Module 1 Session 2: Child Development Facilitator’s Guide

Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of

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Page 1: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of

Module 1

Session 2: Child Development Session 2: Child Development Session 2: Child Development

Facilitator’s Guide

Page 2: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of


Table of Contents

Facilitator’s checklist

Learning intentions

Presentation format

Session outline


Task Information

Page 3: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of


Facilitator’s checklist

Before beginning the Module the facilitator must consider the following


If you can answer ‘YES’ for each statement you are ready to begin the


I have read the ‘Notes for Trainers’

I have prepared all the materials I need to deliver the training

I have planned how I will organise participants for the different activities

I have organised the training room in preparation for the training

I have read the ‘Learning Outcomes’ for this session and have a clear idea of the purpose for delivering the training

I have examined the information presented in other sessions to be completed as part of Module 1, so than I have an understanding of what participants have already learned and what their future tasks will entail.

I have read the ‘Learning Outcomes for Module 1.

I have read the ‘Session Overview’ and considered whether I have adequate time to deliver the session.

I have read all the sessions plans and background information and I am clear about the purpose of each session and the activities which are to be completed

I have considered whether follow up tasks will be given to participants to complete after the training

I have planned how the training will be evaluated.

If you answered ‘NO’ to any of the statements, you need to continue your

preparation before you begin the training.

Page 4: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of


Learning intentions

1. To give teachers knowledge and insight into the development of young children and

its impact on their learning.

2. To use that knowledge to influence classroom practice and planning.

Presentation format

Week Title Time Form of delivery Location

1 Introduction and Theorists

2hrs Clusters To be determined later by the facilitator

2 Child Development 2hrs Clusters To be determined later by the facilitator

3 DAP Introduction to Planning


Whole day Venue To be determined later by the facilitator

4 Integration/Planning Process

2hrs Clusters To be determined later by the facilitator

5 Task Week - Participants complete tasks

To be determined later by the facilitator

6 Celebrate Successes; Share planning

Whole Day Venue To be determined later by the facilitator

Duration: 2 hours Format: Cluster group

Page 5: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of


Session outline

PPT slide

Presentation details Resources


Set up MM projector for Powerpoint presentation ‘Child Developmental Milestones’ Welcome audience Ensure all participants have copy of Participants handbook

PP presentation: ‘Child Developmental Milestones’

Data projector

Participant’s handbooks


Why is it important? Examples of milestones for birth – 3 months

PP presentation


Task 1: Matching Milestones Duration: Approximately 20 minutes

Developmental Milestones cards

6-8 Development of children 3-5, video

PP presentation


Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of children Duration: Approximately 20 minutes

Photographs x 4 Milestones Tables

10-13 Review of task PP presentation

14-15 Milestones 5-6 year olds Alert sings to look for PP presentation

16 Follow up task: Study of child in class, identification of developmental stage and planning of appropriate activities

Participants handbook p. 2

Trainer presents, demonstrates explains, describes.

Small group interactionTrainer facilitates discussion and activities conducted in small groups

Whole group interaction Trainer facilitates whole group discussion and feedback, or performance

Independent reflection or activity

Preparation time: organising resources etc.

Page 6: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of



This presentation is accompanied by a PP “Child Developmental Milestones”.

The PP has accompanying notes to assist the facilitator to understand the content of the session, and to give further examples, questions and activities to use with participants. Facilitators will need to print and read the ‘Notes pages’ before the workshop.

Page 7: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of


Task Information


Activity purpose:

To gain an understanding of the different levels of children’s development and how it

manifests itself at different ages. Workshop participants will be prompted to consider these

in relation to children that they teach.


One set of Developmental Milestones’ cards per group, cut out, printed onto card and laminated.

Set of age group cards per group, printed onto card and laminated.

Duration: Approximately 20 minutes


1. Ask participants to look at the developmental milestones cards. Explain they are colour coded so that each age group is one colour e.g. birth to 6 months is pink, 6 – 12 months is blue and so on.

