«^S;4(|^||pi3 mi t4 m K i-S.tr Steam tolionit&Bideirm «1MKOW an* ^,IJrit^,ffll;p,b)rfirea,,flfu,e. %nj]tiM»rwfif. > s;i-/j.»» mm^^^&iff^-fx™?^ ^ -'..-•—*i+y onnTTAV ' n.ii M»lt..t» :«.i !.,,k> ,<ir>** ."..us"* ••IAS s i f t-«8 - »o '<"»;»«'' m tiwm6fi8KBU?..V., V.,'.V,;^...grow Bu»|ng.r ' ' cat3^oWa^'tb^(«*«fln ! D0^i»l!ailMia' *W1» Sa«erigels%an4eoTOlre&nd anftSobtland. flWa-, .tSraS^^li^a^abMefefeaiateifl <J a£nsi|£sf» ^^liP**? i £>i» i/*i*i i^P|^S!!^ , ^ iY«yWrsu^rair^ ^ (afcoxdbj^^ccbmmodatlon,) $66 A |80 mand of the sloop-oi-war Rii . and oMamed Jea?e ; fe return Mimas l i p xnaes' correspoiiSent t^%raph»4hat; Masslj" 'offered thef pp»poifflioa re||iejs@ig>. r ' • MewJffiexico* aiuL will asport.t&e same to , <; the committer MmselCi ©QMa^'fij&itr fflte j most «safGaliaKm:of the N9rihi,t%i# &te- ' asked if they were toconcede-so- am61r a df i the SwubJic^anlatfoim, whywot- giv^;nt> the^Rhoik TfiS4emanaieapeeBagtae dys-; : tern of slavery in New Mesieoj'waS'ffiff'Iea^t " ^'of8rfy'&thf- ( @%eat,riEenogg, « , - Mexieo,apEeared befojfetfljej'cointdtt^ 4*. . tts'last mee%a,4nOsta«a*SS;tI(g;3Pli»t< J», ry had 70M citoerisj.SdM Me2caff-«it ", ' ; Tinder the Gttodatoape ffldateo Treatf;. MesicaW;#J(W.p6M^d.4^Q{» j ahonthalfciTiHzed. Total* abarrt*U,- ; There are 59(MaFe§ onto mos^senefffifs to , • anny^dyearralJipcefe;,, ,^\. t, 's, J., j •• Mexico shoujd be admitted -^ith onig-#?,00|H :" ! white dti2s5sj;What"e3xtase vrtpfldJCMvenT - I -'^rkeeph^^^;QH£^th1.1<HW^te J citizens-^ Considerable feeling fcxis&ta- | night amongthe Beptxbiidafipand £b.e/sfcSpn 1 ofjhe three, who, voted, agairigt Adanift -prd- I posifion seems to be generally endorsed by * strai&t ont Repnhlieans. ' '* •'. i " S W 4 T S - r A .rron&er of p^fbna -^ere. * presented^ " . ^ ••" - * Mr. TRice presented a resohition, and asked a r i t s reference to the Select CdmmiHfeeof ttirteen. It was so referred withontieading. Mr. Green- called for the order of the day, . ^Territorial business. » ; •A biji»pro& reported ftoni the" committee r on Territories ttfc'proTide&isthe Territorial •Qorernment of;ju^onl%'' &^, was takjpn^p. Mr. . Green explained • the- bBIT.. He said it^was in themsual fornix and there wJas . notbing"objectionableto itj- It washe^e§Sary to have a Territorial Government there,' qOUSE.—Mr.' Stevens of Washington Territory, rishig to a J>ersonal explanatkwiin i jelatajsj to a special dispatch "JEO, aJposJon" 1 paper, said-that the dispatch states that it ' appears trpoaj investigation that'the IntBah rands were swlen i&r'the nseo'f the central Breckinridge committee daring thei, Jate Presidential electjonj&c Mr. Morrisj>f Dljaois, aros&Jc^ -a question of order, saymg ffiafif. had heretofore been decided a newspaper" .article was not a privileged question. * . . -a- i r e invited ta.look atraySto; '.—W"SJirm irJ":« *?tb •<> BlHJBtiSlj,'--- .• HOOBJtHON, ^Mifi^MMlM ' l r '--'.-: -' Can find a n e w sfldrcomple--stock: ot~PiJX$ES,' SAW 8QDABES, HATUHEESfiNAILS, (1LASS, io., 4c. m !i afi.i ^ji*> iaf/ ; .Ira .»-- .*So. i lements. . --J* , BLENSAIiL'8 .„._. , [Ji'SisJa; jfa».i ».^«iii«p£ii fettBP^iix^a " 1 88g" LJlWSui%lgfttgtebeftat!ltediiceaaUtefc,'..'4>. &i> | „ 'ri&AeSrWris^Jr.rfH:: ^M rollolflngK: »WBOHnas....... •» f r i m S n m &*tafea'to4;gland'.::v! ^safitaEltfi&if- '&'-•'» Irelandvi'.'... > tomjAn^en^5e4ien,.flaftbnrjrandiR«ntr- '•• ' ' t3am.to.S8Kyorfc..,,^.i.»»™»..<*,4 >„'.r^5flO. •, «eket#.I|»ne*»t reduced rates, per,,WAsapraTq» tmioK Biitma Eicrera, leaving tlTerpool'for New York ForTE^re«apwM,tb«i .Offlco.^raiejfiompany, Si BroadfriW'irJr'»«• SBiarF'SffiEra, HealA Agent, or B. P.-TOBrnrpOgaensbargh. fSl-Myr.] lants! f A * ^&JJ"*y^^ .1:!-*.^ •'iCsfjn'JT fef» ^ .. * •ufe n, Ate infpnnqd that I h^yet tta itgrnemta^t-gglc of HAHaEX^AEB, CHAINS & PUMPS, CU'iiiERY, FORKS' &c^ &c^ i n d are InjMedto^»aU for their osoalanpplT:-,^ (,Vi l Plase call and looft a t m y now toportaUoriof GUNS, LOOKS, waDittNe, KPWJ>E61?I.ASKS, <SSCN LOCBB^JIgH HOOKS t i S S E S , aHOI^OtTCH- !:•.«. % f#&^frj BEEL 3 | l JW^Slsi*?- J . • A N D E V E R Y B O I t T who wants an article In the Hani-Ware line, are by this (tally informed that I have thegobds,apdRre'respectfolly invited to call and see for themselvexand thereby economize In- t}me rand Money. | , a A. WJLTBOTJB;; PQ-25-tll . . •; ,. Successor to>A. WJ Pi MoulteSlDestreyed I mat}, ABderson taKes a ; KodKIon' at Fort Snmter. CHAELKSrriS^t, •i.W*t'Monltrie was evacniated last night— Prewions to the evacuation the, guns were spffied. The Fort is now being jaeinQlished by fire. Only four soldiers were left in charge. The troops have all been conveyed ' to Fort Sumter. Intense exoi.tjanent pre- vails. The convention is in secret session. «^The convention reassembled this mo.rning. After prayer the journal was read; The President announced the reason why yester- day's ordinance was not printed to thejour- nala ' , l : MJV MTddleton here moved. that' £Ke«.con^ vention, go into secret session, immediately. Mr. Deserell moved, aa get in- a' resolution declaring that the Gov. ofSouth Carolina be authorized and requested to take possession of Fort Moultrie, when was, htferrWgtlld by the, deman'J* that'the Convenfion gu into Becret session, had the precedence. It is only the gun [email protected] are on fire at Fort Moultrie. The cannon are spiked, and it is reported that mines are laid to blow np the Fort This last report fe doubtfijl. ' The indignation of the people is^Jhcreas- ing. -i= -.-LATEST- 13.30P. M. TheIrrciiressiWe .i oat axix-i ?{*•• w XT« -i. ...-~.>58 a 4 3 N o r t h EeaJrl Street^ MASOKre.ffA't-fc, ALBANY,,, TSt'7^. In consequence of the state of tile Money Markets and almost entire cessation flf,bnslnesa.with thp Sqatb^, icna- bles ns to fUl^n^o^S^c^tgrea^yvre^ucea prices; and hi order 8 f avairours^lfVes of the present* state of the market, we have this day marked down onr entire Stock of DRESS AND FANOT; GOODS, From 25 to 50 cts. below their formerpiijces. TlerrlinaCgjpfpodB Ehotis >.ttii ls3l ^^fiertoWye-tt^Wes, a t'a'rg* •i-»nv^Wj AJ ?So>gis, ateonjrtfientl : '"Ki&'wbtfa* fulHa WohaiirsV-., "^m!6"*arei»ba'ana isome tx'e'bad- Bnt'the last oia greatest blessing . . Theworld"Saseve')?Ima,.Cf " f ' Is the American Cough UaSam'; ' '•' . -Itcuresv^.o^iicltairatsnre^^^-.o . ..sThenieaicineof'iall<rttier*^fr ( W •*.'-: ,4.- ffieieTlSbleiSSimoii Pore." * •.=•• ..u XFUH i -i '.•! lit r f f t H E CEST ANB OHATISD. MKDICINE .EV-eE^OF-' . Jj l^eatoathe.-ptmltotoi-Wo^^ghs^Ori^T'A^ n^Sb».thrp»tiihoncMtIsv«Wboop_mg;-CoUgB,Jlnapte4t^ ThacomlitaEtlonof VcgeliblffflslsimiiwWfcbthUBrtaff ConghKMedyrantai^,togother>wUh:tto'triil»'»ntt:i;x- perienbesifis series o)Pyea««'*»I^rnDy^estIJ)U«8ea'"'' , ' fact,1iatiti3decldedlytte> raeatertandmostjiWraM discovery of; the ago. h5rticji3an«oficertillcites;conia/bfe, prodncedf if nececsaiXfta^^convincfcft&embi*: skeptical of its numyJx£rtaesV> A «t£*B>f A 25 cent-"boltle!;wni. jitlsiy tlmafnictbiitbat they too not Humbugged, but get the worth of-theft mbittyiffiqbanaty as well as qaallty. !J3 I..:'. swr ^ <'r^.' p ,-g-t^.^ttfrfs «\u ^^.'^.TD^^^^r^ Sawen's Heave Remedy. iJ^^ 1 ^ yfl. WMe'^ «orth4s. r fully 30 per cent less; Ottoman i- '•'•^Hotljffe,-w.ortJfj Bs. •pWKS-^A.Iiirge assqr&s«6#i4s"', J .worth 6, And" ill , btter arka.eijua'riy lo,w., , „^,^ .-, ..,, ,u UnttitinmKtt,t ScSi—At astonishm^Iont prices.— T ^ Worked€bUass 3, wortte4s; andstt'omsup'' (or-Fine Goods 10 and l'2s; worth 20 and 30s. Sets equally low; iA large osssortaent of . I|f^a|^6qods At corresponding low prices. SHAWLS: k^fl a q^>A^B, fn great variety of style, and at prices that cannot . . f« ; .Baajtepfiiesse. , - j lUMmtl , ifajor Anderson states that he evacuated Fhrt Moultrie in order to allay the discussion about that post, «nd—at the same -time strengthen his position. ' » CBiBLK3Tb» 'SS., The Palmetto flag was raised early yester- day afternoon over the Custom House and Post office. ' A t five o'clock last evening it was raised at Castle Pujckney. A large mili- tary force went over' laBt night to take pos- session of Fort Moultrie. LATER. Fort Moultrie and Castle Pinekney, vf&ce' taken possession of by the > South Oiraliiin military last night '-•" ' An ordinance entitled an, oalaianc^ to amend.tiie Constitntionof SontJt<&mliBa it respect to the Executive Department, was parsed in the secret session of the Conven- twn yesterday. Itprovides'aa follows: 1 *,„ 1st—That the Gov. have power I to recefve embassadors, ministers, consols' •and'&gehte. of$)reign powers; to conduct negotiations with foreign powers: to make treaties by andwith the advices and .Consent of flhe Senate; to nominate all officers hy and with the advices of the Senate; to appomtembas-, sadors, publifi mhristers and consTdrtefihe Generai Assembly may previously direet, and also all other officers wha appointment J3,itol< otherwise provided for by law; to fill i vacancies daring-the recess of the $enate ,! &y appointments . which shall expire "at s-the end of the next session of the Senate; to jeonvene the Senate whenever, be thinks it necessary, provided nevertheless that daring 'the. existence of flie convention that oS treaties fi>r«Jhe appointment of ministers,; shall be sublet to the advice and consent-of \ thefconvention. -v. • I'. «t- : \ ad—That the Gov. trnmeaiately appoint four persona with the advice and consent of the! convention, whoishould with the Lieut. Governor tbrmu conSfea to-be caUed-the-Exr eeiitiVe Council, whose duty it should hefo adviie with hihi. Washingfen. WASOtSGTON, S7. & remains y4t to he seen whether. Major Anderson has arte^TmrlBr orders or npon jri| own sraponsibility.*' If'has teen"ascertained with certainty that a majority of the Repub- lican members o& Congress-are ready, to goarantee the repeal of the PerfeKfar Liberty bill If the South is indisposed to meet' the proposed concession the Republicans con- tend it can ordy be-throngb a determination to reject all compromises.' ' '•">''*'•»*. It ia onderetoott that Govt Brown ofS iG|.\ has solicitated from the Secretary 6f*$(£z, and obtained a year's leave of abMnfie feottt CbL Hardee, late < onuiiiUidaut at Wesl.ftrint, to pnrcbase gnns and raonittons * f war fer the S|ate of Geofgia. '' Arrival of the Anglo Saxon. « :. :,••• ;, • PptMJSD, 20. The Canadiati steamship- Anglo- Saxon, from LiverpoolHth, arrived:fast jrvenin^' Her datcsare two days later; The Teutonia from ifew Vork, arrived at Cowes oh, the Htii. . The Eaxt of Aberdeen is dead. The Chi- na-nttiil ha*l reached MarseiUes and- was.^ue in l.<nt()<m on tiie-isih. The hombardraent of Za|ita liad reAoijuueiiced. I$«ltenJa.the Bank of France hod decreased SitM^OOOf. du- ruig the month : '.-• ; i^isoosg)ti,s^ ; i. T h e L' >nd' 'a ThhesJ.-Jty, article of last eve, says the funds tbismorning opened without alteration and wera^steatly throughout the day, the market being ;$ppiSttedj6yiKi in flux of gold into the;B(&k of England. The alUed^irnjtf: conuneaeed thw^ivance on the same day thatPskht was ta%»t>\The meo^*rooBlB of phardiW. .ttkO -iWif siiare of the »poJli«ppeaTB to h«te Mm to the Frencfc •- A.flnantity'of trwiH^H|e» is be divi4«F1j*HP«»the FrefffibaMaB^Bh--^ Sonieprivai«s are said, t o : ^ r c «oJ3 uVeir share IbRMatjrJf. The entire ftitiA *hnre, incWd(«gl>otk tttewtire ma prtrato ptoper-. my ia.stM in the field thongh the Bapwor P J k & t f K B O A D NOVICE. - •''-, T HE ANNftAijUE^FINS OPTHES«liCKfflHJ>lHS of the ftamfiiona.iitassle and Antwerp PlaiL-'Eoiid ComEaiSy-Jo^Sffilecaqri-of Directors, for iSie ensuing f year,,wl)Khe,heI<l:ot .thfiofflce of said company, WJ;oe tillafeof^Sap^ on? Monday, the atst day of Jant&ty ness u a t l b % i ? k ^ | t oflBat aas>. . ^P%M£L ^^JfflaW^StUJM,President' ii-i!!ti«.M siil 1 >" <:^***- to .•.»'-•! ' M f WATER STJtEr^rjQDEJigBUROB^ fI..T, 70/3 a04'£av:.l> ,:.IU'T -'J 'i . >Oj -i -l.''f iifig'SAgfg'%jfe r l a ' 0 %'topf *he«W)yJlIea: •3"- U iigit«a; ..... The ^manufacture and sale of which is secured to l - g 8 $ i p x ^ i 4 £ t # 8 by,\mfltedState»Satent.. Innlnge- mem Wftojprosecwei A, large; qoantils of these "Justly celeWatbtl flows, artoow jfeaVly fb sinipJy.Uje ,ln- creaamgiaemafldiin SG Cawrerioe, JelTereori and jmtbk- iUnjc9nntle«j^rti; , lSwj!tylei6Tflni3hy r «arie^r,+nd;ilier- .fectlpiof.pieiefploira.ls^uperiontoar^ Jttefatetmade<; A . JIBIm duicoufit tfill hi made to -36816^ -Wi£&m$tl*mm$bm 4t.«tte,obU3tana*aTr*ter yfi* "rnrj w*; rW. fy. . •••••.*.•ut;iT i -:tui[i'' TO FARSfBKSll fe.Tuui ?il , KBtBSi JJAiEKSlEEiStAHDS -EAItiAllEAD .fefbf48Wj*ellevffi|UU)betthe'Best Hpwor/Snalgaler Ihij.use, WeiEball boBupplled-wItlf; InlprOTed; Macblnia XKAVELfclNGAOEPjTS \TANTED! PEEMANBNT EMPlimiENT. TKTE WOJl ESJfil^JY -»aEOTS !Cf>SB3[,Ii!A NBt* AND TT valuable Patent Article, either on comuilssloq'or A a liberal salaiy. Business honorable, useful and lic'ratlvev Tiloarilclefs required in every family. :;i&' r .'fflTUcnla'B £"ldi complete lnstrnctlona: eneltse yet A££ EfOW HKCETBHrO DAILT, THKTH FALL A^D WIMBE STOCK OP BOOTS &, SHOES, . Which with our own Manufacture will make the fiBST SELECTED STOCK. "If',/ f | ! ,• " i }(''' Ever oflered in this market, and will be sola as CHEAP AS THE C«BAPi^>t ~~ KIKDSOF Made tcforder on sKortfntw®, and wirrai / h i -.-H-f } ! LADHCS 8tJRe!E GhAlfElRS And Glov«EuY Baittra,aBeVidouolS'oV^ilngle soles, * «* wf ^r. .-y Made^to^brdeft? « ***,*.-?? JJ-4A » M W ^_S"i,- . FO^'D6ncai^na Cattle. S ilHE MOST BELtAUtKANB WKBUl'UAI. REMEDY :• for Coughs, Tolds^nroteriiwlnd; Heavesj or any dis- ease whlcbefiects the wind of the horse.. Also forth* -' ixSSi Wornufanft-Bots^ Tcllo* Water,'Loss of Appetite -impntme3Lof.theBlo<)d,sli(3ha3fcr»tohe3,Ax..' AbS ^ M W ^ f i a W > f U s a % ^ ' & r a n W ^ u ^ tu> Potdet li*i,8pbra%S() speeBily; In telfiftlbg ^efftct «eaJtMBrt®feJ t ' x » • . j . r ,. Sarniers^orrieri, an$Stagq P>oj)rISi6ii,^*asS-witd glventhese a trial, pronouircetnfm.thetest 'pre'n'S'rallon «f the Wnd ever offered to the public, for iteffl nraaf tfifefn) and valuable animal, the Horsej Tbe HmVerSaf Condition powaera are equally beneficial to Cattle in all dlstases, andicspeclslly to MilcicOows.— Hundreds of cerUDua,tes cari be produced frbh».snen whose reputatlonaojeieatAblbbeth ' a TSe antajat can Be worked while under the treatment of thesePomlera^atidno'iljad effect Is produced when; their use Is discontinued. ' _ . . „ _.. TBeTargestpackage for the money, Give them a * cerHsj". '• -'*'*' 5s®fia A-CO.", Sole Proprf^torj'of the. aSovcWeil. 6i WrSA* ZELnrfl. jal&AJeD Magical Pain Extractor, f>.-ip^iirort^rosMLT:!srjpaiN*E» aa-p fMiiit JiJPli^JotaeptRRndb&TllDg3pplIcatlQn»lniDtii-tllo £ate- taneouraff|cUonsVwBeUieTOie cause bfficcldint or flls- «ase» . •"i'l i*< ; '|3j >.)J ' . •• • , • . v , BDBNS^D,-fgA5U}^, w ,; .., ^Ar,e, hUteiitte Mlleved of fr« th^tagulj£»i|n.mato ^tomroaUonby agmely kp-. g. n%Bonj)f «>PM*4ons Sbalehand the flesh Is-rei^neWaasSfb/WiBba'rmJo blemish or scatqremflmiitgill&it THE PKIENI) OF S THE NCI1SERY. Children are freqiienl T 4 BiuTerers from external in* juries, especially from titt^t?? hi and camphene explo- slons,therefore,everynioth *^ er should have this heating preparation constantly at -j hand. It heals sore breasts and quickly remoVw u B>S'.n tetteV' or ring worm, so , PreV *' ? °4Ki\^lal^l*< SB4>ND %ANb.,' |! _, | ^,. ,IHe machinist; the^ •ttiWiUjfje'airs,' ana e*cry loilgri*.- r# T ?ft u M: wn W>A l ?hMj a %> S ' ' i t o W sMB-unflttiUif ..the chance, of accident from shouianear in mind-'-that b e s t e d only ftiend. lit 1st afldj sh^py,^ver,J)S*l(i^ io^op|uild8ta»»(,frlaji OILUI »S'S 0 f«tfs Metallic Tlpaoes ^ng»i,*c.,i4c>l ijtfl ? »R». S B , * O B Ac., ^Sole/leather and Hnd- liolessle and Betaifc ,^ OgdensljUrg^ yov. ^ iSjja,. pdnlftlal iwsfled. The Empress Eugenie WstJ" Paris.' 2>-^--. v"""--.-^ UVBKPOOI. BBEAps-S»tt' : Markgt flftilet ! at ,-pp^hing. lirtu and huhlers ilermiad an advi vision T»arket dott- ,- \ ->vV' - ";.•';_.;' WpjTeiaaat^'woopie^*,,'"*'; Three htmdredjnen were yestws&jr' sent to Chilrlestown navy yanl.dy a spedn,train, to join the ship-«f-war Macedonian »t Fort* mouth ..- ...-_ ',u _ i', sc. 1 ' :."'. ; ;~* '"'U -Ife* for JhomMJou, . . -,". ~r*~- -.'."-•'. 'Ritflww'a Ttesaeetinif »t atfnmn's Hotel, hut might go ftr (rota *««g ft *ce«sfoB meetmg an infcrnMdmeet^ofinerch«4Uii, raei»ber» «f theb«r«rid others ta-devi** »nrh mminnw . It was composed ,; UBJOB antef ctttwn% ' THREE NEW AND BEADTIf01. STYLES'•OJE'IEgiJh XBE VC1CAMTE BOBBEB AND TMKm COMBINATIOW, HENRY C. 0ON1B, STEGEON DENTISt LATE OP SVEACLtSR NOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN O G - ^ DENSBtJRSH. . . . t o tKaovau- rna oarasOiiciilB tuju.) -•-» •' T HBitl. iS.*50..»NE.-IN.-.TBI3 SKOTION' OT'80 hiTp-ciperienceln maklngJhe above styles of work as Dr. C.and'uone who can equarblm in the filling of teeth. He Is also thoroughly instructed Sna proiiclenttn the administration of Chloroform for-ihe purpose of e r . tractlng teeth WIIMOVEJSAia : .; •The fallowing are extracts from letter* of Introduction as published In his circular: * ',.. (From(he Mayor of Syracuse.) • X Bcv. a Baowx:— Mv Dri» Vuxxo AND Be. —Having Tor manv years,known tile bearer, H. C Cqne, both in bis professlas and si-a private clilien,it!H!e great pleasure Inburodjcimrhim to you andyow fs.vor,«inl in givlDg this testimonial of the'nlgfretteem'src bear.for him as a. man and a dehtfefa -iHe »a^erfef%ntechanlcand skillful- m every brancb-of bla business. His fillings-do no$ erumble off, and toihbfe out in' two.br three years, bu>Jbey weaHIke the^ solid :*ofil; and: If he escels in any. part; of his business, it Is ftktne matter of filj? logteetb. ;•• . LYMAN SfftVESSiMaybf., rjftrbm Hie tauBftg meuibers'of the Medical Asibciaiton ' of thecKyofBy&ci^ . v. rjvl" •To waon.rrasr cosptsa;^'^- > ; ™, _ •. \ \T ; - v . Having casnaily learned' U\al oor friend anTfoe^hbor,. Or II (.' t'oic; Horgpon . lt<-uitst oftMf' 1 vlly contem- plates' a removal froiuiouagus ;.Kedes&eto tender lti|ti> Uns testimonial. '-.'- ': '-. .'. • " - ,'. - • - . « Erbm-lthafr w^ have seen of his opeTaUona,-many«f them of A cnmnliRa and o^mcult«JiarWtey/«e--speaJt>wHh' conB4ew'£offdsgei0us,n«<ai«rJc»t*ll!,.»8diqnai!«c«* tioiutui jho:«^l&ritnt tmyickes rrfl)«i««r;Sar|xry'. ' As a gentleman, and a- man of Integrity, we beUeir« him en^ tlrely.aboJttrtSroaeh, ,."• 1 .:•..•.'.- :, '. • ''.'\ : Dateditlyraaia, N. Y., Hay », IS**' - » •' •< H. JOBLYO, U, B. Juif-i ijtMiii atsiw in, yn^n^i'.i^ h'.'Jtt tm -s,ij ,'» «ve ttcitmtsnt of *U dwoasea QtiUnByadf wtf.i'». this'magic extractor lifdj 'tioth portaTjle aWd ch**ap,' F ^ # m S r W v f ^ ^ w » t e and muscles to Its saving <p fiTacacyi*- * - ^ J The following are a few.£3 of the leading aiieases for which Dalley'a Magical c3 Pain Extractor la a pre| ventive, as well as cure. R Bums, j., Srysl&las, I Bruises, , . HstubL . ~K)lb,- "': JWst'Bito Brblcet«8rea»l, ,<Eephi, ' * BlsasfKeottles, WSons, . .Cancer,. ,^ai»pflnlar .Dis- f rjhappedHihdj- MeiAitfil Sot**, 'CMlbJalnsi > ^,Plm|le«j.. .*..i Cramp, - Polna generally, Tnmors, Contracted Cords, Piles vTetter. CBMW/r* •Hflsjilr,'•" SS«^- Diseases of the RhejmaUsm, Yon'oreal 8or*», r.ttyWin..: '. * B S#»> " ^.h'l*ft}*R„*| - ••SoIdatthe^iiMh^Benot^Hih^jidwsar, Wewjrotk, arioTZtohd 1BL Cnatlfia street,. jSTew „CMeaniL by. Jw WEIOHT 4-COr, Propri&n^TMn^tt^b^bWfWirSfi all respectable DruggitSi aud Merchants throughout the United States and CanSla. • • [8fcil-om] Jr liA V iT"^B vajsiU M^t'ja ajo "Si*, id ...J ^.(j i«j ^*jjiy4iPAi. -i:.TTb3iy»lb« ti *..- able in tbjs, class "of-disci and, efficient remealesTSS. indne*lrtalt -—.^—^n - — i.«fn<Mun «i*Ainiatwli ^_ is permanently cured; redlf theh1rSto|notimc< '-•tte*iBojuanfi)BV.Hamsai|)l'.. _ «i»o»itei))Bni>msakri»Pernia«i IT* Distasrsredelwj soeelal all •'NoBaE«nlTerin*frO-nl¥,eitealid ta finitnliilogphysldk arictf Companlafl! , 'tri.'' : Pl^S*lg',oli»dj - H THE WISDOM iown to be adVis-. jMrfomed; new , . sducca, jin'a new i nse , dSttthes8e«anstt. mm&mj"'" |on^h|iui,|re always cu> knjcsaj siMcSred; •iliqated. jsspatr, fii; Uieinrifesl!i;u"eTniili;- , . SSKavts the Vett'ofr 'Si-watfi"? 0 <*" offer no hope patients -<•*-*-—rtfatff&BgfttoXilU BAve f a t e Uiowanas rwho lutd businesi ha.»,o«aLji«Jl»d.a' rentoval ito .. .^.^RWJ^aiousiaabjAna^HriiltuaWa loca l»"oV^ptifl»wsin«, opewtlni rooms, anat. Jaboratcr S®»POTMWre.red. PreMrlftUom WW' a W(9 : i » ' eatorrli/ TbUBook K*JOT^?fi^P*»!#^««.fn«<to«a«i^ ^ W S s s W i S n t 9«4ck»i:wn9 pMttwW* o n w l t rknaiy snouw1ifl%IHi6at|* coiy. it will save Uvea. arri'l»tSnMltsi)ot**e^-y>«r,. gent by mail, on rec|fpi;*tIfiaJ*liiffli JtauUM i*Sfe«^d puts* *1 W. •••• • 8if;?;n,-». i tef ,l.i I'-I fm..rf,ln' ) t^-^-iu5, i it.. « If tfiereui and m C. A; WBtftifcii - —0Bg*3-«i .•t/fc,;,---- .twilffii^:; .- ; - ' " '*.*'siBraair,jr,.'i>.", -;;. Late Prof. of,5<rrgtf!y,todlaBSi M^lcaj: Colfegfe." , rProni 8>e" President of the kbOTe Asaofjation.j .'."'. MT 6ipf*iajD,Q..s< Diu, M. p„*P«j» 8nt:'-lhmf« j»t karned that the bearer oJ this, Dr. ILO. COSE, *ur- l?«oo Brntlrt of this city, contemplates a rrtnovai to yoBr pisc% l desirato say to yon/ and your friflad* l^rougir you, that from a o-bst Intimate acnualnUnot »iOl Mm tot- many yean* aintmseing m»ch of hl» work Inwy own fam- ily, and among my friends, IconsUerhlm » genlleoaanof unsarpajHd Mechanic ikiu, and a well Instructed, •clen- enilfflc operator In IbedlBei-ent branches- tit Dental Surge- ry, . HI. flllinn wear U^ bnndshed;steel, and be has a MC* of bo] Wing up from a heaWtf root, *e rati re crown I ot tooth. In Its inoit natural form with gold, as suljd and ' dnrable as'tbomeb It was meltedibapqt, atoo of sop. plytar^*»«i»««l«T*fc^thecr«M»f, ** =?