Dist ri b u tio n s of R eside n c e T i mes for C h em ical R ea ctors Ulina Ayu Pangesti // 1306447722

PR 1-Bioreaktor-Ulina Ayu Pangesti

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Residencfor Chem


Ulina Ayu Pan


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General Characteristics


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Distributions ofResidence i!es

for "#e!icalReactors

Part 1Using t#e RD ti!efunction $%t& and!ean residence

ti!e t!


Part 2RD data andfunction forcon)ersion

'redictions and

e*it concentration

General Characteristics

Residence Time Distribution:

 o #el' c#aracteri+e non ideal reactdo not follo, t#e !odel de)elo'ed fPRs and PRs.

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General Characteristics

All euations and !odels in t#is boo are for c#e!

t#at are ideal 'erfectly !i*ed batc# and !i*ed co

o,e)er t#ese !odels are not al,ays a''licable

reactors %i.e. non(ideal&

 #e 'erfor!ance and e5ciency of reactors in reala''lications !ay s#o, de)iation fro! t#e ideal.

ence non(ideal reactors ,ill be t#e 'rinci'le ana

for furt#er calculations.

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General Characteristics


 #e t,o !aor ste's t#at ,ill i!'act t#e RD for non idare

1. o diagnose 'roble!s of reactors in o'eration

2. o 'redict con)ersion or e8uent concentration in e*reactors ,#en a ne, reaction is used in t#e reactor.

 #e ai! is to analy+e and c#aracteri+e non(ideal reacto

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General characteristics of Sy

-9-$: 1

( ;as(liuid continuous(stirred tan gaseous reactant bubble into t#e rreactant is fed t#roug# an inlet tubside.

(  #e continuous liuid '#ase can be'erfectly !i*ed and t#e reaction rato t#e total bubble surface area.

( -o!e gas bubbles can esca'e t#e di=erent si+es.

(  #e ti!e t#e bubble s'ends in t#e TIME RESIDENCE.

(  #e analysis s#ould be based on t#of eac# bubbles >? a)erage resi

(  otal reaction rate is obtain fro! sububbles in t#e reactor.

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-9-$: 2

( Paced bed reactors ,it# a catalyst s#o,s t#a@uid does not @o, t#roug# t#e reactor unifor!

( -o!e sections in t#e reactor s#o,s little resis,#ic# leads to !aor 'ortion of t#e @uid !ay

its 'at#,ay

( :olecules follo,ing t#is 'at#,ay do not s'en

t#e reactor as t#ose follo,ing t#roug# t#e regresistance to @o,.

(  #ere is also a distribution of ti!es t#at !ole

reactor in contact ,it# t#e catalyst.

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-9-$: 3

( or "-Rs t#e inlet and outlet 'i'es are close to

(  ans are !odeled ,it# a by'ass strea! ,#ere


( -tagnant regions %dead +ones& are often encount#ere is little or no e*c#ange of !aterial ,it# t#e

regions ,#ic# leads to no reaction occurring.

( $*'eri!ents ,ere done to deter!ine

t#e a!ount of t#e !aterial e=ecti)ely

by'assed and t#e )olu!e of t#e dead


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Concepts for Non-Ideal Re

"once'ts to describe non(ideal reactors are

1. #e distribution of residence ti!es in t#e

2. #e uality of !i*ing

3. #e !odel used to describe t#e syste!

n real and non(ideal reactors non(ideal @o,e*ist resulting in ine=ecti)e contacting andcon)ersions

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Residence-Time Distribution


 #e use of R- is to analy+e t#e c#e!ical reactor<s 'erf

RD of a reactor is a c#aracteristic of t#e !i*ing t#at oc

c#e!ical reactor.

ro! RD calculations ,e can analy+e ,#en so!e !ole

uicly and ,#en so!e Bo)erstay t#eir ,elco!eC in t#e

Di=erent !i*ing 'atterns %PR no a*ial "-R t#orou

can re@ect t#e RD.

n so!e cases ,#en !i*ing 'atterns are unno,n t#e R

by a gi)en reactor yields distincti)e clues to t#e ty'e of

occurring ,it#in a rector and can also #el' c#aracteri+e

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RTD Function

era'a la!a ato!(ato! o!'@uida suda# berada dala! re

:e!beri infor!asi tentang 'enca!'uran %mixing& dal


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Measurement of RTD


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Pengukuran RTD

:enguuronsentrasi tracer

'ada e8uentsebagai fungsi


 racer diinesi 'adat0

:enggunaan tracer 

PR?-$- "R("R RA"$

Earut se!'urgan

dala! ca!'uran

 ida teradsorb'ada 'er!uaan


-ifat Fsis sa!adengan reatan


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Metode Injeksi: Pulse Input

Experiment-eu!la# tracer, >o diinesi satu ali e dala! aliran f

eFsen dan ce'at. Gonsentrasi oultet diuur 'er ,atu.

