© 2013 Donna Fishter Consulting LLC donnafishter.com Page 1 of 2 PREMIER PLAYER TRAINING [PPT] Strategic Development Program For the Elite Athlete What is PPT PPT is a strategic development program for the individual player who desires to take it to the next level in sport and life. This program is facilitated through a mentoring & coaching relationship utilizing onfield training and oneonone meetings. A custom schedule will be created with specific objectives that will educate and empower the athlete through the development modules (see below). Who can be involved in PPT An elite athlete who is committed and looking for that competitive ‘edge’ can be in PPT. This is a comprehensive plan to help an athlete understand who they are, what they want, and how to get there. PPT will be customized based on the needs of the athlete. This is not for everyone. Athletes who are part of PPT are those who are ready to be “allin” and do everything in his or her power to become great. Pictured below are the quadrants of the PPT Development Program. Following the quadrants is further information on content that will be worked into the athlete’s development plan.

Premier Player Training (PPT) Development Plan

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© 2013 Donna Fishter Consulting LLC donnafishter.com Page 1 of 2

PREMIER PLAYER TRAINING [PPT] Strategic Development Program For the Elite Athlete    

What  is  PPT  PPT  is  a  strategic  development  program  for  the  individual  player  who  desires  to  take  it  to  the  next  level  in  sport  and  life.  This  program  is  facilitated  through  a  mentoring  &  coaching  relationship  utilizing  on-­‐field  training  and  one-­‐on-­‐one  meetings.  A  custom  schedule  will  be  created  with  specific  objectives  that  will  educate  and  empower  the  athlete  through  the  development  modules  (see  below).    

Who  can  be  involved  in  PPT  An  elite  athlete  who  is  committed  and  looking  for  that  competitive  ‘edge’  can  be  in  PPT.  This  is  a  comprehensive  plan  to  help  an  athlete  understand  who  they  are,  what  they  want,  and  how  to  get  there.  PPT  will  be  customized  based  on  the  needs  of  the  athlete.  This  is  not  for  everyone.  Athletes  who  are  part  of  PPT  are  those  who  are  ready  to  be  “all-­‐in”  and  do  everything  in  his  or  her  power  to  become  great.    

Pictured  below  are  the  quadrants  of  the  PPT  Development  Program.    Following  the  quadrants  is  further  information  on  content  that  will  be  worked  into  the  athlete’s  development  plan.    


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© 2013 Donna Fishter Consulting LLC donnafishter.com Page 2 of 2

PPT Development  Modules    

Personal  Growth  Each  individual  person  is  unique  and  therefore  lives  according  to  certain  values  and  functions  out  of  certain  strengths  and  personality  traits.  Gaining  this  self-­‐knowledge  sets  a  person  up  to  achieve  success  quicker  and  easier.    Athletes  will  have  the  opportunity  to  discover  their  personality  type,  archetype,  confidence  quotient,  strength  profile,  value  profile,  and  behavior  profile.  These  discoveries  help  in  connection  and  interactions  with  teammates,  authority  figures,  and  leadership  growth.    


Goal  Setting  Athletes  will  create  their  vision  of  success.    Once  this  career  vision  is  cast  we  will  spend  time  capturing  a  clear  picture  of  their  current  reality.  From  this  starting  point,  detailed  long-­‐term  and  short-­‐term  goals  will  be  set  and  tracked  in  segments.  The  athlete  will  learn  how  to  create  personal  habits  that  will  directly  impact  progress  towards  achievement.    


Self-­‐Evaluation  Athletes  will  learn  how  to  put  into  practice  daily  self-­‐evaluation.  A  variety  of  topics  and/or  habits  can  be  tracked  depending  on  the  needs  of  the  athlete.  The  following  are  some  categories  that  can  be  evaluated  daily:  effort,  performance,  attitude,  motivation,  technical  expertise,  tactical  play,  fitness  and  nutrition.    


Enhanced  Performance  Players  will  learn  how  to  get  “in  the  zone”  and  stay  “in  the  zone”.    Competing  at  a  high  level  day  in  and  day  out  is  difficult,  so  strategizing  how  to  maintain  high  performance  every  day  is  important  to  overall  personal  success.    Athletes  will  also  discover  what  motivates  them  and  how  to  tap  into  these  motivators  daily.  There  will  be  specific  focus  on  increasing  and  sustaining  confidence  while  minimizing  limitations.  


Mental  &  Emotional  Intelligence  Athletes  need  to  be  self-­‐aware  and  be  able  to  manage  thoughts  and  emotions.  Stress  and  anxiety  is  a  reality  in  life,  therefore  athletes  will  work  on  discovering  their  entry  points  for  stress,  whether  the  source  is  internal  or  external,  and  how  to  deal  with  these  emotions  in  the  moment.  Visualization  and  positive  self-­‐talk  will  assist  athletes  in  staying  confident  and  focused.    





Donna  Fishter  Consulting  LLC  [email protected]  |  407.405.5815  

In  Association  with:  Michelle  Akers  Soccer,  Inc.  Olympic  Gold  Medalist,  2x  World  Champion,  FIFA  Player  of  the  Century    Michael  Johnston,  B.S.  and  M.S.  in  Exercise  and  Sport  Science,  ACSM  Certified  Personal  Trainer