede_13:

(Start: 7 @7951 has 321 MA's), (15, 8041), (18, 8068), (33, 8215), (35, 8227), (36, 8239), (50, 8326),(61, 8410), (65, 8440), (96, 8638), (103, 8677), (109, 8761), (110, 8764), (114, 8797), (118, 8821),(127, 8863),

Gene: GardenB_6 Start: 4714, Stop: 5703, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for GardenB_6:(Start: 7 @4714 has 321 MA's), (18, 4831), (27, 4921), (32, 4975), (47, 5074), (54, 5137), (68, 5242),(71, 5263), (97, 5437), (99, 5443), (102, 5464), (109, 5557), (113, 5584),

Gene: Gargoyle_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Gargoyle_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Gelo_6 Start: 4711, Stop: 5637, Start Num: 6Candidate Starts for Gelo_6:(Start: 6 @4711 has 10 MA's), (18, 4828), (21, 4849), (25, 4885), (33, 4978), (34, 4984), (35, 4990),(45, 5050), (54, 5134), (72, 5248), (91, 5374), (96, 5413), (101, 5440), (109, 5524), (113, 5551), (127,5626),

Gene: Gengar_11 Start: 7980, Stop: 8912, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Gengar_11:(Start: 7 @7980 has 321 MA's), (18, 8097), (22, 8124), (27, 8184), (29, 8220), (31, 8226), (39, 8292),(50, 8355), (74, 8532), (109, 8790), (110, 8793), (114, 8826), (118, 8850),

Gene: Geraldini_13 Start: 7951, Stop: 8889, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Geraldini_13:(Start: 7 @7951 has 321 MA's), (15, 8041), (18, 8068), (25, 8125), (33, 8215), (35, 8227), (36, 8239),(50, 8326), (61, 8410), (65, 8440), (96, 8638), (103, 8677), (109, 8761), (110, 8764), (114, 8797), (118,8821), (127, 8863),

Gene: Gershwin_6 Start: 4722, Stop: 5648, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Gershwin_6:(Start: 7 @4722 has 321 MA's), (18, 4839), (21, 4860), (25, 4896), (33, 4989), (34, 4995), (35, 5001),(45, 5061), (54, 5145), (72, 5259), (91, 5385), (101, 5451), (109, 5535), (113, 5562), (127, 5637),

Gene: Girafales_7 Start: 5002, Stop: 5910, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Girafales_7:(Start: 7 @5002 has 321 MA's), (15, 5092), (16, 5095), (18, 5119), (25, 5176), (27, 5206), (36, 5290),(52, 5407), (70, 5539), (77, 5581), (99, 5698), (100, 5701), (105, 5746), (109, 5800), (111, 5815), (114,5836),

Gene: Glamour_5 Start: 4886, Stop: 5827, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Glamour_5:(Start: 7 @4886 has 321 MA's), (14, 4973), (18, 5003), (19, 5015), (21, 5024), (25, 5060), (45, 5225),(54, 5309), (68, 5408), (102, 5630), (109, 5711), (131, 5816),

Gene: GlobiWarming_6 Start: 5551, Stop: 6534, Start Num: 3Candidate Starts for GlobiWarming_6:(Start: 3 @5551 has 5 MA's), (4, 5575), (11, 5653), (25, 5767), (38, 5887), (42, 5908), (49, 5953), (88,6238), (90, 6250), (98, 6304), (109, 6424),

Gene: Golden_6 Start: 4803, Stop: 5765, Start Num: 7

Candidate Starts for Golden_6:(Start: 7 @4803 has 321 MA's), (17, 4914), (18, 4920), (21, 4941), (25, 4977), (28, 5028), (49, 5178),(51, 5190), (92, 5484), (105, 5574), (109, 5628), (110, 5631), (113, 5655),

Gene: Greys_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Greys_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Guanica15_13 Start: 6888, Stop: 7817, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Guanica15_13:(Start: 7 @6888 has 321 MA's), (15, 6978), (18, 7005), (33, 7152), (35, 7164), (36, 7176), (50, 7263),(65, 7377), (96, 7575), (103, 7614), (109, 7698), (110, 7701), (114, 7734), (118, 7758), (123, 7785),(127, 7800),

Gene: Gubbabump_6 Start: 4710, Stop: 5636, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Gubbabump_6:(Start: 7 @4710 has 321 MA's), (18, 4827), (21, 4848), (25, 4884), (33, 4977), (34, 4983), (35, 4989),(45, 5049), (54, 5133), (72, 5247), (91, 5373), (101, 5439), (109, 5523), (113, 5550), (127, 5625),

Gene: Guey18_44 Start: 15517, Stop: 16491, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Guey18_44:(Start: 7 @15517 has 321 MA's), (13, 15589), (15, 15607), (18, 15634), (44, 15850), (59, 15967), (68,16036), (82, 16144), (83, 16171), (86, 16192), (100, 16273), (103, 16300), (109, 16372), (110, 16375),(115, 16411),

Gene: Guillsminger_11 Start: 7955, Stop: 8887, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Guillsminger_11:(Start: 7 @7955 has 321 MA's), (18, 8072), (22, 8099), (27, 8159), (29, 8195), (31, 8201), (39, 8267),(50, 8330), (74, 8507), (109, 8765), (110, 8768), (114, 8801), (118, 8825),

Gene: Hamlet_6 Start: 4714, Stop: 5694, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Hamlet_6:(Start: 7 @4714 has 321 MA's), (18, 4831), (27, 4921), (28, 4939), (32, 4975), (47, 5074), (54, 5137),(68, 5242), (71, 5263), (72, 5269), (104, 5485), (109, 5545), (113, 5572),

Gene: Hammy_12 Start: 7818, Stop: 8747, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Hammy_12:(Start: 7 @7818 has 321 MA's), (15, 7908), (18, 7935), (22, 7962), (35, 8094), (44, 8151), (54, 8238),(59, 8268), (65, 8307), (79, 8406), (101, 8532), (103, 8544), (105, 8562), (109, 8628), (110, 8631),(118, 8688),

Gene: HanSolo_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for HanSolo_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Hasitha_8 Start: 5185, Stop: 6165, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Hasitha_8:(Start: 7 @5185 has 321 MA's), (17, 5296), (18, 5302), (21, 5323), (34, 5458), (39, 5500), (45, 5524),(58, 5641), (67, 5710), (68, 5713), (95, 5899), (99, 5914), (101, 5932), (109, 6016), (110, 6019), (132,6160),

Gene: HedwigODU_13 Start: 7931, Stop: 8869, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for HedwigODU_13:(Start: 7 @7931 has 321 MA's), (15, 8021), (18, 8048), (33, 8195), (35, 8207), (36, 8219), (50, 8306),(61, 8390), (65, 8420), (96, 8618), (103, 8657), (109, 8741), (110, 8744), (114, 8777), (118, 8801),(127, 8843),

Gene: Hegedechwinu_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Hegedechwinu_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (17, 5118), (18, 5124), (24, 5163), (25, 5181),(27, 5211), (36, 5295), (52, 5412), (70, 5544), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (101, 5721), (105, 5751), (109,5805), (114, 5841),

Gene: HerculesXL_9 Start: 5573, Stop: 6568, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for HerculesXL_9:(Start: 7 @5573 has 321 MA's), (17, 5684), (18, 5690), (21, 5711), (33, 5840), (34, 5846), (35, 5852),(39, 5888), (45, 5912), (47, 5933), (49, 5948), (71, 6122), (95, 6287), (99, 6302), (101, 6320), (109,6416), (110, 6419),

Gene: Homura_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Homura_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: Hurricane_12 Start: 7958, Stop: 8881, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Hurricane_12:(Start: 7 @7958 has 321 MA's), (15, 8048), (18, 8075), (22, 8102), (35, 8234), (39, 8270), (44, 8291),(49, 8330), (55, 8390), (81, 8570), (101, 8672), (103, 8684), (105, 8702), (109, 8768), (124, 8858),

Gene: Hyperbowlee_14 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Hyperbowlee_14:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: Illumine_13 Start: 7930, Stop: 8865, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Illumine_13:(Start: 7 @7930 has 321 MA's), (15, 8020), (18, 8047), (33, 8194), (35, 8206), (36, 8218), (50, 8305),(65, 8419), (96, 8617), (103, 8656), (105, 8674), (109, 8740), (110, 8743), (114, 8776), (115, 8779),(118, 8800), (127, 8842),

Gene: Ilzat_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Ilzat_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Inky_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Inky_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: Inventa_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7

Candidate Starts for Inventa_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: InvictusManeo_11 Start: 8104, Stop: 9024, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for InvictusManeo_11:(Start: 7 @8104 has 321 MA's), (18, 8221), (22, 8248), (27, 8308), (29, 8344), (31, 8350), (35, 8380),(39, 8416), (50, 8479), (52, 8509), (109, 8914), (110, 8917), (114, 8950), (118, 8974),

Gene: Ioannes_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Ioannes_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Ixel_8 Start: 5124, Stop: 6119, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Ixel_8:(Start: 7 @5124 has 321 MA's), (15, 5214), (17, 5235), (18, 5241), (19, 5253), (21, 5262), (33, 5391),(34, 5397), (35, 5403), (39, 5439), (45, 5463), (49, 5499), (92, 5811), (95, 5838), (99, 5853), (104,5895), (109, 5967),

Gene: JAWS_13 Start: 7928, Stop: 8863, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for JAWS_13:(Start: 7 @7928 has 321 MA's), (15, 8018), (18, 8045), (33, 8192), (35, 8204), (36, 8216), (50, 8303),(61, 8387), (65, 8417), (96, 8615), (103, 8654), (109, 8738), (110, 8741), (114, 8774), (118, 8798),(127, 8840),

