NASKAH SOAL SELEKSI PENERIMAAN GURU BARU PONDOK PESANTREN DARUL ULUM TAHUN PELAJARAN 2015/2016 Mata Pelajaran : Kemampuan Profesional- Bahasa Inggris Satuan Pendidikan : SMA/MA/SMK Hari/Tanggal : Rabu/ 08 Juli 2015 Alokasi Waktu : 90 Menit PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Isikan nomor peserta Seleksi Penerimaan Guru Baru (SPGB), nama peserta, dan tanda tangan pada Lembar Jawaban, sesuai petunjuk di LJ. 2. Pilihlah Jawaban yang paling benar dengan mengarsir/memberi tanda silang pada lembar jawaban. 3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir pilihan ganda dan pada setiap butir soal pilihan ganda terdapat 5 (lima) pilihan jawaban. 4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya. 5. Laporkan kepada pengawas SPGB apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak lengkap. 6. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas SPGB, bila diperlukan. 7. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas SPGB. 8. Lembar soal boleh dicorat-coret, tidak boleh difoto copy, atau digandakan. 9. Mulailah mengerjakan soal dengan bacaan Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. PILIHAN GANDA Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan menghitamkan bulatan pada huruf A, B, C, D, atau E pada lembar jawaban komputer (LJK)! Text 1 SKL UAN 2.7 Ronan Keating’s 3 rd solo album is a chance for the public to see the real Ronan. He was a member of the successful Irish boy band Boyzone and since going solo has sold more than 17 million albums worldwide. His latest album ‘Turn It On’ shows the new Ronan. His voice is deeper and he sounds more mature and self assured. The new album contains a lot of catchy tunes which will get you singing along. The new Ronan is ‘Ronan the Songwriter’. He has co-written 12 of the songs on the album.The first song really shows you what the new Ronan can do. It is the title of the songs on the album and called ‘Turn It On’. The upbeat, catchy music is a great start to the album. The album has a natural pace and D: Naskah SPGB /PPDU/2015 -2016 Hal. 1 dari 12 Kantor Pusat Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum, Rejoso Peterongan Jombang Telp. 0321.866686 Fax 860174

Soal to US English 12-13 Tri R

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Mata Pelajaran : Kemampuan Profesional- Bahasa InggrisSatuan Pendidikan : SMA/MA/SMKHari/Tanggal : Rabu/ 08 Juli 2015Alokasi Waktu : 90 Menit

PETUNJUK UMUM1. Isikan nomor peserta Seleksi Penerimaan Guru Baru (SPGB), nama peserta, dan tanda tangan pada

Lembar Jawaban, sesuai petunjuk di LJ.2. Pilihlah Jawaban yang paling benar dengan mengarsir/memberi tanda silang pada lembar jawaban.3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir pilihan ganda dan pada setiap butir soal pilihan ganda terdapat 5 (lima)

pilihan jawaban.4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya.5. Laporkan kepada pengawas SPGB apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak

lengkap.6. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas SPGB, bila diperlukan.7. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas SPGB.8. Lembar soal boleh dicorat-coret, tidak boleh difoto copy, atau digandakan.9. Mulailah mengerjakan soal dengan bacaan Bismillahirrohmanirrohim.

PILIHAN GANDAPilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan menghitamkan bulatan pada huruf A, B, C, D, atau E pada lembar jawaban komputer (LJK)!

Text 1 SKL UAN 2.7 Ronan Keating’s 3rd solo album is a chance for

the public to see the real Ronan. He was a member of the successful Irish boy band Boyzone and since going solo has sold more than 17 million albums worldwide. His latest album ‘Turn It On’ shows the new Ronan. His voice is deeper and he sounds more mature and self assured. The new album contains a lot of catchy tunes which will get you singing along.

The new Ronan is ‘Ronan the Songwriter’. He has co-written 12 of the songs on the album.The first song really shows you what the new Ronan can do. It is the title of the songs on the album and called ‘Turn It On’. The upbeat, catchy music is a great start to the album. The album has a natural pace and covers all tempos.’Back In The Day’ is another upbeat song and has a strong melody that will be buzzing round your head for ages. Other highlights include ‘Let Her Down Easy’, an old song from Terence Trent Derby and ‘Last Thing on My Mind’ which features vocals from LeAnn Rimes. One of the slower, more personal songs is “This is Your Song.” Ronan wrote this himself as a tribute to his mum who died of cancer. It is a song from the heart.

“Turn It On” is a compelling mixture of rock tunes and slow ballads which are fused together by one of the finest vocalist of our time .Ronan Keating, with his rich voice, has the ability to make all these songs come to life. Great songs, great voice, great album.

