1 Profundización Pruebas Saber Full name: Grade: ELEVENTH DD MM 2015 Topic: Pruebas Saber 2014 Teacher: LEARNING STRATEGY: We invite you to read this information attentively and apply it for a better learning. SOME STRATEGIES TO KEEP IN MIND- ESTRATEGIAS 1. Cognitive strategies: estos procesos ayudaran a entender mejor los temas. Do the following (haz lo siguiente) Listen to the teacher attentively Concentrate in the topic Don’t let anybody interrupt you Take notes 2. Metacognitive strategies: Te ayudan a saber cómo administrar tu tiempo, y trabajar autónomamente. Do the following: Take a home-review Do additional exercises and activities Use the book to develop exercises Use additional tools to reinforce knowledge 3. Socio-Affective Strategies: Te ayudan a compartir e interactuar con tus compañeros acerca de los temas vistos. Answer The Following Questions: How many hours a day do you spend interacting in English? Have you got tools to help your learning? Are there people that can help you to study English WORKSHOP TOPICS: El Presente Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones habituales que suceden con cierta frecuencia y no hace referencia a si está ocurriendo en el momento actual, los pronombres He,she,it deben agregar –s al conjugar el verbo por ejemplo: He works in a bank.Se emplea el auxiliar do/does para formar la negación y la pregunta. Subdirección de Educación Departamento de Educación Contratada Colegio CAFAM “Santa Lucía”

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Profundización Pruebas Saber

Full name: Grade:


DD MM 2015

Topic: Pruebas Saber 2014 Teacher:


We invite you to read this information attentively and apply it for a better learning.


1. Cognitive strategies: estos procesos ayudaran a entender mejor los temas.

Do the following (haz lo siguiente)

Listen to the teacher attentively

Concentrate in the topic

Don’t let anybody interrupt you

Take notes

2. Metacognitive strategies: Te ayudan a saber cómo administrar tu tiempo, y trabajar


Do the following:

Take a home-review

Do additional exercises and activities

Use the book to develop exercises

Use additional tools to reinforce knowledge

3. Socio-Affective Strategies: Te ayudan a compartir e interactuar con tus compañeros acerca

de los temas vistos.

Answer The Following Questions:

How many hours a day do you spend interacting in English?

Have you got tools to help your learning?

Are there people that can help you to study English


El Presente Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones habituales que suceden

con cierta frecuencia y no hace referencia a si está ocurriendo en el momento actual, los

pronombres He,she,it deben agregar –s al conjugar el verbo por ejemplo: He works in a bank.Se

emplea el auxiliar do/does para formar la negación y la pregunta.

Subdirección de Educación

Departamento de Educación Contratada

Colegio CAFAM “Santa Lucía”

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Affirmative: I speak English. Yo hablo inglés.

Negative: I don’t speak English. Yo no hablo inglés.

Question: Do I speak English? ¿Yo hablo ingles?

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If clause Main clause

If + Present tense will / can / may / must + verb

If it rains today, si llueve hoy I'll stay at home me quedare en casa.

El Pasado Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones que han sucedido y que

ya han finalizado, a los verbos regulares se les agregara –ed y los irregulares cambiaran su forma en

pasado ,se dede utilizar el auxiliar did para negar y preguntar por ejemplo:

Affirmative: She cleaned her house. Ella limpió su casa. Negative: She didn’t clean her house. Ella no limpió su casa. Question: Did She clean her house? ¿ Ella limpió su casa?

