1 English Grammar : 999041-2 : English I - II Burapha University Revision : Present Continuous Tense (By…Mr. Charin N.) Date : ______________Submit : ______________ Name : _____________________________Student ID : _______________ Present Continuous (Progressive) Present Continuous Tense Use 1 Now ( Structure ) a. Affirmative form Subject + is/am/are + V. ing b. Negative form Subject + is/am/are + not + V. ing c. Interrogative form Is/Am/Are + Subject + V. ing Present Continuous Tense is, am, are Verb to be V. ing - is he, she, it - am I - are we, you, they Tense : 3 (Verb to be) (Verb to be) (Verb to be)

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!1 English Grammar : 999041-2 : English I - II

Burapha University

Revision : Present Continuous Tense (By…Mr. Charin N.)

Date : ______________Submit : ______________

Name : _____________________________Student ID : _______________

Present Continuous (Progressive) Present Continuous Tense ËหÁมÒาÂย¶ถÖึ§ง àเËหµตØุ¡กÒาÃร³ณì์·ท∙Õีè่¡กÓำÅลÑั§งàเ¡กÔิ´ด¢ขÖึé้¹นãใ¹น¢ข³ณÐะ·ท∙Õีè่¾พÙู´ดÍอÂยÙูè่

Use 1 Now

âโ¤คÃร§งÊสÃรé้Òา§ง ( Structure ) a. Affirmative form

Subject + is/am/are + V.ing

b. Negative form

Subject + is/am/are + not + V.ing

c. Interrogative form

Is/Am/Are + Subject + V.ing Present Continuous Tense ¨จÐะµตé้Íอ§งÁมÕี is, am, are ËหÃร×ืÍอ Verb to be ¹นÓำËห¹นÒาé้ V.ing àเÊสÁมÍอ âโ´ดÂย

- »ปÃรÐะ¸ธÒา¹น·ท∙Õีè่ãใªชé้¡กÃรÔิÂยÒา is ¤ค×ืÍอ he, she, it

- ãใªชé้¡กÃรÔิÂยÒา am ¤ค×ืÍอ I

- ãใªชé้¡กÃรÔิÂยÒา are ¤ค×ืÍอ we, you, they

Tense ªชØุ´ด·ทÕีè่ : 3

(Verb to be)

(Verb to be)

(Verb to be)

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!2 English Grammar : 999041-2 : English I - II

ËหÅลÑั¡ก¡กÒาÃรãใªชé้ Past Simple Tense

1. ãใªชé้¡กÑัºบ¡กÒาÃร¡กÃรÐะ·ท∙Óำ·ท∙Õีè่¡กÓำÅลÑั§งàเ¡กÔิ´ด¢ขÖึé้¹นãใ¹น¢ข³ณÐะ·ท∙Õีè่¾พÙู´ด

Example ➜ A : Where is Jane ?

B : She is cooking in the kitchen.

- Don’t make so much noise, please.

- My mother is taking a nap.

- Look! The police are catching the thieves. 2. ãใªชé้¡กÑัºบàเËหµตØุ¡กÒาÃร³ณì์·ท∙Õีè่ÁมÕีàเÇวÅลÒาãใ¹น»ปÑั¨จ¨จØุºบÑั¹นàเËหÅลè่Òา¹นÕีé้¡กÓำËห¹น´ดÍอÂยÙูè่

now then at the moment

at this time this week this month

Example ➜ - My son is watching television now.

- I am talking to my friend at this moment.

3. ãใªชé้¡กÑัºบàเËหµตØุ¡กÒาÃร³ณì์·ท∙Õีè่àเ¡กÔิ´ด¢ขÖึé้¹นàเ¾พÕีÂย§งªชÑัè่Çว¢ข³ณÐะËห¹นÖึè่§ง ªชÑัè่Çว¤คÃรÒาÇว ( temporary )

Example ➜ My parents are staying at this hotel until they find their friend’s house I am

studying in M.3 this year. 4. ¡กÃรÔิÂยÒาáแÊส´ด§ง¡กÒาÃรàเ»ปÅลÕีè่Âย¹นáแ»ปÅล§ง«ซÖึè่§งãใËหé้¤คÇวÒาÁมÃรÙูé้ÊสÖึ¡ก àเ¾พÔิè่Áม¢ขÖึé้¹น Åล´ดÅล§ง ËหÃร×ืÍอàเ¤คÅล×ืè่Íอ¹นäไËหÇว ÁมÑั¡ก¹นÔิÂยÁมãใªชé้¡กÑัºบ Present Continuous

Tense äไ´ดé้áแ¡กè่ rise, change, increase, fall, improve

Example ➜ The interest of the bank is falling.

