PSIKOLOGI INDUSTRI DAN ORGANISASI M. S. Hidayatullah [email protected]

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M. S. [email protected]

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• Kemungkinan penerapan psikologi di industripermulaan abad ke-20

• Walter Dill Scott (1901) berbicara tentang kemungkinanpenggunaan psikologi dalam periklanan

• F. W. Taylor seorang sarjana teknik (pelopor scientific management), mencari cara2 paling efisien dalambekerja

• 1924, hasil kajian penelitian di Hawthorne, Illinois, di pabrik Western Electric Company membuka lapanganbaru untuk dieksplorasi mengenai kondisi sosial danpsikologis dalam mempengaruhi produktivitas

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PIO di Indonesia

• Psikologi sebagai ilmu baru dikenal dandikembangkan di Indonesia tahun 1950an

• Pengembangan psikologi industri dan organisasidipelopori oleh UI, Unpad, dan UGM

• PIO dewasa ini masih merupakan ilmu terapandengan kegiatan utamanya seputar pemeriksaanpsikologis tujuan seleksi dan penempatankaryawan, yang lain bidang pelatihan dan yang masih kurang bidang konsultasiorganisasi/perusahaan

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PIO adalah ilmu yang mempelajari perilakumanusia :

a. Dalam perannya sebagai tenaga kerja dansebagai konsumen

b. Baik secara perorangan maupun kelompok, untuk diterapkan dalam IO dan untukkepentingan manusianya maupunorganisasi/perusahaan

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PIO dan ilmu lain

• Organizational Behavior : bagaimana interaksiindividu dengan lingkungan sosialnya

• Human Resources Management : bagaimanamanusia sebagai Tenaker dapat dikelola secaraefektif

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Job Analysis

M. S. [email protected]

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• Job analysis is the foundation for almost all human resources activities. Job analysis provides such information:– Knowing the tasks and employee performs– The conditions under which they are performed– The competencies needed to perform the tasks

• It is difficult to imagine how one could write a job description, select employees, evaluate performance, or conduct training programs without knowing the information

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• Suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk suatu tujuan tertentu.

• Gabungan dari dua unsur atau lebih sehingga menjadi suatu kegiatan yang


Ex. Memasang mesin bubut, memelihara mesin.


• Sekelompok tugas yang diserahkan kepada seorang individu

• Serangkaian tugas dan kewajiban khusus yang dilakukan oleh seorang individu

tertentu dalam suatu organisasi tertentu pada suatu waktu tertentu.

Ex. Supir truk, petugas AC


• Sekelompok posisi yang mirip, baik mengenai jenis maupun mengenai tingkat


• Dalam beberapa hal hanya sebuah posisi yang tercakup dalam jabatan itu,

karena tidak ada posisi lainnya yang sama.

Ex. Asisten laboratorium, Staff IT, Sales Manager

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Definisi AnaJab

Analisis jabatan adalah prosedur menentukantugas – tugas, kewajiban dan tanggung jawabdari suatu jabatan dan karakteristik orang yang diperlukan untuk jabatan tersebut

Analisis jabatan bukan menganalisis orang yang memegang jabatan saat itu (job holdernya).

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Approach to Job Analysis• Job-Oriented

Techniques focus on describing the various tasks that are performed on the job.

– Task Inventory Approach, in which task statements are generated by experts who are familiar with the jobs—subject matter experts (SMEs). These experts may be Incumbents or they may be individuals who have expertise or knowledge about the job.

– Functional Job Analysis, a picture of the job is generated when these task statements have been rated with regard to data, people, and things.

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• Worker-Oriented

Techniques examine broad human behaviors involved in work activities.

– Job Element Method (JEM) was designed to identify the characteristics (KSAOs) of superior workers in a particular job.

– Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) a standardized instrument that focuses on general work behaviors.

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Job Descriptions and Spesifications

Job Analysis

Job Descriptionand

Job Specification

Job Description (Uraian Jabatan) adalah suatu daftar/keterangan mengenaitugas – tugas, tanggung jawab, hubungan pelaporan, kondisi kerja, dan tanggung jawab pengawasan yang dimiliki suatu jabatan.


Job Specifications (Persyaratan Jabatan) adalah suatu daftar/keteranganmengenai “syarat manusia," yaitu, pendidikan yang diperlukan, keterampilan, kepribadian, dan seterusnya yang dimiliki suatu jabatan.

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Purposes of Job Analysis

(Levy, 2010)

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1. How job analysis provides the building blocks for most of the work done by industrial psychologist and HR practitioners

2. Do you think companies can really do without detailed job descriptions? Why or why not?

3. In a company with only 25 employees, is there less need for job descriptions? Why or why not?

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Criterion Measurement

M. S. Hidayatullah

[email protected]

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• Job analysis provides the foundation on which everything in the field of industrial psychology is built

• Criteria are quite important because they reflect organizational or individual performance and, in a competitive market, companies are driven by performance and profits.