El Futuro Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones que se van a desarrollar en

el futuro sin necesidad de aclarar en qué momento se producirán. Por ejemplo:

I will study the lesson. Yo estudiaré la lección. (No se menciona en que tiempo)

He won´t travel to London. Él no viajará a Londres. (No se especifica cuando)

Will you buy a car? ¿Compraras un carro? - Yes,I will I'll - No,I will not / I won't

El Presente Continuo o Presente Progresivo es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones

que suceden en el mismo momento en que se está hablando. Este tiempo verbal se construye

utilizando como auxiliar el Presente Simple del modo indicativo del verbo TO BE y como verbo

principal en infinitivo con la terminación ING. por ejemplo:

Verb to be: I am / She,He,it Is / You,They,We are. Affirmative: I am speaking English. Yo estoy hablando inglés. (Está sucediendo ahora). Negative: You aren’t reading a book. Tú no estás leyendo un libro. Question: Are you reading a book? ¿Tú estás leyendo un libro?

El Pasado Continuo, es un tiempo verbal que describe acciones que estaban siendo realizadas en

un momento del pasado al que se hace referencia y que luego continuaron. El Pasado Continuo se

construye con el verbo auxiliar "to be" en su forma pasada y el verbo principal en infinitivo con la

terminación ING,por ejemplo:

Verb to be in past: I, She,He,it Was / You,They,We were.

Affirmative: He was studying English. Él estaba estudiando inglés.

Negative: He wasn’t studying English. Él no estaba estudiando inglés.

Question: Was he studying English? ¿Él estaba estudiando inglés?

Se usa 'going to' para hablar del futuro en inglés cuando quieres expresar un plan ó una intención.

Por ejemplo: Tomorrow, I´m going to visit my aunt. Mañana voy a visitar mi tía. También se usa 'going

to' cuando ves que algo va a pasar. Por ejemplo: Look at the sky. It´s going to rain! Mira el cielo. Va

a llover.

Affirmative : He is going to travel around the world. El va a viajar alrededor del mundo

Negative: He is not going to travel around the world. El no va a viajar alrededor del mundo

Question: Is he going to travel around the world? ¿El va a viajar alrededor del mundo?

FIRST CONDITIONAL Se forma con if + simple present + simple future. Se emplea cuando una

situación es real o posible: If it rains today, I'll stay at home. Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos traducidos

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POSITIVE Chicken is expensive El pollo es caro


Pork is more expensive than chicken El puerco es más caro que el pollo


Lobster is the most expensive La langosta es la más cara de todas


The chain is long La cadena es larga


The chain is longer than rope La cadena es más larga que la cuerda


The chain is the longest La cadena es la más larga

Sustantivos contables e incontables

Características de los sustantivos contables: Se pueden contar , tienen una forma singular y otra plural, Sé pueden utilizar números delante de ellos para expresar su cantidad ,Se pueden utilizar artículos indeterminados (a/an) delante de ellos. Ejemplos de sustantivos contables:

Coin:Forma plural: coins Es correcto decir 3 coins. También, es correcto decir a Coin Hamburger: Forma plural: hamburguers Es correcto decir 5 hamburguers. También, es correcto decir a hamburguer.

Características Sustantivos incontables: No tienen forma plural, No se pueden contar, No pueden usarse con los artículos indeterminados (a/an) delante de ellos, Siempre usan el verbo en singular .Algunos ejemplos de sustantivos incontables:

Flour (harina):Forma plural: se dice flour No se puede decir flours / no es correcto decir 3 flours / no es correcto decir a flour. Milk (leche):Forma plural: se dice milk No se puede decir milks / no es correcto decir 5 milks / no es

correcto decir a milk.

Countable: one object There’s a tomato.

Countable: more than one


There are some tomatoes.

Countable: negative There aren’t any tomatoes.

Countable: question Are there any tomatoes?

Uncountable: an amount There’s some milk.

Uncountable: negative There isn’t any milk

Uncountable: question Is there any milk?


Ref, Bibliográfica & cibergrafica http://www.icfesinteractivo.gov.co/


http://www.education.com/worksheet/article/the-wind-in-the-willows/ http://www.curso-ingles.com/ http://www.engvid.com/english-writing-sequencing-first-next-finally/


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1.)Completa con Present simple or present continuous.

a) María (work) for a TV station. b) At the moment she (travel) in the Sahara Desert. c) Dan (love) wild animals. d) He (not visit) Alaska at the moment.

e) Marta (not live) in Africa. f) She (stay) in Africa at the moment. g) Dad usually (cook) dinner. h) My parents (go) to Italy every year. i) My sister (walk) to school every day. j) We (have) lunch now.

