Robert John Keenan [email protected] (415) 596 - 8812 156 Cypress Place, Sausalito, CA 94965 Architecture Design Portfolio

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Robert John Keenan

[email protected]

(415) 596 - 8812

156 Cypress Place, Sausalito, CA 94965

Architecture Design Portfolio

Architecture, and process involved in designing, organizing and planning, brings me great satisfaction and personal fulfilment, I look forward to expanding my knowledge of architecture by continuing my studies. I intend to use my education now, and that which I gain throughout life, to hone my skills and broaden my knowledge as a creator and designer, effectively building a strong foundation for my future as a professional architect. The challenge of solving problems and forming meaningful spaces is a work process that intellectually stimulates me in a way that no other field of work, or study, ever could.

Architecture is not merely the task of designing an aesthetically pleasing structure, but rather the process of creating inhabitable spaces that effectively communicate to both the pertaining context and those who dwell within. In order for architectural elements to be truly successful, they need to both respect and communicate with their existing environment and community. I strongly believe in striking a balance between both form and function; Architecture is only truly defined when both are gracefully brought together, communicating and building off of each other.

As a designer I see to it that my creations develop, grow, and evolve. Process work and the initial stages of any design are crucial. No original idea is perfect, somewhere along the way something will inevitably change. There is always room for improvement and development; I accept this and feel that being open-minded to change has helped me mature as a designer. During the creative process I harness a variety of different methods in order to visually and physically convey my ideas. Drawings, sketch models, montages and gestural sketches are some of the primary techniques I utilize when organizing and designing any given project.

I love to travel, and throughout my life, I have been exposed to a wide variety of culture and architecture. As a child, I have lived in Greece for two years, Malaysia for eight months, and Hong Kong for two years. Recently I have spent time visiting Hungary, Canada and South Korea. My time spent overseas has opened my eyes to a world of architecture. Setting foot on the Great Wall of China, surveying the Parthenon, exploring the streets of Budapest, and appreciating Gyeongbokgung Palace, have all been monumental experiences for me and my understanding and fascination of Architecture.

With my ever-growing interest and appreciation of architecture, I intend to continue to broaden my knowledge and sharpen my skills and abilities as a designer, planner, and future architect.

Statement of Intent

Tabel of Contents

The Pavilion Studio 280 - Professor: Nicola Boscanin

Chicken Coop Rhino Lab 245 - Professor: Kyle Norman

Observation Studio 281 - Professor: Nora Wendl

Urban Design Studio 480 - Professor: Rudy Barton

Street Roots Design / Build 382 - Professor: Corey Griffin

Cinema Studio 381 - Professor: Jason Jones

Timber in the City Rendering 420 / Studio 481 - Professor: Nicola Boscanin / Corey Griffin

Johnson Creek Watershed Volunteer work

The Pavilion Studio 280 - Professor: Nicola BoscaninThe des ign of the Pav ilion revo lved around an archetype; an archetype be ing a

t ra i t that defines a character , I was ass igned the genius archetype . The Pav ilion

serves the genius as e i ther a p lace of so li tude , to medi ta te or s tudy , or as an

exhibi t ion center for new ideas ,d i scover ies and creat ions . The panel on the face

of the Pav ilion can be lowered to form a p la t form f rom which the genius can

not only present f rom, but a l so observe and s tudy the sur round ings .

Above : The Pav ilion ’ s locat ion was insp ired by

class ica l mus ic and molded by hand f rom clay .

Chicken Coop Rhino Lab 245 - Professor: Kyle NormanPort land State Univers i ty ’ s Eco log ica l Learning Plaza chicken co op will

prov ide she l ter for thre e Golden Laced Wyandot te chickens . The Golden

Laced Wyandot te bre ed i s known for be ing hardy in the win ter , docile , and

genera lly easy to main ta in ; effec t ive ly mak ing them the ideal candidate for

a Univers i ty run chicken co op .

Observation Studio 281 - Professor: Nora WendlThe Archi tec ture of Observat ion & Communicat ion i s an educat iona l center that focuses

on mar i t ime act iv i ty a long the Willamet te R iver in Por t land , Oregon . The s t ruc ture i t se l f

responds to the wind , the sa il - li ke-canopy reacts by cont ract ing and expanding .

