Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4a

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(Bahasa Inggris Untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar)



Oleh : Drs. I Nyoman Winata dkk

Setting Dwi Cipta Pre-pressCetakan pertama Mei 2002

Hak cipta dilindungi oleh Undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini dalam bentuk apa pun tanpa izin tertulis dari Penulis dan Penerbit.


Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadapan Ida Sanghyang Widhi Wasa / Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas asung kerta wara nugraha-Nya sehingga dapat disusun materi bahasa Inggris yang berjudul English For Elementary Student sebagai pemula di Sekolah Dasar. Buku ini disusun berdasarkan kurikulum (GBPP) muatan lokal berbasis kompetensi dasar dengan kosa kata atau kalimat sederhana yang dilengkapi dengan soal-soal latihan sehingga para siswa dengan mudah memahaminya. Buku ini dapat mendidik atau melatih siswa untuk terampil menyimak,

berbicara, membaca, dan menulis karena disajikan gambar-gambar serta ditampilkan berbagai seni budaya daerah Bali sehingga dalam pembelajaran menjadi komunikatif. Buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang disusun ini tentu masih banyak

kekurangannya. Oleh karena itu, kami secara lapang dada, menerima kritik dan saran yang bersifat membangun demi kesempurnaan buku ini dengan harapan semoga dapat membantu rekan guru, orang tua, dan siswa baik di sekolah maupun di rumah.

Denpasar, Mei 2002


English For Elementary Student



KATA PENGANTAR .................................................................................................................... DAFTAR ISI .................................................................................................................................. UNIT 1. UNIT 2. ALPHABET .............................................................................................................. WHAT ARE YOU DOING .......................................................................................

iii iv 1 9


A. B.

GREETING ......................................................................................... COLOURS ..........................................................................................

15 20 25 31 33 33 34 36 38 40 42

THINGS IN MY SCHOOL ............................................................................ CULTURE IN BALI ....................................................................................... 5.1 5.2 5.3 BANGLI ............................................................................................. 5.1.1 5.2.1 TOYA BUNGKAH ............................................................... GOA LAWAH ...................................................................... KLUNGKUNG .................................................................................... SUBAK .............................................................................................

EXERCISE (LATIHAN)....................................................................................................

PELATIHAN TEST SUMATIF......................................................................................... DAFTAR PUSTAKA


English For Elementary Student

AlphabetTask 1. Study and Say!Lets sing! (Ayo menyanyi)

English For Elementary Student


Task 2. Study and Say!(Pelajari, ucapkan dan eja kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan benar)



A is for Apple A-P-P-L-E

B is for Boat B-O-A-T

C is for Circus C-I-R-C-U-S

D is for Dolphin D-O-L-P-H-I-N

E is for Elephant E-L-E-P-H-A-N-T

F is for Flower F-L-O-W-E-R

G is for Giraffe G-I-R-A-F-F-E

H is for Hammer H-A-M-M-E-R

I is for Insect I-N-S-E-C-T

J is for Jail J-A-I-L

K is for Kangaroo K-A-N-G-A-R-O-O

L is for Lion L-I-O-N

M is for Monster M-O-N-S-T-E-R

N is for Nail N-A-I-L

O is for Old O-L-D


English For Elementary Student

P is for Parrot P-A-R-R-O-T

Q is for Queen Q-U-E-E-N

R is for Rhinoceroses R-H-I-N-O-C-E-R-O-S-E-S

S is for Snake S-N-A-K-E

T is for Tiger T-I-G-E-R

U is for Umbrella U-M-B-R-E-L-L-A

V is for Volcano V-O-L-C-A-N-O

W is for Wagon W-A-G-O-N

X is for Xylophone X-Y-L-O-P-H-O-N-E

Y is for Yoyo Y-O-Y-O

Z is for Zebra Z-E-B-R-A

G L O S S A R Y ( K O S A K ATA )apple boat circus dolphin elephant flower giraffe hammer insect : apel : kapal laut : sirkus : lumba lumba : gajah :bunga : jerapah : palu : serangga jail kangaroo lion monster nail old parrot queen rhinoceroses : : : : : : : : : penjara kangguru singa monster paku tua burung kakaktua ratu badak snake tiger umbrella volcano wagon xylophone yoyo zebra : ular : harimau : payung : gunung berapi :kendaraan : xylophone : yoyo : zebra

English For Elementary Student


Task 3. Listen and Repeat!(Dengarkanlah dan tirukan!)

