Praha mestsky okruh

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  • 8/8/2019 Praha mestsky okruh


    15. ronk - . 3/2006


    The Territorial Structure Plan for the City of Prague with the plan-ning horizon set for 2010 was approved in late 1999 through the Pra-gue City Councils Resolution No. 10/05 of 9.9.1999 and the PublicNote No. 32/99 Coll. on the obligatory part of the Territorial StructurePlan of the City of Prague. Part of the approved territorial plan is,among others, also the planned final state of the network of main roadsin Prague. This network is designed as a radial-circular system consis-ting of two circles, the outer one called the Prague City Ring Road (anR1 road type with limited access), the inner circle called the City Circ-le Road (CCR), seven radial roads and two connecting roads of localbypass road category, B1 function class (see Fig. 1).


    Usnesenm zastupitelstva hlavnho msta Prahy slo 10/05 zedne 9. 9. 1999 a vyhlkou slo 32/99 Sb., O zvazn sti zem-nho plnu hlavnho msta Prahy, byl v zvru roku 1999 schv-len zemn pln sdelnho tvaru hlavnho msta Prahy s nvrho-vm horizontem rok 2010. Soust schvlenho zemnho plnu

    je mimo jin t plnovan, konen stav st hlavnch komuni-kac v Praze. Tato s je navrena jako radiln okrun systm,kter sestv ze dvou okruh, vnjho silninho okruhu (rych-lostn silnice R1), vnitnho mstskho okruhu, sedmi radilnchkomunikac a dvou komunikanch spojek, kategorie mstnkomunikace sbrn, funkn tdy B1 (obr. 1).





    0 1 2 km

















    The Radlice radial road











    No. CONSTRUCTION. CONSTRUCTION0075 Zlchov - Radlick075 Zlchov - Radlick9543 Radlick - Strahov tunnel543 Radlick - Strahov tunnel9524 Strahov tunnel 3524 Strahov tunnel 3rdd constructionconstruction9513 Strahov tunnel 1513 Strahov tunnel 1stt constructionconstruction0065 Strahov tunnel 2065 Strahov tunnel 2ndd constructionconstruction9515 Myslbekova - Pran most515 Myslbekova - Pran most0080 Pran most - pejchar080 Pran most - pejchar0079 pejchar - Pelc-Tyrolka079 pejchar - Pelc-Tyrolka0081 Pelc-Tyrolka - Balabenka081 Pelc-Tyrolka - Balabenka0094 Balabenka - trboholy094 Balabenka - trboholy



    0075 Zlchov - Radlick9543 Radlick - Strahov tunnel9524 Strahov tunnel 3rd construction9513 Strahov tunnel 1st construction0065 Strahov tunnel 2nd construction9515 Myslbekova - Pran most0080 Pran most - pejchar

    0079 pejchar - Pelc-Tyrolka0081 Pelc-Tyrolka - Balabenka0094 Balabenka - trboholy

    Obr. 1 S hlavnch komunikac v PrazeFig. 1 The network of main roads in Prague

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    15. ronk - . 3/2006


    Plnovan dlka mstskho okruhu je cca 33 km. V souasndob je v provozu jihozpadn st okruhu, od trboholsk radilypes Barrandovsk most a po severn portl Strahovskho tuneluk provizorn rovov kiovatce Malovanka, co pedstavuje zhru-ba polovinu plnovan dlky mstskho okruhu. Byla zahjena rea-lizace mimorovov kiovatky Malovanka, 2A stavba Strahov-skho tunelu evidenn slo 0065. Vstavba mstskho okruhu je

    finann zajiovna hlavnm mstem Praha.Ze sedmi plnovanch radil jsou v provozu tyi trboholsk,Chodovsk, Chuchelsk a Proseck. Ve vstavb je st Vysoanskradily mezi silninm okruhem a Kbelskou ulic. Ze dvou plnova-nch spojek je v provozu spojka Spoilovsk mezi Chodovskouradilou a mstskm okruhem. Vstavba radil a spojek na sti hlav-nch komunikac je finann zajiovna sten z prostedk hlav-nho msta Prahy a sten pmo z prostedk sttnho rozpotu.

    Plnovan dlka vnjho silninho okruhu je cca 83 km, totoslo se me mnit v zvislosti na vbru konench variant zejm-na staveb 518, 519 a 520. V souasn dob je v provozu sek Slive-nec Ruzyn (stavby 515, 516 a 517 na zpadnm obvodu Prahy)a krtk sek Bchovice Satalice (stavba 510, ve vchodn stiPrahy), celkem zhruba 17 km. Stavby 513 a 514 jsou pipravenyk realizaci, zbv pouze zskat nezbytn stavebn povolen. Ostatn

    stavby jsou v rzn fzi ppravy. Vstavba silninho okruhu jepln finann zajiovna z prostedk sttnho rozpotu.


    V nvrhovm horizontu zemnho plnu, co je rok 2010, bylazvazn stanovena realizace st hlavnch komunikac v nsleduj-cm rozsahu:

    Dokonit cel mstsk okruh. Zrealizovat Radlickou radilu, radiln propojen z rozvadovsk

    spojky, z kiovatky Bucharova na mstsk okruh. Zrealizovat libeskou spojku, propojen Libereck uprova. Na silninm okruhu by mly bt zprovoznny seky Ruzyn

    Bezinves, dv stavby . 518 a 519 v severn sti Prahy a sek

    Vestec Slivenec, dv stavby . 513 a 514 v jin sti okruhu.Ve vhledu, po nvrhovm horizontu zemnho plnu (po roce2010) byly zaazeny stavby cel Bevnovsk radily mezi silninmokruhem a mstskm okruhem a st Vysoansk radily v sekuKbelsk mstsk okruh k dopravnmu uzlu Balabenka. Na silni-nm okruhu byly do vhledu zaazeny dv stavby . 511 a 512 v jiho-vchodn sti Prahy v seku Bchovice Jesenice a stavba . 520Bezinves Satalice v severovchodn sti okruhu.


    2.1. MSTSK OKRUH


    Jak ji bylo eeno, byla zahjena vstavby mimorovov kio-vatky Malovanka u severnho portlu Strahovskho tunelu, stavbaSAT 2A.

    st mstskho okruhu v seku Malovanka Pelc-Tyrolka jezhruba ve stejn rovni projektov a investorsk ppravy. Uvedensek sestv celkem z pti staveb. Dv stavby SAT 2A a SAT 2Bspadaj do 2. stavby Strahovskho tunelu evidenn slo 0065.Zahrnuj mimorovovou kiovatku Malovanka s krtkm tunelo-vm sekem dlky 89 m a tunelov sek dlky 398 m od Malovan-ky, pod ulic Patokova za kiovatku s ulic Myslbekova. Na obstavby je pravomocn zemn rozhodnut (R), na stavbu SAT 2Abyla vydna nkter stavebn povolen, realizace stavby byla zah- jena, ale v souasn dob je stavba na zklad rozhodnut souduzastavena.

    Na 2. stavbu SAT navazuje soubor t staveb Myslbekova Pelc-Tyrolka stavbou evidenn slo 9515 Myslbekova Pran most. Vcel dlce 915 m tto stavby je trasa mstskho okruhu vedenav tunelech. Dle navazuje stavba evidenn slo 0080 Pran most pejchar, v cel dlce 660 m je opt trasa okruhu vedena v tune-lech. Nejrozshlej stavbou souboru staveb je stavba evidennslo 0079 pejchar Pelc-Tyrolka celkov dlky 4320 m. Trasa


    The planned length of the City Circle Road is approximately of 33km.The currently operating section consists of the south-western part of theCircle Road from the trboholy radial road via the Barrandov Bridge tothe northern portal of the Strahov tunnel, i.e. to the Malovanka temporaryat-grade intersection. It represents roughly a half of the planned length ofthe City Circle Road. The construction work has started on the Malovan-ka grade-separated intersection (construction lot 2A of the Strahov tunnelconstruction, Ref. No. 0065). The development of the City Circle Road isfunded by the City of Prague.

    Four radial roads of the total number of 7 planned radial roads are ope-rating, namely the trboholy, Chodov, Chuchle and Prosek radial roads.Part of the Vysoany radial road between the City Ring Road and KbelskStreet is under construction. Regarding the two connecting roads, the Spo-ilov connecting road between the Chodov radial road and the City CircleRoad is operating. The development of radial roads and connecting roadswithin the network of main roads is funded partly by the Prague munici-pality, partly directly from the state budget.

