SINAR Functions

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  • 7/29/2019 SINAR Functions



    1 Given functionf:x 2x 6, find the

    Diberi fungsi f : x 2x 6, cari

    (a) image of 7

    imej 7(b) object which has the image 16

    objek yang mempunyai imej 16

    2 Diagram 1 represents a functionf:x x2 + bx + c.

    Rajah 1 mewakili fungsi f: x x2 + bx + c.

    Diagram 1

    Rajah 1

    Find the


    (a) values ofb and c,

    nilai b dan c,

    (b) the image of 7 under the function.

    imej 7 di bawah fungsi itu.

    3 Given functionf:x 5x 4, find the

    Diberi fungsi f : x 5x 4, cari

    (a) image of 3

    imej 3

    (b) object which has the image 41

    objek yang mempunyai imej 41

    4 The functions offandgare defined asf:x x + 1 andg:x ,x k. Find

    Fungsi-fungsi f dan g ditakrifkan sebagai f : x x + 1 dan g : x , x k. Cari

    (a) the value ofk

    nilai k(b) the composite functionf2

    fungsi gubahan f2

    (c) the composite functiongf

    fungsi gubahan gf

    5 The functions offandgare defined asf:x x + 6 andfg:x x + 9. Find the functiong.

    Fungsi-fungsi f dan g ditakrifkan sebagai f : x x + 6 dan fg : x x + 9. Cari fungsi g.

    6 The functions offandgare defined asf:x x 2 andg:x . Find the composite function offg

    and the value offg(7).

    Fungsi-fungsi f dan g ditakrifkan sebagai f : x x 2 dan g : x . Cari fungsi gubahan fg dan

    nilai fg(7).

  • 7/29/2019 SINAR Functions


    7 Given the functionf:x ax + b and the composite functionf2 :x 25x + 6, where a and b are

    constants and a > 0, find the values ofa and b.

    Diberi fungsi f : x ax + b dan fungsi gubahan f2 : x 25x + 6, di mana a dan b ialah pemalar dan

    a > 0, cari nilai a dan b.

    8 The functions offandgare defined asf:x 7x + 4 andg:x x2 + 8. Find the composite function


    Fungsi-fungsi f dan g ditakrifkan sebagai f : x 7x + 4 dan g : x x2 + 8. Cari fungsi gubahan gf

    dan fg.

    9 Given the functionf:x ax + b and the composite functionf2 :x 36x + 49, where a and b are

    constants and a > 0, find the values ofa and b.

    Diberi fungsi f : x ax + b dan fungsi gubahan f2 : x 36x + 49, di mana a dan b ialah pemalar dan

    a > 0, cari nilai a dan b.

    10 The functionfis defined asf:x x + 7. Find

    Fungsi f ditakrifkan sebagai f : x x + 7. Cari(a) f1(4)

    (b) f1(x)

    11 The functionsfandgare defined asf:x x 5 andg:x 5x 2.


    Fungsi-fungsi f dan g ditakrifkan sebagai f : x x 5 dan g : x 5x 2.

    Cari gf1(x).

    12 The functionfis defined asf:x x 5. Find

    Fungsi f ditakrifkan sebagai f : x x 5. Cari

    (a) f1

    (2)(b) f1(x)

    13 The functionsfandgare defined asf:x 2x 2 andg:x 5x + 3.


    Fungsi-fungsi f dan g ditakrifkan sebagai f : x 2x 2 dan g : x 5x + 3.

    Cari gf1(x).

    14 The functionsfandgare defined asf:x 6x 2 andg:x 5x + 2.


    Fungsi-fungsi f dan g ditakrifkan sebagai f : x 6x 2 dan g : x 5x + 2.