(KGRE, teachers’kit)

1. What kind of music does Ronan Keating play mostly?

A. Slow beat and marchB. Upbeat and strong melodyC. Slow and monotonous melodyD. Upbeat and slow melodyE. Slow beat and all tempos

2. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

A. Ronan Keating himselfB. Ronan Keating’s music albumC. The new album of Ronan KeatingD. The latest album of Ronan Keating

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Kantor Pusat Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum, Rejoso Peterongan Jombang Telp. 0321.866686 Fax 860174

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E. Ronan Keating’s career in singing

3. What song did he dedicate to his beloved mother ?

A. Turn It OnB. Back In the DayC. Last Thing on My MindD. Let Her Down EasyE. This is Your Song

4. How many albums has Ronan launched, based on the text above?

A. One ( 1 )B. Two ( 2 )C. Three ( 3 )D. Four ( 4 )E. Five ( 5 )

5. “ His voice is deeper and he sounds more mature and self-assured, the underlined word/phrase means :

A. ConfidentB. Concrete C. Confidential D. ConsequenceE. Convey

Text 2 SKL UAN 2.4

I, Milton Friedman was born on July 31, 1921, in Brooklyn,N.Y,the fourth and last child and first son of Sarah Ethel (landau) and Jeno Saul Friedman. My parents were born in Carpatho-Ruthenia of the Soviet Union. They emigrated to U.S in their teens, meeting in New York. When I was a year old, my parents moved to Rahway,N.J, a small town about 20 miles from New York.

I was awarded a competitive scholarhip to Rutgers University. I graduated from Rutgers in 1932. I financed the rest of my college expanses by the usual mixture of waiting at tables, clerking in a retail store, occasional entrepreneurship ventures, and summer earnings. Shortly, however, I became interested in economics.

In economics, I had the good fortune to be exposed to two remarkable man: Arthur F.burns and Homer Jones. Arthur Burns shaped my understanding of economic research, introduced me to the highest scientific standards, and became a guiding influence on my subsequent career. Homer Jones introduced me to rigorous economic theory, made economics exciting and relevant, and encouraged me to go on to graduate work. On his recommendation, the Chicago Economics Department offered me a tuition scholarship. As it happened, I was also offered a scholarship by Brown University in Applied Mathematics, but, by that time, I had definitely transferred my primary allegiance to economics. In 1976 I won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for my achievement in the fields of consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and theory and for his demonstration of the complexity of stabilization policy. In 1977, at age 65, I retired from the University of Chicago after teaching there for 30 years.

6. Who influenced Milton Friedman on economic research?

A. Sarah EthelB. Jeno FriedmanC. Arthur F BurnsD. Homer JomesE. Alfred Nobel

7. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?A. Milton Friedman was very committed in his

interest and talent in economicsB. Homer Jones shaped Milton Friedman

understanding of economic research.C. Arthur Burns introduced Milton Friedman to

rigorous economic theoryD. Brown University offered Milton friedman a

tuition scholarship.E. Milton Friedman was offered a scholarhip by the

Chicago Economics Department in Applied Mathematics

8. What did Milton Friedman do in financing his college expanses?A. He was a teacher during summerB. He had a job in entrepreneur economyC. He worked as a clerk in a retail storeD. He sold tables peopleE. He taught economics in the university

Text 3 SKL UAN 2.1

9. What did Humam write the letter for?

A. to tell Fina story about lives in ToowoombaB. to tell Fina about her holidays in ToowoombaC. to tell Fina about picnic facilities in Picnic PointD. to tell Fina about his holidays in ToowoombaE. to tell Fina about vacancy in Toowoomba

D: Naskah SPGB /PPDU/2015 -2016 Hal. 2 dari 8

Dear FinaIt is lovely to be here on holidays, in the

second largest inland city in Australia. Did you know that Toowoomba is about one and half hour by bus from Brisbane. It is a truly magnificent sight for sure. Yesterday, we visited the beautiful Japanese Garden. It is on USQ campus. Its name ‘Ju Raku En’ means Ju- longevity, Raku- to enjoy, and En- place for public recreation. It is the largest of the four Japanese Garden in Australia. The 4.5 hectare site has 3 km pathways where you can jog while enjoying the fresh air. It is also the home of over 230 species of Japanese and Australian native trees. We also visited Picnic Point which is 710 m above the sea. The lookout at Picnic Point offers excellent views of Tabletop Mountain and Locker valley to the east. It also has various shaded picnic facilities, many walking tracks, and playground for children.