Teacher : Hello my name is SUNARYA. What is your name? Student : My name is AGUS. Teacher : How do you spell your name? Student : I dont know. Teacher : I spell my name S-U-N-A-R-Y-A Student : Oh. I spell my name A-G-U-S.


= saya

Name = nama Spell = eja I dont know = saya tidak tahu

Task 4. Spell These Words Correctly!(Eja kata-kata ini dengan benar!)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

table chair house school blackboard teacher student book pencil ruler

= = = = = = = = = =

t-a-b-l-e .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


English For Elementary Student

Task 5. Fill the Blank and Practice the Dialogue Correctly!


Complete the dialogue! Hello , my name is Whats your name? My name is How do you spell your name ? I dont know. I spell my name . Oh .

Student A : Student B : Student A : Student B : Student A : Student B :

Siswa mempraktekkannya dengan siswa-siswa lainnya! Paling tidak dengan tiga temannya yang berbeda yang dilakukan oleh siswa secara serentak di kelas tersebut siswa boleh berdiri. Waktunya lebih kurang 5-7 menit. Guru ikut berpartisipasi.

Task 6. Spell the following namesSiswa diharapkan dapat mengeja nama dengan benar dalam bahasa Inggris 1. Shinta 2. Dharma 3. Dewi 4. Wira 5. Andi = SHINTA = ...................................... = ...................................... = ...................................... = ......................................

English For Elementary Student


Task 7. Spell the name1. My name is .............................................................. 2. My teachers name is............................................... 3. My mothers name is ............................................... 4. My fathers name is ................................................. 5. My friends name is..................................................

Task 8. Study and say correctlySiswa tahu arti kata-kata dan bisa mengucapkan atau melafalkan dan mengeja dengan benar. Touch and say! (Sentuh dan katakan) _ Head _ Hair _ Eye _ Nose _ Chin _ Tongue _ Lip _ Shoulder

Siswa mempraktekkan kepada temannya sendiri Salah satu siswa berdiri menyentuh salah satu bagian tubuhnya dia mengucapkan dan mengejanya secara bergilir.

Task 9.Setelah beberapa kali diucapkan bersama-sama Siswa mengetes dirinya dengan menutup buku. (dengan mata terpejam siswa mengucapkan) H E A D H A I R E Y E N O S E C H I N T O N G U E L I P S H O U L D E R dst


English For Elementary Student

Task 10. GamePlay the game with your friend and your teacher. Bahan yang diperlukan Guntingan kertas yang bertuliskan kalimat-kalimat yang sudah dipelajari siswa pada unit ini.

Guru membagi siswa menjadi kelompok-kelompok yang terdiri dari 3 5 orang siswa. Guru menyediakan guntingan-guntingan kertas yang berisi kata-kata yang ditaruh dalam box (dus kecil). Masing-masing kelompok mengambil satu gulungan kertas secara bergiliran dan langsung mengejanya. Kelompok yang benar diberikan tepuk tangan. Tahap kedua kata-katanya yang agak panjang. Misalnya blackboard, dalam kelompok tersebut akan terbagi tugas: Misalnya : Kelompok A BLACKBOARD student 1. student 2. student 3 student 4 student 5 student 6 student 7 student 8 student 9 student 10 mengucapkan bi mengucapkan el a c k b o a r d Kelompok B LIBRARY Student Student Student Student Student Student Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 L I B R A R Y

Begitu seterusnya

Yang benar (tidak ada salah) berikan tepuk tangan, yang salah bernyanyi ABCD. GOOD LUCK

English For Elementary Student


Task 11. Practise this dialogue with your friend!MEETING TOURIST

Wayan Wayan Wayan Wayan

: Hello Good morning. : Where are you from? : Whats your name? : How do you spell it?

Tourist (STEVE) : Good morning. Tourist (STEVE) : From Australia. Tourist (STEVE) : My name is Steve. Tourist (STEVE) : Yes, S T E V E

Task 12. Answer the question!1. Is it in the morning? 2. Who are talking? 3. Where is Steve from?

Task 13. Say and study the following words after your teacher!Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good night How are you? I am fine My name is Dewi : selamat pagi : selamat siang : selamat sore : selamat malam : apa kabar? : saya baik baik saja : Nama saya adalah Dewi

What is your name? : siapa namamu?


