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Jersey SA

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5S A J E R S E Y Volume 58 | Nr/No 1

Produksie van joernaal:Charmainé Alberts Ontwerp & Bemarking

Tel: 051 821 1783 | Faks: 051 821 1267 | Sel: 082 922 3747 | Posbus 328 Brandfort 9400E-pos: [email protected] deur: Caria Vermaak

ABS 4 Allegraine Dairy 15 Amperplaas 25 Bruce Holmes 38Cocky Jerseys 18 & 19CRI IFCDeLaval 26Draaihoek 43Driedoring 8 Eco Afslaers 3 & 29Elevation Jerseys 56

Essie & Uitnood Jerseys 40Genimex OBCGerrit Mariz 59Glynton Jerseys 11 Jumari Jerseys 16Kleinkamma Jerseys 22 Manhu, Adel & Belle-Star Jerseys 21 Natal Jersey Cattle Club 30 Omikron Jerseys 12Rosafield Jerseys 51 Semex 62

Sienhoe Jerseys 32 & 33 Springbourne Jerseys 12 Suid-Kaap Jersey Klub 38Swavet IBCTaurus 7 Tierwil 44 Umoba Jerseys 48 & 49 Unistel 35Waterbron Jerseys 47Wes-Kaap Klub 52


Jersey SAApril 2009 | Vol 58 | No 1

Redaksioneel 6Suid-Afrikaanse hoogste produseerders van alle tye 9Hoogste produseerders 2007-2008 10Hoogste kuddes 2008 132007-2008 Leeftydsrekords 17Kuilvoerbasters as ruggraat van diereproduksie 24Pot of gold 27

System cows 28Cow & Milk related articles from around the world 34Nasionale Goue Vers Veiling 37Jersey SA joernaal & webwerf 39Klasleiers 2007-2008 41Suid-Kaap Kampioenskappe 2009 60


JERSEY SA RAAD / JERSEY SA COUNCIL:L van Rooyen (President) Sel: 083 287 6544C H Steenkamp (Vise-president) Tel: 056 515 3153N van Rensburg Sel: 083 635 9907J Uys Tel: 028 542 1036S Walters Sel: 082 371 9298R Woolridge (Tesourier) Sel: 083 468 1785LE Thom (Gekoopteer) Sel: 082 890 0385

JERSEY SATel: 051 444 6249

Faks/Fax: 051 444 6670Posbus / PO Box 100893

Brandwagpark nr 11 • Brandhof 9324E-pos/E-mail: [email protected]


Redaktrise / Editor; Waarnemende Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte: Tessa Opperman

Deeltydse Klassifiseerder / Part time ClassifiersColin Hall (Natal) Sel: 083 2698 792E-mail: [email protected]

Tegniese Adviseur/Technical OfficerWikus van der Merwe Sel: 084 240 6517

E-pos: [email protected]

Lewenslange Erepresident / Hon. Life President:H M de Villiers, Posbus 519, Suider-Paarl

Lewenslange Erevisepresident / Hon. Life Vice-President:R C Fox • P J la Grange

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6S A J E R S E Y Volume 58 | Nr/No 1

Recent sales proved that Jersey breeders are indeed in-terested in quality genetics with the National Golden Heifer Sale reaching new highs. A new record price of R68 000 and a new highest average of R18 750. The first Pot-of-gold sale prize giving will take place during National Jersey week in Bloemfontein. Here the young people who were the first to buy at this sale will be rewarded for their efforts! This brings us to another exciting prospect which is the Jersey youth. Young people from all over the country will once again gather for the Jersey SA Na-tional Youth Show to compete for that ultimate prize of a heifer and Jersey SA membership. We are very grate-ful for the people who generously donate heifers for this event each year. Be sure that your kind gesture does not go unnoticed nor unappreciated! These young people are the future and their enthusiasm and efforts should be rewarded.

As Jersey numbers continue to grow there is endless room for expansion, both for Jersey SA and its members. More and more farmers are recognizing the extraordinary abilities of the Jersey cow which gives Jersey SA mem-bers the opportunity to provide quality animals to these farmers. The opportunity for expansion for Jersey SA busi-ness comes with this. It is the responsibility of everyone of us to be true ambassadors for the Jersey breed and for Jersey SA. We should focus on improving our cows and promoting the Breed. I do believe that marketing is a matter left behind in most herds, we should put more effort into promoting our herds, taking good pictures of cows and showing them to the Jersey world. When you have a good cow, say it! We want to hear about it! Do you know that the SA Jersey journal goes all round the world? Think of the opportunity to market your herd!

I encourage every member of Jersey SA to be more in-volved in 2009.

May this be your best year ever and may you rise to the challenge!

2009. The year of challenge. As we are entering a new season, there are new things to adapt to or we will not survive! The current economic situation makes it an ex-tremely challenging environment to adapt to, elections, drought and low producer prices all add to the challenge. The fact that change also brings opportunity is often ne-glected and we usually fail to recognize this when we only consider those things that threaten us where we stand. The opportunities for the Jersey cow in South Af-rica and indeed Africa are endless. The market share of Jersey cows in South Africa is on a steady increase and we should direct our efforts on staying ahead! We are in the privileged position to have the largest and by far the strongest Jersey population in Africa and the fourth largest in the world. Registered Jersey animals in South Africa now total 90 787! That is 5000 more than in 2007! No doubt we measure right up there with the best in the world as well when it comes to the quality of the South African Jersey cow. We are in a position to provide many countries with quality animals bred in South Africa. We have interest from Rwanda where South African bred Jer-sey heifers are doing well and helping people to make a living and greatly improve the wealth and living standard of the people that own and care for them. 400 Heifers will be going out to Mozambique in 2009 for a dairy development project initiated by Land-o-Lakes, the first group of 50 heifers have already been consigned and will be leaving as early as March. On the local front we are in a great position when we look at the young sires ap-proved by the Jersey SA young sire selection committee. They are all deep pedigreed bulls descending from good cow families that proved their worth over time in their respective herds. The quality of cows exhibited on shows is truly amazing and it is still improving, right down to the bottom of classes animals are of high standard and we can look forward to a very exciting show season in 2009. Already the Southern Cape Championships and George show have proved to be of great standard and we can look forward to many more show highlights this year. It is exciting to see young breeders at shows exhibiting cows and doing well. It is well deserved! Make sure the Jersey world sees your cows at a show this year.