• Criteria are typically dependent variables that provide an indication of success or performance

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Defining Criteria and Their Properties

• Criteria are defined as evaluative standards that can be used as yardsticks for measuring employees’ success or failure

Rely on :

Appraising employees’ performance

Evaluating training program

Validating our selection method

Making layoff and promotion decisions

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• Performance, which can be defined as actual on-the-job behaviors that are relevant to the organization’s goals.

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Criteria for the Criteria

• Relevance

• Reliability

• Sensitivity

• Practicality

• Fairness

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Distinction Among Performance Criteria• Objective Criteria

Performance measures that are based on counting rather than on subjective judgements or evaluations. For examples :

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• Subjective Criteria

Performance measures that are based on the judgements or evaluations of others rather than on objective measures such as counting

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• Contextual Performance

Activities performed by employees that help to maintain the broader organizational, social, and psychological environment in which the technical core operates.

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Levy, 2003

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1. Explain the distinction between objective and subjective criteria!, Which among the best?

2. Are criteria dynamic? If so, what impact do they have on I/O psychology at both the theoretical and applied levels?

3. How do we use criteria in our everyday lives? How are they used in I/O psychology?

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Superior worker untuk pegawaiadministrasi

• S1• Mengetik secara cepat• Kesalahan minimal• Fokus• Daya tahan terhadaps stres

Kemudian, dalam seleksi digunakan sebagai kriteria seleksi :Ketika karyawan yang diseleksi mampu memenuhi kriteriatersebut,maka diprediksi dia akan berhasil dalam bekerja

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M. S. [email protected]

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The systematic review and evaluation of job performance, as well as the provision of

performance feedback

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Uses of Performance Appraisal

• Used to make important personnel decisions

• Used for developmental purposes

• Documentation of organizational decisions

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The Role of I/O Psychology in Performance Appraisal

• I/O psychologist are often hired to help develop and implement performance appraisal systems

• Many companies have I/O psychologist in their HR departments who are responsible for what is known as performance management,

1. Objective goal setting

2. Continuous coaching and feedback

3. Performance appraisal

4. Developmental planning

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Popular format for performance appraisals

1. Graphic Rating Scales

2. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)

3. Checklists

4. Employee Comparison Procedures

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Summary of Appraisal Formats

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• Cognitive Processes

• Halo

• Leniency

• Central Tendency

• Severity

• Other Errors

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1. Explain in your own words how you would go about developing a behaviorally anchored rating scale.

2. Several different rating formats are presented. If you were designing a performance appraisal process for an organization, what format or formats would you choose? Why?

3. Discusses both performance appraisal and the ongoing performance management system. How do these two concepts differ? How are they related? What are some particular advantages and disadvantages of each?

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Seleksi Kerja

M. S. [email protected]

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Recruitment : proses yang dilakukan

organisasi untuk mencari pelamar untukmenjadi karyawan potensial. The goals : encouraging qualified people to apply for jobs

Selection : proses yang dilakukan organisasi

sebagai usaha mengidentifikasi pengetahuan, kecakapan, kemampuan, dan karakteristik lain yang dimiliki pelamar, yang mampumembantu organisasi dalam meraih tujuan.

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Keputusan yang paling sulit dan sangat penting adalah keputusan dalam menentukan dan memilih orang (SDM)


• Salah pilih, resikonya sangat besar

• Memilih SDM handal tidak mudah, walau banyak

• Posisi SDM sebagai investor bagi perusahaan

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Selecting Candidates

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Job applications and resumes• Application forms

– Contact information

– Work experience

– Educational background

– Other areas or additional information

– Applicant’s signature

• Resumes/CV– Sumber informasi dikontrol oleh pelamar

– As a basis for deciding which candidates to investigate further.

– Menyediakan informasi yang belum bisa tercover oleh formulirlamaran yang sudah di format oleh organisasi.

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Employment tests

– General cognitive ability tests (intelligence tests)

– Aptitude tests

– Achievement tests

– Physical ability tests

– Work sample

– Assessment Center (simulation exercises)

– Personality inventories

– Drug tests and medical examinations

– And etc

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Interviews• Wawancara individu/face to face

• Panel interview

• Computerized

– Advantages

• Can provide evidence of communication skills and interpersonal skills.

• Can give insights into candidates’ personalities, interpersonal styles, job knowledge and skill.

• Provide a means to check the accuracy of information on the applicant’s résumé or job application.

– Disadvantages

• Can be unreliable, low in validity, and biased.

• Costly

• Subjective and greater risk of discrimination complaints by applicants.

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References and Background Checks References– Applicants provide the names and phone numbers or letters of

reference of former employers or others who can vouch for their abilities and past job performance.

– Usually the organization checks references after it has determined that the applicant is a finalist for the job.