English For Elementary Student

What are you doing?Task 1. Listen and answer your teacher! (Pre Reading).Siswa ditanya tentang apa yang sedang dia lakukan.

English For Elementary Student


Task 2. Read the text carefully!SANGEHIn Sangeh I am in Sangeh with my family We are walking around. The monkeys are sitting on the trees. My brother is running. My sister is standing. She is near me. There are many monkeys. They are very friendly.

Task 3. Answer the questions!1. The text is about 2. What are we doing? 3. Are monkeys sitting on the trees? 4. Is my brother running? 5. Is my sister sitting? 6. Where is my sister? 7. What are on the trees? 8. What are very friendly?

G L O S S A R Y ( K O S A K ATA )family : keluarga walkingaround : berjalan-jalan monkey : monyet sitting : duduk on the trees brother running standing : di atas pohon : saudaralaki-laki : berlari : berdiri near friendly : di sebelah : baik


English For Elementary Student

Task 4. Look! What are they doing?Lihat apa yang sedang mereka lakukan!

sleeping tidur

throwing melempar

cooking memasak

drawing melukis

cutting menggunting

brushing menggosok

watering menyiram

kicking menendang

watching menonton

catching menangkap

English For Elementary Student


Task 5. Fill the blank with the correct word!Isilah titik-titik dengan kata yang tepat!1 2 3

My mother is ......................... My brother is ............. the ball Iwanis....................television4 5

My father is ............................ Andi is ....................................

Task 6. Match the with the picture!Cocokkan gambar!

1. watering

2. catching

3. brushing

4. throwing

5. cutting







English For Elementary Student

Task 7. Read and study the dialogue!Percakapan Di Sangeh Putu bertemu dengan temannya (Ngurah) bersama orang lain (John) yang belum dikenal oleh Putu. Percakapan pendek untuk memperkenalkan orang lain. Putu Ngurah Putu : Ngurah, How are you? : I am fine and how are you? : Fine Ngurah this is my friend John.

Ngurah to John : Hi , how do you do? Nice to meet you. Ngurah Putu : How do you do, Nice to meet you too. : OK, Lets have a look around the forest.

Task 8. Make your own dialogue using these sentences!Sekarang buatlah percakapan tentang memperkenalkan orang lain. Pergunakan ungkapan-ungkapan berikut ini :

How are you? = Apa kabar? Nice to meet you. = Senang bertemu dengan Anda. I am fine. = Saya baik-baik saja.

English For Elementary Student


Task 9. Write these sentence into English!Tulislah kalimat-kalimat berikut ini dengan bahasa Inggris yang baik! 1. Saya berada di sangeh. .. 2. Mereka sedang berjalan .. 3. Monyet-monyet sedang duduk di atas pohon. .. 4. Saudara perempuan saya sedang berlari .. 5. Saya sedang berdiri dekat pohon. .. 6. Kami sedang belajar. ..


English For Elementary Student

A. GreetingTask 1. Listen and repeat to your teacher!(Dengarkan dan ikuti Gurumu!) A Hi, Dewi Hi, Gede Hello, Dewi B Hello, Gede

Good morning Good morning Good morning

Good morning

Task 2. Study and say the words!(Pelajari dan ucapkan kata-kata berikut!) Good Morning Good Afternoon Good Night How are you? I am fine Very well Thank you

English For Elementary Student


Task 3. Study the dialogues and practise it with your friend!Pelajari percakapan ini dan lakukan bersama temanmu!

Dewi : Hello, Sari! Sari : Hai, Dewi! How are you this morning? Dewi : I am fine, thank you! And you? Sari : I am very well. Thank you.

Task 4. Listen and repeat your teacher!Dengarkan dan ulangi ucapan Gurumu!


Good morning, Puspa. How are you?2

Good morning, Sari. I am very well.


I am fine. Thank you.3



Good bye!.5



English For Elementary Student


Hello Budi, Good Evening2

Hai Wira, Good Evening3

How are you, Wira?.4



Bye Bye .....6

Bye .....

Task 5. Fill the blanks with the right answer!Isilah titik-titik dengan jawaban yang tepat!

How are you? Thank you

Good Morning Good Evening

I am fine

1Good Evening Mrs. Sari ..................................... Raka

English For Elementary Student


2Hello Puspa .................................? I am fine. Thank you.

3Hello Wira, How are you? I am fine ....................................