Chal lengeF r o m t h e E d i t o r

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Elke jaar word daar erkening aan koeie gegee vir uitmundende produksies behaal. Hierdie koeie word beoordeel op grond van hul amptelike melkaantekening syfers vir die voorafgaande produksie jaar. Die koeie wat kwalifiseer vir die 2008 toekennings moes laktasies voltooi het in die periode 1 September 2007 tot 31 Augustus 2008.

Die koeie word beoordeel op die totale vastestowwe wat die koei geproduseer het (bottervet + proteïen). Die vol-wasse koeie se werklike produksie oor 305 dae word gebruik. Die eerste kalf koeie se werklike produksie oor 305 dae word gekorrigeer vir ouderdom by eerste kalwing (dit is die syfer wat hier onder gepubliseer is). Die formule wat gebruik word, is soos volg:

(Kg Bottervet + Kg Proteïen) X (24 maande / ouderdom by eerste kalwing).

Uit die formule is dit dus duidelik dat koeie wat jonger as 24 maande was by eerste kalwing ‘n voordeel gaan hê bo koeie wat ouer as 24 maande was by eerste kalwing. Die rede vir hierdie aanpassing is dat vroeë ouderdom by eerste kalwing een van die Jerseyras se sterkpunte is. Dit word deur hierdie formule beklemtoon.

Die wenners vir hierdie jaar is soos volg:

Hoogs tePRODUSEERDERS 2007 - 2008




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HOOGSTEkuddes 2008

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DIAMANTAAR XF VALENTINE MONICA Louw WD 60 3 11938 517 456 4.33 3.82 973

AMPERPLAAS MONTANA CONNY Louw WD 89 6 13125 521 442 3.97 3.37 963

CESAER XF1 02 079 Louw WD 56 3 11185 502 425 4.49 3.80 927

STERKWATER XF1 02 070 Louw WD 55 3 11000 519 407 4.72 3.70 925

Die Fortunata Wisseltrofee vir die koei met hoogste totale vastestowwe geproduseer in 305 dae gaan aan Spring-bourne Lemvig Star van Springbourne Jerseys. Dit is reeds die tweede keer dat Springbourne hierdie trofee wen. Lemvig Star se moeder, RC Berretta Fergie, het in 2007 hierdie trofee gewen

Die volledige lys van klasleiers verskyn onder die klasleiers.

Hier volg die top kuddes vir 2008 t.o.v melk, bottervet, proteïen, TKP en ouderdom by eerste kalwing.


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Die volgende tabelle toon die lyste van koeie aan wat besondere prestasies gelewer het ten op sigte van leeftydsproduk-sies. Daar is die lys van top 10 presteerders van alle tye vir melk, bottervet, proteïen en totale vastestowwe. Daar is ook ‘n lys van koeie wat meer as 6000 kg vastestowwe geproduseer het.

LEEFTYDREKORDS2007-2008Naam Melk Bv Prot Lakt Bv + ProtCROC VALLEY TOP BRASS JANET 84 104129 4184 3605 13 7789GLYNTON SKYLINE JACKY 101709 4156 3556 10 7712HIGHFIELDS XF1 NADIA 99263 4583 3575 13 8158FORTUNATA FRIEDA 11 86 95491 4997 3823 12 8820DIE DOORNS KENNY’S KALINKA 94260 4644 3700 13 8344TIERWIL XF1 LETITIA 85 92926 4435 3766 14 8201HIGHFIELDS XF 8705 90622 3415 3122 12 6537FEATHERS GENERATOR’S REFINE 85 88209 3227 2953 12 6180MONTEBELLO XF 9016 87598 3386 2784 11 6170ARRAGON XF1 N29 87221 3762 3133 10 6895

Naam Melk Bv Prot Lakt Bv + ProtFORTUNATA FRIEDA 11 86 95491 4997 3823 12 8820DIE DOORNS KENNY’S KALINKA 94260 4644 3700 13 8344HIGHFIELDS XF1 NADIA 99263 4583 3575 13 8158TIERWIL XF1 LETITIA 85 92926 4435 3766 14 8201CROC VALLEY TOP BRASS JANET 84 104129 4184 3605 13 7789SEA-BREEZE LADS ANMAR 74743 4178 2951 11 7129GLYNTON SKYLINE JACKY 101709 4156 3556 10 7712KROMPOORT STAR’S BETSIE 84 85581 3985 2936 13 6921INDWE MASTER’S MISTLETOE 3RD PR 76 74970 3937 2809 13 6746FORTUNATA MAGIC 3DE 82 80871 3911 2962 10 6873

Naam Melk Bv Prot Lakt Bv + ProtFORTUNATA FRIEDA 11 86 95491 4997 3823 12 8820TIERWIL XF1 LETITIA 85 92926 4435 3766 14 8201DIE DOORNS KENNY’S KALINKA 94260 4644 3700 13 8344CROC VALLEY TOP BRASS JANET 84 104129 4184 3605 13 7789HIGHFIELDS XF1 NADIA 99263 4583 3575 13 8158GLYNTON SKYLINE JACKY 101709 4156 3556 10 7712TIERWIL XF KOPPIE 85557 3534 3294 11 6828CLUNEHOUSE CVM DALEEN 8619 81244 3903 3254 11 7157ARRAGON XF1 N29 87221 3762 3133 10 6895MANHU PARAMOUNT’S OLYMPIA 85896 3708 3130 8 6838