2. Ask the group sort the cards into the correct colours. 3. When they have done that they have to consider the milestones and decide which

age group they fit. 4. When the group has made a decision they place the age card on the matching

milestones. 5. Discuss the results with the participants using the completed sheets in this book.

Page 8: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of



Activity purpose:

To be able to identify stages of development of a child by the behaviour, language and skills they exhibit. Workshop participants will be prompted to use their knowledge and apply it to examples given.


One set of photographs per group, printed onto card and laminated.

One set of Developmental Milestones Tables per group, printed onto card and laminated.

Duration: Approximately 20 minutes


1. Ask participants to look at the photographs and in their groups discuss what they think is happening in the picture and try to identify some skills that the child/children are displaying.

2. Using the Developmental Milestones checklist participants are to identify the developmental stage (not the age) of the child.

3. Participants write down their observations and answers to feed back to a general discussion.

4. Lead a discussion using the participant’s observations and answers.

TASK 3 – Follow Up Task


Participants Handbook

Duration: To be completed by participants in their own time.

Page 9: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of


Session 2: Child Development – Task 1 Developmental Milestone Cards

Physical Development.

Head dominates.

Head sits on shoulders.

Pelvis and legs are least developed.

Arms short.

Round legs with baby fat folds.

Joints are strongly indented.

Muscles not developed.

Wriggles, swimming movements.

Lift arms, fish gestures kicks a lot.

Lifts head when in dorsal position.

Lifts head and chest, like a bird


Rolls from side to side.

Grasps objects when given.

Carries object to mouth.

Clutches at dangling object.

Language development

Crying is the only means of

communication. Cries differently when

tired, hungry or in pain.

By seven or eight weeks, they begin to

discover their voice and make cooing

noises and vowel sounds.

By about eight weeks, they will listen

to what you say, then make noises back

as they 'talk' to you.

Makes a whole range of sounds shows

interest in how the mouth works and

how sounds come out.

Cooing, gurgling, chuckling, laughing,


Uses mouth to explore.

Blowing raspberries, to show

excitement/ pleasure.

Taking turns in making sounds.

Learn that language in itself is a

musical thing.

Birth - 6 months

Social & Emotional Development

Can be comforted by a familiar adult.

Respond positively to touch.

Interact best when in an alert state or

in an inactive and attentive state.

Express several clearly differentiated


Distinguish friends from strangers.

Respond actively to language and


Show displeasure at the loss of a toy.

Intellectual Development

Smile and show pleasure in response to

social stimulation.

By about eight weeks, they will listen

to what you say, then make noises back

as they 'talk' to you.

Turns head towards sounds.

Imitates facial expressions.

Respond actively to language and


Page 10: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of


Physical Development

Holds head upright easily.

Can rotate head.

Can pass object over from one hand to

the other.

Attempts to crawl.

Reptile gesture.

Secures dangling objects.

Hands explore table surfaces.

Shakes and bangs rings.

Hand reaches far and picks up objects.

Strikes one object against another.

Can hold trunk upright for long time in

sitting position.

Creeps on hands and knees.

Walks about using support (chairs etc).

Letting go of dropping objects.

Forefinger and thumb starting to work.

Thumb function complete.

Can point with index finger.

Can hold pencil.

Uses both hands freely.

Points with index finger at objects he


Drinks from cups with help.

Helps with dressing by holding out

arm and foot.

Language development

Enjoys reciprocal social games

structured by an adult.

Imitates familiar sounds and actions,

attends to singing.

Repeated babbling (“bababa”,


Vocal play with intonation patterns lots

of sounds that take on sounds of


Vowels emerging.

Responds consistently to soft speech

and environmental sounds.

May be saying simple words like 'mum-

mum' and 'dad-dad'.

Imitates new sounds/actions

Isn't making the huge variety of

sounds anymore, because their sounds

are becoming more specific to their

own language.

Loves music and rhymes, and will

bounce and sway to the rhythm.

Loves the repetition of songs - this

helps them.

