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    Volume 7 Issu

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    PC Go expore oPicke Crow Go Mie p.28

    Exploring Albania p. 2

    POTASHContributing to the Worlds Food Security

    The McFaulds lakRing of fiRe

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    3/48uly 2009



    The McFaulds Lake Ring o Fire6by Ellsworth Dickson

    Potash contributing to the 13worlds ood security

    by Jennier Getsinger, PhD, P.Geo.

    PC Gold exploring old 28Pickle Crow Gold Mine

    by Ellsworth Dickson



    Serengeti Resources developingKwanika tonnage

    by Dorothy Hoert


    Why Albania?

    by Eric Hoesgen & Dennis Hoesgen


    Interest rates and precious metalsby Leonard Melman


    Sell in May No Way!by Rod Blake


    New excellence: Less awulby H.R. Tschudi


    Laurentian Goldeld/Kinross orm 23Uchi Exploration Alliance

    by Ellsworth Dickson

    Building Solomons 25Gold Mine

    byThomas Schuster

    AUSTRALIAN UPDATE 27OceanaGold records our quarters

    o increased gold salesby Greg Barns

    HOT ROCKS30Golden Band Resources Inc.

    IMPACT Silver Corp.

    Alexco Resource cleans up/explores 31Keno Hill, Yukon

    by Mike Niehuser

    Electra Gold acquires another 33BC coal project

    OIl & gASChevron recovers rst oil 34

    rom Tahiti eld

    THE OIL PATCH REPORT 35Texalta Petroleum targets

    both sides o globeby Joel Chury

    AlTERnATIvE EnERgy


    Legend Power knows how to put 3less vim in your volt

    by Peter Caufe

    ALTERNATIVE ENERGY IN THE NEWS 3BP Solar/SolarEdge Technologies In

    Plutonic Power/General ElectriRentech In

    by Joel Bainerma


    Editors Comments 4Its a balancing act

    by Ellsworth Dickson

    OFF THE WIRE 32Brett Resources Inc.Uranium Star Corp.


    The Nanaimo Coal Fields

    by Kathrine Moore

    Coming Events 42

    Reader Response Card 44Advertiser Index


    The worlds second oldestproession?

    by David Duval


    Cert no. SW-COC-002226


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    4/484 July 200

    Ellsworth Dickson, Editor-in-ChiefEmail: [email protected]

    T: 604 484 3800 | 1 877 484 3800 | F: 604 685 3833

    February 200

    April 200

    July 2009Volume 7, Issue 7


    Ellsworth Dickson

    Co-PublisherBusiness Development

    Paul Dickson

    Contributing EditorsDr. Edward Schiller

    David Duval

    Robert Simpson

    Contributing Writers Rod Blake Peter Cauleld

    Joel Chury Jennier GetsingerDennis Hoesgen Eric HoesgenDorothy Hoffert Leonard MelmanKathrine Moore Mike Niehuser

    H.R. Tschudi Thomas Schuster

    Australian CorrespondentGreg Barns

    European CorrespondentJoel Bainerman

    Art Director, Design and ProductionJocelyne Lafamme


    Advertising ManagerVancouver, BCIrene Fournier


    Calgary, AlbertaOil & Gas Advertising

    Christine Perrin403-648-1793

    Administrative AssistantRhonda Tobin

    Resource World Magazineis published 10 times a yearResource World Magazine Inc.. #709 700 West PendSt., Vancouver, BC V6C 1G8. 2002-2009 Resou

    World Magazine Inc., all rights reserved. No part o tmagazine may be reproduced, in whole or in pawithout the expressed permission o the publishReprints available by request at the above addressby emailing: [email protected].

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    Issn 1712-253Printed in Canada by Mitchell Press

    editor's commentsEl lsworth Dickson

    Its a balancing act

    We are all aware o how nancial transactions occur at the speed o light as buyersand sellers rom anywhere in the world purchase and sell mineral commodities. The

    advent o instant worldwide electronic communications has resulted in metal prices

    changing by the minute as buyers and sellers get together.

    At the present time, there is a battle between commodity buyers and sellers and it is

    anyones guess what the uture may bring. On one hand, we have China taking advan-

    tage o low commodity prices and stockpiling huge quantities o copper, nickel,

    aluminum, tin, zinc and oil, while, on the other hand, resource companies have been

    closing mines which will eventually lead to metal shortages.

    Meanwhile, or the rst quarter o 2009, many resource stock investors abandoned

    the mining sector ater the big meltdown. This could be seen in a revealing chart in

    a recent Ernst & Young mining report that showed the price/earnings ratios o many

    industrial sectors. A high price/earning ratio is usually considered an indication o

    investors aith in higher uture earnings. The chart showed no less than 35 industrial

    sectors with higher P/E ratios than the mining industry. Obviously, or the rst three

    months o 2009, investors remained bearish on mining.

    However, dont be too discouraged. Turning to the ollowing page in the Ernst &

    Young report, there were charts that depicted global metal consumption and produc-

    tion. It was clear that, despite economic downturns occurring every ew years, metal

    consumption and production have always continued to expand to meet ever-increas-

    ing consumption.

    The past couple o months have seen metal prices recover somewhat, in part

    probably due to Chinas stockpiling, but what will happen when that country has

    had its ll? The mining industry will need more than just China to sustain robustmetal prices it needs a more broad-based world economic recovery to maintain

    strong metal prices. When metal prices are weak, not only do marginal mining oper-

    ations shut down, nobody even wants to explore or metals that have been beaten

    down in price. This, o course, impacts the chance o building uture mines that the

    world will need.

    Along with somewhat increased metal prices, mining company nancings have seen

    a recent rise. At rst it was just producing gold companies that ound the easy money;

    however, since April, there has been a shit in attitude by private placement investors.

    Fear seems to be abating and investors are now helping to nance juniors. But keep

    in mind that these recent nancings are at nowhere near the price levels o previous

    years, resulting in less money in total being raised or exploration. So, while investors

    may be getting back their nerve to a certain degree, junior miners are not out othe woods yet. In the end, it comes down to the balancing act between supply and

    demand o commodities. n

  • 8/14/2019 RW 7-7 online

    5/48 and VideoMineHD - Divisions of InfoMine Inc. -

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  • 8/14/2019 RW 7-7 online

    6/486 July 200

    When Contributing Editor Dr. Ed Schiller wrote about the McFaulds Lake min-eral discovery in the May 2008 issue oResource World, he reported on the

    staking rush that was taking place ollowing the Noront Resources nickel-

    copper-platinum-palladium discovery o the Eagle One mineral deposit in September 2007.

    Drill hole NOT-07-05 returned 68.3 metres grading 5.90% nickel, 3.10% copper, 2.87 grams

    platinum/tonne and 9.78 grams palladium/tonne.

    In a scenario reminiscent o the Voiseys Bay, Labrador, discovery by Diamond Fields,

    it was diamonds that were the original target; however, it was volcanic-hosted base and

    precious metals that were discovered. This has now been ollowed by another surprise

    the discovery o chromium, vanadium and iron. In a recent press release, Freewest

    Resources Canada reported drill hole BT-09-37 intersected 174 metres grading 34.1%

    The McFaulds lakeRing oF FiRe by Ellsworth Dickso

    In a series of pleasant geological surprises, exploration of the McFaulds Lake

    Ring of Fire in the James Bay Lowlands of northern Ontario has resulted in

    the discovery of a veritable treasure trove of many different metals.


    Let, Dr. James Mungall, PhD., Chie Geologistor Noront, at the ront right is Michael Grey,o Genuity Capital. In the middle-let is OmarMurad, o Thomas Weisel Partners and in thebackground is Craig Stanley o Pinetree CapitaPhoto courtesy Noront Resources Inc.

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    7/48uly 2009

    chromium (Cr2O

    3) at its Black Thor chro-

    mite zone.

    Located about 600 kilometres north o

    Thunder Bay, Ontario, the McFaulds Lake

    mineral play is accessed via the town o

    Nakina. Situated at the end o both the

    road and the railway, Nakina is about 300

    road-kilometres north o Thunder Bay. As

    such, the town is utilized as a staging cen-

    tre by exploration companies active in the

    fy-in only McFaulds Lake region. The fat

    and swampy region is characterized by a

    lack o outcrops as well as inrastructure.Back in 2001, hoping or another dis-

    covery like their Victor diamond-bearing

    kimberlite 170 kilometres to the east,

    DeBeers came up with massive sulphi-

    des on a McFaulds Lake area property

    optioned rom KWG Resources and Spider

    Resources. Not interested in base metals,

    De Beers returned the claims to KWG/

    Spider which investigated the discovery,

    located in the Sachigo Greenstone Belt.

    Some new players arrived on the scene;

    however, the massive sulphide discoverydidnt trigger a staking rush. It was Noronts

    Eagle One discovery that prompted the

    major staking rush. Staking the geologically

    avourable ground resulted in a claim map

    with properties orming a ring; hence, the

    Ring o Fire name. Actually, it is not really

    a ring, it is more o an arc, or sideways letter

    U with some outlier prospects spread out

    over a wide area.

    Freewests chromite discovery has

    placed the McFaulds Lake region under

    a new light. The very size o the discov-

    ery could lead to a major chromium mine

    and smelter. Chromium, or chrome, is

    used or more than plating your toaster or

    your cars bumper. The shiny metal is an

    absolute necessity or the manuacture o

    stainless steel due to its natural resistance

    to corrosion.