Your English is improving.

ËหÅลÑั¡ก¡กÒาÃรàเµตÔิÁม ing ·ท∙é้ÒาÂย¤คÓำ¡กÃรÔิÂยÒา

1. ¡กÃรÔิÂยÒาÅล§ง·ท∙é้ÒาÂย´ดé้ÇวÂย e µตÑั´ด e ·ท∙Ôิé้§งáแÅลé้ÇวàเµตÔิÁม ing àเªชè่¹น

write - writing , make - making, drive - driving

2. ¡กÃรÔิÂยÒา·ท∙Õีè่Åล§ง·ท∙é้ÒาÂย´ดé้ÇวÂย ee àเµตÔิÁม ing äไ´ดé้àเÅลÂย àเªชè่¹น

see - seeing

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!3 English Grammar : 999041-2 : English I - II

3. ¡กÃรÔิÂยÒาÅล§ง·ท∙é้ÒาÂย ie ãใËหé้àเ»ปÅลÕีè่Âย¹น ie àเ»ปç็¹น y áแÅลé้ÇวàเµตÔิÁม ing àเªชè่¹น

lie - lying, die - dying, tie - tying

¢ขé้ÍอÊสÑั§งàเ¡กµต ski - skiing (àเÅลè่¹นÊส¡กÕี)

4. ¡กÃรÔิÂยÒา·ท∙Õีè่ÁมÕี¾พÂยÒา§ง¤คì์àเ´ดÕีÂยÇว ÁมÕีÊสÃรÐะµตÑัÇวàเ´ดÕีÂยÇว áแÅลÐะ¾พÂยÑั­Þญªช¹นÐะÊสÐะ¡ก´ดµตÑัÇวàเ´ดÕีÂยÇวãใËหé้àเµตÔิÁมµตÑัÇวÊสÐะ¡ก´ดÍอÕี¡ก 1 µตÑัÇว áแÅลé้ÇวàเµตÔิÁม ing àเªชè่¹น

dig —> digging, run —> running

zip —> zipping

5. ¡กÃรÔิÂยÒาÁมÕีÊสÍอ§ง¾พÂยÒา§ง¤คì์ ¾พÂยÒา§ง¤คì์Ëห¹นé้ÒาÁมÕีÊสÃรÐะµตÑัÇวàเ´ดÕีÂยÇว áแÅลÐะ¾พÂยÑั­Þญªช¹นÐะÊสÐะ¡ก´ดµตÑัÇวàเ´ดÕีÂยÇว ãใËหé้àเµตÔิÁม µตÑัÇวÊสÐะ¡ก´ดÍอÕี¡ก 1 µตÑัÇว áแÅลé้ÇวàเµตÔิÁม ing


begin —> beginning, occur —> occurring, refer —> referring

ËหÁมÒาÂยàเËหµตØุ : ¤คÓำÅล§ง·ท∙é้ÒาÂย´ดé้ÇวÂย l ãใËหé้àเ¾พÔิè่Áม l ÍอÕี¡กµตÑัÇวËห¹นÖึè่§ง ËหÃร×ืÍอäไÁมè่àเ¾พÔิè่Áม¡กç็äไ´ดé้ (áแºบºบÍอàเÁมÃรÔิ¡กÑั¹นäไÁมè่àเ¾พÔิè่Áม l)

ÍอàเÁมÃรÔิ¡กÑั¹น : travel —> traveling, quarrel —> quarreling

ÍอÑั§ง¡กÄฤÉษ : travel —> travelling, quarrel —> quarrelling

¡กÃรÔิÂยÒา·ท∙Õีè่äไÁมè่ãใªชé้ãใ¹น Continuous Tenses äไ´ดé้áแ¡กè่ ¡กÃรÔิÂยÒา·ท∙Õีè่áแÊส´ด§ง¡กÒาÃรÃรÑัºบÃรÙูé้ (verb of perception) áแÊส´ด§งÀภÒาÇวÐะ¢ขÍอ§ง¨จÔิµตãใ¨จ (state of mind) ¤คÇวÒาÁมÃรÙูé้ÊสÖึ¡ก (feeling) ËหÃร×ืÍอÊสÑัÁม¾พÑั¹น¸ธÀภÒา¾พ (relationship)