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 Analisis Single-Input & Si


u!la# tracer yang !eninggalan rea,atu t H tIJt= inre!en ,atu onsentrasi eluaran tracer 


Di!anaN0  otal !aterial teri

rasi !aterial dengan RD di antara t dan t I J

$%t& un

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 Kia >0 tida dieta#ui langsung

Persa!aan diintegralan !enadi

:aa deFnisi $%t& !enadi

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entu integral RD function

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Contoh Soal 13-1

A sa!'le of t#e tracer #ytane at 320 G ,as inected reactor and t#e e8uent concentration ,as !easure

of ti!e resulting in t#e data s#o,n in abel $13(1.1

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Contoh Soal 13-1

a. :engga!bar ur)a "%t& dan $%t& sebagai fungsi ,

b. :enentuan frasi !aterial !eninggalan reatoberada sela!a 3(6 !enit dan 7.7L(M.2L !enit da

c. :enentuan frasi !aterial !eninggalan reatoberada sela!a 3 !enit atau urang dala! reat

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Jawabana. Data 'ada abel $13(1.1 digunaan untu !e!'

se'erti di ba,a#

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Untu !e!'erole# $%t& dari ur)a "%t& dilauan 'eur)a "%t& dengan !etode -i!'son 1/3 dan >I1 geselanutnya&.

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Menghitung Integral-i!'son 1/3 -i!'son 3/M

Untu >I1 > gena'

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:aa $%t& da'at di#itung dengan !e!bagi "%t& dengan L0.0 g !in/!

-e#ingga di'erole# #asil sebagai beriut

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b. Data yang di'erole# di'lot 'ada graF di ba,a#. agian ur)a ya

!enunuan frasi !aterial !eninggalan reator yang tela# be!enit dala! reator. Euas ur)a ini di#itung dengan !etode -i!'

%li#at 2 slide sebelu!&.

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L1N !aterial !eninggalan reator setela# 3(6 dala! reator

3.0N !aterial !eninggalan reator setela# 7.7!enit di dala! reator

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c. rasi !aterial yang !eninggalan reator setela# berada di dala!

3 !enit atau urang adala# luas bagian ur)a dari * 0(3.

Dari 'er#itungan 20N !aterial !eninggalan reasetela# 7.7L(M.2L !enit di dala! reactor.

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Kendala Pulse Input

-ulit dala! !e!'erole# pulse yang cuu' 'ada in

nesi #arus dilauan dala! 'eriode sangat 'end

Dis'ersi antara titi inesi dan !asuan 'ada rea

sangat ecil #ingga da'at diabaian

Gurang aurat a'abila ur)a "%t& )s ,atu !e!ili'anang

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13.2.2 Step Tracer Experiment #e second !ost used !et#od of inection input . n t#is !et#od ,e ,ill for!ulate a !general relations#i' bet,een ti!e()arying

and t#e corres'onding concentration in t#eOe s#all state t#e out'ut concentration frois related to t#e in'ut concentration by cointegral

nlet concentration

Pulse in'ut %Dirac delt

!'erfect 'ulse inection

-te' in'ut

Oe can deter!ine t#e cu!ulati e distribu

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Oe can deter!ine t#e cu!ulati)e distribudirectly fro! ste' in'ut. A ste' in'ut in t#concentration for a syste! ,it# constant a constant rate of tracer addition to a feeinitiated at ti!e t0.

ecause inlet concentration is a constantcan for! integral function

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Di=erentiate t#is e*'ression to obtain t#e RD funct

 #e disadvantages of t#is tec#niue

( Di5cult to !aintain a constant tracer concentratio

( Di=erentiation can on occasion lead to large erro

( Earge a!ount of tracer used for t#is test e*'en

?t#er tracer tec#niues suc# as negati)e ste' %i.e efreuency(res'onse !et#ods and !et#ods t#at use

t#an ste's or 'ulses. #ese !et#ods are !ore di5c

aren<t e*'lained on t#is c#a'ter.