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10. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. There are pathways both in Japanese Garden and Picnic Point

B. Picnic Point is the right place for the childrenC. People can only find Japanese trees in

Japanese GardenD. People can see Locker valley from Picnic PointE. Toowoomba is 90 minutes ride from Brisbane

11. From the text above we know that Toowoomba is ……. the sea.

A. near B. in the middle ofC. far fromD. in the corner ofE. beside

12. “It is a truly magnificent sight for sure..” (paragraph 1)

The synonym of the underlined word is …A. amusingB. boringC. specialD. beautifulE. sucking

13. It is also the home of over 230 species of Japanese and Australian native trees..

The most suitable synonym of the underlined word is …………

A. IrrationalB. originalC. organizationalD. pureE. diagonal

14. Rearrange these jumbled sentence to make a good paragraph (SKL UAN 3.1)

1. The following year, he started teaching deaf people.

2. He was born in Edinburgh, on March 3,1847.3. It is one of the important devices that has helped

building modem life.4. At the age of 23, Alexander moved to Canada

with his family.5. Alexander Graham Bell is famous for his

invention.6. Teaching deaf people was the Bell family's


7. Bell was educated at Edinburgh high school and at the universities of Edinburg and London.

8. His father and grandfather had also taught deaf people in Scotland.

The right arrangement is ....A. 2 – 7 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 1 – 3 – 5B. 5 – 7 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 6 – 8C. 3 – 2 – 5 – 7 – 1 – 4 – 8 – 6D. 6 – 8 – 7 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 4E. 5 – 3 – 2 – 7 – 4 – 1 – 6 – 8

Text 4 SKL UAN 2.5The sense of taste is one of a person's five

senses. We taste with the help of taste-buds in the tongue.

There are four main kinds of taste: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. All other tastes are just mixtures of two or more of these main types.

The surface of the tongue has more than fifteen thousand taste-buds (or cells). These are connected to the brain by special nerves which send the so-called 'tastes messages.

When the tongue comes into contact with food of any kind, the taste-buds will pick up the taste. The nerves then send a message to the brain. This will make us aware of the taste. All this happens in just a few seconds.

There are four kinds of taste-buds, each of which is sensitive to only a particular taste. These four groups are located in different parts of the tongue.

The taste-buds for salty and sweet tastes are found round the tip of the tongue and along its sides. Sour tastes can be picked up only at the sides of the tongue. The taste-buds of the bitter taste are found at the innermost edge of the tongue. There are taste-buds at the centre of the tongue.

The senses of smell and sight can affect taste. The good smell of food increases its taste. Similarly, attractive colours can make food appear tastier and more delicious. If food does not smell good or is dull-coloured, it will look tasty and may not taste good at all.

Very hot or cold sensations can make the taste-buds insensitive. Food that is too hot or too cold, when placed in the mouth, will have no tastes at all.

15. We can taste any kind of food because of ........

A. the good smell of foodB. the four main kinds of tasteC. the taste-buds in the tongueD. the senses of smell and sightE. the taste-buds round the tip of the


The text is for questions number 16 to 18

A Trip to Snow MountainWhen my family was living at Sydney, we

used to go to a place called “Snow Mountains” because Sydney never has Snow in winter.

Well, the weather can get very, very cold, and the temperature could go as minus 5 degrees Celsius, but it never snows. That was the reason why we liked going to Snow Mountains.

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Our first trip to Snow Mountains was very exciting. We went with a group of foreign students from different part of the world. We

went by bus to Canberra and then we went up to the mountain. And believe me; you need to be an expert

driver because the road was rough and wet. We had to go to very slowly and cautiously.

Luckily, our driver was a real professional. He did a great job taking us to the mountains, but I saw many good cars sliding off the roads. The police were made busy by those accidents, but the police seemed to have anticipated the situations. They had all kinds of the equipment to help the poor cars.

When we reached the resort area, a nice warm was waiting in a nice and warm dining room. It was a relief. Then we had to hire the “Snow Mountain gear” like caps, scarves, thick jackets, and snow boots. We simply had to do that or we would have been freezing to death. I felt really big and fat in that outfit and I had to learn how to walk in snow.

The most exciting part was the toboggan ride. Toboggon is basically a fiberglass board designed to slide down the snowy slopes. So I climbed up the hill and then I sat down on the Toboggon. I held on to the ropes used to steer and slid down the hill. I turned out that my steering ropers weren’t tied on correctly, so I could not control my Toboggon properly. I slid down really fast without being able to control where I was going. So I ended up plugging into a freezing cold creek!

16. SKL 2.4Why was an expert driver needed to drive to Snow Mountains?Because . . . A. the roads were snowy.B. the road was slippery.C. It was a comfortable trip.D. there were a lot of accidents there.E. it was the trip to snowy mountains.

17. SKL 2.4“We had to go very slowly and cautiously,” (paragraph 2)The synonym of the underlined word is . . . A. dangerouslyB. clumsilyC. carefullyD. anxiouslyE. patiently

18. SKL 2.4 Why did the writer love to go to the Snow Mountains?A. He was living in Sydney.B. Sydney never has snow in winter.C. The weather is very cold.D. The temperature could go as minus degree.