    South Arica is the worlds largest pro-

    ducer o chromite ores, producing over

    50% o the worldwide production o about

    20 million tonnes per year. Other chro-mite-mining countries include Zimbabwe,

    Kazakhstan, India, Turkey, Russia, Finland,

    Brazil, Australia, Iran and Oman. Chromite

    ores are converted into what is called erro

    chrome to make stainless and heat resistant

    steels. Up to 25% o stainless steel consists

    o erro chrome. Some 90% o erro chrome

    production is used to make stainless steel.

    Due to the dwindling supply o erro

    chrome, thanks to the booming stainless

    steel industry, particulary in China, the price

    o erro chrome has soared, and is beingurther pushed higher by a new tari

    imposed by India on chromite exports.

    Freewest management will probably have

    to make some decisions with regard to how

    big a mine to build, although a easibility

    study has not yet been completed. I the

    operation is too small, the economics wont

    be optimized. I the mine is too big, food-

    ing the market with erro chrome could

    drive down prices.

    While Freewests chromium discov

    ery is exciting, so is Noronts discover

    o vanadium and iron in a new type o

    mineralization in the Ring o Fire at th

    Thunderbird anomaly. Vanadium is used i

    specialty steels to add hardness, in alloy

    with aluminum and titanium or light

    weight uses and in batteries. (In Septembe

    Resource World will have a ull report o

    vanadium.) Noront has also recently inter

    sected chromite in its drilling program.

    It is rather unusual or so many dieren

    metals to be discovered in one region in sshort a time. Unless it has been blind luck

    exploration results to date could be a sig

    o many more mineral discoveries to come

    Below are updates on the various explorer

    active in the McFaulds Lake Ring o Fire.

    Black Panther Mining Corp. [BPC

    TSXV] can earn up to a 75% interest in

    the Seagull/Wol Mountain propert

    rom East West Resource Corp. [EWR

    TSXV] and Trillium North Minerals Ltd

    [TNM-TSXV]. Located about 90 kilometre

    northeast o Thunder Bay and south o thRing o Fire region, exploration has discov

    ered several layers o copper, nickel an

    platinum group metals. To date, about $4.

    million has been spent on the propert

    with $150,000 budgeted or the curren

    program. East West Resource has a numbe

    o projects, on its own and with partners

    in the McFaulds Lake and outlying areas.

    Bold Ventures Inc. [BOL-TSXV] has tw

    projects in the McFaulds Lake region: a

    Drilling in the Norton Lake area, a joint venturebetween White Tiger Mining Corp., 51%, and

    Cascadia International Resources Inc., 49%.Exploration geologist/geophysicist Bob

    Middleton, P.Eng, on the let, with diamonddrillers. Photo courtesy White Tiger Mining Corp.

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    50% option with Noront on the Ring Star

    Project 30 kilometres north o Noronts

    copper-nickel discovery and a 50/50 J/V

    with Melkior Resources Inc. [MKR-TSXV]

    on the West Nickel Project 20 kilometres

    north o the Noront discovery.

    Melkior also has a 50% interest ina 24,000-hectare claim group east o

    McFaulds Lake where airborne geophys-

    ics have been completed and are under


    Canadian Orebodies Inc. [CO-TSXV]

    has assembled a large property portolio

    o 12 land packages. The company has a

    100% interest in eight properties, a 50%

    interest in three more through a J/V with

    MacDonald Mines and Temex, and an 80%

    interest in the Trump Project through a J/V

    with East West Resource. Additional tar-

    gets are also being explored in the region.

    Diamondex Resources Ltd. [DSP-TSXV]

    can earn a 51% interest rom private

    Canada Nickel Corp. on a 725-claim group

    that extends or over 250 kilometres, with

    some parts within 12 kilometres o the

    Double Eagle nickel deposit.

    East West Resource Corp. has various

    interests in 11 properties in the general

    McFaulds Lake region: Feeder (KWG),

    Fishhook (Noront), GP (Temex), GP2

    (Temex), Magtail (100%), Max (Northern

    Shield), North Trap (Temex/Gee-Ten),Norton West (Trillium North/Cascadia),

    Norton East (Trillium North/Cascadia), Ox

    (Gee-Ten), and Trump (Cdn. Orebodies).

    Fancamp Exploration Ltd. [FNC-TSXV]

    has drilled 10 holes on its McFaulds Lake

    property where hole 2 (C-1) returned

    3.52% nickel, 0.17% copper, 2.7 grams

    palladium/tonne and 233 ppb platinum

    over 0.9 metres.

    Freewest Resources Canada Inc. [FWR-

    TSX] continues to drill-test the Black Label

    chromite zone situated stratigraphically

    below the larger Black Thor chromite zone

    with three rigs on the 100%-owned claims.

    Drill spacing has been tightened rom

    200 metres down to 100 metres along the

    2.6-kilometre strike length, and down to 350

    metres in depth. Early drilling at Black Label

    intersected three chromite zones assayin

    32.4% Cr2O

    3over 37.2 metres, 14.5% Cr


    over 22.0 metres and 28.3% Cr2O

    3over 28

    metres in hole BT-08-08. Drilling into th

    upper Black Thor chromite zone has returne

    34.1% Cr2O

    3over 174 metres in hole BT-09

    37 that contains three higher-grade interval40.4% Cr


    3over 38 metres, 43.1% Cr


    over 64 metres, and 41.6% Cr2O

    3over 3

    metres. Black Thor has a true width o abou

    50 metres and remains open along strik

    and to depth. While company geologists ar

    keeping their eyes open or possible nicke

    copper-platinum-palladium mineralization

    the current drilling will be used as part o

    the basis or a NI 43-101 compliant resourc

    estimate. In a related development, Freewe

    has completed a private placement wit

    Clis Natural Resources [CLF-NYSE, Pari

    o Cleveland, Ohio to raise $5,162,500 to b

    used or chromite exploration.

    On the adjacent property, Freewes

    50%, and partners KWG Resources Inc

    [KWG-TSV], 25%, and Spider Resource

    Inc. [SPQ-TSXV], 25%, are generatin

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    comparable widths and grades o chromite

    mineralization at the Big Daddy Project.

    Clis has invested US $3.5 million in a

    KWG private placement. Nineteen drill

    holes have traced the chromite zone along

    a 400-metre strike length which remains

    open in all directions. Hole 22 intersected

    34.8 metres o 42.1% Cr2O

    3, 16% iron, and

    0.4 grams combined platinum/palladium/

    tonne. KWG and Spider can increase their

    combined interest to 60% by completing a

    easibility study within 18 months.

    Hawk Uranium Inc. [HUI-TSXV] has

    a J/V with MacDonald Mines in the six

    Hawk-McNugget claims covering 1,554hectares where nickel targets have been

    identied by geophysics.

    International Bethlehem Mining

    Corp. [IBC-TSXV] can earn to a 75% inter-

    est rom East West Resource Corp. in the

    Eva Kitto platinum prospect located near

    Beardmore, 153 kilometres north-northeast

    o Thunder Bay. This summer, new oles

    will be drilled and some old ones re-drilled

    in the $350,000 program.

    James Bay Resources Ltd. [JBR-TSXV]

    has a 19,700-hectare prospect about 30kilometres west-southwest o the Eagle One

    discovery. Airborne geophysics has identi-

    ed over 30 targets. Some drilling has been

    completed which returned anomalous cop-

    per/zinc values.

    MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd.

    [BMK-TSXV], while still holding on to

    some 88,000 hectares in the McFaulds

    Lake region, the company is basically sit-

    ting out this exploration season to ocus on


    Chromium was discovered in 1797. Stainless

    steel that is highly resistant to corrosion is

    made by adding chromium and nickel to iron.

    Chromium and ferrochromium are produced

    from chromite (FeCr2O4), the only commerciallyviable ore. Making stainless steel and plating

    are its main uses. Chromium is a lustrous, hard

    metal that takes a high polish and melts at

    2,671 C. Two thousand year old bronze cross-

    bow bolts and swords from China show no sign

    of corrosion as they are coated with chromium.

    Spider Resources Inc. is the Pioneer Exploration Company in the James Bay

    Lowlands o Northern Ontario, exploring area since 1993.

    Spiders Exploration team headed up by Neil Novak is responsible or the discovery

    o 3 Jurassic aged Kimberlites (MF1, MF2 and Good Friday) within a ew kilometres

    o Ontarios frst diamond mine Victor, now in production, as well as fve Proterozoic

    hidden Kimberlites (Kyle 1 5) located 100 kilometres to west o Victor.

    Regional diamond exploration by same team lead to discovery o McFaulds Lake

    VMS deposits (1 and 3) in 2002-03, as well as 8 other VMS occurrences spawning

    The McFaulds Ring o Fire. Geophysical surveying and other exploration eorts as

    initially conducted by Spider ormed the exploration data-set that lead to the frst

    discovery o Chrome in the area in 2006 as well as the Eagle One Magmatic Massive

    Sulphide Deposit.

    For information, contact Neil Novak P.Geo.

    Tel: 416.203.8636 Fax: 416.815.1355

    304 65 Front Street, Toronto, Ontario M5E 1B5

    [email protected]

    TSX-V: SPQ

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    12/4812 July 200

    other projects.

    Mill City Gold Corp. [MC-TSXV] can

    earn a 50% interest in the GP2 property

    held in a J/V between East West Resource

    and Temex Resources Corp. [TME-TSXV;

    TQ1-Frankurt]. The property is located 50

    kilometres southwest o the Noront discov-eries. Earlier drilling has returned 0.15%

    copper over 80 metres with several higher

    grade intervals. Mill City is testing a num-

    ber o targets. Temex has various interests

    in 375,400 acres o claims.