4Good Morning, Adi

........................................ Dewi

5Good Evening, Ayu. How are you?

.................................. Thank you.


English For Elementary Student

Task 6. Lets Sing!(Mari bernyanyi!)

Hello5 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 5 . Hello hello hello how are you? 6 6 4 6 5 3 2 1 7 1 2 . Hello hello hello hello I am fine. 5 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 5 . Hello hello hello how are you? 6 6 4 6 5 3 5 5 6 7 1 . Hello hello hello I am very well.

G L O S S A R Y ( K O S A K ATA )good morning good afternoon good night howareyou : : : : selamat pagi selamat siang selamat malam/selamat tidur apakabarmu iamfine verywell thank you : sayabaik-baiksaja : sangatbaik : terimakasih

English For Elementary Student


B. ColoursTask 1. Look at the pictures and study the words!(Lihat gambar dan pelajari!)

Look at the Man! G G G G G G The hair is Black The coat is Blue The shirt is White The tie is Red The trousers are Green The shoes are Black


English For Elementary Student

Task 2. Let us read!(Mari membaca!)

a blue ball

a red chilli

a yellow pumpkin

a green broccoli

a orange carrot

a pink flower

a brown umbrella

a black cat

Task 3. Fill the blanks with the right answer!(Isi titik-titik dengan jawaban yang tepat!)1 2 3 4

This is ........... bag This is a ... pencil This is a ....... dog This is a ....... ball5 6 7 8

This is a ...... shirt

This is a ...... car

This is a ...... bird This is a ..... table

English For Elementary Student


Task 4. Match the word with the colour!(Cocokkan kata dengan warnanya!) 1. Black 2. Red 3. Green 4. Orange 5. White 6. Yellow 7. Pink 8. Blue a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Merah Oranye Biru Merah muda Hijau Hitam Kuning Putih

Task 5. Arrange the letters into correct words!(Susun huruf-huruf di bawah menjadi kalimat yang benar!) 1. e-u-l-b 2. p-n-k-i 3. k-a-c-l-b 4. d-r-e 5. w-e-i-t-h 6. e-o-a-r-g-n 7. n-e-r-e-g 8. w-o-e-y-l-l

Task 6. Let us colour the pictures!(Mari mewarnai gambar!)

Colour the watermelon green

Colour the apple red

Colour the oranges orange

Colour the starfruit yellow

Colour the bag blue

Colour the blackboard black22English For Elementary Student

Colour the shoes blue

Colour the tie green

Colour the bird pink

Colour the hat red

Task 7. Ask and answer! Do it with your friend(Bertanya dan menjawab bersama teman!)

A : What colour is your bag? B : It is .................. A : What colour is your shirt? B : It is .................. A : What colour is your shoes? B : It is ..................

A : What colour is your tie? B : It is .................. A : What colour is B : It is ..................

Task 8. Find eight colour in the box(Cari delapan warna di dalam kotak!) R K B L A C K A D P E O R A N G E B E I D I G F A Z Y C F N J W H B G W Q Y G K L H C E R V T E H M I D Y E S U L I B N T Q Z E R Q L J L O E R V N O P O K U P Q S T U N M W L E 1. Red 2. ......................... 3. ......................... 4. ......................... 5. ......................... 6. ......................... 7. ......................... 8. .........................

English For Elementary Student


Task 9. Game!Games : colour Examples : red, blue, green, brown, yellow, black, orange, pink. Materials : crayons and pieces of paper taped to the board. Guru memberi petunjuk siswa menggambar. Balloons 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Draw a red circle. Make it a red balloon. Draw a blue circle. Make it a blue balloon. Draw green balloon. Draw a brown balloon. Draw a yellow circle. Make it a yellow balloon. Draw a black balloon.

10. Draw an orange circle. 11. Make it an orange balloon. 12. Draw a purple balloon. 13. Draw a purple circle. 14. Make it a purple balloon. 15. Draw another red balloon. 16. Look at all the balloons. 17. Count them. 18. How many are there?G L O S S A R Y ( K O S A K ATA )hair coat shirt tie trousers shoes ball chilli pumpkin broccoli = = = = = = = = = = rambut jas kemeja dasi celana panjang sepatu bola cabai labu brokoli carrot = flower = umbrella = dog = cat = bird = car = watermelon = starfruit = black = wortel bunga payung anjing kucing burung mobil semangka belimbing hitam red green orange white yellow pink blue brown purple = = = = = = = = = merah hijau oranye putih kuning merah muda biru coklat unggu


English For Elementary Student

Things in my schoolTask 1. Read the text carefully!Bacalah dengan teliti!.

