&ss,fc ixS.. W ' ) 3EGrearT2 r77wwt rwr-w- 'W! &. xryrrig5nrBrimrrrm f " " r & i - a: i ,y - - v T -- r t r TffftTTiiTrHiTimra-M- n rir a. - i . - - . svr - , ' "PJhhTO3-- t ,.' jt, ' . ". r-- : T v- , j . ,M i. . - kJ'ST -- " ' ." W ""- - FLOOD NEWS. fc t N - ,. - rpwi riTcnapnnTT wi i rnnunoi i" jt All the details of the Johnstown Disaster, 5 . which is furnished by a large staff of oom- - petcnt correspondents located at FORTT-ITOTJKT- H TEAS. WE JAWS fli Opened to More Than uniyAooui ESCAPED TO THE NEIGHBORING HILLSIDES. A 6. The of the of is and The of the of the are in and the in say are all of the H. so far as is of the of the six to the a few ago. the the or more of as for. As time on and the of the it is that the of never be will into the of but to, or be It is not fair to the wno not are A of the left and did not a to to the of in the and do not to come to the The of and are the of A. John S Ames LewlB and wife 4 II O Allen Alters Dr F 4 Abler I, Arks H 7 Abler J Abler AS byl Tm and wife Eph 8 OW Airs M 3 Dram Ira JMam Frank Jonn 3 J H and David and JIrs John & - 1(0 were H 6 James Jiates F4 Eser Isaiaa Baer Ira Bates Mr Mr 3 4 E A Mrs Jnlla S 6 J erome 4 Beard 3 John B 2 Brown 2 Blner Arch Amos 7 H 4 Bel tl 2 Fred and H Ball Alex 312 2 DOS Clark S J as and Mrs MC Grace A and Cope W W and Carel Alex Cash James Cash Cash John 7 Cush Cash John Cush James Cash and James and wife James 5 J 4 0 M J John 6 Coffin Jobn and J T 7 3 Mrs D 5 G 4 J 7 J C John 1 J W 4 JDS 6 Elmer 1 Lewis 4 Effly 6 Eckel John and wife Uattle EckJ PI and wife G D Abe Miss Evans Miss 9 fi Ford OS Ford 9 OAS Fisher Ed A3 Dom Qalg Felix 6 t James i oisom juiss Bene 4 G Mrs Golde 2 DaTid Good G B4 Glass Adam 6 B6 Wm 7 John 7 Onty Wm and wife '' and wife H8 6 Mrs Sarah 8 Mrs Mag 4 Mrs B 2 1 Evan Gong Wm 4 Goan Ben Gray W m 8 Davis 1 Glace Fred K 2 Gore B W and Tony Golde Mrs til G Kate iuitm omi Hawks Wm Mrs Mrs M Hras Thoa Thot 8 Hays Tn os Mrs John 3 babe S John 4 JTS Mrs B4 Hone Mrs 3 Helsel U alter Horn John Jas Mrs 31 Wm 5 LG 12 J Haws Bobt H K Mrs 6 3 Fred J 7 Mrs 1 Uoten John 7 P Hohn H F and Edith Edith J HS 6 Hoove T J S L C John 2 H 4 Ed ward xr ai j C H ft 6 James Wm James Ben D Jones and I) W and Jones John E 7 Johns Stein Kate D Jos 8 3 Jones John S .Tlllrn Cath 3 Thos J 7 Wm Johns John and 7 Kerr is 4 W " X. . , 4 S and J amis 4 4 Llff Fred 2 Mrs A8 B Miss M "S Lewis Carrie , 1 11!-- 1 ld imuiin the scene. OF DEATH Thirty Thousand People, M St faa Jas McKce Frank J 10 4 Mary & Alice t Wm E Mrs Ann O Fifty Per Cent the Population of Six Thriving Boroughs Perished. ESTIMATES OF THE INFORMATION BUREAU CLERK. IFEOM 8TAIT COBREEPOSDEKT.! .Johnstown, June work bureau registration growing smaller smaller daily. returns names survivors coming very slowly, clerks charge they nearly ef Bureau, McConaghey, said to-d-ay that they have heard from 15,000 persons living. This only one-ha- lf population boroughs, according census taken months This with corpses al- ready recovered would make 17,000 spoken accounted goes work clear- ing away debris continue, gener- ally conceded number bodies which will recovered probably reach thousands. To-da- y parts bodies have been found, who they be- longed what they were, could only conjectured. presume that people have registered their names drowned. great many survivors have town, have chance register. Others have gone houses friends away back country, wish various registration districts. returns to-d- represent about 3,000 people, appended names those registering: Anderson AIlmandMJ Arorttrlne Adams MlcbaelS AlperTMIllun. William Adams ArnottJB Borer month JlrsDad BartlerKusseli: Kits fttirhanan H&rr2 IlAh&nan Kenlbrd rsmlly 'Weir famtlyJJraUy family lttkner'Wm& family JJurdllHIohn Harry BaerBavI, Barnes Charles George Brltton Barley JtranntnAJ Barley Joseph Barry Benson Brumbaugh LBandwueBenson Thomas Bnrman Thomas Baxter BloughJD2 BeyerAngs James BrenabanntAbe Bowers Brown William Boecher Behmlt family Bachler Confer Daniel CalUhanDaTld4 Closson CUban Macule Thomas Campbell family Campbell Carthew Cohen family CopeHG family Thomas Carvill Patrick Thomas family Coneuonns Carney i'ranV Carney Conners Colbert Crawford Corner Croyd family Cooneys Crown Thomas Cronln Colbert Cooper Condon Callahan Donaldson Donaldson Edwards Henry Edwards Easterbrook Alfred EldHdge (triage Edward Effley George Edwards reward Edwards Edgar Daniel Emerson Emerson Jessie Emerson Emerson Edwards Home Elchensehr Edwards Minnie TlnhamMary Elsher William Frank risherlwls Fltzzlmmermans Ferguson WH8 Flannapran FUherJohn4 FrankDFJrS Frank Homer EalrbaughAS Fernley George Fisher Fisher Harry XoidAnjuo Flaherty Edward Grlmsley GarrlnTbos4 Conrad Gochan Griffith DaTid Gregorys Gcrbart Griffith GonghmonrHH6 GoreThos Googhmonr GlacsJandeon Gallagher Gallagher Griffith Hannah Gallagher Gerhart Conrad Griffith Grogan family GoldyHenrrl Gastontldy Hoffman family Hawks Eebekah Hawthorne family Hanslr family Herbert Halleran Hannen HostenJrJosS Hoffman Hannen iHarrigan Herrlnrton family HappeWH family HnutSawn Hamelton Hummel HarnerHH tHawkins Harris Harry7 Howard Hershberker Hamilton HannauA Herdman Hannaben Henderson Maggie Hohen Uartman Hltand UoffLJ4 WllllamS Hlgson HoganF Albert HuffnerNIchS Horner family "HouptKeltle Honpt Hoffman Hunter Holland Francis Harshburger fcamael Hutchison HornerJMS Harris Albert Jllckel Harding HlckelJohna Harford tussaocrgKi Hoffman Hobbs Charles JarFM JonesJliS Morris family James family James James Jenkins JobnT Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins David Jones Jackson family Jones Enoch James Klpp August XlllyJS KelferJ KtrperL3 KisnerJCS KlngDorsey .,7arson Anrnst pI,ongJon7 Ix)ngPaJnnel JLavertr iLjsettJohn family ,Llsi 0J.elrhJohn lEewls Lloyd Lewis Jennie SLewls "SfLewMKate ISewisUxzle jLEWMJSM, nair ot wnom Mondaetrlndy Michael Jlnllln Fatrick MurphvRose Martin Sheridan Murray McDoaldJBS McOoloyne McOlnnlsi McCaneJohnS McCune Kobert McGulre McDcrmltt McCoy Augustine McHenry McCabe Thomas McCune of (TDonnell Sirs 5 O'Brien John 3 O'Donnell F Oakes Eira 5 O'Brien Morgan O' Brlen Bridget O'Brien Mary O'Donnell Hannan t O'Donnell Jotin 4 OwCntMoahS O'Grady Kobert 6 O'Toole Mrs T 12 Overholtz John Ott Edward 4 Overdorf 8 Ortenan James Owens Daniel Oglavle Thomas O'Connor US Otto S 5 P FfroesAnd4 Fershtng Ber J H 8 Prltchard Paul J B 7 Parsons Dan Fentz J W 2 Prlngd Paul 3 People Aug Pringle Mrs K 4 Pfefi 4 Patterson Marshall 4 Price Man d Price Conrad Parks Chas 3 Pershing Mrs Mc PfroerMrsS Palmer J H Q QulggBF4 EocsGeo7 Evan M. 5 . Rosenbanm Jno 4 Khlnbolt Jno 8 Eager Jas KUeyB U 8 Btevens Tobias and wife StraweWH4 btaekhouse Dr J Splnger John 7 beymore Wm S bharkey John 4 Schwann J E bhuey M E 10 binilhUeoS 8tCUlrBT3 Stewart John Stewart Wm btrong Andrew 2 bterns Wm btulzman Geo Sweeney Thos Saylor Geo Strayer Emannel Stanton G Smith John S3 Smith John Sloan Margaret 7 bloane Philip 8 Swank M I Bcnlly Cha j Schaffer W T 5 Tate APS Thomas WH2 Thomas G J and wife Thomas Sarah Thomas and family 1 omb Dr Toner John Toms Mrr TrevenlanW'm 3nomleyEobt WUburDr4 Wonderly Ed 11 Wright and wire WrlzhtJO Weir Mrs E M 1 Wel J C and wife Weir J P and wife Warren Samnel9 Willowar Mrs Isabel 2 Wise Ed Wert Geo 5 Watcher John 7 Walters Wm Walters Kato Wilson fiobt E . Wldtnan Mrs M WUuelmGeo W llhelm Adam 3 M Isc Adam 7 Wild August 7 Way John and family Watlzy Lentod Warren and family Wheat Jas Warren Katie Wilson T WlleoxWnU Wilcox Jas and wife Woodruff LD Wilson Howard WlreWD The Dispatch's accurate list is posted daily at all the agencies for the benefit of both inquirers and the clerks, who are saved the trouble of referring to the manuscripts to answer questions. Ur. H. McConaghey, of Pittsburg, is woiking assiduously in this work. Simpson, mcswigax, Katxe. MOEE OF THE SEAS. List of Bodies Identlfled at KernvIIIe and Elsewhere. rFSOK A ETA1T c6BBZsrosnar.i The following is the list of dead in Kernville Morpie up to date. TWO CHILDREN OFNEFF SWANK. WIFE OF WALL DAVIS. MBS. HOEKER. MRS. REAN. MRS. WESLtJGLTJFF. MRS. JACOB SWANK. LOTTIE BANNAN. ' MRS WILSON BAKER. JESSIE HAMILTON. MR& J. DELANEY. OTTO COOPER (colored). DANIEL REESE. WINDOM REESE. MRS. MIND. MISSES MAGGIE AND ELLA WHITE, CHARLES MESSER. MR& E. BRENNAN, dauehter of B. E. Knne. UNKNOWN FEMALE (white). MISS ELLEN QUINN. MISS GERTIE HOWE. LARGE GERMAN WOMAN. UNKNOWN WELSH WOMAN. MRS. EVANS. EDWARD HEFFLER. NELLIE BAUMAN. MRS. R GAGELY. MARY HOLLO WEEN. ELOIRD FINLEY. iMRS. LICK. MRS. KELLY. v JOHN MERRILL. MRS. DYER JAMES HOWARD. MR AND MRS. J. CRAIG. RACHEL FOSKES. BABY FISHER MRS. PULMAN. MRS. ROBERTS. MR KENNEDY. SERVANT GIRL, 22. JOHN FISHER MRS. MARGARET FISHER GEORGE FISHER MARGARET FISHER James Murphy received nine bodies at the Presbyterian Church, as follows: MR HOFFMAN. DAUGHTER AND CHILD. the last of nine. UNKNOWN WOMAN, licht complexion, 250 pounds, gray hair, 50 years old, YOUNG MAN, UNKNOWN, hlcyclist, 18 years old. wore Wcycle olive suit, Anger ring, marked E. L. H. LITTLE GIBL, 11 years old. SMALL BOY, 8 years old, nicely dressed. TWO UNCLAIMED. Fourteen bodies were brought Into the Fourth ward school to-d- so far, as follows: HENRY LUD WIG . .ADOLPH NATHAN. MRS. THOS. BROWN. SON OF MRS. T. HOWE. MISS BERTHA WILD. MISS JOSEPHINE WOLF. JACOB MALTZIE. MISS EMMA BROWN. LITTLE GIRL baby, found In Miss Brown's arms. VINCENT D. SIMM. LON BLUFORD. WOMAN,-snppose- to be Margaret L. Davis. Isbaeu BECEET. SOCIETY. LOSSES. One Lodse Can Find But Six jffembers Oat of 98 That Were. rraou A statt conRESPONDijrr.l Johnstown, June 6. The various se- cret societies have lost many of their mem- bers. According to the latest estimate the Jr. O. XT. A M. Cambria, Mo. 785, lost 12: Alma, 323, lost 8; Corona, 9991 only found. 