    Noront Resources Inc. [NOT-TSXV]

    controls 100% o about 48,600 hectares

    and has joint ventures comprising another

    68,000 hectares. The company has com-

    pleted a NI 43-101 compliant resource

    estimate at Eagle One, discovered the

    Eagle Two nickel-copper deposit and

    made two high-grade chromite discover-

    ies the Blackbird One and the Blackbird

    Two. Indicated resources (massive + dis-

    seminated) at Eagle One currently stand

    at 1,834,000 tonnes grading 1.96% nickel,

    1.18% copper, 0.15 grams gold/tonne,

    1.12 grams platinum/tonne, 3.91 grams

    palladium/tonne and 3.81 grams silver/

    tonne. Inerred resources (massive + dis-

    seminated) are pegged at 1,087,000 tonnes

    grading 2.39% nickel, 1.27% copper, 0.13grams gold/tonne, 1.37 grams platinum/

    tonne, 4.50 grams palladium/tonne and

    4.21 grams silver/tonne. For these esti-

    mates, a cut-o grade o US $115/tonne

    net smelter return was used.

    In late April 2009, Noront announced

    the discovery o two mineralized zones

    o vanadium, titanium and iron at the

    Thunderbird Anomaly. In the A Zone,

    drill hole NOT-09-2G21 intersected 0.36%V


    5(vanadium), 2.77% TiO


    and 24.72% Fe3O

    4(iron) over 178 metres.

    The B Zone returned 0.36% V2O

    5, 2.66%


    and 23.58% Fe3O

    4over 99.64 metres.

    Noront has planned a metallurgical study

    to examine the best extraction method or

    these metals.

    On the chromium ront, Noront reported

    intersecting 21.5 metres o massive chro-

    mite at the Blackbird area averaging

    41.56% Cr2O

    3in hole NOT-09-1G130. In

    addition, hole 1G104 cut 25.1 metres aver-

    aging 36.82% Cr2O

    3, including 5.2 metres

    o 40.61% Cr2O


    At the present time, Noront has ve drills

    turning. Two rigs in the Eagle One area are

    drilling to expand the known resources,

    two other rigs are testing the Blackberry

    area and one is drilling in the Oval Lake

    area targeting geophysical anomalies. The

    company expects to have a NI 43-101

    resource estimate or the chromite deposits

    in Q3 o this year. Down-hole geophysicswill also be carried out at Eagle One.

    Northern Shield Resources Inc. [NRN-

    TSXV] has several prospects south and

    southeast o the Ring, including th

    Highbank Lake, Eastbank, Wabassi Nos

    1 & 2, Cain & Abel, Hale Lake and Fring

    targets. Till sampling at Eastbank, wher

    a drill program is planned, has returne

    chromite grains. At Highbank, wher

    Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd. can earn 60% interest, a platinum soil anomaly ha

    been discovered and drilling is planned.

    Probe Mines Ltd. [PRB-TSXV] hold

    claims avourably located adjacent t

    Nortons Eagle One discovery and other

    directly on strike rom the Black Thor, Bi

    Daddy and Blackbird chromite discoverie

    Probes 100%-owned Tamarack propert

    hosts a one-kilometre strike length o

    untested ultramac intrusive rocks locate

    northeast o the nickel and chrome dis

    coveries where a summer drill program i

    planned. Geophysical programs were car

    ried out in 2007 and 2008.

    Probes 100%-owned Victory propert

    covers the interpreted southeast extensio

    o the McFaulds Lake volcanic belt. Th

    company plans to drill-test selected geo

    physical targets this summer. Probe als

    has a 50/50 joint venture with Noront on

    property situated between the Black Tho

    and Big Daddy chromite discoveries o th

    Freewest and Freewest-Spider-KWG J/VAirborne geophysics has identied anoma

    lies. Exploration continues.continued on page 4


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    n Lk


    e Ki

  • 8/14/2019 RW 7-7 online

    13/48uly 2009

    EEveryone needs NPK. Its not a stock trad-

    ing symbol, but a ormula or enhanced

    ood productivity nitrogen, phosphorus,

    potassium the essential triumvirate o

    ertilizer. Even during an economic down-

    turn, the increasing world population

    needs ood. Plants eaten by people and

    domestic animals (raised or meat and dairy

    products) are dominantly cereals (grains o

    the grass amily: mainly rice, wheat, and

    corn, as well as oats, rye, barley, sorghum,and wild rice) and legumes (beans, soy-

    beans, peas, peanuts, etc.), which, when

    consumed in combination provide a bal-

    anced protein diet. Other important grasses

    to the economic system are sugar cane and

    bamboo. Productivity o all crops can be

    improved with appropriate applications

    o modern ertilizer in addition to main-

    taining good soil, using best management

    practices, and arming wisdom developed

    over millennia o human agriculture.

    Where does ertilizer come rom? N,

    or nitrogen, makes up 79% o air and is

    xed in soil by legumes in conjunction

    with soil bacteria, and can be added to soil

    rom organic waste. P, or phosphorus, a

    main component o phosphate minerals in

    bones, can be mined rom phosphate rock

    such as the Permian Phosphoria Formation

    o western North America. K, or potassium

    is derived rom potash.Potash is the name given to various

    potassium salts and compounds used in

    ertilizer. Originally derived rom wood

    ash in a simple lye-making process that let

    white powder in a big pot, hence the name

    pot ash, now most potash comes rom

    mineral sources. Potash is generally mined

    as KCl (potassium chloride, or muriate o

    potash, aka MOP), the mineral sylvite,

    which occurs abundantly and naturally in

    extensive strata o evaporated Paleozo

    epicontinental seas in the subsurace o

    southern Saskatchewan, along with th

    more common mineral halite (NaCl, or tab

    salt). Potash is oten measured and reporte

    in tons o K2O equivalent, or which 1 to

    KCl = 0.63 tons o K2O.

    Most lode salt mines contain ore o th

    evaporite rock sylvinite, an aggregate o

    sylvite and halite +/- clay, anhydrite, o

    dolomite (water insolubles); high-gradsylvinite contains more than 30% K


    equivalent. Associated minerals includ

    magnesium-bearing carnallite (giving potas

    ore its reddish colour). Extensive evapori

    strata were deposited in the Paleozoic Era. I

    Canada, the Elk Point Basin o Saskatchewa

    ormed in the Devonian, and potash mine

    in the Maritimes in Carbonierous basin

    whereas in Europe the Zechstein basin

    hosting salt mines o Germany, Poland, an

    POTASHContributing to the Worlds Food Security

    by Jennifer S. Getsinger, PhD, P.Geo.

    Drilling operations at Western PotashsMilestone property in southeast SaskatchewanPhoto courtesy Western Potash Corp.

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    Austria, ormed in the Permian, like the

    Kama Basin in the Perm area o Russia. Potash

    can also be mined rom modern evaporites

    or brines, in similar geological environments

    to lithium deposits and brines (inland tec-

    tonic basins), such as the Dead Sea, Albertaoilelds, or Andean salars.

    In the August 2008 Resource World, an

    article on potash reported that demand

    had increased so ast that prices soared

    rom about $200/tonne in 2007 to about

    $1,150/tonne by 2008 (with higher esti-

    mates or 2009 and beyond). Exploration

    companies started looking toward develop-

    ing new potash mines. Demand or potash

    is driven not only by population explosion

    (the need to eat), and by increasing income

    (a desire to eat well), but also by urbaniza-

    tion (reduction in arable land) and the use

    o oil-alternative biouels. I more crops are

    grown or uel and animal eed (to satisy

    higher meat consumption), and i there is

    less land to grow crops, then higher pro-

    ductivity rom less land area is desirable.

    Thereore, it was reasoned rom positive

    projections that the demand or potash

    would continue to rise.

    How has the past years economic

    weather changed these predictions? Whathasnt changed is that people are still eat-

    ing and growing grains and beans, and

    the main non-North American markets

    or potash are still China, India and Brazil.

    However, all over the world people are

    spending less money, and that includes

    the entire agribusiness sector, rom mega-

    corporations to amily armers. What this

    means or the ertilizer business is that the

    predicted demand or NPK slowed down.

    Prices or N and P ell, precipitating unex-

    pected losses. However, according to sourcessuch as Citigroup Global Markets Citi

    Investment Research rms January 2009

    report on Potash Prospects, because the pot-

    ash industry is relatively consolidated, the

    price remained somewhat high and even

    though sales weakened, companies concen-

    trating in potash still came out ahead.

    The major potash producers reduced

    production o inventory to meet the lesser

    demand, and attempted to hold rm on

    pricing. Citi orecasts a price o $650/tonne

    in 2009 and $600/tonne in 2010, with an

    average price o about $400/tonne over the

    long term. While these are much lower than

    the $1,000+ per tonne potash prices o a

    year ago, they are still better than pre-2008

    prices, and the prognosis is good or conti-

    nuity. Perhaps the worlds middle class will

    not atten up quickly enough or speculators

    to make a ast buck on potash, but the ood

    and hence ertilizer industry remains astable bet or the long term.

    The potash business is dominated by

    eight main producers in only a ew coun-

    tries, with yearly production o about 30

    million tonnes. Canada remains the num-

    ber one world potash provider with its

    Canpotex marketing group consisting o

    Saskatchewans Potash Corp. [POT-TSX;

    POT-NYSE], Mosaic [MOS-NYSE], and

    Agrium [AGU-TSX; AGU-NYSE], together

    making up 35% o 2008s global potash

    capacity (Fertecon, as reported by Citi).Belarusian Potash Co. exports potash rom

    Belaruskali and Uralkali [URKA-MM], and

    International Potash Company exports

    potash rom Russias Silvinit [SILV-RU].