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Characteristics of theRTD


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Characteristics of the R

E(t) sometimes called exit-age distribution function. $age of distribution of t#e e8uent strea! ,#ic# is !ost usefunctions connected ,it# reactor analysis because it clengt#s of ti!e )arious ato!s s'end at reaction conditions.

Integral relationships of E(t) e*'ressed continuously

 #is euation deFned as cumulative istri!uti"n #uncti"n aOe can calculate %t& at )arious ti!es t fro! t#e area under )s t.

or e*a!'le in igure $13(1 3 %t& at 3 !in ,as 0 20 !eans t#at 2

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or e*a!'le in igure $13 1.3 %t& at 3 !in ,as 020 !eans t#at 2!olecules s'ent 3 !in or less in t#e reactor.

 #e s#a'e of %t& cur)e is s#o,n. Using $13(1.3 ,e can calculate %t!inutes. Oe can continue in t#is !anner to construct %t& in ig 13

 #e cur)e is anot#er function t#at #as been deFned as nor!ali+ed'articular in'ut. $. 13(12 #as been used as deFnition of %t& and #at#at as a result it can be obtained as t#e res'onse to a 'ositi)e(ste'


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Mean Residence Time

In the absence of dispersion, and for constant volumetric flow (v=v

what RTD exists for a particulate reactor, ideal or non ideal, this n

space time, τ, is equal to the first moment of RTD function E(t). Th

mean residence time is:


How to determine the total reactor volume using the cumulative d


Prove tnt =Q for constant )olu!etric flo, ))o.

 Volume of maize molecule, dV, leaving the reactor in a time dt:

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y co!'leting t#e euation t#erefore

 #e rig#t #and side is ust t#e !ean residence ti!e t#at t#e !ean residence ti!e is ust t#e s'ace ti!e Q

This result is the true onl" for closed system. Tvolume is determined from the e$:


%h & t f RTD

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%her &oments of RTD

t is )ery co!!on to co!'are RDs by using t#eir !o!enttrying to co!'are t#eir entire distribution. or t#is 'ur'ose!o!ents nor!ally used. #e second !o!ent co!!only u

about t#e !ean and is called t#e )ariance. DeFned by

 #e t#ird !o!ent is also taen about t#e !ean and is rela

s(e)ness' #e se,ness deFned by

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Diagnostics andTroubleshooting


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General Comments

RD can be used to diagnose 'roble!s in e*isting

 #e RD func( tions $%r& and %t& can be used to !

reactor as co!binations of ideal reactors


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Typical RTDs Resulting From Different Non-


%a& RD for near 'lug(Ro, reactor %b& RD for near 'erfectly !i*Paced(bed reactor ,it# dead +ones and c#anneling %d& RD for 'acein %c&S %e& tan reactur ,it# s#ort(circuiting by'assS %f& RD for tanc#anneling %by 'assing or s#ort circuiting& and a dead +one in ,#icslo,ly di=uses in and out

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Diagnostics and Troubleshootin

the RTD for ldeal Reactors: CST :ole !ass balance

Res'on to a 'ulse tracer

O#ere Q is t#es'ace ti!e

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(a) Perfect Operation

f Q is large t#ere ,il be a slo, decay of t#e out'ut transand $"t for a 'ulse in'ut. f t is s!all t#ere ,ill be ra'id transient "%t&. and $%t& for a 'ulse in'ut.

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(b) By-passing

A )olu!etric @o, rate U by'asses t#e reactor ,

)olu!etric @o, rate us enters t#e syste! )olu!e

U- I U&

 #e subscri't - denotes t#at 'art of t#e @o, #a

by'assed and only U- enters t#e syste!. ecaus

of t#e @uid by'asses t#e @o, 'assing t#oug# t#e

,ill be less an t#e total )olu!etric rate U- T Uo 

conseuently Q-  Q

Q- ,il be greater t#an t#at if t#ere ,ere no by'as

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Oe see fro! t#e %f& cur)e t#at ,e #a)e an initial u!' eual to t#e f'assed.