    Cari gf



    15 The functionfis defined asf:x 7x + 2. Find

    Fungsi f ditakrifkan sebagai f : x 7x + 2. Cari

    (a) f1(4)

    (b) f1(x)


    1 (a) f(7) = 2(7) 6

    = 20

    (b) f(x) = 16

    2x 6 = 16

  • 7/29/2019 SINAR Functions


    2x = 10

    x = 5

    2 (a) f(x) =x2 + bx + c

    f(5) = 2


    + b(5) + c = 225 5b + c = 2

    5b + c = 23 E1

    f(2) = 16

    (2)2 + b(5) + c = 16

    4 + 2b + c = 16

    2b + c = 12 E2

    E1 E2:

    7b = 35

    b = 5

    Substitute b = 5 into E1.

    5(5) + c = 23

    c = 2

    (b) f(x) =x2 + 5x + 2

    f(7) = (7)2 + 5(7) + 2

    = 49 35 + 2

    = 16

    3 (a) f(3) = 5(3) 4

    = 11

    (b) f(x) = 415x 4 = 41

    5x = 45

    x = 9

    4 (a) x + 1 = 0

    x = 1

    k= 1

    (b) f2 =f(f(x))

    =f(x + 1)

    = (x + 1) + 1

    =x + 2

    (c) gf(x) =g(f(x))

    =g(x + 1)


    = ,x 2

    5 Givenf(x) =x + 6 andfg(x) =x + 9.

    Diberi f(x) = x + 6 dan fg(x) = x + 9.

    fg(x) =f(g(x))

    =g(x) + 6

    g(x) + 6 =x + 9

    g(x) =x + 3

    g:x x + 3

  • 7/29/2019 SINAR Functions


    6 Givenf(x) = x 2 andg(x) = .

    Diberi f(x) = x 2 dan g(x) = .

    fg(x) =f(g(x))


    = 2



    fg(7) = (7) 2

    = 1

    7 f2(x) = a(ax + b) + b

    = a2b + ab + b

    a2 = 25

    a = 5

    ab+ b = 6

    6b = 6

    b = 1

    8 Givenf(x) = 7x + 4 andg(x) = x2 + 8.Diberi f(x) = 7x + 4 dan g(x) = x2 + 8.

    gf(x) =g(f(x))

    =g(7x + 4)

    = (7x + 4)2 + 8

    = (49x2 56x + 16) + 8

    = 49x2 + 56x 8

    fg(x) =f(g(x))

    =f(x2 + 8)

    = 7(x2 + 8) + 4

    = 7x2 52

    9 f2(x) = a(ax + b) + b

    = a2b + ab + b

    a2 = 36

    a = 6

    ab+ b = 49

    7b = 49

    b = 7

    10 (a) Letf1(4) = k

    Sof(k) = 4

    k+ 7 = 4

    k= 3Therefore,f1(4) = 3

    (b) Letf1(x) =y

    Sof(y) =x

    y + 7 =x

    y =x 7

    Therefore,f1(x) =x 7

    11 Letf1(x) =y

    Sof(y) =x

    y 5 =x

    y =x + 5

    Thereforef1(x) =x + 5

    gf1(x) =g(f1(x))

  • 7/29/2019 SINAR Functions


    =g(x + 5)

    = 5(x + 5) 2

    = 5x + 23

    12 (a) Letf1(2) = k

    Sof(k) = 2k 5 = 2

    k= 7

    Therefore,f1(2) = 7

    (b) Letf1(x) =y

    Sof(y) =x

    y 5 =x

    y = x 5

    Therefore,f1(x) = x 5

    13 Letf1(x) =y

    Sof(y) =x

    2y 2 =xy =

    Thereforef1(x) =

    gf1(x) =g(f1(x))


    = 5() + 3


    14 Letf1(x) =y

    Sof(y) =x

    6y 2 =x

    y =Thereforef1(x) =

    gf1(x) =g(f1(x))


    = 5() + 2


    15 (a) Letf1(4) = k

    Sof(k) = 4

    7k+ 2 = 4


    Therefore,f1(4) =

    (b) Letf1(x) =ySof(y) =x

    7y + 2 =x

    7y =x 2

    y =

    Therefore,f1(x) =