    These three companies made up 29%

    o global potash capacity in 2008, with

    Germanys Kali & Salz (K+S) [SDF-

    Frankurt] at 10% and Israels ICL [ICL-Tel

    Aviv Stock Exchange] at 8%. The remaining

    17% potash capacity comes rom a combina-

    tion o smaller producers such as Intrepi

    Potash Inc. [IPI-NYSE], the largest produce

    in the USA, which produces 8.5% o Unite

    States consumption, and 1.5% o worl

    consumption, and Arab Potash Compan

    (APC) [APOT-Amman Stock Exchang

    in Jordan, which is a major supplier to th

    Middle East, Asia, and Arica. Major potas

    consumers are China, North America, India

    Russia, and Brazil.

    The largest known potash reserves are iCanada (>50%), Russia/Belarus (~30%

    and Germany (9%), with smaller amount

    in other countries, including signicant pro

    duction rom the Dead Sea area. The Germa

    reserves are estimated to last 40 more year

    whereas Canadian potash longevity is, so a

    inestimable (reserves estimated at 75 billio

    tonnes o KCl, according to the Canadia

    Encyclopedia online). The Vancouver Sun i

    May 2009 quoted Kelvin Dereski, presiden

    o the Saskatchewan Mining Association

    saying that 2008 mining production iSaskatchewan, largely due to potash, wa

    valued at a record $9.7 billion positionin

    the province as the No.1 mineral-producin

    jurisdiction in Canada.

    Until the 20th century, almost all worl

    potash was supplied by burning wood t

    ash and by European salt mines, but Worl

    War I sparked new mineral resource di

    coveries in North America, among them th

    mines o the Carlsbad area o New Mexico

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    USA, active in the 1930s. It wasnt until

    deep drilling or oil in 1943 penetrated

    evaporite strata in central North America

    that the huge potash reserves beneath

    southern Saskatchewan were revealed, as

    most o the potash-bearing rock is oundat depths between 1,000 and 3,000 metres.

    Some potash extraction in Saskatchewan is

    by underground mining, and some is by

    solution mining, depending on depth o

    the potash-bearing strata and also subsur-

    ace temperatures.

    Although the larger companies seem to

    have a production advantage, there is still

    room in the uture o potash or new dis-

    coveries and mine development, especially

    considering actors o convenience, prox-

    imity, and changes in demand not only or

    ertilizer but also the other uses o potash,

    such as glass making, health products, and

    chemical applications.

    Canadian resource companies with

    interests in potash

    Agrium Inc. [AGU-TSX; AGU-NYSE],

    headquartered in Calgary, is an integrated

    agricultural retailer, providing NPK nutri-

    ents rom source to consumer. Its fagship

    potash acility at Vanscoy, near Saskatoon,produces 1.8 million metric tonnes o

    potash annually.

    Alix Resources Corp. [AIX-TSXV] and

    Geo Minerals Ltd. [GM-TSXV] acquired

    areas prospective to potash in Saskatchewan

    and Manitoba in July 2008, but appear to

    have intersected and explored coal seams

    near Wapawekka Lake instead, according to

    a news release by Michael England (dated

    April 30, 2009). On June 11, 2009, Alix and

    Geo announced acquisition o a lode gold

    quartz property in the Yukon, but have notreleased any news o their Saskatchewan

    potash prospects since July 2008.

    Allana Resources Inc. [AAA-TSX] is a

    Canadian company with 100 million tonnes

    o NI 43-101 compliant inerred potash

    resources in its Dallol property in a his-

    torical potash mining area o the Danakil

    Depression o Ethiopia. (See the write-up

    on Allana in June 2009 Resource World.)

    Athabasca Potash Inc. [API-TSX] is

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    World-class shallow depth potash

    Inferred Resource of 105 million tonnes at 21 % KCl

    Potentially lowest CAPEX and lowest OPEX potashproject in the world

    Amenable to Solution Miningand Solar Evaporation

    Located in one of the largest evaporite

    basins with known potash mineralization

    TSXV: AAA Farhad Abasov, President/CEO: 416 309-2691

    advancing its Burr Project in Saskatchewan

    near PotashCorp.s Lanigan Mine with

    a pre-easibility study, and recently

    announced NI 43-101 measured and indi-

    cated resources o 425 million tonnes

    potash, and an additional 187 million

    tonnes inerred. It holds 23 potash leaseson almost 7,000 square kilometres o


    BHP Billiton Ltd. [BHP-NYSE] in a J/V

    with Anglo Potash Ltd., in 2006 acquired

    about 7,000 square kilometres o potential

    potash mining property near Saskatoon,

    and intends to open the rst new potash

    mine in Canada in 30 years, the Jansen

    Lake Project, o which it now owns 100%.

    Director Gordon Graham plans to involve

    local First Nations and Metis. The mine is

    slated to open in January 2015, with ull 8

    million-tonne yearly capacity by 2026.

    Canasia Industries Corp. [CAJ-TSXV],

    in addition to gold properties, has the

    Eyehill Creek Potash project in Alberta,

    where geophysical studies have suggested

    subsurace potash strata not ar west

    rom Saskatchewans Unity potash mine.

    Exploration work is now underway on

    their 20 permit areas.

    Channel Resources Ltd. [CHU-TSXV]

    has analytical results that suggest pot-

    ash might easibly be co-produced withlithium carbonate rom brines at their

    Fox Creek project in the Alberta oilelds,

    according to Cyrus Ameli. (See June 2009

    Lithium article in Resource World.)

    Conederation Minerals Ltd. [CFN-

    TSXV], headed by Lawrence Dick, PhD,

    P.Geo., recently announced a joint venture

    with Magna Resources Ltd. (they each

    own 50% o American Potash LLC) to

    option U.S. potash prospects in Utah and

    Arizona. Although the properties are not

    named specically in the June 3, 2009,

    news release, they are located within the

    Paradox Basin and Holbrook Basin, like the

    prospects oered by Ringbolt Ventures.

    Grizzly Diamonds Ltd. [GZD-TSXV]

    announced in June 2008 its subsurace min-

    eral permits along the Saskatchewan-Albert

    border that include rights to potash mining

    It is currently reviewing geophysical dat

    and planning potash drilling programs. Las

    year, Shear Minerals Ltd. [SRM-TSXV

    signed an option with Grizzly, but no pot

    ash news has been reported since.Lara Exploration Ltd. [LRA-TSXV] ha

    been granted potash exploration license

    encompassing about 14,000 hectares i

    Sergipe State, northeast Brazil. The claim

    are adjacent to and cover the extensions o

    the potash-bearing sedimentary basins o

    Vales producing Taquari-Vassouras potas


    MagIndustries Corp. [MAA-TSXV

    announced agreements or nancing Phas

    I exploration on its Kouilou Potash Projec

    in the Republic o Congo, a greeneld

    development with a design capacity o

    600,000 tonnes o potash, hoping to b

    the newest potash acility in Arica. Th

    main potassium mineral is carnallite (als

    containing magnesium), and the expecte

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    process is solution mining.

    Orocobre Limited [ORE-ASX] has a

    resource 4.4 million tonnes o potash at its

    Olaroz lithium-potash project in northwest

    Argentina based on 5.32 tonnes o lithium

    carbonate being equivalent to 1 tonne o

    lithium and 1.91 tonnes o potash beingequivalent to one tonne o potassium.

    Passport Metals Inc. [PPI-TSXV] is

    drilling (diamond drill and reverse cir-

    culation) its 100%-optioned Holbrook

    Basin, Arizona, potash property, where

    the salt layers occur in the Permian Supai

    Formation. Downhole geophysics will

    also be carried out. Historic drilling has

    returned potash values ranging rom

    11.05% to 14.59% K2O.

    Potash Corporation o Saskatchewan

    was ormed in 1975. Now known as

    PotashCorp., the largest ertilizer com-

    pany in the world, it provides NPK with

    a commitment to grow and a strategy o

    putting potash rst. An interactive map

    on its website shows world agriculture

    and ertilizer markets by country. It has

    ve potash mines in Saskatchewan, one

    in New Brunswick, a nitrogen gas acility

    in Trinidad and part ownership o several

    international potash producers.

    Potash One Inc. [KCL-TSX] recently

    updated NI 43-101 estimated resources onits 400 square kilometre Legacy Project near

    Regina (adjacent to Mosaics Belle Plaine

    solution mine property) to 29 million tonnes

    o measured potash resources, 222 million

    tonnes o indicated potash resources, and 852

    million tonnes o inerred potash resources.

    In January 2009, Potash One and the ormer

    Potash North Resource Corp. announced

    a merger which was approved by the BC

    Supreme Court in April 2009. In mid May,

    Paul Matysek, President, announced Robert

    Friedland will be Chairman. Mr. Friedland

    will advise the company on its selection o

    strategic nancing partners. Potash One had

    SNC-Lavalin complete a preeasibility study

    or a 2.5-million tonne/year potash solution

    mine. Capital cost is US $1.877 billion or a

    initial 40-year mine lie with a 3.3-year ater

    tax payback. IRR would be 30.1%.

    Raytec Metals Corp. [RAY-TSXV] plan

    to sell its Saskatchewan potash interests t

    Angus Ventures Corp. [AGN.H-TSXV] an

    Encanto Potash Corp., which will merg

    under the name Encanto Potash. Raytewill then earn in or a 51% interest an

    Encanto may repurchase the 51% interes

    Raytec will make $6.5 million available o

    exploration. The Spar property is reporte

    (NI 43-101 compliant) to have an indicate

    resource o 12.24 million tonnes o K2O

    and is undergoing geophysics.