6 months – 12 months

Social & Emotional Development

Mimic simple actions.

Show anxiety when separated from

primary caregiver

Intellectual Development.

Imitates familiar sounds.

Loves music and rhymes.

Responds to no.

May shake their head for 'no'.

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Physical Development

Stands without help with weight on

both feet. If reaching for objects

places opposite hand on furniture for


Begins to run, can climb stairs alone.

Picks up small objects with delicate

finger grasp.

Beginning to show clear preference for

one hand.

Points to distant objects out of door.

Language development

Average 10 spoken words at 15 months.

Average 50 words or more between

the ages of 18 months and 75-150

words by two years.

Their language understanding is

improving, so they can remember two

part instructions - for example, 'Get

the ball and bring it to Daddy'.

They may stammer or hesitate over

particular words when excited

Uses early pronouns

Consonants b d g n m h w (initial)

1-2 years old

Social & Emotional Development

Children become more aware of

themselves and their ability to make

things happen.

They express a wider range of

emotions and are more likely to initiate

interaction with other people.

Most children will recognize

themselves in pictures or the mirror

and smile or make faces at themselves.

Show intense feelings for parents and

show affection for other familiar


Play by themselves and initiate their

own play.

Express negative feelings.

Show pride and pleasure at new


Imitate adult behaviors in play.

Show a strong sense of self through

assertiveness, directing others.

Begin to be helpful, such as by helping

to put things away.

Intellectual Development.

By two years, they can tell you most of

what they want with words.

By two years, sentences become longer

and more accurate.

Page 12: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of


Physical Development

Trunk dominates.

No waist.

Can imitate clapping.

Puts arm out for protection when


Runs safely from squatting without


Walks upstairs/downstairs holding to


Picks up pins and thread neatly.

Removes paper from small sweets

Spontaneous circular scribble and dots

when given paper.

Kicks a ball.

Language development

Names lots of objects such as dog,

ball, drink, and by the end of this year

most are saying short sentences (eg

'look mummy dog'). Engages in short


Children are able to follow an

instruction such as 'bring your shoes

here' and by 3 most children can follow

more complex instructions such as 'go

and get your shoes from your bedroom

and bring them here'.

Most children of this age will not be

able to say all words clearly.

Consonants b d p t k m n h s w; all


Knows the function and purpose of

written language – understands words

have meaning and purposes.

Points to and names common pictures in

a book.

2 -3 years old

Social & Emotional Development

Emotional Development

Very Self-centered.

Beginning to get a sense of personal


Develops sense of own belongings is

possessive of belongings.

Often frustrated.

Limited ability to choose between


Enjoys physical affection.

Resists change.

Becoming more independent.

Becoming more responsive to humor

and distraction than discipline or


Social Development

Solitary play – plays on their own.

Dependent on adult guidance. Plays

with dolls.

Refers to self by name.

Minimal concept of others as "people."

May respond to simple direction.

Intellectual Development

Says words, phrases and simple


Should have 272 words in vocabulary.

Understands simple directions.

Will still get 'you' and 'me' mixed up


Identifies simple pictures.

Likes to look at books.

Has short attention span.

Can avoid simple hazards.

Page 13: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of


Physical Development

Folds in thighs disappear.

All primary teeth are present.

Limbs are round and thicker.

Walks alone upstairs with one foot

after the other.

Can walk on tiptoes.

Stand for a moment on one foot.

Can jump down from a step with 2 feet

together, jumps out with one foot in


Rides a tricycle.

Can close fist and wiggle thumb in copy


Copies circle, matches 2 or 3 primary


Paints with large brush.

Cuts with scissors.

Left or right handedness is usually


Language development

Use 2 -3 word sentences to talk about

and request things.

Can usually understand "place" words

such as - under, on, beside, back, over.

Ask questions beginning with "What"

"Who" "Where" and "Why"?

Can talk about what happened

yesterday and about tomorrow.