    The planned length of the City Ring Road amounts approximately to83km; this figure may vary depending on the selection of final variants ofconstruction lots No. 518, 519 and 520. The Slivenec Ruzyn section(construction lots No. 515, 516 and 517 found in the western part of thePrague circumference) and the Bchovice - Satalice short section (con-struction lot No. 510, in the western part of Prague), roughly 17km in total,

    are operating. Construction lots 513 and 514 are prepared for constructi-on, only the necessary building permits have not been obtained yet. Thedevelopment of the Prague City Ring Road is funded by the state.



    The following obligatory scope of development of main roads wasset within the 2010 planning horizon of the territorial plan:

    Completion of the entire City Circle Road. Completion of the Radlice radial road, i.e. a radial connection from

    the Rozvadov connecting road (from the Bucharova crossing) to theCity Circle Road.

    Completion of the Libe connecting road, i.e. a connection betweenLibereck and uprova Streets.

    The Ruzyn Bezinves section in a northern part of Prague consis-

    ting of two construction lots (No. 518 and 519) and the Vestec Sli-venec section in the southern part of the City Circle Road comprisingtwo construction lots (No. 513 and 514) should be put into operation.

    In the longer run, after the planning horizon of the territorial plan (after2010), the plan contains all structures of the Bevnov radial road betweenthe Ring Road and the Circle Road, and part of the Vysoany radial roadwithin the section from Kbelsk Street - the City Circle Road to the Bala-benka traffic node. Construction lots No. 511 and 512 on the Ring Road, inthe southern part of the city, the Bchovice - Jesenice section, and the con-struction lot No 520 Bezinves Satalice) in the north-eastern portion ofthe Ring Road have been incorporated into the long-term planning.






    As mentioned above, the construction of the Malovanka grade-separatedintersection has been started at the northern portal of the Strahov Automobi-le Tunnel (the construction lot SAT 2A).

    Part of the City Circle in the Malovanka Pelc-Tyrolka section is roughlyat the same level of design and investment preparation. This section consists offive construction lots. Two lots, SAT 2A and SAT 2B, come under the phase 2of the Strahov tunnel construction, reference number 0065. They comprise theMalovanka grade-separated intersection with a short tunnel section 89m longand a 398m long tunnelled section from Malovanka, under Patokova Street,beyond the crossing with Myslbekova Street. Planning permissions (PP) forboth construction lots are in force, some of building permissions for the SAT2A construction lot have been issued and the construction work has started; for

    the time being the work is suspended on the basis of a court ruling.A package of three constructions Myslbekova Pelc-Tyrolka links to theSAT 2 construction package through Myslbekova Pran Bridge constructionlot No. 9515. The City Ring Road route is tunnelled along the whole 915mlength of this construction lot. The next construction lot, Pran Bridge pej-char, Ref. No 0080, is again a tunnel at the whole length of 660m. Thelargest construction lot of this construction package is the 4320m long pejchar

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    mstskho okruhu je v tto stavb pevn vedena opt v tunelech,v dlce 3438 m. Zvren sek trasy mstskho okruhu na troj-skm nbe ped mostem Barikdnk je v dlce 882 m vedenpovrchov.

    Soubor staveb Myslbekova Pelc-Tyrolka m od roku 2003 pra-vomocn zemn rozhodnut, byly zpracovny dokumentace pro sta-vebn povolen (DSP), na stavbu ev. . 0079 byla ji vydna nkte-r stavebn povolen. Na rozhodujc sti stavby stavebn zenprobhaj. Jen pro zajmavost, prce na dokumentaci pro UR bylyzahjeny v ervnu 1999, pravomocn UR je z ervna 2003, tj. 4 rokyvetn vyeen ady odvoln, rozhodujc stavebn povolen seoekvaj na pelomu rok 2006/2007, to jsou dal 4 roky, celkovzhruba 8 let ppravy. Pitom reln lhta na vlastn realizaci je 5rok!

    Cel popisovan sek mstskho okruhu Malovanka Pelc-Tyrolka m dlku 6382 m, z toho 5500 m je vedeno v tunelovmkomplexu Blanka se tymi mimorovovmi kiovatkami. Z tech-nickho hlediska se jedn o jednu z nejnronjch dopravnch sta-veb, kter bude v podmnkch Prahy realizovna. Posledn relnpedstava o realizaci je obdob 2006 2011. Na konci roku 2011 byml bt zprovoznn cel sek mstskho okruhu od Strahovskhotunelu po Pelc-Tyrolku.

    Souhrnn daje seku MO Malovanka Pelc-TyrolkaCelkov dlka seku MO 6382 mTunelov komplex Blanka 5500 mPovrchov st trasy 882 mMimorovov kiovatkyna mstskm okruhu MK Malovanka

    MK Pran mostMK U VorlkMK TrjaMK Pelc-Tyrolka

    Mostn objekty na MOMK Malovanka Most na ulici Patokova pes MO

    Most na vtvi GMost pro p a zele pes MOMost pro p pes ul. Patokova

    Stavba ev. . 9515 Most na ulici Svatovtsk pes DStavba ev. . 0079 Trojsk most, sdruen most pes

    VltavuPodchod pro p a cyklisty pod DPodchod pod MO Trja

    Stavba ev. . 0065 Strahovsk automobilov tunel stavba 2A a 2B

    2A/ MK Malovanka2A/ MO hlouben tunely 89 m2B/ MO hlouben tunely 398 m

    Stavba ev. . 9515 Myslbekova Pran most

    MO hlouben tunely zpad 55 mMO raen tunely 552 mMO hlouben tunely vchod 308 mCelkov dlka stavby 915 m

    Stavba ev. . 0080 Pran most pejchar

    MO hlouben tunely 660 mCelkov dlka stavby 660 m

    Stavba ev. . 0079 pejchar Pelc-Tyrolka

    MO hlouben tunely Letn 647 mMO raen tunely 2221 mMO hlouben tunely Trja 570 mMO povrchov trasa Trja 882 mCelkov dlka stavby 4320 m

    Tunelov komplex Blanka (obr. 2) celkov dlky 5,5 km sestvstdav z tunelovch sek hloubench a raench. Ve smru sta-nien, tj. od MK Malovanka je prvn sek trasy MO veden v hlou-bench tpruhovch tunelech o celkov dlce 542 m za kiovatkuMyslbekova x Patokova. Konstrukn se jedn o tunely realizova-n sten jako vestavn elezobetonov monolit do oteven jmy a sten pomoc konstruknch podzemnch stn. Na konci


    15. ronk - . 3/2006

    Pelc-Tyrolka lot, reference No. 0079. The route of the City Circle Road runsagain mostly in tunnels (3438m). The final section of the City Circle Road,which is on the Troja embankment before the Barikdnk Bridge, runs at gradeat a length of 882m.

    The Myslbekova Pelc-Tyrolka construction package has its planning per-mission in force since 2003; the final design has been completed for constructi-on lot No. 0079; some of the building permits have been issued. Building per-mission proceedings covering deciding parts of the construction are in progress.Some of the data is interesting: the work on the documents for issuance of the

    PP started in June 1999, the PP has been in force since June 2003, i.e. after 4years, which also comprised the solution of numbers of appeals; the decidingbuilding permit is expected to be issued at the end of 2006 or beginning of 2007,which means other 4 years; the overall duration of the preparation phaseamounts to 8 years. The realistic term for the construction works is of 5 years!

    The entire above-mentioned section of the City Circle Road from Malo-vanka to Pelc-Tyrolka is 6382m long. A 5500m long portion of this sectionis formed by Blanka, a complex of tunnels comprising four grade-separatedintersections. From the technical point of view, it is one of the most difficulttraffic engineering structures to be built in the Prague conditions. The last rea-listic idea of the construction time is the years 2006 2011. The end of 2001should see the whole section of the City Circle Road from the Strahov tunnelto Pelc-Tyrolka operating.