    Ringbolt Ventures Ltd. [RBV-TSXV]

    sustaining agricultural growth by mak

    ing its potash prospects in Utah (Lisbo

    Valley, Paradox Basin) and Arizon

    (Holbrook Basin) a priority, along with on

    uranium property in Canada. New direc

    tors came on board in November 2008, an

    are seeking investors in order to continu

    the path toward developing their prospec

    tive potash assets in the U.S.

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    Sidon International Resources Corp.

    [SD-TSXV] in December 2008 received the

    10 potash mineral permits over 870 square

    kilometres in the Vermilion area o Alberta

    or which they applied in July 2008; how-

    ever, in 2009 it appears that their main

    activity has been undraising.The Mosaic Company produces muri-

    ate o potash rom its solution mine at Belle

    Plaine and two other mines in Saskatchewan,

    the Colonsay and the Esterhazy (one o the

    largest potash mines in the world), and

    exports potash through Canpotex, also pro-

    viding phosphate, to help the world grow

    the ood it needs. Mosaic recently won a

    National Environmental Education award

    or its work educating school children in

    Florida, where it mines phosphate rock.

    TNR Gold Corp. [TNR-TSXV], eatured

    in the June 2009 Resource World lithium

    article, has acquired 100% interest in

    Argentinas Mariana brine property, located

    in an Andean salar or salt lake. President

    Gary Schellenberg and John Harrop,

    P.Geo., report that historical sampling has

    reported signicant lithium, boron, and pot-

    ash levels in brines and sediments in the

    salar. Processing surace salts is much less

    costly than underground mining or these


    Trigon Uranium Corp. [TEL-TSXV],part owner o Intercontinental Potash (ICP),

    is exploring and studying easibility o poly-

    halite mining in New Mexico in addition to

    ICPs other potash properties in Colorado

    and Utah. Polyhalite, a hydrated sulate o

    potassium, calcium, and magnesium, would

    provide an organic, non-chloride, slow-

    release, and multi-nutrient ertilizer.

    Vale S.A. [VALE-NYSE], ormerly Inco,

    one o the largest mining companies in the

    world, bought Rio Tintos Canadian potash

    holdings near Regina early in 2009.

    Vulcan Minerals Inc. [VUL-TSX], while

    exploring or oil near Newoundland, dis-

    covered its Flat Bay Potash/Salt project in

    the Carbonierous Maritimes Basin (Bay St.

    George Basin) at the southwestern corner

    o Newoundland. It expects to produc

    de-icing salt there, ater assessing the po

    ash (so ar analyzed up to 20.4% K2O) an

    halite resources. Altius Minerals Corp

    [ALS-TSX], with investment partner Spro

    Resource Corp. [SCP-TSX], has begun po

    ash exploration in the Bay St. George BasinCornerstone Capital Resources Inc. [CGP

    TSXV] advertises its Codroy property, at th

    southwestern corner o Newoundland, as

    potash prospect, but it is also exploring o

    uranium and copper in the area.

    Western Potash Corp. [WPX-TSXV

    AHE-FSE] reports positive drill result

    rom its 500 square kilometre Mileston

    property southeast o Regina on the sam

    trend with Mosaics Belle Plaine producin

    solution mine and adjacent to propertie

    held by Potash One, BHP, and Vale (Ri

    Tinto). John Costigan, VP o Corporat

    Development, says that Western Potash

    drilling in new areas, targeting signican

    heat anomalies where the cost o solutiocontinued on page 4


    ROCHER DEBOULE MINERALS CORP. [email protected]

    TSX-V: RD Ph. #: 604-531-9639Open-pit Manganese face




    (Billions) %Mn Pounds

    Indicated 10,865,929 4.46% 1,068,307,976

    Inferred 96,933,724 4.52% 9,661,091,721

    * Summary of National Instrument 43-101


    Manganese $1.10/l

  • 8/14/2019 RW 7-7 online

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    Under the direction o David Moore, President and CEO,

    Serengeti Resources Inc. [SIR-TSXV] acquired 100% own-

    ership o the Kwanika Project through staking between

    2004 and 2006. The Kwanika Project is located in north-central

    British Columbia about 140 kilometres northwest o Fort St. James

    and lies in close proximity to the well serviced mining communities

    o Prince George and Smithers. It is situated in a large porphyry cop-

    per-gold belt geologically reerred to as the Quesnel Trough between

    Northgates Kemess Mine, which produces 300,000 ounces o gold

    annually, and the Mt. Milligan deposit, reported to contain 5.6 mil-

    lion ounces o gold and 1.7 billion pounds o copper, currently being

    developed by Terrane Metals and Goldcorp.

    The Kwanika Project consists o two mineralized areas known

    as the Central Zone and the South Zone. Prior exploration on

    the property occurred between 1966 and 1995 during which

    time a historic resource (non NI 43-101 compliant) o 36 mil-

    lion tonnes grading 0.20% copper was estimated on the South

    Zone. Exploration conducted by Serengeti during 2005 and 2006

    included airborne and ground geophysics as well as drill programs

    that resulted in the discovery hole K-06-9 that intersected 111.1

    metres grading 0.69% copper and 0.54 grams gold/tonne in the

    Central Zone in December 2006. Since that discovery, Serengeti

    has expanded the central area o high-grade, copper-gold miner-alization using drill hole spacings designed to support a resource

    calculation. The company completed 56,000 metres o drilling in

    123 holes by August 2008. Some o the drilling highlights include

    Hole K-07-15 that cut 328.3 metres grading 0.61% copper and

    0.72 grams gold/tonne and Hole K07-29 that intersected 48.6

    metres o 0.75% copper and 2.5 grams gold/tonne. Hole K-07-28

    encountered a 322-metre interval o porphyry-style copper-gold

    mineralization that graded 0.40% copper and 0.40 grams gold/

    tonne. A 240-metre interval in Hole K-08-62 produced 1.28%

    copper and 1.41 grams gold/tonne.

    A NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate conducted on the

    Central copper-gold zone at the Kwanika Project was released inlate February 2009. The estimate is based on 78 drill holes total-

    ing 40,784 metres that were drilled between 2006 and 2008. The

    resource estimate was based on a 0.25% copper equivalent cut-

    o grade and outlined 182.6 million tonnes o indicated mineral

    resources grading a 0.47% copper equivalent or a 0.71 grams

    gold/tonne equivalent containing 1.62 million ounces o gold and

    1.15 billion pounds o copper. Inerred mineral resources o 28.5

    million tonnes grade 0.32% copper equivalent or 0.49 grams gold/

    tonne equivalent and contain an additional 0.2 million ounces

    o gold and 120 million pounds o copper. A higher grade zone

    based on a 0.40% copper equivalent contains 75.1 million tonne

    o indicated mineral resources grading 0.42 grams gold/tonne an

    0.41% copper. An environmental scoping study and preliminar

    metallurgical studies have been completed.

    Serengeti has approved a $3.1 million program or 2009. Th

    company will be drilling high priority targets to expand th

    known mineralized zones and to search or new zones around thCentral and South Zones o the Kwanika Project. Follow-up dri

    programs will also take place on other highly prospective prop

    erties in the Quesnel Trough. Joint venture partner Newcre

    Mining Limited o Australia is ully permitted to conduct

    $1.5 million ollow-up drill program to test copper-gold targe

    on the Croy Bloom-Davie Creek property this year. The Mil prop

    erty, a 50/50 joint venture with Fjordland Exploration In

    [FEX-TSXV], will be drilled as well as the 100%-owned Choo an

    Osilinka properties, also located in the Quesnel Trough.

    Serengeti is well unded to advance its projects with a workin

    capital o approximately $8.6 million in the treasury. n

    (CIPF) Dorothy Hoert has been an Investment Advisor

    20 years with a ocus on the Mining Sector. The inormatio

    contained in this article was obtained rom sources believe

    to be reliable; however, we do not represent that it is accurate or com

    plete. This report is provided as a general source o inormation an

    should not be considered personal investment advice or solicitation

    buy or sell securities. The views expressed are those o the author an

    not necessarily those o Wolverton Securities. Wolverton Securities ha

    not perormed any investment banking or this company in the last 1

    months. Ms. Hoert can be reached at 604-662-5271.

    Serengeti Resources developing Kwanika tonnage

    Kwanika Resource Block Model Feb 2009 >0.25% Cu Eq Cut-olooking East

    broker's picksDorothy Hoffert

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    insights & investmentsEric Hoesgen & Dennis Hoesgen

    What is the rst thing that comes

    to mind when you think o

    Albania? Tough to say isnt it?

    This is because very little has been known

    o this country in the last 100 years, up

    until very recently. Today, the country is

    starting to attract a signicant amount o

    oreign investment; it also led Europe in

    GDP growth in 2008.

    I (Eric) traveled to Albania in May o 2008

    and was truly amazed at the development

    and beauty o this country. Oddly enough,

    my cell phone had better coverage in north-

    ern Albania than in some parts o British

    Columbia, which was impressive. Now, you

    might be wondering what I was doing in the

    mountains o Albania. Please read on.

    The country boasts 450 kilometres o

    gorgeous coastline and a cuisine comprised

    o Greek, Italian and Turkish infuences

    nations that had each occupied Albania

    at dierent times throughout history, leav-ing their mark on Albanian culture. The

    pizzerias almost make you eel like you

    are in Italy.