<••• ''St* necoM , a # W d *y* ! •• ,, * M 4 f S * r s ^ l \ •. ._• ,-,. .v.'-_au» -ai jLC^-fJ--* «te^is^ate«Jm»ii(>"*hoiH thetArntiilaor»Si stdt eliup h&b«n.li»mlt!*ek1iali concirred In the folcSrlilg, , . jitamdn-* Pp.. iy -skaailnatlon «ke *«*ul» of ~ ~ — " ^ a w i l dowttbesliaMtto h«jJfjabw^,r|k5)- ? i»y!-<itMB^ i >'& ^'"exteUenV AlTEBATiVt , ^ d t a f e l n «n cases.,. Ih»vepra- |ltl|«ar*u K arr»tC.^^^gSyiH l a:i^ ^JJwDrvfcaa a JOOW tare for c l u a A g and PWef Us' own, ianufae- %_«h,t^«tif rst« ormwe proper jaticLiciihior •« rocsi. Also an. IN- TALUA»Li WASH for oiwnstag tk* m«k(b frota all JaV pmk^«iTa^»i«utrs4«fcBI»tW«ite*aai4»M(iyin» " ; , ' MBA* »Wat-M«K. D«. K. L. iocui *"Wggwgaagit BALM «# o*j- JWk ywMtft wrilan aw, *M«^%!^tjea^r^%^ Thematchlesa success and unprecedented popularity wUcit(|skCitusiH««ha«kr«Aa*lil<«iie skirt yrar, would cw^to b^»,s^c^e»a«»Wt.at« eiuJlencv. i Ifaajr, —"t;. _ .... ,~,-ld itlit worthy b> auWVi con4d.D«, sjasl as ft. kett msdfclne wUWn aty know, ^ ^ ' JONATHAN StKIMa Hot«r%roir,*or«W,l»»». ' ' ; r«««svMarMa«MSt^rfil Wc«<ss^y«b«r4''rfntCr MA0^X0aW00Vb' l iwlM«iiic«M4na*«l r ^ r aCAOCMi ik ttuVSTiskaAuvy, n , U wViwan'oroen HT-BoU h/Dr^|k*s and kferehasdi -JM!-;i a j . . . u i i j c a : Imm?dlatSfir"opi)Osie the Railroad Degotl a" ' '• ' osWdo, shy.' •' ' • ' H. M. CKOSS, - -. -,.,-; "V "' r^rVprifeior" .;""' ^ ^ O n l y One B|o'cj frobi tbe.Pvs^ P&ee.^A, Carriage In atrandance otthe Railroad Dtepot andSteam- boat Landings to convey passengers and baggage to and fmm-theHouse. [SI-8-lyr] •pOfpo •*5SW SoresofaU kinds, Slot Woundsr. i Sbrdfttto,' ScnrVy, > ; ' •! Scurf, ,. i» SW"^ : ' Smallpox Scalds, mHESftiiPOPrjLAjfc'arrriita 0f.thndigartlye6rgalai.aaa Ibrough Cttiuuadtf4*&'Jari(i POBElSS AIX THE KHBHSUbSfflOvRsm- «CfePlalnaV;*eik-aet«:oSsTeblUty : |»l _... eWittSfc^a'Wffieifflfe jMiSH^^jirf- Sj*|ftw»w:jife»na«s^;i Hofe« r "VB»«PtoCiaartBoWii, Inc'iuWi ifoij'e^aiia two doieri awl ft* sate by rAbftiaUima te»fcm(rt»rywlia««.« ,. J nH)?^r...:'--_:..-?rov'i-?-i;-.ri .;.r>.->,{>. i^^.f^r'!'^^^^ - -3.-*^'jilW!tJ> i -EVER OHTOIEDIN THIS •.a it true . ' ,' i" - .!"-/:': .; s .'«Rtyfy l-j.'. .-.• ^.>•i'• | TT' , ' "TSF' - T;;, 1p. J ' I * : lF' ? t i ? ^ : ia . « • ! .».-fc-*lii..W-#t (-«;•#?.. St -,-lJ .^}l*;«. •j is .... r ., .ll^lllrfi^J^jan^ ' GI. ASS- TrV. -.1 /•>£.:*,! * ^rf - f %-» Yanjy^ ; ; Itai 1<j <ntaiVi.-4 i v «JJ -TO tn mbfils Jo '.' Ll!.'CfitE2"tl'!£f-fe'' "•*! •_ ^i««itc*l .-{sivunjs -^m-"i ^thr^di ^2^1a**il(ii2f3 *ff?t1 ***» Kl9t bail JttitllvJnt Ufa DOC P p - ™ 1 * «'-««»"..^-«t A L E ^ i m F Q B f ER! •i *i >j.lB^?>r' ^llTiiag^ A^i373 iC'S |i ••"^ *' 1 ' 'J ." JiTUi i . . i ^ i- .-. ,,o.o^jjif«i; - i . j.i :J.I rtfrtii ir^rl 95 u*^.''' ^ ! ' n y X 1 n.. ,lu, SxZ&W&.Jfmmt- . wJ -jafeoqi- . .1= ,*i*c4 sdlbsljj i'l- .^fiitrf 1 > -eg ( f\i.iJ silf r "jirirflKrt JJ To JdiW'Olt ' »'J'i »i .-.-waiS odf ,•>!•. 1. 1/ 1 .u B< i-yi# fie. fr - • i ,.!J*T^4 , .. Jl 1 i&ti&mmimfiipx&att xmM&Mm ALACK, >«U%A Oai>EN6BURCrH, ; - N. .P. J t"- . 1'* -' 4 Ti 1 YOTJ W A S T tBE €K>0® : - Ti' -vl^g^b ffffcr*!--aw I *>» 1 • "i t o : . ' ^.w ti •yvatlJ" . (•.I 1 J-J . :i .• - • .- ••c-i i-ps^^.i'p'-nf^'iG&li-'-'tSiA at*.? -• •. .• ! ^ S s'in-.;— atljt,, •3i*rf-^yj-^8ii-rfp t* « .r^.-. « „i^ .^-.' .- v$y.fflfo IHCBEE»S,i H'J.'« uj* 1 •'I fOi-' ,: ,%i::-.c r^s jt<*-*» f' J-*'W 1-'ai*'.lul PI« . (ir« ; i •/ I •>* t 1 j ' Bifc.'* > -- &ti ' j " Q. ^ 3 .T-- i •» r I "'• " -, H6& 1:rtT ' «T ' t -*I *• -8 ' -* .. ^ Country Merchants & Ped<Jlei'8 •. ' ii •••i"2 'I! .;?i.J ' * !<!«(» buy Very tow at ' , - . -V ... '', . * •",, ;, 0 L.'.'.. ,ajSKf^Eja--:; WANTED, WAITED, '-"•' .1 J , . r f l i iy_' i^-.n;*' ..i.r R«K«, Fenthei-a, ]>c»c»ix cUdna,. Bcasja, i.ii.i Copper,ituid lOtbcctiXtartert.vio - .. * . *-.l*f*. Uijio wl .irfcii'^aK 'fr-ii*, Oil: .Ifri . R h(OJ Vi «>^n- .iviiili;^ tiqfV 'I • in nrchange.forCnsh orGoods by { .". .it • . i.sni IrjOKStJAiST TO AN ORDER OP HA8SKK Dt-SMIIH, c o r a i n ^ 2 @ s & ^ ' •nWeh°caSe £SptOTtdect notice U-heteby-givtn.'to ali^eranpsbavlngcl»lrTiisg«lnit Tiomas Jeacock}jecl; Ma of.AIfldrid; Itnow-WaOilngton,) Ijicccased, that they are rerreby!.ren,ulredj io.exhiMt^lie l-JamsrwUb-thCilP'onxhers.iijercot to;the.aubscrjbcraj ad- nmilstratocand.adniinlitrallxyof .theperaonalasUitci of said deceased, at the DwelliUg'-Honse-lately occupied by . rid,) InllieCounty of gt. Lawrence, on or beforejhejbth Dated Waddtogton-BerA'WmSeo 1 . ' * •"*• •' r.L - MAT*HEW TE*C00K; Admlnlsfra'tor. BTJTHTEACQ0B:?Admffll8trai«x. ^piMiWjlB.^ •'I . .agatis -i ^?Y,1»*»' !jjte?aa,- - , . . . . , , ^Painful- ™ab^i^«d3Mba«i...',j"-! •.'*!'.»•• ci'-.-it :-.{! --.••; j v!N«19i^ftc;;Uu^rrhc^:;Bjjfiie.MeB»e«, Baar% i&jrttlifcXaiukJaavSslfiii '...i. -> .i.„.. i-v-- -s -- ; ir. ,T^9i3i^r8'rOf^,vnoaaeCwigh'«»aBka,J!roatUtig.' .-Jfaai-fiidtiliMniailt-jSM- J^pelas, aupUdfS ' m«^theOK<li»¥tkuk?li)ln««K»Siw ^WJWati A^»5tM«»r.»nffAteCWUIeTer;irj«u^ m&aviH^Agt«sSMX. «i ' «JMJ ' ^<JE ^^sSa-i»' F - n K i O t a i ; WrtB pKMeecUng, tol£raaLbt^Krte*a». ()—Por^r*;.T*»«orlnftuned,Ky^*n* 3»*lMaB-l F»JllBKM*aJM*)Hid»M;Sght, <*f;®aa .Hl^3lJ (J-PorC^rrpiriSto^tanalngoriciiaBtltftiiirywlQi g.Ot>agbtabaUog.lt»-. s rIole»M.And| ,- *. sj^i,'s:»y ii 7?.'-,£.>;L?aiiTl •Bdi'iiQI 'k^wtf^foiliMmaktwnl,! —.-Hbenmatlsm, and such eimp- „. r i,lreMe»|ii*n*»yaffiHa», -, ..... . , ••- T ,, T «*»»rt^r «Al««|*romg^ obvtouftanaiftWsMfijasafa^t-aTJe^ca are Uke a charm. The enjuV*Bk*M* kronen arrested at once, and' In all case* the violence ofJM attack is msderatal, the "^s^^utlh^l^tirfeqn^ oocS-fl !,?tof I^J&fflmrffl.*W*«f»> ^aiaeased 11 lungs, broncW(*'arrao4raqmp«on,'tn»y all- be at once, tfarediby t}jo ferer Wl OistiWPilla; ; In aU chronic dk*a»»t sack a» dylpepsla, weak stom- ach.constipaUQU, UycrcosnpWnts, piles, female debility,: ja*airreOTU«rf»^:(»iab»4da*e«,'0r«eak :ey«i leatkrrb.i salt rheum, and other old o*»««a,tlwoase'b«»p« c * t - Ick whose proper appIlcaUo«-wUl afford a core In almost Juutrxtatttuwe ^Of&ktho koniDf.* tingle,- chronic ait- *»uJ>ri»uoh«»ya>#p»U,J»e«apQaUrtit,flaadaes«or JfMtale.WtaJcoat^rk* ja««^U^»ip«id: far th«.oa»,.teli ?••; .¥.-!•>. W'' Iff ,,1-i.ilSjIOJb ..v»-.''-.-<•/. ::-l:'i -r.t 0a» ot*J yisj^aajdafok, J*)|a»^aiik.'*. wi'iila Ai? 4; !3s«of 35n»«u*i^k«e*a*»a pac*..-..(.i.l.i ....... -f K'la^ixS' shOrtenlnit Its Course. - In. all acuto dlseaai Diarrhea, Dysentery, UMAfcaasta'a*.- ' J the advantage-of incjiftjj ^pj^^*^^%gfe^1tl'^^I'jf-J^'„l ^^ ^^^aas^^cs^Ai^X'VS-^ysF- ^g fM^y mee. 'Wms. WtgB&T BIVi!N«rHA3?THE EB lfflce,fOBfi«!y;kept on Slate Street, has t lto the»^en.ceofH, A. White, on Cat en TFashligton and Ford Slreets,. directly i arotfta«#CIsK»r%ti»ce, iia all. In , ._.„._. „_ IS" BIVBN^HATTHE XX 0fflce,fo»fier3y;kept on Slate Street, has been re* raoved.to tbeffisi^ense of B. A. White, on Carollne-Bt. between Washington and Ford Slr.eets, directly opposite the rear otftaiacirArSticace, ana all. In want of hired men andbr ^ris, and'all in want of employment will find It to their advantage to call at the above named place berorelofflaM«'ll w ^^»-,W^^tej»articular 'Si^vltfe*W«Sflpjr^lfacMe3»^nfa1n^ girlSjAtftiiibfe^e^WJiS Wnn^S-y^oS-Uv&fSt a distance from, this place, by sending 25 cents in postage . stamps ornwneyjjrjll receiysl^edMedttention.' [ap9tf.] Ogdensburgh, N. Y. Or EVIRT VIMEIT JJtB BBSUUSLJ! STTLE, ASD BOX- JXQ AT xaz ' LOWEST CASH EBIOES! constitufo ttlarge. Aiso- Ittoro Work ; Ogdensburgh, Ap.r^iSa), v 18M n. (ABED, 1 0 their superior,! Pale Ales, aiid Porter, *•* ••'* tfffARD, SEYMOUR & CO. Ogdensburgh, April 20, I860. ' [80-22-tf] PJ FATKKX<jttEU£.-AXD SEED The above cut represenlsJIjjnBjrWJSllmnjoved MaclUne PTS,0A1»CPITJK im-e. The ordinary of cleaning Wheat also, Oats from the diair;<>4eUffr*te.6j:iW:-l>ui£el34ier hour, and all other grainsjma s^eciah^thej^ntja. , It cleans grass and all other* srijaU seeds^ ™$ Mtojasnlng accuracy ami perfec- bm Clover, and gradlngthe other small seeds, wtui astc tion—t*enrfaaWSbg Tf&oth^ Clover Itself Into qualities. v Manufactured by 0. & CUMMINGS & Co., Ogdena- bnrgh, N. Y. [SO-SStf.] of the County of St, Lawrence, and according to the Statute In such daV^madtfiiitlpccSiaea : NoticeIs here- by given to all persons having claims oeainst the estate of Maria Doty late of Cleveland Ohio, deceased, to pre- sent the same with the vouchers thereof to Andrew Oneal Executor of the said deceased, at his dwelling; house In Lisbon. In gald County, on or before the second Monday In May ISOL—Dated October 24.1S60. * \ £ ^ *• ^ ANDUEIY WEtUh'TOctitor. MOURIS A VARY,, Att'ys;*- ^ A * THE TRIBUMP^ F b H 1 8 6 1 . ^^p^osptoos. - -vT>'v.' a%\vj HE WEEKLY ume. During the "rfaat' Sjll been obliged to devote cjuue*^' space to politics, but we shall lien our ' * J —*- ;lk iLi-iSM; T E W IN ITS XXth VOL- THE TKIBDNE has iportlon of its Jrd^ toUnrit t o a_i|«¥3«devote most of our columns to subjects ox|es3g9tep|^ jb^more abiding Interest. Among them, we m'eW to pay especial attention to I. EDUCATION.—The whole object of Education, both Popular and General, will bo discussed in our col- umns'throughout the year 3851, and we hope to enlist In that dlnjuasion sameof|he,pjofonndeyt thinkers and ablest t ^%ufitorsm oircgjt&trj?; It Is*aJ o % # « W t J o i i l n d our resolvq that'the cause of Education shall receive an iiupqtusfrom the excriipnflfthe.^RLUrNEin its behalf a ^ E A^^fe-^fe9o«fianpelled to re- teveede ated to render the re> more ample or more full attention. .4 nL.,M4#pR or enterprTse, ! altractea^%!ffi «*! partment of Monufac; real contribution jo steadier, more cow<- to the Farmer, wiyPfnl invention _. labor are iloyed in any de- _,„, , ._ ical Industry as a public.'weal, Insuring ampler, ^tlpore remunerating markets , .iloyment and better wages to the Laborer^ JT^ie .jipogress of mining, iron-making, IV. POBEION APF,AIEa—We employ the best cor- respondents in London, Parta, Turin, Berlin, and other European capitals, tfttranjigltis early and accurate *c; gijmfi^ienr^wi politics, onr news from the old world Is now varied and ample; but we shall have to render It more perfect duj ring the^eyentfnl yearinst before us. Vl--rfQ|r»|trOT.-H^*mBlg^|Sgul»ftiaia correst londentain California, at the Isthmus of Darien, In tha ^™^l^«^<3WrQ*}e t*y 0 more accessible portions of lye.pnr information mainly from .. indents of the Associated Press, . and the occasional letters of InteEl- %Wm>i pStn£«H deepest general our pi thejS _ from onr exchauj gebt frli m E»i.-t 2l?, e ?*?>**S IjPwtojBn ST fjii% L s i , » , *nntnai)i:Mi&B»c5 .JK? P£tlW«!tSu™injiu^. ; to.i»i^ __ ftel^,tw.ftopileifcrj*l^!S«rtii&ri »i«afiHS*adre«»!fcr affiO iJrntlss^argier; HfiJHWlej ..j«»#'*U&i^w^MI.2JU*sa^ , oOpfc ^"SJt^tabipf loriy^ttfegeafstip! «,«- -""--ear-. .',u* &i.vvdafea3ii*"UI - C ff.fjyftf»ltlt8;Asiufl«-»i2, tetaM»*tfWtt^z-4» l Wuba i y-cSi^SSajii «fff it ndth^sv QXaTsfito Jfer^otab« ; ofaferty) WA send TKK ! afiffl^.'ijP5ss»kh ' .-V ;- .s^fMfl *.-i ?---1, Hi)cl h noc<^Aiidt4nru>K> * m-" sot, NrtJWOilWau^^Hi^iaiil*;.} : Sine copy of the S^tl: .ch^fjiojiajtsndria^r ! i > i l 9 % u P $ V c re»jl«.ttbpuHth« -SrfttcPf SfflS. I«5r^|l5MpiiSfj»^^Q^ir^wfV , ^,^«*»i^.for,»ul«b^pS»|fei!Ki-- ' AtfSoasj . ' . .;>.,-,;.;.-.; JSUt^S^mh^n. 1 A^Bkf MADE *ttOal A »»U&l«'AWb tmADOWlJa*- J3L. ted Wlnr, which l» alraot dotsVle the u»«al sfteHgtb of other Wtoes.awlla Imported b,» ""»•»*«» ,Mi " t—tt.- OnitedButet. Also, from t h e _fo frey. Camomile Flowers, Gentian, Wl and Barberry. ,, , . <"i ,r t - . • • - WE OHALUBTOB jrjJK .WPtLD., TO PRODUCT if x it w"l^w<8w'>,~. ,^ We do #o» BrotsW.W. Jtay* 4a*B>y*re4 #om» roots "known on)* to th» Indiana cJ Sou*. AjjsiUt;' and a clalattipwwthe fllMJe^^lSily Tatatfeajf^ tlqn, 8MW every intelligent Pbyslclsu In tk* w!Uas»»*or and rscwimek* As > reor*- Dyspegjla),CT»«l/»pr,«C-the neron»_ Uratasn, P, tpara- cutsrci jTor'Sj . _,„ txsly.ralacnlf, Forth* sued aayjlnfir% oyfarpersonkof a week const*-- tu«k»0-<«r IBaisten kf'Jhe fiospi U w j . r s a n a ktl paaV^ Uc spekktrs—tor »ook-Iteepera, Tallon, BnjwtrastM. 8tadents;.Artlsts, and all persons leadhrg a sedentary life, tneywm*o*e»i^yba(»«M«l. -. •;' As a Be>4rage, tliey art wtolssokif, teiocamt, and de- BcloMtoJteMttte. They pfoduw.aU tha &hs|*r*tujg adulterated Whiesand UquorttwiUi wliich flio i-ttsSryjr water Is bad, m-wNrre Chills and Fsvorsare prtvalent,— akstng a*»«ly IwsocOM aad k t w d s i , tkt» ssay-V» grswa 6»^tiOkOctrssTami tnfaota «WkBpsa«y[7 Phjstraaiw, Cternrasw, «»«l»—r>ram« adfteataa, M an act ot humanity, thould akaWist apnadlsigsMM tib valit^k«w*ITWiktar«r *• kia^ »n41k«r»»* 1 imlilj aldtobarJttJu'f DTuukei»nttis«i4kHit«.>, ~' 0KARZ1S8 yf^tynifff-p' A "T'C. ~.*7.'', - pMOPktlrsTOita, - ; • ' ; ' » tflllliu>a M^Mt, K««r * • * * . '-'-' tar'^orgaWby JOHN KIMM1 8liiieit«^*»a|e«»v«U«»*(«r»l.-i^U^ ,— Large case krji^.-t^,*».pliusUl*Juia j*yslo5aus.*Ifi „ -^- , -A^lte''BPiB6r*K8 J -\-. ,.-..:'•' )^«ir^c* : aihlfeaMD^r*i»eai dlfflculv»«I«>red Brt^UWg'Sttended wlt^Ooujih'ftlft'%"?rR1»S*;Pf'« M ^i?^SMfr^aTrf.l»«ai*«^I«A^»a ^•-tksrtwartMTfl*arts«f»«Tiar, tfm0mw»%«m »os-s»j^»«llstMI»^k«r«^of kjMi^a^ iSlglg r?S'*S»ffi^ , *^^^' ,l »S9a^TO#*^»-' UKlf«aOa,| ( n^toa &a r t « | A D J c « r i , Bor^MeusOMCsMlry of- chBdMt>.--l?rli»,.Welk»i»r*»jcr-' --» "•<« ^Tirtlro, Nausea, Price 60 cts. wtt^siaallyl _ _ . I^r8«»-»tckn*at.—Deathly 1 , Vomiting aekuesa from riding or t liklrbox. . . ror Urinary Disease*—Varflravel, Kenai CalcniLdUB- cuK, painful CrlnaUon, Diseases of the kidneys. Price SOcta. perboi. forPemtnal Kmlaslont. p^eii^^ v.i -»:i S"*! 8 £SSffi^2ffiSS2^^^M^iM T»* ™rr WOUIJB. EXAMINE .r" Ki^ir: r Discharges and Ilzyiats aridmaybetelled'oii^'aTSSre. I^'wi^'fun'dla.cUons, ^Persons wU> to place themsrlves under the profetalon- al care, or to seek advice of Prof. Humphreys, can do to at his »fflce, Broadway, daily from S A, M. Io S P. kt, took overthe liit choose,"' stamp YorkT ovttanmmtaiu makfcupacase f f i r t 1flflbed•SyMl» , ;.AHB; ipje T'*W«*^llUr«D^V«S --,-.- 7 : ^iWl^.dtlat^^^|s^t^ f H%Bi1^iBAS%iSfiSL3SfHiD A-^SAVIKOS D> paRment os a branch of its business, and for the safety of moneys deposited are pledged to capital, and the^1 personal reliability o f t a President, Directors, and Stockholders, agreeably to the Seventh section of the eighth article of the Constitution- of the, StaK of Siw York. Interest at the rate of ^ r o e r M n ^ s jBR-t^oJium will be paid to depositors on tfle flrsf days bj^lanuary. and July, of each jear-asifollows;,, On, ,alli Sujns that have been on depositTbree monthspribr'to^etuier of those days, three months totoeMytoiPno morej.fjn all sums that have been d t t d ^ B ^ s P 1 -^"'--^- "" those days six mQntljs intefei not called for wiUwadued 1 u jBrnesiQ. iSerli , on|hs*prior6 either of andjfnoj more. Interest the principal on the first "*- &, AVEBELL, President. Wm. J. Averell, Chas. P. Egert, BJch.B. ~ ii-tie FJbDID. V l t t ^ C ] r j X O » S J F O K S f A U E C H E A P . 1 '9t X ^3M*0 3, ii&li 03S, STATE'AMD PlObS-l A- *K S W ' W w fl» "pperOTnew vjDage. Terms liberal, TO-bemMe ..known, at tha . ' £80-l,»tf|:. ;^^ 3 i. s ^ w 0 ^ Y ] ^ A T o a C 6 - 5AHK. Tpmi&amm*miin mMm AJSSLEKDID AS- •J|80rtmetiaofa?Janoa andMabdeon^ best makersv-' -Thdste!in{enaibgtoM#?na8«-Kate»yonAone^."by'^ aa'J wni-sell towerthari any estahHshntent In northern' Net? York, and every-tatroment fully warranted to give satfefAcab3L^Mo®S8Music3uiffi r Musicffiooks of ail ktato furnished at the lowest prices. Pianos tubed and repaired. Alan^^bld Pianos takeniniemhange for new.->. Ware rooms and Piano Manu^taoryjcbmertiti Poidlana < j^ss^»y^^^a- FKANOIS OOItBV'S JB f!c,'4#?0M?«jP|Ip«*3Sj3j»«>ra -Street. •.-.ufirtt.-:•.'£":<:.I ,.-x-.*3?^v^TS»i_l '- > 1AM.I sfni-iiiTirmF/f. AMkRIGAN WATCH,] The moat reliable Time-Keeper In Market, Every one warranted. The best assortment to be SEELY'8 E A p 1, E B L O C K , ^ Where you- will And a hjrgej.Jtock of Watches apd «-',• -a--: - ;^tta;jBwelryS«iime fihe Mruseaia 5s*'|j COIN (told Jewelry I tfancy * WARE! SILVER A large Stock of the best American. e Cutlery, ^a^Jfc.ifefa .Ci u 11 e r y , The greatest variety of Combs, Brushes, and other ar- ticles In the line of FINE EAJSCX *OODS, 8 day and SO hour Clocks,—also 80 day ^fSfk look at the Stock of Goods, at Seely»s,_^ Pay Any one for the time spent in so doing. January J. F. SEELY,' Eagle Block, JFord St., Ogdensburgh. GEO B o,i86o.j jy / -iMJENT FOK fiOWARD, IVINQ ALL THE XATE I5IPR0TEMEKTS.— Among them is the new Pedal Bass Attachment, whereby the bower of the instrument is materially in- creased. This Attachment can be connected with any Melodcon at a trifling'jjxpense. H e la also Agent for Melodeons having the Improved Harmonic Attachment. 'W-J^&f*' t o - - ' ' J * ' 1. Wjup(i<lc.tublea the power of Uie inatrumentj and is war- ranuediobesnperlor to anything of the kind in the mar- ket. A specimen can be seen at his Music Store In Eagle Block. GEO. W. HOWARD. Ogdenk^rg^sBial 2Sj ]J3S); f]30-27-U] Gated. A WOED •jTO i ,%ii^, 4F^*<ICTE». I WISH TO imO$W •rHflSE.aiamCTFJ) WITH Canceralhnt my usb'de of treating them, is a safe, ea- sy, quick, and permanent cure.' The system has been practiced over, fifty years and no One^cnse has ever been known to reappear. The remedy; .used usually does its work In from 12 to 86 honrs-~fojlowlng and destroying the Cancer ROOT'.'AND BftAKOH-^but not Injuring the healthy flesh and bloodinthe least; and when the Can- sounds .dp-, very maqy^cases the patient does npt, experi- enc£ scarcely bnymeo'nvetiiehce rroln the treatment— Cancers locate on all parts of the body and show many -cuifetent^rms In both old and young. There Is np. set time) placeror age for them to appear, and they should be treated as possible after they do appear, though 1 can cure them at any stage of the disease, until they become seated on some vital part, after which His' useless to med- dle with them, and I shall not do so hi any case. * I do not claim tcu^Ise the^dead, bnt L io claim that I can save many fr4in i n c h terrible iaffering ancjian untimely death. -<"-»»•* *-•- » * N. B.—Those not able to pay for their treatment, shall consider it as a dnty to cure them FREE OP CHABGE. |3?"I- also cure fever sores, permanently^g3 A per- sonal examination and treatment required Inall cases.— References glreu™ihen.ren.uu-ed. r- 1 • j . Dr. O. C. COLBCRN * - [roy22tf.] Massena Springs, N. Y T HfiSCBSOItlBER WILL SELL HIS EiRMeag of two hundred acres of exceUent and * v j ^ _SIL well Improved land with good Farm Bnlld-"* ' igs, wlthft two and a hMJ muesiof this yUl»ge> togeUier wjliothf entireTstock ana farming tools thereon^ conslst- MgofaVanebreea of rdHclr-ktbe, brood rnares, young cattle, and a superior flock of premium long wooledsheep, Ac, 4 c , on the moat liberal terins. 4 %gl~ For a Dairy, or supplying the large and Increas- ing demand for miik in this market, this, establishment has nosnperlpr. , "Cfl£S. G. MYEBS. Ogdensonrglr.'NoV.'S, |8S9. ;' po-tf] JPA^BBArA NEW AND HIGH 3}e. The best yet offered. " ' OHAKLES ASHLEY. PHAJLOW & SON'S ETEt I XSAOt2Fra7C^BV 5S3H I CREAM, IDS, Is without question, THE " BEAUTiPIER OP THE AGE." "A clear completion" is desired by the ladles.* Use Alo2^aI4nuld}USnQW.White Oriental Cream.! 1 ^.t « *fiSBeMOTaStnM 'A|e,25ra'atoS: sTSnVilqnld now'Wnlte OrientAl Cream." T H E SNOW WHITE OISBNTAL CREAM"-Removes mil [on & Son's flg5ld.*'Bnflmj WJilte Oriental Cresm," thempst homely, attractive. \ *Bon's Liquid "Snow Whlte_Orlental Cream," j. __ « . loTH^cparaest cflinnlex- pi-* Sift's Luiull fSnow , icaiuream," yor fsaio By ail- DrnggisrcTand P ^S«*i5uttBa^eath% 1 i^feryiSc^'exelabhl I- SheujesEhaiohft SoB'sr-ttrndd "Snojr Wilts, Oriental IL WB.OOOiBotUW of PliMon &Eon»3, "gnovr'WMte Orien- 4i*<»eamiW^I*d^r%*BeJ««ft Vettf -iS fteljiaiea «f Cpon the receipt l*y mall, of 60 cents, a bottle-of tho Snow WljltCiWillbetejitby .flspteaj»to any ipart of the - (-'-, ,'ift.ji iit-JU.. V/'sO t;.aii«s>. ^'u-iw^o^i*' -giS*v.sj*l^'i".*'s^.'-'*^^ x; •tnk&y.'jsasfruit ..... PRESERVING. BrMOTWnWp AJHD Dj " " .*TTfi«3^t / 5*t ''•f./ii ,>-% 99 info an, THE idwhtedyCOdOA 'serjMja.jitB. . _ j t PKaaater of tJ'S-efetejWlOi *ti5a, . , brent styles ^Po- 'Wa.'flolegnesv.eta -mm-lyA ,-,. t . • J^i»oi ^•nnSj.'-*^ 'u «i '-^*,ir S*oBBr^r»^&"celebr^J"*tinia«n <w per- e? ^^djfferenlstyjej "' " J„ ^McDonald, -IT'-EEPS'CONSTa^ITIjY ON HAND OE00EEIES OP -•% oil destjriptlOBB, einbracing-every'new Bi Bte line of business, together with Floor; Pork, Tobacco, Teas, Oils, ProvMonSj Sugars, Suajsaiid everything, In the Grocery line.' NrarGpDBs arriving almost daily, and everyflilng nentwill':*e found at MCDONALD'S. His'connections with the Efet, West, North and South, are such as to en- able him to keep onJiandoneof the largest and best se- lected stocKsofjGrtciae^eyeiofffired uV NorthemJSew Yoac.O»rlesCott-;anaTBRl%CASH:~See the ®uo*- ingilisfrof arttoles :-^— - * : HPEAS. , . " . 1 (\{\ I0HESTS TEAS, YOnNG HfS0N,'6tJN POW- -LxJ! KJ der, Imperial, Twankay, and Black Teas, of all ,gualitl&, f>Eprjsile by . - J. G. MoDONALD. :''''/'' ' .(COFFEE. t A SACKS OQFEEEv-JAYA, Bib, SIABAOAIBO OVJ Mocha, and all kinds of ground and homed Coffee forsalo-by t , : J. Q. Ma DONALD. •,'A^ «| 011$ "' ' - ' <3f K 3 A E R E i S OP 0IL,-,WHAiE SPERM, LARD A 2 & P Kerosene, at , . . J.. G. MCDONALD'S.' ^kPPeSBEE-J. G && , , _ .