My Classroom The classroom is wide The floor is clean The door are not wide The window is narrow The ruler is long but the chalk is short.

English For Elementary Student


Task 2. Answer the questions!Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut!. 1. How is the Classroom? The Classroom is 2. How is the floor? It is 3. Is the ruler long? Yes, It is. The ruler is 4. Is the calk short? .The chalk is

Task 3. Listen and do what your teacher say!Dengarkan dan lakukan perintah gurumu! A. Going to the school garden 1. Stand up and follow me! (Berdiri dan ikuti saya!) 2. Lets we go to the garden! (Mari kita pergi ke kebun) - Look ! The garden is beautifull! - There are lot of trees - The garden is wide - We can play in the garden - We must take care the garden B. In the classroom 1. Sit down and follow my word! - The garden is beautifull = Kebun sangat indah - There are lots of trees = Ada banyak pohon - The garden is wide = Kebun sangat luas - We can play in the garden = Kita bisa bermain di kebun - We must take care the garden = Kita harus merawat Kebun 2. Listen and answer my question! Now look around the classroom! - Is the classroom wide? - Is it clean? - Is it dirty? - Is there some tables on the classroom? - Is there some chairs? - Is there some chalks? - Is there a blackbord?


English For Elementary Student

Task 4. Look and study the pictures!Lihat dan pelajari gambar berikut!.1 2 3 4

This is my school5

This is a classroom This is a blackboard This is a table 6 7 8





This is a chair9Kantor Kepala Desa Seririt Setra

This is an eraser 10

This is a calender This is a book 12 11

Pura Desa

This is a map



Task 5. Write the names of things in your school!Tulislah nama-nama benda yang ada di kelasmu! 1. .................................................... 2. .................................................... 3. .................................................... 4. .................................................... 5. .................................................... 6. .................................................... 7. .................................................... 8. .................................................... 9. .................................................... 10. ....................................................



m Ta





It is a bookshelft

This is a school bag

This is a pencil

English For Elementary Student


Task 6. Read the text!Bacalah bacaan ini!.

I am a student My name is Rani Putri Pratiwi. I am a student. I am studying in my classroom. I have a lot of friend. We are in the classroom now.

Task 7. Complete the sentences!Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat berikut! 1. .................... is Rani Putri Pratiwi. 2. She is a ............................................ 3. She is ........................... in her classroom. 4. She has a lot of ............................................. 5. They are in their ............................ now.

Task 8. Arrange the letters in to correct word!Susun huruf-huruf menjadi kata yang tepat! 1. s - n - t - u - d - e - t 2. m - r - o - o - s - s - a - c - l 3. s - o - o - c - h - l 4. b - l - d - b - o - r - a - c - k - a 5. e - l - t - a - b


English For Elementary Student

Task 9. Find the words in the box!Carilah kata-kata dalam kotak! Seperti contoh! T A B L E A B C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. N L K J I D R E M S C B G H U F O C L L W T L U P H A A I S E V Q O S C N R R W C O S K D X Y L H L R B O T V I A N O O W A Z B I M O A B B A R R L M D C L F A O K J I D E E R P D O O R H G Y

Task 10. Match the pictures with the word!Cocokkan gambar dengan katanya!Kantor Kepala Desa


2Pura Desa

3Seririt Setra



a. a blackborad

b. a table





m Ta




c. a bag

d. a ruler

e. a mapEnglish For Elementary Student


Task 11. Fill the blanks!Isilah titik-titik!1 2 3200Sat






This is an ..........

This is a ..........

This is a ..........

This is a ..........

This is a ..........

Task 12. Lets sing!Mari bernyanyi!