    The culture o Albania has evolved over

    hundreds o years. While the country is cur-

    rently still recovering rom the politics o the

    Communist Party o Albania that ended in

    the early 1990s, it is making great strides to

    eventually join the European Union.

    Albania is actually more stable than

    one would think, having a parliamentary

    democracy. Tirana, the nancial capitalo the country, is home to approximately

    895,000 o the countrys 3.6 million people.

    Free-market reorms have opened the coun-

    try to oreign investment, especially in the

    development o energy and transportation

    inrastructure. Also, as o January 1, 2008,

    Albania implemented the 10% fat per-

    sonal and corporate tax system, one o the

    lowest in Europe. The country is staunchly

    pro-West and is a new NATO member.

    This brings me to the key reason I went

    to Albania; I was interested in seeing what

    the climate was like or investing there. A

    sector that is getting a great deal o atten-

    tion in the country is exploration and

    mining, largely due to the success o only

    one or two companies. A new mining law

    was passed in 1994 as well, specically

    geared towards attracting new oreign-

    investment. The stability o the Mining

    Law, the excellent tax environment and

    the avourable geology has the resource

    world getting increasingly excited.

    Historically, Albania started as a cop-

    per producer in the late 1920s and 1930s,

    but stopped when World War II broke out.

    Things didnt get going again until the 1950s

    and 1960s, when the Soviets, occupying

    the country at the time, carried out exten-

    sive exploration programs. Those programs

    uncovered many o the known deposits

    throughout what is known as the Mirditadistrict. A junior company by the name o

    Tirex Resources Ltd. [TXX-TSXV] acquired

    this crown jewel o Albania approximately

    two years ago. The Mirdita District is 344

    square kilometres, covering most o the tra-

    ditional Albanian Mining District.

    Following this, Tirex began conducting

    the rst ever modern exploration program

    in the country, a move that has given

    the company rst-mover status in this

    geologically-rich country. In 2007, Tirex

    conducted the rst airborne geophysicalsurvey in Albania which uncovered 102

    geophysical targets, most o which are pre-

    viously undrilled and unknown. The Tirex

    exploration and development team believe

    that Mirdita has the potential to become

    one o the worlds great volcanic massive

    sulphide (VMS) districts hosting many

    large economic deposits. Since ormation,

    the company has raised $25 million in

    capital and has drilled more than 15,000

    metres, resulting in some excellent grade

    o copper, zinc, gold and silver mineraliz

    tion over wide widths in three separat

    areas o the district.

    Its not very oten that an opportunity t

    acquire an entire district comes along an

    Tirex is working to turn this good ortun

    into a signicant win or both shareholde

    and or the people o Albania who want

    large and prosperous mining industry t

    uel economic growth and advancement.

    In addition to generating attention i

    the eld with some rather spectacula

    drill intersections, Tirex has also estab

    lished a reputation or completing ver

    unique nancings. In act, in 2008 Tire

    brought the $20 billion European Bank o

    Reconstruction and Development (EBRD

    on board in what was their rst eve

    nancing o a mineral exploration com

    pany anywhere in the world.

    One comment we get requently is thact there are ew investment opportun

    ties with exposure to Albanian exploratio

    companies. And with Tirex well into the

    program, what are the options i you wan

    to invest into something at the groun

    foor? There is only one that we know o

    and its a company by the name oVolcan

    Metals Corp. [VOL.P-TSXV]. This is a sma

    junior on the TSX Venture Exchange wit

    big plans. It seems they have acquired wha

    they consider yet another VMS District i

    Albania, the Gjegjan Property.Volcanic Metals is led by an interestin

    group o people who all have very successu

    track records o creating shareholder valu

    but who have been drawn together or th

    rst time due to the signicant potenti

    at Gjegjan. The board consists o Micha

    Iverson, CEO who was a ounder o Fortun

    Silver Mines, Rock LeFrancois who is th

    President o Niogold, Jason Schare wh

    is a Managing Director o March Canad

    Why Albania?A ew Europea miera rotier i opeig up or exporer

  • 8/14/2019 RW 7-7 online

    21/48uly 2009

    Bryan Slusarchuk who is the CEO o Tirex

    Resources, and Gary Freeman who is

    President/CEO o Pediment Gold.

    The Gjegjan property is located in north-east Albania and consists o two separate,

    but near contiguous, property blocks cov-

    ering a total area o 173 square kilometres.

    The permit orms a three-kilometre wide

    strip that stretches or 75 kilometres

    through the Surroj, Arre Molla, Pregje

    Lure and Mbasdeja areas.

    The property straddles a 75-kilometre

    long segment o the Volcano-Sedimentary

    sequence exposed on the eastern margin o

    the Mirdita ophiolite belt. The sequence is

    recognized to be very prospective in host-

    ing copper-rich VMS deposits and past

    exploration by the Albanians uncovered

    a deposit that turned into a major pro-

    ducing copper mine or the government.

    Exploration eorts to uncover additional

    deposits were hampered by a lack o mod-

    ern exploration techniques, equipment

    and the severe isolationist policies o the

    government. Volcanic will conduct the rst

    ever large scale and modern exploration

    program in this prospective setting.Logistically, the property can be accessed

    easily due to the recently completed 700

    million highway rom Kukes to Durress

    (essentially, rom the property boundary

    to the port city), with its grand opening

    this month. It makes the driving time rom

    the property to the capital only two hours

    on a our-lane highway. This is an incred-

    ible improvement as it was triple the time

    in the past.

    The northeast part o the property, located

    east o the town o Kukes, encompassesthe ormer Gjegjan copper mine, which is

    excluded rom the permit. Gjegjan is recog-

    nized as one o the richest historical copper

    producing assets in Albania that is hosted

    within the Volcano-Sedimentary sequence.

    Geological mapping o the Kukes area

    was conducted by the Albanian Geological

    Survey (AGS) in the mid to late 1950s, with

    varying results. The Gjegjan copper-rich

    massive sulphide horizon was intersected

    in 1959 in a water well hole.

    At least ve sulphide occur-

    rences were documented along

    two distinct areas within theVolcano-Sedimentary sequence.

    Values o up to 7-8% cop-

    per were obtained rom the


    Mining operations rom underground

    and open pit extended rom 1961 to 1993,

    when the countrys industry collapsed due

    to political reasons. During this period,

    the Gjegjan Mine produced a total o 4.4

    million tonnes averaging 3.30% copper.

    Remaining reserves were estimated at

    61,000 tonnes grading 2.56% copper.

    The Gjegjan sector remains a principle

    exploration target as VMS deposits are

    known to occur in clusters and no other

    deposits were ound during past state-run

    exploration. Much like Tirex, Volcanic will

    be conducting the rst ever large scale and

    modern exploration in the area surround-

    ing the Gjegjan Deposit.

    Volcanic Metals is currently halted

    pending a qualiying transaction. Initial

    geophysical work has been completedaround the historical deposit area. O sig-

    nicant interest is the exploration potential

    underneath a limestone cap in the vicinity

    o the known historical deposit.

    One thing that we have learned via

    Tirex is the signicant diculties the

    past Albanian state-run programs had in

    terms o technical drilling issues, such as

    penetrating to deeper depths. They regu-

    larly drilled only 2 metres per day in areas

    where Tirex now gets 50 metres per day.

    The equipment they were using was quiteantiquated. Thereore, the areas Volcanic is

    targeting to develop multiple new drill tar-

    gets are relatively unexplored by previous

    Albanian explorers.

    We consider this to be a very attractive,

    early stage opportunity or speculative

    investors. The stock will hopeully come

    back to trade early July pending exchange

    approval. Following on Tirexs success,

    which we think will be substantial this year,

    Volcanic could oer substantial upside o

    speculative investors in our opinion. n

    This article is solely the work o the author

    Although the authors are registered investmen

    advisors at Canaccord Capital, this is not a

    ofcial publication o Canaccord and the autho

    are not Canaccord analysts. The views, (includ

    ing any recommendations) expressed in th

    article are those o the authors alone and are no

    necessarily those o Canaccord. Inormation

    this article is drawn rom sources believed to b

    reliable, but the accuracy and completeness o

    the inormation is not guaranteed, nor in provid

    ing it, do the authors or Canaccord assume anliability. The holdings o the authors, Canaccor

    its afliated companies and holdings

    their respective directors, ofcers and employe

    and companies with which they are associated, ma

    rom time to time, include the securities mentione

    in this article. For more inormation regarding th

    article, contact Dennis Hoesgen (Dennis_Hoesgen or Eric Hoesgen (Eric_Hoesgen at Canaccord Capital (Memb

    CIPF) 604-643-7705.

    Brian Slusarchuk, CEO o Tirex Resources, examines diamond drill core rom the 344square kilometre Mirdita property in Albania. Photo courtesy Tirex Resources Ltd.

    This unusual-looking instrument is used orhelicopter-borne electromagnetic surveys.

    Tirex Resources was the rst company to utilizeairborne geophysics in Albania; Volcanic Metalswill be the second one. Photo courtesy TirexResources Ltd.

  • 8/14/2019 RW 7-7 online

    22/4822 July 200


    ovements in interest rates, particu-

    larly long-term rates, can be saidto be the net distillation o a num-

    ber o important actors being continually

    evaluated by the entire nancial community.

    And, in my opinion, movements in long-

    term rates can have a proound eect on

    precious metals investments.