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Naam Melk Bv Prot Lakt Bv + ProtFORTUNATA FRIEDA 11 86 95491 4997 3823 12 8820DIE DOORNS KENNY’S KALINKA 94260 4644 3700 13 8344TIERWIL XF1 LETITIA 85 92926 4435 3766 14 8201HIGHFIELDS XF1 NADIA 99263 4583 3575 13 8158CROC VALLEY TOP BRASS JANET 84 104129 4184 3605 13 7789GLYNTON SKYLINE JACKY 101709 4156 3556 10 7712CLUNEHOUSE CVM DALEEN 8619 81244 3903 3254 11 7157SEA-BREEZE LADS ANMAR 74743 4178 2951 11 7129KROMPOORT STAR’S BETSIE 84 85581 3985 2936 13 6921ARRAGON XF1 N29 87221 3762 3133 10 6895FORTUNATA MAGIC 3DE 82 80871 3911 2962 10 6873MANHU PARAMOUNT’S OLYMPIA 85896 3708 3130 8 6838TIERWIL XF KOPPIE 85557 3534 3294 11 6828ROOIKRANS GENERATOR’S ROBYN 84 76656 3736 3012 11 6748INDWE MASTER’S MISTLETOE 3RD PR 76 74970 3937 2809 13 6746AMPERPLAAS MONTANA CONNY 80976 3731 3012 7 6743NIANDA 9308 78171 3621 3088 11 6710TIERWIL FLOSSIE 80058 3696 2992 11 6688FORTUNATA BRUCE 7 73746 3785 2824 10 6609COCKY PANORAMA 83706 3697 2874 12 6571FORTUNATA BABETTE 9 81254 3678 2889 9 6567SEA-BREEZE TOPSI DES WANDA 73507 3680 2877 10 6557HIGHFIELDS XF 8705 90622 3415 3122 12 6537HONORIA SB DOLLA 77730 3622 2912 11 6534DENMAR’S REWARDER’S LARA 77849 3653 2835 12 6488COCKY PITINO’S DORRINE-ET-2 69206 3715 2770 8 6485COCKY OPPORTUNITY’S CYNTHIA 72665 3588 2854 13 6442FORTUNATA BETTA 13 68641 3575 2849 9 6424GRECO ALF EVENSMILE 96 72461 3527 2882 10 6409TIERWIL XF1 LINE LULU P18 78227 3506 2876 8 6382TIERWIL XF1 BENITA 83 80622 3353 3028 12 6381YOUNGBERRY POSER A MAGERET 2DE 68520 3419 2958 10 6377ANELIE XF 8514 78824 3580 2770 12 6350KAALRUG BERRETTA AMY 77224 3525 2813 8 6338GLYNTON DEREK PETRO-E 75112 3565 2761 11 6325UMOBA PREDICT’S MAYFAIR N41 79903 3433 2890 11 6323GEMVALE G.S.G. MARILYN 78 73524 3412 2888 12 6300HELDERSTROOM XF1 MAJOR PAM 82568 3462 2833 11 6296UMOBA LESTER’S LAVONNE N87 85147 3351 2941 11 6292WATERBRON CASHEW MELODY 69042 3577 2709 10 6286NIKS-OR-NOTHING JS DISNEY 71737 3399 2840 11 6239DAINTY-DEENS SKIKRIG VENESSA 69983 3389 2836 9 6225ROSAFIELD XF1 FYN-NESSIE 83 77037 3504 2714 14 6218FEATHERS GENERATOR’S REFINE 85 88209 3227 2953 12 6180MONTEBELLO XF 9016 87598 3386 2784 11 6170GRECO BERETTA LADYBIRD 96 67905 3419 2742 9 6161GEMVALE FB BERYL 84 70681 3354 2806 11 6160BLUEBIRD DAHLIA 55 79109 3553 2601 10 6154JONSSONS BOLD ASK AND RECEIVE 83299 3353 2799 12 6152TIERWIL DRESS L113 72291 3318 2810 11 6128BERNHEIM ZOLA 77941 3493 2633 11 6127FORTUNATA YANKEE ROCKY 74616 3350 2773 8 6123


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ROSAFIELD LEGEND LOBELLIA 4 74415 3519 2603 11 6121GEMVALE SPOT ZSA 81 70030 3304 2800 11 6104ZANDVLAKTE 9447 NORTY 76395 3318 2779 12 6097GEMVALE SPOT MARY-ANN 82 78741 3146 2941 12 6087ROSAFIELD LOB LESTER RANGER 80219 3437 2647 11 6084RHEENENDAL XF SONIA 2DE 72787 3322 2756 16 6078FORTUNATA RHODA 67185 3534 2542 9 6076CINERARIA 95103 73372 3406 2670 9 6075YELLOW-SEA SHOWGIRL 69026 3336 2734 9 6070SIENHOE BERRETTA’S FANNY E4 67169 3403 2666 7 6069AUGSBURG PRIMA’S FASHION 79 67187 3338 2710 15 6048FOUNDATION NOBLE ROSEY 74571 3497 2551 11 6048FORTUNATA FRIEDA 3 85 65686 3482 2561 9 6043UMOBA XF1 LINE’S SWEETMAY P28 76556 3333 2707 11 6040HEENANDIA SNOWFARMER PETRINA 76 69820 3382 2652 13 6034GOOSE MARSH DOREEN 71600 3498 2522 10 6021GEMVALE SM LETTY 71573 3415 2603 11 6018TIERWIL XF LETA 80 66030 3271 2747 12 6018COCKY BOLD DANIEL’S BEATRICE 72270 3420 2598 8 6018OF BLUEBIRD GOLDY 37TH PR 73 78295 3473 2542 12 6015NIANDA 9304 75402 3260 2746 10 6006FORTUNATA BRASS GLOW 72034 3350 2654 9 6004


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To encourage the participation of Junior Members (<18 years) to take part in performance testing and registration.


The sale will take place every year at the conclusion of the National Youth show.