That is a window1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 5 3 . That is a window That is the door. 5 4 3 2 2 4 3 2 1 0 That is the blackboard That is the flloor. 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 5 3 . That is a table That is the door 5 4 3 2 2 4 3 2 1 0 This is a desk This is the floor

G L O S S A R Y ( K O S A K ATA )school classroom clean wide floor door window narrow ruler = = = = = = = = = sekolah ruang kelas bersih luas lantai pintu jendela sempit penggaris long chalk short garden beautiful tree play takecare blackboard = = = = = = = = = panjang kapur pendek kebun indah pohon bermain merawat papan tulis table chair eraser map calender student friend studying = = = = = = = = meja kursi penghapus peta kalender siswa siswa belajar


English For Elementary Student

Exercise (Latihan)A. Read this dialogues! (Bacalah dialog ini!) Putu Gede Putu Gede Putu Good morning Gede! Good morning Putu. How are you this morning? I am fine, Thank you. And how are you this morning? I am very well. Thank you. Good. I must go now Bye... bye Gede : Bye bye See you soon : : : : :

B. Answer these question! (Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini!) 1. Who is Putu talking to ............................ Putu is talking to .......................................... 2. How are ................................... this morning 3. I ................................................ fine 4. How is Gede? C. Match! (Jodohkan!) 1. Red 2. Blue 3. Pink 4. White 5. Black 6. Orange 7. Yellow 8. Purple 9. Green 10. a. Hijau b. Kuning c. Merah d. Putih e. Coklat f. Ungu g. Oranye h. Hitam i. Merah muda Brown j.


English For Elementary Student


D. Choose the right answer! (Pilih jawaban yang tepat!) 1. This is a a. School b. Hospital c. Hijau d. Biru c. Temple d. Post office

2. Yellow berarti a. Merah b. Coklat

3. Ratna : Hello, Ratih how are you? Ratih : .......... a. I am fine c. Bye bye b. Good morning d. Thank you 4. Good morning berarti a. Selamat makan b. Selamat pagi 5. c. Selamat siang d. Selamat petang

The book is a. Black c. Red b. White d. Purple

6. I am studying in my with my friends. a. Forest c. Classroom b. Temple d. Garden 7. e - p - l - u - r - p (Susun menjadi sebuah kata!) a. Pencil c. Purple b. Ruler d. Apple 8. Student berarti a. Guru b. Siswa c. Sekolah d. Rumah

9. Are - you - how - ? (Susun menjadi kalimat yang benar!) a. How are you? c. Are you how? b. You how are? d. How you are? 10. Thank you berarti a. Terimakasih b. Sampai jumpa c. Selamat sore d. Apa kabar?


English For Elementary Student

Culture in Bali5.1 A. BANGLI Read the text!Bacalah teks ini!

B A N G L I Bangli is a regency of Bali. The capital of Bangli is Bangli. It has many beautiful places to see there are lake Batur, Trunyan, Panglipuran and Batur temple. We can go there by car, bus or motorcycle.


Answer the questions!Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut! 1. Bangli is . of Bangli 2. The capital of Bangli is 3. It has many .. to see 4. We can go there by .. 5. Mentions the interesting places of Bangli?

G L O S S A R Y ( K O S A K ATA )regency : kabupaten capital : ibu kota many : banyak beautiful : indah lake to see : danau : untuk dilihat

English For Elementary Student


5.1.1 TOYA BUNGKAH A. Read the text carefully!Bacalah!



Toyo Bungkah is a hot spring. It is a pool beside the Batur Lake. Toyo Bungkah is very beautiful. It is about 38 km from Bangli. We can go there by bus, car or motor cycle. Many tourists visit Toya Bungkah.


Answer the questions!Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut! 1. Is Toya Bungkah a hot spring? 2. It is beside the Batur lake 3. Toya Bungkah is very . 4. It is about .. from Bangli 5. Many visit Toya Bungkah


Choose the right answer!Pilih jawaban yang tepat! 1. Toya Bungkah is a .. a. garden b. hot spring c. street d. house

G L O S S A R Y ( K O S A K ATA )hot spring pool beside beautiful : : : : mata air panas kolam di samping indah about from we can : : : : sekitar dari kita dapat go many there visit : : : : pergi banyak kesana mengunjungi


English For Elementary Student

2. It is a pool beside the .. a. Beratan lake b. Buyan lake c. Batur lake d. Denpasar lake

3. Many tourists visit .. a. Supermarket b. School c. Toyo Bungkah d. House

4. How for is Toya Bungkah from Bangli? a. 30 km b. 38 km c. 40 km d. 50 km

5. Is Toya Bungkah a pool? a. Not it is not b. Yes it is c. is d. are

English For Elementary Student


5.2 A.

KLUNGKUNG Read the text!Bacalah teks ini!

K L U N G K U N G Klungkung is one of the regency in Bali. The capital of Klungkung is Semarapura. There are three islands in Klungkung : Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. Klungkung has many interesting places. There are Goa Lawah, Kertagosa and Kusamba beach.