    Aggregated data on the Malovanka Pelc-Tyrolka section of the CCR

    Total length of the CCR section 6382mBlanka complex of tunnels 5500mAt-grade part of the section 882mGrade-separated intersections (GSI)on the City Circle Road Malovanka GSI

    Pran Bridge GSIU Vorlk GSITroja GSIPelc-Tyrolka GSI

    Bridge structures on the CCRMalovanka GSI The bridge on Patokova Street

    over the CCRThe bridge on the G branchThe pedestrian bridge over the CCRThe pedestrian bridge over Patokova Street

    Construction lot Ref. No. 9515 The bridge on Svatovtsk Street over railwayConstruction lot Ref. No. 0079 The Troja Bridge, a combined bridge over

    the VltavaPedestrian and cycle subway under railwayPedestrian subway under the CCR in Troja

    Construction lot Ref. No. 0065 The Strahov AutomobileTunnel phases 2Aand 2B

    2A / Malovanka GSI2A/ CCR cut and cover tunnels 89m2B / CCR cut and cover tunnels 398m

    Construction lot Ref. No. 9515 Myslbekova Street Pran Bridge

    CRC cut and cover tunnels west 55mCCR mined tunnels 552mCCR cut and cover tunnels east 308m

    Total length of the lot 915mConstruction lot Ref. No. 0080 Pran Bridge pejchar

    CCR cut and cover tunnels 660mTotal length of the lot 660m

    Construction lot Ref. No. 0079 pejchar Pelc-Tyrolka

    CCR cut and cover tunnels in Letn 647mCCR mined tunnels 2221mCCR cut and cover tunnels in Troja 570mCCR at-grade route in Troja 882mTotal length of the lot 4320m

    Blanka (see Fig. 2) is a tunnel complex with a total length of 5.5km con-sisting of alternating mined sections and cut and cover sections. In the direc-tion of the excavation, i.e. from the Malovanka GSI, the first section of the

    CCR runs through three-lane cut-and-cover tunnels at a total length of 542m,beyond the Myslbekova x Patokova intersection. In terms of the structure,the tunnels are partly built as a cast in situ reinforced concrete structure erec-ted in an open trench and partly using structural diaphragm walls. At the endof the cut-and-cover section, before the portal of the mined tunnels, there isan underground services centre SC 1. The basic problem of this section isorganisation of substitute routes for vehicular traffic for the Patokova Street

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    15. ronk - . 3/2006

    hloubenho seku ped portlem raench tunel je umstno pod-zemn technologick centrum TGC 1. Zkladnm problmem tohotoseku je organizace nhradnch tras pro automobilovou dopravumimo ulici Patokova v seku Myslbekova Malovanka, kde budeprobh vstavba hloubench tunel. Tento hlouben sek je sou-st staveb SAT 2A, 2B a stavby 9515.

    Navazuje sek raench tunel. Jedn se o dv jednosmrntpruhov tunelov trouby dlky 552 m, vrubnho prezu cca160 m2. Jsou vedeny od portlu ped pvodnm opevnnm mezi uli-cemi Patokova a Jelen do prostoru kiovatky Pran most, k por-tlu umstnmu za zbytky pvodnho opevnn. Z hlediska profilutunel a zastien geologie je realizace tunel klasifikovna do3. geotechnick kategorie. Bylo nutn vyeit technologii realizacetpruhovch tunel u vchodnho portlu, kde severn tunelovtrouba zcela vystupuje ze skalnho podlo do deluvilnch sedi-ment, sten se to tk i trouby jin. Skaln podlo je tvoeno

    souvrstvm letenskch bidlic. Na dlku cca 80 m je navrena hori-zontln tryskov injekt doplnn horizontlnmi mikropilotami.Cel sek raench tunel nle do stavby 9515.

    Dle navazuje velmi rozshl sek hloubench tunel celkovdlky 1615 m od Pranho mostu a po portly navazujcho rae-nho seku u fotbalovho stadionu AC Sparta. Cel tato st hlou-bench tunel je soust t staveb 9515, 0080 a 0079. Jedn seo dvou- a tpruhov jednosmrn tunely v pevaujc dlce sestedn dlc stnou, pouze u portl navazujcch raench sekse tunelov trouby rozbhaj. Z hlediska realizace v tomto seku pe-vauje technologie podzemnch konstruknch stn, a to pedevmz dvod monch postup vstavby, kde zkladnm poadavkembylo zachovn souasnch kapacit pro povrchovou automobilovoudopravu a MHD, a zachovn funknosti rozhodujcch inenr-skch st. Metoda monolitickch konstrukc vestavnch do otev-ench stavebnch jam je uplatnna v portlovch stech tunel.Z hlediska nronosti een se lze zmnit o tech secch ttosti MO.

    Prvnm sloitm sekem bylo pedevm een postup vstavbyprchodu hloubench tunel pes kiovatku Pran most z hledis-ka podmnek pro provoz automobilov dopravy, MHD a soubnou

    section between the Myslbekova and Malovanka intersections, where thecut-and-cover tunnel will be built. This cut-and-cover section is part of theconstruction lots SAT 2A, 2B and construction lot 9515.

    A mined tunnel follows. It is a twin-tube structure with 552m long three-lane tubes, the excavated cross-section area of approximately 160m2. It is ledfrom the portal before the former fortification between Patokova and JelenStreets to the space of the Pran Bridge intersection, to the portal which isbuilt in original fortification. In terms of the tunnel profiles and encounteredgeology, the construction of the tunnels is categorised as the support class 3.It was necessary to solve the excavation technique for the three-lane minedtunnels at the eastern portal, where the northern tunnel tube completely lea-ves the bedrock and enters diluvial sediments; this partly applies also to thesouthern tube. The bedrock consists of Letn Shale measures. A length ofapproximately 80m will be excavated using horizontal jet grouting comple-mented with horizontal micropiles. The whole section of the mined tunnelsbelongs in construction lot 9515.

    Next, there is a very long cut-and-cover tunnel section with the total length

    of 1615m. It starts at Pran Bridge and ends at the portal of the subsequentmined section at the AC Sparta football stadium. The whole of this cut-and-cover tunnel section is part of three construction lots, i.e. Nos. 9515, 0080 and0079. The double- and triple-lane unidirectional tunnel tubes have a commoncentral dividing wall along major part of the length; the tunnel tubes divergeonly at the portals of the adjoining mined tunnel tubes. In terms of the con-struction technique, structural diaphragm walls prevail in this section, main-ly because of the possibility to work on the tunnels and maintain the existingcapacity for surface vehicular traffic and urban mass transit as well as thefunction of principal utility services. The method of cast-in-situ RC structu-res erected in open trenches is designed for portal sections of the tunnels. Interms of problems associated with this solution, it is possible to mention threesections of this part of the CCR.

    The first section, more difficult in terms of design, was the passage of thecut-and-cover tunnels across the Pran Bridge intersection where problems

    of vehicular traffic, urban mass transit and concurrently carried out recon-struction of a bridge over a railway on Svatovtsk Street had to be solved. Inaddition, part of the cut-and-cover tunnels in this section is the undergroundservices centre SC 2, the Pran Bridge underground garages and an underg-round structure of fire ventilation facility for the cut-and-cover tunnels.

    Another difficult section is the cut-and-cover tunnel passage betweenHradansk metro station and an at-grade railway track. The northern part of

    Obr. 2 Mstsk okruh v seku Malovanka Pelc-Tyrolka, tunelov komplex BlankaFig. 2 The City Circle Road in the Malovanka Pelc-Tyrolka section; Blanka complex of tunnels

    Raen tunely /Mined tunnels

    Hlouben tunelyCut-and-cover tunnels

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    15. ronk - . 3/2006

    pestavbu mostu pes D na ulici Svatovtsk. Navc soust hlou-bench tunel v tomto seku jsou podzemn technologick centrumTGC 2, podzemn gare Pran most a podzemn objekt pornhovtrn pro hlouben tunely.

    Dalm nronm sekem je prchod hloubench tunel trasyMO mezi vestibulem stanice metra Hradansk a drhou D. Provstavbu hloubench tunel je severn st vestibulu ubourna, porealizaci silninch tunel se vestibul zptn obnovuje vetn reali-zace novho podchodu pod drhu D do ulice Dejvick.

    Tetm nronm sekem z hlediska organizace vstavby je pr-chod hloubench tunel pod ulic Milady Horkov mezi kiovatkoupejchar a tramvajovou smykou pejchar. Tento sek tunel je rea-lizovn v podzemnch konstruknch stnch po dilatacch dlench jak v podlnm, tak v pnm smru, kdy bylo nezbytn vyeitnapojovn nosn vztue ve stropnch a zkladovch konstrukcch.

    Soust realizace hloubench tunel mezi pejcharem a portlyraench tunel u Sparty jsou podzemn strojovna pornho vtr-n pejchar, technologick podzemn centrum TGC 3 a podzemngare Letn.

    Od portlu u Sparty pod zstavbou Letn, Stromovkou, plaveb-nm kanlem, Csaskm ostrovem, Vltavou a k portlm na troj-skm nbe v rovni Trojskho jezu je veden sek raench tune-l celkov dlky 2221 m. Raen tunely jsou navreny jako jedno-

    smrn dvoupruhov, v secch, kde je z dopravnho hlediska nutnnapojovac nebo odpojovac pruh, ppadn stoupac pruh pro poma-l vozidla, jsou navreny jako tpruhov. Zvltnm ppademvskytu tpruhovho tunelu jsou zlivy u erpac stanice, technolo-gickho centra TGC 5 a nkterch tunelovch propojek. V cel trasesevern tunelov trouby (STT) je navreno celkem 8 tunelovchpropojek, kter ji propojuj s jin tunelovou troubou (JTT). Nkte-r jsou navreny jako prchoz, jin jako prjezdn. Naproti kadpropojce se nachz SOS vklenek s SOS mstnost a pornmhydrantem. Soust raenho seku jsou dle podzemn raentechnologick centrum TGC 4, strojovna vzduchotechniky a trans-formovna s rozvodnami a technologick centrum TGC 5 transfor-movna s rozvodnami.

