Rabey Portfolio 2

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NEW  CLIENT  ACQUISITION  CAMPAIGN  Heineken  USA  Since  EPI’s  primary  target  market  is  Fortune  500  companies,  we  had  to  devise  a  way  to  dis>nguish  ourselves  from  our  compe>>on.  ACer  much  considera>on,  we  determined  a  customized  proposal  package  containing  informa>on  about  EPI,  along  with  samples  of  the  work  we  could  be  doing  for  them,  would  create  a  big  and  las>ng  impression.  This  1)    package,  for  Heineken,  included  2)  our  proposal  3)  sample  signage,  4)  a  banner,  and  5)  a  flash  drive  with  an  interac>ve  menu  containing  addi>onal  informa>on.  We  then  developed  6)  a  sample  Marke>ngEdge  website,  7)  a  lobby  banner    8)  a  window  cling  and    9)  a  customized  presenta>on  for  their  onsite  visit.  











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NEW  CLIENT  ACQUISITION  CAMPAIGN  Blue  Cross  Blue  Shield  For  Blue  Cross  Blue  Shield  of  Illinois,  we  wanted  to  show  them  that  we  could  not  only  produce  materials  but  also  serve  as  a  marke>ng  consultant  that  could  help  them  develop  loyalty  programs.  U>lizing  1)  a  customized  package,  I  developed  a  program  called  “BeOer  with  Blue”  that  included  2)  a  personalized  calendar,  3)  coasters,  4)  a  direct  mail  campaign  describing  the  program,  5)  a  rewards  card,  6)  a  daily  calendar  with  inspira>onal  phrases,  7)  a  health  and  wellness  card  game,  8)  diabetes  flash  cards  and  9)  a  window  cling  calendar  that  customers  could  adhere  to  their  medicine  cabinet  and  circle  medica>on  dates.  


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NEW  CLIENT  ACQUISITION  CAMPAIGN  Colgate-­‐Palmolive  We  wanted  1)  our  response  to  Colgate-­‐Palmolive’s  request  for  proposal  to  stand  out  so  I  created  2)  an  interac>ve  menu  with  links  to  all  the  proposal  elements.  We  were  fortunate  enough  to  find  3)  a  flash  drive  in  the  shape  of  a  sample  tube  of  Colgate  toothpaste  so  I  then  created  4)  a  customized  package  that  looked  like  a  box  for  the  toothpaste  which  contained  even  more  informa>on  about  EPI  Marke>ng  Services.  





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WEBSITE  REDESIGN  EPI  MarkeTng  Services  EPI’s  old  website  didn’t  effec>vely  communicate  the  technology-­‐driven  solu>ons  the  company  had  developed,  nor  the  broad  array  of  services  the  company  offered.  The  new  design,  which  I  developed  with  the  help  of  EPI’s  ad  agency,  Duffey  Petroskey,    and  our  in-­‐house  developers,  featured  frequently  updated  news  ar>cles  (which  I  wrote),  promo>onal  videos  (which  I  created),  and  in-­‐depth  profiles  for  each  of  the  services  we  offered.    h"p://www.epiinc.com  

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WEBSITE  REDESIGN  DeLano  Service  When  EPI  brought  on  DeLano  Service,  a  leading  card  and  board  game  produc>on  company,  they  wanted  a  new  website  to  help  reintroduce  them  to  their  current  and  prospec>ve  customers.  The  new  site,  which  I  designed  with  help  from  our  in-­‐house  developers,  played  off  a  board  game  theme  and  featured  a  robust  porZolio  of  their  work.    www.delanoservice.com  

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BRAND  IDENTITY  DEVELOPMENT  EPI  MarkeTng  Services  EPI  offers  a  wide  range  of  technology-­‐driven  solu>ons  for  which  they  wanted  to  develop  a  unique,  yet  uniform,  brand  iden>ty  that  would  work  as  a  family  while  complemen>ng  the  corporate  brand.  I  worked  with  EPI’s  adver>sing  agency,  Duffey  Petroskey,  to  develop  a  progressive  graphic  iden>ty  that  highlighted  the  benefit  each  solu>on  offered  u>lizing  a  customized  type  face  and  bold  colors  to  set  each  solu>on  apart.  

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PROMOTIONAL  BROCHURE  EPI  MarkeTngEdge  Marke>ngEdge  allows  a  company’s  sales  force  to  order  everything  from  customized  brochures  and  direct  mail  campaigns  to  kiOed  items  and  branded  apparel  –  all  from  one  user  friendly  website.  This  brochure  detailed  all  of  the  solu>on’s  features  and  benefits  in  a    clear,  concise  manner.  

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PROMOTIONAL  BROCHURE  EPI  DirectResponse  DirectResponse  was  built  specifically  for  eMarke>ng  companies  to  help  them  with  everything  from  credit  card  processing  to  customer  lifecycle  management.  This  brochure  details  the  solu>on  by  describing  how  DirectResponse  frees  eMarketers  to  focus  on  developing  and  promo>ng  new  products.  

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PROMOTIONAL  BROCHURE  EPI  DirectConnect  DirectConnect  is  EPI’s  direct  marke>ng  solu>on  that  combines  text  and  image  personaliza>on  with  automated  campaign  management.  This  brochure  details  how  the  solu>on  breaks  through  the  direct  mail  cluOer  and  allows  marketers  to  maximize  their  marke>ng  budgets.  

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PROMOTIONAL  VIDEO  EPI  MarkeTng  Services  When  we  received  es>mates  of  over  $10,000  per  video  for  a  series  of  promo>onal  videos,  I  was  asked  to  see  if  I  could  create  the  videos  myself.  Using  PowerPoint  to  create  the  scenes  and  Garage  Band  to  record  and  edit  the  music  and  voiceovers,  I  was  able  to  create  three  promo>onal  videos  that  are  featured  on  the  EPI  website.    h"p://www.epiinc.com    

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PROMOTIONAL  VIDEO  EPI  MarkeTngEdge  This  is  the  second  in  a  series  of  promo>onal  videos  I  created  to  promote  our  Marke>ngEdge  solu>on.  This  and  the  other  two  videos  are  featured  on  the  EPI  website.    h"p://www.epiinc.com    

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PROMOTIONAL  VIDEO  EPI  PromoExpress  This  is  the  third  in  a  series  of  promo>onal  videos  I  created  to  promote  our  PromoExpress  solu>on  –  which  automates  every  aspect  of  consumer  promo>ons  campaigns.  This  and  the  other  two  videos  are  featured  on  the  EPI  website.    h"p://www.epiinc.com    

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ACCOUNT  MANAGER  INTRODUCTION  CAMPAIGN  EPI  MarkeTng  Services  EPI’s  client  accounts  oCen  have  several  dozen  contacts  in  various  departments  –  each  of  whom  represents  poten>al  new  business.  To  help  the  account  managers  introduce  themselves  to  new  accounts,  we  developed  an  introductory  campaign  u>lizing  DirectConnect’s  unique  image  font  technology.    Each  client  contact  was  sent  a  1)  direct  mail  piece  along  with  a  2)  companion  email  that  introduced  the  account  manager  and  offered  the  contact  a  personalized  calendar  if  they  filled  out  a  brief  3)  online  ques>onnaire.  Once  the  contact  submiOed  the  ques>onnaire,  they  received  a  4)  personalized  thank-­‐you  email  along  with  a  5)  flyer  with  customized  content  based  on  the  answers  they  provided  in  the  ques>onnaire.  All  responses  were  automa>cally  tracked  in  a  database  for  the  account  manager  to  reference  when  calling  on  the  contacts.    This  campaign  was  highly  effec>ve  in  establishing  a  rapport  with  new  clients  while  teaching  them  about  all  the  services  EPI  had  to  offer.  



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NEW  PRODUCT  LAUNCH  CAMPAIGN  Azenic,  Inc.  Azenic,  Inc.  is  a  pioneer  of  the  Azenic  DHP™,  a  disposable  dental  drill  that  is  a  proven,  cost-­‐effec>ve  alterna>ve  to  metal  drills.  U>lizing  DirectConnect,  EPI’s  comprehensive  cross  media  marke>ng  solu>on,  we  were  able  to  develop  1)  a  direct  mail  piece  featuring  break-­‐through  crea>ve  with  truly  personalized  messaging  and  imagery.    When  a  den>st  responded  indica>ng  they  were  interested  in  receiving  a  sample  drill,  they  received  the  sample  in  a  2)  custom  package  for  which  I  also  provided  the  design.  



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TESTIMONIAL  CAMPAIGN  Michigan  Manufacturers  AssociaTon  Within  the  Michigan  Manufacturers  Associa>on  (MMA),  there  are  several  influen>al  members  who’s  opinions  are  highly  respected  in  the  manufacturing  community.  I  decided  to  take  advantage  of  this  opportunity  and  devised  a  campaign  featuring  high-­‐profile  members  promo>ng  various  benefits  of  their  MMA  membership.  The  tes>monials  were  used  in  new-­‐member  direct  mail  campaigns,  member  publica>ons  and  on  the  associa>on’s  website.    This  campaign  proved  highly  effec>ve  in  both  retaining  current  members  and  obtaining  new  members.  

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INTERACTIVE  DVD  Michigan  Manufacturers  AssociaTon  Every  year,  the  Michigan  Manufacturers  Associa>on  (MMA)  held  a  CEO  Forum  in  which  they  invited  both  poli>cians  and  subject  experts  to  discuss  pressing  issues  in  a  panel  discussion  format.  In  order  to  help  our  en>re  membership  experience  the  event,  I  worked  with  Such  Video  to  create  an  interac>ve  DVD  of  the  event.  Each  panel  discussion  included  both  the  presenta>on  materials  used  as-­‐well-­‐as  the  biographies  of  each  panelist.  The  DVD  also  contained  informa>on  about  MMA,  event  sponsors  and  membership  ini>a>ves.    This  video  won  a  pres>gious  Gold  Marcom  Award  from  the    Associa>on  of  Marke>ng  and  Communica>on  Professionals.    

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LEAD  GENERATION  CAMPAIGN  BriarWood  Realty  One  of  the  premiere  residen>al  real  estate  companies  in  Michigan  wanted  to  dis>nguish  itself  as  the  choice  for  luxury  homes.  U>lizing  rich  imagery  and  descrip>ve  copy,  I  developed  a  mul>media  campaign  that  included  1)  direct  mail  and  2)  strategically-­‐placed  billboards.  Responders  were  then  sent  an  3)  informa>onal  brochure.  

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When  the  campaign  launched,  feedback  was  immediate.  We  received  hundreds  of  responses  from  all  over  the  state  and  used  those  as  leverage  to  recruit  new  agents.  ZimmerFish  then  developed  materials  to  bolster  our  recrui>ng  efforts  that  >ed  directly  to  the  campaign  and  reinforced  our  message.”  

Rob  Fowler,  President  and  CEO  Small  Business  Associa>on  of  Michigan  

STATEWIDE  MULTI-­‐MEDIA  CAMPAIGN  Small  Business  AssociaTon  of  Michigan    The  Small  Business  Associa>on  of  Michigan  (SBAM)  wanted  to  generate  more  leads  for  membership.  As  anyone  who’s  ever  worked  for  a  small  business  knows,  you’re  quite  oCen  faced  with  having  to  fix  things  yourself  –  even  if  you  don’t  have  the  right  tools.    Playing  off  this  reality,  we  developed  a  statewide  campaign  that  featured  a  series  of  1)  direct  mail  pieces,  2)  billboards,  3)  ads  and  30-­‐second  radio  commercials.  SBAM  was  thrilled  with  the  influx  of  responses,  as-­‐well-­‐as  the  increased  brand  recogni>on.  





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STATEWIDE  MULTI-­‐MEDIA  CAMPAIGN  Michigan  Ready  to  Succeed  Partnership  While  I  was  with  ZimmerFish,  the  Michigan  Ready  to  Succeed  (RTS)  Partnership  and  57  Intermediate  School  Districts  charged  us  with  the  daun>ng  task  of  changing  a  cultural  paradigm  throughout  Michigan  about  early  childhood  brain  development.  Geared  toward  parents  and  caretakers  of  children  ages  zero  to  five,  specifically  high-­‐risk  children  and  minori>es,  the  campaign  included  print,  radio,  TV,  collateral  materials,  and  billboards.  I  developed  the  tag  line  and  created  all  print  materials  for  the  campaign.  Paid  media  dollars  of  $688,143  were  nego>ated  to  achieve  a  value  of  over  $1,376,288  of  media  exposure  which  resulted  in  a  15.3%  statewide  recall  of  the  campaign,  three  American  Adver>sing  Awards,  and  con>nued  syndica>on.  

“ZimmerFish’s  crea>on  and  execu>on  of  the  Be  their  Hero  form  Age  Zero  campaign  surpassed  our  expecta>ons  with  a  15.2%  recall  in  six  short  weeks.  The  Michigan  Ready  to  Succeed  Execu>ve  Council  and  Media  Board  have  been  impressed  with  ZimmerFish.  Their  ability  to  synthesize  informa>on  from  a  variety  of  sources  with  various  agendas,  kept  our  projects  on  track  and  on  strategy.”    

Heath  Meriwether,  Co-­‐chair  Execu>ve  Council,  Michigan  Ready  to  Succeed  