6 'ititit abfs Vat 'Tkk lodge' t$fot lOTprorjg was decimated. The Odd Fellows have lost 25 men. Johnstown Council, Nb. 85, lost 4, and one is missing from No. 72. An embalmer just came in and reported that 4 more bodies were found and put in the Fourth ward school The supply of embalming fluids is exhausted, and the stench is becoming so bad the men cannot stand it. Israel. POOR BUT PROUD. Many Suffer for Want of Food and Clothing Whoso Frldo Won't Let Them Slako Their Wants Known Good Work of Dr. Field. rrnoii A staff cokuxsfondent.i Johnstown1, June 6. Rev. Dr. Field, rector 6f St. Clement's Episcopal Church, of Philadelphia, who has been here as chap- lain of the Bed Cross Society, will leave for home morning, and will return herein a few days to continue his work of charity. Dr. Field has been going the rounds of the suffering poor, and says there is great distress among them.' He states that the suffering of some of the families is indescribable. Dr. Field arrived here yesterday morn- ing, in company with 25 surgeons, from Philadelphia, and Miss Clara Barton, the lay President of the White Cross Society. The surgeons are working under the leader ship of Dr. O'Neill, the eminent specialist of the Quaker City. They have established their headquarters aita Kernville, and are Doing Considerable Work assisting the physicians from Pittsburg and other places. In conversation with your correspondent to-d- Dr. Field said: "The only way to alleviate the distress of these poor people is to go around and visit eacn ramiiy. x nave oeen traveling arouna visiting them since yesterday morning, and it is almost impossible to picture their suf- ferings. I have found families almost starr- ing, having nothing to eat in the house, and too proud to let their condition become known. Last night I knew of a number of families that were without any bed clothing, and they suffered from exposure. I found one family that was absolutely without any blankets or food, and you can imagine what they suffered. They quietly endured their sufferings, though, and I tried to assist them. I understand that the supply of ra- tions is giving out, and the supply depots are out of meat, bread and clothing. Unless they get some more their suffering will be terrible." The Rations Very Short. This morning there was a great amount of suffering among the people, on account of, short rations. The various relief commit- tees ran out of provisions yesterday after- noon, and many people had to be turned away without getting what they wanted. This morning Mayor Scott received a tele- gram to the effect that 6,900 loaves of bread-- , 29 barrels of cooked hams and a large sup- ply of ground coffee had been shipped. They arrived here about noon and were dis- tributed to the people. At one of the supply stations there was a string of women and children with baskets, waiting to be served, that would stretch from Grant street to the foot bf Fifth ave- nue. Many of them were almost famished for something to eit, and 4ae many fervent expressions of thankfulness as they received their share of the rations brought tears to the eyes of those serving them. By the time the present supplies run out it is ex- pected that more will be received from other sources. McSwioan. forakerTnxious. The Buckeye Governor Wants to Keep the Ohio Elver Water rare Governor Bearer Endeavor to Quiet HI Apprehensions. IEFCLaI. SZLZGUAM TO TUX DISF1TCS.I Columbus, June 6. Allen O. Myers sent a telegram to Governor Foraker from Pittsburg to-d- stating that dead animals above Pittsburg were being floated into the Ohio, and suggesting that an appeal from him might stop it. The Governor held a consultation with the State Board of Health in regard to the matter, which resulted in the Secretary of the board sending out an address to the people of Ohio, suggesting that all who live along the Ohio valley boil thf river water which they use for domestic purposes. ' Governor Foraker also sent a telegram to Governor Beaver in regard to the report, and the latter made the following reply: Habbisbubq, June 6. To Hon. J. B. Foraler: Have had organized force In counties of Allegheny, Westmoreland and Indiana, along the Allegheny, Kislclminetas and Conemaugh rivers, removing all deajl bodies from streams for three days. I cannot believe it possible that the report made to you is correct. Pitts- burg has had boats on the river removing all offal so as to protect ourselves from the danger which Is common to all cities and towns along the Ohio and Its tributaries. You may be as- sured that everything possible will be done to protect our neighbors as well as ourselves from the danger of pestilence. Our State Board of Health has been on the ground from the start, through its offlcers.aud somo of its members. William McCreery, Chairman, Pittsburg, can give yon reliable Information as to the Alle- gheny above Pittsburg. ISlgned James A. Beayee, Governor. DISINFECTANTS NEEDED. Still 1,000 Bodies) Thought to be In the Bnlna of KernvIIIe. ITTtOlI A STATS' COEniSFOKDEJtT. Johnstown, June 6. J. Lipptrt, George Richards, Fred Ziznmer and John Murphy, of the Allegheny corps, made a tour of Kernville inspecting the sanitary condition of the town. They re- port that the sanitary condition of all the houses is bad. Four persons were found sick. There is no morgue in the town. "What is needed most is disin- fectants and men to clear up the ruins. The inspectors say that the people cannot clear the place themselves. Eer. Beal estimates that there, are still 1,000 bodies in the ruins at Kernville. 13EAEL. TYPHOID GETS A STAET. The First Case In a Suburb of Johnstown Reported Very Promptly. fFKOM A STATT COBBXSPOSDEJfT.T Johnstown, June 6. Dr. Bibbet last night reported one case of typhoid fever ont of town. A man from South Fork reports that they have plenty to eat and clothes to wear in that town. J. K. Taggart, of Lei-eenri- sent up 100 tents this morning. The Methodist and Presbyterian Churches unquestionably saved a great many lives. The Methodist Church is a fine stone struct- ure about the center of the town. The church checked the force of the torrent and divided the stream. The Presbyterian Uharcfa also acted as a bulwark. Both ot tkweb'oildtegs are standing, butdamaged m? .RS. .., tryit PITTSBURG, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1889. ill Til f he Thriving Manufac- turing Borough of Woodvale WITH ITS 2500 PEOPLE Almost Completely Destroyed by .the Awful Flood. ONLY 29 .HOUSES REMAIN ITEOH A STAFF COMlESrONDENT.l Johnstown, June C "Woodvale, the bustling little borough which lay east of Johnstown, with its tall maple trees on both sides of the Pennsylvania railroad, has been almost wiped out of existence. The flood that carried off the greater portion ot the town blasted the higi anticipations of the residents that the borough would soon be- come a thriving little industrial city, Eer manufacturing plants gave employment to the majority ot the 2,500 residents of the place, bnt the flood has killed them. The toilers living in the borough will have to move away and secure employment else- where, as the backbone of the place has been broken. To-da- y it was announced to the residents of the place that th e Jonnson Steel Compa- ny, better known as the Johnson Steel Street Bailway Company, had decided to move their dismantled works from Woodvale to Moxham, on the other side of Kernville. The Company have .a steel plant at that place and think it will facilitate matters t6 have their Woodvale interests at the same place as the steel mill. They accordingly gave notice to their employes that this would be done. The News Came Like a Shock to the residents of the place, as a great ma- jority of them worked in the mills. With the announcement came a force of men, who began work, erecting tents and quarters for laborers, who will clear away the debris and take out the machinery for shipment to Moxham. Mr. ITahe, an official of the com- pany, was on tjie ground to-d- superin- tending the work of olearing up. To your correspondent he said: ' "The company has decided that it will not rebuild the mills here, but will move the machinery and rebuild at Moxham. We lost about $200,000, as nearly as can be esti- mated, but will rebuild at Moxham as toon as we can possibly do so. Our greatest loss was the draughting department; We lost about 590,000 worth, of drawings that can hardly . tley. were the aeeV mulation of 'four years, and we will now have to begin at the bottom again. We also lost $21,000 in cold cash, which was stored in an ordinary fire-pro- safe. Our safe had beentaken away just a few days previous, and the money was placed is it on Friday at noon. Heavy Loss of One Firm. We had intended paying our employes the day following, and that is the way the money happened to be in the office. With our mill at Moxham wewilltryto catch up to the place where we left off. We had orders on our books that called for completion within the next month. The orders are worth 150,000. What will be done about them I do not know. The Johnson Steel Company is composed of Kentuckians. A. J. Moxham, of this place, is the President, They make a specialty Of street railway materials. The mill has been running day and night for several years." If a hand could reach out of the sky and take in its grasp 321 houses and pull them out of sight the task could not be done more effectually than was done by the flood of last Friday. There were 295 houses out of the 324 washed away. Those remaining are on the hillside, where the flood could npt get at them, and if it had reached them there is not the slightest doubt but that they would have suffered with the rest. There is a great amonnt of suffering in the borough. Most of the little houses are packed with people almost as tight as the gorge above the Pennsylvania Railroad bridge. Suffering From Lack of Food. In some of the houses 25 and 30 people are living, while in none of them are less than three families. The people are also in actu- al need of food and clothing. The residents say they cannot get anything from the Johnstown Belief Committee, and the facil- ities for getting supplies into the borough in large quantities are very meager. A sup- ply depot has been established in the town above the woolen mill, but up to 5 o'clock y the people stated that they had not been given any relief. They are very sore at the treatment they have received at the other relief stations, and say they have to take what the people at Johnstown and Conemaugh do not want. The Belief Com- mittee in the latter places tell them to go to the Woodvale committee, while the latter have been unable to get anything across the river. The people who own thf houses not washed away say they cannot be expected to feed their neighbors all the time. At George Hood's bouse there ara nearly 30 people. All the provisions ran out, and the women and children suffered from the want of food. Some of the men found a boxcar lying along the hillside that had been washed down the Pennsylvania tracks, loaded with flour, and broke into it. Saved FroM Aetnnl Starvation. They secured a large number of barrels, which were divided up &mongthe people, and the latter were kept from starving. By the removal of the Johnson Steel Company's plant the only thing left in the borough is the Woodvale Woolen Mill and a small flouring mill alongside of it. The former is badly wrecked, and it will require a .great deal of money to repair the damage. The woolen mill gave employment to about ISO boys and girls. On account of the river being so badly swollen the mill was shut down Thursday night. It was feared that the employes would be in danger if the river rose too high, and they were told not to report for duty Friday. Being industrious they demurred against being left idle for such a small cause, but they afterwards found out that their lives were saved by,ly lag offt If i? yary probable ..that "ike kjBftjorlty of them weald have :er dewikd --tiy''bTva'6t Wik.TUB to JT Mp$t( also true of the Johnson Steel Company's mftls. ,Mr. Moxham, 'tho President, ordered tho mill shut down-Frid- ay .noon, and told .the men to go home to their families. There Were only three men fn the mill when the deluge canie. Awful Wreck of Railroad Property. Two of them were washed away. One had his ribs broken and will probably die. A pontoon bridge across the Conemaugh is being constructed to-d- for the use of the people in Woodvale. Near the bridge is about 100 yards of railroad track turned completely upside down. The rails are spiked td the ties just as securely as they Were the day they were put in. The tracks were carried from Woodvale clear across the river and landed with the ties downward in East Conemaugh borough. On the hillside above the woolen mill are scattered any number of freight cars, ca- booses, tenders, etc. A train of cabooses coupled together, standing on their wheels on the hillside in the midst of high maple trees, is an unique conception, but such is the sight to be witnessed. How the Penn- sylvania