CHILDREN & SOCIETY VOLUME 15 2001) pp. 193±201 DOI: 10.1002/chi.667 Representing Children: Re¯ections on the Children 5±16 Programme Introduction The ESRC Children 5±16 Programme 1 was a major research initiative focusing on children as social actors Prout, 1998). In this paper I will re¯ect on the idea of `representing' children, in both the political and social/cultural senses of the term, drawing on some of its themes and illustrating the argument with some of the Programme's ®ndings. The Representation of Children The representation of children, in at least two senses of that term, has been a central concern of the Children 5±16 Programme. Elsewhere Prout, 2000a, 2000b) I have argued that calls for the better representation of children in govern- ance at all levels can be understood as part of a range of social change in late modernity. In particular, trends towards greater participation by children and young people are bound up with wider social processes of individualisation. Through these children as well as adults) are formed with a consciousness of themselves as `persons in their own right'. Hearing and taking notice of) children's voices should be attended to, I have suggested, because it speaks to questions of ¯exibility and responsiveness in welfare and service provision and to debates about young people's engagement with key institutions such as schools. In addition I have argued that children's voice in governance is important because in post?) industrialised societies, including the United Kingdom UK), demographic processes are redu- cing the proportion of children in the population and the proportion of households with children in them Clarke, 1996; Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Research Alan Prout Professor of Sociology, Stirling University, Director, ESRC Children 5±16 Research Programme Correspondence to: Prof. Alan Prout, Dept of Applied Social Science, Univ. of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA. E-mail: [email protected] 1 This paper does not have the space to draw on all the projects within the Programme. Details of all the projects within the Programme can be found on the ESRC website through a link at www.esrc.ac.uk/curprog.html. The Programme website contains down- loadable Research Brie®ngs highlighting the ®ndings of each project and giving contact information for further information. Other publications from the Programme can be found through the REGARD database, again accessible through the ESRC homepage or at http://www.regard.ac.uk/cgi-bin/regardng/getProgrammes.pl. Programme research will also be published in a book series called The Future of Childhood to be published by RoutledgeFalmer and appearing from 2001 onwards.

Representing Children. Reflection on the Children Programme - Prout (2001)

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Representing Children. Reflection on the Children Programme - Prout (2001)

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Page 1: Representing Children. Reflection on the Children Programme - Prout (2001)

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Page 4: Representing Children. Reflection on the Children Programme - Prout (2001)

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Page 5: Representing Children. Reflection on the Children Programme - Prout (2001)

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Page 6: Representing Children. Reflection on the Children Programme - Prout (2001)

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Page 7: Representing Children. Reflection on the Children Programme - Prout (2001)

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Page 8: Representing Children. Reflection on the Children Programme - Prout (2001)


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Page 9: Representing Children. Reflection on the Children Programme - Prout (2001)

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Page 10: Representing Children. Reflection on the Children Programme - Prout (2001)