Rules and regulations:

1. Heifers between the age of 10 and 15 months (on 1 March) will be entered by breeders from all over South Africa.2. Heifers must be fully registered.3. Heifers will only be transferred into the name of a Junior member4. The seller will pay 15% commission on the sale (This will be invested to be paid out as prize money in the Pot of Gold



1. Only heifers sold on the Pot of Gold sale will qualify2. Heifers will only qualify if they have calved for the second time.3. The National Classifiers will classify heifers when they are 90 – 150 days in milk.4. The production will be calculated using the following formula:

Cheese Yield percentage X Total kilograms of milkAge at the completion of the first lactation

5. The production figure will be converted to an index using the group average.6. The Classifications will be converted to an index using the group index7. The final point will be calculated as follows:

(Production index X 50%) + (Type index X 50%)

6 APRIL 2009 • Bloemshow


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28S A J E R S E Y Volume 58 | Nr/No 1

ity figures are of limited value when all a bulls daughters are in first or early second lactation. We therefore have to utilize other indicators for long herd life.

The criteria for long lived cows is very simple she must be fertile and have a life free from misfortune. It is the farm-er’s job to provide an environment that is conducive to this. From the time that heifer calf hits the ground, how well it is managed and fed throughout her lifetime will have the greatest influence on her ability to stick around and pay the bills. However, within herd, there are cows possessing an ability to survive into old age where other cows could not and these differences are as genetic and as measurable as the milk they produce in their lifetime.

Cow Fertility is highly correlated with longevity. Nobody needs to be told it is the single biggest reason cows leave the herd. Heritability is a low 4% - management and nu-trition are the major contributors to getting cows in calf. But if fertility is not included in the breeding goal, the genetic capacity to conceive will drop when selection is based solely on production. Production and fertility are antagonistic traits, for every increase in production there will be a decrease in fertility. Body condition score is highly correlated with fertility. Select for cows that milk heavily while maintaining condition.

The US uses Daughter Pregnancy Rate as its measure of fertility; a DPR of 1.0 implies that daughters from this bull are 1% more likely to become pregnant during a given 21 day oestrus cycle than bulls with an evaluation of zero. Each increase of 1% in DPR equals a decrease of 4 days open; e.g. daughters of Ito with .3 DPR will get in calf on average 5.2 days quicker than a bull with a DPR of 0. There is considerable variation for this trait, our best bull has a DPR of 3, and our worst bull has a DPR of -4.2, a dif-ference of almost 29 days.

SCS is an indicator for clinical mastitis, the most expen-sive disease in the industry and the second biggest rea-son after infertility that cows leave herds. Remember the lower the score the better. Daughters of some bulls have lower SCS than daughters of other bulls because their bodies respond to and eliminate infection quickly and/or because their mammary systems are less prone to infec-tion in the first place. Genetically lower SCS is valuable. It is permanent, and benefits the animal throughout her life. It helps your herd qualify for quality milk premiums. Lower SCS leads to reduced mastitis treatment costs,

Long lasting profitable cows should be every dairy-man’s goal. There has been a world wide shift to net income as opposed to gross out put as the selection index of choice. High production is just

the starting point on the road to high profits. To be truly profitable, a cow also needs to have a low cell count, con-ceive easily, give birth without difficulty, stay healthy and so remain a highly productive, low cost member of the herd year after year. As herd sizes increase there has been a bi move away from production at any cost to low main-tenance cows that require minimum amount of manage-ment input. Large herd managers want cows that pro-duce and reproduce with the least amount of trouble, the so called ‘invisible cow’ that attracts no attention because she gets the job done without any fuss.

What makes a systems cow?The system cow is a persistent producer rather than high peaker.She is an aggressive feeder at pasture and at the feed bunk.She is well adapted to her environment with a strong im-mune system.She is functionally sound with good mobility to save her-self from injury.She has a shallow well attached, pliable udder.She is a calm milker with fast milk out.She shows strong heats and gets into calf easily.She is an easy calver.She does the same thing year after year.

Selection Criteria for system cows:LongevityPositive daughter fertilityMaternal calving easeSire calving easeLow Somatic Cell ScoreShallow, well attached uddersModerate sizeDe-emphasise dairynessGood feet and legs

Direct selection for longevity (be it PL, HL or Durability) should give us a cow that encompasses all of the above. At 99% reliability, longevity is the only trait we need se-lect for; it overrides all other shortcomings or advantages a bull ma appear to have. Unfortunately we can’t wait until a bull is then years old before we use him. Longev-

System cows- by Paul Meade

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maintenance, has less wear and tear, and is less prone to injury. Body traits are not closely related to culling in commercial cows, but higher dairy form and lower body condition scores are associated with more disease and lower fertility.

A cautionary note on secondary traits:

At lower levels of reliability, secondary trait scores (PL, DPR, DCE and to a lesser extent SCS) are based more on indirect contributions and parental data. Combined with their low heritability they should therefore be viewed with some reservation. Only when a bull’s proof is based on the performance of many daughters is his true genetic value revealed.

What can we control?The higher the heritability of a trait the less effect envi-ronment has on it.

The lower the heritability of a trait, the more we can influ-ence it.

Trait Genetics Nutrition ManagementProduction 30% 35% 35%Stature 60% 25% 15%Feet 20% 30% 40%Longevity 10% 40% 50%Mastitis 15% 20% 65%Fertility 5% 40% 55%

In SummaryThe health and fitness traits are heritable and economi-cally important. The traits most highly correlated with herd life are:

Daughter FertilitySomatic Cell ScoreUdder CompositeDaughter Calving EaseBody Condition Score is highly correlated with fertilityStay away form extremesSelect bulls using an index that considers longevity and fitness as well as production traits.

“We have the tools for farmers to select the more fer-tile cows, cows that give birth more easily, and for cows that live longer. PTA’s for these traits are (relatively) re-cent developments and give producers a reason to use AI that didn’t exist ten years ago. The benefits of more fertile cows and cows that live longer tend to stay on the farm, as they reduce costs of production, and increase profit margins. Higher milk yield on the other hand, is an income enhancer that my or may not increase mar-gins. Consumers or dairy food processors (i.e. your milk buyer) like that extra yield because it creates a buyer’s market. Consumer have been the real beneficiaries of better genetics for milk production (in this country). The beneficiary of genetic change is fertility and survival of dairy cows is more likely to be the farmer, as production cost go down allowing the producer to keep more of the milk check.” Bennet Cassel (leading US Geneticist and col-umnist in Hoards Dairyman)

lower risks of contaminated milk less discarded milk less cross-cow contamination, and less labour to man-age cows with mastitis. But the biggest economic value would be higher yield from cows with lower SCS.