The des ign a l so creates a touch-po in t to the Willamet te R iver , a llowing v i s i tors to access

and v iew the water v ia the p ier ex tens ion . The pro ject i s located at the southern end

of the Water f ront Park in Por t land , Oregon .

Site-Recording Device Studio 281 - ContinuedThe s i te - record ing dev ice was des igned to record wind act iv i ty , and would

la ter influence the fina l des ign of the Archi tec ture of Observat ion and

Communicat ion . The s t ruc ture of the dev ice was pr imar ily cons t ruc ted

f rom p las t ic p lumbing e lements , bass wo od, and cardboard . When fins

located at the top of the dev ice are spun by the wind , energy i s created

and t rans ferred down to a pendulum which d i spenses ink .

These ink readings depic t wind act iv i ty and s t rength .

Above : Dev ice readings .R ight & be low: The dev ice at the s i te .

Four ang led fins located at the top form a fan that i s propelled by wind .The energy f rom the wind t rave l s down through the axe l toa pendulum .

The cent ra l body of the dev ice conta ins the documentat ion t ray where readings are recorded .

Incorporated in to the des ign of the legs are screws that a llow the dev ice to be firmly p lanted in to the ground; prevent ing the wind f rom knock ing i t over .


Documentat ion Tray

Ink Dispenser

Above : The in ter ior of the fina l model , a long wi th two sketch models d i sp lay ing the des ign process of the canopy . Left : A topographic drawing of the s i te and a process sketch of the in ter ior .

Willamet te R iver Traffic and Harbor GuideThe Willamet te R iver prov ides a means of passage for many d i fferent

nava l vesse l s on a da ily bas i s . Daily r iver t raffic inlcudes large every

thing f rom large cargo ships , to pr ivate yachts . Harbors ,docks , and

water ramps prov ide a myr iad of access po in t s for ships that may

be t rave ling the Willamet te .

Urban Design Studio 480 - Professor: Rudy BartonThe concept behind s tud io 480 was to br ing the r iver to the ci ty .

Touching the Willamet te was to be achieved by creat ing a contact

po in t that would encourage more act iv i ty a long the r iver ; des igning

a corr idor through the ci ty to a cent ra l po in t would fur theraccompli sh

these goals . Much of the des ign process was spent d iagramming and

mapping out poss ible so lu t ions .

0 3,000 6,000 9,000FEET

Industrial Dock/Harbor

Harbor Size & Density

Public Dock/HarborTransportation & MuseumsHouseboatsTugboats

River Depth0 - 15’15’ - 20’20’ - 40’> 40’

Daily River Traffic





Locat ion , Si te Analys i s , and PlanningNorthwest i s home to Por t land ’ s China Town as

well as an act ive night li fe ; however , dur ing the

day , the dreary facades of ag ing build ings a long

wi th an overa ll lack of pedes t r ian act iv i ty ind icate

that res torat ion and recons iderat ion of vacant

park ing lo t s would great ly benefi t the communi ty .

Park ing lo t s , represented in orange , are scat tered

across China Town and prov ide much potent ia l for

fu ture growth and expans ion . The d iagram depic t s

the evo lu t ion of the s i te , as promis ing lo t s are

deve loped in to parks , hote l s and a cent ra l

communi ty center a long the path of the corr idor ,

a ll of which lead to the new addi t ion of the

China Town R ivers ide Park .

Si te Analys i s

Planning & Development

Completed Plan

Green Space

Site Analysis


Urban Development



Green Space

Site Analysis


Urban Development



Street Roots Design / Build 382 - Professor: Corey GriffinGroup Members: Mike Harmel, Jeni Nguyen, and Alex SklarSt re et Ro ots i s a Por t land based news paper d i s t r ibu tor that s t r ives to bet ter the communi ty by creat ing jobs and oppor tuni t ies

for the homeless and those in ne ed . The des ign/build por t ion for Stud io 382 invo lved work ing as a group in order to create a

por table newspaper k iosk for vendors . The purpose of the of the k iosk i s to prov ide she l ter for newspaper d i s t r ibu tors ; ke eping

them dry and shie ld ing them f rom the windy and often ra iny weather of Por t land , Oregon . the k iosk a l so ne eded to be des igned

in such a way that i t would be fa ir ly quick and easy to assemble and d i s semble . My team and I s t r ipped down and d i smant led an

o ld tent and recycled the mater ia l s in to cons t ruc t ing our fina l des ign for the St re et Ro ots K iosk . The ent ire s t ruc ture can be quick ly

assembled and d i s sembled by one person and the ir bare hands , no addi t iona l to o l s required .

