Sample Sentences for Letters of Complaint

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Sample Sentences for Letters of Complaint

Paragraph Iszndk rvid, egyrtelm kzlse, milyen szolgltats kapcsn s mirt rok (kb 2 mondat, egyrtelm, rthet, minden fontos informcit tartalmaz first topic sentence)

Paragraph II

rszletezs (nemcsak a problma lersa, hanem annak krlmnyei/ az ltala okozott kellemetlensgek/kvetkezmnyek/) ltalban minimum 3 problma (pl minsgi, mennyisgi, szmlzsi problma, stb)

Paragraph IIImegoldsi javaslat, elvrs, megolds mdja, stb

Tovbbi info: lsd rni j ppt csatolva a dokumentumhoz.


I am writing in order to complain about your service/product

I am writing in order to express my strong dissatisfaction about your service/product I received (from 7th July to 12th July/in your hotel).

I would like to start by saying that A TM

You can be sure I am/was extremely disappointed about it because

The reason for my disappointment is that

I hope you understand this situation.

As for compensation ami a kompenzcit illetiAs for compensation I demand a full refund of the course fee. as for sg ami vmit illet

I would be glad if I could be given a free season ticket/an extra weekend for the inconveniencies.

I plan/intend to take further steps ifI plan/intend to take further steps if I do not get a satisfactory reply to my complaint within 10 days.

I was very looking forward to staying at your hotel as I thought it would be a very pleasant and relaxing experience for me.

As you may know

The reason why I chose your service was that two weeks earlier one of my colleagues had had the pleasure of spending a beautiful week at your hotel.

I thought it would be truly a week that I would never forget but unfortunately your service did not meet my expectations.

I would have recommended (ajnlottam volna) your service to my friends/colleagues and anyone in Budapest looking for a great week with exceptional service.

I regret to state that the quality of and what you had promised in the original advertisement were miles apart unfortunately.

To make matters worse,

I demand a refund of 50% of the full course fee otherwise I will be forced to take further steps / I will be forced to get in touch with your boss/ the local authorities

With reference to the problem points listed above I insist on the financial compensation and an apology letter from your company.


Kifejezsek, amik helyettesthetnek B1 szint szkincset:

because helyett as/since (mivel)thing helyett issueimportant helyett essential/significantwould like/want to +Vinf helyett wish to /plan to /intend to + Vinfget helyett gain/gather/to be given/ receivego to a course helyett attend a course

First and foremost