verb of perception Translations verb of perception Translations

hear äไ´ดé้ÂยÔิ¹น belong àเ»ปç็¹น¢ขÍอ§ง

remember ¨จ´ด¨จÓำ seem ´ดÙู¤คÅลé้ÒาÂย¡กÑัºบÇวè่Òา

see àเËหç็¹น own ÁมÕี, àเ»ปç็¹นàเ¨จé้Òา¢ขÍอ§ง

hate àเ¡กÅลÕีÂย´ด look ´ดÙู¤คÅลé้ÒาÂย¡กÑัºบÇวè่Òา

recognize ÃรÙูé้¨จÑั¡ก possess ÁมÕี, àเ»ปç็¹นàเ¨จé้Òา¢ขÍอ§ง

feel ÃรÙูé้ÊสÖึ¡ก appear ÁมÕี·ท∙è่Òา·ท∙Òา§งÇวè่Òา

know ÃรÙูé้ suit àเËหÁมÒาÐะ

contain ºบÃรÃร¨จØุ matter ÁมÕี¤คÇวÒาÁมÊสÓำ¤คÑั­Þญ

small äไ´ดé้¡กÅลÔิè่¹น fit àเËหÁมÒาÐะ

understand àเ¢ขé้Òาãใ¨จ taste äไ´ดé้ÃรÊส, ÃรÙูé้ÃรÊส

old ºบÃรÃร¨จØุ belive àเªช×ืè่ÍอÇวè่Òา

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!4 English Grammar : 999041-2 : English I - II

àเÁม×ืè่Íอµตé้Íอ§ง¡กÒาÃร¨จÐะáแÊส´ด§งÍอÒา¡กÒาÃรàเËหÅลè่Òา¹นÕีé้ ¤ค§งãใªชé้àเ¾พÕีÂย§ง present simple àเ·ท∙è่Òา¹นÑัé้¹น

• I don’t see anything here. (äไÁมè่ãใªชé้ I’m not seeing…)

• Do you hear the noise ? (äไÁมè่ãใªชé้ Are you hearing…)

• I smell something burning (äไÁมè่ãใªชé้ I am smelling…)

• The dog feels ill.

• The dog looks ill.

• The dog appears ill.

Part A : Make the ing form of the verbs. 1. hold : ………………………………… 2. come : …………………………………

3. watch : ………………………………… 4. skate : …………………………………

5. smile : ………………………………… 6. die : …………………………………

7. speak : ………………………………… 8. run : …………………………………

9. meet : ………………………………… 10. talk : …………………………………

11. have : ………………………………… 12. edit : …………………………………

13. live : ………………………………… 14. sit : …………………………………

15. go : ………………………………… 16. listen : …………………………………

17. eat : ………………………………… 18. lie : …………………………………

19. ski : ………………………………… 20. wear : …………………………………

21. chat : ………………………………… 22. chew : …………………………………

23. stop : ………………………………… 24. travel : …………………………………

25. put : ………………………………… 26. shut : …………………………………

27. control : ………………………………… 28. lose : …………………………………

29. forget : ………………………………… 30. cover : …………………………………































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!5 English Grammar : 999041-2 : English I - II

Practice Exercise I : Change the statements into questions sentences. Ex. ➜ 1. I’m making a lot of noise. ✎ : _________________________ 2. Clare is reading. ✎ : _________________________ 3. You are watching the news. ✎ : _________________________ 4. It is snowing. ✎ : _________________________ 5. We are waiting in the right place. ✎ : _________________________ Exercise II : Change the statements into into negative sentences.

1. You’re listening to me. ✎ : _________________________ 2. Tim is studying. ✎ : _________________________ 3. We’re talking. ✎ : _________________________ 4. You are writing. ✎ : _________________________ 5. Katherine is lying. ✎ : _________________________ 6. They are waiting for us. ✎ : _________________________ Exercise III : Look at the pictures and write sentences.

a) I / eat ✎ : _____________________ b) They / listen ✎ : __________________

c) She / come ✎ : ___________________ d) You / move ✎ : ____________________

Am I making a lot of noise ?

Is Clare reading ?

Are you watching the news ?

Is it snowing ?

Are we waiting in the right place ?

You aren’t listening to me.

Tim isn’t studying.

We aren’t talking.

You aren’t writing.

Katherine isn’t lying.

They aren’t waiting for us.

I’m eating. They are listening.

She is coming. You are moving.

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!6 English Grammar : 999041-2 : English I - II

e) It / rain ✎ : ____________________ _ f) We / sing ✎ : _____________________

Exercise IV : What are they saying.

I / not feel / well. You / not / listen / to me. We / not / watch / the TV. You / sit / in my seat. I / write / a letter. We / go / out

It is raining. We are singing.

I’m writing a letter.

I’m not felling well.

We going out.

You sitting in my seat.

You not listening to me.

We not watching the TV.

Result = ___________ marks Signature : ____________ Date : ____________20