Gene: JF1_14 Start: 9164, Stop: 10093, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for JF1_14:(Start: 7 @9164 has 321 MA's), (15, 9254), (17, 9275), (18, 9281), (22, 9308), (27, 9368), (38, 9470),(39, 9476), (49, 9536), (54, 9584), (55, 9596), (65, 9653), (74, 9716), (77, 9743), (94, 9836), (103,9890), (105, 9908), (109, 9974), (118, 10034),

Gene: JacoRen57_6 Start: 5476, Stop: 6447, Start Num: 5Candidate Starts for JacoRen57_6:(Start: 5 @5476 has 3 MA's), (9, 5527), (18, 5611), (20, 5626), (25, 5668), (28, 5704), (30, 5725), (34,5752), (37, 5773), (39, 5794), (48, 5842), (64, 5959), (68, 5986), (69, 5992), (71, 6007), (85, 6118),(93, 6169), (108, 6307), (112, 6337), (123, 6415),

Gene: JalFarm20_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for JalFarm20_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: Jarvi_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Jarvi_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: JasperRussell_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for JasperRussell_6:

(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Jeckyll_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Jeckyll_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: Jemerald_8 Start: 6059, Stop: 7003, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Jemerald_8:(2, 5966), (Start: 7 @6059 has 321 MA's), (12, 6122), (18, 6176), (19, 6188), (21, 6197), (31, 6308),(47, 6419), (49, 6434), (54, 6482), (68, 6569), (98, 6767), (102, 6791), (109, 6884), (110, 6887), (127,6992),

Gene: Jenos_8 Start: 5321, Stop: 6310, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Jenos_8:(Start: 7 @5321 has 321 MA's), (18, 5438), (25, 5495), (27, 5528), (32, 5582), (35, 5600), (47, 5681),(54, 5744), (71, 5870), (99, 6050), (102, 6071), (104, 6092), (109, 6164), (110, 6167), (113, 6191),

Gene: Job42_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Job42_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: Joy99_13 Start: 7900, Stop: 8835, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Joy99_13:(Start: 7 @7900 has 321 MA's), (15, 7990), (18, 8017), (33, 8164), (35, 8176), (36, 8188), (50, 8275),(61, 8359), (65, 8389), (96, 8587), (103, 8626), (105, 8644), (109, 8710), (110, 8713), (114, 8746),(118, 8770), (127, 8812),

Gene: Juanyo_6 Start: 5026, Stop: 5967, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Juanyo_6:(Start: 7 @5026 has 321 MA's), (18, 5143), (19, 5155), (21, 5164), (25, 5200), (27, 5233), (45, 5365),(99, 5749), (102, 5770), (109, 5851), (129, 5956),

Gene: Judy_6 Start: 5595, Stop: 6578, Start Num: 3Candidate Starts for Judy_6:(Start: 3 @5595 has 5 MA's), (4, 5619), (11, 5697), (25, 5811), (38, 5931), (42, 5952), (49, 5997), (88,6282), (90, 6294), (98, 6348), (109, 6468),

Gene: Juice456_7 Start: 5008, Stop: 5916, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Juice456_7:(Start: 7 @5008 has 321 MA's), (15, 5098), (16, 5101), (17, 5119), (18, 5125), (24, 5164), (25, 5182),(27, 5212), (36, 5296), (52, 5413), (70, 5545), (77, 5587), (99, 5704), (100, 5707), (105, 5752), (109,5806), (111, 5821), (114, 5842),

Gene: Juicer_8 Start: 6059, Stop: 7003, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Juicer_8:(2, 5966), (Start: 7 @6059 has 321 MA's), (12, 6122), (18, 6176), (19, 6188), (21, 6197), (31, 6308),(47, 6419), (49, 6434), (54, 6482), (68, 6569), (98, 6767), (102, 6791), (109, 6884), (110, 6887), (127,6992),

Gene: Juliette_14 Start: 9051, Stop: 9980, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Juliette_14:(Start: 7 @9051 has 321 MA's), (15, 9141), (17, 9162), (18, 9168), (22, 9195), (27, 9255), (35, 9327),(38, 9357), (39, 9363), (65, 9540), (74, 9603), (77, 9630), (81, 9663), (94, 9723), (103, 9777), (109,9861), (114, 9897), (118, 9921),

Gene: Kale_6 Start: 4724, Stop: 5650, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Kale_6:(Start: 7 @4724 has 321 MA's), (18, 4841), (21, 4862), (25, 4898), (33, 4991), (34, 4997), (35, 5003),(45, 5063), (54, 5147), (72, 5261), (91, 5387), (101, 5453), (109, 5537), (113, 5564), (127, 5639),

Gene: KannH_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for KannH_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: KatChan_8 Start: 5187, Stop: 6140, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for KatChan_8:(Start: 7 @5187 has 321 MA's), (17, 5298), (18, 5304), (21, 5325), (22, 5331), (25, 5361), (45, 5526),(49, 5562), (57, 5640), (68, 5715), (97, 5910), (109, 6018), (110, 6021), (123, 6111),

Gene: Kauala_6 Start: 4718, Stop: 5671, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Kauala_6:(Start: 7 @4718 has 321 MA's), (17, 4829), (18, 4835), (21, 4856), (25, 4892), (27, 4925), (28, 4943),(51, 5105), (68, 5240), (105, 5489), (109, 5543), (110, 5546), (113, 5570),

Gene: Keelan_37 Start: 14299, Stop: 15273, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Keelan_37:(Start: 7 @14299 has 321 MA's), (13, 14371), (15, 14389), (18, 14416), (44, 14632), (68, 14818), (82,14926), (83, 14953), (86, 14974), (93, 15022), (100, 15055), (101, 15070), (109, 15154), (110, 15157),(115, 15193),

Gene: Keshu_12 Start: 7945, Stop: 8868, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Keshu_12:(Start: 7 @7945 has 321 MA's), (15, 8035), (18, 8062), (22, 8089), (35, 8221), (39, 8257), (44, 8278),(49, 8317), (81, 8557), (101, 8659), (103, 8671), (105, 8689), (109, 8755), (124, 8845),

Gene: KiSi_12 Start: 6805, Stop: 7728, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for KiSi_12:(Start: 7 @6805 has 321 MA's), (17, 6916), (18, 6922), (22, 6949), (33, 7069), (35, 7081), (36, 7093),(38, 7111), (50, 7180), (52, 7210), (54, 7225), (59, 7255), (65, 7294), (69, 7330), (103, 7531), (109,7615), (110, 7618), (114, 7651), (118, 7675),

Gene: Kimberlium_7 Start: 5008, Stop: 5916, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Kimberlium_7:(Start: 7 @5008 has 321 MA's), (15, 5098), (16, 5101), (17, 5119), (18, 5125), (24, 5164), (25, 5182),(27, 5212), (36, 5296), (52, 5413), (70, 5545), (77, 5587), (99, 5704), (100, 5707), (105, 5752), (109,5806), (111, 5821), (114, 5842),

Gene: Kingsley_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Kingsley_7:

(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (106, 5775), (109, 5805), (111,5820), (114, 5841),

Gene: Klimt_6 Start: 4709, Stop: 5635, Start Num: 6Candidate Starts for Klimt_6:(Start: 6 @4709 has 10 MA's), (18, 4826), (21, 4847), (25, 4883), (33, 4976), (34, 4982), (35, 4988),(45, 5048), (54, 5132), (72, 5246), (91, 5372), (96, 5411), (101, 5438), (109, 5522), (113, 5549), (127,5624),

Gene: Knox_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Knox_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Koji_6 Start: 4718, Stop: 5686, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Koji_6:(Start: 7 @4718 has 321 MA's), (17, 4829), (18, 4835), (21, 4856), (25, 4892), (28, 4943), (49, 5093),(51, 5105), (68, 5240), (71, 5261), (105, 5489), (109, 5543), (110, 5546),

Gene: Kratio_10 Start: 7731, Stop: 8651, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Kratio_10:(Start: 7 @7731 has 321 MA's), (18, 7848), (22, 7875), (27, 7935), (29, 7971), (31, 7977), (35, 8007),(39, 8043), (50, 8106), (52, 8136), (109, 8541), (110, 8544), (114, 8577), (118, 8601),

Gene: Krueger_12 Start: 6865, Stop: 7788, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Krueger_12:(Start: 7 @6865 has 321 MA's), (18, 6982), (22, 7009), (33, 7129), (35, 7141), (36, 7153), (98, 7558),(103, 7591), (105, 7609), (109, 7675), (110, 7678), (114, 7711), (118, 7735), (123, 7762),

Gene: Kurt1_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Kurt1_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Larva_11 Start: 7861, Stop: 8793, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Larva_11:(Start: 7 @7861 has 321 MA's), (18, 7978), (22, 8005), (27, 8065), (29, 8101), (31, 8107), (35, 8137),(39, 8173), (50, 8236), (52, 8266), (109, 8671), (110, 8674), (118, 8731),

Gene: LastHope_13 Start: 6959, Stop: 7888, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for LastHope_13:(Start: 7 @6959 has 321 MA's), (15, 7049), (18, 7076), (27, 7163), (33, 7223), (35, 7235), (36, 7247),(55, 7391), (61, 7418), (65, 7448), (98, 7652), (103, 7685), (109, 7769), (110, 7772), (114, 7805), (118,7829), (127, 7871),

Gene: LaterM_13 Start: 7898, Stop: 8833, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for LaterM_13:(Start: 7 @7898 has 321 MA's), (15, 7988), (18, 8015), (28, 8120), (33, 8162), (35, 8174), (36, 8186),(50, 8273), (65, 8387), (96, 8585), (103, 8624), (105, 8642), (109, 8708), (110, 8711), (114, 8744),(118, 8768), (127, 8810),