„. rVloJSronrietor respectfiiily informs the public thai t„,b H cohstan% receiving from New Sork and Iiosum 11, dOhesSe«S«td*est assttrtmeSfeBr ail the Sew Style. „i ! CabJnet ^amitore ster Pffereft in thjs market, embmcitip ! ahnbstf^very artide^imtt can'Be-Tnaneai-amonir vrwf L-a>:eg^|ogany, Blae|£JP&lnutand Hose Wood S0»ASi. JftriANS. TBT&A-T|3!ES,. OTTOMANS ANT, >- •^ i " f™ ' • t0TJN<JES, Coverea'wiBi Plush, Damask; and Hair Cb>th • En.,, sion Tables, Spring Bed Bottoms; Rocking, Sewing i^ ana Common Chairs, of Mahogany, Rose-wood, and iij, nut: Also Book Oases, Bureaus, Side Boards, Bedste,4 Tables^ Stands, Hat Racks, Corner Stands, nimtnm, Cane^atidWood.Seat.Chnirs of every description ,.-.,-, CHAMBER VVRXlTVRMi. Painted Bedroom Sets, Flowered and Landscape Looking Glasses of all sizes, Giit and Veneered Frame, Upholstery OoOdst Curled Hair, Cotton and HuBk Mu t r e s e s ; Bolsters, PiHows and Cushions : all articles rf flie4Bfa bn-hand or made «j order on short notice am warranted to be properly made, and of good materials _ •The inereased aemanff in the TJphoWery business has u dnced mi to employ *n experienQed haia from Ke» \ „ and I amprepared tcflll all orders In Udsline. ' rrsf»ERTAitriv«5 DEPAKTUIEAT. On the same premises may be found Coffins of all «i^ made of Mahogany,Black Walnnt, Cherrj, Buttcnnn 4 , -* ti '—ledln theTiJest manner, and o_n reasonalil*- l «2 kFAiiibM o of'every'variety, at .Water S^reetj Ogdensburgh. ^SUpstiifMo^ERO^E LAMPS r ^«.'Mtl)qiSAIJ)'S. "J|rtock^of 'TSv-tf.] OGDENSBURGH HVEKY STABLE ! Corner of Isabella and Washlbgton-Sla. Wnrmitorx Ste«rart, - -.. - « Proprietor, T WS SH&ORIBER, THANKBTOi Tp-HIS NCMEE- ; onsffteStds fotji the..patronage extended to}him tbro' a lobg period oC„yeatB,.take3 tils occasion ta aay to them thaffib keeps a'goouTstahle ol - , ' SADDLE AND CARRIAGE HORSES. rge number and variety of CARRIAGES, careful and jriencediDriYers, and all the comfeniencies of a good ERY STABLE. • *. §P Gentlemen of business or of pleasure-frill be serv- pbnibort notice. Charges moderate,, f21-ly-.] XOTHE EAR3IERS OF OSTTEGATCH- u,1; , re x£i» yxgsmnaktf •flUYlHO BJaTTrTWTJriBiMPIteCDSTokMILLS, JTCisW)gdensbnrghj1St Y:, Oie snBscrftet' Is "now pre- pared to do. gristing In all Its brunches. , Flour, M^al, Bran^ and ^orts,' always on hand. Business ( promptly attended to^and orders^olicited. Remember the place, Brown's newljufldlng, opposite the Oswegatchie House, Ogdensburgh, N. Y.T - ^-48-tf] " P. H. DELANEY. %. ' , die has procured an elegant new Hearse, andwiB'i'iT, personal attention to all arrangements conneded « ,11 1" ferments. Mends in the vBmge and Coan,™ , ' ? quested-to Bend In their orders. 1 Ogdensburgh, July 1,1839. [SI, Stilwell & Houston, Wholesale and Retail Grocers Corner of Ford and Catharine Streets, ' - OGDENSBURGH, NEW VORK, (Successors to the late firm of S, STILWELL, JR., i Cc., XJTTE WOULD INFORM THE MANY PATBON- „i YT the late firm, as well as the public in general' 11,, we will continue as heretofore to keep a larj^- and chain 'GROCERIES, WINKS, UQUORS, TEAS, -" Also, Hardware, Cut and Wrought Nail. lw£ Tools, Coarse and Pine-Salt, Pork, Flour, Crockery 7M toSsltoe 6 ' D0 ° r Trtnmiln89 ' and evcr y Tari --<.v of'goom Also, Agents for the sale of Smith's celel,mt*,i on. BecUfled High-Wines and Whiskey celel,ra, * d olll » 1 , Weh »2*#'tf»<*lTCdaIargean'd fell selected stock Vhlch we Will sell at prices that will compete with' aay Hobse-in this place. Give us a call and be convinced ' .^ tf J 8MLWELL 4 HOCSTO.N. pjLOCKS FOR FROM $1 TO %m AT \J 'KENMDTR'S FOR SALE, O R X O RENT ! StaW factoJ^Tpiastei* iBili, Lately occupied by GRAKT & "KILL. 9^-ApplyfltheifficS or. . ft. PARISH. U^densborgb; Ajbgusj; 10,1889. : ' , [89-tf] PIASTER PLASTER ! ! NOW BE HAD TTIKJ^H, GROUND PLASTER CAN J? . at $5 per ton at the Plaster Mill. A. S. PARTRIDGE. Ogdensburgh, April IT, 1800. a . [S0-20-tf.] w. CELEBB. ^AX^lAgao'^ PORTER, ffret^coi; Bfewiery,' C AN NOWIk HAD IN SPLENDID CONDITION, either fromabe Brewery direct or from Messsrs. STILWELIi-fc HOUSTON or Mr. W. N. OSWELL, who will always J;eep a supply in their celjara., . N. B.—The "ASLE will improve by keeping. Price X per liarrel 3 6 6 0 1 I do XXX do- T SO do XXX do 9 OO Orders received at the Brewery or at the two Depots above mentioned. £S9-50-tf] TROY LUNG AMD HYGIENIC IlfSTI- . 'WJ'J&E. ; ESTABLISHED BT SPECIAI, EOTJOWHKNT.-. Combining the most able of the Eclectic .Faculty antj Modern Schools of Medicine.- ^ ; T HIS SUPERIOR MODEL HEALTH INSTITUTION possesses, It is conscientiously believed, superior claims to public confidence to any other in the United States. In this Important Particular, viz: It hasbeen the earnest«ndeavor of the faculty to investigate, and thoi*- oughly understand the numerous mddern^&iaiadies, which have become so very prevalent and fatal,, jespecially to the'young, known as nervous debility. The 1 eiterBa} manifestations of this class ot diseases-are Ilelasatiojiand Exnanstion; Marasmus or a, wasting and consumption^ of .., UK the,Brain; nervous deafness; palpitation of the hearty -' greaTx'^s'tlessness; despondency of spirits ; dreamy ani| restreps sleep ; Foetid or bad breath ; vitiated or morbid appetite; Indigestion; Liver complaint; diseases of thi kjanera: suppressed|unotionof theiMUjj^Splnkl Irrltaf Hon-,. cold extremities, muscular debtnty or-Iassttude';—t Rheumatic and neuralgic pains; JtiurjTed "breathing ;-r Cough j; Bronchitis ;sorehess of the throat, Catarrh and Jirspenttp Tnbercular Conspmp.Upn. ^ „, / r TJidl)Jreci»iir|an&Rcnlty of.',tWg,teflSnaon, purpose t o cure all the foregoing dtseaseaxby..the judicious com) blnatioaof natural andsclentifloremedies, selected wlth..l great.aigcruninatlonandindgnient, that directly ald.na-i .uv ^— u -._, . ... .throw off, •schooii-emeffis 'aft ^0^e^u&uSfc5slSd1C.Tu-brd bot»«c^vlc»#«f4n5gn!eritand*ciSnsaa^Suve^ Pfl^ei^^afflnothedrttgg^d^|bBIn|at|M6ii:. ,._,( A'-word of Sbierrxa Couscietiilonsi Ad-< vice to tliose who .mil reflect. .. , StaUstlcs shopthefoleinit truth, thatorer 100,000 dis - * - - •• •-' ^ j f p r ^ , b o o t She, In view of the awful de^hTjotlon o( human life, caused' ['•by such- deblTOHfii 'dTjijises, such as SpernjatorrlMEa,,. gemInal-weakness/t!ia*'l!j'c'B $t self alrase, ^inal Coni smdnlloft'^TOSy,terironAoasms. and dlgefBes of ibe!' Tlesu^&drn^etfofffieJtefqssgeceEabn OTacSced np-| oirtBW*dinmun%Bybase^retenfleri^^'ea&ecSors ^4 faculty of Wi^wSWtton, opnsoiemp'nsly assni& ft£ ^> vafld and Conplnmifymt their resources innj laoiaaesi ;tt^ces^rttWtipg*this class at/neSadlxsixamoibe ^pShtaj'foralmost'oa^-oan he treated at home:' 0 ? application by im A e g w W he furnished with prlnt- tS^^WK?i'* r * ^* sble ustosendthemtreat-j ' | ® ? ^ c6SttnJu4ca8on3are regarded with sacred: and! Wi,wsn™iB8-gtyes ^ie most oncxceptianable refer-' .eQce to men of stanqingJouaU-narte of the country, who! !»,2^ensttc«e>aWK<jnjed,_* * *, -. , .. •< -v*^A^ea*#oitft8^Rj|a,of the early decay afi A m e d t M M % s t M ^ « ^ l ( S f B Y Bus I n B l w i o n , wfllbei .•»nt.to»|telBHeaipiBrjatosttpart> of the Di shm Jje read by eiiery ne Btitua<iaib^*nhatali)L day, 8tm8syslaBtuforlj PhysiclaBitf ffie^ ..„ foJgK&W fw Ptseases of too, It Is a trilling work anfi, PMtboth male and female. sjantfirilie found at the In- SI i , « , , to 9. r-.-jt, of each '"6pJ^| Sttti PKOM GUMS,4tH) a s t a n d i MwHolne "it, and Is sow lease for which last two years as the nunjer- oty poHSselon agent' sninftalr A large asaiorfflwrti^f;'. At greatly reduced prli<«, ::.-J ' t*i» t -r - • - .>-.--'- - ------- -•»- . y.!0: WFRa I T IS COMPOtJNBE& tana become an known .tuid'aum resorted to wl«i ItM rccomiuei^^^! It ha« cored who had given oua anil unsolfi ehow. The do«e mustbe^ the InJividual Ueitoact jentlyj nod ACRES OP te» LAND IN AN OLD *SWemenfc The BONAPAftTEi Labds, "' " Ti '.SMk'lfmsi nffiiwu* <U- »_* tt St liaira'eacc^- 1 -- adioining the to :Mri® yians-J&aprj ienk m a d e , i bnt forlhelastlwenw fl i?^*™^ly.-lri.tftejdtrpm! , b e |*Li?!9* nl ^ i»?M>»ed.; .14 aitr* <* !| Btetpwn'ora] Letthedli lathe use of the LrrerOomplainl tepiarr" F»y, tour j Cholera, CholeflP f lence, Jaundice^ n«d»o«e««fully ItwIBeureS-*- " fy, In twenty are uken. at commence] kji ' AH-whoust ft-^re- W~ water. IB thl mouth with the Iavjgorator, apd tl'jpffi-iMqinrUB..''- - M lepsiaiCron- i^ery'Drop- »; Ohollc, fkntnm, Plntu and may be .__y Medicine. inaands can tesa orthree toMpodnMs »Mi)Eof a t t a j u ' -. HW^rtesOmony In lis snft-irittt^efftaia^ t,,w». -ii si •^. ( 8*NVtofetaloewuslmin- hMJitanB, andhas.ari the; ctaireniaoces of roadc -miOs, schools, 4cu of an old setaemenfc A. *tag* »*»' over *ffl? h * J>*Uc,eoOTay«w» foe passengeiaiir.earrytar the ™^P j e0ffanty t nasees,|!e«rlr th«ngS-*to'«««»^f8i^ •Thelsrid^areof dlv.erWl^»«dii»iiid chariu^*,'iil heavUytiinr^r^ with evsrt T»ir»«y of our .JW-e«t irw, amongwWch the su^rirjsle predominates, to j»n» u»u- «^-dg|ji^nv''iiawfe"iilwyhlti9-el^ In' jsbnu>' |acidl|ac>. .-aubd the wh>* e**irfh others; aVe ibundsnt and of sPfendW Urowtli.»-'• •-•;"-• "f 1 '. - •': , ?;..•.'•» Thewestjb^nt&of^r^gj^tcMe »3sa ,ti»,Jtao|l»A river, with'tbeli;-connecting streams, foniiih abundsjit wartrforfai^gpuipoMVMwellaafnrlrj'tontlC'uae*; Bon1 on & OswegateUa, a t , « i » r i u » n f BarrkrrtlltVon the tractdu^g|to_BMt«^oiv»Bdtirolar^ taanerles f e r ^ a t J K « " » W S H W A£»^ with faTOroble Br**i»r^fo8jWjij1kai»^^ of JOSEPH P A H t J ^ w , at llarrtsvilKkdw *>ly au- UiorItedtQ»eB«»d-Cpnttkct all 01 any Mr|njf«aMJ»ndB; or of eltte^iiip&ff SBls^e^r^ted,*^^ S. G. POPE, Keeps constantly on hand alarge stock of s "jtTENEELY'S CHDRO 1 *. . EB?S prices, at BEttS AT CHABj^ES Vl fACTl'E ,ET House rp, * . . ; r T T _ i _ , , _ LA^S?:. '^mmknr, GBNTLBMES dKbnSTARY ATCD RESTAITfAXT, Nos. 530 and 532 Broadtray, ' RBA.B ESTHANCB, Nos. 35 jLttd 37 James St , ' . . . ALBASY. T HE CATRONAOB; OF CITIZENS, STRANGER AitD visitors at Albanj Is respectfully solicited. The house has been, fitted upvin a manner snperlor to any in*he countryj-nnd every; delicacy-oftbeseasoo can he obtained St ffiisrataMfffmmrnt on the most reasonable terms. JTo travelers on Steamboats and Railroads, this bouse affords advantages over any other. No delay wUl oecur as every order wUl be served as soon as frlven. Private parlies furnished on tbe shortest notice with everyfuingof the'seasbn. P. S.—*his home is within a ft-w steps of the Railroad Depot, being on thetolockbelow the Demvan House, on the opposite side of Broadway. [80-87-IjrJt. 8' TO IIOrSEKEEPERS. OMETHlNa KEW-r.T. liABblTTbbtSiTMEDicUI- ALSALKRATIS /% A Is manufactured from common salt, and is pre X3f*x par^Ml entirely different from other Saleratns. All the deleterons matter^ extracted in.sucb a manner 93 to produce Bread, Biscuit and all kinds of cake, * ' . withont containing a particle ot Saieratus when , iftn Bread or Cake is-baked.; atereby prodncing #*£» wholesomeTesnlts. Every particle of Saieratus Is OU turned to gas, andpasses through the hread and bfymit while baking, consequently, nothing re- itmdns bnt common salt, water, and flour. You ! wih readily perceive, by the taste of this Saless- ",; faitlistit is entirely different from oiherSaleratns. W D " " pkeked In one pound papers, each wrapper D o hrandod, 'B, I. ilabbitt'sjiest.Medicinal Saieratus' . »&J,painpmcsuis-lm>^o'i5'*hE? ?< * *•&••!* *.^*«»ifuiidnQtioi tffdSh.i 9 *! *" d *^ SoftSo»a.<!onBnmera^rt^fl^?? n ? H * ^<, »° d t^ol»lf&emarfar y ian '* *?*. "»**aipe»t A f^nMb^^m^ht^m W*W «tt«o#. ment, forkbereoef of the Bfok and Dhtrewed, ajBtcted nvfc hYli 1thYlrnleutandKpWesskdiseases; es»6«lali» for fie ire of aH diseases of the «eant» O r S S ^ i f ^ «topaUe&UInallpirUioftheUiiU«dS»#i«, Valuable report on rVermatorrlwsa, and olh«r dkt»»M« of the SeinarOri-ans, and on the New BetMdtN 'iapior- ed, sent Jo the «Blcted in «&>d m&fm, £»ot charge. Two or three^amja rerpoltaga wUib* »ala>l«; Addre-Sr.SKaLDI HGDQHTON, Acting fcrgm, Hoy»OTaKlaOon,lio.»Booth Nkth 6tr«^SiSa«n JSGjrjENSBrRGH WEEK k faiNTED asn PuB^tseet t' ATOGDESSBtTlGH, ST LAfl'EEJ H. R. JAMI Editor and Proprle^ t Office, fttone Bu41dii*jj, I one door ftvm To .mn and OfflceSttfscr^|rs>--0 "'- To Sail amnjimce'Bwu'ri^ss-- c ^always to sdratfee.--* ?$&&. f served by Carrier-One Dollar and t . _ , _ _ ^ » f f FOB AD^SitT^ -'^3iiKtfii9SI£a|onbSkeek.$Q&0 V colon b^O'tTo fJSrefd- ?!•*')- dc 5' "do-'siir r?o 4 55 I). dt , if?vi one year 6 00 Do .4' ^•fisnirm, one mpntL, 00'p.o,. .^8' OneColumi. tr-'jSxett months, or long U* veaV ot"«ieO „.• Busmess CaidSKOl.e^jWJes^r ies .Astyst^sSnEr^m^rtraciv-as aba s^forffeggStf^nibiuunesB. Lega. ac 4^5ttti833Wes!§st(9>!isbed by i«t. - .' . (T^OBGE UTEHERH Bealei* I11 Groceries and * - Aljcyj, "* -&u-Jt . OQDESSBV ftGH, &. 1 • ^ ^ ^ G a s h paid for CV-untry pro Jut '•*6alnthe Village free --f ^lan-g-e ^S^ ;* , "* ' OLD'? PICTURE GAI iJKrcxCRFS OF AXL ST1 ^73 . OlS K£A$OHABL 1 - ^^*.Plct«res magnifbid and colore! > i\Q. «s. Eagle Blot •SIGN OP THE MAMMoTil KAOI. ^ 0OI>E>'5BraGH, S L PRiiCTOi and Retail D, NEW TREATMENT, PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Medical Advice, ^ , —AT THE— BUFFALO PRIVATE H0PSTAX. Jfctabllsbecl for the cure of Syphillia, Seminal Weakiiesa, and^the Secret Infirmities of Youth and Matpat^,, Dyspepsia, General Debility, Fever and Agtie, , Scrofula, Old Ulcers, iBrysipelas, Great 1m purity of the Wood, Salt Rheum, Pim- ' pies, Fistula, Asthma, Incipient Consumption, Infirmities of Youth, Old Age Ac. fefKO MERCL'RY TSKD f^^J ,3DB. AITZOS A SON, c Corner of Main and Quay Struts, JJuffaio, New York. A RE THE ONLY PHYSICIANS TN THE STATS WHO ate members of the Roral College of Surgeon^ .x>tr- don, may be consulted from eight o'clock in the morning until 9-iat night, in every stale and symptoms of Disease A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION, An instrument for the cure of General Debility or Noc- turnal jEmlsslons, more proper.} kiiowii as Seminal "ft eak neas, && Can be permanently cured hi from fifteen to twenty^days by the use of this insinum. tit, wheq used iconjoiiijtly with medicines. YOUNG mCEN TAKE PAKTICDLAR NOTICE. t J>Ei ASfOS*& SON take pleasixe in annooncintr thai that they have Invented a most Important ingtrumt'iit i^ the cure of the above diseases. It has .been eubjt-ctetJ t< ft te^t by the most enfment physicians in London, Fan* Philadelphia and New York ; it ^has been - declared the only useful instrument ever invented for the cure of fceui idai Weatness, or any disease of the genital organs cans ed by the secret habits of youth. •' Dr. AMOS & SON, in order to satisfy the most skepti cal as 60 the merits ot their Listruments, pledge them 'selves that io any instance where it may prove unsaid factory after a fair trial, tbe money will be refunded bjr returning the instruments in good order. Price Teu I>oi- 'Jars hy(Mail or Express. NEW KEIttEMES AND QriCK CIBES. For tte Veneral Diseases, and all private complaints, gleets, strictures, seminal weakness, pains in the loins. affections of the kidneys, diseases of head, throat, inl- and skin, aud all those dreadful affections arising from a secret habit of youth, which produce constitutional dehl) ty reader marriage Impossible, ,and In the end desire\ both body and mind. The treatment they adopt i? Uie result of upward of thirty yearaUextensive ahfl fsuccess ful practice In Europe and Amerilja. COUNTRY INVALIDS. Persons in any part pf the World may be aaccessrufry, treated by fonvarding a correct detail of theit cm,*- «ith a remittance for medicinse, &c. Address Dr. AMOS k SON, corner of Mam and Qua* streets, Buffalo, N. Y. [stf ly 3 Wlioiesal ceriea and Fi-ovl ,*u ^^NiG^L « H P A I D *;, *&CTt¥^VB£EgE,, POS"K, PEi f.AtS^-Mflihfi -corner store in Marblv E - - Ogdensburgh, Aug. 17,1859 BEELE\ r & BROM tVhoifsnle aitd EE-etall Books and Stationery, Paper Heng4i i Toys and Fancy fcropds, Mis Instruments, . - BOTSDAM £ CAXTOX ST U J.jg,3SaLRY, ' {itl)-l6-if] ' , 1 ROYAL V I L . BEALEH :*; Boots and S h o e * , , R u b b e r ; Fmdlngs, _ Also, CbilOren'sMeAallc Tips, a n*- Poxd Street, opposite J. H Guest's S OGDESBBtTEGS, S. t GEORGE Nv GRB ' > Pasblona3b>le Barber and JEteturns"thanks to his friends and p. ' ^tulby^strict attention to business U .H&maaon of the same. 1^^* Eooms over C \Y. GIbb:' Br , ^treet. THOMAS B. LA* ' Illaniifacturer of Tin, C<>i Iron IVare Also Wholesale and Retail ^ e a l e Noildns, Plain, Planished and Japai era, Glass Ware, Wooden Ware, &c for job wor-k. on Hand. Country hie sap^le4 a*«iy prices Tha nicest FesrtherSjiJopper^Brass. Lead and I -atty. Woo^Ian.d Produce taken in t ISO. 8, m&BElTS BLOCS, 0GB* JCBSON k PuWi Attorneys and Counsel , OQOS^BtTEaB, ST. LAWEEKCB -Office, No.- 8 Eagie Block, Ford '* ROSCTOS w. jv&zcx, ,.[2Ttf,3..: MORRIS S: TAR ALlorueys and Counsel r. ' mFFIOB MABBLE ROW—JT\ V -13E0 MORRIS, J A C K M A N H *~> [Formerly GJobe Hotel, on Couit TiTEHTiWy V T B. JACKiTliJi, . . Pas^eugt-rt i. ri^f-yp.j TA a* ti fr. de^ixabie convenience in*ht v«\ <' K A. A. 2UBC0CI Pump Mantdacturer a -' Beeps constantly rtn hann and n tbe most approved W^l' an^ Ci°*-- , -i burgh, N Y Hei5 at ai' time'' p«a< Bhort notice, and for moderate pay fjpr-jShop on Montgomery, near t FREDERICK A. BA Attorney and Couinsel **&***!& OODESSBCEOH, li. tS^LegSl business entrusted to htii attention. QSic*, corner "of Ford t over N. T. Btnhbard's ?tore. WILLIAM C OOO AttoFDey and ConnaeE , ST. LAWRESGB CO CJL5TC5, ( WBSBOW BLINDS-^—. GLAZED ANB I7NGI,AZEl> Window ., SJISIMVS. ABd'.h'ariogSlS'ERIOE MACHWEBy, GOOD WORK $}E8 and tborau^jl^-seasoned dumber, Is prepar ed to make every variety of Plata, Bevel Molded andSasb Doors, Bevel Mold- £d. Diamond and Gothic Sashes, StatioaeTy and Holling Slat Window Blinds, and Window and Door Frames at Short notice. f O LD1NG Or various styles on hand and made to order. P1ANKSG AM), SAWTNG Pone pcomptly and well at low' prices. » VLA??v® ' BO.CRBS,H.OOBW<;,and CLAPBOARDS oosstajiUj ^ on band. Also aUkindsof SEASONED AND PINE LDMB3!&, m. Cherry Bircb, Bntternwt anil OaK . _ P)axilc,,Cedar Fence Posts. OBDEEK?, EtBCH, & PCJK NEWELS & BANKBTERS. He also keeps a large andwell selected stoc^of »window Slass, wtuch will be sold at wholesale or retaU, s . i™„ », 'cap bebonght In Hie Factory. Putty by die Cr^t Blad- der M pound. •' - ' l »^itj snuLMAS poa Attorney a n d C o n Office, corner of Ford ani T^a^^Ua . N. B.—Particular att«ntioii gives Oonyeyanclng and CoUectiona. GEORGE TV HOVf Dealer In 'Piano Fortes, SHEET ursic A ursi Ware roomawrMi J a SKBAQBE - (SO-lB-lv i FD H SEAET . Attorne-j- and CoansoJ QoCA-ZE>tlK, ST LAWUt-N-L RtftBXNCto Hon A B James. Hon. D C Jndsoti. G. D. & I. I«i Beymour, Hon. B. G.. Baldwin, Honj Ji X>v_Bu93ell,. tolce & Co. WM »EVT1 All It- DR. J A. ^ (prCCESSOH TO THE : 4T'. lb. Office, Judson Bank Building, State £ densburgh, N. *i S l^^r-Deniists furnished with Teetl Tooth Bmshes, and Cornndnm^Vhet ence (com town will be di WTLLlsJl A. SB Practical Watch a n d < (Store In Hen0 aelden's 1 MA2S STREET. GOtTTER? W«tchea, Glooke and Jewelry Repal alVoVplfeture, tw&teil loaf oHireaid, with a glass qt eSemaclag water on ton -Wien yon .purchase onepa,itetjon«h0ttiaj)reservetfi8 ^rtitoper, and J>«'ja1il*»ar4r*> get tiie next eTacJJy'att fte. first Mtua-alHIfcurHttt or-t3r»atn-Tarter, i r W » - t ~ f - »an)fr»ta»ii»e|ag*{ also directions for n,.i>iK„> Sjiiej-jirus ever <3e4/ SALE %j QU0CKR8 Bvttrjtrtwre. iji A N XT F A C T O K y , J0H>' RlSDCl t C i t y B i r c g S t o r e , Ogden Atftealgn^itliaPainted Post ar mtorvMa£% TJlas-sBoe store," Po: «n4-'Kerail- 'DeaJer to Drugs, 3!e' «^8a;"«b:, In aa thjfe- varieties •Wtoflow Glass. GlSBS-'Wfte Brushes tallnstramentfl.and mat«rtat, Dlgi ''','', : " p. E socnnncK ttoni<epathlr Pn;t,iciau -•"•" \ Prera T^ •• ^ISfTOFnra Hanss, •. do ; H^^Offlce State Street, opposite . BBOWS i tFa,C Attorncya, Counsel! _. . panK56arB6B, 5 ^pif'Q^oe lately.occupied Us Jau ~W. a B&GWN, . 'Ajrrii-re.isea- OLD E6TABIJ3EED i TOR Tit PBH^TE FHEN Dr. K.J 1 0 C. L. Canysft SCTIOBO; - D B LISP"! maftscfentljnc. and succ^s&lui i*' v^ti- U»# tested Stales- lllnfatr.! II •, P"»M Gty and \lllare lr. rhe V i«oi. a . DR. BSTNOLDS ann'-ur.-^rc thi «e, thai hi! HGSPlTAils eUll opfn patjaata, and that he iP d-uh- Aatin; «w>nuw In all parts of tin- fniieit ; vli&laa oancentrated remedlra, v. h *M*3raa«r:»e«Ho«iilpkra af the " asdfetj ssd Irupojl . rtt.-0ftiie.TJnl&i} -l» j tMaw&D.tl» pnnBc'ascla «! whomfcav* xtldea Doctor of Meat to* alve them the appearance. of respc j)|asaedto annotmce to those a£Sl&e# private disease, that hte eurea^re >ti na raabrd, andMs reatedlea:che Von, iind sdixaralaon of the aiek. By a long coarse of study and prar R. has now tht-graauVatisn of-preser wuii'remedles that have ne\ er, failed dnced them, to cure ihe - aiopi h lhajt OtaahOrt bat reas. aatie time, merenryx}?©thet deieten^ui, drug . .y«ar«,&f.S.hascu-e.:-..- • - r . -at taouiand c»ses of U K HI- - - i-l.i-a-ie ##ia|jts^oiorethaiione-l.i.:vf ••»>.'1- tt*iWtW«tt!d irtth imercuty an '. • m *=»«*, em fc*»«cces»fully mnTOin- wWetl fti jtmntn jiumlyla aminei to«Ilic*xaW*«asei. '•.', ii'. ,ntftMiimvoa sisour **ft*»»»««a*lMn {». otwhateve to««W«r .«taMm««>|«." tte^oi -tM^teiMstrMr^iaAjaviK, 4^. cOBfldeWt»Hy «* r*(mrd to airy ' casjstebrtt to which Uwlr dellcau Ceynoldib sale anrit' MHnototttcoa i In a'eWtaln situation ahonl. T;ht wM* wTJlIb*f«Sni Mjt.mj^ttaaipon. Priteoneat *>:aior part of the World- Beware o": ar> not <m sale at any other -plare In -&r.*rraoI«»*I'AfEST PKESCH "4Mtf! and fare prevenUve against pr ?rl«e V$t. 8e«t By otaO to anj pa * " V tOTJNG MES, thahji/.-h . b- tdtl*! » aa oth«r-ici«e> 'r«M '' : :i^r''i'.'"' t ' v ' , " l ' i '''r* : ^;- a s?ii