Ballroad will get their cars and engines out of the trees and up from the bed of the river nobody can tell, Tor a long time it has been the boast of the male por- tion of Woodvale that it was the only bor- ough in the State, of 2,500 people, that did not have a church or a saloon within its borders. McSwioan. A TREACHEROUS POLE. Tho .Johnson Steel Company's CUIcl Drnnchtsmnn'a Btrneslo for Life--He Jompcd From His Horso to a Telegraph Pole, bat In Tain. , FEOH A STAFT COBBESPONDEHT. JOHHSiomr, June 6. A horse, supposed to be the one upon which Bobert Wicker- - sham was riding when the flood overtook him and he climbed a telegraph pole, was found upon the premises of a farmer back of Woodvale this morning. The horse had apparently been in the woods for several .days, and was almost starved. Upon his back was a saddle, which was supposed to 'be owned by Mr. Wlckersham. The farmer will keep the horse until called for. Mr. Wlckersham was the chief draughts- man at the Johnson Steel Company's works. He was a general favorite with everybody connected with the company, and his death is sincerely mourned by his former associ- ates. On Friday afternoon he was out riding with a friend above Woodvale. He was coming down the river and was nearly opposite the bridge to cross over to Cone- maugh when the flood came. He was Warned to Get Oat of the War by seeing people running and hearing the swirl of the angry waters behind him, as they rushed down to catch up the town In a wild embrace. The gentleman turned on his horse, and seeing the water tried to get out of the way. His friend, who was ahead of him, spurred his horse forward and got over the bridge before the flood struck it. It has been reported that he escaped, while others say he was drowned with his horse. The latter had to ford part of the swollen river to get . across with his rider on his 'back. ' Wlckersham was too far behind his friend to get away. Seeing that he could not make the bridge in time, he ran his horse to the 'nearest telegraph pole, and jumping off he ascended it. He struok his horse to make him gallop off, and that was the last seen of the animal until y. Rot a Place of Safety. Wickersham was seen to climb up the pole until he reached the cross-arm- s, where he rested. He apparently thought he was safe, and yelled to a number of people to run up the hill out of the water's reach. In a few minutes the pole "sagged" and tipped over. Wickersham still clung to it and the pole began to drop lower and lower. All of a sudden the pole gave a lurch and fell into the water. Wickersham disap- peared from view and was seen no more. The people living in the row of frame houses on the hillside opposite saw him as he' went down. McSwioak. ENDLEBS LITIGATION TO COME. Heirless Property That Most be Looked After by the Stnte. IFB03I A 6TA1T CORHESPONDEST.1 Johnstown, June 6. As the people slowly begin to sensibly realize the awful calamity, and in many cases hope has been gfven up, the ones saved are en- deavoring to better themselves and to pro- tect, if possible, their property remaining. In many instances whole families were wiped out by the aquatio avalanche, and the question now arises: "To whom does their property, real and personal, belong." Legally it falls to the next nearest heirs, but there were property owners lost who have not any relations here, and the danger of bogus heirs asserting themselves is ap- parent. Endless litigation will follow in the wake of this catastrophe, unless the State legis- lature steps in and issnes some sort of a limi- tation act. The plans of the city when it was incorporated as a borough are in the vaults of the Begister's office at Ebensburg, and no doubt many deeds are recorded, also proving the ownership, but with all this it is thought there will still be legal and il- legal claims to devastated districts. Katne. A NATIONAL AID COMMITTEE. Every State Tnvltcd to Assist In Establish- ing Agencies for Supplies. tntOH A BTATT COKBESrONDENT. I Johnstown, June 6. The Belief Com- mittee is to be made national in its scope. Action to that effect was taken this after- noon at the meeting of the Financial ' Com- mittee of the local relief organization. The plan was proposed by parties high in au- thority and has been given official sanction by the committee in the following resolu- tion: The survivors of the flood are now, and most he for some time, wholly dependent upon issnes to them of food and clothing, as there are no goods here, except those brought by the Relief Committee, and no place in which commerce can be carrie'd on. The agencies for making each destribntlons should receive grave consid- eration. It la the nnanimons consent of the committee that another committee should be appointed for this purpose, composed in part of citizens in this locality and of members ap- pointed by the Governors of the States, or by chambers of commerce of the cities fr6m which contributions have been received, or In such other way as win give this agency a national character, and assure the country that its most generous charity will be judiciously and fully applied to the relief of the victims of our un- precedented calamity. The committee that took this action was jeempesedof Jakes HcM111b. Gyrus Elder. OMSSm, -- yr. , Swk J. I.feeWto HLtSI" 1 i Ml Twenty-Fiv- e Bodies at a Time Are Being Buried. A POND FULL OF THEM To Be Got Out at Wood- vale, With Pennsy's Permission. NO PESTILENCE FEARED. rrnoir a staff cOBnzsroirDxirr.i Johnstown, June 6. Dr. Groff 's men reported that East Conemaugh, Franklin borough, Woodvale, Morrell-vill- e, Cambria City and Mineral Point all need food and clothing. The corps didn't report anything about the sanitary condi- tion. Dr. Fussell reports that he found a big dam .formed in Woodvale. There was one horse in it, which was removed and burned. The doctor thinks this dam is full of dead bodies, and he advises that the dam be drained. He thinks it can be done in four hours if the railroad people will allow him to cut an opening under the railroad. Special Agent W. H. Kennedy, of the State Board of Health, made a tour of the town. He reported that the stench on Main street is becoming horrible. There must be many bodies undeV the debris. Twenty-Fiv- e Bodies Together. At Grandview Cemetery they are burying the bodies 25 in a trench. The location of each body, with the name and description, is marked with a board. Where the dead have friends a few follow the bodies to the grave, but the average of followers is not more than two. Ho services are held and the bodies are lowered into the trenches without any ceremony. Mr. Kennedy found a boy alive in one of his tours. The little fellow was nearly ex- hausted for want of food and drink, bnt he will live. Mr. Kennedy also says that the debris is being removed rapidly. Dr. n, another inspector, spent most of the day about the Pennsylvania depot. He disinfeoted the bodies of some horses that could not be burned without destroy- ing what is left of the town. He burned er jt truckloads or wet and dirty clothing, taken off the bodies, and a few horses and old hides. Some dead horses were found that are too deep to reach. Dr. Sweet, of the Bedford Street Hos- pital, reported that four men were hurt while tearing down houses; some of them are seriously injured. The hospital is fast being puLinto first-cla- prder. The first few days ofth&'flood a number of amputa- tions were made on persons badly injured. To Prevent a Pestilence. Dr. Benjamin Lee, executive head of the State Board of Health, left for Pittsburg this afternoon to establish his headquarters at that place. He will be in direct com- munication with the Sanitary Corps here, and will issue orders to them by wire, in- dicating what he wishes done. His object in establishing headquarters in Pittsburg is to assure, the people of that city and vicinity that there is no danger from disease spreading on account of the water in the Conemaugh, Kiskiminetas and Allegheny rivers being polluted with disease- -spreading germs. Word has been received here that the residents of Allegheny county ore very much alarmed on this account, and have asked the local health authorities to take steps in the matter. Dr. Lee stated this morning that there was no occasion for alarm. He said the State Board would take all precautionary measures and pre- vent sickness spreading among the people. A Stenmer Going Up. The State Board of Health has chartered a small steamboat to start from Pittsburg and come up the Allegheny as far as possi- ble, and clean out the stream of any rnbbish that has accumulated along the banks. It has been found that' this is the cause of a great amount of disease among the people, where such stuff has accumulated, and the board will exercise all its power and all the money it has at command to do the work. It is also expected, of course, that a num- ber of dead bodies will be discovered. Hun- dreds of horses, cows, dogs, etc., were swept away with the human beings, and where they are now lying is a mystery. A great many of them were washed down the river and are probably lying concealed on the banks, where their offensive odors might poison the air and cause contagion. Orders have been issued by the Sanitary Corps here to cause all the dead horses, cows, dogs, etc., lying abont the city to be burned, and thus kill the germs of disease. Poshing the Pennsr. Dr. Lee had a consultation this morning with the Pennsylvania railroad officials, and requested them to put more men at work removing the pile of debris from above their bridge. The officials of the company stated they were doing the best they could, but would put more men on, if they could get them. Fires have been lighted all around the moss of debris for the purpose of killing germs of disease arising from the putrefying flesh and rubbish. The odpr that arises is unbearable, and, in some places, it is so bad that the workmen were seriously af- flicted with nausea. A wholesale plan of disinfection was in- augurated this morning by the Allegheny Medical Belief Committee. They began at the upper end of Kernville, and inspected every house in the'borough. They placed disinfectants in the houses and about the premises, to prevent any contagion that may arise as a result of the flood. Other medical corps will take possession of the other boroughs and give them a thorough cleaning out Israel, McSwioan. LOOKING OUT EOE THE 0EPHANS. The Scores of Fatherless and Motherless Find Iran Friends In Need. rvuOM A. STAFF COKKESrONDEST.J Johnstown-- , June 6. The Penn Chil- dren's Aid Society is represented here by Mrs. H. N. Hinckley and Miss C.Hancock, of Philadelphia. They arrived y, and have establishea headquarters at jno. w .' -- r,c ' AdMM sW. received aeest freaa a Jokakwa aiatlwan for a cMM for I .THEONLYGIRL at OVERLOOK Is the titla of the Firt and Only American Novel written by Wilkle Collins, and pub-lish- ed COMPLETE la next Sunday's DIS- PATCH. adoption, and are looking up the orphans and, homeless children. They found nine orphans in the house next to where they are located, and Ave half orphans in the house. Jfesjrere all orphaned by the flood. J?t5Tned of a lady on the FranklftSkjng care of 24 children nQt35l-,'-Sjood- - Mrs. Hinckleyhafoyfige for seven years. Miss HaotwflErata- - tion of long standing. She wa3tTo in the late war. The ladles received telegrams from Eev. Morgan 'Dix, New