Background Checkso About 8 out of 10 large companies and over two-thirds of smaller

organizations say they conduct criminal background checks.

o The internet makes searching for convictions easier. An estimated 60 percent of American males having been arrested at some point in their lives.

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Selection Decisions How Organizations Select Employees

o Multiple-hurdle model (sistem gugur)

Process of arriving at a selection decision by eliminating some candidates at each stage of the selection process.

o Compensatory model (pengetesan lengkap)

Process of arriving at a selection decision in which a very high score

on one type of assessment can make up for a low score on another.

• Usually a supervisor makes the final decision, often alone.

• The decision could also be made by a human resource professional using standardized, objective criteria.

• Especially in organizations that use teamwork, selection decisions may be made by a work team or other panel of decision makers.

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Communicating the Decision

• HRD is often responsible for notifying applicants about the results of the selection process and communicate the offer to the candidate.

• The offer should include the job responsibilities, work schedule, rate of pay, starting date, and other relevant details.

• For some jobs, such as management and professional positions, the candidate and organization may negotiate pay, benefits, and work arrangements before they arrive at a final employment agreement.

• When an applicant accepts a job offer, the HR department must notify the supervisor, so that he or she can be prepared for the new employee’s arrival.

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1. Compare the common methods used for selecting human resources (baris 789)

2. Describe major types of employment tests (baris 456)

3. For each of the following jobs, select the two kinds of tests you think would be most important to include in the selection process. Explain why you chose those tests. (baris 123)a. Bus driverb. Insurance salespersonc. Member of a team that makes a component of the

equipment in manufacturer

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M. S. Hidayatullah

[email protected]

“ When you ’ re finished changing, you ’ re finished. ”Benjamin Franklin

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• Training1. Training adalah suatu upaya terencana dari perusahaan untuk

memfasilitasi pembelajaran karyawan terkait kompetensi yang dibutuhkan

2. Training is very specific and is concerned with the mastering of a particular task or set of tasks.

3. A planned and systematic effort to modify or develop knowledge / skill / attitude through learning experience, to achieve effective performance performance in an activity or range of activities.

Untuk membantu karyawan menguasai KSB yang diberikan padaprogram pelatihan dan agar karyawan menerapkannya dalam day-to-day activities.Help employees do their current jobs more effectively.• Education

A process and a series of activities which aim at enabling and individual to assimilate and develop knowledge, skills, values and understanding that are not simply related to a narrow field of activity but allow a broad range of problems to be defined, analyses and solved.

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• Development 1. The general enhancement and growth of these through conscious and

unconscious learning.2. A process in which learning occurs through experience and where the

results of the learning enhance not only the task skills of the individual but also his or her attitudes

Help employees prepare for the next job opportunity.• Learning

1. The relatively permanent process by which changes in Behavior, knowledge, feelings or attitudes occur as the result of prior experience.

2. The process whereby knowledge, skills and attitudes are acquired through experience, reflection, study or instruction.

3. Learning is the process by which behavior and attitudes are changed.

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Is It Training Problem?

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Training Needs AssessmentOrganizational Analysis, Person Analysis, Task Analysis

“ If we don't change direction soon, we'll end upwhere we ’re going. ”Professor Irwin Corey, Comedian

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Organization Analysis

Task AnalysisPerson


What Is the ContextReasons or “Pressure Points”








Causes and Outcomes of Needs Assessment

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Positioning TNA





Organization Level Analysis

Job/Occupational Level Analysis

Individual Level Analysis





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Competency Models

• Tren saat ini untuk needs assessment jugaberfokus thd kompetensi.

• Model kompetensi mengidentifikasikompetensi2 yang dibutuhkan untuk setiapjabatan maupun KSB dan karakteristikkepribadian yang mendasari setiapkompetensi.

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Designing Effective Training Programs

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Memilihmetode dan



Memberikanprogram pelatihan






Assessment Design Implementation Evaluation

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Memilih Metode Pelatihan

• Penelitian terhadap metode pembelajaranmenunjukkan bahwa agar pembelajaran efektif, metode instruksi/pengajaran harus disesuaikandengan hasil pembelajaran yang diinginkan.

• Hasil yg dimaksud melingkupi verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, attitudes and motor skills.

• Berikutnya pertimbangkan sejauhmanakemampuan biaya

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1. Ceramah

2. Audiovisual Techniques

3. On-the-Job Training (OJT)

4. Simulasi

5. Studi Kasus

6. Business Games

7. Role Plays

8. Behavior Modelling

9. Adventure Learning

10. Action Learning

11. Computer-based training

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4 (empat) Level Evaluasi, Meliputi :

Level 1 = Reaction

Level 2 = Learning

Level 3 = Behavior

Level 4 = Results

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Discuss1. How does development differ from training?

How does development support career management in modern organizations?

2. In what type of situations is training most useful? Least useful?

3. What would be the best training technique for teaching computer skills? What would be the best technique for customer service skills?