Udder Traits. The heritability of SCS is 10%, heritability for the udder traits ranges between 10 and 30%. Study after study and plain old commonsense tells us tat cows with shallow well attached udders last the longest. Fleshy meat bags that are thrashed to death by the cows rear legs are more prone to injury, have higher somatic Cell scores and are more prone to mastitis. Udder depth and for udder attachment are the most highly heritable and the important traits to select for followed by front teat placement. High wide rear udders are aesthetically pleas-ing, provide space for milk but are not as critical for herd life. We want cows that walk past their udder not around it, too wide a rear udder combined with cow hocks or nar-row rumps is asking for problems.

Udder Texture is highly correlated with SCS. The ideal ud-der is a balance between shape and texture, i.e. secretory and connective tissue. How can you tell if your cows have good udder texture? The cow’s udder should collapse af-ter milking; if it retains its shape from when it was full it is of poor quality.

Calving Ease. A service sire can never be considered a systems Bull unless he throws small calves and breeds cows that are easy calvers. We want curve bender bulls, i.e. low birth weight combined with adequate mature size. Trouble free calvings result in the reproductive tract getting back to normal quickly with less infections and improved fertility. The Holstein breed needs to play catch up here, one of the biggest reasons Jerseys are more fer-tile and last longer are that they have very few calving problems. I do not think this trait can be over empha-sized it is something we can select for directly. You can debate crossbreeding as long as you like but it had one immediate effect long before the x-bred ever got into the milking herd, Holstein heifers freshening with a Jersey sired calf, produce more milk, have fewer days open and fewer services compared to those that carry a Holstein calf. Use reliable calving ease bulls, especially on your heifers Use Daughter Calving Ease to select cows that will be easy calvers themselves.

Feet and leg traits have small genetic relationship with longevity. Select for straight tracking legs from the rear, intermediate leg set from the side and some depth of heel. Extreme heel dept does not improve her life. Jer-seys don’t have better feet and legs they are just lighter on their pins. Selection should emphasise cow mobility. This summer has been particularly hard on cows, with heaps of lame cows. If any hoof is immersed in mud 24/7 for weeks on end, there are going to be problems. Envi-ronment has a major effect on feet and legs, as we see most of our lame cows in summer and very few if any in winter.

Body Traits and Cow Size. Extremes are out, as in nature the biggest and smallest don’t survive, it is the interme-diate cow that fits the system. She requires less feed for

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Political volatility

Claims of official concealment and indifference have turned the milk powder case into a volatile political issue for the ruling Communist Party, which is wary of protest.

Police detained two parents to stop them attending the trial of the dairy executives, one father and fellow activ-ists said on Wednesday.

On Thursday, police guarded the courthouse at Shijia-zhuang, a gritty industrial city south of Beijing, nudging people away but avoiding harsh confrontation. The ses-sion to announce the verdicts and sentences was closed to the public but a court official gave details to reporters outside.

One of the men sentenced to death was Zhang Yujun, who had made and sold over 600 tonnes of “protein pow-der” laced with melamine between October 2007 and August 2008, the official China Daily quoted prosecutors saying earlier this month.

The powder was bought by middlemen who added it to pooled, watered-down milk from farmers that was then sold on to Sanlu. One of these men was also given the death sentence.

A third man was handed down a suspended death sen-tence, which usually means life in prison on good behav-iour.

The court had announced it would sentence 21 defen-dants implicated in the scandal on Thursday afternoon. However, it said shortly before the court opened that nine of them would be sentenced at other courts.

By Lucy Hornby, Reuters - Thursday, 22 January 2009

A Chinese court today sentenced two men to death for their role in a tainted milk scandal that killed at least six children, while the woman most widely blamed for the tragedy got life in jail.

Nearly 300,000 children fell ill last year after drinking milk intentionally laced with melamine, a toxic industrial com-pound that can give a fake positive on some nutrition tests.

The closely watched trial of middlemen and executives from the Sanlu Group, a now bankrupt firm that had failed to report cases of infants getting sick from drinking its products, wrapped up just before the most important holiday in China.

The Lunar New Year is traditionally a time for families to reunite and Beijing may have hoped the sentences would deflect public outrage about the deadly impact of the tainted milk during the festive period.

Affected parents had focused their anger on Sanlu’s for-mer general manager, Tian Wenhua, and were angry she was given a life sentence and would not face execution.

“She should have been shot,” said Zheng Shuzhen, a 48-year-old who said her granddaughter died in June of kidney failure after drinking Sanlu milk formula but was not included in the list of victims.

“So many children died but they kept the official number down so that she could get life (in jail), not death,” she added.

Tian had pleaded guilty to charges of producing and sell-ing fake or substandard products, which state media said did not carry a death sentence. Besides the life sentence, she was fined 24.5 million yuan ($3.6 million).

Melamine is more commonly used in making plastics chairs, countertops, flame retardants and even concrete, and causes health problems included kidney stones when consumed by children.

Cow & Milkrelated articles from around the world


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Volume 58 | Nr/No 1

JOHANNESBURG - The reintroduction of dairy subsidies by the US and the European Union will adversely affect the local milk producing industry, the Milk Producers’ Or-ganisation (MPO) said on Thursday.

“News that the United States of America and the Euro-pean Union are reinstating subsidies in favour of their milk producers has not been received favourably by local milk producers... this will negatively influence the inter-national market,” said Etienne Terreblanche, MPO manag-ing director.

He said the newly-introduced subsidies, which will apply to butter, skimmed milk powder and cheese, will par-ticularly affect emerging milk producers as suppliers are likely to opt for cheap imports.