York, who will take 75 children. Mrs. Pearson, of Indianapolis, wants one child; Mrs. Campbell of the same place will take one, and Prof. Charles Micqe, of New York, will find place for four. SniPSOH'. A HAED BULE TO ENPOEOB People Who Have Johnstown Interests Will Cross the Lines. IFB0M A STATP COnRESrOXMST.l Johnstown, June 6. Since the Sheriff of the county issued the order that no pas- sengers should arrive here unless possessing a pass from authority, there has been un- bounded dissatisfaction and trouble. At Bolivar is the farthest point to which the Pennsylvania Bailroad will sell tickets unless the Citizens' Committee pass is flashed. Notwithstanding that deputy sheriffs and other authorities are there to prevent this order being violated, anxious ones elude them and get here, just the same. Many who have friends andfamilies among them neglected to observe this order or were not aware of its existence and had to walk 18 miles. To tired women this seems rather hard. Discrimination was shown in a few cases so far as to the passengers having tickets for intermediate points between Bol- ivar and this point Warning is given, however, that they will be ejected if the order is not obeyed. Kaxne. BEATEE ONLI WANT8 TO KNOW. He Wouldn't, for the World, Cat Johnstown Off Without a Cent. IVEOH A BTATT COBBSSFOXBXST.J Johnstown, June 6. Manager J. B. Scott said this evening that he was in favor of paying the men Saturday evening. The Finance Committee, however, does not think it is wise; but their action will be sub- ject to Mr. Scott's decision. Daring the day Governor Beaver telegraphed that he had 250,000 at his disposal. He wanted to know how much to send to Johnstown, so that he could give some of it to Williams-po- rt and Lock Haven. The consultation was held over the wires. The people in Johnstown don't want the earth. At a late hour the Governor had not commenced to consult Iseael. THE BROKEN DAM. People Who Still Talk About the Responsi- bility of the Owners of tho Reser- voir TUcy TMuk the Catastrophe Blight Have Been Avoided. IBTICIAL TELXQBAH TO Tint DISPATCH.l New Yoek, June 6. The Bun will say to- morrow: Thp feeling against the Pittsburg association that owns the lake and dam that caused the calamity grows more Intense the more the troth about the dam becomes known. The SunXdlsclosure of the fact that the dam was simply a heap of dirt, with loose stone facingMnstead of astructnre of solid masonry, and that the waste gates had been closed up by the association, which was printed this morning, made a sensation here and threatens to bring the matter to a head. Crim- inal proceedings are freely talked of, but It is thonght it will be difficult to sustain a case even in courts as prejudiced as those of Cam- bria county will be against the dam owners. The men are rich and responsible, however,and the liability of civil action is generally believed to be complete. If they should be held liable in civil suits for damages it is probable that many, if not all of them, will be financially ruined. There is an abundance of evidence that the owners were frequently warned by old residents In the neighborhood of the dam that it was becoming weaker and getting into a more dangerous condition all the time. One fact alone, as to the dam, ought to con- vict the dam owners of negligence sufficient to make them responsible in aamages. The stone face that went up each side of the dam was not continued across the top in order to maintain a wagon road there. The top of the dirt heap had merely been leveled off and left in its na- tural condition. It was a moral certainty that if the water ever rose so high as to go over the top of the dam, it would wash it out. With the water washing over the dirt top of the dam, the rock facing would amount to no more, as a source of strength, than a sheeting of card- board. To have covered the dam with a sub- stantial course of stone capping, arched or in some other way. arranged to oner as little resistance as possible to the passage of the water, would have spoiled the wagon road, but it might have saved the dam. FEW W0MENARE LEFT. Twice ns Many Females as Hales Perished The Weak Went First, and Were Drowned With Their Arms Cling- ing to Their Babes. rSrXCIAI. TELEGEAJt TO THE DISPATCH. Johnstown, June 6. One of the peculiar things a stranger notices In Johnstown is the comparatively small number of women seen in the place. Of the throngs who march about-th- e streets searching for dead friends there is not one woman to ten men. Occasionally a little group of two or three women with sad faces will pick their way about, looking for the morgues. There are a few Sisters of Charity, their black robes the only instance in which the conventional badze of monrninz is seen upon tho street In tho Darts of the town not totally destroyed, the usual nnmberof women are seen in the houses and yards. But as a rule women are a rarity in Johnstown now. This is not a natural peculiarity of Johns- town, nor a mere coincidence, but a fact with a dreadful reason behind it. There are so many more men than women among the living in Johns t oi. n now because there are so many more women than men among the dead. Of the bodies recovered there are at least two women for every man, besides the fact that their natural weakness made them an easier prey to the flood. The hour at which the disaster came was one at whlch.the women would most likely be in. their homes and the men at work in the open air, or in factory yards, from which escape was easy. Children also are rarely seen about the town, and for a similar reason, they are ad dead. There is never a group of the dead discovered that does not contain from one to three or four children for every grown person. Generally the children are in the arms of the grown per- sons, and of ten little toys and trinkets clasped in their bands Indicate that the children were caught up while at play and carried as far as possible toward safety. Johnstown when rebuilt will be a city of many widowers and few children. In turning a school nouse into a morgue tne autnonnes probably did a wiser thing than they thought. It will be a long time before the school house will be needed for its original purpose. THE CHOSEN FBIENDS Will Contribute Liberally to the Aid of the Flood Victims. CHICAGO, Jase 6. William G. Morris, Su- preme Trustee and Acting Councillor of the Order of Chosen Friends, issued the following To the Councils, Officers and Members: Fbiends The dreadful calamity of flood and fire at Johnstown, in which thousands hare lost their lives, appeals to every lover of the race for assistance. Recognizing the principles upon which the Order of Chosen Friends is founded, we ask every member to practice its watchwords now by donating liberally to the relief and succor of qur unfortunate country- men. Let your contributions be collected by councils and forwarded to Mayor Dewltt C. Cregier, of Chicago, to be sent to the proper authorities for distribution. Act quickly, Friends, in this great emergency. Heir Hampshire's Legislative Action. CONCORD, n. H., June a. The Lerfsiatfcre i toyapproiiriaied s,m tot tbVCowwMwtft jhKw8.' v "r ; , ; ; - , t I r 9 " THREE CENTS wmw. More Laborers Can be Used Than Was First Supposed. MORE MONEY NEEDED. $1,500,000 and 10,000 Paid Workmen, the Calculation of Contractors, TO CLEAR THE DEBRIS. Three of the Wounded Suf- - - 1 ferers in Pittsburg Hos- pitals Die. RELIEF COMMITTEE'S WORK. Contributions of Cash, Cloth- ing and Food Still Com- ing in to Headquarters. AID BY SECRET SOCIETIES. Masons and Knights of the Mystla Chain Will Help Build Bouses What Colonel T. P. Roberts and aiaxMoorbead Know of the Building of the Great Dam An- other Boat Fatrol of the Tflver to Be Made So Far 3.600 Codas Have Been Sent From Pittsburg The. Life Insur- ance Loss Not Great Effects on Prohi- bition. The Belief Committee of the Chamber of Commerce bad a startling realization yes- terday of the tremendous amonnt of work that is necessary to be dono yet before tho flooded district will be cleaned up. When a message came that 10,000 laborer were needed at Johnstown, and would be needed for weeks, and that they must be paid, it staggered the committeemen, as it meant an extraordinary outlay for wages alone, not including the cost of provisions and other This word came in shape of the tawing telegram from William Flinn: A Physical Impossibility. It Is tho judgment of myself, Evan Jones and the practical men here that it would take 10,000 men a month to clear up this town. It seems to me a physical impossibility. The vol- unteer workmen are leaving rapidly. We must have BOO men to fill the vacancy. Yon should send four or fire competent to be put in charge ot financial matters, as expenses will be enor- mous. Also give us a commissary here on the ground. When we make requisitions for sup- plies we should find them here on account of the uncertainty of trains. Provisions for horses and men should be sent in large quanti- ties. Mr. McCreery's placid brow corrugated, and he said the pay roll was now $100,000 a week, for the services of 7,500 men, and work must stop if donations did. An Important Mission. Mr. Evan Jones arrived in Pittsburg from Johnstown yesterday. He had a highly important mission to perform, namely, to enlighten Pittsbnrgers on the real needs of Johnstown and the situation. To a Dispatch reporter he said: "There are one or two things which must he under- stood at once abont the situation at Johns- town. The work Captain "W. E. Jones and William Flinn have undertaken, namely, to clean the town of debris and remove the bodies of human beings and animals, is going- - to cost a great deal more than most people have any idea of. At the' very lowest estimate just the removal of the wreckage and the bodies ' not including the cleaning up of the . cellars and house lots mind you will cost from half a million to three-quarte- rs of a million of dollars. There are now over 5,000 men employed in this work, and most of them at $2 per diem. There ought to he 10,000 men and there will be probably in a few days, and it is easy to see how the daily pay roll will absorb from flO.000 to $25,009. Plttsborgers Mast Persevere. "It won't do for Pittsburgers or our friends elsewhere to rest content with the subscriptions now in. An immense sum is needed to avert a frightful plague, not only in Johnstown, bnt in the,snrronnding coun- try, including Pittsburg. The money ought to be sent at once to the Chamber of Com- merce Committee. Governor Beaver is greatly impeding the work at Johnstown by--, asking people to send him money at Harris-bur- g The money ought to be sent to Pitts burg direct. "In a very short time all the laborers at Johnstown will be hired men, for the volua--" teers speedily grow tired of the hard work " and either clamor for pay or want to go- - home. Paid labor is decidedly more reliav J' Die in every way mu lumuira. avuev vs . t J 4j. ..i... .ha... (nMMmaTHi1 JBN again that The Dispatch cannot put the call for money too strongly. And the money should not come via Governor Beaver -- or anybody else, bnt straight to Pittsburg.;' A Committee Appeal. ." " In view of the information received fron Mr. Plinn and Mr. Jones, the Chamber' Commerce Belief Committee last'sightse oat the following bulletin t tlittsbA papers and through theAsaeriatedJPrew ixea. w. jag,a.cajgo KNtHMKi .wras