Gene: LeMond_12 Start: 6805, Stop: 7728, Start Num: 7

Candidate Starts for LeMond_12:(Start: 7 @6805 has 321 MA's), (17, 6916), (18, 6922), (22, 6949), (33, 7069), (35, 7081), (36, 7093),(38, 7111), (50, 7180), (52, 7210), (54, 7225), (59, 7255), (65, 7294), (69, 7330), (103, 7531), (109,7615), (110, 7618), (114, 7651), (118, 7675),

Gene: Leafus_6 Start: 4852, Stop: 5844, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Leafus_6:(Start: 7 @4852 has 321 MA's), (18, 4969), (25, 5026), (32, 5113), (35, 5131), (47, 5212), (68, 5380),(71, 5401), (72, 5407), (97, 5575), (101, 5599), (104, 5623), (109, 5695), (110, 5698),

Gene: Leozinho_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Leozinho_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: Leston_11 Start: 8085, Stop: 9017, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Leston_11:(Start: 7 @8085 has 321 MA's), (18, 8202), (22, 8229), (27, 8289), (29, 8325), (31, 8331), (39, 8397),(50, 8460), (74, 8637), (109, 8895), (110, 8898), (114, 8931), (118, 8955),

Gene: Librie_8 Start: 5185, Stop: 6165, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Librie_8:(Start: 7 @5185 has 321 MA's), (17, 5296), (18, 5302), (21, 5323), (25, 5359), (34, 5458), (39, 5500),(45, 5524), (58, 5641), (67, 5710), (68, 5713), (95, 5899), (99, 5914), (101, 5932), (109, 6016), (110,6019), (132, 6160),

Gene: LilPharaoh_9 Start: 7225, Stop: 8145, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for LilPharaoh_9:(Start: 7 @7225 has 321 MA's), (18, 7342), (22, 7369), (26, 7420), (33, 7489), (35, 7501), (39, 7537),(59, 7675), (61, 7684), (65, 7714), (79, 7813), (94, 7897), (98, 7918), (101, 7939), (103, 7951), (109,8035), (114, 8071), (123, 8122), (124, 8125),

Gene: LindNT_13 Start: 7898, Stop: 8833, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for LindNT_13:(Start: 7 @7898 has 321 MA's), (15, 7988), (18, 8015), (33, 8162), (35, 8174), (36, 8186), (50, 8273),(65, 8387), (96, 8585), (103, 8624), (105, 8642), (109, 8708), (110, 8711), (114, 8744), (118, 8768),(127, 8810),

Gene: Lorde_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Lorde_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: Lovelyunicorn_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Lovelyunicorn_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Lucky3_6 Start: 4803, Stop: 5765, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Lucky3_6:

(Start: 7 @4803 has 321 MA's), (17, 4914), (18, 4920), (21, 4941), (25, 4977), (28, 5028), (49, 5178),(51, 5190), (92, 5484), (105, 5574), (109, 5628), (110, 5631), (113, 5655),

Gene: Ludgate_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Ludgate_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (47, 5068), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127,5623),

Gene: Luna18_8 Start: 5187, Stop: 6140, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Luna18_8:(Start: 7 @5187 has 321 MA's), (17, 5298), (18, 5304), (21, 5325), (22, 5331), (25, 5361), (45, 5526),(49, 5562), (57, 5640), (68, 5715), (97, 5910), (109, 6018), (110, 6021), (123, 6111),

Gene: MCubed_6 Start: 4889, Stop: 5845, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for MCubed_6:(Start: 7 @4889 has 321 MA's), (14, 4976), (18, 5006), (19, 5018), (21, 5027), (27, 5096), (45, 5228),(54, 5312), (68, 5411), (71, 5432), (102, 5633), (109, 5714),

Gene: MacnCheese_13 Start: 8170, Stop: 9093, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for MacnCheese_13:(Start: 7 @8170 has 321 MA's), (15, 8260), (18, 8287), (22, 8314), (35, 8446), (39, 8482), (44, 8503),(49, 8542), (61, 8629), (81, 8782), (103, 8896), (105, 8914), (109, 8980), (114, 9016), (124, 9070),

Gene: Maco6_7 Start: 5705, Stop: 6694, Start Num: 5Candidate Starts for Maco6_7:(Start: 5 @5705 has 3 MA's), (11, 5780), (17, 5831), (18, 5837), (25, 5894), (30, 5951), (34, 5978), (48,6068), (64, 6185), (65, 6191), (78, 6275), (93, 6395), (102, 6446), (108, 6533), (117, 6596),

Gene: Madiba_7 Start: 5006, Stop: 5914, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Madiba_7:(Start: 7 @5006 has 321 MA's), (15, 5096), (16, 5099), (18, 5123), (25, 5180), (27, 5210), (36, 5294),(52, 5411), (70, 5543), (77, 5585), (99, 5702), (100, 5705), (105, 5750), (109, 5804), (111, 5819), (114,5840),

Gene: MaeLinda_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for MaeLinda_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Malthus_14 Start: 9084, Stop: 10013, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Malthus_14:(Start: 7 @9084 has 321 MA's), (15, 9174), (17, 9195), (18, 9201), (22, 9228), (27, 9288), (38, 9390),(39, 9396), (49, 9456), (54, 9504), (55, 9516), (65, 9573), (74, 9636), (77, 9663), (94, 9756), (103,9810), (105, 9828), (109, 9894), (114, 9930), (118, 9954),

Gene: ManRay_6 Start: 4722, Stop: 5648, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for ManRay_6:(Start: 7 @4722 has 321 MA's), (18, 4839), (21, 4860), (25, 4896), (33, 4989), (34, 4995), (35, 5001),(45, 5061), (54, 5145), (72, 5259), (91, 5385), (101, 5451), (109, 5535), (113, 5562), (127, 5637),

Gene: Mandalorian_6 Start: 5021, Stop: 5977, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Mandalorian_6:

(Start: 7 @5021 has 321 MA's), (18, 5138), (19, 5150), (21, 5159), (22, 5165), (25, 5195), (49, 5396),(54, 5444), (68, 5543), (92, 5702), (96, 5735), (99, 5744), (109, 5846), (110, 5849),

Gene: Marcoliusprime_9 Start: 5947, Stop: 6864, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Marcoliusprime_9:(Start: 7 @5947 has 321 MA's), (17, 6058), (18, 6064), (22, 6091), (35, 6223), (38, 6253), (39, 6259),(55, 6379), (81, 6559), (101, 6661), (109, 6757), (114, 6793), (116, 6802), (124, 6847),

Gene: MarkPhew_12 Start: 6704, Stop: 7627, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for MarkPhew_12:(Start: 7 @6704 has 321 MA's), (17, 6815), (18, 6821), (22, 6848), (33, 6968), (35, 6980), (36, 6992),(50, 7079), (52, 7109), (69, 7229), (103, 7430), (105, 7448), (109, 7514), (110, 7517), (114, 7550),(116, 7559), (118, 7574),

Gene: Marshawn_14 Start: 7351, Stop: 8274, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Marshawn_14:(Start: 7 @7351 has 321 MA's), (15, 7441), (17, 7462), (18, 7468), (22, 7495), (33, 7615), (35, 7627),(36, 7639), (50, 7726), (52, 7756), (96, 8038), (103, 8077), (105, 8095), (109, 8161), (110, 8164), (114,8197), (116, 8206), (118, 8221),

Gene: Martin_7 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Martin_7:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: McGalleon_7 Start: 5422, Stop: 6414, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for McGalleon_7:(Start: 7 @5422 has 321 MA's), (18, 5539), (25, 5596), (27, 5629), (32, 5683), (35, 5701), (71, 5971),(99, 6151), (102, 6172), (104, 6193), (109, 6265), (110, 6268), (113, 6292), (132, 6409),

Gene: Mdavu_9 Start: 7213, Stop: 8133, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Mdavu_9:(Start: 7 @7213 has 321 MA's), (18, 7330), (22, 7357), (26, 7408), (33, 7477), (35, 7489), (39, 7525),(59, 7663), (61, 7672), (65, 7702), (79, 7801), (94, 7885), (98, 7906), (101, 7927), (103, 7939), (109,8023), (114, 8059), (123, 8110), (124, 8113),

Gene: MeaningOfLife_13 Start: 7904, Stop: 8842, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for MeaningOfLife_13:(Start: 7 @7904 has 321 MA's), (15, 7994), (18, 8021), (33, 8168), (35, 8180), (36, 8192), (50, 8279),(61, 8363), (65, 8393), (96, 8591), (103, 8630), (109, 8714), (110, 8717), (114, 8750), (118, 8774),(127, 8816),

Gene: Mercedes_7 Start: 4939, Stop: 5892, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Mercedes_7:(Start: 7 @4939 has 321 MA's), (17, 5050), (18, 5056), (21, 5077), (22, 5083), (25, 5113), (28, 5164),(41, 5266), (56, 5389), (68, 5467), (97, 5662), (101, 5686), (109, 5770), (110, 5773),

Gene: Milly_9 Start: 5947, Stop: 6864, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Milly_9:(Start: 7 @5947 has 321 MA's), (17, 6058), (18, 6064), (22, 6091), (28, 6169), (35, 6223), (38, 6253),(39, 6259), (55, 6379), (81, 6559), (101, 6661), (109, 6757), (114, 6793), (116, 6802), (124, 6847),