“The situation is putting major pressure on emerging milk producers who are barely surviving, even under nor-mal market circumstances,” Terreblanche said.

He said the MPO was doing “everything in its power” to protect the South African milk producers against the ef-fect of subsidised imports.

“The MPO has certain structures in place to immediate-ly identify low-priced imports and to address the issue through relevant avenues,” he said.

The MPO has already discussed the situation and the pos-sible impact it might have on the local dairy industry with the department of agriculture and international trade ad-ministration commission.

Although the reinstated subsidies are in accordance with the recommendations of the World Trade Organisation and comply with its regulations, Terreblanche said trade remedies could be implemented if there was proof of damage to the local industry.

Other countries likely to be affected by the subsidies are Australia and New Zealand, Terreblanche said.

- Sapa


Everything you see happening is theconcequence of that which you are.

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36S A J E R S E Y Volume 58 | Nr/No 1

January 29, 2009 Edition 2

LONDON: Give a cow a name and she will produce more milk, researchers in Britain have found.

A study by Newcastle University published yesterday said cows given names such as Ermintrude or Daisy were hap-pier than those remaining anonymous.

“By placing more importance on the individual, such as calling a cow by her name or interacting with her more, we not only improve her welfare and perception of hu-mans, but also increase milk production,” said research team leader Catherine Douglas

The research team at the university’s School of Agricul-ture, Food and Rural Development asked 516 British dairy farmers about their attitude to the behaviour and welfare of their cows.

Almost half - 46% - said their cows had names. Data showed farmers who called cows by name had a 258 litre higher milk yield than those who did not. - Sapa-dpa


Times OnlineWHAT DO CARS AND COWS HAVE IN COMMON? NO, NOT HORNSMarch 10, 2009Carl Mortished, World Business Editor

Proposals to tax the flatulence of cows and other live-stock have been denounced by farming groups in the Irish Republic and Denmark.

A cow tax of €13 per animal has been mooted in Ireland, while Denmark is discussing a levy as high as €80 per cow to offset the potential penalties each country faces from European Union legislation aimed at combating global warming.

The proposed levies are opposed vigorously by farming groups. The Irish Farmers’ Association said that the cattle industry would move to South America to avoid EU taxes.

Livestock contribute 18 per cent of the greenhouse gases believed to cause global warming, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation. The Danish Tax Com-mission estimates that a cow will emit four tonnes of methane a year in burps and flatulence, compared with 2.7 tonnes of carbon dioxide for an average car.

Agriculture, transport and housing are not included in the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), which enables industrial companies to buy and sell permits to emit car-bon dioxide. Instead, EU member states are obliged to cut the emissions from non-ETS sectors by 10 per cent overall by 2020.

While Romania and Bulgaria will be allowed to increase

emissions, Ireland and Denmark are each faced with cuts of 20 per cent in farming sector emissions.

The cow tax proposals would raise funds to buy allow-ances from other member states or to invest in technol-ogy that might reduce emissions. Denmark is believed to be further advanced with housing for pigs that captures and stores methane emitted from the animals. The gas can be used as a fuel for power generation.

A spokesman for the European Commission said that a cow tax was not its preferred option. “We would rather have solutions that reduce emissions by capturing meth-ane from manure and new animal feeds that reduce methane.”



Methane gas emissions from animals are an environmen-tal and political hot potato.

While scientists know that nearly half of this nation’s greenhouse gases come from animals, little is known about how the gas is produced and therefore how to re-duce it.

To combat this a group of Lincoln-based scientists have created a collection of tubes, pumps, jars and monitors to simulate a herd of cows.

The virtual cows have been named Myrtle, Buttercup, Jesse, Ethel, Daisy and Boris.

“It took longer to work out the names than it did to build the machines,” says scientist Robert Wood.

Almost every aspect of the cow’s digestive system has been reproduced.

Food and saliva are added to the cow’s “stomachs” and the end result is perhaps inevitable.

“As the materials ferment you end up with what we call the poo jars. That is as technical as an engineer would want to get,” says Wood.

Methane gas emissions are monitored.

“Every time the little unit here flicks, we count the flicks for the amount of gas produced,” says Wood.

Surprisingly, the methane that cows release comes from an unexpected source.

“Cows don’t fart methane. 99% of the methane comes from their mouth.”

The Lincoln scientists are hoping this machine could one day lead to significant methane reductions through dif-ferent feeding strategies. It also allows them to analyse methane production without carrying out countless ani-mal trials.