Answer the questions!Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut! 1. Is Klungkung one of the regency in Bali? 2. What is the capital of Klungkung? 3. There are . island in Klungkung. 4. Klungkung . many interesting places. 5. Mention the interesting places in Klungkung!


Choose the right answer!Pilih jawaban yang tepat! 1. The capital city of Klungkung is .. a. Denpasar b. Tabanan c. Kuta d. Semarapura

G L O S S A R Y ( K O S A K ATA )regency capital : kabupaten : ibukota there are there : ada tiga island : pulau interesting place : manarik : tempat


English For Elementary Student

2. There are island in Klungkung a. seven b. one c. ten d. three

3. Klungkung has many . a. interesting places c. lake b. montains d. river

4. Is Goa Lawah located in Klungkung? a. No it is not b. No d. c. Yes it is d. No you dont

5. .. is the island in Klungkung a. Nusa Penida b. Alor c. Batam d. Bangli

English For Elementary Student


5.2.1 GOA LAWAH A. Read the text carefully!Bacalah!



There are thousands of bats. There are in a cave. The cave is near the beach. It is in Klungkung. It is about 48 km from Denpasar. The cave is in a temple.


Answer the questions!Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut! 1. There are .. of bats. 2. The bats is in a . 3. The cave is near 4. How far is Goa Lawah from Denpasar? 5. Is it in a temple?


Choose the right answer!Pilih jawaban yang tepat! 1. In Goa Lawah we can see thousands of a. bats b. dogs c. cots d. elephants

G L O S S A R Y ( K O S A K ATA )bat :kelelawar thousand : ribuan cave : goa near beach about : dekat : pantai : sekitar from temple : dari : pura


English For Elementary Student

2. Goa lawah is about km from Denpasar a. 38 km b. 58 km 3. .. is in Klungkung a. Goa Gajah b. Trunyan 4. Bat berarti a. kelelawar b. burung c. kucing d. ular c. Sanur beach d. Goa lawah c. 48 km d. 100 km

5. Is the cave near the beach .. a. Yes it is b. No it is not c. No d. On

English For Elementary Student


5.3 A.

SUBAK Read the text!Bacalah teks ini!

S U B A K Balinese are farmers. They work in the farm. They have organization. It is a subak. They are about 1.600 subaks in Bali. Subak organizes the water. Subak is very important for the farmers in Bali.


Answer the questions!Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut! 1. Farmers work in the .. 2. What do they have .. 3. How many subaks are there in Bali 4. Subak the water. 5. Is Subak important in Bali?


Choose the right answer!Pilih jawaban yang tepat! 1. Farmer berarti : a. petani b. nelayan c. tukang kebun d. supir

G L O S S A R Y ( K O S A K ATA )farmer balinese : petani : orang bali organization : organisasi organizes : mengatur take care important : mengatur : penting


English For Elementary Student

2. The farmer work in the .. a. Yard b. Farm c. Kitchen d. Beach

3. There are about . Subaks in Bali a. 1.400 b. 1.500 4. Water berarti : a. air b. sawah c. ladang d. petani c. 1.600 d. 2.000

5. is very important for the farmers in Bali a. farm b. water c. subak d. yard

English For Elementary Student


Pelatihan Test SumatifA. Read this dialogue (Bacalah dialog ini !) Shanti Putri Shanti Putri Shanti Putri Shanti Putri : : : : : : : : Good Morning Putri Good Morning Shanti How are you putri ? I am fine. And How are you Shanti ? I am fine thank you. Where do you want to go ? I want to go to school. Me too lets go ..

B Answer the questions (Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini sesuai bacaan di atas !) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Good morning Putri means (berarti) How is Putri? How is Shanti? Where do they want to go? Do they go together?