2.) Ordena las siguientes oraciones.

1. is / having / he / breakfast


2. every / basketball / play / I / Tuesday


3. 7:30 / my father / gets / at / up


4. do / what / every / day / do / you / ?


5. holiday / going / I'm / on / thinking / of


6. read / do / you / books / ? / a lot of - I do / Yes,


7. and / sometimes / the cinema / my friend / I / to / go


8. brother / doesn't / Canada / live / my / in


9. to / how / go / do / you / school / ?


10. the summer / really / important / sun cream / wear / it's / to / in


3.) Escribe los verbos que están en paréntesis en presente simple o presente continuo.

a) ......... you usually ......... (eat) vegetables? b) Sorry, I can´t talk now. I .................. (brush) my teeth. c) Sandy .................. (not drink) alcohol very often. d) They.................. (work) at the factory from Monday to Friday.

e) Listen! Somebody .................. (shout).

f) He doesn´t have time now. He .................. (do) his homework.

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g) How often ........ she ........ (go) to the dentist? h) We .................. (go out) for dinner every Saturday night. i) Be quiet! I .................. (study) for tomorrow´s exam. j) She´s not at home at the moment. I think she .................. (do) the shopping.

4). Escribe respuestas cortas para estas preguntas.

a) Do you enjoy your work? Yes, I do

b) Are they at home now? No, .................. c) Is he still working for that company? Yes, .................. d) Are you cleaning the house? No, .................. e) Is your sister helping in the garden? No, ..................

f) Does Paul have any brothers? Yes, ..................

Ejercicios de pasado simple (verbos regulares e irregulares)

5.) Escribe el pasado simple de los verbos entre paréntesis. Presta atención a si son regulares o


a. My grandfather (to live)in this house.

b. Sean (to travel) to Paris last June.

c. Lorna (to have) six sisters!

d. Patricia and Sarah (to study) German at school.

e. Our aunt (to give) me a big present.

f. That mechanic (to drive) our car to the garage.

g. They (to be) my friends at school.

h. That boy (to help) the old woman with her bags.

6.) Las frases del ejercicio 5 están en forma afirmativa de pasado simple. Pásalas a negativa.









7. )Las frases del ejercicio 5 están en forma afirmativa de pasado simple. Pásalas a interrogativa.







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8.) Las siguientes frases están en presente simple. Pásalas a pasado simple manteniendo la forma

afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa. Cuidado con los verbos regulares e irregulares.

a. Tyra doesn’t drive your car.

b. The children drink milk every night.

c. Do you feel sad?

d. Paul and Marty don’t have any problem.

e. Does he play computer games?

9.)Escribe los verbos en paréntesis utilizando pasado continuo.

Tom (save) ………………… money for months to go to France and yesterday he realized that he had

enough, but when he (drive) ………………. to the travel agency he remembered that he did not pay

the rent, disappointed he turn round and went back home. He (get) ……………… very hungry when

he thought that he could borrow some money and finally he could travel.

Peter (drive) …………………. to work yesterday when a dog ran into the middle of the road, while he

(try) …………………..to avoid the accident, other car crashed with Peter’s so he couldn’t do anything

about it. He decided to call the police but when they (arrive)………………………………….. to the

place the second car escaped, fortunately the police could catch him to ask the driver some


10.)Escriba los verbos en su forma correcta en past continuous or past simple.

