Regionalen 2004

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Regionalen 2004

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    = ' )EFL Regional Competition for 8ffi Grade Primary School

    Sfudenfs ilor{)

    Reading comprehension (time limit 40 min)

    Exploring the world

    t'.plrsrs rRIJti:tt.A,

    A4.rJ. kr -lJrdt




    Science has leamt a great deal from polar expeditions. For instance, we nowknow a lot more about the effects polar conditions have on a person's mind andbody.

    In ihe early days, expiorers otten went mad. One cause of this madness was laterdiscovered: when people aren't used to living in extreme cold, their bodies use upa lot of energy to keep warm and this gets rid of all the vitamins in the body. Thebrain, deprived of vitamins, can't work normally, at least until the body gets usedto the cold.

    The time spent in total darkness also has a negative effect on people's minds.Winter in Polar Regions is characterized by permanent night and lasts severalmonths. Human beings are not used to spending long periods of time in the dark.ln northern latitudes people get depressed during the dark winter months. Nowwe know that this depression known as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) - canbe reduced by the use of sun lamps.

    Low temperatures can cause any part of the body to freeze. This painful conditionis called frostbite. Although the body does get used to functioning in lowtemperatures, the danger of frostbite is always there if temperatures fall belowfreezing point.'Nowadays, polar explorers carry medication, which they can taketo allow the blood to flow and slowly deft'ost the affected parts.

    Another common disorder is altitude sickness. The ice is sometimes more thanthree kilometers thick, which makes Antarctica one of the highest regions in theworld. At that altitude there is little oxygen, so headaches, vomiting anddehydration - the symptoms of altitude sickness - are cornmon. After about ayear at high altitude; the body gets used to the lack of oxygen in the air. ltcompensates by storing more oxygen in the blood.

    _ $u t r r rh r f h .-'d.!r !

    r : i *Fi .$* . ,k" 'vorri;yr,t .N \ tt t.\)o.

    A I

  • 1. AnsweLtle questions about the text.a) What was'the cause oi tn" expiorers, madness?

    b) what are the characteristics of winter in porar Regions?


    c) What is SAD?


    d) Frostbite is:

    e) What is altitude sickness?

    ' ! . r(10 points l2for each correct answer) J

  • 'l- ,i' ,' '_. '

    2. Gircle the meaning of the words from the text.

    e.g. causea) reason1. extreme (line 5)a) srnall1, 9"t rid of (line6)a) use sth3. deprived of (line7)a) not having sth4. permanent (line 10)a) lasting5. reduced (line 14)a).made bigger6. disorder (line 13)a) confused state7. common (lines 20 and 23)a) unusual8. storing (line 25)a) finding

    b) mistake

    b) very great

    b) take sth

    b) full of the

    b) of short life

    b) cured

    b) i l lness

    b) familiar

    b) collecting for future use

    c) make happen

    c) different

    c) throw sth away

    c) rich in sth

    c) freezing

    c) made smaller

    c) mistake

    c) usual

    c) breathing

    i - )


    (16 points l2tor each correct answer)

    3. Decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F).

    I Science has learnt little from polar expeditions. F2 Explorers often went mad.3 Our brain can function normallv without vitamins.4 People can live for a long time in darkness.5 Sun lamps help cure depression.6 The ice can be more than three kilometers thick.7 Human bodv cannot qet used to hiqh altitude.8 SAD is a form of madness.I Low temperatures can cause frostbite.10 Frostbite can appear at anv temperature.

    (18 points I 2 for each correct answer)Total:44 Scored:

    n . I

  • EFL Regional competition for Bh Grade primary schoo/

    Use of English (time limit 80 minutes)

    1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present progressiveTense.

    Dear Sam,We (e.9.) are (be) in Spain!!! Can you believe it? We(1)...

    ...(stay) at a S-star hotel and it is AMMtNGilI My friend,sarah, (2)...... ...(go) to the beach at g in the morning. At that t ime, theothers (including me) (3)... .sti i l ...(4)......

    ..(come) back around 10 and (S).. ... (wake) themup. Then we (6) .....(have) a quick brunch and(7). . . . . .

