I. PREZENTUL SIMP LU (Present Simple Tense) A . FORMARE 1. La forma afirmatia se foloseste infinitivul fara particula "to" al verbului: Exemplu: to r!n " r!n I run You run We run They run La persoana a III-a singular se adauga terminatia #S: e runs !he runs $. La forma intero%atia  se foloseste auxiliarul &o sau &oes la persoana a III-a singular# urmat de verb: 'o I run$ 'o you run$ 'oes he run$ 'oes she run$ 'o %e run$ 'o you run$ 'o they run$

Present Tense (Theory)

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7/23/2019 Present Tense (Theory)

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(Present Simple Tense)


1. La forma afirmatia se foloseste infinitivul fara particula "to" al verbului:

Exemplu: to r!n " r!n

I run

You run

We run

They run

La persoana a III-a singular se adauga terminatia #S:

e runs

!he runs

$. La forma intero%atia se foloseste auxiliarul &o sau &oes la persoana a III-a

singular# urmat de verb:

'o I run$

'o you run$

'oes he run$

'oes she run$

'o %e run$

'o you run$

'o they run$

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&bservati ca n!mai a!iliar!l se con'uga(

. La forma ne%atia se foloseste &o not cu forma sa prescurtata &on*t# sau &oes

not cu forma sa prescurtata &oesn*t# pentru persoana a III-a singular:

I &o not (&on*t) run

You &o not (&on*t) run

e &oes not (&oesn*t) run

!he &oes not (&oesn*t) run

We &o not (&on*t) run

You &o not (&on*t) run

They &o not (&on*t) run

+. La forma intero%ati#ne%atia se foloseste &on*t " &oesn*t) inversandu-se

ordinea dintre subiect si auxiliar* +orma prescurtata e cel mai des folosita:

'on*t I run $

'on*t you run $

'oesn*t he run $

'oesn*t she run $

'on*t %e run $

'on*t you run $

'on*t they run $

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,. INTRE,UINTARE (-an& folosim a-est aspe-t al Preent!l!i in or/ire)

1. Pentr! a &es-rie o a-ti!ne -are se repeta in mo& re%!lat0

I go to school every day* - ,erg la scoala in fiecare i*

.o you brush your teeth every day$ - Te speli pe dinti ilnic$

$. Pentr! a eprima !n o/i-ei0

e reads a lot*- El citeste mult*

!he does n/t smo0e*- Ea nu fumeaa*

. Pentr! a eprima !n a&ear %eneral stiintifi- (&e eempl! o le%e a fii-ii)0

Water freees at 1 degrees* - 2pa ingheata la 1 grade*

The Earth spins around the !un*- 3amantul se invarte in 'urul soarelui*

+. Pentr! a re&a o s!--esi!ne &e eenimente s-!rte0

e unloc0s the door) comes in and ta0es off his shoes near the door*

 El descuie usa) intra si se descalta langa usa*

2. Pentr! a eprima o a-ti!ne pro%ramata in iitor in spe-ial at!n-i -an& se

spe-ifi-a moment!l pro&!-erii ei0

Your train leaves at t%o o/cloc0* - Trenul tau pleaca la ora doua*

We meet him tonight* - 4e intalnim cu el diseara*

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3. Intr#o propoitie s!/or&onata intro&!sa prin IF sa! UNLESS at!n-i -an&

er/!l &in propoitia prin-ipala este la iitor0

I/ll come if they come* - 5oi veni daca vor veni si ei*

4. '!pa 56en as soon as /efore after intr#o fraa in -are er/!l &in

propoitia prin-ipala este la iitor0

We/ll tell you %hen %e meet again*- Iti vom spune cand ne vom intalni din nou*

7.# 8! er/ele -are eprima !n sentiment love) hate) prefer) li0e) disli0e***#

  # -! er/ele -are n! pres!p!n noti!nea &e &!rata seem) %ant) belong)

0no%) mean) %ish#

  # si -! er/ele -are re&a! -!intele -!ia say) tell) as0) ans%er#

I li0e movies* - Imi plac filmele*

You seem tired* - 3ari obosit*

What does he mean$ - 6e vrea sa spuna$

Epresii -! -are se foloseste a&esea Preent!l Simpl!0

- every day7 %ee07 month7 year etc*)

- every morning7 evening7 afternoon7 night)- usually) al%ays) sometimes) often) never)

- in the morning7evening7night etc*

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8* e goes to the fitness club every day*

9* I play football every %ee0** We go to the dentist every year*

;* !he %atches T5 every evening*

<* !he usually studies hard for her exams*

=* I al%ays do my home%or0*

>* e sometimes goes shopping*

?* I often play pool %ith my friends*

@* !he never goes to school by bus*

81* In the evening %e play ,onopoly*


(Present 8ontin!o!s Tense)

Preent!l -ontin!!  Present Continuous# exprimA) in general) o actiune Bn

desfAsurare Bn momentul vorbirii sau o actiune care nu a fost terminatA la

momentul vorbirii*

2cest timp se formeaa cu a'utorul verbului auxiliar to /e la preent C forma de

 baa a verbului C #in% participiu preent#*


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Forma afirmatia0

I am rea&in% an English boo0* - Citesc (acum) o carte de engleza.

!he is 5or9in% in the holiday brea0* - Ea lucreaza in pauza de vacanta.

Forma ne%atia:

 !e adauga not dupa forma de preent simplu a auxiliarului to /e*

It is not rainin%* - Nu ploua. (acum)

Forma intero%atia se obtine prin inversiunea auxiliarului to /e (-on:!%at la

preent!l simpl!) cu subiectul*

Are t6e; playing$ - Ei se joaca (acum)?

Is 6e eating$ - El mananca?


I am %al0ing - Eu ma plimb.

You are %al0ing - Tu te plimbi.

e is %al0ing - El se plimba.

!he is %al0ing - Ea se plimba.

It is %al0ing - Se plimba.

We are %al0ing - Noi ne plimbam

You are %al0ing - Voi va plimbati

They are %al0ing - Ei se plimba.

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The summer is passin% too Duic0ly* - Vara trece prea repede.

ac0 is a-tin% li0e his father* - ac! se poarta ca si tatal lui.

!ome football players are not /ein% good role models* - "nii #otbalisti nu sunt un

bun model.

Is 6e /ein% good to you$* - Este el bun cu tine$ Se poarta el #rumos cu tine?

Preent!l -ontin!! se foloseste pentr! a eprima0

# o a-ti!ne -are se &esfasoara in moment!l or/irii0

Ex* The %ind is blo%ing*% Vantul bate.

  It is raining outside* % Ploua a#ara.

- &e asemenea preent!l -ontin!! se foloseste pentr! a &es-rie o ten&inta sa!

a-ti!ne -are a &e/!tat re-ent.

Ex: ,ore and more people are going to church* - &in ce in ce mai multi oameni

merg la biserica.

- o  a-ti!ne -are se etin&e pe o perioa&a p!tin mai l!n%a &e timp0


Ex* ulia is reading a novel by .ic0ens* % 'ulia citeste un roman de &ic!ens.

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# o a-ti!ne temporara limitata -are se intampla &oar -! o an!mita o-aie sa!

intr#o an!mita perioa&a &e timp (!e foloseste cu pronumele demosntrativ T<IS#


Ex* I live in 6lu') but this year I am living in Fucharest* 

Traiesc in Cluj dar in acest an locuiesc in ucuresti.

 # pentr! a &esemna o a-ti!ne -are este planifi-ata pentr! iitor!l ime&iat a

-arei realiare este presta/ilita si -erta0

Ex* The children are going camping today*  Copiii merg cu cortul astazi.

 To meet the demand for vegetable food) they are planning to expand* G

 Pentru a satis#ace cererea de alimente vegetale* ei inten+ioneaz, s, se e-tind,.

ohn is leaving for London next %ee0* - 'on pleaca la ondra saptamana viitoare.

# o a-ti!ne fre-ent repetata s!paratoare &eran:anta (pentr!or/itor"narator sa! pentr! alta persoana) = se foloseste deseori cu

adverbele de frecventa: al5a;s foreer -onstantl;0

 Ex* 2nn is al5a;s  ma0ing plans %ithout ta0ing into consideration all the

facts*  /nn isi #ace mereu planuri #ara sa ia in considerare toate aspectele.


# in propoitii s!/or&onate0

Ex: They %ill go 'ogging %hile the babies are sleeping*  Ei vor #ace jogging 

cat timp$ in timp ce copiii dorm.

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( Eista o serie &e er/e -are n! se foloses- la Preent 8ontin!!. 

2cestea se

impart in urmatoarele categorii:

-5erbe de perceptie: feel 6ear see smell taste

-5erbe de opinie) care exprima o atitudine : ass!me /eliee -onsi&er &o!/t

feel (> a -re&e) fin& (> a -onsi&era) s!ppose t6in9 

-5erbe care se refera la perceptie mentala: for%et ima%ine 9no5 mean

noti-e re-o%nie remem/er !n&erstan&

-5erbe care exprima emotii sau chiar dorinte: en; fear &isli9e 6ate 6ope

li9e loe min& prefer re%ret 5ant 5is6

-5erbe folosite pentru masurat: -ontain -ost 6ol& meas!re 5ei%6

-2lte verbe0 loo9 (> a se asemana) seem /e (in ma:oritatea -a!rilor) 6ae

> a pose&a)

 Unele &in a-este er/e pot fi folosite la forma -ontin!a &ar isi s-6im/a

sens!l (&e-i n! -! sens!l lor &e /aa)0



-5erbul TO SEE cand inseamna a#si ima%ina a e&ea aieea#:

I thin0 you are seeing things) there is no one in the house*  Cred ca iti

imaginezi lucruri* nu e nimeni in casa.