    One o the most important components

    o long-term interest rates is the expecta-

    tion o uture moves in the underlying

    rate structure. As the late Proessor o

    Economics, Murray Rothbard, discussed

    in his text, Man, Economy and State,

    ...What happens i the interest rate is

    expected to change in the near uture? In

    that case, there will be a similar process as

    in the case o speculation in commodities.

    Speculators will bid up the interest rate

    in the expectation o an imminent rise

    or bid down the rate in the expectation

    o a all. (my emphasis)

    Regarding the U.S. Treasury 30-year

    bonds, we have seen both directions during

    the past two years. It can readily be seenon the accompanying chart that rates held

    between 4% and 5% or most o 2007 and

    2008, then they ell sharply in late 2008 to

    barely 2.5% as the U.S. government ratch-

    eted up its moves to drive interest rates

    lower and also announced that the Federal

    Reserve Board would begin purchasing

    U.S. government debt with money created

    by what they called quantitative easing,

    which many interpret to mean monetiza-

    tion o debt.

    However, despite the positive talk

    rom government and the act that short-term rates had been driven down toward

    actual zero, a remarkable transormation

    took place. The long end o the interest

    rate market abruptly turned higher early

    in 2009 and has now recovered the entire

    decline o the past two years as rates rose

    sharply rom 2.5% to over 5% in just a

    ew months.

    Our goal then is to identiy why this

    change o direction took place and whether

    it is not only likely to continue into the

    uture, but may even accelerate.

    We believe that anticipated rates o

    uture infation are the most important

    single component o movements in interest

    rates since, as a minimum, investors would

    hope to at least recover the purchasing

    power o their unds when they close out

    their investments. Thereore, as the antici-

    pated rate o infation would rise, so would

    the amount o interest demanded by inves-

    tors beore committing unds. Next, in the

    modern-day context, one o the drivingorces behind anticipated rises o infa-

    tion is the degree o nancial stimulation

    undertaken by government in general and

    the United States in particular, as well as

    the eects o the nancial imbalances cre-

    ated by the recent avalanche o stimulus

    and rescue programs undertaken by that


    The gures are startling indeed. During

    the past year, the estimated budget decit has

    swollen rom less than one-hal trillion U.S.

    dollars to $2 trillion. Americasnational debt has grown rom

    US $9.4 to US $11.4 trillion.

    The Federal Reserves Monetary

    Base has doubled and the level

    o Federal Reserve assets has

    shot up by an unprecedented


    Many economists believe

    that the incredible rise in the

    level o these gures augurs

    or uture infation unless the Obama-le

    government gains control over the sitution, reins in the growth o governmen

    expenditures, and begins the reverse tr

    rom soaring to alling budgetary decit

    But will it? I have my doubts.

    During recent months, we have hear

    o commitments to create millions o ne

    jobs; to introduce government-sponsor

    national medical insurance programs; t

    re-regulate the entire nancial structur

    to rescue important players in the aut

    banking, mortgage insurance and gener

    insurance industries; as well as spen

    trillions on inrastructure projects whi

    somehow saving millions o homeowne

    rom oreclosure proceedings and that

    just a partial list. In addition, many stat

    and municipalities are acing hundreds

    billions in operating decits and the ed

    eral government will be called upon

    help in that direction as well

    In short, I believe that conditions are i

    place which will likely contribute to risin

    infation-based interest rates, not allinto increasing money creation, not dimin

    ishing; and increasing weakness in th

    U.S. dollar, not strengthening. Historically

    rising infation, escalating money creatio

    and a weakening U.S. dollar have provide

    exceptionally bullish backgrounds or th

    precious metals markets.Thereore we loo

    or growing upward pressures, not on

    sustainable at present, but acceleratin

    into the uture, or the price structures

    the monetary precious metals. That is th


    This material is taken rom sources believe

    to be reliable and is provided or inormatio

    only. Any investment decision should be mad

    only ater prior consultation with investme

    proessionals. Leonard Melman is a fnanc

    and political writer who ocuses on issues rela

    ing to the resource sector. Mr. Melman lives

    Nanoose Bay, British Columbia, Canada an

    can be reached at [email protected]

    speculationsLeonard Melman

    Interest rates and precious metals

  • 8/14/2019 RW 7-7 online

    23/48uly 2009

    Sell in May No Way!

    Ill bet that you smiled when you opened

    your investment statement or May. This

    is o course a complete reversal or manyo my clients who actually spared them-

    selves the pain and didnt even open their

    statements last all. And its all because

    this resource market seems to continue to

    attract new investors who have pushed the

    TSX Venture Exchange up by another 115

    points to 1,124 in May or an impressive

    gain on the month o 11.4%!

    Theres an old market adage that says we

    should sell in May and go away, which

    reers to the markets tendency to peak in

    the spring. The rule o thumb is to get into

    cash by early May and then wait out the

    summer doldrums beore re-entering in the

    all as the market rebuilds or the coming

    year. In the more ocused case o resource

    stocks, it has proven very prudent over the

    last number o years to sell your positions

    just as the annual Prospectors & Developers

    Association Conerence takes place in early

    March, as it seemed that the enthusiasm or

    investing in resource issues peaked at thattime. However, had we sold at the PDAC

    this year, when the Venture Exchange was

    at about 830, we would have made a nice

    19.1% rom the markets low o 697 in

    December, but we would have let a very

    painul 35.4% on the table, with perhaps,

    more to come.

    What Im trying to show here is that with

    investing, especially resource stock invest-

    ing, we cant be complacent and just rely on

    what worked in the past, as every cycle o

    every market can be dierent, sometimes or

    the worse, but so ar this year, very much

    or the better. As I write this column in mid

    June, the Venture Exchange is still up rom

    its close at the end o May, but it is looking

    a bit suspect or a correction. So Im taking

    partial prots on my leading positions t

    build up cash, while keeping a core pos

    tion, as I dont want to be completely ou

    o this market as it may still have some leg

    Im looking to redeploy some o those prointo sectors that have lagged behind, suc

    as uranium and natural gas that have so a

    this year ailed to ollow crude oil higher. I

    short, Im locking in prots and rotating m

    portolio to protect my downside, but Im

    staying with a youthul bull resource mark

    that has outperormed even the most opt

    mistic o talking heads expectations.

    Lock in prots and create capital ye

    Rotate your account yes. But sell th

    May and go away no way! n

    Rod Blake is an investment adviser at Canac

    cord Capital Corp. He can be reached at

    604-643-7567 or [email protected].

    Member CIPF

    at the marketRod Blake



    Andrew Brown, President/CEO, reportsLaurentian Goldfelds Ltd. [LGF-TSXV]

    and Kinross Gold Corp. [K-TSX; KGC-

    NYSE] have signed a letter o intent to orm

    an alliance to carry out a $500,000 generative

    exploration program in the Uchi geological

    subprovince o Ontario and Manitoba (the

    Uchi alliance). The project will target the

    prospective Red Lake, Rice Lake and Pickle

    Lake greenstone belts. Under the terms,

    Kinross and Laurentian will invest $400,000

    and $100,000, respectively, to nance one

    year o early-stage exploration to identiynew gold targets, which can be extended

    upon mutual agreement.

    Kinross can create a joint venture with

    Laurentian on a 50/50 basis in any o the

    projects identied and acquired. Kinross

    can increase its interest to 75% on each J/V

    property by nancing $1.5 million o uture

    expenditures over two years rom the date

    the J/V is ormed. The alliance is subject to

    signing a denitive agreement.

    Laurentian has also ormed a three-year

    exploration alliance with AngloGold

    Ashanti Ltd. [AU-NYSE; AGG-ASX; ANG-

    Joburg], which includes a subscription byAngloGold to a $400,000 private placement

    in Laurentian.

    Chris Lodder, Greenelds Exploration

    Manager: Americas, o AngloGold states,

    AngloGold has chosen to work with

    Laurentian in several new rontier areas

    o Canada because o the teams ability to

    design, implement and conduct explora-

    tion in an innovative and ecient manner,

    which generates new Greenelds drill proj-

    ects rapidly.

    In year one, AngloGold will provide$700,000 or exploration, including at least

    $500,000 or generative exploration eorts

    in ve selected areas in Quebec, Ontario

    and Saskatchewan, to identiy new grass-

    roots gold exploration projects, and up to

    $200,000 or upgrading targets within por-

    tions o Laurentians 100% owned Grenville

    Project, about 200 kilometres east o Val dOr,

    Qubec. The Grenville Project is an early-

    stage exploration property modeled ater

    AngloGolds Tropicana deposit, Wester


    In year two and three, at AngloGold

    option, AngloGold may und an addition$4,700,000 to ollow up on year one result

    Upon spending $5,400,000 over three year

    AngloGold will earn a 60% interest in eac

    project under the alliance with Laurentia

    retaining a 40% interest. AngloGold ma

    then increase its interest to 75% in any pro

    ect by unding any exploration through t

    completing a NI 43-101 compliant, inerre

    gold resource, within three years o the earn

    in period. Any assets acquired during th

    earn-in period that do not progress to a join

    venture will revert 100% to Laurentian.Laurentian has urther increased it

    land position in Van Horne Township

    near Dryden, Ontario, with an option on

    single patented claim within the boundar

    ies o its existing Van Horne property. La

    year, Laurentian geologists collected gra

    samples along a our-kilometre trend, eigh

    o which assayed better than 15 gram

    gold/tonne, including one as high as 124.

    grams/tonne. More work is planned. n

  • 8/14/2019 RW 7-7 online

    24/4824 July 200

    fearless talkH.R. Tschudi

    Some see green shoots. Others see theshoots already brown. The dier-

    ences amongst economists are wider

    than ever. In light o a short shel lie, poli-

    ticians are portraying optimism as a way o

    proessional principle or not knowing any

    better. In or the long haul, as entrepreneurs,

    we are hopeless optimists. However, i com-

    panies keep piling up decits, increasing

    debt loads are the consequences. Wishul

    thinking will then lead to unavoidable

    deaults. While well managed companies

    such as Alcoa engage in drastic reductions

    in capacities and have cut their work orce

    substantially, others hope that the experi-

    ence o short recessions hold true this time

    around as well.

