Questões de ingles para o simulado do quinto ano AO NONO REVISADAS

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  • 7/29/2019 Questes de ingles para o simulado do quinto ano AO NONO REVISADAS


    Questes de ingles para o simulado do quinto ano

    1 When is your birthday, Mary?

    A melhor resposta para a pergunta acima :

    a ( ) I am from New York

    b ( ) Its on August 17

    c ( ) One brother and two sisters

    d ( ) January and June

    e ( ) In the morning of Independance Day

    2 My birthday is in ___________________ . I like it, because it is in the ___________________ .

    Well celebrate my _______________ next ________________ .

    As quatro palavras que faltam para tornar o texto acima compreensvel em ingls so,

    respectivamente (na ordem):

    a ( ) party, december, Saturday, Summer

    b ( ) december, party, Saturday, Summer

    c ( ) december, Summer, party, Saturday

    d ( ) Saturday, Summer, party, december

    e ( ) Summer, december, party, Saturday

    3 Complete the sentences with the correct options:

    Christmas and Mothers Day are celebrated in _____________ and ______________

    a ( ) - the winter, the summer

    b ( ) may, january

    c ( ) Independence Day, Easter

    d ( ) December, May

    e ( ) Christmas, August

  • 7/29/2019 Questes de ingles para o simulado do quinto ano AO NONO REVISADAS


    4 A melhor resposta para a questo How much are the toys? :

    a ( ) Its Five dollars

    b ( ) Its a good price!

    c ( ) Theyre twelve dollars, each

    d ( ) They are Five miniature cars

    e ( ) I Love Barbie dolls

    5 The animals below are, respectively:

    a ( ) dog whale fox tiger

    b ( ) fox bear tiger whale

    c ( ) whale fox bear tiger

    d ( ) fox whale tiger bear

    e ( ) dog fish tiger koala


    Look the picture and answer 2 questions:

  • 7/29/2019 Questes de ingles para o simulado do quinto ano AO NONO REVISADAS


    1 Among the 5 sentences below, the only correct sentence is:

    A ( ) The ball is next to the table

    B - ( ) The vase is between the lampshade and the book

    C - ( ) The chair is next to the rug

    D - ( ) the book is next to the lampshade

    E - ( ) The cat is on the table

    2 Consider the sentence below:

    The cat is next to the armchair

    Sobre esta sentena correto afirmar que:

    A - ( ) O nico verbo presente nela o verbo TO BE

    B - ( )Next to significa a mesma coisa que in front of

    C - ( ) O tempo verbal da sentena osimple past

    D - ( ) Sua traduo seria O gato est embaixo da poltrona

    E - ( ) Naquela frase, o verbo TO BE traduz por .

    3 This is _________ my book, it is ___________ . ___________ is blue.

    A sentena acima seria corretamente completada por:

  • 7/29/2019 Questes de ingles para o simulado do quinto ano AO NONO REVISADAS


    A - ( ) isnt, your, my

    B - ( ) not, yours, mine

    C - ( ) arent, yours, your

    D - ( ) mine, you, not

    E - ( ) your, mine, yours

    4 Claire is working now. Claire loves music. She plays in a rock band. Shes happy. Her husband too.

    Das cinco sentenas acima, a nica que no tem verbo :

    A - ( ) Claire is working now.

    B - ( ) Claire loves music.

    C- ( ) She plays in a rock band.

    D - ( ) Shes happy.

    E - ( ) Her husband too.

    5 My name is Frank Williams and I am from York, England. I am 25 years old. I study architecture atCambridge University. I always dreamed about studying architecture one day. My father is an architect and

    my mother is a plastic artist, so art is something important in my life. This year, I finish my course, and I

    promised my sister Susan that her house is my first project.

    Assinale a informao incorreta sobre Frank Williams:

    A - ( ) Frank Williams is from New York.

    B ( ) His father is an architect too.