    Horninov prosted stavby pejchar Pelc-Tyrolka je velmi pro-mnliv. Tvo jej horniny ordovickho st, kter jsou zde vesmru stanien zastoupeny od zatku stavby a k pat svahuz Letn psitmi bidlicemi letenskho souvrstv (monotnn i fly-ov vvoj) na kter ve svahu z Letn navazuj jlovitoprachovitbidlice libeskho souvrstv (v dlce cca 170 m). V prostoru stva-jc lechtovy restaurace zan psmo evnickch kemenc libe-skho souvrstv o dlce 60 m. Dle v seku pod Stromovkou nava-zuj psitoprachovit bidlice dobrotivskho souvrstv, kter v pro-storu Csaskho ostrova pechzej ve skaleck kemence dobrotiv-skho souvrstv. Zbvajc sek od trojskho nbe se nachzv jlovitoprachovitch bidlicch dobrotivskho souvrstv.

    Po zhodnocen inenrskogeologickch podmnek, vkovhoveden trasy a nezbytnosti uplatnn rznch profil tunel bylo

    the station concourse structure will be demolished for the purpose of the con-struction of the cut-and-cover tunnels; once the road tunnels construction iscompleted the concourse will be built again, together with construction ofa new pedestrian subway under the railway track, to Dejvick Street.

    The third from the organisational point of view difficult section is the cut-and-cover tunnel passage under Milady Horkov Street between the pej-char intersection and pejchar tramway loop. This tunnel section is built inan open box between diaphragm walls, with dilatation blocks designed inboth the longitudinal and transverse directions; thus it was necessary to

    design the splicing of principal reinforcing bars in the roof deck and founda-tion structures.

    Part of the work on the cut-and-cover tunnels between pejchar and the por-tals of the mined tunnels at the Sparta stadium in pejchar underground venti-lation plant facility, the SC 3 services centre and Letn underground garages.

    Another mined tunnel section, at a total length of 2221m, starts from theportal at the Sparta stadium and continues under existing buildings in Letn,Stromovka park, a shipping canal, Csask Island, the Vltava River up toportals at the Troja embankment, at the level of the Troja weir. The minedtunnels are designed as unidirectional double-lane structures; three-lane tun-nels are designed for the sections where lanes for traffic-related purposes fee-ding traffic in and out of the tunnel or a lane for slow moving vehicles arerequired. Special cases of occurrence of the three-lane tunnel are bays ata pumping station, at the SC 5 services centre and some of the cross passa-ges. A total of 8 cross passages is designed for the whole alignment of the

    northern tunnel tube (NTT) to connect it with the southern tunnel tube (STT).Some of them are designed as passenger cross passages, some are vehicularsized. An SOS niche is found across each cross passage. The niche containsan SOS cabin and a fire hydrant. Further parts of the mined tunnel section arethe underground mined structure of the SC 4 services centre, a ventilationplant facility and transformer station with a distribution substation, and theSC 5 services centre, a transformer station with distribution substations.

    The rock environment of the pejchar Pelc-Tyrolka construction packa-ge is very variable. It consists of Ordovician rock types represented, in thedirection of chainage, from the starting point of the construction up to the footof the slope from Letn by sandy shales of the Letn Member (both monoto-nous and flysh types of sedimentation), which are replaced by clayey-siltyshales of the Libe Member at the slope from Letn (at a length approxima-tely of 170m).

    A 60m wide zone of evnice Quartzite of the Libe Member begins in the

    area of the lechtas restaurant. Further on, in the section passing under Stro-movka Park, there are sandy-silty shales of the Dobrotiv Member, whichchange to Skalec quartzite of the Dobrotiv Member. The remaining sectionfrom the Troja embankment on is found in claey-silty shales of the DobrotivMember.

    The assessment of the engineering geological conditions, the verticalalignment of the route and the consideration of the necessity to use differingtunnel cross sections resulted in a proposal to utilise the New Austrian Tun-nelling Method (NATM). In case of tectonically disturbed sections or diffi-cult geological conditions, there are additional measures designed to be utili-sed when complex tectonic faults or increased ground water inflows areencountered during the excavation for underground structures, but namely inan approximately 160m long section starting at the foot of the slope from

    Obr. 3 Urbanistick situace Radlick radilyFig. 3 Town planning situation of the Radlice Radial Road

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    Letn, running under the area of the Royal Deer Park Stromovka. In thissection, the tunnels pass through a location with the shallowest overburden,through an intersection between low quality Libe shale and evnice quart-zite. All of the measures proposed for this section are designed with the mainaim of maximum limiting the impact of the works on the ground water regi-me, above all in the area under the Royal Deer Park, and preventing origina-tion of emergencies during the works. In those sections, a protective envelo-pe will be provided in advance by means of rock grouting and jet groutingfrom an exploration gallery, by radial fans with supplementary sealing grou-ting, or using horizontal canopy tube pre-support.

    The remaining part of Blanka tunnel complex comprises cut-and-covertunnels of the Troja CCR section, including the portal section, at a totallength of 570m. The cut-and-cover tunnels are led in an open landscapealong the Vltava River, behind flood protection walls. The portal section ofthe Troja cut-and-cover tunnels comprises the SC 6 services centre and acut-and-cover tunnel section with a vaulted structure design in Troja, at a totallength of 186m. The remaining part with a flat roof in Troja is 384m long.The tunnels will be built in open trenches with the sides sloped or supporteddown to the rockhead level by diaphragm walls or sheet pile walls anchoredat several levels. The trench in a rock environment is designed as an ancho-red rock wall. One of the reasons for the utilisation of diaphragm walls orsheet pile walls is the effort to guarantee minimum inflow of ground waterinto the construction trench in the case of the foundation carried out underthe water table. The in situ reinforced concrete structure of the cut-and-covertunnels is provided with a waterproofing system covering all sides of thecross section. Part of the cut-and-cover tunnel section at the Troja emban-kment is construction of flood protection facilities contained in the construc-tion lot 0007, Troja.

    To conclude this section of the CCR, it is possible to state that currentlythe tender proceedings are in progress to select the contractor for the con-struction package consisting of civils for the Myslbekova Pelc-Tyrolka sec-tion, equipment for the Malovanka Pelc-Tyrolka construction package andgeotechnical monitoring for the Myslbekova Pelc-Tyrolka constructionpackage. Intensive preparation for obtaining relevant building permits andadministrative decisions is underway simultaneously.


    The north-western section of the City Circle Road consists of two con-

    struction lots, i.e. Pelc-Tyrolka Balabenka lot, Ref. No. 0081, and Bala-benka trboholy Radial Road, Ref. No. 0094 (see Fig. 1). Location studi-es for the two lots were developed in 2004. Currently the EnvironmentalImpact Analyses for both sections are being developed in compliance withthe Law No. 100/2001 Coll.; they contain several variants for each of them.

    The approximately 3.1km long alignment of the construction lot No. 0081of the City Circle Road runs from the existing Pelc-Tyrolka grade-separatedintersection (at the Brigdnk Bridge) along the Nature National Monumentof Bl Skla rock, to the U Ke intersection and further to Balabenka, part-ly utilizing traffic structures built in this area before. Two basic variants ofthe connection are under consideration.

    The variant 1 assumes both travel directions to be led in the ground planof Povltavsk Street, along a branch of the Vltava River, in a double-deckarrangement. The direction from Pelc-Tyrolka toward Balabenka is led at thelower level, partly under a575m long shed and partly in a cut-and-cover tun-

    nel. The direction from Balabenka toward Pelc-Tyrolka is led at grade, on theroof deck of the tunnel and the shed, or on a bridge structure.

    The variant 2 assumes one travel direction to be led in the current groundplan of Povltavsk Street and the other direction in a tunnel driven under BlSkla rock. The direction from Pelc-Tyrolka is led at grade the direction fromBalabenka is in a 1490m long tunnel consisting of three cut-and-cover secti-ons and two mined sections. Parts of both variants are flood protection mea-sures along the Vltava.