SEELY'8«^S;4(|^||pi3 mi t4 m K i-S.tr Steam tolionit&Bideirm «1MKOW an* ^,IJrit^,ffll;p,b)rfirea,,flfu,e. %nj]tiM»rwfif. > s;i-/j.»»mm^^^&iff^-fx™?^ ^ -'..-•—*i+m

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Page 1: SEELY'8«^S;4(|^||pi3 mi t4 m K i-S.tr Steam tolionit&Bideirm «1MKOW an* ^,IJrit^,ffll;p,b)rfirea,,flfu,e. %nj]tiM»rwfif. > s;i-/j.»»mm^^^&iff^-fx™?^ ^ -'..-•—*i+m

« ^ S ; 4 ( | ^ | | p i 3



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Steam tolionit&Bideirm « 1 M K O W a n *

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.tSraS^^li^a^abMefefeaiateifl <J

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^ (afcoxdbj^^ccbmmodatlon,) $66 A | 8 0

mand of the sloop-oi-war Rii

. and oMamed Jea?e ;fe return Mimas

l i p x n a e s ' correspoiiSent t^%raph»4hat;

Masslj" 'offered thef pp»poifflioa re||iejs@ig>. r ' • MewJffiexico* aiuL will asport.t&e same to , <; the committer MmselCi ©QMa^'fij&itr fflte j most «safGaliaKm:of the N9rihi,t%i# &te-

' asked if they were toconcede-so- am61radf i the SwubJic^anlatfoim, whywot- giv^;nt>

the^Rhoik TfiS4emanaieapeeBagtae dys-; : tern of slavery in New Mesieoj'waS'ffiff'Iea^t " ^'of8rfy'&thf- (@%eat,riEenogg, « , -

Mexieo,apEeared befojfetfljej'cointdtt^ 4*. . tts'last mee%a,4nOsta«a*SS;tI(g;3Pli»t< J», ry had 70M citoerisj.SdM Me2caff-«it ", ' ; Tinder the Gttodatoape ffldateo Treatf;. • MesicaW;#J(W.p6M^d.4^Q{» j ahonthalfciTiHzed. Total* abarrt*U,-; There are 59(MaFe§ onto mos^senefffifs to , • anny^dyearralJipcefe;, , ,^\ . t, 's, J.,

j •• Mexico shoujd be admitted -^ith onig-#?,00|H :" ! white dti2s5sj;What"e3xtase vrtpfldJCMvenT -I - ' ^ r k e e p h ^ ^ ^ ; Q H £ ^ t h 1 . 1 < H W ^ t e J citizens-^ Considerable feeling fcxis&ta-| night amongthe Beptxbiidafipand £b.e/sfcSpn 1 ofjhe three, who, voted, agairigt Adanift -prd-I posifion seems to be generally endorsed by * strai&t ont Repnhlieans. ' '* •'. i

" S W 4 T S - r A .rron&er of p^fbna -^ere. * presented^ " . ^ ••" - *

Mr. TRice presented a resohition, and asked • a r i t s reference to the Select CdmmiHfeeof ttirteen. It was so referred withontieading.