    C - ( ) Frank Williamssisters name is Susan

    D - ( ) Frank Williams considers art a very important thing is his life

    E - ( ) Frank Williams is an Englishman

  • 7/29/2019 Questes de ingles para o simulado do quinto ano AO NONO REVISADAS



    1 - Netlingo is the name of:

    A - ( ) A city in New York state, whose inhabitants are normally catholic

    B - ( ) A type of new language used by teenagers on the Internet

    C - ( ) A television service

    D - ( ) A typical food, very popular in Los Angeles, California

    E - ( ) A group of people who use a different language to communicate online.

    2 The question Onde voc estava? in English would read:

    A ( ) Where was you?

    B - ( ) Where did you be?

    C - ( ) Who were you?

    D - ( ) Where were you?

    E - ( ) Where was you?

    3 Be careful with what you say. Pay attention to what you write in your emails. Respect peoples privacy

    and their opinions too. Dont use offensive language. If you use it well, it can bring a lot of benefits.

    These recommendations are about:

    A ( ) Classroom and school attitudes.

    B - ( ) Video game ethics

    C - ( ) Cyberspace communication

    D - ( ) Television programs

    E - ( ) Love and Romance

    4 The sentences structure is SUBJECT + VERB TO BE IN THE SIMPLE PAST + NOT + VERB + ING


    A sentena estruturada na ordem descrita acima :

  • 7/29/2019 Questes de ingles para o simulado do quinto ano AO NONO REVISADAS


    A ( ) Jennifer was not at home this morning

    B ( ) Jennifer was at home alone this morning

    C ( ) Jennifer was not studying in the morning

    D ( ) Jennifer is not studying in the morning

    E ( ) Jennifer wasnt at school in the morning

    5 - Were doing you morning - ? yesterday - what

    Para criarmos uma pergunta inteligvel e gramaticalmente correta em ingls, as palavras acima teriam de

    estar na seguinte ordem:

    A ( ) What you were doing morning yesterday?

    B ( ) What were you doing yesterday morning?

    C ( ) What morning were you doing yesterday?

    D ( ) Yesterday morning, what you doing were?

    E ( ) What you were doing yesterday morning?


    1 Check the correct sentence about the use of the PRESENT PERFECT

    A ( ) The tense used in its structure is the PAST PARTICIPLE

    B ( ) We use it to emphasize the future

    C ( ) It is used with the auxiliary verbDO

    D ( ) It is equivalent to the pretrito mais que perfeito of the Portuguese language

    E ( ) It is common only in oral communication

    2 Para enfatizar que algo acabou de acontecer, usamos juntamente com o present perfect:

    A ( ) already

    B ( ) yet

  • 7/29/2019 Questes de ingles para o simulado do quinto ano AO NONO REVISADAS


    C ( ) just

    D ( ) ever

    E ( ) never

    3 Have you EVER seen a ghost?

    A resposta que melhor se encaixa a esta pergunta, gramaticalmente falando, seria:

    A ( ) Yes, I did, but he was not afraid

    B ( ) No, I saw a ghost, but just in my imagination.

    C ( ) No, never, thanks God. We are very afraid of these things.

    D ( ) Yes, I have seen them on Christmas

    E ( ) Yes, he has, but thanks God, nothing serious happened.

    4 It was a little scary, with all that blood and violence. Sincerely, I didnt sleep well after that. To tell

    you the truth, I went there only because my friend was very insistent and he finally could convince me. Next

    time Ill make sure to check what the critics say about this type of production before going to watch them.

    In the text above, the person is frustrated because:

    A ( ) She has visited some violent person

    B ( ) She has seen a bad horror movie

    C ( ) She has had a nightmare

    D ( ) She has had insomnia

    E ( ) She has listened to the cinema critics

    5 A sentena Ive seen this film a year ago est incorreta porque:

    A ( ) No se pode contrair I have que ali est como Ive

    B ( ) Film no a palavra correta, e sim movie

    C ( ) a year ago deveria ter ser one year ago

    D ( ) A referncia explcita a um momento passado preciso incompatvel com o Present Perfect

    E ( ) This deveria ser that, para enfatizar o passado

  • 7/29/2019 Questes de ingles para o simulado do quinto ano AO NONO REVISADAS