Gene: MillyPhilly_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7

Candidate Starts for MillyPhilly_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Misha28_7 Start: 5011, Stop: 5919, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Misha28_7:(Start: 7 @5011 has 321 MA's), (15, 5101), (16, 5104), (18, 5128), (25, 5185), (27, 5215), (36, 5299),(49, 5383), (52, 5416), (70, 5548), (77, 5590), (99, 5707), (100, 5710), (105, 5755), (109, 5809), (111,5824), (114, 5845),

Gene: MissDaisy_14 Start: 8950, Stop: 9879, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for MissDaisy_14:(Start: 7 @8950 has 321 MA's), (15, 9040), (17, 9061), (18, 9067), (22, 9094), (27, 9154), (38, 9256),(39, 9262), (55, 9382), (65, 9439), (77, 9529), (94, 9622), (103, 9676), (105, 9694), (109, 9760), (118,9820),

Gene: Mitti_14 Start: 9088, Stop: 10017, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Mitti_14:(Start: 7 @9088 has 321 MA's), (15, 9178), (17, 9199), (18, 9205), (22, 9232), (27, 9292), (38, 9394),(39, 9400), (49, 9460), (55, 9520), (65, 9577), (74, 9640), (77, 9667), (94, 9760), (103, 9814), (105,9832), (109, 9898), (118, 9958),

Gene: MonChoix_6 Start: 4728, Stop: 5654, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for MonChoix_6:(Start: 7 @4728 has 321 MA's), (18, 4845), (21, 4866), (25, 4902), (33, 4995), (34, 5001), (35, 5007),(45, 5067), (54, 5151), (91, 5391), (101, 5457), (109, 5541), (113, 5568), (127, 5643),

Gene: Mova_7 Start: 5009, Stop: 5917, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Mova_7:(Start: 7 @5009 has 321 MA's), (15, 5099), (16, 5102), (18, 5126), (25, 5183), (27, 5213), (36, 5297),(52, 5414), (70, 5546), (77, 5588), (99, 5705), (100, 5708), (105, 5753), (109, 5807), (111, 5822), (114,5843),

Gene: Mozy_7 Start: 5004, Stop: 5912, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Mozy_7:(Start: 7 @5004 has 321 MA's), (17, 5115), (18, 5121), (25, 5178), (27, 5208), (36, 5292), (49, 5376),(52, 5409), (68, 5523), (70, 5541), (99, 5700), (100, 5703), (101, 5718), (105, 5748), (106, 5772), (109,5802),

Gene: MrWorldwide_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for MrWorldwide_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Muddy_9 Start: 6658, Stop: 7647, Start Num: 5Candidate Starts for Muddy_9:(Start: 5 @6658 has 3 MA's), (11, 6733), (17, 6784), (18, 6790), (25, 6847), (30, 6904), (34, 6931), (48,7021), (64, 7138), (65, 7144), (78, 7228), (93, 7348), (102, 7399), (108, 7486), (117, 7549),

Gene: Mufasa_9 Start: 5933, Stop: 6850, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Mufasa_9:(Start: 7 @5933 has 321 MA's), (17, 6044), (18, 6050), (22, 6077), (28, 6155), (35, 6209), (38, 6239),(39, 6245), (55, 6365), (81, 6545), (98, 6626), (101, 6647), (103, 6659), (109, 6743), (114, 6779), (116,

6788), (124, 6833),

Gene: Murucutumbu_13 Start: 7891, Stop: 8826, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Murucutumbu_13:(Start: 7 @7891 has 321 MA's), (15, 7981), (18, 8008), (28, 8113), (33, 8155), (35, 8167), (36, 8179),(50, 8266), (65, 8380), (96, 8578), (103, 8617), (105, 8635), (109, 8701), (110, 8704), (114, 8737),(118, 8761), (127, 8803),

Gene: Mynx_13 Start: 7954, Stop: 8889, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Mynx_13:(Start: 7 @7954 has 321 MA's), (15, 8044), (18, 8071), (33, 8218), (35, 8230), (36, 8242), (50, 8329),(61, 8413), (65, 8443), (96, 8641), (103, 8680), (109, 8764), (110, 8767), (114, 8800), (118, 8824),(127, 8866),

Gene: Nagem_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Nagem_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (47, 5068), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127,5623),

Gene: Nattles_6 Start: 4713, Stop: 5639, Start Num: 6Candidate Starts for Nattles_6:(Start: 6 @4713 has 10 MA's), (18, 4830), (21, 4851), (25, 4887), (33, 4980), (34, 4986), (35, 4992),(45, 5052), (54, 5136), (72, 5250), (91, 5376), (101, 5442), (109, 5526), (113, 5553), (127, 5628),

Gene: Nebulous_8 Start: 5916, Stop: 6893, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Nebulous_8:(Start: 7 @5916 has 321 MA's), (12, 5979), (15, 6006), (17, 6027), (18, 6033), (21, 6054), (45, 6255),(58, 6372), (60, 6381), (68, 6444), (74, 6477), (80, 6525), (95, 6630), (99, 6645), (101, 6663), (109,6747), (110, 6750), (113, 6774),

Gene: Neferthena_8 Start: 5927, Stop: 6904, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Neferthena_8:(Start: 7 @5927 has 321 MA's), (15, 6017), (17, 6038), (18, 6044), (21, 6065), (45, 6266), (49, 6302),(58, 6383), (68, 6455), (74, 6488), (80, 6536), (95, 6641), (99, 6656), (101, 6674), (109, 6758), (110,6761), (113, 6785), (130, 6872),

Gene: Nibb_12 Start: 6846, Stop: 7769, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Nibb_12:(Start: 7 @6846 has 321 MA's), (15, 6936), (17, 6957), (18, 6963), (22, 6990), (33, 7110), (35, 7122),(36, 7134), (50, 7221), (52, 7251), (65, 7335), (69, 7371), (103, 7572), (105, 7590), (109, 7656), (110,7659), (114, 7692), (116, 7701), (118, 7716),

Gene: Nikao_9 Start: 7225, Stop: 8145, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Nikao_9:(Start: 7 @7225 has 321 MA's), (18, 7342), (22, 7369), (26, 7420), (33, 7489), (35, 7501), (39, 7537),(59, 7675), (61, 7684), (65, 7714), (79, 7813), (94, 7897), (98, 7918), (101, 7939), (103, 7951), (109,8035), (114, 8071), (123, 8122), (124, 8125),

Gene: Niklas_13 Start: 7012, Stop: 7941, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Niklas_13:(Start: 7 @7012 has 321 MA's), (15, 7102), (18, 7129), (22, 7156), (33, 7276), (35, 7288), (50, 7387),(61, 7471), (96, 7699), (103, 7738), (105, 7756), (109, 7822), (110, 7825), (118, 7882),

Gene: NoShow_8 Start: 5701, Stop: 6669, Start Num: 5Candidate Starts for NoShow_8:(Start: 5 @5701 has 3 MA's), (9, 5752), (15, 5809), (16, 5812), (17, 5830), (18, 5836), (20, 5851), (25,5893), (30, 5950), (34, 5977), (37, 5998), (46, 6046), (64, 6184), (68, 6211), (71, 6232), (93, 6394),(96, 6415), (108, 6532), (112, 6562),

Gene: Nucci_6 Start: 5009, Stop: 5965, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Nucci_6:(Start: 7 @5009 has 321 MA's), (18, 5126), (19, 5138), (21, 5147), (22, 5153), (25, 5183), (49, 5384),(54, 5432), (68, 5531), (92, 5690), (96, 5723), (99, 5732), (109, 5834), (110, 5837),

Gene: Nutello_9 Start: 7225, Stop: 8145, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Nutello_9:(Start: 7 @7225 has 321 MA's), (18, 7342), (22, 7369), (26, 7420), (33, 7489), (35, 7501), (39, 7537),(59, 7675), (61, 7684), (65, 7714), (79, 7813), (94, 7897), (98, 7918), (101, 7939), (103, 7951), (109,8035), (114, 8071), (123, 8122), (124, 8125),

Gene: Oats_6 Start: 4722, Stop: 5648, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Oats_6:(Start: 7 @4722 has 321 MA's), (18, 4839), (21, 4860), (25, 4896), (33, 4989), (34, 4995), (35, 5001),(45, 5061), (54, 5145), (72, 5259), (91, 5385), (101, 5451), (109, 5535), (113, 5562), (127, 5637),

Gene: OkiRoe_11 Start: 7955, Stop: 8887, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for OkiRoe_11:(Start: 7 @7955 has 321 MA's), (18, 8072), (22, 8099), (27, 8159), (29, 8195), (31, 8201), (39, 8267),(50, 8330), (52, 8360), (74, 8507), (109, 8765), (110, 8768), (114, 8801), (118, 8825),

Gene: OmniCritical_14 Start: 9075, Stop: 10004, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for OmniCritical_14:(Start: 7 @9075 has 321 MA's), (15, 9165), (17, 9186), (18, 9192), (22, 9219), (27, 9279), (38, 9381),(39, 9387), (49, 9447), (55, 9507), (65, 9564), (74, 9627), (77, 9654), (94, 9747), (103, 9801), (105,9819), (109, 9885), (118, 9945),

Gene: Omnicron_11 Start: 6973, Stop: 7905, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Omnicron_11:(Start: 7 @6973 has 321 MA's), (18, 7090), (22, 7117), (27, 7177), (29, 7213), (31, 7219), (35, 7249),(39, 7285), (50, 7348), (53, 7390), (65, 7462), (74, 7525), (75, 7534), (101, 7687), (109, 7783), (110,7786), (114, 7819), (118, 7843), (125, 7876),

Gene: Oscar_12 Start: 6806, Stop: 7729, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Oscar_12:(Start: 7 @6806 has 321 MA's), (17, 6917), (18, 6923), (22, 6950), (33, 7070), (35, 7082), (36, 7094),(50, 7181), (52, 7211), (54, 7226), (59, 7256), (65, 7295), (69, 7331), (103, 7532), (109, 7616), (110,7619), (114, 7652), (118, 7676),