Pittsburg Dispatch. (Pittsburgh, PA) 1889-06-07 [p ]. · 2018. 6. 21. · Conrad Gochan Griffith DaTid Gregorys Gcrbart Griffith GonghmonrHH6 GoreThos Googhmonr GlacsJandeon Gallagher

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Page 1: Pittsburg Dispatch. (Pittsburgh, PA) 1889-06-07 [p ]. · 2018. 6. 21. · Conrad Gochan Griffith DaTid Gregorys Gcrbart Griffith GonghmonrHH6 GoreThos Googhmonr GlacsJandeon Gallagher



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FLOOD NEWS.fc t N - ,. -rpwi riTcnapnnTT wi i rnnunoi

i" jt All the details of the Johnstown Disaster,

5 . which is furnished by a large staff of oom- -

petcnt correspondents located at



Opened to More Than




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A.John S

Ames LewlB and wife 4II O Allen

Alters Dr F 4

Abler I, Arks H 7Abler J Abler AS


Tm and wife Eph 8OW

Airs M 3 Dram IraJMam Frank

Jonn 3 J H andDavid and JIrs John &

-1(0 were H 6 JamesJiates F4Eser IsaiaaBaer Ira Bates

Mr Mr 34

E A Mrs Jnlla S6

J erome 4 Beard 3John B 2

Brown 2Blner Arch

Amos 7 H 4Bel tl 2 Fred

and HBall Alex 312


Clark S J as andMrs MC Grace

A andCope W W and Carel AlexCash James CashCash John 7Cush Cash JohnCush James Cash and

James and wife James 5J 4 0

M J John 6Coffin Jobn and J T 7

3 Mrs D 5G 4 J 7J C John

1 J W

4 JDS6 Elmer

1 Lewis 4Effly 6 Eckel John and wife

UattleEckJ PI and wife

GD AbeMiss Evans Miss



Ford OS Ford 9OAS Fisher Ed


Qalg Felix 6t

Jamesi oisom juiss Bene



Golde 2 DaTidGood G B 4 Glass Adam

6 B6Wm 7 John 7

Onty Wm and wife'' and wife H 8 6

Mrs Sarah 8Mrs Mag 4Mrs B 2 1

Evan Gong Wm 4Goan Ben Gray W m 8

Davis 1 Glace Fred K 2Gore B W and

Tony Golde Mrs til

G Kateiuitm omi Hawks

Wm MrsMrs M Hras ThoaThot 8 Hays Tn os

Mrs John 3babe S John 4JTS Mrs B 4

Hone Mrs 3 Helsel U alterHorn John

JasMrs 31Wm 5

LG 12 JHaws Bobt H

KMrs 6 3

Fred J 7Mrs 1

Uoten John 7P Hohn

H F andEdith

Edith J HS6 Hoove T J


John 2 H 4Ed ward

xr ai j C H ft6

James WmJames Ben DJones and I) W and

Jones John E 7Johns Stein

Kate D Jos 83 Jones John S

.Tlllrn Cath 3 Thos J 7Wm Johns John and


Kerris 4W


X. .


Sand Jamis 44 Llff Fred 2

Mrs A 8 BMiss M "S LewisCarrie ,

1 11!-- 1ld imuiin

the scene.


Thirty Thousand People,

MSt faa

JasMcKce Frank J


4Mary & Alice t

Wm EMrs AnnO

Fifty Per Cent the Population of Six Thriving Boroughs




.Johnstown, June work

bureau registration growing smaller

smaller daily. returns

names survivors coming very

slowly, clerks charge they

nearly ef

Bureau, McConaghey,

said to-d-ay that they have heard from

15,000 persons living. This only

one-ha- lf population

boroughs, according census taken

months This with corpses al-

ready recovered would make 17,000

spoken accountedgoes work clear-

ing away debris continue, gener-

ally conceded number bodieswhich will recovered probablyreach thousands. To-da- y partsbodies have been found, who they be-

longed what they were, could onlyconjectured.

presume that people

have registered their namesdrowned. great many survivorshave town, have chance

register. Others have gone houses

friends away back country,

wish various registration

districts. returns to-d- represent

about 3,000 people, appended

names those registering:

Anderson AIlmandMJArorttrlne

Adams MlcbaelSAlperTMIllun.

WilliamAdams ArnottJB

Borer monthJlrsDad BartlerKusseli:Kits

fttirhanan H&rr2IlAh&nan Kenlbrd rsmlly'Weir famtlyJJraUy familylttkner'Wm& family JJurdllHIohn

HarryBaerBavI,Barnes Charles

GeorgeBrltton BarleyJtranntnAJ Barley JosephBarry BensonBrumbaugh LBandwueBenson ThomasBnrman ThomasBaxter BloughJD2BeyerAngs James

BrenabanntAbeBowers Brown

William BoecherBehmlt family Bachler

Confer Daniel CalUhanDaTld4Closson CUban Macule

Thomas Campbell familyCampbell CarthewCohen family CopeHG



Thomas familyConeuonns Carney i'ranVCarney ConnersColbert CrawfordCorner Croyd

family CooneysCrown Thomas CronlnColbert CooperCondon Callahan

Donaldson Donaldson

Edwards Henry EdwardsEasterbrook Alfred EldHdge

(triage Edward EffleyGeorge

Edwards reward EdwardsEdgar Daniel

Emerson Emerson JessieEmerson EmersonEdwards HomeElchensehr Edwards Minnie

TlnhamMary ElsherWilliam

Frankrisherlwls FltzzlmmermansFerguson WH8 FlannapranFUherJohn4 FrankDFJrSFrank HomerEalrbaughAS Fernley GeorgeFisher Fisher HarryXoidAnjuo Flaherty Edward

Grlmsley GarrlnTbos4Conrad Gochan

Griffith DaTid GregorysGcrbart Griffith

GonghmonrHH6GoreThos GooghmonrGlacsJandeon GallagherGallagher Griffith HannahGallagher Gerhart ConradGriffith

Groganfamily GoldyHenrrl


Hoffman family HawksEebekah

Hawthorne family Hanslr familyHerbertHalleranHannen HostenJrJosSHoffman Hannen

iHarrigan Herrlnrtonfamily HappeWH family

HnutSawn HameltonHummel HarnerHH

tHawkins Harris Harry7Howard Hershberker

HamiltonHannauA HerdmanHannaben Henderson MaggieHohen UartmanHltand UoffLJ4

WllllamS HlgsonHoganF AlbertHuffnerNIchS Horner family

"HouptKeltle HonptHoffman HunterHolland FrancisHarshburger fcamael HutchisonHornerJMS Harris AlbertJllckel HardingHlckelJohna HarfordtussaocrgKi Hoffman

Hobbs Charles

JarFM JonesJliSMorris family James family

James James Jenkins JobnTJenkins JenkinsJenkins David JonesJackson family

Jones Enoch

James Klpp AugustXlllyJS KelferJKtrperL3 KisnerJCS


.,7arson AnrnstpI,ongJon7Ix)ngPaJnnel

JLavertriLjsettJohn family ,Llsi

0J.elrhJohnlEewls Lloyd

Lewis JennieSLewls "SfLewMKateISewisUxzle


nair ot wnom

Mondaetrlndy Michael Jlnllln FatrickMurphvRose Martin

Sheridan MurrayMcDoaldJBS McOoloyneMcOlnnlsi McCaneJohnSMcCune Kobert McGulreMcDcrmltt McCoy AugustineMcHenry McCabe Thomas



(TDonnell Sirs 5 O'Brien John 3O'Donnell F Oakes Eira 5O'Brien Morgan O' Brlen BridgetO'Brien Mary O'Donnell Hannan tO'Donnell Jotin 4 OwCntMoahSO'Grady Kobert 6 O'Toole Mrs T 12Overholtz John Ott Edward 4Overdorf 8 Ortenan JamesOwens Daniel Oglavle ThomasO'Connor US Otto S 5

PFfroesAnd4 Fershtng Ber J H 8Prltchard Paul J B 7Parsons Dan Fentz J W 2Prlngd Paul 3 People AugPringle Mrs K 4 Pfefi 4Patterson Marshall 4 Price Man dPrice Conrad Parks Chas 3Pershing Mrs Mc PfroerMrsS

Palmer J HQ


EocsGeo7 Evan M. 5 .Rosenbanm Jno 4 Khlnbolt Jno 8Eager Jas KUeyB U

8Btevens Tobias and wife StraweWH4btaekhouse Dr J Splnger John 7beymore Wm S bharkey John 4Schwann J E bhuey M E 10binilhUeoS 8tCUlrBT3Stewart John Stewart Wmbtrong Andrew 2 bterns Wmbtulzman Geo Sweeney ThosSaylor Geo Strayer EmannelStanton G Smith John S 3Smith John Sloan Margaret 7bloane Philip 8 Swank M IBcnlly Chaj Schaffer W T 5

Tate APS Thomas WH2Thomas G J and wife Thomas SarahThomas and family 1 omb DrToner John Toms MrrTrevenlanW'm 3nomleyEobt

WUburDr4 Wonderly Ed 11Wright and wire WrlzhtJOWeir Mrs E M 1 Wel J C and wifeWeir J P and wife Warren Samnel9Willowar Mrs Isabel 2 Wise EdWert Geo 5 Watcher John 7Walters Wm Walters KatoWilson fiobt E . Wldtnan Mrs MWUuelmGeo W llhelm Adam 3M Isc Adam 7 Wild August 7Way John and family Watlzy LentodWarren and family Wheat JasWarren Katie Wilson TWlleoxWnU Wilcox Jas and wifeWoodruff LD Wilson Howard

WlreWDThe Dispatch's accurate list is posted

daily at all the agencies for the benefit ofboth inquirers and the clerks, who are savedthe trouble of referring to the manuscriptsto answer questions. Ur. H. McConaghey,of Pittsburg, is woiking assiduously in thiswork.