    The section in the area of U Ke Balabenka is identical for both vari-ants. It is a relatively difficult traffic node where other higher-ranking urbanroads (the Vysoany radial road and connecting Libe bybass road) as wellas several significant streets (Zenklova, Proseck, Sokolovsk, eskomorav-sk) and also roads being prepared for construction, i.e. Poben Street IVand V, connect to the City Circle Road within very constrained space. Thesystem of the intersection therefore must provide not only a possibility toconnect to the City Circle Road, but also a possibility for all of the roads tobe interconnected. This is why a coordination documents package was deve-loped in 2005 solving the problem of the U Ke Balabenka traffic node.The solution also contains several bridge structures and a tunnel for a rampbetween the Vysoany radial road and the City Circle Road, passing undera high embankment of the Holeovice rail track relocation.

    navreno pouit technologie nov rakousk tunelovac metody(NRTM). V ppad zastien tektonicky poruench sek nebosloitch geologickch pomr jsou navrena doplkov opaten.Jejich vyuit se pedpokld v ppadech zastien sloit tektonic-k poruchy, zvench ptocch podzemn vody bhem raby pod-zemnch objekt, ale zejmna v seku o dlce cca 160 m od patsvahu z Letn pod arelem Krlovsk obory Stromovky. V tomtoseku tunely prochzej mstem s nejnim nadlom na rozhrannekvalitnch libeskch bidlic a evnickch kemenc. Vechnazde navrhovan opaten smuj pedevm k maximlnmu omeze-n vlivu realizace na reim podzemnch vod pedevm v oblasti podPP Krlovsk obora a zamezen vzniku mimodnch udlost pirealizaci. Ve ve uvedench secch o dlkch 160 m bude ochran-n oblka provdna pedem pomoc horninovch a tryskovchinjekt z przkumn toly, radilnmi vji s doplkovou tsnicinjekt, ppadn horizontlnch mikropilotovch detnk.

    Zbvajc st tunelovho komplexu Blanka pedstavuj hloubentunely seku MO Trja vetn portlov sti v celkov dlce570 m. Hlouben tunely jsou vedeny v oteven krajin podl ekyVltavy za protipovodovou ochranou. Hlouben tunely Trja port-lov st zahrnuj podzemn technologick centrum TGC 6 a sekhloubench tunel s klenbovou konstrukc v Trji v celkov dlce186 m. Ve zbvajc sti se jedn se o sek hloubench tunels rovnm stropem v Trji v dlce 384 m. Tunely budou budovnyv otevench stavebnch jmch, kter jsou paeny do rovn skal-n bze podzemnmi nebo ttovmi stnami kotvenmi v nkolikarovnch, ppadn odsvahovnm. Jma ve skalnm prosted jenavrena jako kotven skaln stna. Jednm z dvod pouit pod-zemnch, respektive ttovch stn je zajitn minimlnho ptokudo stavebn jmy v ppad zakldn pod hladinou podzemn vody.Ostn hloubench tunel je navreno jako elezobetonov monoli-tick konstrukce s celoplonou izolac. Soust hloubench sekna trojskm nbe je i realizace sti protipovodovch opatenetapy 0007 Trja.

    Zvrem k tomuto seku MO lze konstatovat, e v souasn dobprobhaj vbrov zen na zhotovitele souboru staveb, stavebnsti seku Myslbekova Pelc-Tyrolka, technologick vybavenostisouboru staveb Malovanka Pelc-Tyrolka a geotechnickho moni-

    toringu souboru staveb Myslbekova Pelc-Tyrolka. Soubn pro-bh intenzivn pprava pro zajitn pslunch stavebnch povo-len a sprvnch rozhodnut.


    Severovchodn sek mstskho okruhu sestv ze dvou staveb,evidenn slo 0081 Pelc-Tyrolka Balabenka a evidenn slo0094 Balabenka trboholsk radila (obr. 1). Na ob stavby bylyv roce 2004 zpracovny vyhledvac studie. V souasn dob jezpracovvna a projednvna dokumentace posouzen vlivu stavbyna ivotn prosted EIA dle zkona . 100/2001 Sb., kter pro obaseky obsahuje nkolik variantnch een.

    Trasa mstskho okruhu ve stavb 0081 dlky cca 3,1 km je vede-na od stvajc mimorovov kiovatky Pelc-Tyrolka (u mostuBarikdnk) podl prodn pamtky Bl skla ke kiovatce

    U Ke a dle k Balabence s stenm vyuitm v tto oblasti jivybudovanch dopravnch staveb. Uvaovny jsou dv zkladnvarianty propojen.

    Varianta 1 pedpokld veden obou jzdnch smr ve stop ulicePovltavsk podl ramene Vltavy v patrovm uspodn. Ve spodnrovni je veden smr z Pelc-Tyrolky na Balabenku sten v gale-rii dlky 575 m a sten v hloubenm tunelu dlky 545 m. Smrz Balabenky na Pelc-Tyrolku je veden povrchov po strop tunelua galerie, nebo na mostnm objektu.

    Varianta 2 pedpokld veden jednoho jzdnho smru ve stva-jc stop ulice Povltavsk a druhho smru v raenm tunelu podBlou sklou. Smr od Pelc-Tyrolky je povrchov, smr od Bala-benky je v tunelu celkov dlky 1490 m, sestvajc ze t hloube-nch a dvou raench sek. Soust obou variant je zohlednnprotipovodovch opaten podl Vltavy.

    sek v prostoru U Ke Balabenka je pro ob varianty shodn.Jedn se o pomrn sloit dopravn uzel, kde ve velmi stsnnmprostoru se na mstsk okruh napojuj jednak dal nadazen mst-sk silnin komunikace (Vysoansk radila a Libesk spojka),dle ada vznamnch mstskch komunikac (Zenklova, Proseck,Sokolovsk, eskomoravsk), ale rovn pipravovan stavby

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    Poben IV a V. Systm kiovatky tak mus zajistit nejen monostnapojen na mstsk okruh, ale rovn i mezi vemi ostatnmikomunikacemi. V roce 2005 proto vznikla koordinan dokumenta-ce dopravnho uzlu U Ke Balabenka ec tento problm. Sou-st een je nkolik mostnch objekt a rovn tunel pro rampumezi Vysoanskou radilou a mstskm okruhem pod vysokmelezninm nsypem holeovick peloky.

    Stavba 0094 Balabenka trboholsk radila dlky cca 5,5 kmbyla pvodn provovna ve dvou variantch, kter se odliovalydetaily prchodu v zem a dlkami tunelovch sek. Nsledn pidopracovn technickch podklad pro dokumentaci posouzenvlivu stavby na ivotn prosted byly upesnny dv upraven vari-anty een. U obou variant je trasa mstskho okruhu v seku odpropojen jin spojky a trboholsk radily vedena povrchovs kiovatkami MK V Olinch a MK ernokosteleck. V pro-storu starch Maleic trasa vchz do tunelu, nejdve hloubenhoa nsledn raenho, celkov dlky cca 1100 m. Tunel vysuje naeskobrodskou ulici (MK eskobrodsk) a v prostoru Jarova(MK Jarov) se trasa opt no do hloubenho tunelovho sekudlky cca 1,7 km. V pevn dlce pokraujc tunely sleduj stopustvajc ulice Spojovac a kon ped podjezdem pod eleznintrat Praha hl. ndra Praha Libe. Ob pedpokldan varianty seli pouze v seku Jarov Balabenka, a to mnostvm kiovatek

    a uvaovnm raenho tunelu pod Balknem pro smr od Jarova.V vahch je jet tet varianta, pedstavujc veden mstskhookruhu, navazujc na eskobrodsk ulici na tunel od Maleic pmodalm tunelem smujcm raenou trasou na Balabenku. Celkovdlka tunelu z Maleic a ped Balabenku dosahuje 2,7 km. Tatovarianta sice zkracuje trasu, ale opout stopu danou zemnmplnem.

    Souhrnn daje seku Pelc-Tyrolka trboholsk radila

    Celkov dlka 8770 m

    Ostatn daje je velice tk uvdt, zvis na vsledku vbruvariant v jednotlivch stavbch a vsledku projednvnv procesu EIA.



    Cel trasa Radlick radily propojuje silnin okruh, z mimorov-ov kiovatky silnin okruh x dlnice D5, s mstskm okruhemve Zlchovskm podjezdu. st radily a po mimorovovou ki-ovatku Bucharova je ji del dobu v provozu pod nzvem Rozva-dovsk spojka. Pedmtem ppravy stavby evidenn slo 9567 jetedy dopojen trasy radily mezi MK Bucharova a Zlchovskmpodjezdem na mstskm okruhu (obr. 1 a 3). V urbanistick studiiRadlice Jinonice z kvtna 2002 byla Radlick radila uvaovnave dvou variantch mstsk a segregovan. Na objednvkuSURM MHMP byla v ervnu 2003 zpracovna studie proven rea-lizovatelnosti Radlick radily, kde byla stabilizovna stopa radily

    v modifikovan segregovan variant. Dokumentace byla projedn-na a stala se podkladem pro zmnu zemnho plnu a pro zahjenprojektov a investorsk ppravy stavby v roce 2005. Projektovpprava v souasn dob probh zpracovnm dokumentace DRpro zemn zen a dokumentace EIA dle zkona . 100/2001 Sb.