Gene: OwlsT2W_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for OwlsT2W_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: Oxtober96_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7

Candidate Starts for Oxtober96_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Padfoot_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Padfoot_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: Padpat_13 Start: 7934, Stop: 8869, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Padpat_13:(Start: 7 @7934 has 321 MA's), (15, 8024), (18, 8051), (33, 8198), (35, 8210), (36, 8222), (50, 8309),(61, 8393), (65, 8423), (96, 8621), (103, 8660), (109, 8744), (110, 8747), (114, 8780), (118, 8804),(127, 8846),

Gene: Pajaza_6 Start: 5146, Stop: 6075, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Pajaza_6:(Start: 7 @5146 has 321 MA's), (18, 5263), (21, 5284), (22, 5290), (25, 5320), (32, 5401), (33, 5407),(34, 5413), (35, 5419), (45, 5479), (54, 5563), (68, 5650), (71, 5671), (92, 5809), (105, 5899), (109,5965), (113, 5992),

Gene: Paola_11 Start: 7955, Stop: 8887, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Paola_11:(Start: 7 @7955 has 321 MA's), (18, 8072), (22, 8099), (27, 8159), (29, 8195), (31, 8201), (39, 8267),(50, 8330), (74, 8507), (109, 8765), (110, 8768), (114, 8801), (118, 8825),

Gene: Papafritta_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Papafritta_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: ParleG_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for ParleG_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Patt_14 Start: 8926, Stop: 9855, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Patt_14:(Start: 7 @8926 has 321 MA's), (15, 9016), (17, 9037), (18, 9043), (22, 9070), (27, 9130), (38, 9232),(39, 9238), (55, 9358), (65, 9415), (77, 9505), (94, 9598), (103, 9652), (105, 9670), (109, 9736), (118,9796),

Gene: Peanam_13 Start: 7012, Stop: 7941, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Peanam_13:(Start: 7 @7012 has 321 MA's), (15, 7102), (18, 7129), (22, 7156), (33, 7276), (35, 7288), (50, 7387),(61, 7471), (96, 7699), (103, 7738), (105, 7756), (109, 7822), (110, 7825), (118, 7882),

Gene: Peas_6 Start: 5556, Stop: 6539, Start Num: 3Candidate Starts for Peas_6:(Start: 3 @5556 has 5 MA's), (4, 5580), (11, 5658), (25, 5772), (35, 5862), (38, 5892), (42, 5913), (49,5958), (88, 6243), (90, 6255), (98, 6309), (109, 6429),

Gene: Peel_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Peel_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: Peep_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Peep_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (47, 5068), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127,5623),

Gene: Peppino_6 Start: 4705, Stop: 5697, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Peppino_6:(Start: 7 @4705 has 321 MA's), (18, 4822), (25, 4879), (32, 4966), (47, 5065), (68, 5233), (71, 5254),(72, 5260), (97, 5428), (101, 5452), (104, 5476), (109, 5548), (110, 5551),

Gene: PhelpsODU_12 Start: 6920, Stop: 7843, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for PhelpsODU_12:(Start: 7 @6920 has 321 MA's), (9, 6953), (18, 7037), (33, 7184), (36, 7208), (44, 7253), (52, 7325),(54, 7340), (55, 7352), (61, 7379), (79, 7508), (98, 7613), (103, 7646), (105, 7664), (109, 7730), (110,7733), (114, 7766),

Gene: Pherbot_6 Start: 4718, Stop: 5668, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Pherbot_6:(Start: 7 @4718 has 321 MA's), (17, 4829), (18, 4835), (21, 4856), (27, 4925), (28, 4943), (49, 5093),(51, 5105), (67, 5237), (68, 5240), (105, 5489), (109, 5543), (110, 5546), (113, 5570),

Gene: Pherferi_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Pherferi_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Phireproof_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Phireproof_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Phrank_12 Start: 6869, Stop: 7792, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Phrank_12:(Start: 7 @6869 has 321 MA's), (18, 6986), (22, 7013), (31, 7115), (33, 7133), (35, 7145), (36, 7157),(55, 7301), (98, 7562), (103, 7595), (105, 7613), (109, 7679), (110, 7682), (114, 7715), (123, 7766),

Gene: PhredFlintston_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for PhredFlintston_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Phriends_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Phriends_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Piatt_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Piatt_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: Pikmin_6 Start: 5146, Stop: 6075, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Pikmin_6:(Start: 7 @5146 has 321 MA's), (18, 5263), (21, 5284), (22, 5290), (25, 5320), (32, 5401), (33, 5407),(34, 5413), (35, 5419), (45, 5479), (54, 5563), (68, 5650), (71, 5671), (72, 5677), (92, 5809), (105,5899), (109, 5965), (113, 5992),

Gene: Piper2020_7 Start: 5010, Stop: 5918, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Piper2020_7:(Start: 7 @5010 has 321 MA's), (15, 5100), (16, 5103), (18, 5127), (25, 5184), (27, 5214), (36, 5298),(52, 5415), (70, 5547), (77, 5589), (99, 5706), (100, 5709), (105, 5754), (109, 5808), (111, 5823), (114,5844),

Gene: Pixie_12 Start: 7697, Stop: 8620, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Pixie_12:(Start: 7 @7697 has 321 MA's), (15, 7787), (18, 7814), (22, 7841), (35, 7973), (39, 8009), (44, 8030),(49, 8069), (55, 8129), (81, 8309), (101, 8411), (103, 8423), (105, 8441), (109, 8507), (124, 8597),

Gene: Plumbus_7 Start: 5008, Stop: 5916, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Plumbus_7:(Start: 7 @5008 has 321 MA's), (15, 5098), (16, 5101), (17, 5119), (18, 5125), (24, 5164), (25, 5182),(27, 5212), (36, 5296), (52, 5413), (70, 5545), (77, 5587), (99, 5704), (100, 5707), (105, 5752), (109,5806), (111, 5821), (114, 5842),

Gene: Pocket_6 Start: 4707, Stop: 5633, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Pocket_6:(Start: 7 @4707 has 321 MA's), (18, 4824), (21, 4845), (25, 4881), (33, 4974), (34, 4980), (35, 4986),(45, 5046), (54, 5130), (72, 5244), (91, 5370), (101, 5436), (109, 5520), (113, 5547), (127, 5622),

Gene: Pokerus_13 Start: 7888, Stop: 8823, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Pokerus_13:(Start: 7 @7888 has 321 MA's), (15, 7978), (18, 8005), (33, 8152), (35, 8164), (36, 8176), (50, 8263),(61, 8347), (65, 8377), (96, 8575), (103, 8614), (109, 8698), (110, 8701), (114, 8734), (118, 8758),(127, 8800),

Gene: Pollywog_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Pollywog_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: PrincePhergus_6 Start: 4719, Stop: 5669, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for PrincePhergus_6:(Start: 7 @4719 has 321 MA's), (18, 4836), (21, 4857), (25, 4893), (27, 4926), (28, 4944), (49, 5094),(51, 5106), (68, 5241), (105, 5490), (109, 5544), (110, 5547), (113, 5571),

Gene: Prithvi_13 Start: 7898, Stop: 8833, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Prithvi_13:

(Start: 7 @7898 has 321 MA's), (15, 7988), (18, 8015), (33, 8162), (35, 8174), (36, 8186), (50, 8273),(65, 8387), (96, 8585), (103, 8624), (105, 8642), (109, 8708), (110, 8711), (114, 8744), (118, 8768),(127, 8810),

Gene: Psycho_11 Start: 7991, Stop: 8923, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Psycho_11:(Start: 7 @7991 has 321 MA's), (18, 8108), (22, 8135), (27, 8195), (29, 8231), (31, 8237), (35, 8267),(39, 8303), (50, 8366), (52, 8396), (109, 8801), (110, 8804), (118, 8861),

Gene: PuppyEggo_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for PuppyEggo_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: QuadZero_8 Start: 5197, Stop: 6177, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for QuadZero_8:(Start: 7 @5197 has 321 MA's), (17, 5308), (18, 5314), (21, 5335), (28, 5422), (34, 5470), (39, 5512),(45, 5536), (58, 5653), (67, 5722), (68, 5725), (95, 5911), (99, 5926), (101, 5944), (109, 6028), (110,6031), (132, 6172),

Gene: Quartz_6 Start: 5021, Stop: 5974, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Quartz_6:(Start: 7 @5021 has 321 MA's), (18, 5138), (19, 5150), (21, 5159), (22, 5165), (25, 5195), (49, 5396),(54, 5444), (68, 5543), (92, 5702), (96, 5735), (99, 5744), (109, 5846), (110, 5849),

Gene: Quico_7 Start: 5002, Stop: 5910, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Quico_7:(Start: 7 @5002 has 321 MA's), (15, 5092), (16, 5095), (18, 5119), (25, 5176), (27, 5206), (36, 5290),(52, 5407), (70, 5539), (77, 5581), (99, 5698), (100, 5701), (105, 5746), (109, 5800), (111, 5815), (114,5836),

Gene: QuincyRose_12 Start: 7951, Stop: 8886, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for QuincyRose_12:(Start: 7 @7951 has 321 MA's), (15, 8041), (18, 8068), (33, 8215), (35, 8227), (36, 8239), (50, 8326),(61, 8410), (65, 8440), (96, 8638), (103, 8677), (109, 8761), (110, 8764), (114, 8797), (118, 8821),(127, 8863),