Mr. Green- called for the order of the day, . ^Territorial business. » ;

•A biji»pro& reported ftoni the" committee r o n Territories ttfc'proTide&isthe Territorial •Qorernment of;ju^onl%'' &^, was takjpn^p.

Mr. . Green explained • the- bBIT.. H e said it^was in themsual fornix and there wJas

. notbing"objectionableto itj- It washe^e§Sary to have a Territorial Government there,'

qOUSE.—Mr. ' Stevens of Washington Territory, rishig to a J>ersonal explanatkwiin i jelatajsj to a special dispatch "JEO, aJposJon"1

paper, said-that the dispatch states that it ' appears trpoaj investigation that'the IntBah

rands were swlen i&r'the nseo'f the central Breckinridge committee daring thei, Jate Presidential electjonj&c

Mr. Morrisj>f Dljaois, aros&Jc^ -a question of order, saymg ffiafif. had heretofore been decided a newspaper" .article was not a privileged question. * . . -a-

i r e invited ta.look a t ray Sto;

'.—W"SJirm irJ":« *?tb

•<> B l H J B t i S l j , ' - - - .•

H O O B J t H O N ,

^Mifi MMlM ' l r '--'.-: ~» -'

Can find a n e w sfldrcomple--stock: ot~PiJX$ES,' S A W 8QDABES, HATUHEESfiNAILS, (1LASS, i o . , 4 c .


! i afi.i ^ji*> i a f / ; .Ira .»-- .*So. i

lements. . - - J * ,

B L E N S A I i L ' 8

. „ . _ . , [Ji'SisJa;

jfa».i ». «iii«p£ii fettBP^iix^a

"188g" LJlWSui%lgfttgtebeftat!ltediiceaaUtefc,'..'4>. &i> | „



rollolflngK: »WBOHnas.......

•» f r i m S n m &*tafea'to4;gland'.::v! ^saf i taElt f i&if- '&'-•'» Irelandvi'.'... > tomjAn^en^5e4ien,.flaftbnrjrandiR«ntr- '•• ' ' t3am.to.S8Kyorfc. . , ,^. i .»»™»..<*,4>„'.r^5flO. •, «eket# . I |»ne*»t reduced rates, per,,WAsapraTq» t m i o K Biitma Eicrera, leaving tlTerpool'for New York

F o r T E ^ r e « a p w M , t b « i .Offlco.^raiejfiompany, Si B r o a d f r i W ' i r J r ' » « • S B i a r F ' S f f i E r a , H e a l A Agent, or B. P.-TOBrnrpOgaensbargh. fSl-Myr.]

lants! f A * ^&JJ"*y^^

.1 : ! - * .^ •'iCsfjn'JT


^ .. * •ufe n , Ate infpnnqd that I h^ye ttta itgrnemta^t-gglc of HAHaEX^AEB, C H A I N S & P U M P S ,

C U ' i i i E R Y , F O R K S ' &c^ &c^

i n d are InjMedto^»aU for their o s o a l a n p p l T : - , ^ ( , V i l

Plase call and looft at m y now toportaUoriof GUNS, LOOKS, waDittNe, KPWJ>E61?I.ASKS, <SSCN

LOCBB^JIgH HOOKS t i S S E S , aHOI^OtTCH-! : • .« . % f # & ^ f r j B E E L 3 | l JW^Slsi*?- J . • .»

A N D E V E R Y B O I t T who wants an article In the Hani-Ware line, are by this (tally informed that I have thegobds,apdRre'respectfolly invited to call and see for themselvexand thereby economize In- t}me rand Money. |

, a A . W J L T B O T J B ; ; PQ-25-tll . . •; ,. Successor to>A. WJ

Pi MoulteSlDestreyed I mat}, ABderson taKes a; KodKIon' at Fort



•i.W*t'Monltrie was evacniated last night— Prewions to the evacuation the, guns were spffied. The Fort is now being jaeinQlished by fire. Only four soldiers were left in charge. T h e troops have all been conveyed

' to Fort Sumter. Intense exoi.tjanent pre­vails. The convention is in secret session. «^The convention reassembled this mo.rning.

After prayer the journal was read; The President announced the reason why yester­day's ordinance was not printed to thejour-nala ' , l :

MJV MTddleton here moved. that' £Ke«.con^ vention, go into secret session, immediately. Mr. Deserell moved, a a get in- a' resolution declaring that the Gov. o fSouth Carolina be authorized and requested to take possession of Fort Moultrie, when h § was, htferrWgtlld by the, deman'J* that'the Convenfion gu into Becret session, had the precedence.

It is only the gun [email protected] are on fire at Fort Moultrie. The cannon are spiked, and it is reported that mines are laid to blow n p the F o r t This last report fe doubtfijl.' • The indignation of the people is^Jhcreas-ing. • -i=

-.-LATEST- 13.30P. M.


.i oat axix-i ?{*•• w XT« -i. ...-~.>58 a 4 3 N o r t h EeaJrl S t r e e t ^

MASOKre.ffA't-fc, ALBANY,,, TSt'7^.

In consequence of the state of tile Money Markets and almost entire cessation flf,bnslnesa.with thp Sqatb^, icna-bles ns to fUl^n^o^S^c^tgrea^yvre^ucea prices; and hi order 8f avairours^lfVes of the present* state of the market, we have this day marked down onr entire Stock of


From 25 to 50 cts. below their formerpiijces. TlerrlinaCgjpfpodB

Ehotis >.ttii ls3l

^ ^ f i e r t o W y e - t t ^ W e s , a t'a'rg* •i-»nv^Wj AJ ?So>gis, ateonjrtfientl

: '"Ki&'wbtfa* fulHa WohaiirsV-., • • "^m!6"*arei»ba'ana isome tx'e'bad-

Bnt'the last o i a greatest blessing . . Theworld"Saseve')?Ima,.Cf " f ' Is the American Cough UaSam'; ' '•'

. -Itcuresv^.o^iicltairatsnre^^^-.o . ..sThenieaicineof'iall<rttier*^fr ( W •*.'-: ,4.- ffieieTlSbleiSSimoii Pore ." * •.=•• ..u XFUH i -i '.•! lit r

f f t H E CEST ANB OHATISD. MKDICINE .EV-eE^OF-' . J j l ^ e a t o a t h e . - p t m l t o t o i - W o ^ ^ g h s ^ O r i ^ T ' A ^ n^Sb».thrp»tiihoncMtIsv«Wboop_mg;-CoUgB,Jlnapte4t^

ThacomlitaEtlonof VcgeliblffflslsimiiwWfcbthUBrtaff ConghKMedyrantai^,togother>wUh:tto'triil»'»ntt:i;x-perienbesifis series o)Pyea««'*»I^rnDy^estIJ)U«8ea'"'',' fact,1iatiti3decldedlytte> raeatertandmostjiWraM discovery of; the ago. h5rticji3an«oficertillcites;conia/bfe, prodncedf if nececsaiXfta^^convincfcft&embi*: skeptical of its numyJx£rtaesV> A «t£*B>f A 25 cent-"boltle!;wni. jitlsiy tlmafnictbiitbat they too not Humbugged, but get the worth of-theft mbittyiffiqbanaty as well as qaallty.

!J3 I..:'.


^ <'r .'p ,-g-t^.^ttfrfs «\u ^ ^ . ' ^ . T D ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^

Sawen's Heave Remedy. i J ^ ^ 1 ^

yfl. WMe'^ «orth4s. r

fully 30 per cent less; Ottoman • i- '•'•^Hotljffe,-w.ortJfj Bs.

•pWKS-^A.Iiirge assqr&s«6#i4s"',J.worth 6, And" i l l , btter arka.eijua'riy lo,w., , „ ^ , ^ . - , ..,, ,u

UnttitinmKtt,t ScSi—At astonishm^Iont prices.— T ^ Worked€bUass 3, wortte4s; andstt'omsup'' (or-Fine

Goods 10 and l'2s; worth 20 and 30s. Sets equally low; iA large osssortaent of .

I|f^a|^6qods At corresponding low prices.

SHAWLS: k^fl aq^>A^B, fn great variety of style, and at prices that cannot

. . f« ; .Baajtepfiiesse. • , - j lUMmtl

, ifajor Anderson states that he evacuated Fhrt Moultrie in order to allay the discussion about that post, «nd—at the same -time strengthen his position. ' •

» CBiBLK3Tb» 'SS.,

The Palmetto flag w a s raised early yester­day afternoon over the Custom House and Post office. ' A t five o'clock last evening it was raised at Castle Pujckney. A large mili­tary force went over ' laBt night to take pos­session of Fort Moultrie.


Fort Moultrie and Castle Pinekney, vf&ce' taken possession of by the > South Oiraliiin military last n ight '-•" '

An ordinance entitled an, oalaianc^ to amend.tiie Constitntionof SontJt<&mliBa i t respect to the Executive Department, was parsed in the secret session of the Conven-t w n yesterday. Itprovides'aa follows: 1 *,„

1st—That the Gov. have power I to recefve embassadors, ministers, consols' •and'&gehte. of$)reign powers; to conduct negotiations with foreign powers: to make treaties by andwith the advices and .Consent of flhe Senate; to nominate all officers hy a n d with the advices of the Senate; to appomtembas-, sadors, publifi mhristers and consTdrtefihe Generai Assembly may previously direet, and also all other officers w h a appointment J3,itol< otherwise provided for b y l a w ; to fill i vacancies daring-the recess o f the $enate,!&y appointments . which shall expire "at

s-the end of the next session of the Senate; to jeonvene the Senate whenever, b e thinks it necessary, provided nevertheless that daring

' the . existence of flie convention that oS • treaties fi>r«Jhe appointment of ministers,; shall be s u b l e t to the advice and consent-of \ thefconvention. -v. • • I'. « t - : \

ad—That the Gov. trnmeaiately appoint four persona with the advice and consent of the! convention, w h o i s h o u l d with the Lieut. Governor tbrmu conSfea to-be caUed-the-Exr eeiitiVe Council, whose duty it should h e f o adviie with hihi.

Washingfen. WASOtSGTON, S7.

• & remains y4t to he seen whether. Major Anderson has arte^TmrlBr orders or npon jri| o w n sraponsibility.*' If'has teen"ascertained with certainty that a majority of the Repub­lican members o& Congress-are ready, to goarantee the repeal of the PerfeKfar Liberty bill If the South is indisposed to meet' the proposed concession the Republicans con­tend it can ordy be-throngb a determination to reject all compromises.' ' '•">''*'•»*.

It ia onderetoott that Govt Brown ofS iG|.\ has solicitated from the Secretary 6f*$(£z, and obtained a year's leave of abMnfie feottt CbL Hardee, late < onuiiiUidaut at Wesl.ftrint, to pnrcbase gnns and raonittons * f war fer the S|ate of Geofgia. ' '

Arr iva l of the Anglo Saxon. • « :. :,••• ;, • P p t M J S D , 20.

The Canadiati steamship- Anglo- Saxon, from LiverpoolHth, arrived:fast j r v e n i n ^ ' Her datcsare two days later; The Teutonia from i f e w Vork, arrived at Cowes oh, the H t i i . .

T h e Eaxt o f A b e r d e e n i s d e a d . T h e Chi ­na-nttiil ha*l r e a c h e d M a r s e i U e s and- w a s . ^ u e in l.<nt()<m o n t i i e - i s i h . T h e h o m b a r d r a e n t of Za | i ta l iad reAoijuueiiced. I $ « l t e n J a . t h e B a n k o f F r a n c e h o d d e c r e a s e d SitM^OOOf. du-ruig the m o n t h • : '.-•

• ; i^isoosg)ti,s^ ; i. T h e L' >nd' ' a ThhesJ.-Jty, ar t i c l e o f last eve ,

s a y s the funds t b i s m o r n i n g o p e n e d w i t h o u t a l t erat ion and w e r a ^ s t e a t l y t h r o u g h o u t t h e d a y , the m a r k e t b e i n g ; $ p p i S t t e d j 6 y i K i in flux o f g o l d i n t o t h e ; B ( & k o f E n g l a n d .

T h e alUed^irnjtf: c o n u n e a e e d t h w ^ i v a n c e o n t h e s a m e d a y t h a t P s k h t w a s t a % » t > \ T h e

m e o ^ * r o o B l B o f phardiW. .ttkO - i W i f s i iare of the »poJli«ppeaTB to h « t e Mm to the Frencfc •- A.flnantity'of t r w i H ^ H | e » is be divi4«F1j*HP«»the F r e f f f i b a M a B ^ B h - - ^ Sonieprivai«s are said, t o : ^ r c «oJ3 uVeir share IbRMatjrJf. T h e entire ftitiA *hnre, incWd(«gl>otk tttewtire m a prtrato ptoper-.

my ia.stM in the field thongh the B a p w o r

P J k & t f K B O A D N O V I C E . - •''-,

THE ANNftAijUE^FINS OPTHES«liCKfflHJ>lHS of the ftamfiiona.iitassle and Antwerp PlaiL-'Eoiid

ComEaiSy-Jo^Sffilecaqri-of Directors, for iSie ensuing f year,,wl)Khe,heI<l:ot .thfiofflce of said company, WJ;oe

t i l l a f e o f ^ S a p ^ on? Monday, the atst day of Jant&ty ness u a t l b % i ? k ^ | t oflBat aas>.

. ^P%M£L ^ ^ J f f l a W ^ S t U J M , P r e s i d e n t '

ii-i!!ti«.M s i i l 1>" <:^***- to .•.»'-•! ' M f


70/3 a04'£av:.l> ,:.IU'T -'J 'i . >Oj -i -l.''f iifig'SAgfg'%jferla'0%'topf *he«W)yJlIea:




..... The manufacture and sale of which is secured to l - g 8 $ i p x ^ i 4 £ t # 8 by,\mfltedState»Satent.. Innlnge-mem W f t o j p r o s e c w e i A , large; qoantils of these "Justly celeWatbtl flows, artoow jfeaVly fb sinipJy.Uje ,ln-creaamgiaemafldiin SG Cawrerioe, JelTereori and jmtbk-iUnjc9nntle«j^rti;

,lSwj!tylei6Tflni3hyr«arie^r,+nd;ilier-.fectlpiof.pieiefploira.ls^uperiontoar^ Jttefatetmade<; A

. JIBIm duicoufit tfill hi made to -36816^

-Wi£&m$tl*mm$bm 4t.«tte,obU3tana*aTr*ter

yfi* "rnrj w*; rW. fy . . •••••.*.•ut;iTi-:tui[i'' T O F A R S f B K S l l fe.Tuui ?il ,


.fefbf48Wj*ellevffi|UU)betthe'Best H p w o r / S n a l g a l e r Ihij.use, WeiEball boBupplled-wItlf; InlprOTed; Macblnia

X K A V E L f c l N G A O E P j T S \ T A N T E D ! PEEMANBNT EMPlimiENT.

TKTE WOJl ESJfil^JY -»aEOTS !Cf>SB3[,Ii!A NBt* AND TT valuable Patent Article, either on comuilssloq'or A a liberal salaiy. Business honorable, useful and lic'ratlvev Tiloarilclefs required in every family.

:;i&'r.'fflTUcnla'B £"ldi complete lnstrnctlona: eneltse

y e t



BOOTS &, SHOES, . Which with our own Manufacture will make the

fiBST S E L E C T E D S T O C K .

" I f ' , / f | ! ,• " i }(''' Ever oflered in this market, and will be sola as


~~ K I K D S O F

Made tcforder o n sKortfntw®, and wirrai

/ h i -.-H-f } ! LADHCS 8tJRe!E GhAlfElRS And Glov«EuY Baittra,aBeVidouolS'oV^ilngle soles,

* «* wf r. .-y Made^to^brdeft? « ***,*.-?? J J - 4 A » M W ^ _ S " i , - „ .

F O ^ ' D 6 n c a i ^ n a C a t t l e .

SilHE MOST BELtAUtKANB WKBUl'UAI. REMEDY :• for Coughs, Tolds^nroteriiwlnd; Heavesj or any dis­

ease whlcbefiects the wind of the horse.. Also forth* -' ixSSi Wornufanft-Bots^ Tcllo* Water,'Loss of Appetite

• -impntme3Lof.theBlo<)d,sli(3ha3fcr»tohe3,Ax..' AbS M W ^ f i a W > f U s a % ^ ' & r a n W ^ u ^ tu> Potdet l i*i ,8pbra%S() speeBily; In telfiftlbg ^efftct «eaJtMBrt®feJ t' x » • . j . r , .

Sarniers^orrieri, an$Stagq P>oj)rISi6ii,^*asS-witd glventhese a trial, pronouircetnfm.thetest 'pre'n'S'rallon «f the Wnd ever offered to the public, for iteffl nraaf tfifefn)

a n d valuable animal, the Horsej Tbe HmVerSaf Condition powaera are equally beneficial

to Cattle in all dlstases, andicspeclslly to MilcicOows.— Hundreds of cerUDua,tes cari be produced frbh».snen whose reputatlonaojeieatAblbbeth ' • a

TSe antajat can Be worked while under the treatment of thesePomlera^atidno'iljad effect Is produced when; their use Is discontinued. ' _ . . „ _ . .

TBeTargestpackage for the money, Give them a * cerHsj". '• -'*'*' 5s®fia

A-CO.", Sole Proprf^torj'of the. aSovcWeil.

6i WrSA*

ZELnrfl . jal&AJeD

Magical Pain Extractor, f>.-ip iirort rosMLT:!srjpaiN*E» aa-p fMiiit JiJPli^JotaeptRRndb&TllDg3pplIcatlQn»lniDtii-tl lo £ate -

taneouraff|cUonsVwBeUieTOie cause b f f i c c l d i n t or flls-«ase» . • " i ' l • i * < ; ' | 3 j >.)J ' . •• •

, • . v , B D B N S ^ D , - f g A 5 U } ^ , w , ; . . , ^Ar,e, hUteiitte Mlleved of fr« t h ^ t a g u l j £ » i | n . m a t o ^tomroaUonby agmely kp-. g . n%Bonj)f « > P M * 4 o n s Sbalehand the flesh I s -re i^neWaasSfb /WiBba'rmJo blemish or scatqremflmiitgill&it

THE PKIENI) OF S THE NCI1SERY. Children are freqiienl T 4 BiuTerers from external in*

juries, especially from titt^t?? hi and camphene explo-slons,therefore,everynioth *^ er should have this heating preparation constantly at - j hand. It heals sore breasts and quickly remoVwuB>S'.n tetteV' or ring worm, so

, • P r e V * ' ? ° 4 K i \ ^ l a l ^ l * < S B 4 > N D %ANb., ' | ! _, | ^,. ,IHe machinist; the^ •ttiWiUjfje'airs,' ana e*cry loilgri*.-r#T?ftuM:wnW>Al?hMja%> S ' ' i t o W sMB-unflttiUif ..the chance, of accident from — shouianear in mind-'-that b e s t e d only ftiend. lit 1st afldj s h ^ p y , ^ v e r , J ) S * l ( i ^ io^op|uild8ta»»(,frlaji

O I L U I »S'S 0

f«tfs Metallic T lpaoes ^ng»i,*c., i4c> l ijtfl

? »R». S B , * O B

Ac., ^Sole/leather and Hnd-liolessle and Betaifc ,

OgdensljUrg^ yov. ^ iSjja,. pdnlftlal

iwsfled. The Empress Eugenie WstJ"

Paris.' 2>-^--. v"""--.- U V B K P O O I . BBEAps-S»tt' :

Markgt flftilet !at ,-pp^hing. lirtu and huhlers ilermiad an advi vision T»arket dott- ,- \ - > v V '

- ";.•';_.;' WpjTeiaaat^'woopie^*,,'"*';

Three htmdredjnen were yestws&jr' sent t o Chilrlestown navy yanl .dy a spedn,train, to join the ship-«f-war Macedonian »t F o r t * m o u t h ..- ...-_ ',u _ i', sc.1' :."'.;

;~* '"'U -Ife* for JhomMJou, . .

• -,". ~r*~- - . ' . " - • ' . ' R i t f l w w ' a Ttesaeet in i f » t a t fnmn's Hotel, hut might

go ftr (rota * « « g ft *ce«sfoB meetmg w « an infcrnMdmeet^ofinerch«4Uii , raei»ber» « f theb«r«rid others ta-devi** »nrh mminnw

. I t was composed ,; UBJOB a n t e f ctttwn% '


X B E V C 1 C A M T E B O B B E B A N D T M K m C O M B I N A T I O W ,



. . . t o tKaovau- rna oarasOiiciilB tu ju . ) - • -» •'

THBitl. iS.*50..»NE.-IN.-.TBI3 SKOTION' OT'80 hiTp-ciperienceln maklngJhe above styles of work

as Dr. C.and'uone who can equarblm in the filling of teeth. He Is also thoroughly instructed Sna proiiclenttn the administration of Chloroform for-ihe purpose of er . tractlng teeth WIIMOVEJSAia : . ;

•The fallowing are extracts from letter* of Introduction as published In his circular:

* ',.. (From(he Mayor of Syracuse.) • X Bcv. a Baowx:— Mv Dri» Vuxxo AND Be. —Having

Tor manv years,known tile bearer, H. C Cqne, both in bis professlas and si-a private clilien,it!H!e great pleasure Inburodjcimrhim to you andyow fs.vor,«inl in givlDg this testimonial of the'nlgfretteem'src bear.for him as a. man and a dehtfefa -iHe »a^erfef%ntechanlcand skillful-m every brancb-of bla business.