    . . . . . (go) to the beach. We (8) . (swim) and (9)

    .(sunbath) al lday. ln the evenings we (10) . , . . . . . . . . (go)out to a small bar near the hotel. What more can I tell you?!We (11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (have) a g rea t t ime!See you when we (12). . . . . . . . . . . (get) back.LoveSusanPS. How (13)... ......(be) things at home?

    (13 points | 1 for each correct answer)

    ' 2. Write a question for each answer.

    e.g. Who are vou talkins to?What? Oh, I'm talking to Pauf.

    Newport Beach Elementary School.

    She's a doctor.





    a . \

    He's making pizza for dinner.

  • He's fine.

    Come on in. I 'm watching'Friends"6)

    He goes to work bY bus.

    She's 35.(7 points I 1 for each correct answer;

    3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past simple or Past Progressive Tense'

    After his work Robert usually walks home, but yesterday he (e.9.) didn'twant (not want) to go on foot. lt (1)... ..'. .. . .. ' (pour) with rain when he

    - , (2) . . . . . . (come) out of h is,of f ice ' He (3) """ ' "" ' " (nothave) an umbrella with him because he (4)... .. ' ...( leave) it at home' He(5) . . . . . . . . ' . . (get) to the bus stop and (6) ""(wai t ) ' Whi le he(7) ... ....(waii) thei'e a friend cf his (e) "' '(come)by in a car. He (9) ... ..(stop) and Robert (10) ... ... ' .(get)in. His friend (11) ..(drive) him home. Robert (12).......:. ..(be) very glad that his friend (13) "' " '(give) hima lif i . l t (14) ... .......(not be) pleasant to wait for the bus in that horribleweather.

    (14 points I I for each conect answer)

    4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Tense or Present PerfectTense.

    e .g . | -have_a l readyhad(have)3cupso fco f fee th ismorn ing .1) What time .......-(you / get) here?2) '( You / eat) anY lunch Yet?3) When ..(he / arrive) in lstanbul?4) ..(you / ever / taste) Brazilian coffee?5) You obviously enjoy youljob. How long "'(you / work) here?6) I ...... ..(go) to the cinema on Satu,1{fy night'





    1-lv (6 points t I for each correct answer)

  • 5. Put in the missing prepositions: AT, ON, lN, BY, TO, FOR, WITH or AFTER.

    l'm going to spend the weekend (e.g.) in Cambridge.' l ' l l go there (1). . . . . . . t ra in. l ' l l leave London (2) . . . . Fr iday af ternoon and l ' l l s tay (3). . . . . .two days. I won't stay (4) ......a hotel; I ' l l stay (5) . ... my friend and his wife.(6) . . . . . . Saturday morning we' l l v is i t the col leges and (7). . . . . . the af ternoonwe ' l l go (8 ) . . . . . . a rugby match . We ' l l have d inner (9 ) . . . . . .home and (10)... ... . dinner they'l l take me (1 1 ) . .. . .. the theatre.f ' l l come back (12) . . . . . . Sunday (13) . . . . . 7 o 'c lock (14) . . . . . the evening.

    (14 points I l tor each correct answer)

    6. Supply the correct question word: WHO, WHOSE, WHERE, WHEN, WHAT,HOW, WHY or WHICH.

    e.g.' Whose is that old house?' ' l t 's my father's. '1) '......... went for a walk with you yesterday?' 'My sister. '2) '........ did you go to the cinema with on Sunday?' 'With Liz.'3) '... ... ... 's the weather usually l ike here in winter?' ' l t 's usually very

    cold with a lot of snow.'4) '............ did you see your parents last?' 'Two weeks ago.'5) '... ... ... ... . would you like to eat?' 'An ice cream, please.'6) '.....:.. were you absent yesterday?' ' l was i l l . '7) '............ book do you want, this one or that one?' 'This red one.'8) '... ... .: . ... 's the matter with you?' ' l 'm terribly tired.'

    (8 points | 1 for each correct answer)

    Supply the correct article: A, AN or THE.Tourist: ls that car (e.9.) a taxi?

    Guide: yes, of course.Tourist: Look, there's (2) ...... old church on (3) ..... left. Let's go inside.Guide: I 'm sorry, but (4) ...... church isn't open now.Tourist: And what's that building on (5) ...... right?Guide: l t 's (6) . . . . . school .