Gene: Raccoon_6 Start: 4711, Stop: 5691, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Raccoon_6:(Start: 7 @4711 has 321 MA's), (18, 4828), (27, 4918), (28, 4936), (32, 4972), (47, 5071), (54, 5134),(68, 5239), (71, 5260), (72, 5266), (104, 5482), (109, 5542), (113, 5569),

Gene: Ramen_13 Start: 7931, Stop: 8869, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Ramen_13:(Start: 7 @7931 has 321 MA's), (15, 8021), (18, 8048), (33, 8195), (35, 8207), (36, 8219), (50, 8306),(61, 8390), (65, 8420), (96, 8618), (103, 8657), (109, 8741), (110, 8744), (114, 8777), (118, 8801),(127, 8843),

Gene: Ramsey_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Ramsey_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: Rando14_11 Start: 6998, Stop: 7930, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Rando14_11:(Start: 7 @6998 has 321 MA's), (18, 7115), (22, 7142), (27, 7202), (29, 7238), (31, 7244), (35, 7274),(39, 7310), (50, 7373), (65, 7487), (74, 7550), (101, 7712), (109, 7808), (110, 7811), (114, 7844), (118,7868),

Gene: Raptor_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Raptor_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Rapunzel97_13 Start: 7932, Stop: 8870, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Rapunzel97_13:(Start: 7 @7932 has 321 MA's), (15, 8022), (18, 8049), (33, 8196), (35, 8208), (36, 8220), (50, 8307),(61, 8391), (65, 8421), (96, 8619), (103, 8658), (109, 8742), (110, 8745), (114, 8778), (118, 8802),(127, 8844),

Gene: Redfield_6 Start: 4713, Stop: 5705, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Redfield_6:(Start: 7 @4713 has 321 MA's), (18, 4830), (25, 4887), (32, 4974), (47, 5073), (68, 5241), (71, 5262),(72, 5268), (97, 5436), (101, 5460), (104, 5484), (109, 5556), (110, 5559),

Gene: Renzie_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Renzie_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (47, 5068), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127,5623),

Gene: Reptar3000_14 Start: 8928, Stop: 9857, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Reptar3000_14:(Start: 7 @8928 has 321 MA's), (15, 9018), (17, 9039), (18, 9045), (22, 9072), (27, 9132), (38, 9234),(39, 9240), (55, 9360), (65, 9417), (77, 9507), (94, 9600), (103, 9654), (105, 9672), (109, 9738), (118,9798),

Gene: Riyhil_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Riyhil_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Robinson_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Robinson_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: RockyHorror_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for RockyHorror_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: Ronaldo_42 Start: 15254, Stop: 16228, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Ronaldo_42:

(Start: 7 @15254 has 321 MA's), (13, 15326), (15, 15344), (18, 15371), (44, 15587), (59, 15704), (68,15773), (82, 15881), (83, 15908), (86, 15929), (100, 16010), (103, 16037), (109, 16109), (110, 16112),(115, 16148),

Gene: Rosmarinus_13 Start: 7962, Stop: 8897, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Rosmarinus_13:(Start: 7 @7962 has 321 MA's), (15, 8052), (18, 8079), (33, 8226), (35, 8238), (36, 8250), (50, 8337),(61, 8421), (65, 8451), (96, 8649), (103, 8688), (109, 8772), (110, 8775), (114, 8808), (118, 8832),(127, 8874),

Gene: Ruthiejr_13 Start: 8782, Stop: 9711, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Ruthiejr_13:(Start: 7 @8782 has 321 MA's), (15, 8872), (17, 8893), (18, 8899), (22, 8926), (27, 8986), (35, 9058),(38, 9088), (39, 9094), (65, 9271), (74, 9334), (77, 9361), (81, 9394), (94, 9454), (103, 9508), (109,9592), (114, 9628), (118, 9652),

Gene: SJay_6 Start: 4709, Stop: 5635, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for SJay_6:(Start: 7 @4709 has 321 MA's), (18, 4826), (21, 4847), (25, 4883), (33, 4976), (34, 4982), (35, 4988),(45, 5048), (47, 5069), (54, 5132), (72, 5246), (91, 5372), (101, 5438), (109, 5522), (113, 5549), (127,5624),

Gene: SamScheppers_12 Start: 8691, Stop: 9620, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for SamScheppers_12:(Start: 7 @8691 has 321 MA's), (15, 8781), (17, 8802), (18, 8808), (22, 8835), (27, 8895), (38, 8997),(39, 9003), (49, 9063), (55, 9123), (65, 9180), (74, 9243), (77, 9270), (94, 9363), (103, 9417), (105,9435), (109, 9501), (118, 9561),

Gene: SamuelLPlaqson_13 Start: 7882, Stop: 8817, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for SamuelLPlaqson_13:(Start: 7 @7882 has 321 MA's), (15, 7972), (18, 7999), (33, 8146), (35, 8158), (36, 8170), (50, 8257),(65, 8371), (96, 8569), (103, 8608), (105, 8626), (109, 8692), (114, 8728), (118, 8752), (127, 8794),

Gene: Sansa_5 Start: 4885, Stop: 5841, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Sansa_5:(Start: 7 @4885 has 321 MA's), (14, 4972), (18, 5002), (19, 5014), (21, 5023), (27, 5092), (45, 5224),(54, 5308), (68, 5407), (71, 5428), (102, 5629), (109, 5710),

Gene: Saratos_6 Start: 4886, Stop: 5827, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Saratos_6:(Start: 7 @4886 has 321 MA's), (14, 4973), (18, 5003), (19, 5015), (21, 5024), (25, 5060), (45, 5225),(54, 5309), (68, 5408), (102, 5630), (109, 5711), (131, 5816),

Gene: Sarma624_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Sarma624_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (106, 5775), (109, 5805), (111,5820), (114, 5841),

Gene: Scarlett_12 Start: 6805, Stop: 7728, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Scarlett_12:(Start: 7 @6805 has 321 MA's), (17, 6916), (18, 6922), (22, 6949), (33, 7069), (35, 7081), (36, 7093),(50, 7180), (52, 7210), (54, 7225), (59, 7255), (65, 7294), (69, 7330), (103, 7531), (109, 7615), (110,

7618), (114, 7651), (118, 7675),

Gene: Schnapsidee_6 Start: 4704, Stop: 5696, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Schnapsidee_6:(Start: 7 @4704 has 321 MA's), (18, 4821), (25, 4878), (32, 4965), (47, 5064), (68, 5232), (71, 5253),(72, 5259), (97, 5427), (101, 5451), (104, 5475), (109, 5547), (110, 5550),

Gene: Schubert_7 Start: 5292, Stop: 6233, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Schubert_7:(Start: 7 @5292 has 321 MA's), (17, 5403), (18, 5409), (21, 5430), (25, 5466), (28, 5517), (45, 5631),(54, 5715), (67, 5811), (68, 5814), (105, 6063), (109, 6117), (113, 6144), (128, 6222),

Gene: Seagreen_7 Start: 5008, Stop: 5916, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Seagreen_7:(Start: 7 @5008 has 321 MA's), (15, 5098), (16, 5101), (18, 5125), (25, 5182), (27, 5212), (36, 5296),(52, 5413), (70, 5545), (77, 5587), (99, 5704), (100, 5707), (101, 5722), (105, 5752), (106, 5776), (109,5806),

Gene: Sedgewig_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Sedgewig_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: SgtBeansprout_9 Start: 7225, Stop: 8145, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for SgtBeansprout_9:(Start: 7 @7225 has 321 MA's), (18, 7342), (22, 7369), (26, 7420), (33, 7489), (35, 7501), (39, 7537),(59, 7675), (61, 7684), (65, 7714), (79, 7813), (94, 7897), (98, 7918), (101, 7939), (103, 7951), (109,8035), (114, 8071), (123, 8122), (124, 8125),

Gene: Shaobing_13 Start: 7012, Stop: 7941, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Shaobing_13:(Start: 7 @7012 has 321 MA's), (15, 7102), (18, 7129), (22, 7156), (33, 7276), (35, 7288), (50, 7387),(61, 7471), (96, 7699), (103, 7738), (105, 7756), (109, 7822), (110, 7825), (118, 7882),

Gene: ShedlockHolmes_12 Start: 7945, Stop: 8868, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for ShedlockHolmes_12:(Start: 7 @7945 has 321 MA's), (15, 8035), (18, 8062), (22, 8089), (35, 8221), (39, 8257), (44, 8278),(49, 8317), (55, 8377), (81, 8557), (101, 8659), (103, 8671), (105, 8689), (109, 8755), (124, 8845),

Gene: Shee_6 Start: 4705, Stop: 5631, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Shee_6:(Start: 7 @4705 has 321 MA's), (18, 4822), (21, 4843), (25, 4879), (33, 4972), (34, 4978), (35, 4984),(45, 5044), (54, 5128), (72, 5242), (91, 5368), (101, 5434), (109, 5518), (113, 5545), (127, 5620),

Gene: ShiaSurprise_14 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for ShiaSurprise_14:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: SimranZ1_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for SimranZ1_7:

(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: Sinatra_6 Start: 4719, Stop: 5666, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Sinatra_6:(Start: 7 @4719 has 321 MA's), (17, 4830), (18, 4836), (21, 4857), (25, 4893), (27, 4926), (28, 4944),(49, 5094), (51, 5106), (68, 5241), (105, 5490), (109, 5544), (110, 5547), (113, 5571),

Gene: SirPhilip_12 Start: 6640, Stop: 7569, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for SirPhilip_12:(Start: 7 @6640 has 321 MA's), (15, 6730), (18, 6757), (22, 6784), (33, 6904), (35, 6916), (50, 7015),(52, 7045), (54, 7060), (62, 7108), (79, 7228), (98, 7333), (103, 7366), (109, 7450), (110, 7453), (114,7486), (118, 7510), (124, 7540),

