Program pohodov Programme of hikes 2017 Izbor pohodov Selection of hikes Pot miru od Alp do Jadrana The Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic Oktobra 1917 se je z bitko pri Kobaridu končala soška fronta. V ljudeh in krajih ob Soči in na Krasu je pustila neizbrisne sledi. Po 100 letih se bomo spomnili teh dogodkov z različnimi spominskimi dogodki, razstavami in pohodi. In October 1917, the Battle of Kobarid (Caporetto) brought the Isonzo Front to an end. It left an indelible mark on the people and the places along the River Soča and on the Kras. A hundred years later we now organise a variety of memorial events, exhibitions and hikes to commemorate those times. 6. maj 6 May Po Poti miru od Loga pod Mangartom do Kluž Along the Walk of Peace from Log pod Mangartom to Kluže 10. maj 10 May Nočni pohod na Sabotin Night hike to Mt. Sabotin 14. maj 14 May Kohišče (Kras) 4. jun. 4 June Na Sabotin, Sveto Goro in Škabrijel To Mts. Sabotin, Sveta Gora and Škabrijel 24. jun. 24 June Na Korado ob poletnem solsticiju To Mt. Korada at the summer solstice 2. jul. 2 July Na Škabrijel To Mt. Škabrijel 19. avg. 19 Aug. Spominska slovesnost z vodenim ogledom muzeja na prostem Mrzli vrh Commemoration with a guided tour of the outdoor museum of Mrzli Vrh 3. sept. 3 Sept. 39. pohod po Biljenskih gričih The 39th hike to the hills of Biljenski Griči 16. sept. 16 Sept. Foto pohod po Spominskem parku Prižnica Photo-expedition to the Memorial park of Mt. Prižnica 17. sept. 17 Sept. Zgodovinski dan na Kolovratu & Uprizoritev kobariške bitke na Kolovratu Historical day on Mt. Kolovrat & Reenactment of the Battle of Kobarid (Caporetto) on Mt. Kolovrat 23. sept. 23 Sept. Pot štirih planin (Mrzli vrh) The trail of four mountain pastures (Mt. Mrzli Vrh) 7.–8. okt. 7–8 Oct. Po poti Carla Emilia Gadde Hike along the trails of Carlo Emilio Gadda 8. okt. 8 Oct. Opatje selo–Cerje 15. okt. 15 Oct. Kraški krožni pohod The Kras round hike: Sela na Krasu–Jamlje–Sela na Krasu 21. okt. 21 Oct. Tradicionalni pohod na Vodice Traditional hike to Mt. Vodice 22. okt. 22. Oct. 16. Spominski pohod na Globočak 16. Memorial hike to Mt. Globočak 29. okt. 29 Oct. Po sledeh soške fronte 2017 – Brestovica pri Komnu On the trail of the Isonzo Front 2017 – Brestovica pri Komnu 11. nov. 11 Nov. Spominski pohod h Krnskemu jezeru Memorial hike to Lake Krn 26. dec. 26 Dec. Božični pohod na Sveto Goro Christmas hike to Mt. Sveta Gora Več o dogodkih More about the events: www.potmiru.si

Program pohodov Programme of hikes 2017 - Soška · PDF fileProgram pohodov Programme of hikes 2017 Izbor pohodov Selection of hikes Pot miru od Alp do Jadrana ... Zbogom orožje,

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Page 1: Program pohodov Programme of hikes 2017 - Soška · PDF fileProgram pohodov Programme of hikes 2017 Izbor pohodov Selection of hikes Pot miru od Alp do Jadrana ... Zbogom orožje,

Program pohodov Programme of hikes 2017

Izbor pohodov Selection of hikes

Pot miru od Alp do JadranaThe Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic

Oktobra 1917 se je z bitko pri Kobaridu končala

soška fronta. V ljudeh in krajih ob Soči in na Krasu

je pustila neizbrisne sledi. Po 100 letih se bomo

spomnili teh dogodkov z različnimi spominskimi

dogodki, razstavami in pohodi.

In October 1917, the Battle of Kobarid (Caporetto)

brought the Isonzo Front to an end. It left an

indelible mark on the people and the places along

the River Soča and on the Kras. A hundred years

later we now organise a variety of memorial events,

exhibitions and hikes to commemorate those times.

6. maj 6 May

Po Poti miru od Loga pod Mangartom do KlužAlong the Walk of Peace from Log pod

Mangartom to Kluže

10. maj 10 May

Nočni pohod na SabotinNight hike to Mt. Sabotin

14. maj 14 May

Kohišče (Kras)

4. jun. 4 June

Na Sabotin, Sveto Goro in ŠkabrijelTo Mts. Sabotin, Sveta Gora and Škabrijel

24. jun.24 June

Na Korado ob poletnem solsticiju To Mt. Korada at the summer solstice

2. jul. 2 July

Na ŠkabrijelTo Mt. Škabrijel

19. avg.

19 Aug.

Spominska slovesnost z vodenim ogledom muzeja na prostem Mrzli vrhCommemoration with a guided tour

of the outdoor museum of Mrzli Vrh

3. sept. 3 Sept.

39. pohod po Biljenskih gričihThe 39th hike to the hills of Biljenski Griči

16. sept. 16 Sept.