-5erbul TO SMELL cand inseamna a a&!lme-a a mirosi#:

!he is smelling the roses*% Ea miroase tranda#irii.

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-5erbul TO LOO?  cand inseamna a se !ita#:

Tom is loo0ing at ,aria*

-5erbul TO ,E cand inseamna a se -omporta#:!he is being rude*  Ea se comporta nepoliticos.


@er/e &inami-e si stati-e 0

In general) numai anumite verbe pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu) acestea

numindu-se er/e &inami-e*

2spectul continuu al unui verb arata ca o actiune este) era sau va fi in desfasurare*

+ormele verbale progresive aspectul continuu# se folosesc numai in caul

verbelor dinamice) de miscare) care exprima calitati capabile de schimbare*

- @er/ele &inami-e sunt verbele care exprima:

• o a-tiitate - as!* beg* call* drin!* eat* 0elp* learn* listen* etc.

o I am begging you* - Te rog. (Te implor.)

• pro-ese - c0ange* deteriorate* gro1 mature* slo1 do1n* 1iden.

o The corn is gro%ing rapidly* - Porumbul creste repede (acum

este in crestere).

• per-eptii senoriale - ac0e* #eel* 0urt* itc0

o I am feeling %ell* - 2a simt bine.

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• a-ti!ni tranitie - arrive* die* #all* land* leave* lose

o !he is leaving tomorro%* - Ea pleaca maine.

• a-ti!ni momentane - 0it* jump* !ic!* !noc!* nod* tap

o e is 'umping around the house - El sare (acum) prin casa.

- @er/ele stati-e folosesc forma simpla nu cea continu u#* 2cestea sunt verbele:

• &e per-eptie senatie a-tiitate mentala: ab0or* adore* astonis0*

believe* desire* detest* disli!e* doubt* #eel* #orgive* guess* 0ate* 0ear*

imagine* impress* intend* !no1* li!e* love etc.

o I love fruits* - 'ubesc (ador) #ructele.

• &e relatie si posesie: be* belong to* concern* consist o#* contain* cost*

depend on* deserve* e3ual* o1e etc.

o ,y brother o%es me a boo0* - 4ratele meu imi datoreaa o


'e retin! t0

--H Imaginati-va diferenta de inteles dintre verbele statice si cele dinamice prin

 prisma intentiei verbele statice exprima calitati neintentionate) pe cand cele

dinamice calitati intentionate*

T%o plus t%o e!als four* - &oi plus doi este egal cu patru.

ane is leain% for Fucharest* - ane pleaca spre ucuresti.

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BE!alsC (to e!al) este un verb static si nu poate lua o forma continua nu exista

optiune sau intentie in acest ca*

BIs leain%C (to leae) exprima optiunea si intentia subiectului de a efectua

actiunea respectiva*

-- D 5erbul to 6ae nu se foloseste niciodata in aspectul continuu atunci cand are

sensul de "a su#eri de"*

Ex: I 6ae influena* - Su#ar de (am) gripa.e 6as fever* El are (su#era de) #ebra.

!e foloseste la aspectul continuu atunci cand are intelesul de "a angaja pe cineva

 pentru o actiune"  (atunci cand se apeleaza la servicii e-terne* la personal 

 specializat pentru a realiza o anumita activitate)*

.e ex: I am 6ain% my car repaired7 fixed* J The mechanic repairs my car*#

  I am 6ain% my living room painted* JThe painter paints the living room*#

  I am 6ain% my hair cut* JThe hair-dresser cuts my hair*#

I/m 6ain% my home%or0 done on Wednesday* - 'mi termin tema miercuri.

To  6ae se mai foloseste la aspectul continuu atunci cand are sensul de


Ex: You are 6ain% a lot of 'oy %ith this tas0* G 

  5 sa iti placa mult$ 5 sa te bucure mult sa lucrezi la acest tas!.

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Nota ,enne0

N! se sp!ne0

%67e is being tall6 sau

%67e is resembling 0is mot0er6 sau

%6' am 1anting spag0etti #or dinner6.

8ore-t este0

-"e is tall"  El e inalt #)

-"e resembles his mother"  El seamana cu mama lui#)

- "I %ant spaghetti" Vreau spag0ete#*

Atentie0 !loganul publicitar BM-'onal&s # Im loin% itC NU este -ore-t

&in p!n-t &e e&ere %ramati-al  tocmai din motivele preentate mai sus data

fiind restrictia verbului TO GANT de a fi folosit la aspectul continuu) fiind verb

static) senorial#) 'AR  este constituit si se utilieaa la acest mod din ratiuni de