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(c) Dead Volume

ecause t#ere is a dead )olu!e ,#ic# t#e @uid does

t#ere is less syste! )olu!e V-D t#an in t#e case o'eration V-D  T V. "onseuently t#e @uid ,ill 'ass t#

reactor ,it# t#e dead )olu!e !ore uicly t#an t#at o'eration.

t#e transients "%t& and $%t& ,ill decay !ore ra'idly ( t#a'erfect o'eration because t#ere is a s!aller syste! )ol( u

D dT blh U

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Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Us

RTD for ldeal Reactors: Tubular Rea

'. erfect %peration of R

-'ace ti!e for 'erfect PR are

* R +ith ,hanneling (b"passing)

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*. R +ith ,hanneling (b"passing)

-'ace ti!e for t#e reactor syste! ,it# by 'assing

ecause U- T U0 t#e s'ace ti!e

case of by'assing is greater ,#co!'ared to 'erfect o'eration

, R +ith Dead -olume

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,.R +ith Dead -olume

 #e dead )olu!e VD could be !anifested by internal ci

a t#e entrance to t#e reactor as s#o,n in igure 13(17.

"o!'ared to 'erfect o'eration t#e s'ace ti!e Q-D is s!aller a

t#e tracer s'ie ,ill occur before Q for 'erfect o'eration.


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-tirred tan reactors can be !odeled as a series o!i*ed "-R %)icinity near i!'eller& and PR %'at# 'efectly(!i*ed +one&


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"onsider the ,TR follo+ed b" the R

"-R residence ti!e Q-

PR residence ti!e QP

Pulse tracer inected into "-R

"-R out'ut concentration as function of ti!e beco!

RD of reactor syste!


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RD cur)es $%t& and %t& for "-R(PR series

"onsider the R follo+ed b" the ,TR t#e sa

a''ear at t#e entrance of t#e 'erfectly !i*ed sect


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RD of t#e reactor syste! ,ill be e*actly t#e sa!e

"-R ,as follo,ed by PR.

 #e seuence of "-R and PR in t#e syste! crea

RD results.

E 133C i S

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Ex 13-3: Comparing Secon

Order Reaction Systems

irst syste! "-R follo,ed by PR

-econd syste! PR follo,ed by "-R

Qs  QP  1 !in

1.0 !3/!ol.!in

" A0  1 !ol/!3

ind t#e con)ersion in eac# syste!.

E 133C i S

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Ex 13-3: Comparing Secon

Order Reaction Systems

irst s"stem:

econd s"stem:

E 133C igS

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Ex 13-3: Comparing Secon

Order Reaction Systems

irst s"stem:

"-R !ole balance

PR !ole balance

"on)ersion %W1 ( 0.3M2X/1& 0.61M /1.0


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Ex 13-3: Comparing Secon

Order Reaction Systems

econd s"stem:

PR !ole balance

"-R !ole balance

"on)ersion %W1 ( 0.366X/1& 0.634 /3.2


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"on)ersion results are dierent des'ite only a s!


RD is not a co!'lete descri'tion of structure for

reactor or syste! of reactors.

RD is uniue for a 'articular reactor

Reactor is not uniue for a 'articular RD

RD alone is not su5cient to deter!ine its 'erfor!

!ore infor!ation is needed.

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Part 2:Predicting Conversion

and Exit Concentration

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Reactor Modeling Usingthe RTD


13.6. Reactor Modeling Using the RTD

Part 2 Predicting "on)ersion and $*it"oncentration

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g g

Oays ,e use t#e RD data to 'redict con)ersion in non ideal reacto

:odel to 'redict con)ersion in realreactor


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13.6. Reactor Modeling

the RTD

 #e RD tells us #o, long t#e )arious @uid ele!en

in t#e reactor

 #e !i*ing of reacting s'ecies is one of t#e !aor

controlling t#e be#a)ior of c#e!ical reactors

or Frst(order reactions t#e con)ersion is inde'en



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13.6. Reactor Modeling

the RTD


'roduces a distribution of residence ti!es )it*"ut, #o,e)er s'

!olecules of di=erent ages encounter one anot#er in t#e reacto


describes #o, !olecules of di=erent ages encounter one anot#2 e*tre!es of !icro!i*ing