Consonants p b t d k g m n s f h w j l


An emerging awareness of syllables and


900 words/ has approximately 450

word vocabulary

3-4 years old

Social & Emotional Development

Emotional Development

Likes to conform.

Easy going attitude.

Not so resistive to change - more


Greater sense of personal identity.

Beginning to be adventuresome.

Enjoys music.

Social Development

Parallel play – plays alongside others.

Begins to take turns.

Knows if they are a boy or girl.

Enjoys brief group activities requiring

no skill.

Likes to "help" in small ways.

Responds to verbal guidance.

Intellectual Development.

Says short sentences.

Shows much growth in communication,

usually conveying meaning well.

Tells simple stories.

Uses words as tools of thought.

Refers to self as “me”

Wants to understand environment.

Answers yes/no questions

Comprehends approximately

Is imaginative.

May recite nursery rhymes.

Recognizes familiar environmental print

such as signs.

Page 14: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of


Physical Development

Center of balance is established.

Has better control of stopping,

starting, turning.

Can jump a short distance.

Can hop four to six steps on one foot.

Grasps with thumb and middle finger.

Skips on one foot, draws "Man", cuts

with scissors (not well), can wash and

dry face, dress self except ties,

standing broad jump, throws ball

overhand, high motor drive.

Language development

May still not use some sounds

correctly, eg say "th" for "s" or "w" for


Tell long stories which may be partly

true and partly made up.

Beginning to develop letter name


Speech is able to be understood by a

familiar listener.

Has a vocabulary of 1000-2000 words.

Takes turns speaking in conversations.

Distinguishes between print and

pictures and orientates books to turn

the page.

Say rhyming words and recognize word

strings that begin with the same sound.

4-5 years old

Emotional Development

Seems sure of themselves.

Responds to „out–of–bounds behavior.

Often negative, may be defiant.

Testing boundaries and expectations.

Responds well to controlled freedom.

Social Development

Cooperative play - enjoys other

children's company.

Highly social - may play loosely

organized group games.



Intellectual Development.

Uses complete sentences.

Asks endless questions – inquisitive.

ask "why", "when", "how" questions

and ask what words mean.

Learning to generalize.

Highly imaginative.


Can draw recognizable simple objects.

Can give their own ideas about things.

Talk about what might happen or what

they would like to have happen.

Page 15: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of


Physical Development

First growth in length.

Muscles become visible.

Body trunk division and waist


Loss of milk teeth.

Horizontal midline established so arm

swing. Moves with jump.

Marches to music.

Can begin tying a bow.

Catch bean bag in bucket.

Bounce a ball, log roll, tap to match beat.

Can descend a stairway unaided, using

both feet.

Can pick up small objects with finger

thumb opposition.

Language development

Uses many sentences with 4 or more


Uses regular 3rd person.

Says rhyming words.

Have a good command of their native

language although they still have

difficulty explaining complicated

events or ideas and may leave out

important bits.

Can speak clearly and can have a

conversation with you about everyday


Ask the meaning of words and can

describe something by the way it is

used, eg a knife is used for cutting.

They are able to tell stories and give a

short talk eg in "show and tell".

Understand print moves from left to

right in English and right to left in


Listen to stories and recite or sing

rhymes, songs, jokes and riddles for


5-6 years old

Social & Emotional Development

Emotional Development


Stable - well-adjusted.

Home centered - likes to associate

with mother.


Responsive to some self-criticism.

Enjoys responsibility.

Likes to follow clear rules.

Social Development

Highly cooperative play - has special


Highly organized.

Enjoys simple table games requiring

turns and rules.

Feels pride in clothes and


Intellectual Development..

Tells long tales.

Are able to say their name, address,

age and birthday.

Carries out directions well.

Reads own name.

Counts to 10.

Asks meaning of words.

Knows colors.

Beginning to know difference between

fact. and fiction-lying.

Interested in environment - city,

stores, etc.

Draws person with head, trunk, legs,

arms and features.

Draws simple house.

Counts fingers of one hand with index

finger of the other.

Names 4 primary colours.