Gene: Slarp_14 Start: 9175, Stop: 10104, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Slarp_14:(Start: 7 @9175 has 321 MA's), (15, 9265), (17, 9286), (18, 9292), (22, 9319), (27, 9379), (38, 9481),(39, 9487), (49, 9547), (55, 9607), (65, 9664), (74, 9727), (77, 9754), (94, 9847), (103, 9901), (105,9919), (109, 9985), (118, 10045),

Gene: Slimphazie_13 Start: 7932, Stop: 8870, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Slimphazie_13:(Start: 7 @7932 has 321 MA's), (15, 8022), (18, 8049), (33, 8196), (35, 8208), (36, 8220), (50, 8307),(61, 8391), (65, 8421), (96, 8619), (103, 8658), (109, 8742), (110, 8745), (114, 8778), (118, 8802),(127, 8844),

Gene: SoSeph_11 Start: 8082, Stop: 9014, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for SoSeph_11:(Start: 7 @8082 has 321 MA's), (18, 8199), (22, 8226), (27, 8286), (29, 8322), (31, 8328), (39, 8394),(50, 8457), (74, 8634), (109, 8892), (110, 8895), (114, 8928), (118, 8952),

Gene: SonOfLevi_6 Start: 4709, Stop: 5635, Start Num: 6Candidate Starts for SonOfLevi_6:(Start: 6 @4709 has 10 MA's), (18, 4826), (21, 4847), (25, 4883), (33, 4976), (34, 4982), (35, 4988),(45, 5048), (54, 5132), (72, 5246), (91, 5372), (96, 5411), (101, 5438), (109, 5522), (113, 5549), (127,5624),

Gene: Sparky_6 Start: 5365, Stop: 6333, Start Num: 6Candidate Starts for Sparky_6:(Start: 6 @5365 has 10 MA's), (8, 5389), (15, 5455), (18, 5482), (23, 5512), (27, 5569), (31, 5611), (34,5635), (35, 5641), (36, 5653), (49, 5737), (55, 5797), (75, 5920), (84, 6016), (93, 6082), (99, 6112),(105, 6160), (106, 6184), (109, 6214), (110, 6217), (114, 6250),

Gene: Spikelee_7 Start: 5008, Stop: 5916, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Spikelee_7:(Start: 7 @5008 has 321 MA's), (15, 5098), (16, 5101), (18, 5125), (25, 5182), (27, 5212), (36, 5296),(52, 5413), (70, 5545), (77, 5587), (99, 5704), (100, 5707), (105, 5752), (109, 5806), (111, 5821), (114,5842),

Gene: Spock_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Spock_13:

(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: Squirty_7 Start: 5006, Stop: 5914, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Squirty_7:(Start: 7 @5006 has 321 MA's), (17, 5117), (18, 5123), (24, 5162), (25, 5180), (27, 5210), (36, 5294),(52, 5411), (68, 5525), (70, 5543), (99, 5702), (100, 5705), (101, 5720), (105, 5750), (106, 5774), (109,5804), (111, 5819), (114, 5840),

Gene: Stanktossa_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Stanktossa_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: StingRay_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for StingRay_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Stinson_13 Start: 7903, Stop: 8838, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Stinson_13:(Start: 7 @7903 has 321 MA's), (15, 7993), (18, 8020), (28, 8125), (33, 8167), (35, 8179), (36, 8191),(50, 8278), (65, 8392), (96, 8590), (103, 8629), (105, 8647), (109, 8713), (110, 8716), (114, 8749),(118, 8773), (127, 8815),

Gene: Stormbreaker8_6 Start: 4705, Stop: 5697, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Stormbreaker8_6:(Start: 7 @4705 has 321 MA's), (18, 4822), (25, 4879), (32, 4966), (47, 5065), (68, 5233), (71, 5254),(72, 5260), (97, 5428), (101, 5452), (104, 5476), (109, 5548), (110, 5551),

Gene: Strathdee_6 Start: 4709, Stop: 5635, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Strathdee_6:(Start: 7 @4709 has 321 MA's), (18, 4826), (21, 4847), (25, 4883), (33, 4976), (34, 4982), (35, 4988),(45, 5048), (54, 5132), (72, 5246), (91, 5372), (101, 5438), (109, 5522), (113, 5549), (127, 5624),

Gene: Sulley_13 Start: 7901, Stop: 8839, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Sulley_13:(Start: 7 @7901 has 321 MA's), (15, 7991), (18, 8018), (33, 8165), (35, 8177), (36, 8189), (50, 8276),(61, 8360), (65, 8390), (96, 8588), (103, 8627), (109, 8711), (110, 8714), (114, 8747), (118, 8771),(127, 8813),

Gene: Sunflower1121_11 Start: 6791, Stop: 7714, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Sunflower1121_11:(Start: 7 @6791 has 321 MA's), (18, 6908), (22, 6935), (31, 7037), (33, 7055), (35, 7067), (36, 7079),(55, 7223), (98, 7484), (103, 7517), (105, 7535), (109, 7601), (110, 7604), (114, 7637), (123, 7688),

Gene: Superfresh_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Superfresh_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (47, 5068), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127,5623),

Gene: TBond007_12 Start: 7696, Stop: 8619, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for TBond007_12:(Start: 7 @7696 has 321 MA's), (15, 7786), (18, 7813), (22, 7840), (35, 7972), (39, 8008), (44, 8029),(49, 8068), (55, 8128), (81, 8308), (101, 8410), (103, 8422), (105, 8440), (109, 8506), (124, 8596),

Gene: TM4_9 Start: 5999, Stop: 6916, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for TM4_9:(Start: 7 @5999 has 321 MA's), (17, 6110), (18, 6116), (22, 6143), (28, 6221), (35, 6275), (38, 6305),(39, 6311), (55, 6431), (61, 6458), (81, 6611), (98, 6692), (101, 6713), (109, 6809), (114, 6845), (116,6854), (124, 6899),

Gene: Tachez_13 Start: 7897, Stop: 8832, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Tachez_13:(Start: 7 @7897 has 321 MA's), (15, 7987), (18, 8014), (33, 8161), (35, 8173), (36, 8185), (50, 8272),(61, 8356), (65, 8386), (96, 8584), (103, 8623), (109, 8707), (110, 8710), (114, 8743), (118, 8767),(127, 8809),

Gene: Taquito_12 Start: 8761, Stop: 9690, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Taquito_12:(Start: 7 @8761 has 321 MA's), (15, 8851), (17, 8872), (18, 8878), (22, 8905), (27, 8965), (38, 9067),(39, 9073), (49, 9133), (55, 9193), (65, 9250), (74, 9313), (77, 9340), (94, 9433), (103, 9487), (105,9505), (109, 9571), (118, 9631),

Gene: TatarkaPM_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for TatarkaPM_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Teagan_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Teagan_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (47, 5068), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127,5623),

Gene: TeddyBear_6 Start: 4722, Stop: 5648, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for TeddyBear_6:(Start: 7 @4722 has 321 MA's), (18, 4839), (21, 4860), (25, 4896), (33, 4989), (34, 4995), (35, 5001),(45, 5061), (54, 5145), (72, 5259), (91, 5385), (101, 5451), (109, 5535), (113, 5562), (127, 5637),

Gene: Tenda_6 Start: 4720, Stop: 5646, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Tenda_6:(Start: 7 @4720 has 321 MA's), (18, 4837), (21, 4858), (25, 4894), (33, 4987), (34, 4993), (35, 4999),(45, 5059), (54, 5143), (72, 5257), (91, 5383), (101, 5449), (109, 5533), (113, 5560), (127, 5635),

Gene: Theresita_7 Start: 4724, Stop: 5656, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Theresita_7:(Start: 7 @4724 has 321 MA's), (12, 4787), (18, 4841), (21, 4862), (27, 4928), (33, 4988), (34, 4994),(35, 5000), (45, 5060), (61, 5177), (63, 5192), (68, 5231), (71, 5252), (92, 5390), (96, 5423), (109,5534), (110, 5537),

Gene: Thompsone_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Thompsone_6:

(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Thorongil_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Thorongil_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Thyatira_11 Start: 7954, Stop: 8886, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Thyatira_11:(Start: 7 @7954 has 321 MA's), (18, 8071), (22, 8098), (27, 8158), (29, 8194), (31, 8200), (39, 8266),(50, 8329), (52, 8359), (74, 8506), (109, 8764), (110, 8767), (114, 8800), (118, 8824),

Gene: TinSulphur_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for TinSulphur_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Tiri_13 Start: 7942, Stop: 8874, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Tiri_13:(Start: 7 @7942 has 321 MA's), (15, 8032), (18, 8059), (33, 8206), (35, 8218), (36, 8230), (50, 8317),(61, 8401), (65, 8431), (96, 8629), (103, 8668), (109, 8752), (110, 8755), (114, 8788), (118, 8812),(127, 8854),

Gene: TootsiePop_7 Start: 5011, Stop: 5919, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for TootsiePop_7:(Start: 7 @5011 has 321 MA's), (15, 5101), (16, 5104), (18, 5128), (25, 5185), (27, 5215), (36, 5299),(49, 5383), (52, 5416), (70, 5548), (77, 5590), (99, 5707), (100, 5710), (105, 5755), (109, 5809), (111,5824), (114, 5845),

Gene: Tootsieroll_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Tootsieroll_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: Topper_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Topper_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: TreyKay_13 Start: 7898, Stop: 8833, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for TreyKay_13:(Start: 7 @7898 has 321 MA's), (15, 7988), (18, 8015), (33, 8162), (35, 8174), (36, 8186), (50, 8273),(65, 8387), (96, 8585), (103, 8624), (105, 8642), (109, 8708), (110, 8711), (114, 8744), (118, 8768),(127, 8810),