1. all !olecules of t#e sa!e age grou' re!ain toget#er as t#et#e reactor and are not !i*ed ,it# any ot#er age until t#ey%e*a!'le complete segregation&

2. !olecules of di=erent age grou's are co!'etely !i*ed at le)el ar soon as t#ey enter t#e reactor %e*a!'le complet

13.6. Reactor Modeling Using the RTD

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A @uid in ,#ic# t#e globules of agi)en age do not !i* ,it# ot#erglobules and could be)isuali+ed as noncoalescentglobules ,#ere all t#e!olecules in a gi)en globule#a)e t#e sa!e age


 A fluid in which molecule

constrained to remain in

globule and are free to m


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Zero- ParameterModels


Segregation Model

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g g

 #e elements remain segregated fro! eac

t#e 4uid is termed completely segregated

elements of dierent ages do not mi# tog


•  #e e*tre!es of co!'lete !iand co!'lete segregation li!its of t#e !icro!i*ing of a!i*ture.

• n t#e segregation !odel

be#a)e as batc# reactors o'edi=erent ti!es


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Segregation Model

Anot#er ,ay of looing at

segregation !odel for a

continuous @o, syste! is

PR s#o,n in Fgure belo,


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Segregation Model

 #e @uid @o,s do,n t#e reactor in 'lu

$ac# e*it strea! corres'onds t"residence ti!e in t#e reactor

atc#es of !olecules are re!o)ed fro!at di=erent locations along t#e react

!anner as to du'icate t#e RD functio  #e !olecules re!o)ed near t#e ent

reactor corres'ond to t#ose !oleculesresidence ti!es in t#e reactor


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Segregation Model

•  #e reaction ti!e in any one of t#ese tireactors is eual to t#e ti!e t#at t#e 'aglobule s'ends in t#e reaction en)iron!

•  #e distribution of residence ti!es a!oglobules is gi)en by t#e RD of t#e 'art


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Segregation Model


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Segregation Model

For a batch reactor:

For constant volume and with

Segregation Model

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Segegato ode

 #us if ,e #a)e t#e RD t#e reaction

rate e*'ressiont#en for a segregared

@o, situarion %i. e. !odel& ,e #a)e

suFcient infor!ation to calculate t#e


"onsider t#e follo,ing Frst(orderreaction

For cons

Segregation Model

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g g

-ol)ing for Y %t&

• :ain con)ersion for a Frst(order rea

Example 13-5:


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Mean Conversion Calculations in a


"alculate t#e !ean con)ersion in t#e reactor ,e #

c#aracteri+ed by RD !easure!ents n $*a!'les

for a Frst(order liuid('#ase rre)ersible reaction

co!'letely segregated @uid

 #e s'eciFc reaction rate is 0'+ !inG.

Solution 13-5

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Solution 13-5

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Slti 135

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Solution 13-5

Slti 135

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Solution 13-5

Maximum Mixedness Mod

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 #e reactor e*it is of course t#e latest 'ossible '

!i*ing can occur and any e=ect of !i*ing is 'ost

after all reaction #as taen 'lace as s#o,n in igur

can also t#in of co!'letely segregated @o, as be

of !ini!u! !i*edness.

Oe no, ,ant to consider t#e ot#er e*tre!e t#at

!i*edness consistent ,it# a gi)en residence(ti!e

Oe return again to t#e 'lug(@o, reactor ,it# sid

entrances only t#is ti!e t#e @uid enters t#e rea

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its lengt# %igure 13(24&. As soon as t#e @uid en

reactor it is co!'letely !i*ed radially %but not

longitudinally& ,it# t#e ot#er @uid already in t#e

 #e entering @uid is fed into t#e reactor t#roug#

entrances in suc# a !anner t#at t#e RD of t#e '

reactor ,it# side entrances is identical to t#e R

real reactor

n a reactor ,it# side entrances let Z be t#e ti!e i

t#e @uid to !o)e fro! a 'articular 'oint to t#e end

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reactor. ln ot#er ,ords Z is t#e life e*'ectancy of t

t#e reactor at t#at 'oint %igure 13(2L&.