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DIERREK NAAM OUD NO MELK BVET PROTEIN BVET% PROTEIN% VAN VL Koeie 12 - 17 maande 62243332 SIENHOE ROCKET BUTTERFLY 16 1 5861 266 225 4.54 3.84 Walters S.H Koeie 18 - 23 maande 61754966 AMPERPLAAS LETABA LUCY 23 1 8966 393 331 4.38 3.69 Louw W.D61573853 AMPERPLAAS LETABA SANTA 23 1 8435 393 345 4.66 4.09 Louw W.D61304515 WATERVLAK GARTH ELZAAN 3 23 1 8496 391 306 4.60 3.60 Van der Merwe JJ49620172 AASVOGELKRANS GOLDEN BOY HELGA EM 3 -ET 23 1 8005 390 295 4.87 3.69 Louw W.D61754990 AMPERPLAAS XF1 KS HELIUM TANIA 22 1 7410 389 287 5.25 3.87 Louw W.D Koeie 24 - 29 maande 49797004 WATERVLAK JACE HESSAN 28 1 8459 452 327 5.34 3.87 Van der Merwe JJ49957020 AMPERPLAAS KS HELIUM SHASHA 26 1 7674 444 324 5.79 4.22 Louw W.D61304499 WATERVLAK FUSION VALLEY’S 2 24 1 9144 438 352 4.79 3.85 Van der Merwe JJ49194277 BLUEBIRD DREAM 306 26 1 9691 426 349 4.40 3.60 Walters S.H61304234 WATERVLAK FUSION HAYNLIE 27 1 8931 416 336 4.66 3.76 Van der Merwe JJ Koeie 30 - 35 maande 48877898 MOUNTMAGALIES JULIAN MAUD 34 2 8872 440 323 4.96 3.64 Mount Magalies 48739601 WATERVLAK JACE VALLEY’S 34 2 8238 440 356 5.34 4.32 Van der Merwe JJ49742133 BLUEBIRD DREAM 309 32 2 9035 433 332 4.79 3.67 Walters S.H48663462 BLUEBIRD DREAM 299 31 2 8966 433 337 4.83 3.76 Walters S.H48732317 SIENHOE BOMBER GINGER 33 2 9271 432 340 4.66 3.67 Walters S.H49630288 AASVOGELKRANS JACE HELGA EM 2 - ET 34 2 9269 432 368 4.66 3.97 Louw W.D48133680 SIENHOE HALLMARK DALEEN 2 34 2 8379 432 345 5.16 4.12 Walters S.H Koeie 36 - 41 maande 48665434 MOUNTMAGALIES JULIAN WELMA 38 2 9810 500 370 5.10 3.77 Mount Magalies 47673637 MOUNTMAGALIES JANUS OXFORDIA 40 2 9668 491 361 5.08 3.73 48450738 AMPERPLAAS ELEVATOR’S JUDITH 37 2 9360 464 360 4.96 3.85 Louw W.D47243522 MOUNTMAGALIES PRINCE CLAUDIA 36 2 9324 454 314 4.87 3.37 Mount Magalies 48404834 CESAER XF DESSIE PLC 0305 37 2 8012 453 328 5.65 4.09 Louw W.D Koeie 42 - 47 maande 47903828 SIENHOE HALLMARK CHRISTA 43 3 11525 492 421 4.27 3.65 Walters S.H48133839 SIENHOE HALLMARK GAVOTTE 44 3 11440 487 422 4.26 3.69 Walters S.H47439823 AASVOGELKRANS JUDE GYPSEY LEE PROSPECTO 43 2 9571 487 378 5.09 3.95 Louw W.D48622831 MOUNTMAGALIES JULIAN DAFFODIL 44 2 9973 484 333 4.85 3.34 Mount Magalies 47674726 JERLOW FUTURE NANCY 42 2 9223 471 310 5.11 3.36 Mount Magalies 47901665 COCKY MECCA’S DORRINE 44 3 10350 470 367 4.54 3.55 Schroder E.A.H Koeie 48 - 53 maande 46995692 BLUEBIRD CLIMAX 425 52 3 9931 494 368 4.97 3.71 Walters S.H47186770 MOUNTMAGALIES COMISKEY BECCA 53 3 11277 485 376 4.30 3.33 Mount Magalies 47239983 ELEVATION BERRETTA BUZZ 50 3 11675 474 420 4.06 3.60 Louw W.D47369301 WATERVLAK XF1 PERIMITER DEDRA 3 48 3 10445 474 409 4.54 3.92 Van der Merwe JJ47192216 COCKY M B FUTURE’S LUST 50 3 10077 474 386 4.70 3.83 Schroder E.A.H48333207 COCKY BARKLY’S CYNTHIA 2- ET 50 3 9900 470 358 4.75 3.62 Schroder E.A.H46347324 MOUNTMAGALIES CENTURION SNOWLINE 53 4 8743 464 327 5.31 3.74 Mount Magalies Koeie 54 - 59 maande 48318109 STERKWATER XF1 02 070 55 3 11000 519 407 4.72 3.70 Louw W.D48318141 CESAER XF1 02 079 56 3 11185 502 425 4.49 3.80 Louw W.D46536298 STERKWATER XF 01135 56 3 9612 494 382 5.14 3.97 47056429 DIAMANTAAR VALENTINE ANNI 56 3 9985 473 378 4.74 3.79 Louw W.D48328082 CESAER XF1 02 012 56 3 10398 468 365 4.50 3.51 Louw W.D46596037 GLYNTON PERIMITER JASMINE 12 58 3 9955 468 394 4.70 3.96 Walters S.H


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Koeie 60+ maande 46596300 SIENHOE CHOICE TAM 68 5 8239 543 450 6.59 5.46 Walters S.H43558717 COCKY MONTANA’S DORRINE 73 5 11643 532 391 4.57 3.36 Schroder E.A.H45633245 STERKWATER XF 1 0126 72 4 10607 524 390 4.94 3.68 Louw W.D42257592 AMPERPLAAS MONTANA CONNY 89 6 13125 521 442 3.97 3.37 Louw W.D45244332 WATERVLAK DECLO BRUFFIE 68 4 9875 521 377 5.28 3.82 Van der Merwe JJ45791811 MOUNTMAGALIES SELECT FLAMINGO 65 3 10435 519 360 4.97 3.45 Mount Magalies