His fillings-do no$ erumble off, and toihbfe out in' two.br three years, bu>Jbey weaHIke the solid :*ofil; and: If he escels in any. part; of his business, it Is ftktne matter of filj? logteetb. ;•• . LYMAN SfftVESSiMaybf.,

rjftrbm Hie tauBftg meuibers'of the Medical Asibciaiton ' of t h e c K y o f B y & c i ^ . v. r j v l "

•To waon.rrasr c o s p t s a ; ^ ' ^ - > ; ™, _ •. \ \T ; - v . Having casnaily learned' U\al oor friend anTfoe^hbor,. Or II (.' t'oic; Horgpon . lt<-uitst oftMf'1 vlly contem­plates' a removal froiuiouagus ;.Kedes&eto tender lti|ti> Uns testimonial. '-.'- ': '-. .'. • " - ,'. - • - . «

Erbm-lthafr w^ have seen of his opeTaUona,-many«f them of A cnmnliRa and o^mcult«JiarWtey/«e--speaJt>wHh' conB4ew'£offdsgei0us,n«<ai«rJc»t*ll!,.»8diqnai!«c«* tioiutui jho:«^l&ritnt tmyickes rrfl)«i««r;Sar|xry'. ' As a gentleman, and a- man of Integrity, we beUeir« him en^ tlrely.aboJttrtSroaeh, ,."• 1 .:•. .• . ' .- :, '. • ''.'\:

Dateditlyraaia, N. Y., Hay », IS**' - » •' • •< H. JOBLYO, U, B.

Juif-i ijtMiii atsiw in, yn^n^i'.i^ h ' . ' J t t tm -s,ij ,'»

«ve ttcitmtsnt of *U dwoasea QtiUnByadf wtf.i'».

this'magic extractor l i fdj 'tioth portaTjle aWd ch**ap,'

F ^ # m S r W v f ^ ^ w » t e and muscles to Its saving <p fiTacacyi*- * - ^ J

The following are a few.£3 of the leading aiieases for which Dalley'a Magical c3 Pain Extractor la a pre| ventive, as well as cure. R Bums, j . , Srysl&las, I Bruises, , . HstubL . ~K)lb,- "': JWst'Bito Brblcet«8rea»l, ,<Eephi, ' * BlsasfKeott les , WSons, . .Cancer,. ,^ai»pflnlar .Dis-

f rjhappedHihdj- MeiAitfil Sot**, 'CMlbJalnsi > ^ , P l m | l e « j . . .*..i

Cramp, - Polna generally, Tnmors, Contracted Cords, Piles vTetter. CBMW/r* • •Hflsjilr,'•" S S « ^ -Diseases of the RhejmaUsm, Yon'oreal 8or*», r.ttyWin..: '. * B S # » > " ^ . h ' l * f t } * R „ * | -••SoIdatthe^i iMh^Benot^Hih^jidwsar, Wewjrotk, arioTZtohd 1BL Cnatlfia street,. jSTew „CMeaniL by. Jw WEIOHT 4-COr, P r o p r i & n ^ T M n ^ t t ^ b ^ b W f W i r S f i all respectable DruggitSi aud Merchants throughout the United States and CanSla. • • • [8fcil-om]

Jr liA V iT" B vajsiU


ajo "Si*, i d

. . . J ^.(j i«j ^*jjiy4iPAi. -i:.TTb3iy»lb« ti *..-

able in tbjs, class "of-disci and, efficient remealesTSS.

i n d n e * l r t a l t - — . ^ — ^ n - —

i.«fn<Mun «i*Ainiatwli ^_

is permanently cured;

redlf theh1rSto|notimc< '-•tte*iBojuanfi)BV.Hamsai|)l'.. _ «i»o»itei))Bni>msakri»Pernia«i

I T * Distasrsredelwj soeelal all •'NoBaE«nlTerin*frO-nl¥,eitealid

ta finitnliilogphysldk arictf Companlafl!,'tri.'': Pl^S*lg',oli»dj -

H THE WISDOM iown to be adVis-. jMrfomed; new

, . sducca, jin'a new i nse ,dSttthes8e«anstt.


|on^h| iui , |re always cu>

knjcsaj siMcSred; •iliqated.

jsspatr, fii; Uieinrifesl!i;u"eTniili;-

, . SSKavts t h e Vet t 'o fr 'S i -watf i"? 0 <*" offer no hope patients „ -<•*-*-—rtfatff&BgfttoXilU BAve

f a t e Uiowanas rwho lutd businesi ha.»,o«aLji«Jl»d.a' rentoval ito

. . . ^ . ^ R W J ^ a i o u s i a a b j A n a ^ H r i i l t u a W a loca

l»"oV^pt i f l»wsin«, opewtlni rooms, anat. Jaboratcr S®»POTMWre.red. PreMrlftUom

W W ' a W ( 9 : i » ' eatorrl i / TbUBook K * J O T ^ ? f i ^ P * » ! # ^ « « . f n « < t o « a « i ^ ^ W S s s W i S n t 9«4ck»i:wn9 pMttwW* onwl t

rknaiy snouw1ifl%IHi6at|* coiy. i t will save Uvea. arri'l»tSnMltsi)ot**e^-y>«r,. gent by mail, on rec|fpi;*tIfiaJ*liiffli JtauUM i * S f e « ^ d puts* *1 W.

• • •••• • 8if;?;n,-». i tef ,l.i I'-I fm..rf,ln')t^-^-iu5, i it.. «

If tfiereui and m

C. A; WBtftifcii - —0Bg*3-« i

.•t/fc,;,-- --

. twilffii^:; .-; - ' " '*.*'siBraair,jr,.'i>.", - ; ; .

Late Prof. of,5<rrgtf!y,todlaBSi M ^ l c a j : Colfegfe."

, rProni 8>e" President of the kbOTe Asaofjation.j .'."'. MT 6ipf*iajD,Q..s< Diu, M. p„*P«j» 8nt:'-lhmf«

j » t karned that the bearer oJ this, Dr. ILO. COSE, *ur-l?«oo Brntlrt of this city, contemplates a rrtnovai to yoBr pisc% l desirato say to yon/ and your friflad* l^rougir you, that from a o-bst Intimate acnualnUnot »iOl Mm tot-many yean* aintmseing m»ch of hl» work Inwy own fam­ily, and among my friends, IconsUerhlm » genlleoaanof unsarpajHd Mechanic ikiu, and a well Instructed, •clen-enilfflc operator In IbedlBei-ent branches- tit Dental Surge-ry, . HI. flllinn wear U ^ bnndshed;steel, and be has a M C * of bo] Wing up from a heaWtf root, * e rati re crown

I ot tooth. In Its inoit natural form with gold, as suljd and ' dnrable as'tbomeb It was meltedibM» apqt, atoo of sop.

p ly tar^*»« i»«« l«T*fc^thecr«M»f , * * =?<••• ''St* necoM , a # W d * y * ! • • , , * M 4 f S * r s ^ l • \ •.

._• ,-,. .v.'-_au» -ai jLC^-fJ--* «te^is^ate«Jm»ii(>"*hoiH thetArntiilaor»Si s t d t

eliup h&b«n.li»mlt!*ek1iali concirred In the folcSrlilg,

, . j i tamdn-* Pp.. iy -skaailnatlon «ke * « * u l » of ~ ~ — " ^ a w i l dowttbesliaMtto

h « j J f j a b w ^ , r | k 5 ) - ? i » y ! - < i t M B ^ i

>'& ^'"exteUenV AlTEBATiVt , ^ d t a f e l n «n cases.,. Ih»vepra-

| l t l | « a r * u K a r r » t C . ^ ^ ^ g S y i H l a : i ^

^JJwDrvfcaa a JOOW tare for c l u a A g and

P W e f Us' own, ianufae-

%_«h,t^«tif r s t « ormwe proper jaticLiciihior •« rocsi . Also an. IN-TALUA»Li WASH for oiwnstag tk* m«k(b frota all JaV pmk^«iTa^» i«utrs4«fcBI»tW«i te*aa i4»M( iy in»

" ; , ' MBA* »Wat-M«K.

D«. K. L. iocui *"Wggwgaagit BALM «# o*j-

JWk ywMtft wrilan aw,

* M « ^ % ! ^ t j e a ^ r ^ % ^ Thematchlesa success and unprecedented popularity

wUcit(|skCitusiH««ha«kr«Aa*lil<«iie skirt yrar, would c w ^ t o b ^ » , s ^ c ^ e » a « » W t . a t « eiuJlencv. i Ifaajr,


_ . . . . , ~ , - l d it l i t worthy b> auWVi con4d.D«, sjasl as ft. kett msdfclne wUWn aty know,

^ ^ ' JONATHAN StKIMa Hot«r%roir,*or«W,l»»». ' ' ;

r « « « s v M a r M a « M S t ^ r f i l W c « < s s ^ y « b « r 4 ' ' r f n t C r MA0^X0aW00Vb' l iwlM«ii ic«M4na*«l r^r

aCAOCMi ik ttuVSTiskaAuvy, n , U wViwan'oroen

HT-BoU h / D r ^ | k * s and kferehasdi

-JM!-;i aj . . .u i i jca

:Imm?dlatSfir"opi)Osie the Railroad Degotl

a" ' '• ' osWdo, s h y . ' •' ' • ' H . M . C K O S S , - -. - , . , - ; " V "' r ^ r V p r i f e i o r " .;""' ^ ^ O n l y One B|o'cj frobi tbe.Pvs^ P&ee.^A, Carriage In atrandance otthe Railroad Dtepot andSteam-

boat Landings to convey passengers and baggage to and fmm-theHouse. [SI-8-lyr]



SoresofaU kinds, S lo t Woundsr. i Sbrdfttto,' ScnrVy, > ;' •! Scurf, ,. i» •

SW"^ •:' Smallpox Scalds,


0f.thndigartlye6rgalai.aaa Ibrough Cttiuuadtf4*&'Jari(i


«CfePlalnaV;*eik-aet«:oSsTeblUty:|»l _ . . .

eWit tSfc^a 'Wff ie i f f l f e j M i S H ^ ^ j i r f -

S j * | f t w » w : j i f e » n a « s ^ ; i H o f e « r

"VB»«PtoCiaartBoWii , Inc'iuWi ifoij'e^aiia two doieri awl ft* sate by rAbftiaUima te»fcm(rt»rywlia««.« ,. J

nH)?^r...:'--_:..-?rov'i-?-i;-.ri .;.r>.->,{>. i ^ ^ . f ^ r ' ! ' ^ ^ ^ ^

- -3.-*^'jilW!tJ> i

- E V E R OHTOIEDIN THIS •.a it true . '

,' i"-.!"-/:': .; s .'«Rtyfy l - j . ' . .-.•

^.>•i'•|TT',' "TSF' -T;;,1p.J'I*:lF' ? t i ? ^ : ia . « • ! .».-fc-*lii..W-#t (-«;•#?..

St -,-lJ .^}l*;«.

•j is

.... r . , .ll^lllrfi^J^jan^

' G I . A S S - TrV. -.1

/•>£.:*,! * ^rf - f %-»

Yanjy^ ;;

Itai 1<j <ntaiVi.-4 i v

«JJ -TO tn mbfils Jo '.' Ll!.'CfitE2"tl'!£f-fe'' "•*! •_

^i««itc*l .-{sivunjs -^m-"i

^thr^di ^2^1a**il(ii2f3 *ff?t1 ***» Kl9t bail JttitllvJnt Ufa

D O C P p - ™ 1 * « ' - « « » " . . ^ - « t

A L E ^ i m FQBf ER!

•i *i > j . lB^?>r ' ^ l l T i i a g ^

A^i373 iC'S | i

• • " ^ * ' 1 ' 'J

." J i T U i i . . i ^

i - .-. , , o . o ^ j j i f « i ; - i . j . i : J . I r t f r t i i i r ^ r l 95 u*^.''' ^ ! ' n y X 1

n.. ,lu, • SxZ&W&.Jfmmt- . wJ -jafeoqi-. .1= ,*i*c4 sdlbsljj i'l- .^fiitrf1 > -eg ( f \ i . i J silf r "jirirflKrt JJ To JdiW'Olt ' » 'J ' i

»i . - . -waiS odf ,•>!•. 1. 1/ 1 • . u B < i-yi# •

f i e . fr - • i ,.!J*T^4 , .. Jl

1 i&ti&mmimfiipx&att

xmM&Mm ALACK, >«U%A

Oai>EN6BURCrH, ; - N .

.P . J t " -. 1'* -' •

4 Ti1 YOTJ W A S T t B E

€K>0®:-Ti' -vl^g^b f f f f c r * ! - - a w

I *>» 1 • "i to: . ' ^ .w ti •yvatlJ" . (•.I1 J-J . :i .• - • . - ••c-i i-ps^^.i'p'-nf^'iG&li-'-'tSiA

at*.? -• •. .• ! ^ S s ' i n - . ; — a t l j t , , •3i*rf-^yj-^8ii-rfp t* « .r^.-. «

„i^ .^-.' .- v$y.fflfo I H C B E E » S , i H'J.'« uj* 1 •'I f O i - ' ,: ,%i::-.c r^s jt<*-*» f' J-*'W 1- 'ai* ' . lul P I « „ . ( i r « ; i •/ I •>* t 1 j ' B i f c . ' * > -- &ti ' j " Q. 3 .T-- i •» r I " ' • " -, H 6 & 1: rt T ' «T ' t -*I *• -8 ' -* .. ^

Country Merchants & Ped<Jlei'8 • •. ' i i •••i"2 ' I ! . ; ? i . J '

* !<!«(» buy V e r y t o w a t ' , - . -V

. . . '', .* •",, ;, 0L.'.'.. ,ajSKf^Eja--:; W A N T E D , W A I T E D , '-"•' .1 J , .r f l i iy_' i ^ - . n ; * ' . . i . r

R«K«, Fenthe i -a , ] > c » c » i x cUdna,. Bcasja, i.ii.i C o p p e r , i t u i d lOtbcctiXtartert.vio -

.. * . *-.l*f*. Uijio w l .irfcii'^aK 'fr-ii*, Oil: .Ifri . R h(OJ Vi «>^n- • . i v i i i l i ; ^ t i q f V 'I •

i n nrchange.forCnsh o r G o o d s by {

. " . .it • . i.sni


c o r a i n ^ 2 @ s & ^ ' •nWeh°caSe £ S p t O T t d e c t notice U-heteby-givtn.'to ali^eranpsbavlngcl»lrTiisg«lnit Tiomas Jeacock}jecl; Ma of.AIfldrid; Itnow-WaOilngton,)

Ijicccased, that they are rerreby!.ren,ulredj io.exhiMt^lie l-JamsrwUb-thCilP'onxhers.iijercot to;the.aubscrjbcraj ad-

nmilstratocand.adniinlitrallxyof .theperaonalasUitci of said deceased, at the DwelliUg'-Honse-lately occupied by

. rid,) InllieCounty of gt. Lawrence, on or beforejhejbth

Dated Waddtogton-BerA'WmSeo1. ' * •"*• •' r.L -MAT*HEW TE*C00K; Admlnlsfra'tor.

BTJTHTEACQ0B:?Admffll8trai«x. • ^piMiWjlB.^

•'I .

. a g a t i s -i ^ ? Y , 1 » * » '

!jjte?aa,- - , . . . .

, , ^ P a i n f u l -™ab^i^«d3Mba«i...',j"-! •.'*!'.»•• ci'-.-it :-.{! - - . • • ; j v!N«19 i^f t c ; ;Uu^rrhc^: ;Bj j f i i e .MeB»e« , B a a r % i&jrttlifcXaiukJaavSslfiii '...i. -> . i .„ . . i -v-- -s -- ; i r . ,T^9i3i^r8'rOf^,vnoaaeCwigh'«»aBka,J!roatUtig . '

. - J f a a i - f i i d t i l i M n i a i l t - j S M - J ^ p e l a s , aupUdfS '

m«^theOK<l i»¥ tkuk? l i ) ln««K»Siw ^WJWati A^»5tM«»r.»nffAteCWUIeTer; irj«u^

m&aviH^Agt«sSMX. «i'«JMJ'<JE ^^sSa-i»' F - n K i O t a i ; WrtB pKMeecUng, tol£raaLbt^Krte*a». ( ) — P o r ^ r * ; . T * » « o r l n f t u n e d , K y ^ * n * 3»*lMaB-l

F»JllBKM*aJM*)Hid»M;Sght, < * f ; ® a a . H l ^ 3 l J (J-PorC^rrpiriSto^tanalngorici iaBtltft i i irywlQi

g.Ot>agbtabaUog.lt»-.srIole»M.And| ,- *. sj^i , 's:»y ii 7?.'-,£.>;L?aiiTl

•Bdi'iiQI 'k^wtf^foiliMmaktwnl,! —.-Hbenmatlsm, and such eimp-„ . r i , l r e M e » | i i * n * » y a f f i H a » ,

- , . . . . . . , ••- T , , T « * » » r t ^ r « A l « « | * r o m g ^ obvtouftanaiftWsMfijasafa^t-aTJe^ca are Uke a charm. The enjuV*Bk*M* kronen arrested at once, and' In all case* the violence ofJM attack is msderatal, the

" ^ s ^ ^ u t l h ^ l ^ t i r f e q n ^ oocS-fl !,?tof I^J&fflmrffl.*W*«f»> ^ a i a e a s e d 1 1

lungs, broncW(*'arrao4raqmp«on,'tn»y all- be at once, tfarediby t}jo ferer W l OistiWPilla; ; In aU chronic dk*a»»t sack a» dylpepsla, weak stom-

ach.constipaUQU, UycrcosnpWnts, piles, female debility,: ja*airreOTU«rf»^:(»iab»4da*e«,'0r«eak :ey«i leatkrrb.i salt rheum, and other old o * » « « a , t l w o a s e ' b « » p « c * t -Ick whose proper appIlcaUo«-wUl afford a core In almost

Juutrxtatttuwe ^Of&ktho koniDf.* tingle,- chronic ait-*»uJ>ri»uoh«»ya>#p»U,J»e«apQaUrtit,f laadaes«or JfMtale.WtaJcoat^rk* ja««^U^»ip«id: far th«.oa»,.teli

?••; .¥.-!•>. W'' Iff ,,1-i.ilSjIOJb ..v»-.''-.-<•/. ::-l:'i -r.t

0 a » o t * J yisj^aajdafok, J*)|a»^aiik.'*. wi ' i i la Ai? 4; ! 3 s « o f 3 5 n » « u * i ^ k « e * a * » a p a c * . . - . . ( . i . l . i . . . . . . . -f

K'la^ixS' shOrtenlnit Its Course. - In. all acuto dlseaai Diarrhea, Dysentery, UMAfcaasta'a*.- 'J

the advantage-of incjiftjj

^pj^^*^^%gfe^1t l '^^I ' j f -J^ '„ l ^^

^^^aas^^cs^Ai^X'VS-^ysF- ^g

fM^y mee. 'Wms. WtgB&T BIVi!N«rHA3?THE E B

lfflce,fOBfi«!y;kept on Slate Street, has t l t o t h e » ^ e n . c e o f H , A. White, on Cat en TFashligton and Ford Slreets,. directly i a r o t f t a « # C I s K » r % t i » c e , i i a all. In ,

. _ . „ . _ . „ _ IS" BIVBN^HATTHE XX 0fflce,fo»fier3y;kept on Slate Street, has been re* raoved.to tbeffisi^ense of B. A. White, on Carollne-Bt. between Washington and Ford Slr.eets, directly opposite the rear o t f t a i a c i r A r S t i c a c e , ana all. In want of hired men andbr ^ris, and'all in want of employment will find It to their advantage to call at the above named place b e r o r e l o f f l a M « ' l l w ^ ^ » - , W ^ ^ t e j » a r t i c u l a r ' S i ^ v l t f e * W « S f l p j r ^ l f a c M e 3 » ^ n f a 1 n ^ g ir lSjAtf t i i ibfe^e^WJiS W n n ^ S - y ^ o S - U v & f S t a distance from, this place, by sending 25 cents in postage

. stamps ornwneyjjrjll rece iys l^edMedt tent ion . '

[ap9tf.] Ogdensburgh, N. Y.


L O W E S T C A S H E B I O E S !

constitufo ttlarge. Aiso-

Ittoro W o r k ;

Ogdensburgh, Ap.r^iSa),v18M


(ABED, 1 0 their superior,!

Pale Ales, aiid Porter, *•* • • ' * tfffARD, S E Y M O U R & CO.

Ogdensburgh, April 20, I860. ' [80-22-tf]


The above cut represenlsJIjjnBjrWJSllmnjoved MaclUne

PTS,0A1»CPITJK im-e. The ordinary

of cleaning Wheat also, Oats from the

diair;<>4eUffr*te.6j:iW:-l>ui£el34ier hour, and all other grainsjma s^eciah^thej^ntja. , It cleans grass and all other* srijaU seeds^ ™$ Mtojasnlng accuracy ami perfec-

bm Clover, and gradlngthe other small seeds, wtui astc tion—t*enrfaaWSbg Tf&oth^ Clover Itself Into qualities. v

Manufactured by 0 . & CUMMINGS & Co., Ogdena-bnrgh, N. Y. [SO-SStf.]

of the County of St, Lawrence, and according to the Statute In such daV^madtfiiitlpccSiaea : Notice Is here­by given to all persons having claims oeainst the estate of Maria Doty late of Cleveland Ohio, deceased, to pre­sent the same with the vouchers thereof to Andrew Oneal Executor of the said deceased, at his dwelling; house In Lisbon. In gald County, on or before the second Monday In May ISOL—Dated October 24.1S60. * \ £ ^ *• ^

ANDUEIY WEtUh'TOcti tor . MOURIS A VARY,, Att'ys;*- ^ A *

T H E T R I B U M P ^ F b H 1 8 6 1 .

^ ^ p ^ o s p t o o s . - -vT>'v.' a%\vj

HE WEEKLY ume. During the "rfaat' S j l l

been obliged to devote cjuue*^' space to politics, but we shall lien o u r ' * J — * - ; l k i L i - i S M ;


iportlon of its J r d ^ toUnrit toa_i|«¥3«devote

most of our columns to subjects ox |es3g9tep|^ jb^more abiding Interest. Among them, we m'eW to pay especial attention to

I. EDUCATION.—The whole object of Education, both Popular and General, will bo discussed in our col­umns'throughout the year 3851, and we hope to enlist In that dlnjuasion sameof|he,pjofonndeyt thinkers and ablest t^%ufitorsm oircgjt&trj?; It Is*aJ o % # « W t J o i i l n d our resolvq that'the cause of Education shall receive an iiupqtusfrom the excriipnflfthe.^RLUrNEin its behalf

a ^ E A ^ ^ f e - ^ f e 9 o « f i a n p e l l e d to re-

teveede ated to render the re> more ample or more full attention. .4

n L . , M 4 # p R or enterprTse,

!altractea^%!ffi « * ! partment of Monufac; real contribution jo steadier, more cow<-to the Farmer, wiyPfnl

invention _ . — labor are iloyed in any de-

_ , „ , , ._ ical Industry a s a public.'weal, Insuring ampler, ^tlpore remunerating markets

, .iloyment and better wages to the Laborer^ JT ie .jipogress of mining, iron-making,

IV. POBEION APF,AIEa—We employ the best cor-respondents in London, Parta, Turin, Berlin, and other European capitals, tfttranjigltis early and accurate * c ;

gijmfi^ienr^wi politics, onr news from the old world Is now varied and ample; but we shall have to render It more perfect duj ring the^eyentfnl yearinst before us.

