THE CHEMICAL WORLD THIS WEEK The Cover . Princeton Dean Leads the Field In Catalytic Studies τ TUGH Stott Taylor, the fourth dean -*· **• of the Princeton Graduate School and holder of numerous scientific honors, is the Reinsen Memorial Lec- turer this year. That he should choose as his subject "Solid State and Physics Catalysis" conies as no surprise. As a mailer of fact, the foremost authority in the fields of contact catalysis and sur- face chemistry is proLably none other than Hugh T?.yior. His formative years as a young chemist were well spent under the direction of such uotables as F. C. Donnan, the best pHysical chemist in England, according to Taylor; Svante Arrhenius at the NJobel Institute of Stockholm in Sweden; and Bodenstein in Germany under wliom he received a thorough grounding in chemical ki- netics. Taylor took his B.S. at Liverpool University in 1909, and followed up with an M.S. in 1910 and his doctorate in 1914 at the same university. He came to the United States shortly there- after for a short stay, but decided to make a career of it. As an instructor at Princeton Univer- sity, Taylor was soon tabbed as a very erudite young cheinist who could call his shots with a high degree of accu- racy. An anonymous writer had this to say about him: "It is the winter of 1914. A Nobel Prize winner, the great- est authority in his field, is lecturing to an awed faculty group in the old chem lab. He concludes riis Delphic remarks and asks for discussion. Bearded pro- fessors comment deferentially. Sud- denly, a very blond and very young man rises to confute the learned visitor. Eyebrows are raised throughout the hall, for instructors are supposed to speak diffidently, if at all. The eye- brows soon descend, however, for the youngster speaks not only with spirit and critical vigor, but with exceptional common sense. Eight years later, this young man became a full professor; four years more, and at the age of 36 years, he was chairman of the Chemis- try Department." In the meantime, his researches led to the production of improved hydro- genated fats, cheaper production of formaldehyde, and an industrial syn- thesis of wood alcolnol. Through much of his work, hydrogen seems to play an important part, but the predominant role is that of catalysis. His most recent thinking on the sub- ject of active centers in heterogeneous catalysis involves a n understanding of the mechanism whereby chemical re- action occurs at surlaces which in turn requires a more complete understanding of the solid state and its physics. Tay- lor has pointed the way by interpreting data on catalysis at metal surfaces and binary compounds in terms of the con- cepts of defect structures and of the metallic state ( Pauling's theory of resonance ). In 1935, Taylor and coworkers had "boiled" 75 tons of water down to 10 drops of heavy water containing one part of hydrogen of mass three in 10,- 000 parts. This heavy hydrogen (tri- tium) is normally found in ordinary water in concentrations of 1 part in 10 billion parts. A later discovery that tritium was radioactive cast some doubt on the Princeton work, and Taylor was lectured rather severely by Lord Ruther- ford for arriving at a "foolish" conclu- sion. Taylor has been gratified to learn very recently that Rutherford's own heavy water was also radioactive. His scientific honors are numerous and include his recent election to the presidency of the Society of Sigma Xi and an honorary doctorate of laws to be conferred July 7, 1951, by his alma mater in Liverpool. He is a member of the Royal Society of London, and in 1943 became a fellow, American Acad- emy of Arts and Sciences. Among other awards are several honorary de- grees; he has been elected a foreign member of academies and societies in Italy, France, Belgium, and Poland; he was made Commander of the Order of Leopold II of Belgium in 1938 and was Francqui Professor, University of Lou vain during 1937. In recognition of his research work in the field of catal- ysis, Taylor has received the Nichols Medal of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY in 1928; the Mendel Medal in 1933 at Villanova College; the research award and plaque of the Research Corp. of New York ( along with Van- nevar Bush in 1939); the Franklin Medal of the American Philosophical Society in 1941; and the Longstaff Medal of the Chemical Society of Lon- don in 1942. In charting the course for the future, Taylor envisions a bright opportunity to devise new approaches to old objectives through the use of tracer techniques. He says that "the isotope has become the chemist's messenger boy in jour- neys of discovery," and he foresees a brilliant future for "tracer chemistry." Doubtless, Dean Taylor will play an important role in that future. ™g|^^ggàmM ΙΞΞΞΞΖΞΖΞΞ: F1LTR©L* C of HIGH Ά I worth frySn • Polymeri • Dehydn Oxidation · Al Low cost and Filtrol Silica sistent first c, try since thej Now, co; are being try with powd To dS^ntaSeslÔ dBBHGfflSF mSKBBS ve made the con- eum indus- tic cracking, efficiencies hemical indus- of pelleted and rol Catalysts, ions of the pos- Filtrol Catalysts, on request. We invite rtaining to catalytic lems. Τ. Μ. Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. P^umiriaSCiatalysti fioiCe|b£|the*petro meeptionsoifcata fbarableiiproauctia WÎÉSlillSÏ ïffîsasBiï ^^^m^t CORPORATION General Offices: 727 West 7th Street Los Angeles 17, California Z&ZJS ) ι νΞ^7 / Plants: Vernon, California Jackson, Mississippi Salt Lake City, Utah VOLUME 2 9, NO. 2 6 * . » JUNE 2 5, 1951 2635 LABORATORY .GASES cylinders ίο i»5U it>. bulk containers. Rare Gases in lead glass or Pyrex flasks. ror ever , oases are οτ nignesT ρυιΐη Mixtures of certain gases and special analyses,avail able on request. Ohio Unit Parts and Equip- ment meet the most exacting specifications andconditions. For detailed information, prices, and prompt service: Û/ÙoC%e^€ea^ ÛU Ο

Princeton Dean Leads the Field In Catalytic Studies

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The Cover .

