Rassegna Stampa Olimpias Settimana 50: 12-12-2015 Wabi comunicazione d’impresa

Rassegna Stampa Olimpias Settimana 50: 12-12-2015...Rassegna Stampa Olimpias Settimana 50: 12-12-2015 Wabi comunicazione d’impresa Settore 3rd December 2015, Milan I talian I TMA

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Rassegna Stam pa Olimpias Set t im ana 50: 12-12-2015

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Rassegna Stam pa Olimpias Set t im ana 50: 12-12-2015

Wabi comunicazione d’impresa


Olim pias

• I ntervento dell’AD Gianni Zanella allo Stealth Day di Dedagroup (PanbiancoTV)

• I proget t i Wasatex e B-Wool verranno presentat i il 15 dicembre all' I nnovat ion Day del Polo dell’I nnovazione Tessile di Biella

Com pet itor

Gentile utente, non ci sono aggiornamenti in questa sezione della rassegna stampa

Set tore

• I talian I TMA reports record numbers of visitors • I ntertek develops chem ical screening service • Smart text iles could remove pollut ion from our homes • European Union and Vietnam finalize free- t rade deal • Sudan Text ile I ndust ry….. Possibilit ies of Flour ishing • Future denim and jeans product ion bases uncertain • Seam less software for made- to-measure men's wear

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Rassegna Stam pa Olimpias Set t im ana 50: 12-12-2015

Wabi comunicazione d’impresa

Olim pias

I ntervento dell ’AD Gianni Zanella a llo Stea lth Day di Dedagroup

Al cent ro dell’evento, le test im onianze di diversi client i di Dedagroup ICT Network, olt re a Trussardi anche Olim pias Group (Gruppo Edizione) . A seguito della r ivoluzione digitale sono in at to cam biam ent i a livello di business, di organizzazione della produzione e della supply chain, nel nost ro gruppo prevediam o fort i cam biam ent i nel prossim o t r iennio - ha afferm ato Gianni Zanella, AD di Olim pias – che im pat teranno su tut t i i nost r i sistem i dell’infrast rut tura tecnologica e degli applicat ivi gest ionali, dalla produzione fino al cliente finale” .

Dopo aver analizzato il nuovo m odello organizzat ivo Olim pias è, dunque, pronta a integrare il business aziendale alla rete inform at ica, dalle ret i in fibra ot t ica ai sistem i hardware.

Nel corso del convegno è em erso quanto sia importante una governance carat terizzata da un forte cont rollo: “è una quest ione r ilevante e di at tualità anche nel nost ro gruppo, sarà un elem ento essenziale in questa nost ra fase di r iorganizzazione” , ha concluso Zanella.

ht tps: / / www.youtube.com/ watch?v= Y0ynYxVCGLE&feature= youtu.be

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Rassegna Stam pa Olimpias Set t im ana 50: 12-12-2015

Wabi comunicazione d’impresa

I proget t i Wasatex e B-Wool verranno presentat i il 15 dicembre all' I nnovat ion Day del Polo dell’I nnovazione Tessile di Biella

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Rassegna Stam pa Olimpias Set t im ana 50: 12-12-2015

Wabi comunicazione d’impresa

Com pet itor

Gentile utente, non ci sono aggiornamenti in questa sezione della rassegna stampa

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Rassegna Stam pa Olimpias Set t im ana 50: 12-12-2015

Wabi comunicazione d’impresa

Set t ore

3 rd Decem ber 2015, Milan

I ta lian I TMA repor ts record num bers of visitors The 17 th edit ion of I TMA, the global text ile machinery event that j ust closed in Milan, has been a great success for I talian text ile machinery manufacturers, according to ACI MI T, the Associat ion of I talian Text ile Machinery Manufacturers. “The number of I talian exhibitors and visitors bears witness to the vitality of the ent ire I talian text ile indust ry,” stated Raffaella Carabelli, the President of ACI MIT. “Our member companies chose to believe in I TMA as a key event for the indust ry, and they were proven r ight . Allow me to thank the I talian Minist ry for Economic Development and the I talian Trade Agency for providing us with the indispensable support required for the realizat ion of important promot ional init iat ives for I TMA.” Record visitors’ num bers I TMA 2015, held in Milan from 12-19 November at the Fiera Milano t rade fair grounds, closed its doors with some significant result s. For the eight days of the event , the halls which hosted the 1,700 exhibitors recorded almost 123,000 part icipants, com ing from 147 count r ies. This represented a 22% increase compared to the previous edit ion in Barcelona. However, it is in the number of unique visitors that Milan marked a record increase. The event achieved a 42% growth compared to Barcelona in 2011, and 8% compared to Munich in 2007. Sim ilar stat ist ics had never before been recorded in the sixteen previous edit ions of I TMA, organisers report .