Willamet te R iver Traffic and Harbor GuideThe Willamet te R iver prov ides a means of passage for many d i fferent

nava l vesse l s on a da ily bas i s . Daily r iver t raffic inlcudes large every

thing f rom large cargo ships , to pr ivate yachts . Harbors ,docks , and

water ramps prov ide a myr iad of access po in t s for ships that may

be t rave ling the Willamet te .

Cinema Studio 381 - Professor: Jason JonesLocated in nor th -eas t Por t land , sur rounded by a mix of homes and bus inesses in ne ed of

res torat ion , the K illingswor th Cinema depic t s a p laus ible fu ture for the s le epy communi ty .

The des ign revo lves around the concept of pro ject ion ; or , the foca l po in t that the v iewer

observes and how d i fferent locat ions and angles can change the ir or ig ina l percept ion and

unders tand ing . Two large concrete encased theaters propel ou t f rom angled g lass cur ta ins ,

a lmos t as i f float ing .

The third flo or i s devoted to office space , s ta ff facili t ies and

prov id ing access to the two pro ject ion bo oths .

The second flo or cons i s t s of two theater ro oms a long wi th

res t ro oms . Each theater can s i t 28 patrons .

3rd Floor

2nd Floor

The t icket counter i s located at the ent rance; there i s a l so

a concess ion s tand , and a lounge where gues t s can wai t .

The basement cons i s t s of a full res taurant and bar . Located

behind the bar i s a full k i tchen and two s torage ro oms .

Ground Floor


Above to the left :

A sect ion perspect ive

depic t ing the ver t ica li ty of

the theater . In thi s image,

the theater ro om, pro ject ion

bo oth , lounge , k i tchen , bar

and d ining ha ll are a ll v i s ible .

Above to the r ight :

A d irect sect ion

cu t of the length of the

build ing . Illu s t ra ted are

the thre e main catwalks

that run a long the

in ter ior of the s t ruc ture

creat ing the dynamic

open flo or p lan .

Timber in the City Rendering 420 / Studio 481 - Professors: Nicola Boscanin / Corey GriffinThe Timber in the Ci ty des ign compet i t ion was for a mul t i -use s t ruc ture in Red Ho ok Bro ok lyn . The main goal was that the major i ty

of the s t ruc ture was to be des igned wi th wo od . The compet i t ion guide lines a l so ca lled for a complex program, which not only

included175 mixed res ident ia l uni t s , laundry and recreat ion ro oms , bu t a l so a bike shop , bike s torage , and park ing , and a wo od

product ion facili ty , includ ing offices , research center , s torage and loading dock .

Above : Sect ion perspect ive .

Left : Flo or p lan of the res ident ia l por t ion

of the build ing .

Stud io : 325 sqft

100 uni t s

1 Bedro om: 650 sqft

35 uni t s

2 Bedro om: 850 sqft

25 uni t s

175 mixed

res ident ia l uni t s

tower 23 s tor ies .

Laundry ro oms

and common

spaces are on

the top flo ors .

Four large gardens prov ide

areas to gather , p lay and

re lax . There i s a l so a bike

s torage center for res idents .

The second flo or cons i s t s of a

wo od product ion facili ty , includ ing :

a showro om, offices , s torage , and

research center

The ground flo or res t s on a concrete

foundat ion and includes res ident ia l

park ing , load ing dock , lobbies , and

a bike repair shop .

Thank you,

Robert John Keenan [email protected]

(415) 596 - 8812

156 Cypress Place, Sausalito, CA 94965