"onsider t#e @uid t#at enters t#e reactor t#

sides of )olu!e [V in igure 13(2L. #e @ui

enters #ere ,ill #a)e a life e*'ectancy bet,

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enters #ere ,ill #a)e a life e*'ectancy bet,

ZI[ Z. #e fraction of fluid t#at ,ill #a)e t#

e*'ectancy bet,een t#e 'roduct of t#e tota

)olu!etric @o, rate )o and t#e fraction of

t#at #as life e*'ectancy bet,een Z and ZI

 [Z. #at is t#e )olu!etric rate of fluid ente

t#roug# t#e sides of )olu!e [Z is )o $%Z& [

 #e )olu!etric flo, rate at Z. VZ is t#e flo, rate t

at ZI[Z VZI[Z 'lus ,#at entered t#roug# t#e sid

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at ZI[Z VZI[Z 'lus ,#at entered t#roug# t#e sid

 [Z i.e.

 #e )olu!etric Ro, rate Vo at t#e entrance to t#e

%Y 0& is +ero because t#e @uid only enters t#roug

along t#e lengt#.

ntegrating euation %13(L7& ,it# li!its VZ 0 at

)Z )Z at Z Z ,e obtain


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 #e boundary condition is as # I 03 t#en "A "$uation %13(62& Wor Y 0 for $uation %1 3(64&X.

 o obtain a solution t#e euation is integrated ba

nu!erically starting at a )ery large )alue of Z an

,it# t#e final con)ersion at Z 0. or a gi)en R

reaction orders greater t#an one t#e !a*i!u! !

!odel gi)es t#e lo,er bound on con)ersion.

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Comparing  X  seg  and  X mm


Comparing  X  seg  and  X mm

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  X  seg  is con)ersion 'redicted by segregation !odel

  X mm is con)ersion 'redicted ,it# !a*i!u! !i*edn

Di=erence of  X  seg  and  X mm is signiFcant no !atter #o,

    0.\\ is desire suc# as in to*ic ,aste destruct

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Using Software



Solving a Problem using O

Sft P k

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Software Packages

itting t#e$%t& "ur)e





Solving a Problem using ODE Sol


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Fitting the E(t) Curve to Poly

inding !ean con)ersion %& by integrating bet,een t 0 and t .

?btaining !ole balance on Y%t& fro! batc# reactor

Orite t#e rate la, in ter!s of con)ersion


Solving a Problem using ODE Sol


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Fitting the E(t) Curve to Poly

-'ecify $%t& and %t&.

"o!bine di=erential euation of Y $%t& and %t& euations and in'



Solving a Problem using ODE Sol


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Fitting the E(t) Curve to Poly

Do $1%t& and $2%t& 'olyno!ial trial and see if it !atc#es t#e cur)e a

-ee if $2%t& negati)e use I state!ents in t#e Ftting 'rogra!.

"#ec t#e area under $%t& cur)e. t !ust be )irtually one and t#e c

distribution %t& at long ti!es is ne)er greater t#an 1.

Solving a Problem using O

Sl S ti M d

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Solver:Segregation Mod

-ol)e t#e euation using ?D$ -ol)er to get t#e !ean of e*it con)et#e con)ersion at any ti!e.


Solving a Problem using ODE Solver:Maximum Mixedness

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f t#e soft,are 'acages ,on]t integrate bac,ardc#ange t#e )ariable suc# t#at t#e integration 'roc

as decreases fro! so!e large )alue to +ero.

or! a ne, )ariable -

^ is t#e di=erence bet,een t#e longest ti!e !easurecur)e and .


Solving a Problem using ODE

Solver:Maximum Mixedness

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t is no, integrates bet,een t#e li!it -   ? and -   200 tocon)ersion at -   200 ,#ic# corres'onds to 0.

-ee if t#e 'olyno!ial and !ae sure t#at it does not beco!

large ti!es.

:ae sure in t#e !a*i!u! !i*edness calculations is t#at

not go to +ero.

f so setting t#e !a*i!u! )alue of %t& at 0.\\\ rat#er t#an 1

ntegrate t#e 'olyno!ial for $%t& to get %t& and t#en setting t#of %& at 0.\\\.

f %t& is e)er greater t#an one ,#en Ftting a 'olyno!ial t#

blo, u' ,#en integrating t#e last euation nu!ericay.


13.8.1 Heat Effects

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Pendeatan ini #anya aan berlau untu reasi falau aliran )olu!etri teta' onstan.