    { \\*-J


    i'i- (6 points I 1 for each correct answer)

  • r \

    !, Put the'adjectives in brackets into the correct form: coMpARATlvE orSUPERLATIVE.

    e.g. Beckham plays football better (good) than Ronaldo.

    1) which fi lm do you think was the ... .. ( interesting) last

    year?2) My sister thinks that a man's brain is ... ... (heavy) than a


    3) Sarah looks ... (thin) than Jessica.4) That was the ... .....(bad) book I have ever read.5) Come on! You have to come to the party. lt's going to be

    the . . . .6) I don't agree with you, I think that this part of the project is

    7)'n";; ;.;";; ",'J::[::iT:,T] ::: :- :::::. 11,'". ngr

    thing. Nobody believed that they could do it.

    (7 points / one for each correct answer)

    9. Find a mistake in each sentence and correct it.

    e.g. Ana is tallthan me.Ana is taller than me.

    1) The Eiffelrower is one of most distinguishing features of paris.

    2) Julia was always a more better student than I was when we werein school.

    3) These are the more expensive jeans I have ever bought.

    4) Could you be a bit quietest? The baby is sleeping.

    5) Helen is the better! | really like her.



    points | 1 for each correct answer)

  • .-!.

    i . .' *rl


    r \f i i

    10. Put the verbs in the correct forni using WILL or BE GOING TO.

    e.g. You look frozen. Sit down by the fire and | 'll make -

    (make) yousome tea.

    A: Why are you peeling that bit of garlic?B: 1. . . . . . . . . . . (put) i t in the stew.I haven't bought any cigarettes because | ... .......(give) upsmoking.A: That tree makes the house very dark.B: Very well, | ........(cut) it down.A: I've planned my future for th9 next ten years.B: That is very clever of you. What ... ... ... (do)

    when you leave the university?A: l'm catching the 6.30 train.B: So am l. 1... .......(give) you a l ift to the station.Do you see that car? They .:....... ....(ratfle) it for charity.

    (6 points | 1 for each oorrect answer)







    ' , .1

    Total: 86Scored:

    ! I



    t )

  • 4 - A r n t l IKeqlOnaC L?t Lonteslil" 2oos)!oo/1

    Reading comprehension

    1. POSSIBLE ANSWERSa) Human bodies use up a lot of energy to keep warm and the brain is

    deprived of vitamins and can't work normally.b) Permanent night and lasts several monthsc) SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder or depressiond) Frostbite is a painful condition when a part of the body freezes.e) Altitude sickness appears when there isn't enough oxygen (at high

    altitudes) and people have headaches, vomit, etc.2 . lb ;2c ; 3a ;4a ;5c ; 6b ; 7c ;8b

    v+ 3. 2T;3F;4F;5T; 6T;7F;8F;9T; lCF.hI J Use of Englishxe--A L 1. are staying 2. goes 3. are sleeping 4. comes 5. wakes 6.have 7.go 8.L'I- swim 9. sunbath 10. go 11. are h*ving 12. get 13. arev+

    *- 2. 1) Which school do you go to?) _ 2) What does she do?t- 3) What's he doing/making for di.nner?

    --7 4) I{ow is he?5) What are you watching?5) How does he go/getltravel to work?7) How old is she?

    3. 1) was pouring 2)came 3)didn't have 4)left 5)got 6)waited 7)was waiting8)came 9)stopped 10)got 1l)drove 12)was l3)gave 14)was not

    4. l)did you get 2)Ilave you eaten 3)did he arrive 4)have you ever tasted5)have you worked 6)went


    A 5. l)by 2)on 3)for 4)atlin S)rvith 6)on 7)in 8)to 9)at l0)after 1l)to 12)on




    (r 1

    13)at 14)in

    7. l)the 2)an 3)the 4)the 5)the 6)a

    8. l)most interesting 2)heavier 3)thinner 4)worst 5)best 6)moreimportant 7)mostamazing

    9. l)one of the most 2)a better 3)the most expensive jeans 4)a bit quieter5)the best

    1.0. 1)'m going to put 2)'m going to give up 3)' l l cut 4)are you going to do5)'ll give 6)are going to raffle

    T 6. l)who 2)who 3)what 4)when 5)rvhat 6)why 7)which 8)what