    Trasa radily je vedena z MK Bucharova povrchov ve vyme-zenm koridoru k MK eporyjsk, dle pes oblast Butovic a Jino-nic, kde jsou navreny dva krtk tunely. Za MK Jinonice je trasavedena v tunelech a ke Zlchovskmu podjezdu, kde v rmcivstavby mstskho okruhu byly zaloeny zrodky budoucch ram-povch napojen radila x mstsk okruh. Celkov dlka trasy je5420 m. Provozn sek A dlky 1650 m je veden povrchov. V pro-voznm seku B dlky 1500 m jsou dva hlouben tunely, tunel Buto-vice dlky 341 m a tunel Jinonice dlky 307 m. Provozn sek Cdlky 2270 m je veden pevn v jednosmrnch raench tune-lech (tunel Radlice), kde celkov dlka vech jednosmrnch tune-lovch sek vetn rampovch napojen na podjezd na Zlchov je5476 m.

    V nadlo raenho tunelu Radlick radily se vyskytuj pokryvykvartrnho st, lec na staropaleozoickch horninch skalnhopodlo. Vyskytuj se zde pedevm deluviln a eolick sedimenty,

    Construction lot No. 0094, Balabenka trboholy Radial Road, with thelength roughly of 5.5km, was originally examined in two variants, which dif-fered in details of the passage across the area and the length of tunnelled sec-tions. Subsequently, in the phase of elaboration of technical backgroundmaterials for the EIA, two improved variants were developed. Both of thevariants solve the route of the City Circle Road section from the junction ofthe Southern Connecting Road and the trboholy Radial Road as an at-grade road, with the V Olinch GSI and ernokosteleck GSI intersections.In the area of old Maleice, the route enters a tunnel, first a cut-and-cover tun-

    nel and then a mined tunnel (the total length approximately of 1100m). Thetunnel ends at eskobrodsk Street (the eskobrodsk GSI); in the area ofJarov (the Jarov GSI) the route again dips into a cut-and-cover tunnel secti-on about 1.7km long. Major part of the length of the tunnels follows theground plan of current Spojovac Street. The tunnels end before the passageunder the Prague Main Station Prague Libe railway track. The two expec-ted variants differ only in the Jarov Balabenka section, in the number ofintersections and in consideration of a mined tunnel under Balkn for thedirection from Jarov. There is even a third variant under consideration, wherethe City Circle Road route connects to a tunnel from Maleice at esko-brodsk Street directly through another tunnel, which runs along the minedroute to Balabenka. The total length of the tunnel from Maleice up to a pointbefore Balabenka amounts to 2.7km. On one hand this variant cuts the lengthof the alignment, on the other hand it abandons the alignment approved in theland-use plan.

    Summary data on the Pelc-Tyrolka trboholy Radial Road

    Total length 8770m

    The other data is difficult to present. It depends on the result of thevariant selection for individual construction lots, and on the result ofnegotiations during the EIAprocess.



    The entire route of the Radlice Radial Road interconnects the City Circle

    Road from the Prague Ring Road x the D5 motorway intersection with theCity Circle Road in the Zlchov Underpass. Part of the radial road up to theBucharova grade-separated intersection has been operating for rather a longtime under the name of the Rozvadov Connecting Road. The subject of pre-paration of the construction lot No. 9567 is the completion of the connectionof the route of the radial road between the Bucharova GSI and the ZlchovUnderpass on the City Circle Road (see Figures 1 and 3). The land-use studyfor Radlice Jinonice of May 2002 considers two variants of the RadliceRadial Road, i.e. the urban variant and segregated variant. Based on anorder placed by SURM MHMP, a feasibility study on the Radlice RadialRoad was developed in June 2003. The study stabilised the alignment of theradial road in a modified segregated variant. The document was negotiatedand became the background document for a change in the territorial structu-re plan and for commencement of the design and investment preparation ofthe construction in 2005. The design preparation is currently underway, theDR is being developed for the purpose of the zoning and planning procee-dings, and for the EIA documents according the Law No. 100/2001 Coll.

    The route of the radial road is led from the Bucharova GSI within thedetermined corridor, at grade, to the eporyjsk GSI, further on via the areaof Butovice and Jinonice where two short tunnels are designed. From theJinonice GSI the route runs through tunnels up to the Zlchov Underpasswhere germs of future ramp connections between the radial road and the CityCircle Road have been founded in the framework of the development of theCity Circle Road. The total length of the route amounts to 5420m. The Aope-rational section at a length of 2270m is led at grade. The 1500m long opera-tional section B contains two cut-and-cover tunnels, i.e. the Butovice tunneland Jinonice tunnel, 341m and 307m long respectively. The 2270m long ope-rational section C is led mostly in unidirectional mined tunnels (the Radlicetunnel) where the total length of all unidirectional tunnel sections inclusiveof ramp connections to the Zlchov underpass amounts to 5476m.

    The overburden of the tunnel on the Radlice Radial Road consists of Qua-ternary deposits laying on Lower Palaeozoic rock forming the bedrock. Dilu-vial and Eolith sediments, fluvial sediments and anthropogenic fills prevailthere. The bedrock in the area of operations is represented by Lower Palaeo-zoic rock types of very variable stratigraphic composition. In terms of thearea covered and stratigraphic representation, Ordovician rocks abound;upper Silurian, Devonian and Cretaceous rock types are less represented.

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    Period Part Degree Stratigraphic Unit

    CRETACEOUS upper CENOMANIAN Peruc Member

    DEVONIAN lower DALEJ Dvores-Prokopy Member

    upperPDOL Pdol Member

    SILURIAN LUDLOW Kopaniny Member

    lower WENLOCK Lite Member

    upper KOSOV Kosov Member


    KRLOVODVOR Krlv Dvr Member

    Zahoany Member

    middle BEROUN Bohdalec Member

    Vinice Member

    Letn Member


    In general, ground water in the area of operations can be categorised as twotypes:

    ground water in an environment featuring intrinsic permeability ground water in an environment featuring fissure permeability (in the

    bedrock)Regarding the mined tunnels, the most intensive inflows are expected in

    Devonian and Silurian limestones. Even karstic sinkholes similar to thoseencountered during the excavation of the Nad Koulkou utility tunnel, wherethe gallery was partially inundated by an inrush of water and soil, cannot beexcluded.


    The route of the Bevnov Radial Road (see Figures 1 and 4) connects thePrague Road Ring from the existing grade-separated intersection betweenepy and Hostivice (also the connection of the planned R6 road Prague Karlovy Vary) via Vypich with the City Circle Road at the Malovanka GSI.The entire radial road was originally incorporated in the territorial structureplan into the longer run after 2010.

    In 2001, a Traffic Study on the Bevnov Radial Road was developed forthe SRM MHMP, with an explicit task of verifying area-related demands ofthe construction and stabilising the framework of the technical solution to thepassage of the radial road across the area, with the aim of incorporating theBevnov Radial Road route in the Prague Radial Road Vypich section intothe proposed horizon of the territorial structure plan before 2010. The studysolved variants of the conditions of the passage of the radial road route acrossthe epy district, passage across the area of the slope of Bl Hora mountainfound along the Motol hospital, with the aim of maximum respect paid tonature preservation even at the cost of restrictions on the traffic parameters.The study confirmed the original proposal of the territorial plan for the areaof the Vypich intersection. The ZHMP Resolution No. 11/13 of 30.10.2003regarding the proposal of changes (03) of the territorial plan approved thechange No. Z0066, which determines the obligatory term for the route of theBevnov Radial Road in the section from the Prague Radial Road to theVypich intersection to be within the propsed horizon by 2010. The other partof the radial road route beyond the Vypich intersection to the connection to

    the City Circle Road at the Malovanka intersection was left as a long run taskafter 2010, with the determined territorial reserve following the ground planof Patokova Street.

    A technical validation study which checked variants of possible technicalsolutions, above all the passage of the radial road through epy and the long-run section of the radial road from Bevnov Monastery to Malovanka wasdeveloped in September 2004. The conclusions of the negotiations on thestudy became a source document for assessment of the entire route in termsof socio-economic benefits, for the feasibility study, the EIA according to theLaw No. 100/2001 Coll. and the EIA documents. Based on requirements ofenvironmental groups from the area of Bevnov, a possibility of the BevnovRadial Road route section Malovanka - Vypich running entirely outside thecorridor set in the territorial plan is currently being analysed. This variantassumes an about 2km long mined tunnel, but with a complicated and incom-plete solution of the Malovanka intersection.