Simpson, mcswigax, Katxe.


List of Bodies Identlfled at KernvIIIe andElsewhere.

rFSOK A ETA1T c6BBZsrosnar.iThe following is the list of dead in Kernville



James Murphy received nine bodies at thePresbyterian Church, as follows:MR HOFFMAN. DAUGHTER AND CHILD.

the last of nine.UNKNOWN WOMAN, licht complexion, 250

pounds, gray hair, 50 years old,YOUNG MAN, UNKNOWN, hlcyclist, 18

years old. wore Wcycle olive suit, Anger ring,marked E. L. H.

LITTLE GIBL, 11 years old.SMALL BOY, 8 years old, nicely dressed.TWO UNCLAIMED.

Fourteen bodies were brought Into the Fourthward school to-d- so far, as follows:HENRY LUD WIG .


arms.VINCENT D. SIMM.LON BLUFORD.WOMAN,-snppose- to be Margaret L. Davis.



One Lodse Can Find But Six jffembers Oatof 98 That Were.

rraou A statt conRESPONDijrr.l

Johnstown, June 6. The various se-

cret societies have lost many of their mem-bers. According to the latest estimate theJr. O. XT. A M. Cambria, Mo. 785, lost 12:Alma, 323, lost 8; Corona, 9991 only found.6 'ititit abfs Vat 'Tkk lodge'

t$fot lOTprorjgwas decimated. The Odd Fellows have lost25 men. Johnstown Council, Nb. 85, lost 4,and one is missing from No. 72.

An embalmer just came in and reportedthat 4 more bodies were found and put inthe Fourth ward school The supply ofembalming fluids is exhausted, and thestench is becoming so bad the men cannotstand it. Israel.


Many Suffer for Want of Food and ClothingWhoso Frldo Won't Let Them Slako

Their Wants Known GoodWork of Dr. Field.

rrnoii A staff cokuxsfondent.iJohnstown1, June 6. Rev. Dr. Field,

rector 6f St. Clement's Episcopal Church,

of Philadelphia, who has been here as chap-

lain of the Bed Cross Society, will leave forhome morning, and will returnherein a few days to continue his work of

charity. Dr. Field has been going therounds of the suffering poor, and says thereis great distress among them.' He states

that the suffering of some of the families isindescribable.

Dr. Field arrived here yesterday morn-

ing, in company with 25 surgeons, from

Philadelphia, and Miss Clara Barton, the

lay President of the White Cross Society.

The surgeons are working under the leadership of Dr. O'Neill, the eminent specialistof the Quaker City. They have establishedtheir headquarters aita Kernville, and are

Doing Considerable Workassisting the physicians from Pittsburg andother places. In conversation with yourcorrespondent to-d- Dr. Field said:

"The only way to alleviate the distress ofthese poor people is to go around and visiteacn ramiiy. x nave oeen traveling arounavisiting them since yesterday morning, andit is almost impossible to picture their suf-

ferings. I have found families almost starr-ing, having nothing to eat in the house, andtoo proud to let their condition becomeknown. Last night I knew of a number offamilies that were without any bed clothing,and they suffered from exposure. I foundone family that was absolutely without anyblankets or food, and you can imagine whatthey suffered. They quietly endured theirsufferings, though, and I tried to assistthem. I understand that the supply of ra-

tions is giving out, and the supply depotsare out of meat, bread and clothing. Unlessthey get some more their suffering will beterrible."

The Rations Very Short.This morning there was a great amount of

suffering among the people, on account of,short rations. The various relief commit-tees ran out of provisions yesterday after-noon, and many people had to be turnedaway without getting what they wanted.

This morning Mayor Scott received a tele-gram to the effect that 6,900 loaves of bread-- ,

29 barrels of cooked hams and a large sup-ply of ground coffee had been shipped.They arrived here about noon and were dis-

tributed to the people.At one of the supply stations there was

a string of women and children with baskets,waiting to be served, that would stretchfrom Grant street to the foot bf Fifth ave-nue. Many of them were almost famishedfor something to eit, and 4ae many ferventexpressions of thankfulness as they receivedtheir share of the rations brought tears tothe eyes of those serving them. By thetime the present supplies run out it is ex-

pected that more will be received from othersources. McSwioan.

forakerTnxious.The Buckeye Governor Wants to Keep the

Ohio Elver Water rare GovernorBearer Endeavor to Quiet


Columbus, June 6. Allen O. Myerssent a telegram to Governor Foraker fromPittsburg to-d- stating that dead animalsabove Pittsburg were being floated into theOhio, and suggesting that an appeal fromhim might stop it. The Governor held aconsultation with the State Board of Healthin regard to the matter, which resulted inthe Secretary of the board sending out anaddress to the people of Ohio, suggestingthat all who live along the Ohio valley boilthf river water which they use for domesticpurposes.' Governor Foraker also sent a telegram toGovernor Beaver in regard to the report,and the latter made the following reply:

Habbisbubq, June 6.

To Hon. J. B. Foraler:Have had organized force In counties of

Allegheny, Westmoreland and Indiana, alongthe Allegheny, Kislclminetas and Conemaughrivers, removing all deajl bodies from streamsfor three days. I cannot believe it possiblethat the report made to you is correct. Pitts-burg has had boats on the river removing alloffal so as to protect ourselves from the dangerwhich Is common to all cities and towns alongthe Ohio and Its tributaries. You may be as-

sured that everything possible will be done toprotect our neighbors as well as ourselves fromthe danger of pestilence. Our State Board ofHealth has been on the ground from the start,through its offlcers.aud somo of its members.William McCreery, Chairman, Pittsburg, cangive yon reliable Information as to the Alle-gheny above Pittsburg.

ISlgned James A. Beayee, Governor.


Still 1,000 Bodies) Thought to be In theBnlna of KernvIIIe.


Johnstown, June 6. J. Lipptrt,George Richards, Fred Ziznmer and JohnMurphy, of the Allegheny corps, made atour of Kernville inspecting thesanitary condition of the town. They re-

port that the sanitary condition of all thehouses is bad. Four persons were foundsick. There is no morgue in the town."What is needed most is disin-fectants and men to clear up the ruins. Theinspectors say that the people cannot clearthe place themselves.

Eer. Beal estimates that there, are still1,000 bodies in the ruins at Kernville.



The First Case In a Suburb of JohnstownReported Very Promptly.


Johnstown, June 6. Dr. Bibbet lastnight reported one case of typhoid fever ontof town. A man from South Fork reportsthat they have plenty to eat and clothes towear in that town. J. K. Taggart, of Lei-eenri-

sent up 100 tents this morning.The Methodist and Presbyterian Churches

unquestionably saved a great many lives.The Methodist Church is a fine stone struct-

ure about the center of the town. Thechurch checked the force of the torrent anddivided the stream. The PresbyterianUharcfa also acted as a bulwark. Both ottkweb'oildtegs are standing, butdamaged

m? .RS. .., tryit


illTilfhe Thriving Manufac-

turing Borough ofWoodvale


Almost Completely Destroyed

by .the Awful




Johnstown, June C "Woodvale, thebustling little borough which lay east of

Johnstown, with its tall maple trees on both

sides of the Pennsylvania railroad, has been

almost wiped out of existence. The flood

that carried off the greater portion ot thetown blasted the higi anticipations of theresidents that the borough would soon be-

come a thriving little industrial city, Eermanufacturing plants gave employment to

the majority ot the 2,500 residents of theplace, bnt the flood has killed them. Thetoilers living in the borough will have to

move away and secure employment else-

where, as the backbone of the place has been

broken.To-da- y it was announced to the residents

of the place that th e Jonnson Steel Compa-ny, better known as the Johnson Steel StreetBailway Company, had decided to move

their dismantled works from Woodvale toMoxham, on the other side of Kernville.The Company have .a steel plant at thatplace and think it will facilitate matters t6

have their Woodvale interests at the sameplace as the steel mill. They accordinglygave notice to their employes that this wouldbe done.

The News Came Like a Shockto the residents of the place, as a great ma-

jority of them worked in the mills. Withthe announcement came a force of men, whobegan work, erecting tents and quarters for

laborers, who will clear away the debrisand take out the machinery for shipment toMoxham. Mr. ITahe, an official of the com-

pany, was on tjie ground to-d- superin-tending the work of olearing up. To yourcorrespondent he said: '

"The company has decided that it willnot rebuild the mills here, but will movethe machinery and rebuild at Moxham. Welost about $200,000, as nearly as can be esti-

mated, but will rebuild at Moxham as toonas we can possibly do so. Our greatest losswas the draughting department; We lostabout 590,000 worth, of drawings that canhardly . tley. were the aeeVmulation of 'four years, and we will nowhave to begin at the bottom again. Wealso lost $21,000 in cold cash, which wasstored in an ordinary fire-pro- safe. Oursafe had beentaken away just a few daysprevious, and the money was placed is iton Friday at noon.

Heavy Loss of One Firm.We had intended paying our employes

the day following, and that is the way themoney happened to be in the office. Withour mill at Moxham wewilltryto catch up tothe place where we left off. We had orderson our books that called for completionwithin the next month. The orders areworth 150,000. What will be done aboutthem I do not know. The Johnson SteelCompany is composed of Kentuckians. A.J. Moxham, of this place, is the President,They make a specialty Of street railwaymaterials. The mill has been running dayand night for several years."

If a hand could reach out of the skyand take in its grasp 321 houses and pullthem out of sight the task could not be donemore effectually than was done by the floodof last Friday. There were 295 houses outof the 324 washed away. Those remainingare on the hillside, where the flood couldnpt get at them, and if it had reached themthere is not the slightest doubt but that theywould have suffered with the rest. There isa great amonnt of suffering in the borough.Most of the little houses are packed withpeople almost as tight as the gorge abovethe Pennsylvania Railroad bridge.

Suffering From Lack of Food.In some of the houses 25 and 30 people are

living, while in none of them are less thanthree families. The people are also in actu-al need of food and clothing. The residentssay they cannot get anything from theJohnstown Belief Committee, and the facil-ities for getting supplies into the boroughin large quantities are very meager. A sup-ply depot has been established in the townabove the woolen mill, but up to 5 o'clock

y the people stated that they had notbeen given any relief. They are very soreat the treatment they have received at theother relief stations, and say they have totake what the people at Johnstown andConemaugh do not want. The Belief Com-

mittee in the latter places tell them to go tothe Woodvale committee, while the latterhave been unable to get anything across theriver.

The people who own thf houses notwashed away say they cannot be expected tofeed their neighbors all the time. At GeorgeHood's bouse there ara nearly 30 people.All the provisions ran out, and the womenand children suffered from the want of food.Some of the men found a boxcar lying alongthe hillside that had been washed down thePennsylvania tracks, loaded with flour, andbroke into it.