Page 16: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of


Physical Development

Consistent 2 footed jump becomes


Center of balance is established.

Can balance on one foot with eyes


Movement of head, trunk, arms, feet


Left and right established for self.

Can accomplish two motor tasks

simultaneously such as skipping.

Can connect all fingers to thumb exactly

with eyes open and shut.

Eye-hand coordination is better so eye

leads hand.

Increased movement of wrist and foot

at ankle.

Language development

Should have mastered the consonants s-

z, r, voiceless th, ch, wh, and soft g as

in George.

Able to read, write and print many

simple words.

Name letters in the alphabet.

Being to understand that letters have

sounds and learn some of these sounds.

Points to familiar words on page or

printed says “That‟s my name, that

words says no, that words says Mum”.

Understands that words can be divided

into to smaller parts.

6-7 years old

Social & Emotional Development

Emotional Development


Have a strong desire to perform well.

Do not deal well with failure or


Rules and rituals are important in


The family is often the main source of


Behave to avoid punishment.

Seek a sense of security.

Being kind to others so others are kind

to them.

Social Development

Still focused on self.

Able to have empathy.

Have many best friends at the same


Are becoming increasingly aware of

peer opinions.

Better observer of others.

Highly interested in other families and

how they function.

Intellectual Development.

Developing a sense of cause and


Generalize from own experiences.

More interested in the process than in

the product of activities.

Learning to sort & categorize.

Think concretely.

Can handle only one operation at a time.

Are very curious, always trying to make

sense of the world.

Understand opposite analogies easily:

girl-boy, man-woman, flies-swims,

short-long, etc.

Understands terms: alike, different,

beginning, end, etc

Page 17: Session 2: Child Development - وزارة التعليم of children 3-5, video Milestones Tables 9 Task 2: Discussion of photographs and identification of developmental stages of


Adapted from the Jefferson County Delinquency Prevention Council Adapted from Youth Development Foundations for

4-H Camp Staff: Understanding Children, USDA/Army School-Age and Teen Project and The NNCA: Developmentally

Appropriate Programming for School-Age Children

Physical Development

Padding of body fat disappears.

Increase upper torso strength.

Can do difficult spatial relationships

such as hop, skip and jump in sequence.

Is able to complete a sequence of run,

roll, jump up, in sequence.

Can use same movement with upper part

of the body moving in a different

direction to the lower part eg; as

butterfly stroke in swimming.

Language development

Speak clearly and easily in the language

you used at home.

Able to express a range of ideas and

describe complicated happenings.

Like to tell jokes and riddles

Begin to enjoy reading books on their


Write a range of familiar genres eg:

letter, recount, list, narrative.

Use a range of reading strategies to

read age appropriate texts.

Participate in conversations and group


7-8 years old

Social & Emotional Development

Emotional Development


Have a strong desire to perform well.

Do not deal well with failure or


Rules and rituals are very important in

their interactions.

Behave in a way to avoid punishment.

Seek a sense of security.

Being kind to others so others are kind

to them.

Social Development

Still focused on self.

Able to have empathy.

Have many best friends at the same


Are becoming increasingly aware of

peer opinions.

Better observer of others.

Highly interested in other families and

how they function.

Intellectual Development.

Children will know the different tenses

(past, now and future) and be able to

use correct tenses in sentences.

Able to express a range of ideas and

describe complicated happenings.

Begin to enjoy reading.

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Session 2: Child Development – Task 2 Prompts Note:

The amount of detail in the painting –

the girl has a body

facial features – in the correct place




sun and grass the correct colours in the correct place The use of the paintbrush -

Tripod grip – what is this?

Moving from the wrist The story –

Identification of herself

When it was


How the girl is holding the scissors – correct grip

Where her other hand is

She is unaided

She can cut along a straight line


How she is holding the scissors

Where she has cut on her picture

The shape and size of the bits of paper she has cut


Refusal to attempt anything

Lack of communication with peers

Lack of communication with Teacher

Refusal to attempt activity even after help