DIERREK NAAM OUD NO MELK BVET PROTEIN BVET% PROTEIN% VAN VL Koeie 12 - 17 maande 62243332 SIENHOE ROCKET BUTTERFLY 16 1 5861 266 225 4.54 3.84 Walters S.H Koeie 18 - 23 maande 61573853 AMPERPLAAS LETABA SANTA 23 1 8435 393 345 4.66 4.09 Louw W.D61754966 AMPERPLAAS LETABA LUCY 23 1 8966 393 331 4.38 3.69 Louw W.D61120713 SIENHOE SABER KARIN 22 1 8410 365 316 4.34 3.76 Walters S.H61702767 SIENHOE ROCKET BELLEDEEN 3 23 1 8362 357 316 4.27 3.78 Walters S.H49957665 SIENHOE SABER SUN 23 1 8395 386 315 4.60 3.75 Walters S.H60002763 SIENHOE ROCKET CORONA 20 1 8381 379 313 4.52 3.73 Walters S.H Koeie 24 - 29 maande 61304499 WATERVLAK FUSION VALLEY’S 2 24 1 9144 438 352 4.79 3.85 Van der Merwe JJ49194277 BLUEBIRD DREAM 306 26 1 9691 426 349 4.40 3.60 Walters S.H49444672 SIENHOE JACE JACANA 27 1 8563 414 340 4.83 3.97 Walters S.H61304234 WATERVLAK FUSION HAYNLIE 27 1 8931 416 336 4.66 3.76 Van der Merwe JJ61512406 WATERVLAK FUSION HANSLIE 24 1 8966 360 327 4.02 3.65 Van der Merwe JJ49797004 WATERVLAK JACE HESSAN 28 1 8459 452 327 5.34 3.87 Van der Merwe JJ49928484 SIENHOE ROCKET IDLER 24 1 8325 368 327 4.42 3.93 Koeie 30 - 35 maande 48316798 PREEKSTOEL 0425 33 2 9785 386 368 3.94 3.76 Preekstoel (Edms) Bpk 49630288 AASVOGELKRANS JACE HELGA EM 2 - ET 34 2 9269 432 368 4.66 3.97 Louw W.D48980973 WATERVLAK XF1 JACE ESNIE 3 35 2 8829 424 364 4.80 4.12 Van der Merwe JJ48405690 WATERVLAK XF1 FUTURE NILETTIE 35 2 8298 426 361 5.13 4.35 Van der Merwe JJ48739601 WATERVLAK JACE VALLEY’S 34 2 8238 440 356 5.34 4.32 Van der Merwe JJ48739783 WATERVLAK JACE HANTRIEN 35 2 9319 423 354 4.54 3.80 Van der Merwe JJ Koeie 36 - 41 maande 47237631 ELEVATION BARBER BILL LOTTY 40 2 10039 441 404 4.39 4.02 Van der Merwe K.C48732390 SIENHOE JACE JAKKIE 38 2 9006 452 391 5.02 4.34 Walters S.H48535124 AASVOGELKRANS BERRETTA DELTA SELEC 38 2 10234 441 382 4.31 3.73 Louw W.D48389175 BLUEBIRD DREAM 296 40 2 9459 448 372 4.74 3.93 Walters S.H48739478 WATERVLAK RUEBEN JACOLETTA 3 36 2 9202 436 372 4.74 4.04 Van der Merwe JJ48739551 WATERVLAK RUEBEN FEGIE 37 2 10731 412 371 3.84 3.46 Van der Merwe JJ Koeie 42 - 47 maande 48133839 SIENHOE HALLMARK GAVOTTE 44 3 11440 487 422 4.26 3.69 Walters S.H47903828 SIENHOE HALLMARK CHRISTA 43 3 11525 492 421 4.27 3.65 Walters S.H47184650 GLYNTON PATENT PETRO 16 45 2 10374 445 407 4.29 3.92 Walters S.H47369822 WATERVLAK LASSO MAGRIET 3 47 3 10316 469 393 4.55 3.81 Van der Merwe JJ48253660 WATERVLAK RUEBEN SELESTIE 42 2 10040 456 381 4.54 3.79 Van der Merwe JJ Koeie 48 - 53 maande 47239983 ELEVATION BERRETTA BUZZ 50 3 11675 474 420 4.06 3.60 Louw W.D46383865 BLUEBIRD CLIMAX 413 49 3 11737 460 410 3.92 3.49 Walters S.H47369301 WATERVLAK XF1 PERIMITER DEDRA 3 48 3 10445 474 409 4.54 3.92 Van der Merwe JJ47192216 COCKY M B FUTURE’S LUST 50 3 10077 474 386 4.70 3.83 Schroder E.A.H47184825 GLYNTON MANNIX STEPHANIE 27 48 3 9288 420 378 4.52 4.07 Walters S.H


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Koeie 54 - 59 maande 48318141 CESAER XF1 02 079 56 3 11185 502 425 4.49 3.80 Louw W.D48318109 STERKWATER XF1 02 070 55 3 11000 519 407 4.72 3.70 Louw W.D46071957 WATERVLAK BERRETTA FLOXSA 59 3 9638 462 404 4.79 4.19 Van der Merwe JJ46596037 GLYNTON PERIMITER JASMINE 12 58 3 9955 468 394 4.70 3.96 Walters S.H46536298 STERKWATER XF 01135 56 3 9612 494 382 5.14 3.97 Koeie 60+ maande 46550083 DIAMANTAAR XF VALENTINE MONICA 60 3 11938 517 456 4.33 3.82 Louw W.D46596300 SIENHOE CHOICE TAM 68 5 8239 543 450 6.59 5.46 Walters S.H42257592 AMPERPLAAS MONTANA CONNY 89 6 13125 521 442 3.97 3.37 Louw W.D46589123 ELEVATION PARAGON BEVERLY-ET 63 4 9956 516 408 5.18 4.10 Van der Merwe K.C43558808 COCKY DECLO’S VELMA 79 5 11140 471 405 4.23 3.64 Schroder E.A.H

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Wikus van der Merwe was een maand oud gewees toe hy sy eerste Jerseybees gekry het. Wikus is gebore op 11 April 1985. ‘n Maand later was die uitverkoping van die Schuilplaats kudde en Wikus se pa, Johan van der Merwe van die Fesmer stoet, het vir hom ‘n maand oue verskalf gekoop.

Wikus voltooi sy skoolloopbaan aan die Lydenburgse skool en matrikuleer daar in 2003. In 1999 ontvang Wikus die Jeug-presteerder toekenning vanaf Jersey SA. In 2004 begin hy sy studie loopbaan aan die Universiteit van Pretoria en voltooi sy studie s daar aan die einde van 2008. Wikus is deeltyds werksaam gewees by Kenny van der Merwe as afloskuddebes-tuurder en later as deeltydse tegniese adviseur. In 2008 het die groot eer hom te beurt geval om die Wêreld Buro se Jeu-greistoekenning te kry en woon hy die kongres by in Jersey eiland.

Vanaf 1 Januarie is Wikus verantwoordelik vir al die tegniese werk van Jersey SA.

Tegniese AdviseurWIKUS VAN DER MERWE

Foto nie beski


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