1. John (take) a photograph of me while I wasn't looking (not/look).

2. We were in a very difficult position. We . (not/know) what to do.

3. I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last (see) him, he (try) to find a Job in


4. I was (walk) along the street when suddenly I (hear)

footsteps behind me. Somebody (follow) me. I was frightened and I (start) to


5. When I was young, I (want) to be a bus driver.

6. Mr Smith never (wake) up in time in the mornings and always (get) into

trouble for being late; so one day he (go) to town and (buy) an alarm clock.

7. To get home he



(have to) go through a field where a bad tempered bull usually

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11.) Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of going to.

a. I learn to surf next summer.

b. We visit Paris with our friends at Easter.

c. The Strokes play at a concert in Madrid next year.

d. Mum said that you invite Tom to your party. Is it true?

e. Patrick start a group. Do you want to be in it?

12.) Put the words in the correct order.

a. holiday / go / to / on / aren’t / going / they

b. worry / it / rain / . / going / don’t / is / to / not

c. tell / answer / you / the / going / not / I’m / to

d. aren’t / going / we / listen / to / to / him

13.)Escoge la forma correcta de los verbos subrayados.

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14.) Complete con future simple. a) My mother (cook) will cook a chocolate cake for my birthday.

Mi mama cocinara un pastel de chocolate para mi cumpleaños

b) I (see) ……………….. Peter tomorrow morning. c) My father (paint) ……………….. the house white. d) Susan (travel) ……………….. by plane to Spain. e) Tom (work) ……………….. as a travel agent.

f) It (take) ……………….. two hours the get home.

g) Sally (write) ……………….. a letter to her parents. h) Jane and Paul (come) ……………….. to visit us the next year. i) I (go) ………………. to the cinema when I finish my homework. j) Sarah (sing) ……………….. at the concert tonight.

15.) Escriba las oraciones del punto 1 en forma negativa.











Future: Be going to

16.) Complete las oraciones usando going to.

a. I learn to surf next summer.

b. We visit Paris with our friends at Easter.

c. The Strokes play at a concert in Madrid next year.

d. Mum said that you invite Tom to your party. Is it true?

e. Patrick start a group. Do you want to be in it?

17.) Escriba las palabras en el orden correcto.

a. holiday / go / to / on / aren’t / going / they

b. worry / it / rain / . / going / don’t / is / to / not

c. tell / answer / you / the / going / not / I’m / to

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d. aren’t / going / we / listen / to / to / him

First conditional

18.) Complete formando el primer condicional.

a) She (stay) in London if she (get) a job.. b) If you (not/want) to go out, I (cook) dinner at home. c) I (come) early, if you (want). d) He (not/get) a better job if he (not/pass) that exam.

e) I (buy) a new dress if I (have) enough money. f) She (cook) dinner if you (go) to the supermarket. g) They (go) on holiday if they (have) time. h) We (be) late if we (not/hurry). i) She (take) a taxi if it (rain). j) I (not/go) if you (not/come) with me.

19.) Forma oraciones en su forma negativa con los ejercicios del punto 6.











Adjective comparative superlative 20.) Complete las oraciones con los adjetivos en paréntesis en su forma comparativa:

a) Mary is ……………………………… (pretty) her sister. b) John is ……………………………….. (tall) me.

c) My house is ………………………..… (nice) his house.

d) Your car is …………………………….. (good) mine.

e) Is my hair …………………………. (long) yours?

f) This coat is …………………………. (casual) that jacket.

g) This sofa is …………………………….…… (expensive) that one.

21.) Complete las oraciones con los adjetivos en parentesis en su forma superlativa:

a) This is ………………………….. (interesting) museum I have ever visited.

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b) Last summer was ………………………… (good) summer for me.

c) Is the Amazonas …………………………….. (large) river in the world?

d) Whales are ………………………..(big) sea animals.

e) Which is …………………………. (famous) city in the world?

f) Who is …………………………… (handsome) boy in the class?

g) This has been …………………………. (bad) test I have ever done.