    The resulting recommended variants of the technical solution to individu-al sections of the radial road will follow from the conclusion of the processof development and negotiation of EIA documents. They will become thebackground documents for development of DUR documents. Based on theprogress of the work on the studies, it is realistically possible to start thedesign and investment preparation of the Bevnov Radial Road constructionin 2006.

    fluviln sedimenty a antropogenn uloeniny navky. Skalnpodlo je v zjmovm zem reprezentovno horninami starhopaleozoika, velmi pestrho stratigrafickho zastoupen. Nejhojnj jsou svoj plonou rozlohou i stratigrafickm zastoupenm horninyordovickho st, mn jsou zastoupeny mlad horniny silursk,devonsk a kdov.

    tvar Oddl Stupe Stratigrafick jednotka

    KDA svrchn CENOMAN peruck souvrstv DEVON spodn DALEJ dvoreckoprokopsk souvrstv

    PDOL pdolsk souvrstv


    LUDLOW kopaninsk souvrstv

    spodn WENLOCK litesk souvrstv

    svrchnKOSOV kosovsk souvrstv

    KRLODVOR krlodvorsk souvrstv

    ORDOVIKzahoansk souvrstv

    stedn BEROUN bohdaleck souvrstv

    vinick souvrstv

    letensk souvrstv


    Genereln lze podzemn vodu v zjmovm zem adit ke dvmatypm:

    podzemn voda v prosted s prlinovou propustnost podzemn voda v prosted s puklinovou propustnost v horni-

    nch skalnho podloV raench tunelech jsou oekvny nejvt ptoky v devon-

    skch a silurskch vpencch. Nelze zde vylouit zvodnl krasovzvrty, jak byly zastieny pi rab kolektoru Nad Koulkou, kdedolo k stenmu zaplaven toly pvalem vody a zeminy.


    Trasa Bevnovsk radily (obr. 1 a 4) propojuje silnin okruh ze

    stvajc mimorovov kiovatky mezi epy a Hostivicemi (tnapojen plnovan komunikace R6 Praha K.Vary) pes Vypichk mstskmu okruhu v MK Malovanka. Cel radila byla pvod-n zaazena do vhledu zemnho plnu v asovm horizontu poroce 2010.

    V roce 2001 byla pro SRM MHMP zpracovna dopravn studieBevnovsk radily s jednoznanm zadnm provit plon nro-ky stavby a stabilizovat rmec technickho een prchodu radilyv zem, s clem zaadit trasu Bevnovsk radily v seku Silninokruh Vypich do nvrhovho horizontu zemnho plnu pedrokem 2010. Studie eila variantn podmnky prchodu trasy radi-ly pes zem M epy, prchod pes zem svahu Bl hory podlMotolsk nemocnice s clem maximln respektovat ochranu p-rodnho prosted i za cenu omezen dopravnch parametr. V oblas-ti kiovatky Vypich studie potvrdila pvodn nvrh zemnho

    plnu. Usnesenm ZHMP . 11/13 ze dne 30. 10. 2003 k nvrhuzmn 03 zemnho plnu byla schvlena zmna . Z0066, kterzvazn stanovuje trasu Bevnovsk radily v seku silnin okruh kiovatka Vypich v nvrhovm horizontu do roku 2010. Dalst trasy radily za kiovatkou Vypich, k napojen na mstskokruh v kiovatce Malovanka, byla ponechna jako vhled po roce2010 s vymezenou zemn rezervou ve stop ulice Patokova.

    V z 2004 byla zpracovna technick ovovac studie, ktervariantn provovala mon technick een, pedevm prchodradily pes epy a vhledov sek radily Bevnovsk klter Malovanka. Zvry projednn studie se staly podkladem proposouzen cel trasy z hlediska ekonomickch celospoleenskchpnos, feasibility study a posouzen vlivu stavby na ivotn pro-sted dle zkona . 100/2001 Sb., dokumentace EIA. Na zkladpoadavk ekologickch iniciativ z oblasti Bevnova je v souasndob provovna monost veden Bevnovsk radily v sekuMalovanka Vypich zcela mimo koridor stanoven zemnm pl-nem. Varianta pedpokld raen tunel dlky cca 2 km, ovems komplikovanou a neplnou kiovatkou Malovanka.

    Vsledn, doporuen varianty technickho een v jednotlivchsecch radily vyplynou z dokonen procesu zpracovn a projednn

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    15. ronk - . 3/2006

    dokumentace EIA a budou podkladem pro zpracovn dokumentaceDUR. Na zklad dosavadnho prbhu studijnch prac je mon rel-n zahjit projektovou a investorskou ppravu realizace stavby Bev-novsk radily v roce 2006.

    Celkov dlka trasy radily mezi silninm okruhem a mstskmokruhem je cca 6907 m. V trase radily jsou dv mezilehl mimo-rovov kiovatky, napojen na ulici Slnsk a kiovatku Vypich.S mimorovovou kiovatkou Malovanka bude po vstavb Bev-novsk radily spolupracovat povrchov kiovatka Pod Krlovkou.Z dosavadnch vsledk projednn studijnch prac vyplvaj poa-davky vst trasu radily v co nejvtm rozsahu v tunelovch stav-bch, pedevm hloubenho charakteru.

    Souhrnn daje k Bevnovsk radile

    Celkov dlka 6907 mTunelov seky (epy, Vypich,Bevnovsk klter Malovanka) 3995 mPovrchov trasa 2912 m


    Vysoansk radila v konenm stavu propojuje silnin okruh

    (Satalice) s mstskm okruhem v kiovatkovm uzlu Balabenka(obr. 1). Z hlediska ppravy i postupu vstavby byla radila rozd-lena do dvou sek. 1. sek radily Satalice Kbelsk je v souas-n dob v realizaci, probh realizace mimorovov kiovatkyKbelsk, na kterou bylo vydno stavebn povolen. 2. sek meziprmyslovm polookruhem MK Kbelsk a uzlem Balabenka namstskm okruhu je v rovni studijnho provovn.

    V noru 2005 byla odevzdna vyhledvac studie Vysoanskradily v seku Balabenka Kbelsk. Trasa radily ve 2. sekukles povrchov od MK Kbelsk do soubhu s trat D Praha Lys nad Labem k navrhovan mimorovov kiovatce s ulicVysoansk (estakda). Za touto kiovatkou pechz radila doraenho tunelovho seku a po napojen na mstsk okruh v uzluBalabenka. Toto napojen bylo eeno variantn. Koordinan studiedopravnho uzlu Balabenka zpracovan nsledn, ve vazb na

    vyhledvac studii Libesk spojky, pinesla pozitivn zvr s inva-riantnm dopravn fungujcm eenm.

    Souhrnn daje k Vysoansk radile

    1. sek Satalice KbelskCelkov dlka, povrchov trasa 5000 mPoet mostnch objekt 72. sek Kbelsk BalabenkaCelkov dlka 3450 mTunelov sek 1210 m


    Libesk spojka je zemnm plnem zaazena jako sbrn komu-nikace mstskho vznamu, propojuje Proseckou radilu (Liberec-k, V Holeovikch) z mimorovov kiovatky Vychovatelna namstsk okruh v oblasti Balabenky (U Ke). Vzhledem k intenzi-tm provozu a zdrojm a clm dopravy je vak teba Libeskouspojku povaovat za komunikaci celomstskho vznamu, a tominimln pro severovchodn oblast Prahy (obr. 5).

    V beznu 2005 byla zpracovna vyhledvac studie Libeskspojky, kter po projednn stabilizovala prchod tto dopravnstavby zemm a stanovila technick een. Na tuto prci navazo-vala koordinan dopravn studie dopravnho uzlu Balabenka, stykut staveb (mstskho okruhu, Libesk spojky a Vysoansk radi-ly), kter se vzjemn propojuj v oblasti mezi ulic Zenklovaa Balabenkou. Studie byla odevzdna v srpnu 2005 a dala pozitivnodpov na relnost umstn navrenho stavebn dopravnho ee-n ve stvajcm mstskm prosted a potvrdila dopravn bezkoliznfunknost tohoto dopravnho uzlu. Uveden studijn prce jsoubrny jako nezbytn podklad pro pravy zemnho plnu, podkladpro stanoven rozsahu ve uvedench dopravnch staveb a umo-uj pokraovat prakticky invariantn v projektov a investorskpprav jednotlivch staveb.

    Z technickho hlediska pedstavuje Libesk spojka v podstattunelov propojen mimorovov kiovatky Vychovatelna, potamo

    The total length of the radial road between the Prague Ring Road and theCity Ring Road is approximately of 6907m. There are two intermediategrade-separated intersections, the connection to Slnsk Street and theVypich intersection on the radial road route. When the Bevnov radial roadconstruction is finished, the Pod Krlovkou at grade intersection will interactwith the Malovanka grade-separated intersection. The existing results of thenegotiations over the studies suggest that the radial road route should be pla-ced into tunnels, above all of the cut-and-cover character, at as large a scopeas possible.

    Summary data on the Bevnov Radial Road

    Total length 6907mTunnelled sections (epy, Vypich,Bevnov Monastery Malovanka) 3995mAt grade route 2912m


    The Vysoany Radial Road at its final state connects the Prague Ring Road(Satalice) with the City Circle Road at the Balabenka intersection (seeFig. 1). In terms of the preparation and construction progress, the radial roadwas divided into two sections. The 1st section of the road, Satalice KbelskStreet, is currently under construction; the construction of the Kbelsk grade-

    separated intersection is in progress (the building permit for this constructionhas been issued). The 2nd section between an industrial semi-circle road bet-ween the Kbelsk GSI and the Balabenka intersection on the City Ring Roadis in the phase of verification studies.

    The location study for the Vysoany Radial Road, the Balabenka Kbel-sk section, was submitted in February 2005. The alignment of the 2nd sec-tion of the radial road falls at grade from the Kbelsk GSI to a section paral-lel with the Prague Lys nad Labem railway line, up to the designed grade-separated intersection with Vysoansk Street (a viaduct). Beyond this inter-section, the radial road enters a mined tunnel section ending at the connecti-on to the City Circle Road at the Balabenka intersection. This connection wassolved in variants. The coordination study for the Balabenka traffic node,which was developed subsequently in relation to the location study for theLibe connecting road, brought a positive conclusion with an invariant solu-tion well functioning in terms of traffic.

    Summary data on the Vysoany Radial Road

    1st section: Satalice KbelskTotal length the at grade route 5000mThe number of bridge structures 72nd section: Kbelsk - BalabenkaTotal length 3450mTunnelled section 1210m


    The Libe Connecting Road is categorised in the territorial structure planas a bypass road of municipal importance level; it connects the Prosek Radi-al Road (Libereck Street, V Holeovikch Street) from the Vychovatelnagrade-separated intersection to the City Circle Road in the area of Balabenka

    (U Ke). However, with respect to the traffic volume and sources and objec-tives of the traffic, it is necessary to consider the Libe connecting road asa road of city-wide importance, at least for the north-eastern region of Prague(see Fig. 5).

    A location study for the Libe Connecting Road was developed in March2005. After conclusion of negotiations, this study stabilised the passage ofthis traffic structure through the area and determined the technical solution.This work was followed by a coordination traffic study on the Balabenkatraffic node, an intersection of three constructions (the City Circle Road,Libe Connecting Road and Vysoany Radial Road), which get interconne-cted in the area between Zenklova Street and Balabenka. The study was sub-mitted in August 2005; it gave a positive answer regarding feasibility of pla-cement of the designed structural and traffic solution in the existing urbanenvironment and confirmed that, in terms of traffic, this traffic node is capa-ble of collision-free functioning. The above-mentioned studies are understo-

    od to be source documents necessary for changes in the territorial structureplan, source documents for determination of the scope of the above-mentio-ned traffic constructions. They make continuation of the design and invest-ment preparation of the individual constructions possible.

    From the technical point of view, the Libe Connecting Road essentiallyrepresents a tunnelled connection between the Vychovatelna grade-separatedintersection (and also Zenklova Street and the Prosek Radial Road) with the

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    15. ronk - . 3/2006

    Zenklovy ulice a Proseck radily, a mimorovov kiovatkyU Ke na mstskm okruhu s monost pipojen na Proseckou ulici.V pln me jsou na obou koncch zachovny stvajc mostn objek-ty, veden Libesk spojky je pevn v tunelu dlky 835 m. Hlou-ben tunel oproti pedpokladm zemnho plnu je veden stenv patrovm uspodn tubus obou jzdnch smr a mimo stopuZenklovy ulice tak, aby minimalizoval jednak zsah do zstavby,a jednak nutnost dopravnch vluk v prostoru nad tunelem.

    Souhrnn daje k Libesk spojce

    Celkov dlka 1350 mTunelov seky 865 mPovrchov trasa v mimorovovchkiovatkch Vychovatelna, U Ke 485 m

    3. ZVR

    Pedpokldan postupy ppravy, realizace a zprovozovn jed-notlivch staveb i sek st hlavnch komunikac v Praze zsad-nm zpsobem ovlivuj pedevm dva faktory.

    Prvnm faktorem, kter m zsadn vliv na asov postupy p-pravy a vstavby, je legislativn proces pi projednvn a povolo-vn staveb. Obdob 5 a 7 let od zahjen prac na dokumentaciDR pes zskn zemnho rozhodnut R a po zskn stavebn-ho povolen SP je mon povaovat za lhtu minimln; v praxivzhledem k ad odvoln a odporu obanskch iniciativ protidopravnm stavbm za nedosaitelnou.

    Druhm faktorem jsou monosti zajitn financovn uvede-nch dopravnch staveb. Jen prost souet vech plnovanchdopravnch staveb na zem Prahy dv stku pes 150 mld. K,co pi optimistick vaze dokonit cel komunikan systm doroku 2025 pedstavuje zajistit jen na vlastn dopravn stavby v Praze7,5 mld. K pro kad rok po dobu ptch 20 let (bez uvenmezironch inflac).

    Finann nronost dopravnch staveb na zem hlavnho mstaPrahy je dna jednak sloitou ternn konfigurac msta, velmisevenm, historicky danm urbanismem msta, poadavky naochranu kulturnch a prodnch pamtek, ale t velmi silnmtlakem cel ady obanskch a ekologickch sdruen schovat jakoukoliv novou komunikaci pod zem, lpe eeno schovat autapod zem.

    Z pohledu na profese jsou tyto poadavky akceptovateln, ale nadruh stran je otzkou, zda je to vdy ekonomicky rozumn.

    Dostvme se do pozice ptrosa: kdy strme hlavu do psku nejsme vidt; kdy strme auta do tunel, ztrat se exhalace.V obou ppadech to nen pravda.

    ING. JOSEF DVOK, [email protected],SATRA, spol. s r.o.

    Grafick plohy: SATRA, spol. s r.o.s vyuitm dat DI Praha a VHE & spol., s.r.o.

    U Ke grade-separated intersection on the City Circle Road, with a possi-bility of connecting to Proseck Street. The existing bridge structures at bothends are maintained in the full scope; a major part of the Libe connecting

    road runs through a tunnel (835m long). In contrast to the assumptions in theterritorial plan, the cut-and-cover tunnel is led predominantly in a double-deck tunnel carrying both traffic directions, outside the ground plan of Zenk-lova Street, so that the impact of the construction on the existing buildingsand needs for traffic closures above the tunnel are minimised.

    Summary data on the Libe Connecting Road

    Total length 1350mTunnelled sections 865mAt grade route at the Vychovatelna andU Ke ground-separated intersections 485m


    The assumed progress of preparation, construction and opening to traf-fic of the individual constructions or sections of the network of main roadsin Prague is fundamentally affected above all by two factors.

    The first factor which fundamentally affects the time progress of pre-paration and construction is the process ofsatisfying legislative requi-rements for negotiations associated with issuance of building permits.The time period of 5 to 7 years from the commencement of the work onthe DR documents through issuance of the planning permission (PP) toissuance of the building permit can be considered as a minimum term; inthe practice, because on numerous appeals and resistance from civic ini-tiatives against traffic structures, this term can be considered as unattai-nable.

    The other factor is the possibility to provide funding for the above-mentioned traffic projects. A simple summary of all planned traffic pro-jects in Prague itself results in a sum exceeding K 150.0 billion. Thismeans, on an optimistic assumption of the completion of the whole roadsystem by 2005, that a sum of K 7.5 billion should be provided every yearfor the next 20 years (without consideration of year-on-year inflationrates) for funding only the traffic projects proper.

    The financial demands of traffic projects in Prague result from manyinfluences, i.e. the complex terrain configuration of the city, the very hem-med urban design of the city given by its history, requirements for protec-tion of cultural and nature monuments, but also very strong pressure exer-ted by numerous civic and environmental groups for burying any new roadunderground or, better put, hiding automobiles underground.

    From our professional point of view, these requirements are acceptable.On the other hand, there is a question of whether it is always reasonable interms of economy.

    We therefore get to an ostrich position thinking that: if we have our head stuck in sand, we are invisible, if we stick automobiles underground, emissions will disappear.In both cases it is not true.

    ING. JOSEF DVOK, [email protected],SATRA, spol. s r .o.

    Obr. 5 Urbanistick situace Libesk spojkyFig. 5 Town planning situation of the Libe Connecting Road