V l - - r fQ |r» | t rOT. -H^*mBlg^ |Sgu l» f t i a ia correst londentain California, at the Isthmus of Darien, In tha

^™^ l ^«^<3WrQ* }e t * y 0 more accessible portions of

lye.pnr information mainly from . . indents of the Associated Press,

. and the occasional letters of InteEl-%Wm>i p S t n £ « H deepes t general

our pi thejS _ from onr exchauj gebt frli




I jPwtojBn

ST fjii% L s i , » „ , *nntnai)i:Mi&B»c5 .JK? P£tlW«!tSu™injiu^. ;to. i»i^

__ ftel^,tw.ftopileifcrj*l^!S«rtii&ri »i«afiHS*adre«»!fcr affiO iJrntlss^argier; HfiJHWlej . .j«»#'*U&i^w^MI.2JU*sa^ ,

oOpfc ^"SJt^tabipf loriy^ttfegeafstip! «,«- -""--ear-. .',u* &i.vvdafea3ii*"UI -

Cff.fjyftf»ltlt8;Asiufl«-»i2, tetaM»*tfWtt^z-4»l Wuba i y - c S i ^ S S a j i i «fff i t

ndth^sv QXaTsfito Jfer^otab«;ofaferty) WA send T K K ! a f i f f l ^ . ' i j P 5 s s » k h

' .-V ;- .s^fMfl *.-i ?---1, Hi)clh

noc<^Aiidt4nru>K> * m-" sot, NrtJWOilWau^^Hi^iaii l*; .} :

Sine copy of the S ^ t l : .ch^fjiojiajtsndria^r

! i > i l 9 % u P $ V c re»jl«.ttbpuHth« -SrfttcPf

SfflS. I«5r^| l5MpiiSfj»^^Q^ir^wfV ,

^,^«*»i^.for,»ul«b^pS»|fei!Ki-- '

AtfSoasj . ' . .;>.,-,;.;.-.; JSUt^S^mh^n. 1

A^Bkf MADE *ttOal A »»U&l«'AWb t m A D O W l J a * -J3L. t ed Wlnr, which l» alraot dotsVle the u»«al sfteHgtb of other W t o e s . a w l l a Imported b,» " " » • » * « » , M i " t—tt.-Oni tedBute t . Also, from the _fo

frey. Camomile Flowers, Gentian, Wl and Barberry. ,, , . <"i ,r t- . • • -


if x it w"l^w<8w'>,~. ,^ We do #o» BrotsW.W. Jtay* 4a*B>y*re4 #om» roots

"known on)* to th» Indiana cJ S o u * . A j j s i U t ; ' and a c l a l a t t i p w w t h e fllMJe^^lSily Tatatfeajf^ tlqn, 8MW every intelligent Pbyslclsu In tk* w ! U a s » » * o r and rscwimek* As > reor* -

Dyspegjla), CT»«l/»pr,«C- the neron»_ Uratasn, P,


cutsrc i jTor'Sj . _,„

txsly.ralacnlf, Forth* sued aayjlnfir% oyfarpersonkof a week const*--

tu«k»0-<«r IBaisten kf'Jhe fiospi U w j . r s a n a ktl paaV^ Uc spekktrs—tor »ook-Iteepera, Tallon, BnjwtrastM. 8tadents;.Artlsts, and all persons leadhrg a sedentary life, tneywm*o*e»i^yba(»«M«l . -. • ; '

As a Be>4rage, tliey art wtolssokif, teiocamt, and de-BcloMtoJteMttte. They pfoduw.aU tha &hs|*r*tujg

adulterated Whiesand UquorttwiUi wliich flio i-ttsSryjr

water Is bad, m-wNrre Chills and Fsvorsare prtvalent,— akstng a*»« ly IwsocOM aad k t w d s i , tkt» ssay-V» grswa 6»^tiOkOctrssTami tnfaota «WkBpsa«y[7

Phjstraaiw, Cternrasw, «»«l»—r>ram« adfteataa, M an act ot humanity, thould akaWist apnadlsigsMM t i b valit^k«w*ITWiktar«r * • kia^ »n41k«r»»* 1 i m l i l j aldtobarJttJu'f DTuukei»nttis«i4kHit«.>, ~ '

0KARZ1S8 yf^tynifff-p'A "T'C. ~ . * 7 . ' ' , - p M O P k t l r s T O i t a , - ; • ' ;

' » tfl l l l iu>a M^Mt, K««r * • * * . '-'-' t a r ' ^ o r g a W b y JOHN KIMM1

8 l i i i e i t « ^ * » a | e « » v « U « » * ( « r » l . - i ^ U ^ , — Large case k r j i ^ . - t ^ , * » . p l i u s U l * J u i a j*yslo5aus.*Ifi

„ -^- ,-A^lte''BPiB6r*K8J -\-. , . - . . : ' • ' ) ^ « i r ^ c * : a i h l f e a M D ^ r * i » e a i dlfflculv»«I«>red

Brt^UWg'Sttended wlt^Ooujih'ftlft'%"?rR1»S*;Pf'« M ^ i ? ^ S M f r ^ a T r f . l » « a i * « ^ I « A ^ » a ^•-tksrtwartMTfl*arts«f»«Tiar, tfm0mw»%«m » o s - s » j ^ » « l l s t M I » ^ k « r « ^ o f k j M i ^ a ^ i S l g l g

r?S'*S»ffi^,*^^^',l»S9a^TO#*^»-' UKlf«aOa, | (n^toa&art«|ADJc«ri , Bor^MeusOMCsMlry of- chBdMt>.--l?rli»,.Welk»i»r*»jcr-' --» — • " • < «

^Tirtlro, Nausea, Price 60 cts.

wtt^siaallyl _ _ . I^r8«»-»tckn*at.—Deathly 1 ,

Vomiting aekuesa from riding or t liklrbox. . .

ror Urinary Disease*—Varflravel, Kenai CalcniLdUB-cuK, painful CrlnaUon, Diseases of the kidneys. Price SOcta. perboi .

forPemtnal Kmlaslont.

p^eii^^ v.i -»:i

S"*!8 £ S S f f i ^ 2 f f i S S 2 ^ ^ ^ M ^ i M T»* ™rr WOUIJB. EXAMINE .r"

Ki^ir: r Discharges and

Ilzyiats aridmaybetelled'oii^'aTSSre. I^'wi^' fun'dla .cUons ,

^Persons wU> to place themsrlves under the profetalon-al care, or to seek advice o f Prof. Humphreys, can do to at his »fflce, 6 « Broadway, daily from S A, M. Io S P. kt ,

took overthe liit choose,"' stamp YorkT


makfcupacase f f i r t


;.AHB; ipje

T'*W«*^llUr«D^V«S --,-.- 7

: ^ i W l ^ . d t l a t ^ ^ ^ | s ^ t ^

f H%Bi1^iBAS%iSfiSL3SfHiD A-^SAVIKOS D > paRment os a branch of its business, and for the

safety of moneys deposited are pledged to capital, and the 1 personal reliability o f t a President, Directors, and Stockholders, agreeably to the Seventh section of the eighth article of the Constitution- of the, StaK of Siw York. Interest at the rate of ^ r o e r M n ^ s jBR-t^oJium will be paid to depositors on tfle flrsf days bj^lanuary. and July, of each jear-asifol lows;, , On, ,al l i Sujns that have been on depositTbree monthspribr'to^etuier of those days, three months totoeMytoiPno morej.fjn all sums that have been d t t d ^ B ^ s P 1 - ^ " ' - - ^ - "" those days six mQntljs intefei not called for wiUwadued 1

u jBrnesiQ. iSer l i ,

on|hs*prior6 either of andjfnoj more. Interest

the principal on the first " * - &, AVEBELL,


Wm. J. Averell, Chas. P. Egert, BJch.B. ~


F J b D I D .

V l t t ^ C ] r j X O » S J F O K S f A U E C H E A P .

1 '9t X^3M*03,ii&li 03S, STATE'AMD PlObS-l A- *K S W ' W w fl» "pper OT new vjDage. Terms liberal, TO-bemMe ..known, at tha . '

£80-l,»tf|:. ; ^ ^ 3 i . s ^ w 0 ^ Y ] ^ A T o a C 6 - 5AHK.

Tpmi&amm*miin mMm AJSSLEKDID AS-•J|80rtmetiaofa?Janoa andMabdeon^ best makersv-' -Thdste!in{enaibgtoM#?na8«-Kate»yonAone^."by'^ aa'J wni-sell towerthari a n y estahHshntent In northern' Net? York, and every-tatroment fully warranted to give satfefAcab3L^Mo®S8Music3uiffirMusicffiooks of ail ktato furnished at the lowest prices. Pianos tubed and repaired. Alan bld Pianos takeniniemhange for new.->. Ware rooms and Piano Manu^taoryjcbmertiti Poidlana


F K A N O I S O O I t B V ' S

JB f!c,'4#?0M?«jP|Ip«*3Sj3j»«>ra -Street. •.-.ufirtt.-:•.'£":<:.I •

, . - x - . *3?^v^TS» i_ l

'- >


s f n i - i i i T i r m F / f .

AMkRIGAN WATCH,] The moat reliable Time-Keeper In Market, Every

one warranted. The best assortment to be

SEELY'8 E A p 1, E B L O C K , ^

Where you- wil l And a hjrgej.Jtock of Watches apd «-' ,• -a--: - ;^tta;jBwelryS«iime fihe

Mruseaia 5s* ' | j


(told Jewelry I tfancy *

WARE! SILVER A large Stock of the best American.

e C u t l e r y , ^a^Jfc.ifefa .Ci u 11 e r y ,

The greatest variety of Combs, Brushes, and other ar­ticles In the line of

F I N E E A J S C X * O O D S ,

8 day and SO hour Clocks,—also 80 day

^fSfk look at the Stock of Goods, at S e e l y » s , _ ^

Pay Any one for the time spent in so doing.


J. F. SEELY,' Eagle Block, JFord St., Ogdensburgh.



o,i86o.j j y /

- i M J E N T F O K


IVINQ ALL T H E X A T E I5IPR0TEMEKTS.— Among them is the new Pedal Bass Attachment,

whereby the bower of the instrument is materially in­creased. This Attachment can b e connected with any Melodcon a t a trifling'jjxpense. He la also Agent for Melodeons having the Improved

Harmonic Attachment. 'W-J^&f*' t o - - ' ' J * ' 1. Wjup(i<lc.tublea the power of Uie inatrumentj and is war-ranuediobesnperlor to anything of the kind in the mar-ket. A specimen can be seen at his Music Store In Eagle Block.

G E O . W . H O W A R D .

Ogdenk^rg^sBial 2Sj ]J3S); f]30-27-U]

Gated. A W O E D • j T O i , % i i ^ , 4 F ^ * < I C T E » .

I WISH TO imO$W •rHflSE.aiamCTFJ) WITH Canceralhnt my usb'de of treating them, is a safe, ea­

sy, quick, and permanent cure.' The system has been practiced over, fifty years and no One^cnse has ever been known to reappear. The remedy; .used usually does its work In from 12 to 86 honrs-~fojlowlng and destroying the Cancer ROOT'.'AND BftAKOH-^but not Injuring the healthy flesh and bloodinthe least; and when the Can-

sounds .dp-, very maqy^cases the patient does npt, experi-enc£ scarcely bnymeo'nvetiiehce rroln the treatment— Cancers locate on all parts of the body and show many -cuifetent^rms In both old and young. There Is np. set time) placeror age for them to appear, and they should be treated as possible after they do appear, though 1 can cure them at any stage of the disease, until they become seated on some vital part, after which His' useless to med­dle with them, and I shall not do so hi any case. * I do not claim tcu^Ise the^dead, bnt L io claim that I can save many fr4in i n c h terrible iaffering ancjian untimely death. • - < " - » » • * *-•- » *

N. B.—Those not able to pay for their treatment, shall consider it as a dnty to cure them FREE OP CHABGE.

|3?"I- also cure fever sores, permanently^g3 A per­sonal examination and treatment required Inall cases.— References glreu™ihen.ren.uu-ed.

r- 1 • j . Dr. O. C. COLBCRN * -[roy22tf.] Massena Springs, N. Y

THfiSCBSOItlBER WILL SELL HIS E i R M e a g of two hundred acres of exceUent and * v j ^

_SIL well Improved land with good Farm B n l l d - " * ' igs, wlthft two and a hMJ muesiof this yUl»ge> togeUier

wjliothf entireTstock ana farming tools thereon^ conslst-MgofaVanebreea of rdHclr-ktbe, brood rnares, young cattle, and a superior flock of premium long wooledsheep, Ac, 4 c , on the moat liberal terins. 4

%gl~ For a Dairy, or supplying the large and Increas­ing demand for miik in this market, this, establishment has nosnperlpr. , "Cfl£S. G. MYEBS.

Ogdensonrglr.'NoV.'S, |8S9. ;' po-tf]

JPA^BBArA NEW AND HIGH 3}e. The best yet offered. " ' OHAKLES ASHLEY.

P H A J L O W & S O N ' S E T E t

I XSAOt2Fra7C^BV 5S3H I C R E A M ,


Is without question, THE " BEAUTiPIER OP THE AGE."

"A clear completion" is desired by the ladles.* Use Alo2^aI4nuld}USnQW.White Oriental Cream.!1 ^.t « * f i S B e M O T a S t n M 'A|e,25ra'atoS: s T S n V i l q n l d now'Wnlte OrientAl Cream." T H E SNOW WHITE O I S B N T A L CREAM"-Removes

mil [on & Son's flg5ld.*'Bnflmj WJilte Oriental Cresm," thempst homely, attractive. \ *Bon's Liquid "Snow Whlte_Orlental Cream," j . _ _ « . loTH^cparaest cflinnlex-

p i - * Sift's Luiull fSnow , icaiuream," yor fsaio By ail- DrnggisrcTand

P ^ S « * i 5 u t t B a ^ e a t h % 1 i ^ f e r y i S c ^ ' e x e l a b h l I -SheujesEhaiohft SoB'sr-ttrndd "Snojr Wilts, Oriental

IL WB.OOOiBotUW of PliMon &Eon»3, "gnovr'WMte Orien-4 i*<»eamiW^I*d^r%*BeJ««f t Vettf -iS fteljiaiea «f

Cpon the receipt l*y mall, of 60 cents, a bottle-of tho Snow WljltCiWillbetejitby .flspteaj»to any ipart of the

- (-'-, ,'ift.ji i i t - J U . . V/'sO t;.aii«s>.

^'u-iw^o^i*' -giS*v.sj*l^'i".*'s^.'-'*^^ x;

•tnk&y.'jsasfruit . . . . . PRESERVING. B r M O T W n W p AJHD Dj " "

. *TTf i«3^t / 5*t ''•f./ii ,>-% •


info an,



'serjMja.jitB. . _ j t PKaaater of tJ'S-efetejWlOi

*ti5a, . , brent styles P o -

'Wa.'flolegnesv.eta -mm-lyA

,-,. t . • J^i»oi

•nnSj.'-*^ ' u «i '- *,ir

S * o B B r ^ r » ^ & " c e l e b r ^ J " * t i n i a « n < w per-e? ^ ^ d j f f e r e n l s t y j e j "' "

J„ ^McDonald, -IT'-EEPS'CONSTa^ITIjY ON HAND OE00EEIES OP - • % oil destjriptlOBB, einbracing-every'new Bi Bte line of business, together with Floor; Pork, Tobacco, Teas, Oils, ProvMonSj Sugars, Suajsaiid everything, In the Grocery line.' NrarGpDBs arriving almost daily, and everyflilng nentwill':*e found at MCDONALD'S. His'connections with the Efet, West, North and South, are such as to en­able him to keep onJiandoneof the largest and best se­lected stocKsofjGrtciae^eyeiofffired uV NorthemJSew Yoac.O»rlesCott-;anaTBRl%CASH:~See the ® u o * -ingilisfrof arttoles :- — - *

: H P E A S . , . " . 1 ( \ { \ I0HESTS TEAS, YOnNG HfS0N,'6tJN POW--LxJ! KJ der, Imperial, Twankay, and Black Teas, of all

,gualitl&, f>Eprjsile by . - J. G. MoDONALD.

: ' ' ' ' / ' ' ' . ( C O F F E E . t A SACKS OQFEEEv-JAYA, B i b , SIABAOAIBO OVJ Mocha, and all kinds of ground and homed Coffee forsalo-by • t , : J. Q. Ma DONALD.

• , ' A ^ « | 0 1 1 $ "' ' - ' <3f K 3 A E R E i S OP 0IL, - ,WHAiE SPERM, LARD A 2 & P Kerosene, at , . . J.. G. MCDONALD'S.'

^kPPeSBEE-J. G && , , _ . „ . rVloJSronrietor respectfiiily informs the public thai t„,b

Hcohstan% receiving from New Sork and Iiosum 11,

dOhesSe«S«td*est assttrtmeSfeBr a i l the Sew Style. „i ! CabJnet ^amitore s ter Pffereft in thjs market, embmcitip ! ahnbstf^very artide^imtt can'Be-Tnaneai-amonir vrwf L-a>:eg^|ogany, Blae|£JP&lnutand Hose Wood

S0»ASi. JftriANS. TBT&A-T|3!ES,. OTTOMANS ANT, >- •^i" f™ ' • t0TJN<JES,

Coverea'wiBi Plush, Damask; and Hair Cb>th • En.,, sion Tables, Spring Bed Bottoms; Rocking, Sewing i ^ ana Common Chairs, of Mahogany, Rose-wood, and iij, nut: Also Book Oases, Bureaus, Side Boards, Bedste,4 Tables^ Stands, Hat Racks, Corner Stands, nimtnm, Cane^atidWood.Seat.Chnirs of every description

,.-.,-, C H A M B E R VVRXlTVRMi. Painted Bedroom Sets, Flowered and Landscape

Looking Glasses of all sizes, Giit and Veneered Frame, Upholstery OoOdst Curled Hair, Cotton and HuBk Mu t r e s e s ; Bolsters, PiHows and Cushions : all articles rf flie4Bfa bn-hand or m a d e « j order on short notice am warranted to be properly made, and of good materials _ •The inereased aemanff in the TJphoWery business has u dnced mi to employ * n experienQed h a i a from Ke» \ „ and I amprepared tcflll all orders In Udsline.

' rrsf»ERTAitriv«5 D E P A K T U I E A T . On the same premises may be found Coffins of all « i ^

m a d e of Mahogany,Black Walnnt, Cherrj, Buttcnnn 4 , -* t i '—ledln theTiJest manner, and o_n reasonalil*- l


kFAiiibM o of'every'variety, at

.Water S^reetj Ogdensburgh.

^SUpstiifMo^ERO^E LAMPS r ^ « . ' M t l ) q i S A I J ) ' S . "J|rtock^of

'TSv-tf .]

O G D E N S B U R G H H V E K Y S T A B L E !

Corner of Isabella and Washlbgton-Sla. W n r m i t o r x S t e « r a r t , - - . . - « P r o p r i e t o r ,

T WS SH&ORIBER, THANKBTOi T p - H I S NCMEE-; onsffteStds fotji the..patronage extended to}him tbro'

a lobg period oC„yeatB,.take3 t i l s occasion ta aay to them thaffib keeps a'goouTstahle ol - ,

' SADDLE AND CARRIAGE HORSES. rge number and variety of CARRIAGES, careful and jriencediDriYers, and all the comf eniencies of a good ERY STABLE. • *. § P Gentlemen of business or of pleasure-frill be serv-pbnibort notice. Charges moderate,, f21-ly-.]

X O T H E E A R 3 I E R S O F O S T T E G A T C H -

u,1; , r e x£i» yxgsmnaktf • • f l U Y l H O BJaTTrTWTJriBiMPIteCDSTokMILLS, JTCisW)gdensbnrghj1St Y:, Oie snBscrftet' Is "now pre­pared to do. gristing In all Its brunches. , Flour, M^al, Bran^ and ^orts,' always on hand. Business( promptly attended to^and orders^olicited. Remember the place, Brown's newljufldlng, opposite the Oswegatchie House, Ogdensburgh, N. Y.T - ^ - 4 8 - t f ] " P . H . DELANEY.

%. ' ,

d i e has procured a n e legant new Hearse, andwiB' i ' iT, personal attention to all arrangements conneded « ,11 1" ferments. M e n d s in the vBmge and Coan,™ , ' ? quested-to Bend In their orders. 1 Ogdensburgh, July 1,1839. [SI,

Stilwell & Houston, W h o l e s a l e a n d R e t a i l G r o c e r s

Corner of Ford and Catharine Streets, ' - OGDENSBURGH, NEW VORK,

(Successors to the late firm of S, STILWELL, JR., i Cc., XJTTE WOULD INFORM THE MANY PATBON- „i

YT the late firm, as well as the public in general' 11,, we will continue as heretofore to keep a larj^- and chain



Also, Hardware, Cut and Wrought Nail. l w £ Tools, Coarse and Pine-Salt, Pork, Flour, Crockery 7M toSsltoe6' D 0 ° r T r t n m i l n 8 9 ' a n d e v c r y Tari--<.v of'goom

Also, Agents for the sale of Smith's celel,mt*,i o n . BecUfled High-Wines and Whiskey c e l e l , r a , * d o l l l» 1 ,W e h»2*#'tf»<*lTCdaIargean'd fell selected stock

Vhlch we Will sell at prices that will compete with' aay Hobse-in this place. Give us a call and be convinced '

• . ^ t f J 8MLWELL 4 HOCSTO.N.


F O R S A L E , O R X O R E N T !

StaW factoJ^Tpiastei* iBili, Lately occupied by GRAKT & "KILL.

9^-Applyfltheiff icS or. . ft. P A R I S H . U^densborgb; Ajbgusj; 10,1889. : ' , [89-tf]


J ? . at $5 per ton at the Plaster Mill. • A. S. PARTRIDGE.

Ogdensburgh, April IT, 1800. a . [S0-20-tf.]

w. CELEBB. ^AX^lAgao'^ PORTER,


either fromabe Brewery direct or from Messsrs. STILWELIi-fc HOUSTON or Mr. W. N. OSWELL, who will always J;eep a supply in their celjara., .