22.) Escriba las oraciones correctamente: a) Her mother is eleganter than my mother.

b) Is this the most cheap jacket in the shop.

c) Is your baby prettyer than his baby. _

d) This is the gooderst car in the world.

e) My dog is biger than yours. _

f)Lisa is the nicer than her sister.

Countable and uncountable nouns

23.) Completa con las palabras a / an , some & any

1. There isn´t electricity at the campsite. 2. There aren´t sunglasses in the shop.

3. I´ve got apple in my bag.

4. There are sandwiches.

5. I´ll buy bottle of water at the beach.

6. I haven´t got radios in my room.

7. Is there internet café in your town?

8. There aren´t computers in my classroom.

9. Have you got brothers and sisters?

10. My teacher´s got new car.

24.) Escribe el artículo a/an cuando sea necesario.

1. Bob drinks beer.

2. Does Jack like meat?

3. I have old car.

4. bread isn't expensive.

5. Do you want cup of tea?

6. My husband never drinks alcohol.

7. Australia is island.

8. I want to buy new car.

9. I need glass of water.

10. Can I have _bar of chocolate.

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Prueba de inglés Según lo establecido en los estándares básicos de competencias en lenguas extranjeras:

Inglés, los resultados de esta prueba hacen referencia a las bandas del Marco Común Europeo: A1

(principiante), A2 (básico) y B1 (pre-intermedio). Así, el estudiante recibe como resultado

información relacionada con lo que es capaz de hacer en cada una de ellas, tal como aparece en

la tabla 15.

Características de la prueba

Esta prueba tiene 45 preguntas que deben ser respondidas en una hora. Éstas se organizan en las siete partes que se describen a continuación.

Parte 1 El estudiante encuentra cinco avisos y debe decidir dónde los vería. Cada pregunta tiene tres opciones (A, B o C) que debe marcar en la hoja de respuestas. Parte 2

El estudiante encuentra una lista de ocho palabras clasificadas de A a H. Cada pregunta describe una de esas palabras. El estudiante debe buscar la relación entre las dos y marcar la letra correcta (A a H) en su hoja de respuestas. Hay más palabras (A a H) de las que se necesitan. Parte 3 El estudiante encuentra cinco conversaciones cortas. Se debe completar cada conversación seleccionando la respuesta correcta de las tres opciones (A, B o C) en la hoja de respuestas. Parte 4 El estudiante encuentra un texto con ocho espacios. Debe llenarlos con la palabra correcta, seleccionando una de las tres opciones (A, B o C) en su hoja de respuestas. Parte 5 El estudiante encuentra un texto seguido por siete preguntas en las cuales debe seleccionar la respuesta correcta entre las tres opciones (A, B o C) de su hoja de respuestas. Parte 6

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El estudiante encuentra un texto seguido por cinco preguntas en las cuales debe marcar A, B, C o D en su hoja de respuestas.

Parte 7 El estudiante encuentra un texto con diez espacios. Debe llenar cada uno con la palabra correcta, seleccionando una de las cuatro opciones A, B, C o D en su hoja de respuestas.

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lea el articulo y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.

En las preguntas 11 - 18, marque la letra correcta A, B, 0 C en su hoja de respuestas.

The Ozone Hole

The Ozone Loyer is a 'blanket' (0) the earth. It protects (11) from

the sun'sultraviolet (UV) rays. The problem is that there is a hole in the Ozone layer

over Antarctica. Humans mode that hole (12) people use some products

(13) have terrible effects on the ozone.

Scientistssoy that this year (14) hole brake all records:it is the (15) _

in history. It is 27.4 million km2. Why is this hole (16) big?

One reason is that the clouds over the South Pole corry chlorine [Cl] and that gas

slowly eliminates the ozone.

Now people are thinkingmore about the ozone.Theyare (17) other substances

and in someyears, (18) will remember what the 'ozone hole' was.