Saved FroM Aetnnl Starvation.They secured a large number of barrels,

which were divided up &mongthe people,and the latter were kept from starving. Bythe removal of the Johnson Steel Company'splant the only thing left in the borough isthe Woodvale Woolen Mill and a smallflouring mill alongside of it. The formeris badly wrecked, and it will require a

.great deal of money to repair the damage.The woolen mill gave employment to

about ISO boys and girls. On account ofthe river being so badly swollen the millwas shut down Thursday night. It wasfeared that the employes would be in dangerif the river rose too high, and they weretold not to report for duty Friday. Beingindustrious they demurred against beingleft idle for such a small cause, butthey afterwards found out that their liveswere saved by,ly lag offt If i? yary probable..that"ike kjBftjorlty of them weald have :erdewikd --tiy''bTva'6t Wik.TUB to


Mp$t(also true of the Johnson Steel Company'smftls. ,Mr. Moxham, 'tho President, orderedtho mill shut down-Frid-ay .noon, and told

.the men to go home to their families. ThereWere only three men fn the mill when thedeluge canie.

Awful Wreck of Railroad Property.Two of them were washed away. One

had his ribs broken and will probably die.A pontoon bridge across the Conemaugh isbeing constructed to-d- for the use of thepeople in Woodvale. Near the bridge isabout 100 yards of railroad track turnedcompletely upside down. The rails arespiked td the ties just as securely as theyWere the day they were put in. The trackswere carried from Woodvale clear across theriver and landed with the ties downward inEast Conemaugh borough.

On the hillside above the woolen mill arescattered any number of freight cars, ca-

booses, tenders, etc. A train of caboosescoupled together, standing on their wheelson the hillside in the midst of high mapletrees, is an unique conception, but such isthe sight to be witnessed. How the Penn-sylvania Ballroad will get their cars andengines out of the trees and up from the bedof the river nobody can tell, Tor a longtime it has been the boast of the male por-tion of Woodvale that it was the only bor-

ough in the State, of 2,500 people, that didnot have a church or a saloon within itsborders. McSwioan.


Tho .Johnson Steel Company's CUIclDrnnchtsmnn'a Btrneslo for Life--He

Jompcd From His Horsoto a Telegraph Pole,


JOHHSiomr, June 6. A horse, supposedto be the one upon which Bobert Wicker- -

sham was riding when the flood overtookhim and he climbed a telegraph pole, wasfound upon the premises of a farmer backof Woodvale this morning. The horse hadapparently been in the woods for several.days, and was almost starved. Upon hisback was a saddle, which was supposed to

'be owned by Mr. Wlckersham. The farmerwill keep the horse until called for.

Mr. Wlckersham was the chief draughts-man at the Johnson Steel Company's works.He was a general favorite with everybodyconnected with the company, and his deathis sincerely mourned by his former associ-

ates. On Friday afternoon he was outriding with a friend above Woodvale. Hewas coming down the river and was nearlyopposite the bridge to cross over to Cone-

maugh when the flood came. He was

Warned to Get Oat of the Warby seeing people running and hearing theswirl of the angry waters behind him, asthey rushed down to catch up the town In awild embrace. The gentleman turned onhis horse, and seeing the water tried to getout of the way. His friend, who was aheadof him, spurred his horse forward and gotover the bridge before the flood struck it. Ithas been reported that he escaped, whileothers say he was drowned with his horse.The latter had to ford part of the swollenriver to get . across with his rider on his'back. '

Wlckersham was too far behind his friendto get away. Seeing that he could not makethe bridge in time, he ran his horse to the'nearest telegraph pole, and jumping off heascended it. He struok his horse to makehim gallop off, and that was the last seen ofthe animal until y.

Rot a Place of Safety.Wickersham was seen to climb up the

pole until he reached the cross-arm- s, wherehe rested. He apparently thought he wassafe, and yelled to a number of people torun up the hill out of the water's reach.In a few minutes the pole "sagged" andtipped over. Wickersham still clung to itand the pole began to drop lower and lower.All of a sudden the pole gave a lurch andfell into the water. Wickersham disap-peared from view and was seen no more.The people living in the row of frame houseson the hillside opposite saw him as he' wentdown. McSwioak.


Heirless Property That Most be LookedAfter by the Stnte.


Johnstown, June 6. As the peopleslowly begin to sensibly realize the awfulcalamity, and in many cases hope hasbeen gfven up, the ones saved are en-

deavoring to better themselves and to pro-

tect, if possible, their property remaining.In many instances whole families werewiped out by the aquatio avalanche, andthe question now arises: "To whom doestheir property, real and personal, belong."Legally it falls to the next nearest heirs,but there were property owners lost whohave not any relations here, and the dangerof bogus heirs asserting themselves is ap-

parent.Endless litigation will follow in the wake

of this catastrophe, unless the State legis-lature steps in and issnes some sort of a limi-tation act. The plans of the city when itwas incorporated as a borough are in thevaults of the Begister's office at Ebensburg,and no doubt many deeds are recorded, alsoproving the ownership, but with all this itis thought there will still be legal and il-

legal claims to devastated districts.Katne.


Every State Tnvltcd to Assist In Establish-ing Agencies for Supplies.


Johnstown, June 6. The Belief Com-

mittee is to be made national in its scope.Action to that effect was taken this after-noon at the meeting of the Financial ' Com-

mittee of the local relief organization. Theplan was proposed by parties high in au-

thority and has been given official sanctionby the committee in the following resolu-tion:

The survivors of the flood are now, and mosthe for some time, wholly dependent upon issnesto them of food and clothing, as there are nogoods here, except those brought by the ReliefCommittee, and no place in which commercecan be carrie'd on. The agencies for makingeach destribntlons should receive grave consid-eration. It la the nnanimons consent of thecommittee that another committee should beappointed for this purpose, composed in part ofcitizens in this locality and of members ap-pointed by the Governors of the States, or bychambers of commerce of the cities fr6m whichcontributions have been received, or In suchother way as win give this agency a nationalcharacter, and assure the country that its mostgenerous charity will be judiciously and fullyapplied to the relief of the victims of our un-precedented calamity.

The committee that took this action wasjeempesedof Jakes HcM111b. Gyrus Elder.

OMSSm, --yr. , Swk J. I.feeWtoHLtSI"

1 i MlTwenty-Fiv-e Bodies at

a Time Are Being



To Be Got Out at Wood-

vale, With Pennsy's



rrnoir a staff cOBnzsroirDxirr.i

Johnstown, June 6. Dr. Groff 's menreported that East Conemaugh,Franklin borough, Woodvale, Morrell-vill- e,

Cambria City and Mineral Point allneed food and clothing. The corps didn'treport anything about the sanitary condi-

tion. Dr. Fussell reports that he found abig dam .formed in Woodvale. There wasone horse in it, which was removed andburned. The doctor thinks this dam is fullof dead bodies, and he advises that the dambe drained. He thinks it can be done infour hours if the railroad people will allowhim to cut an opening under the railroad.

Special Agent W. H. Kennedy, of theState Board of Health, made a tour of thetown. He reported that the stench onMain street is becoming horrible. Theremust be many bodies undeV the debris.

Twenty-Fiv- e Bodies Together.At Grandview Cemetery they are burying

the bodies 25 in a trench. The location ofeach body, with the name and description,is marked with a board. Where the deadhave friends a few follow the bodies to thegrave, but the average of followers is notmore than two. Ho services are held andthe bodies are lowered into the trencheswithout any ceremony.

Mr. Kennedy found a boy alive in one ofhis tours. The little fellow was nearly ex-

hausted for want of food and drink, bnt hewill live. Mr. Kennedy also says that thedebris is being removed rapidly. Dr. n,

another inspector, spent most ofthe day about the Pennsylvania depot.He disinfeoted the bodies of some horsesthat could not be burned without destroy-ing what is left of the town. He burneder jt truckloads or wet and dirty clothing,taken off the bodies, and a few horses andold hides. Some dead horses were foundthat are too deep to reach.

Dr. Sweet, of the Bedford Street Hos-pital, reported that four men were hurtwhile tearing down houses; some of themare seriously injured. The hospital is fastbeing puLinto first-cla- prder. The firstfew days ofth&'flood a number of amputa-tions were made on persons badly injured.

To Prevent a Pestilence.Dr. Benjamin Lee, executive head of the

State Board of Health, left for Pittsburgthis afternoon to establish his headquartersat that place. He will be in direct com-

munication with the Sanitary Corps here,and will issue orders to them by wire, in-

dicating what he wishes done.His object in establishing headquarters in

Pittsburg is to assure, the people of thatcity and vicinity that there is no dangerfrom disease spreading on account of thewater in the Conemaugh, Kiskiminetas andAllegheny rivers being polluted with disease-

-spreading germs.Word has been received here that the

residents of Allegheny county ore verymuch alarmed on this account, and haveasked the local health authorities to takesteps in the matter. Dr. Lee stated thismorning that there was no occasion foralarm. He said the State Board wouldtake all precautionary measures and pre-

vent sickness spreading among the people.A Stenmer Going Up.

The State Board of Health has chartereda small steamboat to start from Pittsburgand come up the Allegheny as far as possi-

ble, and clean out the stream of any rnbbishthat has accumulated along the banks. Ithas been found that' this is the cause of agreat amount of disease among the people,where such stuff has accumulated, and theboard will exercise all its power and all themoney it has at command to do the work.

It is also expected, of course, that a num-ber of dead bodies will be discovered. Hun-dreds of horses, cows, dogs, etc., were sweptaway with the human beings, and wherethey are now lying is a mystery. A greatmany of them were washed down the riverand are probably lying concealed on thebanks, where their offensive odors mightpoison the air and cause contagion.

Orders have been issued by the SanitaryCorps here to cause all the dead horses,cows, dogs, etc., lying abont the city to beburned, and thus kill the germs of disease.

Poshing the Pennsr.Dr. Lee had a consultation this morning

with the Pennsylvania railroad officials,and requested them to put more men atwork removing the pile of debris fromabove their bridge. The officials of thecompany stated they were doing the bestthey could, but would put more men on, ifthey could get them.

Fires have been lighted all around themoss of debris for the purpose of killinggerms of disease arising from the putrefyingflesh and rubbish. The odpr that arises isunbearable, and, in some places, it is so

bad that the workmen were seriously af-

flicted with nausea.A wholesale plan of disinfection was in-

augurated this morning by the AlleghenyMedical Belief Committee. They began atthe upper end of Kernville, and inspectedevery house in the'borough. They placeddisinfectants in the houses and about thepremises, to prevent any contagion thatmay arise as a result of the flood. Othermedical corps will take possession of theother boroughs and give them a thoroughcleaning out Israel,



The Scores of Fatherless and MotherlessFind Iran Friends In Need.


Johnstown-- , June 6. The Penn Chil-

dren's Aid Society is represented here byMrs. H. N. Hinckley and Miss C.Hancock,of Philadelphia. They arrived y, andhave establishea headquarters at jno. w.' --r,c 'AdMM sW. received aeestfreaa a Jokakwa aiatlwan for a cMM for I


Is the titla of the Firt and Only American

Novel written by Wilkle Collins, and pub-lish- ed

COMPLETE la next Sunday's DIS-


adoption, and are looking up the orphansand, homeless children. They found nineorphans in the house next to where theyare located, and Ave half orphans in thehouse. Jfesjrere all orphaned by theflood. J?t5Tned of a lady on the

FranklftSkjng care of 24children nQt35l-,'-Sjood- -

Mrs. Hinckleyhafoyfige forseven years. Miss HaotwflErata- -

tion of long standing. She wa3tTo inthe late war.

The ladles received telegrams from Eev.Morgan 'Dix, New York, who will take 75

children. Mrs. Pearson, of Indianapolis,wants one child; Mrs. Campbell of the sameplace will take one, and Prof. CharlesMicqe, of New York, will find place forfour. SniPSOH'.


People Who Have Johnstown Interests WillCross the Lines.


Johnstown, June 6. Since the Sheriffof the county issued the order that no pas-

sengers should arrive here unless possessinga pass from authority, there has been un-

bounded dissatisfaction and trouble. AtBolivar is the farthest point to which thePennsylvania Bailroad will sell ticketsunless the Citizens' Committee pass isflashed. Notwithstanding that deputysheriffs and other authorities are there toprevent this order being violated, anxiousones elude them and get here, just the same.

Many who have friends andfamilies amongthem neglected to observe this order or werenot aware of its existence and had to walk18 miles. To tired women this seems ratherhard. Discrimination was shown in a few

cases so far as to the passengers havingtickets for intermediate points between Bol-

ivar and this point Warning is given,however, that they will be ejected if theorder is not obeyed. Kaxne.


He Wouldn't, for the World, Cat JohnstownOff Without a Cent.


Johnstown, June 6. Manager J. B.Scott said this evening that he was in favorof paying the men Saturday evening. TheFinance Committee, however, does not thinkit is wise; but their action will be sub-

ject to Mr. Scott's decision. Daring theday Governor Beaver telegraphed that hehad 250,000 at his disposal. He wanted toknow how much to send to Johnstown, so

that he could give some of it to Williams-po- rt

and Lock Haven.The consultation was held over the wires.

The people in Johnstown don't want theearth. At a late hour the Governor hadnot commenced to consult Iseael.


People Who Still Talk About the Responsi-bility of the Owners of tho Reser-

voir TUcy TMuk the CatastropheBlight Have Been Avoided.


New Yoek, June 6. The Bun will say to-

morrow: Thp feeling against the Pittsburgassociation that owns the lake and dam thatcaused the calamity grows more Intense themore the troth about the dam becomes known.The SunXdlsclosure of the fact that the damwas simply a heap of dirt, with loose stonefacingMnstead of astructnre of solid masonry,and that the waste gates had beenclosed up by the association, which was printedthis morning, made a sensation here andthreatens to bring the matter to a head. Crim-inal proceedings are freely talked of, but It isthonght it will be difficult to sustain a caseeven in courts as prejudiced as those of Cam-bria county will be against the dam owners.The men are rich and responsible, however,andthe liability of civil action is generally believedto be complete. If they should be held liablein civil suits for damages it is probable thatmany, if not all of them, will be financiallyruined. There is an abundance of evidencethat the owners were frequently warned by oldresidents In the neighborhood of the dam thatit was becoming weaker and getting into a moredangerous condition all the time.

One fact alone, as to the dam, ought to con-vict the dam owners of negligence sufficient tomake them responsible in aamages. The stoneface that went up each side of the dam was notcontinued across the top in order to maintain awagon road there. The top of the dirt heaphad merely been leveled off and left in its na-tural condition. It was a moral certainty thatif the water ever rose so high as to go over thetop of the dam, it would wash it out. Withthe water washing over the dirt top of the dam,the rock facing would amount to no more, as asource of strength, than a sheeting of card-board. To have covered the dam with a sub-stantial course of stone capping, archedor in some other way. arranged to oner as littleresistance as possible to the passage of thewater, would have spoiled the wagon road, butit might have saved the dam.


Twice ns Many Females as Hales PerishedThe Weak Went First, and WereDrowned With Their Arms Cling-


Johnstown, June 6. One of the peculiarthings a stranger notices In Johnstown is thecomparatively small number of women seen inthe place. Of the throngs who march about-th- e

streets searching for dead friends there isnot one woman to ten men. Occasionallya little group of two or three women with sadfaces will pick their way about, looking for themorgues. There are a few Sisters of Charity,their black robes the only instance in whichthe conventional badze of monrninz is seenupon tho street In tho Darts of the town nottotally destroyed, the usual nnmberof womenare seen in the houses and yards.

But as a rule women are a rarity in Johnstownnow. This is not a natural peculiarity of Johns-town, nor a mere coincidence, but a fact with adreadful reason behind it. There are so manymore men than women among the living inJohns toi. n now because there are so many morewomen than men among the dead. Of thebodies recovered there are at least two womenfor every man, besides the fact that theirnatural weakness made them an easier prey tothe flood. The hour at which the disastercame was one at whlch.the women would mostlikely be in. their homes and the men at workin the open air, or in factory yards, from whichescape was easy.

Children also are rarely seen about the town,and for a similar reason, they are ad dead.There is never a group of the dead discoveredthat does not contain from one to three or fourchildren for every grown person. Generallythe children are in the arms of the grown per-sons, and of ten little toys and trinkets claspedin their bands Indicate that the childrenwere caught up while at play and carried asfar as possible toward safety.

Johnstown when rebuilt will be a city ofmany widowers and few children. In turninga school nouse into a morgue tne autnonnesprobably did a wiser thing than they thought.It will be a long time before the school housewill be needed for its original purpose.


Will Contribute Liberally to the Aid of theFlood Victims.

CHICAGO, Jase 6. William G. Morris, Su-preme Trustee and Acting Councillor of theOrder of Chosen Friends, issued the following

To the Councils, Officers and Members:Fbiends The dreadful calamity of flood and

fire at Johnstown, in which thousands hare losttheir lives, appeals to every lover of the racefor assistance. Recognizing the principlesupon which the Order of Chosen Friends isfounded, we ask every member to practice itswatchwords now by donating liberally to therelief and succor of qur unfortunate country-men. Let your contributions be collected bycouncils and forwarded to Mayor Dewltt C.Cregier, of Chicago, to be sent to the properauthorities for distribution. Act quickly,Friends, in this great emergency.

Heir Hampshire's Legislative Action.CONCORD, n. H., June a. The Lerfsiatfcre i

toyapproiiriaied s,m tot tbVCowwMwtftjhKw8.' v "r ; , ; ; - , t


r 9 "


wmw.More Laborers Can be

Used Than Was First



$1,500,000 and 10,000 Paid

Workmen, the Calculation

of Contractors,


Three of the Wounded Suf-- - 1

ferers in Pittsburg Hos-

pitals Die.


Contributions of Cash, Cloth-

ing and Food Still Com-

ing in to Headquarters.


Masons and Knights of the Mystla ChainWill Help Build Bouses What ColonelT. P. Roberts and aiaxMoorbead Knowof the Building of the Great Dam An-

other Boat Fatrol of the Tflver to BeMade So Far 3.600 Codas Have BeenSent From Pittsburg The. Life Insur-

ance Loss Not Great Effects on Prohi-


The Belief Committee of the Chamber ofCommerce bad a startling realization yes-

terday of the tremendous amonnt of work

that is necessary to be dono yet before thoflooded district will be cleaned up. When

a message came that 10,000 laborer were

needed at Johnstown, and would be needed

for weeks, and that they must be paid, itstaggered the committeemen, as it meant anextraordinary outlay for wages alone, notincluding the cost of provisions and other

This word came in shape of the tawingtelegram from William Flinn:

A Physical Impossibility.It Is tho judgment of myself, Evan Jones

and the practical men here that it would take10,000 men a month to clear up this town. Itseems to me a physical impossibility. The vol-

unteer workmen are leaving rapidly. We musthave BOO men to fill the vacancy. Yon shouldsend four or fire competent to be put in chargeot financial matters, as expenses will be enor-

mous. Also give us a commissary here on theground. When we make requisitions for sup-

plies we should find them here on account ofthe uncertainty of trains. Provisions forhorses and men should be sent in large quanti-ties.

Mr. McCreery's placid brow corrugated,and he said the pay roll was now $100,000 aweek, for the services of 7,500 men, andwork must stop if donations did.

An Important Mission.Mr. Evan Jones arrived in Pittsburg

from Johnstown yesterday. He had ahighly important mission to perform,namely, to enlighten Pittsbnrgers on thereal needs of Johnstown and the situation.To a Dispatch reporter he said: "Thereare one or two things which must he under-

stood at once abont the situation at Johns-town. The work Captain "W. E. Jones andWilliam Flinn have undertaken, namely,to clean the town of debris and

remove the bodies of human beingsand animals, is going- - to cost agreat deal more than most people have anyidea of. At the' very lowest estimate justthe removal of the wreckage and the bodies '

not including the cleaning up of the .cellars and house lots mind you will costfrom half a million to three-quarte- rs of amillion of dollars. There are now over5,000 men employed in this work, and most

of them at $2 per diem. There ought to he10,000 men and there will be probably in afew days, and it is easy to see how the dailypay roll will absorb from flO.000 to $25,009.

Plttsborgers Mast Persevere."It won't do for Pittsburgers or our

friends elsewhere to rest content with thesubscriptions now in. An immense sum isneeded to avert a frightful plague, not onlyin Johnstown, bnt in the,snrronnding coun-

try, including Pittsburg. The money oughtto be sent at once to the Chamber of Com-

merce Committee. Governor Beaver isgreatly impeding the work at Johnstown by--,

asking people to send him money at Harris-bur-g

The money ought to be sent to Pittsburg direct.

"In a very short time all the laborers atJohnstown will be hired men, for the volua--"

teers speedily grow tired of the hard work "

and either clamor for pay or want to go--

home. Paid labor is decidedly more reliav


Die in every way mu lumuira. avuev vs. t J 4j. ..i... .ha... (nMMmaTHi1 JBN

again that The Dispatch cannot put thecall for money too strongly. And the moneyshould not come via Governor Beaver -- oranybody else, bnt straight to Pittsburg.;'

A Committee Appeal. ." "

In view of the information received fronMr. Plinn and Mr. Jones, the Chamber'Commerce Belief Committee last'sightseoat the following bulletin t tlittsbApapers and through theAsaeriatedJPrew

ixea. w. jag,a.cajgo KNtHMKi.wras