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Rassegna Stam pa Olimpias Set t im ana 50: 12-12-2015

Wabi comunicazione d’impresa

I taly ranked first overall in the number of exhibit ing companies (454) , as well as visitors (18% of the total) . Behind I taly am ong the main count r ies with most v isitors were I ndia and Turkey (around 8% each of total at tendance) , Germany (7% ) , followed by France, the US, I ran, Brazil and Pakistan. I n addit ion to indust ry operators, I TMA was also at tended by over 4,000 students, while media representat ives in the press hall numbered 400 in total. Results and feedback “The results of this edit ion of I TMA actually surprised us. I t was a success from an organizat ional and logist ical standpoint , as well as for the quality of v isitors in at tendance. The contacts and orders received, above all from I ndia and Turkey, have far exceeded our expectat ions,” said Car lo Rogora, CEO of I tema Group. Alex Zucchi, General Manager of Ferraro Spa, confirmed the qualit y of the visitors on hand: “We saw lots of v isitors and a good many business opportunit ies, especially from non t radit ional Count r ies. We also noted a reawakening of our domest ic market , an essent ial sign for all businesses in our indust ry, and for the development of the ent ire I talian text ile sector.” Ms Carabelli believes that this edit ion will be remembered not j ust for its record numbers, but also for the message it has t ransm it ted, concerning sustainable innovat ion. “The t rade fair pavilions in Rho exhibited a great many technological innovat ions that focused on a quest for greater sustainability in text ile product ion processes. Sustainabilit y and innovat ion: a combinat ion that will represent the key to a successful future for many manufacturers,” she concluded. The next edit ion of I TMA will be held at the Fira de Barcelona Gran Via from 20-26 June 2019. www.itma.com

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Rassegna Stam pa Olimpias Set t im ana 50: 12-12-2015

Wabi comunicazione d’impresa

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Rassegna Stam pa Olimpias Set t im ana 50: 12-12-2015

Wabi comunicazione d’impresa

The Rakyat Post

Sm art t ex t iles could rem ove pollut ion from our hom es Dec 6 , 2 0 1 5 A team of researchers at the CNRS research center in the French city of Lyon have developed a light -em it t ing text ile that could absorb the pollut ion in our homes. With the internat ional climate change conference underway in Paris, this discovery by a CNRS research team in Lyon could be a big step forward for the qualit y of our environment by removing certain pollutants from our homes and, on a global level, by removing pollut ion from the air and water and neut ralizing odors, part icular ly in indust ry. With interest growing in eco- fr iendly home deco (such as the fashion for plants with depollut ing propert ies) , this new type of text ile could find a place in our homes in sofas, cushions, curtains, blankets, etc. The original idea is to seamlessly integrate opt ical f ibers, in the form of LEDs, into fabr ic without using an external lamp. A photocatalyst — a m ixture of t itanium dioxide and var ious solvents — is soaked into the text ile and act ivated by light . This innovat ive technology is based on a chemical react ion called photocatalysis, which was discovered in the 1990s. This process enables pollutants to be neut ralized using light . The const ruct ion sector already uses it in self- cleaning paint and concrete. This chemical process, which is an indust r ial secret , has been developed in the Brochier Technologies Research & Development lab in Villeurbanne, France. One of Brochier Technologies’ core businesses is to develop opt ic f iber weaving solut ions for applicat ions in the light ing, communicat ion, security, depollut ion and medical spheres. The researchers are st ill studying the text ile’s effect iveness on different types of pollutant such as fine part icles. I n the indust r ial f ield, the invent ion is current ly being tested onsite as a means of removing residual pharmaceut ical and pest icide molecules found in water to prevent them from being discharged into the environment .

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Rassegna Stam pa Olimpias Set t im ana 50: 12-12-2015

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Rassegna Stam pa Olimpias Set t im ana 50: 12-12-2015

Wabi comunicazione d’impresa

I ssue # : 3718, I ssue Date: 10th Decem ber, 2015

Sudan Text ile I ndust ry….. Possibilit ies of Flour ish ing

The text ile indust ry is an ancient t rade in Sudan and relates to Sudanese cot ton product ion, character ised by large economic revenues and a high addit ional value in its different stages.

Director of the Sudanese Chambers of I ndust r ial Associat ion (SCI A) Al Fateh Abbas Al Qureshi revealed "since the end of the last century, the Sudanese text ile indust ry has suffered, and st ill does, from challenges and obstacles, but they are beginning to recede. These are problems such as not keeping up with new scient if ic technical development , launching new invent ions and promot ing product iv ity processes at regional and internat ional levels, methods of funding and m arket ing and establishing regional economic fronts in the region". This was at a workshop ent it led "Sudanese Text ile I ndust ry and its role in the Economy," organised by SCI A and Sudan Foundat ion.

The sector of text iles has passed through revival per iods where Sudan exported cot ton yarns to many states such as Switzerland, I raq, Egypt , and Korea amongst others, alongside Cot ton fabr ics. Product ion of cot ton in huge quant it ies and high standards was one of the basic mot ivators which promoted text ile indust ry in Sudan. What has im pacted on the nat ional economy and indust ry is the economical sanct ions placed on the count ry and its effects on product ive and economical sectors. Affected areas have been policy of employment , the cont rol of the labour market , relat ions of product ion, labour laws, social insurances and indust r ial relat ions, Dr. Al-Fateh argued, adding there is no link between wage product ion and taxes.

For improving the text ile indust ry, Dr. Al-Fateh noted " the Union has created a plan which aims to export about 50% -60% of cot ton yarns in addit ion to rehabilitat ing unions and factor ies to produce high qualit y yarn and enter internat ional compet it ion. He explained that a pract ical plan of product ion depends on the available capacit ies in making a plan producing yarns of 59% in the first year, 76% in the second and 90-100% in the third.

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Rassegna Stam pa Olimpias Set t im ana 50: 12-12-2015

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Rassegna Stam pa Olimpias Set t im ana 50: 12-12-2015

Wabi comunicazione d’impresa