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o. A. around B. through c. between



11. A. ours B. us c. our

12. A. while B. but c. because

13. A. which B. who c. where

14. A. one B. a c. the

15. A. large B. larger c. largest




A. large

A. such

A. usc

B. larger

B. so

B. using

c. largest

c. too

c. used

18. A. nobody B. anybody c. somebody

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RESPONDA LAS PREGUNTAS 19 A 25 DE ACUERDO CON EL SIGUIENTE TEXTO Lea el articulo y luego responda las preguntas.

En las preguntas 19 - 25, marque A, B 0 C en su hoja de respuestas.


In 1957,an engineering company started studying the possibility to join Britain and

France through a tunnel under the sea. It would have two trains for passengers as

well as a small service train. In 1973 the ideas went into action and the hard work

began. A short time later, they were stopped because there wasn't enough money

to complete the project.

In 1984, several companies showed their ideas to re-start the project: two variations

of railway, a road ard a big bridge over the English Channel. The chosen project

was the railway solution that was very similar to the one presented back in 1973.

This time with help from both the British and French, a private company began the


On January 20th 1985, the company TransMancheUnk(TML) said that a long tunnel

would be constructed. They chose a route from Folkestone in England to Calais in

France. This wasn't the shortest possible way and the company needed to work

harder than 13 years before.

It took sevenyears to complete the Eurotunneland about 13,000 people worked on it.

The two ends of the smallestplatform met on December1st 1990and lots of journalists

and photographers went to the opening ceremony. Later, in 1991 the two long trains

met. The hard work continued and three years later the project was completed.

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o. The Eurotunnel was built to A. B. C.

travel between two countries. solve economic problems. receive help from countries.

Respuesta: 0100@1

19. They first started to build the Eurotunnel in A. 1957. B. 1973. C. 1984.

20. Some time after starting the construction, the company building Eurotunnel

21. What did companies want to do in 19841

22. The way In which the company built the

tunnel was

A. finished the tunnels.

B. had problems with time. C. couldn't continue.

A. build more tunnels B. continue building the project C. change the project

A. a long one. B. completed in 13 years. C. impossible to build.

23. Compared to what the first company did, TI.M's work was

24. There was a ceremony when the

25. When was the Eurotunnel project finished?

A. easier. B. shorter. C. more difficult.

A. smallest platform was completed. B. travelers' train met.

C. project was completed.

A. in 1990

B. in 1994

C. in 1991


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Lea el articulo y seleccione la palabra adecueda para cada espaoo,

En las preguntas 26 - 35, marque la letra correcta A, B, CoD en su hoja de respuestas.

Elephant riding in Phuket

In (0) times wild elephants walked

around Phuket Island, but as digging {or minerals

and rubber plantations (26) the natural

environment, elephants slowly disappeared. As

recently as three years (27) the only

elephants to be (28) on Phuket were at

tourist (29) . In late 1994, 'Safari 1 ature Tours' began to offer

visitors the opportunity to ride on an elephant on (30) property

in the hills. Regulated and controlled properly 'elephant riding' can (31)

the tourism industry, and make the money to keep thousands of

tourist (29) . In late 1994, 'Safari 1 ature Tours' began to offer

visitors the opportunity to ride on an elephant on (30) property

in the hills. Regulated and controlled properly 'elephant riding' can (31)

the tourism industry, and make the money to keep thousands of

elephants in (32) condition.

The natural habitat of the Asian Elephant (33) been reduced to the

point that an estimated 2,000 stay (34) in the wild , This number

is not large (35) to prevent these animals from disappearing_ It

is more important than ever for visitors to understand they can make a

d iffererice by selecting a camp where elephants are safe.

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Ref, Bibliográfica & cibergrafica http://www.icfesinteractivo.gov.co/ http://www.gcfaprendelibre.org/ingles/curso/ingles_basico/sustantivos_contables_e_incontables http://www.education.com/worksheet/article/the-wind-in-the-willows/ http://www.curso-ingles.com/ http://www.engvid.com/english-writing-sequencing-first-next-finally/
