Robin Hood

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Prologue According to legend, robin hood was a man named robin longstride or robin of locksley, who was of great heart and lived outlaws hiding in sherwood forest and barnsdale, near the city of nottingham. The best goalkeeper, defender of the poor and the oppressed, fighting elsheriff of nottingham and prince john lackland. This paper details how managed to win the silver arrow.(Segn la leyenda, Robin Hood era un hombre llamado Robin Longstride o Robin de Locksley, quien era de gran corazn y viva fuera de la ley, escondido en elBosque de Sherwoody deBarnsdale, cerca de la ciudad deNottingham. El mejorarquero, defensor de los pobres y oprimidos, luchaba contra elsheriffde Nottingham y el prncipeJuan sin Tierra. El presente texto detalla como logro ganar la flecha de plata.)


El presente trabajo de traduccin al espaol del texto ROBIN HOOD AND THE SILVER ARROW, ha sido producto de una rdua investigacin con ayuda de diccionarios y libros.

Asi mismo el presente trabajo tiene por finalidad de poner en conocimiento al estudiantado Enciniano, que el Ingles es un idioma universal que nos permitir y ayudar no solo en la vida escolar sino tambien en la vida universitaria.

(The present study Spanish translation of the text "ROBIN HOOD AND THE SILVER ARROW" has been the product of arduous research with the help of dictionaries and books.

Likewise the present work aims to inform the students Enciniano, that English is a universal language and we will help you not only in school life but also in university life.)DEDICATION"This work first I want to dedicate to God, that all this time I was accompanying, illuminating and guiding me to reach my goal.

To my parents who supported me unconditional love at all times, in moments of strength and weakness, incentivarme always been to move forward.

My teacher whose dedication, patience, dedication and professionalism during this journey leads me, in order to teach and instruct me for my future.

A big Thank you all for joining me in this way.("Este trabajo en primer lugar se lo quiero dedicar a Dios, que durante todo este tiempo me estuvo acompaando, iluminando y guindome para llegar a mi meta.A mis padres que con su amor incondicional me apoyaron en todo momento, en mis momentos de fortaleza y de debilidad, siempre estuvieron para incentivarme a seguir adelante.

A mi profesor que con su dedicacin, paciencia, esmero y profesionalismo me dirige durante este trayecto, con el objetivo de ensearme e instruirme para mi futuro.

Muchsimas Gracias a todos por acompaarme en este camino)ROBIN HOOD AND THE SILVER ARROW(Robin Hood y la flecha de plata)

(PART ONE)(primera parte)

Many years ago, the outlaw Robin Hood lived with his friends the merry men in Sherwood Forest, near the town of Nottingham in England.

(Hace muchos aos, el forajido Robin Hood vivi con sus amigos los "hombres alegres" en el bosque de Sherwood, cerca de la ciudad de Nottingham en Inglaterra.)

Robin dedicated his life to fighting against tyranny and injustice, and his number one enemy was the Sheriff of Nottingham.

(Robin dedic su vida a luchar contra la tirana y la injusticia, y su enemigo nmero uno era el sheriff de Nottingham.)

One day, the Sherriff planned a trap to capture Robin Hood. He organized a competition to find was a fantastic archer in the land. Robin was a fantastic archer and when he discovered there was a competition, he entered it. The prize was a beautiful silver arrow.

(Un da, el sheriff planea una trampa para capturar a Robin Hood. l organiz un concurso para encontrar era un fantstico arquero en la tierra. Robin era un fantstico arquero y cuando descubri que haba una competencia, entr en ella. El premio era una flecha de plata hermoso.)

Many people warned Robin Hood not to go to the competition. Furthermore, he insisted he was not afraid. He wanted to win the arrow but he didnt want the sheriff to recognize him. Moreover, when the day of the competition arrived, he didnt his famous green clothes. He decided to wear red.

(Muchas personas advirtieron Robin Hood no ir a la competencia. Adems, insisti en que no tena miedo. Quera ganar la flecha pero no quera que el sheriff le reconozca. Por otra parte, cuando el da de la competicin lleg, no lo hizo su famosa ropa verde. l decidi vestirse de rojo.)

Early in the morning, Robin and his men traveled to wards Nottingham.

(Temprano en la maana, Robin y sus hombres viajaron a las salas de Nottingham.)

PART TWO(parte dos)

The Sheriff looked for Robin and his men 1) people stared to arrive for the competition 2) he couldnt see them. There were many people, 3) ho one was dressed in green. He waited and waited. I was late 4) his assistant knocked on his door. we are ready sir. Please come and declare the competition open(El sheriff buscaba Robin y sus hombres 1) ... la gente miraba a llegar para la competencia 2) ... no poda verlos. Haba mucha gente, 3) ... ho uno estaba vestido de verde. Esper y esper. Llegu tarde 4) ... su asistente llam a su puerta. "Estamos listos", seor. Por favor venga y declare el concurso ")PART FOUR.(parte cuatro)

Robin Hood and his Merry Men repeated the story of the competition to everyone in the forest. They all laughed and admired the beautiful silver arrow. Robin wanted the sheriff to know that he was the winner of the competition. First, he wrote a letter to the sheriff to tell him that the man dressed in red who received the prize was Robin Hood. Then his friend little John attached the letter too an arrow and fire red it into Nottingham. Later, the Sheriff received the letter and he discovered the truth. After that, he was angrier tan over before.

(Robin Hood y sus alegres repiten la historia de la competicin a todos en el bosque. Todos rieron y admirados en la flecha de plata hermoso. Robin quera que el sheriff saber que l era el ganador de la competencia. En primer lugar, escribi una carta al sheriff para decirle que el hombre vestido de rojo que recibi el premio era Robin Hood. A continuacin, su amigo el pequeo John adjunta la carta tambin una flecha y rojo fuego en Nottingham. Ms tarde, el Sheriff recibi la carta y descubri la verdad. Despus de eso, l estaba tan enojado terminado antes.).INGLS

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