Foto pohod po Spominskem parku Prižnica Photo-expedition to the Memorial park

of Mt. Prižnica

17. sept.

17 Sept.

Zgodovinski dan na Kolovratu & Uprizoritev kobariške bitke na KolovratuHistorical day on Mt. Kolovrat & Reenactment

of the Battle of Kobarid (Caporetto) on Mt. Kolovrat

23. sept. 23 Sept.

Pot štirih planin (Mrzli vrh) The trail of four mountain pastures (Mt. Mrzli Vrh)

7.–8. okt. 7–8 Oct.

Po poti Carla Emilia Gadde Hike along the trails of Carlo Emilio Gadda

8. okt. 8 Oct.

Opatje selo–Cerje

15. okt. 15 Oct.

Kraški krožni pohod The Kras round hike:

Sela na Krasu–Jamlje–Sela na Krasu

21. okt. 21 Oct.

Tradicionalni pohod na VodiceTraditional hike to Mt. Vodice

22. okt. 22. Oct.

16. Spominski pohod na Globočak 16. Memorial hike to Mt. Globočak

29. okt. 29 Oct.

Po sledeh soške fronte 2017 – Brestovica pri Komnu On the trail of the Isonzo Front 2017 – Brestovica

pri Komnu

11. nov. 11 Nov.

Spominski pohod h Krnskemu jezeruMemorial hike to Lake Krn

26. dec. 26 Dec.

Božični pohod na Sveto GoroChristmas hike to Mt. Sveta Gora

Več o dogodkih More about the events: www.potmiru.si

Page 2: Program pohodov Programme of hikes 2017 - Soška · PDF fileProgram pohodov Programme of hikes 2017 Izbor pohodov Selection of hikes Pot miru od Alp do Jadrana ... Zbogom orožje,

Čezmejni muzej na prostem Kolovrat

Muzej na prostem ponuja vpogled

v sistem obnovljenih italijanskih položajev

iz časa soške fronte na lokaciji z izjemnim

razgledom na dolino Soče in Furlanijo

do morja.

Transborder outdoor museum Kolovrat

The outdoor museum affords an insight into

the system of renewed Italian positions from the

time of the Isonzo Front on a location boasting

a unique view of the valley of the River Soča and

the Friuli lowland, all the way to the seaside.

Trajanje vodenega ogleda Guided tour duration: 2.5 h – 4 h

Trajanje vodenega ogleda Guided tour duration: 2.5 h

16. junij 16 June

Odprtje razstave 1917–Ženske na ulicah za kruh in narod Opening of the exhibition 1917 – Women marching in the streets for bread and for the nation | Fundacija Poti miru, Kobarid

9. julij 9 July

Zbogom orožje, koncert vojaških orkestrov ‘Farewell to Arms’, a concert of military orchestras | Kobarid

17. sept. 17 Sept.

Uprizoritev kobariške bitke na KolovratuReenactment of the Battle of Kobarid (Caporetto) on Mt. Kolovrat

21. okt.

21 Oct.

Dan Kobariškega muzeja in odprtje dveh razstav: Kobarid–Caporetto– Karfreit 1917 in Kaj čudežnega je na vojni? The Kobarid Museum Day and the opening of two exhibitions: Kobarid– Caporetto–Karfreit 1917 and What is miraculous about the war?

Več o vodenih izletih in prireditvah More about guided tours and events: www.potmiru.si

Prireditve Events 2017:

Informacijski center Pot miru The Walk of Peace Visitor centreGregorčičeva ulica 8, SI–5222 Kobarida 00 386 (0)5 389 01 67b [email protected] www.potmiru.si

Zgodovinski dan v Posočju Historical Day in the Soča Region

Informacijski center Pot miru

Tu so obiskovalcem na voljo informacije o

Poti miru od Alp do Jadrana in dediščini

soške fronte, vodniška služba in trgovinica

s spominki. Na ogled je stalna interaktivna

razstava o Poti miru, simulator letenja in

občasne razstave.

The Walk of Peace Visitor Centre

Available to visitors are all necessary information

about the Walk of Peace from the Alps to the

Adriatic and about the heritage of the Isonzo

Front, the guide service and souvenirs.

A permanent interactive exhibition on the Walk

of Peace and temporary exhibitions are also

staged here, a flight simulator is also accessible.

Kobariški muzej

Ponuja obiskovalcem obsežno pripoved

o soški fronti in gorskem bojevanju

v Julijskih Alpah ter o 12. soški bitki,

bitki pri Kobaridu.

The Kobarid Museum

The museum offers to visitors an extensive account

of the Isonzo Front and the mountain warfare in

the Julian Alps and of the Twelfth Isonzo Battle,

named also the Battle of Kobarid.

Kobariška zgodovinska pot

Kobarid italijanska kostnica arheološko

najdišče Tonocov grad korita Soče slap

Kozjak ostaline prve svetovne vojne

Napoleonov most Muzej od Planine do


The Kobarid Historical Trail

Kobarid Italian charnel house

Archeological site Tonocov grad Gorges

of the river Soča Waterfall Kozjak Remains

of World War 1 Napoleon bridge Cheese

museum Planika

Informacijska točka Information point Spominki Souvenirs Vodeni izleti Guided tours Interaktivna razstava Interactive exhibition

Trajanje vodenega ogleda Guided tour duration: 1.5 h