N. B.—The "ASLE will improve by keeping. P r i c e X p e r l i a r r e l 3 6 6 0 1 I d o X X X d o - T SO

d o X X X d o 9 OO Orders received at the Brewery or at the two Depots

above mentioned. £S9-50-tf]

T R O Y L U N G A M D H Y G I E N I C I l f S T I -. 'WJ'J&E. ;

E S T A B L I S H E D B T S P E C I A I , EOTJOWHKNT.-. Combining the most able of the Eclectic . F a c u l t y antj

Modern Schools o f Medicine.- ^ ;

THIS SUPERIOR MODEL HEALTH INSTITUTION possesses, It is conscientiously believed, superior

claims to public confidence to any other in the United States. In this Important Particular, v iz : I t hasbeen the earnest«ndeavor of the faculty to investigate, and thoi*-oughly understand t h e numerous mddern^&iaiadies, which have b e c o m e so very prevalent and fatal,, jespecially to the 'young, known a s nervous debility. The 1 e i t erBa} manifestations of this class o t diseases-are I le lasat ioj iand Exnanst ion; Marasmus or a, wasting and consumption^ of

.., UK the ,Bra in; nervous deafness ; palpitation of the h e a r t y -' greaTx'^s'tlessness; despondency of spirits ; dreamy ani | restreps s leep ; Foetid or bad breath ; vit iated or morbid a p p e t i t e ; Indigest ion; Liver compla in t ; diseases o f t h i k j a n e r a : suppressed |unot ionof theiMUjj^Splnkl Irrltaf Hon-,. cold extremities, muscular debtnty or-Iassttude';—t Rheumatic a n d neuralgic p a i n s ; JtiurjTed "breathing ; - r Cough j; Bronchitis ; s o r e h e s s o f the throat, Catarrh and Jirspenttp Tnbercular Conspmp.Upn. ^ „, / r

TJidl)Jreci»iir|an&Rcnlty of.',tWg,teflSnaon, purpose t o cure all the foregoing dtseaseaxby..the judicious com) blnatioaof natural andsclentifloremedies, selected wlth..l great.aigcruninatlonandindgnient, that directly a ld .na- i

. u v ^ — u -._, . . . . .throw off,

•schooii-emeffis 'aft ^ 0 ^ e ^ u & u S f c 5 s l S d 1 C . T u - b r d b o t » « c ^ v l c » # « f 4 n 5 g n ! e r i t a n d * c i S n s a a ^ S u v e ^ Pfl^ei^^aff lnothedrttgg^d^|bBIn|at |M6ii: . , . _ , (

A'-word of Sbierrxa Couscietiilonsi Ad-< vice to tliose w h o .mi l reflect. .. ,

StaUstlcs shopthefoleinit truth, thatorer 100,000 dis • • - • • * - - •• •- ' ^ j f p r ^ ,

b o o t She,

In view of the awful de^hTjotlon o( human life, caused' ['•by such- deblTOHfii 'dTjijises, such as SpernjatorrlMEa,,.

gemInal-weakness/t!ia*'l!j'c'B $t self alrase, ^ i n a l Coni smdnlloft'^TOSy,terironAoasms. and dlgefBes of ibe!' Tlesu^&drn^etfofffieJtefqssgeceEabn OTacSced np-| oirtBW*dinmun%Bybase^retenfleri^^'ea&ecSors ^4 faculty of Wi^wSWtton, opnsoiemp'nsly assni& ft£ ^> vafld and Conplnmifymt their resources innj laoiaaesi ; t t ^ c e s ^ r t t W t i p g * t h i s class at/neSadlxsixamoibe

^ p S h t a j ' f o r a l m o s t ' o a ^ - o a n he treated at home:' 0 ? application by i m A e g w W he furnished with prlnt-

t S ^ ^ W K ? i ' * r * ^ * s b l e ustosendthemtreat-j

' | ® ? ^ c6SttnJu4ca8on3are regarded with sacred: and!

Wi,wsn™iB8-gtyes ^ie most oncxceptianable refer-' .eQce to men of stanqingJouaU-narte of the country, who! !»,2^ensttc«e>aWK<jnjed,_* * *, -. , .. •< - v * ^ A ^ e a * # o i t f t 8 ^ R j | a , o f the early decay afi A m e d t M M % s t M ^ « ^ l ( S f B Y Bus InBlwion, wfllbei

. •»nt.to»|telBHeaipiBrjatosttpart> of the Di

shm J j e read by eiiery ne

Btitua<iaib^*nhatali)L day, 8tm8syslaBtuforlj

PhysiclaBitf ffie^ . . „ foJgK&W f w Ptseases of

too, It Is a trilling work anfi,

PMtboth male and female.

sjantfirilie found at the In-SI i , « , , to 9. r-.-jt, of each


Sttti PKOM GUMS,4tH)

a s t a n d i MwHolne "it, and Is sow lease for which

last two years as the nunjer-oty poHSselon

agent' sninftalr

A large asaiorfflwrti^f;'.

At greatly reduced prli<«, ::.-J '

t * i» t -r - • - . > - . - - ' - - - - - - - - - - • » - .



IT IS COMPOtJNBE& tana become an

known .tuid'aum resorted to wl«i ItM rccomiuei^^^!

It ha« cored who had given oua anil unsolfi ehow.

The do«e mustbe^ the InJividual Uei toact jentlyj


ACRES OP te» LAND IN AN OLD *SWemenfc The BONAPAftTEi Labds,

"' " T i ' .SMk ' l fms i n f f i i w u * < U - »_* tt S t liaira'eacc^-1--adioining the to

:Mri® „ y i a n s - J & a p r j ienk made, ibnt forlhelast lwenw fl

i?^*™^ly . - l r i . t f t e jdtrpm! ,

be | * L i ? ! 9 * n l ^ i»?M>»ed.; .14 a i t r * <* !|


Letthedli l a t h e use of the LrrerOomplainl tepiarr"

F»y, tour j Cholera, CholeflP f lence, Jaundice^

n«d»o«e««fully ItwIBeureS-*- " fy, In twenty are uken. at • commence] k j i ' AH-whoust ft-^re- W ~

water. IB thl mouth with the Iavjgorator, apd

tl'jpffi-iMqinrUB..''- -

M lepsiaiCron-

i^ery'Drop-»; Ohollc,

fkntnm, Plntu and may be

. _ _ y Medicine. inaands can tesa

orthree toMpodnMs »Mi)Eof at taju ' -. HW^rtesOmony In lis

s n f t - i r i t t t ^ e f f t a i a ^ t , ,w». -ii s i • ^ . ( 8 * N V t o f e t a l o e w u s l m i n -hMJitanB, andhas.ari the; ctaireniaoces of roadc -miOs, schools, 4cu of an old setaemenfc A. * tag* » * » ' over *ffl?h * J>*Uc,eoOTay«w» foe passengeiaiir.earrytar the

™^P j e0ffanty t nasees , | !e«r lr th«ngS-*to'«««»^f8i^

•Thelsrid^areof dlv .erWl^»«di i»i i id chariu^*,' i i l heavUytiinr^r^ with evsrt T»ir»«y of our .JW-e«t i r w , amongwWch the s u ^ r i r j s l e predominates, to j»n» u»u-«^-dg|ji^nv''iiawfe"iilwyhlti9-el^ In' jsbnu>' |acidl|ac>. .-aubd the wh>* e**irfh others; aVe ibundsnt and of sPfendW Urowtli.»-'• •-•;"-• "f1 '. - •': , ?;..•.'•»

T h e w e s t j b ^ n t & o f ^ r ^ g j ^ t c M e »3sa ,ti»,Jtao|l»A river, with'tbeli;-connecting streams, foniiih abundsjit wartrforfai^gpuipoMVMwellaafnrlrj'tontlC'uae*;

Bon1 on & OswegateUa, a t , « i » r i u » n f BarrkrrtlltVon the t r a c t d u ^ g | t o _ B M t « ^ o i v » B d t i r o l a r ^ taanerles

f e r ^ a t J K « " » W S H W P « A £ » ^ with faTOroble

Br**i»r^fo8jWjij1kai»^^ of JOSEPH P A H t J ^ w , at l larrtsvilKkdw 1» *>ly au-UiorItedtQ»eB«»d-Cpnttkct all 01 any Mr|njf«aMJ»ndB; or of eltte^iiip&ff S B l s ^ e ^ r ^ t e d , * ^ ^

S. G. P O P E , Keeps constantly on hand a l a r g e stock of


"jtTENEELY'S CHDRO1*. . EB?S prices, at BEt tS AT



House rp, • * . . ; r T T _ i _ , , _


Nos. 530 a n d 532 Broadtray, ' R B A . B E S T H A N C B ,

N o s . 3 5 jLttd 3 7 J a m e s S t , ' . . . ALBASY. •

THE CATRONAOB; OF CITIZENS, STRANGER AitD visitors at Albanj Is respectfully solicited. The house

has been, fitted upvin a manner snperlor to any in*he countryj-nnd every; delicacy-oftbeseasoo can he obtained St ffiisrataMfffmmrnt on the most reasonable terms.

JTo travelers on Steamboats and Railroads, this bouse affords advantages over any other. No delay wUl oecur as every order wUl be served as soon as frlven.

Private parlies furnished on tbe shortest notice with everyfuingof the'seasbn.

P. S.—*his home is within a ft-w steps of the Railroad Depot, being on the tolock below the Demvan House, on the opposite side of Broadway. [80-87-IjrJt.

8' T O I I O r S E K E E P E R S .


/% A Is manufactured from common salt, and is pre X3f*x par Ml entirely different from other Saleratns. All

the deleterons matter^ extracted in.sucb a manner 93 to produce Bread, Biscuit and all kinds of cake,

* ' . withont containing a particle ot Saieratus when , iftn Bread or Cake is-baked.; atereby prodncing

# * £ » wholesomeTesnlts. Every particle of Saieratus Is O U turned to gas, andpasses through the hread and

bfymit while baking, consequently, nothing re-itmdns bnt common salt, water, and flour. You

• ! wih readily perceive, by the taste of this Saless-",; f a i t l i s t i t is entirely different from oiherSaleratns.

W D " " pkeked In one pound papers, each wrapper D o hrandod, 'B, I . ilabbitt'sjiest.Medicinal Saieratus'

. » & J , p a i n p m c s u i s - l m > ^ o ' i 5 ' * h E ? ? < * *•&••!* *.^*«»ifuiidnQtioi tffdSh.i9*! *"d

* ^ S o f t S o » a . < ! o n B n m e r a ^ r t ^ f l ^ ? ? n ? H * ^ < , » ° d

t ^ o l » l f & e m a r f a r y i a n ' * *?*. "»**aipe»t

A f^nMb^^m^ht^m W*W «tt«o#. ment, forkbereoef of the Bfok and Dhtrewed, ajBtcted nvfc

hYl i 1thYlrnleutandKpWesskdiseases; es»6«lali» for f i e ire of aH diseases of the «eant» O r S S ^ i f ^ «topaUe&UInallpirUioftheUiiU«dS»#i«, Valuable report on rVermatorrlwsa, and olh«r dkt»»M«

of the SeinarOri-ans, and on the New BetMdtN 'iapior-ed, sent J o the «Blcted in « & > d m&fm, £»ot charge. Two or three^amja rerpoltaga wUib* »ala>l«;

A d d r e - S r . S K a L D I HGDQHTON, Acting fcrgm, Hoy»OTaKlaOon, l io .»Booth Nkth 6 t r « ^ S i S a « n

J S G j r j E N S B r R G H W E E K k faiNTED asn PuB^tseet t '


H . R. J A M I Editor and Proprle^

t O f f i c e , fttone B u 4 1 d i i * j j , I o n e d o o r ftvm

To . m n and OfflceSttfscr^|rs>--0 "'- To Sa i l amnjimce'Bwu'ri^ss-- c

^always to s d r a t f e e . - - * ?$&&.f

served by Carrier-One Dollar and t . _ , _ _ ^ » f f FOB AD^SitT^

-'^3iiKtfii9SI£a|onbSkeek.$Q&0 V colon

b^O'tTo fJSrefd- ?!•*')- dc 5' "do-'siir r?o 4 55 I). dt

, if?vi one year 6 00 Do .4' ^•fisnirm, one mpntL, „ 00'p.o,. .^8' OneColumi. tr-'jSxett months, or long

U* veaV ot"«ieO

„.• Busmess CaidSKOl.e^jWJes^r ies

.As tys t^sSnEr^m^rtrac iv -as aba s^forffeggStf^nibiuunesB. Lega. ac

4^5ttti833Wes!§st(9>!isbed by i«t .


B e a l e i * I11 G r o c e r i e s a n d * - Aljcyj,

"* -&u-Jt . OQDESSBV ftGH, &. 1

• ^ ^ ^ G a s h paid for CV-untry pro Jut ' •*6alnthe Village free --f ^lan-g-e ^ S ^ ; * , "* ' OLD'? PICTURE GAI

i J K r c x C R F S OF AXL ST1 ^73 . OlS K £ A $ O H A B L 1 - ^ ^ * . P l c t « r e s magnifbid and colore!

> i\Q. «s. Eagle Blot •SIGN OP THE MAMMoTil K A O I . ^ 0OI>E>'5BraGH, S

L PRiiCTOi a n d R e t a i l D ,


Medical Advice, ^ , —AT THE—

B U F F A L O P R I V A T E H 0 P S T A X . Jfctabllsbecl for the cure of Syphillia, Seminal Weakiiesa,

and^the Secret Infirmities of Youth and Matpat^,, Dyspepsia, General Debility, Fever and Agtie,

, Scrofula, Old Ulcers, iBrysipelas, Great 1m purity of the Wood, Salt Rheum, Pim-

' pies, Fistula, Asthma, Incipient Consumption, Infirmities of

Youth, Old Age Ac. fefKO MERCL'RY TSKD f ^ ^ J

, 3 D B . A I T Z O S A S O N , cCorner of Main and Quay Struts, JJuffaio, New York.

ARE THE ONLY PHYSICIANS TN THE STATS WHO ate members of the Roral College of Surgeon^ .x>tr-

don, may be consulted from eight o'clock in the morning until 9-iat night, in every stale and symptoms of Disease

A M O S T S C I E N T I F I C I N V E N T I O N , An instrument for the cure of General Debility or Noc­

turnal jEmlsslons, more proper.} kiiowii as Seminal "ft eak neas, && Can be permanently cured hi from fifteen to twenty^days by the use of this insinum. tit, wheq used iconjoiiijtly with medicines.

Y O U N G mCEN T A K E P A K T I C D L A R N O T I C E .

t J>Ei ASfOS*& SON take pleasixe in annooncintr thai that they have Invented a most Important ingtrumt'iit i^ the cure of the above diseases. It has .been eubjt-ctetJ t< ft te^t by the most enfment physicians in London, Fan* Philadelphia and New York ; it ^has been - declared the only useful instrument ever invented for the cure of fceui idai Weatness, or any disease of the genital organs cans ed by the secret habits of youth. •' Dr. AMOS & SON, in order to satisfy the most skepti cal as 60 the merits ot their Listruments, pledge them 'selves that io any instance where it may prove unsaid factory after a fair trial, tbe money will be refunded bjr returning the instruments in good order. Price Teu I>oi-'Jars hy(Mail or Express.

N E W K E I t t E M E S A N D Q r i C K C I B E S . For t te Veneral Diseases, and all private complaints,

gleets, strictures, seminal weakness, pains in the loins. affections of the kidneys, diseases of head, throat, inl­and skin, aud all those dreadful affections arising from a secret habit of youth, which produce constitutional dehl) ty reader marriage Impossible, ,and In the end desire\ both body and mind. The treatment they adopt i? Uie result of upward of thirty yearaUextensive ahfl fsuccess ful practice In Europe and Amerilja.

C O U N T R Y I N V A L I D S . Persons in any part pf the World may be aaccessrufry,

treated by fonvarding a correct detail of theit cm,*- «ith a remittance for medicinse, &c.

Address Dr. AMOS k SON, corner of Mam and Qua* streets, Buffalo, N. Y. [stf ly 3

W l i o i e s a l c e r i e a a n d F i - o v l

,*u ^ ^ N i G ^ L « H P A I D *;, *&CTt¥^VB£EgE,, POS"K, PEi f.AtS^-Mflihfi -corner store in Marblv E - - Ogdensburgh, Aug. 17,1859


t V h o i f s n l e a i t d EE-etall Books and Stationery, Paper Heng4i

i Toys and Fancy fcropds, Mis Instruments,

. - BOTSDAM £ C A X T O X ST U J . jg ,3SaLRY, ' {itl)-l6-if]

' , 1 R O Y A L V I L . BEALEH :*;

B o o t s a n d S h o e * , , R u b b e r ; F m d l n g s ,

_ Also, CbilOren'sMeAallc Tips, a n*-Poxd Street, opposite J. H Guest's S



' > P a s b l o n a 3 b > l e B a r b e r a n d JEteturns"thanks to his friends and p.

' ^tulby^strict attention to business U .H&maaon of the same.

1^^* Eooms over C \Y. GIbb:' Br , ^treet.


' I l l a n i i f a c t u r e r o f T i n , C<>i I r o n I V a r e

Also Wholesale and Retail ^ e a l e Noildns, Plain, Planished and Japai era, Glass Ware, Wooden Ware, &c for job wor-k. on Hand. Country hie

• sap^le4 a*« iy prices Tha n ices t FesrtherSjiJopper^Brass. Lead and I -atty. Woo^Ian.d Produce taken in t



A t t o r n e y s a n d C o u n s e l , OQOS^BtTEaB, ST. L A W E E K C B

-Office, No.- 8 Eagie Block, Ford '* ROSCTOS w. jv&zcx, ,.[2Ttf,3..:

MORRIS S: TAR A L l o r u e y s a n d C o u n s e l


J A C K M A N H *~> [Formerly GJobe Hotel, on Couit


B . J A C K i T l i J i , . .

Pas^eugt-rt i. ri f-yp.j TA a* ti fr. de^ixabie convenience in*ht v«\ <'

K A. A. 2UBC0CI P u m p M a n t d a c t u r e r a

-' Beeps constantly rtn hann and n tbe most approved W^l' an^ Ci°*--,-i burgh, N Y Hei5 at ai' time'' p«a< Bhort notice, and for moderate pay

fjpr-jShop on Montgomery, near t

FREDERICK A. BA A t t o r n e y a n d C o u i n s e l

**&***!& OODESSBCEOH, li. tS^LegS l business entrusted to htii attention. QSic*, corner "of Ford t over N. T. Btnhbard's ?tore.


A t t o F D e y a n d C o n n a e E , ST. LAWRESGB CO CJL5TC5,


G L A Z E D A N B I 7 N G I , A Z E l >

Window . , SJISIMVS. ABd'.h'ariogSlS'ERIOE M A C H W E B y , GOOD WORK

$}E8 and tborau^jl^-seasoned dumber, Is prepar ed t o make every variety of Plata, Bevel

Molded andSasb Doors, Bevel Mold-£d. Diamond and Gothic Sashes,

StatioaeTy and Holling Slat Window Blinds, and

Window and Door Frames at Short notice.

f O L D 1 N G Or various styles on hand and made to order.

P 1 A N K S G A M ) , S A W T N G Pone pcomptly and well at low' prices. » VLA??v® ' BO.CRBS,H.OOBW<;,and CLAPBOARDS oosstajiUj ^ on band. Also aUkindsof


C h e r r y B i r c b , B n t t e r n w t a n i l OaK . _ P)axilc,,Cedar F e n c e P o s t s .

OBDEEK?, EtBCH, & PCJK NEWELS & B A N K B T E R S . He also keeps a large andwell selected stoc^of »window

Slass, wtuch will be sold at wholesale or retaU, s . i™„ », 'cap bebonght In Hie Factory. Putty by die Cr^t Blad­der M pound. • ' - ' l » ^ i t j

snuLMAS poa A t t o r n e y a n d C o n

Office, corner of Ford ani T a ^Ua . N. B.—Particular att«ntioii gives

Oonyeyanclng and CoUectiona.

• GEORGE TV HOVf D e a l e r I n ' P i a n o F o r t e s ,

SHEET u r s i c A u r s i Ware roomawrMi J a SKBAQBE

- (SO-lB-lv i


. Attorne-j- a n d CoansoJ QoCA-ZE>tlK, ST LAWUt-N-L

Rtf tBXNCto Hon A B James. Hon. D C Jndsoti. G. D. & I. I«i Beymour, Hon. B. G.. Baldwin, Honj Ji X>v_Bu93ell,.

tolce & Co. WM

» E V T 1

A l l I t -

DR. J A. ^ (prCCESSOH TO THE : 4T'. lb.

Office, Judson Bank Building, State £ densburgh, N. *i

S l^^r-Deniists furnished with Teetl Tooth Bmshes, and Cornndnm^Vhet

ence (com town will be di WTLLlsJl A. SB

P r a c t i c a l W a t c h a n d < (Store In H e n 0 aelden's 1


W«tchea, Glooke and Jewelry Repal

alVoVplfeture, tw&teil loaf oHireaid, with a glass qt eSemaclag water on ton - W i e n yon .purchase onepa,itetjon«h0ttiaj)reservetfi8 ^rtitoper, and J>«'ja1il*»ar4r*> get tiie next eTacJJy'att fte. first

Mtua-alHIfcurHttt or-t3r»atn-Tarter, i r W » - t ~ f -

» a n ) f r » t a » i i » e | a g * { also directions for n,.i>iK„>

Sjiiej-jirus ever <3e4/

SALE %j QU0CKR8 Bvttrjtrtwre.

iji A N XT F A C T O K y ,

J0H>' RlSDCl t C i t y B i r c g S t o r e , O g d e n

Atf tea lgn^it l iaPainted Post ar mtorvMa£% TJlas-sBoe store," Po: «n4-'Kerail- 'DeaJer to Drugs, 3!e' «^8a;"«b: , In aa thjfe- varieties •Wtoflow Glass. GlSBS-'Wfte Brushes tallnstramentfl.and mat«rtat, Dlgi

' ' ' , ' ' , :" p. E socnnncK ttoni<epathlr Pn;t,iciau

-•"•" \ Prera T^ •• ^ISfTOFnra Hanss, •. do ;

H^^Offlce State Street, opposite .

BBOWS i t F a , C

A t t o r n c y a , C o u n s e l ! _. . panK56arB6B, 5

^pif'Q^oe lately.occupied Us Jau ~W. a B&GWN, .




D r . K . J 1

0 C. L. Canysft SCTIOBO;

- D B LISP"! maftscfentljnc. and succ^s&lui i*' v ti-U»# tested Stales- lllnfatr.! II •, P"»M Gty and \ll lare lr. rhe V i«oi. a .

DR. BSTNOLDS ann'-ur.-^rc thi « e , thai hi! HGSPlTAils eUll opfn patjaata, and that he iP d-uh- Aatin; «w>nuw In all parts of tin- fniieit ; vli&laa oancentrated remedlra, v. h *M*3raa«r:»e«Ho«iilpkra af the

" asdfetj s s d Irupojl . rtt.-0ftiie.TJnl&i} -l»

j tMaw&D.tl» pnnBc'ascla «! whomfcav* xtldea Doctor of Meat to* alve them the appearance. of respc j)|asaedto annotmce to those a£Sl&e# private disease, that hte eurea^re >ti na raabrd, andMs reatedlea:che Von, iind sdixaralaon of the aiek.

By a long coarse of study and prar R. has now tht-graauVatisn of-preser wuii'remedles that have ne\ er, failed dnced them, to cure ihe - aiopi h lhajt OtaahOrt bat reas. aatie time, merenryx}?©thet deieten^ui, drug . .y«ar«,&f.S.hascu-e.:-..- • - r . -at taouiand c»ses of UK HI- - - i-l.i-a-ie ##ia|jts^oiorethaiione-l . i . :vf ••»>.'1-tt*iWtW«tt!d irtth imercuty an '. • m * = » « * , em fc*»«cces»fully mnTOin-wWetl fti jtmntn jiumlyla aminei • to«Ilic*xaW*«asei. • '•.', i i ' . ,ntftMiimvoa s i sour • **ft*»»»««a*lM n {». otwhateve

to««W«r .«taMm««>|« ." t t e ^ o i - t M ^ t e i M s t r M r ^ i a A j a v i K , 4 ^ . cOBfldeWt»Hy « * r*(mrd to airy ' casjstebrtt to which Uwlr dellcau

Ceynoldib sale anr i t '

M H n o t o t t t c o a

i In a'eWtaln situation ahonl. T;ht w M * wTJlIb*f«Sni

M j t . m j ^ t t a a i p o n . Pri teoneat *>:aior part of the World- Beware o": ar> not <m sale at any other -plare In

-&r.*rraoI«»*I'AfEST PKESCH "4Mtf! and fare prevenUve against pr ?rl«e V$t. 8e«t By otaO to anj pa

* " V tOTJNG MES, thahji/.-h

. b-tdt l* !

» aa oth«r-ici«e> ' r«M