    Politicians are already declaring victory

    only that things are much dierent now.

    Governments across the world seem to be

    engaging in said optimism and placing their

    bets on a recovery just around the corner.

    Meanwhile they are piling up unprecedented

    peace-time debt. At ultra-low interest rates,that debt comes cheap and it is said inter-

    est rates provide the silver lining. It made

    adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) much

    more aordable to the extent that the dis-

    posable income in the U.S. has increased by

    8% easy to achieve ater the disposable

    income was near zero or years.

    It is interesting what Americans are doing

    with their new-ound relie. While they used

    credit cards during previous recessions, this

    time around they seem to be more sensible

    by reducing debt and increasing savings.Do they know something that govern-

    ments dont know? My take is that, rather

    than looking at disposable income, they are

    looking at their defating pay cheques a

    sure-re indicator o nancial worries.

    Consequently, entire industry sectors

    remain subdued, automotive manuacturers

    and their supply chains, transportation on

    ground, water or air, apparel, consumer elec-

    tronics, construction, nance, recreation,

    travel, publishing, primary, even entertain-ment and education. It logically ollows that

    prices are under pressure and, sure enough,

    the latest statistics show producer prices

    dropping, however slightly.

    However, there is a silver lining in

    base metal prices. Aluminum, copper and

    nickel are way o their lows rom only

    a month ago. Also, energy prices have

    soared recently in anticipation o an eco-

    nomic recovery. These actors indicate that

    there is some sort o a foor that has been

    reached, i only temporarily. What oth-

    ers celebrate as a new excellence, I would

    term as merely less awul.

    It seems that agriculture and health care

    are part o the ew stable sectors, relatively

    speaking, and it might be a good idea to

    revisit investments into agriculture and

    its related industries such as potash, or


    The bigger picture does not look all that

    encouraging, though. Many industries hang

    on to the governments umbilical cord, eitherdirectly or indirectly. And governments

    throughout the world are reaching their

    breaking point o just not being able to do

    more to stimulate the economy. I a recovery

    does not kick in during the ourth quarter

    o 2009, Europes automated stimuli in the

    orm o unemployment insurance and subsi-

    dized shorter working hours will start to run

    dry. In my opinion, Americas ill-designed

    stimulus plans will be ineective beore any

    sizable recovery can take hold. The U.S. bet-

    ter not depend on exports to Europe, which,because o its own dependency on exports,

    European export gures are alling aster

    than in the U.S. Thus, i the timing is o,

    we are to brace or another oncoming storm.

    We should be careul beore laughing at the

    crumbling authority in Iran over its election

    and economic woes and be more cautious in

    arrogantly declaring victory or democracy.

    Social unrest is oblivious to organiza-

    tional orms o societies, but more receptive

    to high unemployment. The darkest cloudare coming rom raising interest rates tha

    were a comort centre or the two r

    quarters o 2009. It will not only undo th

    gains in disposable income that resulte

    rom ARMs, but it will add more nancia

    concerns to all those that renanced prop

    erties using ARMs.

    Apart rom the interest rate threat, ther

    are two main psychological actors in pla

    that have changed the name o the gam

    back to where it was three decades ago. Fir

    and oremost, responsible citizens seem t

    have learned that living above their mean

    is probably not worth their amilies allin

    apart over nancial stresses, particularl

    when acing lower income. Secondly, bank

    nally seem to have gotten the message tha

    handing out credit to those that cant pay

    back isnt such a great idea ater the Pon

    Scheme o repackaging shady debt has com

    to light. They will need some time to com

    up with the next scam.

    While governments engage in praisinthemselves or having stemmed o the grav

    est nancial crisis in this generation wit

    trillions o dollars in near-zero percent loan

    and bailouts, they might be well advised t

    put all the options on the table or an eco

    nomic restructuring. It should soon dawn o

    everybody that the level o economic activ

    ity o the past decade was a mere illusio

    based on bad credit. The world has to thin

    about returning to living within its mean

    In terms o GDP, it is not all that awul it

    just less excellent. n

    H.R. Tschudi is an economist and entrepre

    neur in Vancouver, BC. You can fnd mor

    political and economic columns by H.

    Tschudi in an

    leave comments. This material is taken rom

    sources believed to be reliable and is pro

    vided or inormation only. Any investmen

    decision should be made only ater prior con

    sultation with investment proessionals.

    New excellence: Less awful

  • 8/14/2019 RW 7-7 online

    25/48uly 2009

    BuildingSolomonsGold Mineby Thomas Schuster

    Australian Solomons Gold Ltd. [SGA-

    TSX] is close to bringing the Gold Ridge

    Mine back into production on the island

    o Guadalcanal. Guadalcanal is part o the

    Solomon Islands chain in the South Pacic.

    The islands were named by a Spanish

    explorer who, on nding alluvial gold on

    Guadalcanal in 1568, believed he had ound

    the source o the biblical King Solomonsgold. In truth, the gold he had discovered

    near the mouth o the Matepono River

    originated upstream, on what is now the

    Gold Ridge Mine site.

    The Solomon Islands orm part o the cir-

    cumpacic Ring o Fire and are within an

    active subduction zone. There are numer-

    ous other gold deposits in the region that

    are related to the same system o subduction

    zones, including the Lihir Mine on Lihir

    Island (22 million oz.), the Porgera Mine on

    PNG (+7.8 million oz.), the Emperor Mine on

    Fiji (+12 million oz.) and the Panguna gold-

    copper mine on Bougainville Island (25.6

    million oz. gold/6.5 million tonnes copper).

    Australian Solomons Gold was incor-

    porated in 2004 with the primary goal o

    acquiring 100% interest in the Gold Ridge

    Gold Mine. The mine was originally built

    by Ross Mining in 1998, but only operated

    or 22 months beore it was abandoned dueto ethnic tensions on Guadalcanal. Only

    210,000 ounces o gold were produced dur-

    ing this time. Extensive inrastructure still

    exists on-site including diesel generators,

    a tailings storage acility and a processing

    plant plus related haul roads and ancillary


    The project currently boasts a NI 43-101

    probable reserve containing 1.15 million

    ounces gold hosted within 19.5 million

    tonnes averaging 1.8 grams gold/tonne.

    Measured and indicated resources tally to1.54 million contained ounces averaging

    1.7 grams/tonne and an additional inerred

    resource adds 455,000 ounces at 1.8 grams/


    Pending successul nancing, commercial

    production is scheduled to resume Q4 2010 at

    a rate o 136,000 oz/year (124,000 oz/year lie-

    o-mine average). Estimated cash costs are US

    $419/oz. the rst three years and US $468/oz.

    over the seven-year mine lie. The mine plan

    envisions 6,850 tonnes/day rom our depo

    its: Valehaichichi, Kupers, Namachamat

    and Dawsons. These deposits lie withi

    a diamond-shaped, hydrothermally-altere

    zone measuring 2.5 x l.4 kilometres an

    trending north-northeast. Geologically, the

    are low-sulphidation, intrusion-related ep

    thermal gold deposits and display man

    similarities with other Pacic Rim deposits

    The easibility study, completed Apr

    2007, estimates metallurgical recoveries 82% with a lie-o-mine strip ratio o 1.5

    to 1. The Ater Tax Internal Rate o Retur

    o the project is estimated to be 27.5%

    based on a US $850/oz. gold price.

    Australian Solomons anticipates the ull

    permitted mine can be restarted at a pr

    production capital cost o US $101 million

    The company expects to raise hal o th

    through debt nancing. Towards that en

    arrangements are progressing with sever

    multi-lateral agencies. In April this ye

    a member o the World Bank Group, thInternational Finance Corp. (IFC), signed

    ormal Mandate Letter to invest up to US $3

    million in the project; US $25 million will b

    in the orm o a project debt acility and th

    remaining US $5 million will be equity.

    Australian Solomons believes the mine h

    much more to oer in terms o addition

    gold resources and has proven this throug

    its Charivunga Gorge discovery.

    The Charivunga Gorge prospect is


    Aerial view o Gold Ridge processing plantacilities, December 2006. Photo courtesyAustralian Solomons Gold Ltd.

  • 8/14/2019 RW 7-7 online

    26/4826 July 200

    located between the Namachamat

    and Kupers deposits and mineralizatio

    has been traced or strike length o abou

    350 metres. It remains open to the nort

    and southwest as well as up and down dip

    Australian Solomons Gold believes it maeven extend beneath the Valehaichichi p

    situated to the north. Gold mineralization i

    the central portion o the Charivunga Zon

    has been ound to extend rom surace t

    360 metres vertical depth.

    Highlights o the most recent Charivung

    drill results are as ollows:

    Hole 167 cut multiple intersections o

    mineralization between 271 and 386 metre

    down-hole including; 11 metres averagin

    2.74 grams gold/tonne, 25 metres o 2.46 g/

    26 metres averaging 2.16 g/t, 10 metres o

    1.63 g/t and 16 metres averaging 6.85 g/t.

    Hole 168 intersected gold mineralizatio

    closer to the surace, starting at 52 metre

    and ending at 212 metres down-h