C. Match (Jodohkan!) 1. block board 2. classroom 3. book 4. school bag 5. pencil 6. ruler 7. pen 8. eraser 9. map 10. chalk42English For Elementary Student

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

kapur buku penghapus pulpen pencil tas sekolah peta penghapus ruangan kelas papan tulis

D. Choose the right answer! 1. Shanti : Good Morning Putri Putri : .. a. Good bye Shanti b. Thank you 2. Queen berarti a. Ratu b. Raja

c. Good Morning Shanti d. I am fine thank you c. Pangeran d. Putri

3. Good morning berarti .. a. Selamat malam c. Selamat siang b. Selamat pagi d. Selamat tidur 4. This is my . a. book c. school bag b. pencil d. ruler

5. My pen it is (Susun menjadi kalimat yang benar !) a. it is my a pen c. is it my pen b. pen my it is d. it my pen is 6. I have . a. two books c. five book b. five pencil d. seven book

7. Thank you means (berarti) a. terimakasih c. sampai jumpa b. selamat tinggal d. selamat datang 8. This is a .. a. berarti b. ruler c. blackboard d. book

9. You are how Dewi (Sususn menjadi kalimat yang benar !) a. Dewi you are how c. You are dewi how b. How are you Dewi ? d. Are you how Dewi

English For Elementary Student



This is an . apple a. green c. yellow b. red d. white c. kuning d. ungu

11. Yellow berarti . a. biru b. merah 12.

I have a a. red umbrella c. red shirt b. green umbrella d. blue shirt Deni : What is the colour of the ball? Surya : The ball is .. a. white c. blue b. yellow d. green c. I have blue shoes d. shoes blue I have c. merah d. kuning


14. Shoes blue have I a. havel I shoes blue b. I have shoes blue 15. White berarti .. a. putih b. biru

16. a u m b r l a l e (Sususn menjadi kata yang tepat !) a. brellaum c. purple b. umbrella d. yellow 17. I have a. two books c. five books b. three books d. four books Shinta : What colour is your pen? Santi : My pen is . a. blue c. balck b. white d. green It is .. a. red rose b. red book c. blue rose d. blue book




English For Elementary Student

20. Good afternoon berarti a. selamat pagi c. selamat malam b. selamat siang d. selamat datang 21. Map berarti a. peta b. lukisan 22. r u r e l a. ruler b. ruler 23. I fine am you thank a. I am fine thank you b. I fine am thank you c. I you thank fine am d. I am thank you fine 24. How are you berarti . a. saya baik-baik saja b. terimakasih 25. Chalk berarti a. penggaris b. penghapus 26. I . Fine, thank you a. is b. am c. selamat malam d. apa kabarmu c. kapur d. pensil c. are d. book c. buku d. penggaris c. lerur d. pencil

27 c m o o r s l s (susun menjadi kata yang tepat !) a. classroom c. school bag b. roomclas d. yellow 28. The blood is .. (blood = darah) a. blue b. yellow c. red d. white

English For Elementary Student


29. The blackboard is a. white b. yellow c. red d. white 30. It is an . a. pencil b. eraser c. book d. pen

Read the text! SUBAK Balinese are farmers. They work in the farm. They have organization. It is Subak. They are about 1600 Subaks in Bali. Subak organizes the water. Subak is very important for the farmers in Bali. To answer the questions, read the text above (Untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan bacalah bacaan diatas!) 31. Farmes work in the . a. office b. school 32. Farmer berarti a. Petani b. Nelayan

c. farm d. airport c. Pelaut d. Pedagang

33. How many subak are there in Bali .. a. 2000 c. 1600 b. 1500 d. 2500 34. Water berarti a. batu b. air46English For Elementary Student

c. kebun d. tanaman

35. Water organizes the subak (susun menjadi kalimat yang tepat) a. Subak organizer the water b. Organizer subak the water c. Water the subak organizes d. Organizes water the subak 36. R S E M A R F (susun mejadi kata yang tepat !) a. eraser c. rubber b. farmers d. merfar 37. Pink means (berarti) a. merah b. biru 38. Student means .. (berarti) a. Guru b. Siswa c. merah muda d. kuning c. Teman d. belajar

39. The sky is . (sky : langit) a. blue c. pink b. white d. black 40. My mother is cooking (berarti) .... a. Ibu saya sedang memasak b. Ibu saya sedang menyiram c. Ibu saya sedang menari d. Ibu saya sedang tidur

English For Elementary Student



1. Kurikulum Muatan Lokal. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kantor Wilayah Propinsi Bali. 1994. 2. Language and Children oleh Curtain. Pesola 1994. 3. The Childrens Response oleh Caroline Linse. 1993. 4. Teach English by Adrian Doff. 1998. 5. Lets Learn English. Tony Roger. 1997. 6. Teaching Listening. Cambrage University Press. 1991. 7. Visitors Guide to Bali 2001 8. Bali Indonesia. Periplus Adventure Guides. Eric Oey.