Gene: Twitch_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Twitch_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: UncleRicky_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for UncleRicky_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (109, 5805), (111, 5820), (114,5841),

Gene: Unicorn_12 Start: 6920, Stop: 7843, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Unicorn_12:(Start: 7 @6920 has 321 MA's), (9, 6953), (18, 7037), (33, 7184), (36, 7208), (44, 7253), (52, 7325),(54, 7340), (55, 7352), (61, 7379), (79, 7508), (98, 7613), (103, 7646), (105, 7664), (109, 7730), (110,7733), (114, 7766),

Gene: Urkel_13 Start: 7882, Stop: 8817, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Urkel_13:(Start: 7 @7882 has 321 MA's), (15, 7972), (18, 7999), (33, 8146), (35, 8158), (36, 8170), (50, 8257),(65, 8371), (96, 8569), (103, 8608), (105, 8626), (109, 8692), (114, 8728), (118, 8752), (127, 8794),

Gene: Validus_13 Start: 6925, Stop: 7860, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Validus_13:(Start: 7 @6925 has 321 MA's), (18, 7042), (22, 7069), (33, 7189), (35, 7201), (50, 7300), (52, 7330),(61, 7384), (96, 7612), (103, 7651), (109, 7735), (110, 7738), (118, 7795), (124, 7825),

Gene: Velene_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Velene_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: Veliki_13 Start: 7974, Stop: 8909, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Veliki_13:(Start: 7 @7974 has 321 MA's), (15, 8064), (18, 8091), (33, 8238), (35, 8250), (36, 8262), (50, 8349),(61, 8433), (65, 8463), (96, 8661), (103, 8700), (109, 8784), (110, 8787), (114, 8820), (118, 8844),(127, 8886),

Gene: Velveteen_7 Start: 5007, Stop: 5915, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Velveteen_7:(Start: 7 @5007 has 321 MA's), (15, 5097), (16, 5100), (18, 5124), (25, 5181), (27, 5211), (36, 5295),(52, 5412), (70, 5544), (77, 5586), (99, 5703), (100, 5706), (105, 5751), (106, 5775), (109, 5805), (111,5820), (114, 5841),

Gene: Volt_41 Start: 15254, Stop: 16228, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Volt_41:(Start: 7 @15254 has 321 MA's), (13, 15326), (15, 15344), (18, 15371), (44, 15587), (59, 15704), (68,15773), (82, 15881), (83, 15908), (86, 15929), (100, 16010), (103, 16037), (109, 16109), (110, 16112),(115, 16148),

Gene: Waterfoul_11 Start: 7976, Stop: 8908, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Waterfoul_11:(Start: 7 @7976 has 321 MA's), (18, 8093), (22, 8120), (27, 8180), (29, 8216), (31, 8222), (39, 8288),(50, 8351), (52, 8381), (74, 8528), (109, 8786), (110, 8789), (114, 8822), (118, 8846),

Gene: WildNOut_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for WildNOut_6:

(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127, 5623),

Gene: WilliamStrong_6 Start: 5769, Stop: 6749, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for WilliamStrong_6:(Start: 7 @5769 has 321 MA's), (12, 5832), (15, 5859), (17, 5880), (18, 5886), (21, 5907), (25, 5943),(33, 6036), (34, 6042), (35, 6048), (67, 6294), (68, 6297), (95, 6483), (109, 6600), (110, 6603), (130,6714), (132, 6744),

Gene: Wintermute_14 Start: 9164, Stop: 10093, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Wintermute_14:(Start: 7 @9164 has 321 MA's), (15, 9254), (17, 9275), (18, 9281), (22, 9308), (27, 9368), (38, 9470),(39, 9476), (49, 9536), (55, 9596), (65, 9653), (74, 9716), (77, 9743), (94, 9836), (103, 9890), (105,9908), (109, 9974), (118, 10034),

Gene: Winzigespinne_6 Start: 4707, Stop: 5633, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Winzigespinne_6:(Start: 7 @4707 has 321 MA's), (18, 4824), (21, 4845), (25, 4881), (33, 4974), (34, 4980), (35, 4986),(45, 5046), (54, 5130), (72, 5244), (91, 5370), (101, 5436), (109, 5520), (113, 5547), (127, 5622),

Gene: Ximenita_13 Start: 7063, Stop: 7986, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Ximenita_13:(Start: 7 @7063 has 321 MA's), (18, 7180), (22, 7207), (31, 7309), (33, 7327), (35, 7339), (36, 7351),(65, 7552), (98, 7756), (103, 7789), (105, 7807), (109, 7873), (110, 7876), (114, 7909), (123, 7960),

Gene: Y10_14 Start: 9164, Stop: 10093, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Y10_14:(Start: 7 @9164 has 321 MA's), (15, 9254), (17, 9275), (18, 9281), (22, 9308), (27, 9368), (38, 9470),(39, 9476), (49, 9536), (54, 9584), (55, 9596), (65, 9653), (74, 9716), (77, 9743), (94, 9836), (103,9890), (105, 9908), (109, 9974), (118, 10034),

Gene: Y2_14 Start: 9164, Stop: 10093, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Y2_14:(Start: 7 @9164 has 321 MA's), (15, 9254), (17, 9275), (18, 9281), (22, 9308), (27, 9368), (38, 9470),(39, 9476), (49, 9536), (54, 9584), (55, 9596), (65, 9653), (74, 9716), (77, 9743), (94, 9836), (103,9890), (105, 9908), (109, 9974), (118, 10034),

Gene: YoureAdopted_12 Start: 7904, Stop: 8842, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for YoureAdopted_12:(Start: 7 @7904 has 321 MA's), (15, 7994), (18, 8021), (33, 8168), (35, 8180), (36, 8192), (50, 8279),(61, 8363), (65, 8393), (96, 8591), (103, 8630), (109, 8714), (110, 8717), (114, 8750), (118, 8774),(127, 8816),

Gene: Yuna_13 Start: 7051, Stop: 7974, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Yuna_13:(Start: 7 @7051 has 321 MA's), (15, 7141), (17, 7162), (18, 7168), (22, 7195), (31, 7297), (33, 7315),(36, 7339), (52, 7456), (54, 7471), (79, 7639), (96, 7738), (98, 7744), (103, 7777), (109, 7861), (110,7864), (114, 7897), (118, 7921),

Gene: Yunkel11_13 Start: 6888, Stop: 7817, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Yunkel11_13:(Start: 7 @6888 has 321 MA's), (15, 6978), (18, 7005), (33, 7152), (35, 7164), (36, 7176), (50, 7263),(65, 7377), (96, 7575), (103, 7614), (109, 7698), (110, 7701), (114, 7734), (118, 7758), (123, 7785),

(127, 7800),

Gene: YuuY_6 Start: 5002, Stop: 5949, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for YuuY_6:(Start: 7 @5002 has 321 MA's), (18, 5119), (19, 5131), (21, 5140), (22, 5146), (25, 5176), (27, 5209),(45, 5341), (51, 5389), (54, 5425), (67, 5521), (68, 5524), (92, 5683), (109, 5827),

Gene: Zada_6 Start: 4708, Stop: 5634, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Zada_6:(Start: 7 @4708 has 321 MA's), (18, 4825), (21, 4846), (25, 4882), (33, 4975), (34, 4981), (35, 4987),(45, 5047), (54, 5131), (72, 5245), (91, 5371), (96, 5410), (101, 5437), (109, 5521), (113, 5548), (127,5623),

Gene: Zavala_13 Start: 7913, Stop: 8848, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Zavala_13:(Start: 7 @7913 has 321 MA's), (15, 8003), (18, 8030), (33, 8177), (35, 8189), (36, 8201), (50, 8288),(61, 8372), (65, 8402), (96, 8600), (103, 8639), (109, 8723), (110, 8726), (114, 8759), (118, 8783),(127, 8825),

Gene: Zayuliv_8 Start: 5173, Stop: 6153, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Zayuliv_8:(Start: 7 @5173 has 321 MA's), (17, 5284), (18, 5290), (21, 5311), (28, 5398), (34, 5446), (39, 5488),(45, 5512), (58, 5629), (67, 5698), (68, 5701), (95, 5887), (99, 5902), (101, 5920), (109, 6004), (110,6007), (132, 6148),

Gene: Zepp_9 Start: 5188, Stop: 6168, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Zepp_9:(Start: 7 @5188 has 321 MA's), (17, 5299), (18, 5305), (21, 5326), (28, 5413), (34, 5461), (39, 5503),(45, 5527), (58, 5644), (67, 5713), (68, 5716), (95, 5902), (99, 5917), (101, 5935), (109, 6019), (110,6022), (132, 6163),

Gene: Ziko_42 Start: 15194, Stop: 16168, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for Ziko_42:(Start: 7 @15194 has 321 MA's), (13, 15266), (15, 15284), (18, 15311), (44, 15527), (59, 15644), (68,15713), (82, 15821), (83, 15848), (86, 15869), (100, 15950), (103, 15977), (109, 16049), (110, 16052),(115, 16088),

Gene: ZoeJ_9 Start: 5897, Stop: 6814, Start Num: 7Candidate Starts for ZoeJ_9:(Start: 7 @5897 has 321 MA's), (17, 6008), (18, 6014), (22, 6041), (35, 6173), (38, 6203), (39, 6209),(54, 6317), (55, 6329), (65, 6386), (77, 6476), (96, 6584), (98, 6590), (101, 6611), (103, 6623), (109,6707), (114, 6743), (118, 6767), (123, 6794),