Princeton Dean Leads the Field In Catalytic Studies τ TUGH Stott Taylor, the four th dean -*· **• of the Princeton Graduate School and holder of numerous scientific honors, is the Reinsen Memorial Lec­turer this year. That he should choose as his subject "Solid State and Physics Catalysis" conies as n o surprise. As a mailer of fact, the foremost authority in the fields of contact catalysis and sur­face chemistry is proLably none other than Hugh T?.yior.

His formative years as a young chemist were well spent under the direction of such uotables as F. C. Donnan, the best pHysical chemist in England, according t o Taylor; Svante Arrhenius at the NJobel Institute of Stockholm in Sweden ; and Bodenstein in Germany under wliom h e received a thorough grounding in chemical ki­netics.

Taylor took his B.S. a t Liverpool University in 1909, and followed up with an M.S. in 1910 and his doctorate in 1914 at the same university. He came to the United States shortly there­after for a short stay, but decided to make a career of it.

As an instructor at Princeton Univer­sity, Taylor was soon tabbed a s a very erudite young cheinist who could call his shots with a h igh degree of accu­racy. An anonymous writer h a d this to say about him: "It is the winter of 1914. A Nobel Prize winner, t h e great­est authority in his field, is lecturing to an awed faculty group in the old chem lab. He concludes ri is Delphic remarks and asks for discussion. Bearded pro­fessors comment deferentially. Sud­denly, a very b lond and very young man rises to confute the learned visitor. Eyebrows are raised throughout the hall, for instructors are supposed to speak diffidently, if at all. The eye­brows soon descend, however, for the youngster speaks n o t only with spirit and critical vigor, b u t with exceptional common sense. Eight years later, this young man became a full professor; four years more, a n d at the age of 36 years, he was chairman of t h e Chemis­try Depar tment ."

In the meantime, his researches led to the production o f improved hydro-genated fats, cheaper product ion of formaldehyde, and an industrial syn­thesis of wood alcolnol. Through much of his work, hydrogen seems t o play an important part , b u t the predominant role is that of catalysis.

His most recent thinking on the sub­ject of active centers in heterogeneous catalysis involves a n understanding of

the mechanism whereby chemical re­action occurs at surlaces which in turn requires a more complete understanding of the solid state and its physics. Tay­lor has pointed the way by interpreting data on catalysis at meta l surfaces and binary compounds in terms of the con­cepts of defect s t ructures and of the metallic state ( Pauling's theory of resonance ).

In 1935, Taylor and coworkers had "boiled" 75 tons of wa te r down to 10 drops of heavy water containing one part of hydrogen of mass three in 10,-000 parts. This heavy hydrogen ( t r i ­t ium) is normally found in ordinary water in concentrations of 1 par t in 10 billion parts. A later discovery that tritium was radioactive cast some doub t on the Princeton work, and Taylor was lectured rather severely by Lord Ruther­ford for arriving at a "foolish" conclu­sion. Taylor has been gratified to learn very recently tha t Rutherford's own heavy wate r was also radioactive.

His scientific honors are numerous and include his recent election to t h e presidency of the Society of Sigma Xi and an honorary doctorate of laws to be conferred July 7, 1951, by his a lma mater in Liverpool. H e is a member of the Royal Society of London, and in 1943 became a fellow, American Acad­emy of Arts and Sciences. Among other awards are several honorary d e ­grees; he has been elected a foreign member of academies and societies in Italy, France , Belgium, and Poland; h e was made Commander of the Order of Leopold II of Belgium in 1938 a n d was Francqui Professor, University of Lou vain during 1937. In recognition of his research work in the field of catal­ysis, Taylor has received the Nichols Medal of the A M E R I C A N C H E M I C A L SOCIETY in 1928; the Mendel Medal in 1933 at Villanova College; the research award and plaque of the Research Corp. of New York ( along with Van-nevar Bush in 1939) ; the Frankl in Medal of the American Philosophical Society in 1941; and the Longstaff Medal of the Chemical Society of Lon­don in 1942.

In chart ing the course for the future, Taylor envisions a br ight opportunity to devise new approaches to old objectives through the use of tracer techniques. He says that " the isotope has become the chemist 's messenger boy in jour­neys of discovery," and he foresees a brilliant future for " t racer chemistry." Doubtless, Dean Taylor will play an important role in tha t future.



F1LTR©L* C of


I worth frySn • Polymeri

• Dehydn

Oxidat ion · Al

Low cost and Filtrol Silica sistent first c, try since thej Now, co; are being try with powd

To dS^ntaSeslÔ


ve made the con-

eum indus-tic cracking,

efficiencies hemical indus-

of pelleted and rol Catalysts, ions of the pos-

Fil trol Catalysts , on request. We invite

r t a in ing to catalyt ic lems.

Τ. Μ. Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.

P^umiriaSCiatalysti fioiCe|b£|the*petro meeptionsoifcata


WÎÉSlillSÏ ïffîsasBiï

^^^m^t CORPORATION General Offices: 727 West 7th Street

Los Angeles 17, California Z&ZJS ) ι νΞ^7 / Plants: Vernon, California

Jackson, Mississippi Salt Lake City, Utah

V O L U M E 2 9, N O . 2 6 * . » J U N E 2 5, 1 9 5 1 2635


cy l inders ίο i»5U it>. bulk con ta ine rs . Rare G a s e s in l e a d glass or Pyrex f lasks.

ror ever

, oases are οτ nignesT ρυιΐη Mixtures of certain gases and special analyses,avail able on request.

Ohio Unit Parts and Equip­ment meet the most exacting specifications andconditions.

For detailed information, prices, and prompt service:
