ramanee aka

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  • 8/7/2019 ramanee aka..


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    http://www.scribd.com/doc/44041932/Malaysian-Studies (direct link to

    malaysian.. studies.. check ths website...

    (Suggest the strategies together with the method for achieving national

    integration. )

    Thay are many ways that can be taken to achieve unity among the

    Malaysians. Based on myopinions, one of the way of achieving national

    integration is through sports. It is because,children who play together and

    eventually will stand together as a nation when they becomeadults. On the

    other hand, government policies on national unity is the nature of

    integration,namely through the adjustment with a variety of cultural and

    social characteristics that can beaccepted by all ethnic groups in our country.

    Apart from fostering unity among the people, thegovernment also

    emphasizes the integration of the region, especially between peninsular

    Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak.Meanwhile, the political power sharing also can

    create the unity between the Malaysians.Before our country got the

    independence, the leader of the three main races which are Malay,Chinese

    and Indian have realized that political compromise and power sharing is

    essential inthe guard and conducted fairly to avoid power misconduct and

    divisions. The importantpositions in government, the seats in the election andthe candidates contesting must be ensurenot only dominated by one

    ethnic.The other point cold be the the democracy to choosing the

    government. We must ensure thatall citizens are eligible and do not violate

    state law, can voice their opinions, criticisms, andchoose a candidate in the

    elections freely and fairly. Who would win the election with amajority of votes

    entitled to be elected representatives can voice their aspirations

    throughestablished channels such as the Dewan Rakyat or Dewan Negara.To

  • 8/7/2019 ramanee aka..


    ensure the national integrity can be achieve, we as Malaysians must show

    some respectand accept the culture and religion of other races. Try to make

    room for other communities topractice cultural and religious without trying to

    influence or interfere with each other.The highest incidence of poverty who

    are still held by the natives. If it is left to other problems such as social

    jealousy among the natives of other races, they feel themselvesoppressed,social problems, increasing crime rates and so forth. To overcome this

    situation,the allocation of the economic cake must be made in a fair manner

    and in accordance with theneeds of people who are in Malaysia. The weak

    and the poor should be helped with a varietyof ways to improve their

    economic status.