Untu o'erasi adiabati dan ["'0

Eau reasi s'esiFnya

Dengan asu!si ba#,a $ %r& tida di'engaru#i ole#

di reator

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RTD and Multiple



13.9.1Segregation Mode

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Dala! !odel 'e!isa#an ita !e!'erti!basetia' BglobulesC di reator untu !e!ilii

yang berbeda dari reatan %"A& dan 'rodu

Untu reator batc# onstan )olu!enya di

sedang berlangsung 'ersa!aan esei!b

!olnya adala#

• Persa!aan('ersa!aan ini diselesaian secara sidengan 'ersa!aan di ba,a# ini u ntu !eng#a t i #i

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13.9.2 Maximum Mixedness

Untu !eng#itung !a*i!u! !i*edness digunaan ru!us

onsentrasi a#ir

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Perbandingan Reaktor

Batch dan Kontinyu



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a single- or multi-stage process in which a certainquantity of inputs (raw materials, auxiliary

materials, energy, etc.) are fed into the chemicalreaction unit (of the entire reaction) under

conditions suitable for obtaining the desiredreaction (temperature, pressure, required time,







in a dsta


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In the batch process, in the reactor and at any

given period of time, various actions take place in

the wake of which a concentration of reactants and

products varies so long as the reaction progresses.

 At the conclusion of the process the mixture is

removed from the reactor and it then undergoes the

appropriate separation and processing stages

(either physical or chemical) at the required level ofcleanliness.





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In the batch process, the shift from one stage to the

next is carried out in series and so the overall time

of the process is, in fact, the sum of the times

required for the various stages, and it is relatively


In contrast, the required volume of the tanks for a

specific batch process is greater than that requiredfor a parallel continuous process.


In theprocess, al






overall tim

for th

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In general terms, a batch installation requiresmore manpower while a continuous installation

requires greater computerized and automatedcontrol. Experience shows us that over time, an

initial investment in control is more feasible thatthe high day-to-day costs of manpower.


*atch rocess ,o y'es of!aterials

"an be used ,it# all ty'esof !aterials %,it# non(@o,


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!aterials !aterials it is easier touse t#e batc# 'rocess&.



Relati)ely largeinstallations. Very bigin)est!ent in land andinstallations.

Relati)install-igniFland a

Reactor "#anges occur in t#econcentrations of!aterials o)er ti!e.

At all lconditconsta%durab

eeding ra,!aterials

Ra, !aterials are fedbefore t#e start of t#ereaction.

"onstara, !t#e en

*atch rocess ,on

" t l f t#

-i!'le control. t is easier tocontrol reaction conditions%' 'ressure te!'erature&

"o!'leAuto!abe used

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"ontrol of t#eset of actions

in t#e syste!

%' 'ressure te!'erature&.:anual control can also bedone.

be usedreactor !ore d

!ust bet#e rate!ateria


$*traction of !aterials onlyafter all t#e actions areFnis#ed ,it# t#e conclusionof t#e reaction.

"ontinu'roductduring t


A fault or dealing ,it# a

batc# reuiring Bre'airC doesnot cause 'roble!s in t#eot#er stages. A''ro'riatetests are conducted aftereac# stage.

 #e ins

interconfault in sto''agot#ers. been dabe re'asa!e ,conditio

*atch rocess ,o


Preferable ,#en'roduction of s!alluantities of a s'eciFc

Preferascale '

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'roduced uantities of a s'eciFc!aterial are 'lanned.

Variety of'roducts int#e 'lant

Preferable ,#en t#e 'lant

'roduces a ,ide )ariety of!aterials and ,#en t#e'roduct is liely to bec#anged no, and again,#ile using t#e sa!ereactor.


and 'e'roduc


nt stage

Preferable ,#en t#e

'rocess is relati)ely ne,and still unfa!iliar. n t#iscase t#e initial in)est!entis in a s!aller batc#reactor and t#us t#eecono!ic ris is s!aller.


conclusstages and ecfeasibil

In both methods:

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Recycling of ra, !aterials according to econo!ic be carried out.

Reuired 'roduct uality can be attained in accordcusto!er reuire!ents and econo!ic feasibility.

?'ti!al e5ciency can be attained according to re

conditions and econo!ic feasibility.

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Perbedaan t dan

t a

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t merupakan lama waktu yang ditentukan sebagaibasis dalam berbagai konteks perhitungan atau








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