E. The way to the mountains was very challenging.

The text is for questions number 19 to 22

Although a jaguar does not live in Asia, it is famous there because there is a car named after the animal. It can be stated in some points.

The jaguar belongs to the cat family. It is one of the four big (roaring) cats along with the lion, the tiger and the leopard. Because it has spots, a jaguar is often mistaken for a leopard. However, a jaguar has larger rosette markings, a stronger body and a shorter tail. The jaguar is brownish-yellow in colour and has spots on the head.

Jaguar lives in a variety of locations. The rainforest and wet grasslands of Central and South America are the habitat of the jaguar.

The jaguar is an excellent hunter. While the other three roaring cats kill their prey by biting it at the neck, the jaguar kills its prey by biting it through its skull. It usually kills small animals for food but can attack and kill cattle and deer.

19. SKL 2.9What is mainly discussed in the text?A. The differences between Jaguar and

other animals.B. The way how the jaguar kills its prey

in the jungle.C. Explanation of the shape, the ability

and the excellence of the jaguar.D. Information on the characteristics,

habitat, and life of the jaguar.E. The comparison between the jaguar

and other roaring animals.

20. SKL 2.9The jaguar kills its prey by biting it through its . . . A. head D. legsB. neck E. tailC. nail

21. SKL 2.9The purpose of teh text is . . . A. Tell the life of a jaguarB. Describe a jaguar in briefC. Explain how a jaguar attacks its preyD. Entertain readers about the story of a

jaguarE. Inform readers about the life of roaring


22. SKL 2.9

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Which of the following is the characteristic of the jaguar?

A. It has spot on his body.B. It belongs to tame animals.C.It is found in Asia.D.It has smaller rosette markings.E. It kills its prey by biting through its neck.

The text is for questions number 23 to 25

Illegal Medicine DestroyedJP. Hundreds of packages and traditional herbs

of various brands were confiscated and destroyed by Yogyakarta’s Food and Drugs Control office during its joint operation with the City’s Health officers staring on Monday.

The joint operation was conducted by seven personnel at several shops and drug stores in several parts of teh city.

”In the fight againts unregistered medicine we’ll continue nthe raids,” said te head of Yogyakarta’s Head Officers, Chairul Anwar on Tuesday. Shop owners found setting the registered medicines would first be warned as they probably did not know they were selling illegal products.

23. SKL 2.3 The news tells us about . . . A. The join operation conducted by the head of

Yogyakarta City’s Health officers.B. Illegal medicines which were conficcated

and destroyed by the officers.C. Unregistered medicines which do not harm

people.D. Illegal medicines which were not prohibited.E. Yogyakarta’s Food and Drugs Control


24. SKL 2.3Who has given the information about the joint operation?A. The City’s Health officers.B. Drugs users and sellers.C. Shop owners and manufactures.D. Yogyakarta’s Food and Drugs Control

officers.E. The Head of Yogyakarta City’s Health

officers.25. SKL 2.3

Why were the medicines destroyed? Because they were. . .

A. illegalB.harmlessC.abundantD.registeredE. licensed

The text is for questions number 26 to 30

There several positive and negative impacts of internet on education. One of the positive impacts of internet on education is what you are curious about something. You can find out any information to feed your learning hunger immediately from internet. If you are curious about the ants in your backyard, or if you want to know about dinosaurs or any other prehistoric animals, there is abundant of information at your finger tips and you can improve your knowledge.

On the other hand, some would argue that internet degrades the quality of research, throwing people into areas where the answers they find are low-quality guesses, at best. Since internet allows anyone to publish, finding high quality information is sometimes difficult. The internet can also be huge distraction, like many other things that distract us from serious impurity.

26. SKL 2.8What does the text mainly discuss?A. The impact of internet on education.B. The advance of technology on education.C. The distraction of curiosity by the internet.D. The access of information from the internet.E. The decrease of research quality caused by


27. SKL 2.8Why do some people disagree with the use of internet on education?A. Internet does not encourage people to

serious questions.B. Internet gives low-quality answers to

questions.C. Internet provides high quality information.D. Internet result expensive education.E. Internet has little access to education.

28. SKL 2.8Which of the following NOT good effect of internet on education?A. Internet can avoid a serious inquiry.B. Internet can make education cheaper.C. Internet can influence a student’s interest.D. Internet can open the access to information

in rural area.E. Internet can help anyone find the answrers

to their curiositey.

29. SKL 2.8“Internet can also be a huge distraction . . . “ (paragraph 2).What is the opposite meaning of the underlined word?A. few D. thinB. less E. smallC. fine

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30. SKL 2.8‘Like many other things that distract us from inquiry’. (paragraph 1).What does the italic word means?

A.help D. supportB.assist E. encourageC.bother

The text is for questions number 31 to 32

31. SKL 2.10What is the worst time to call?

A.Friday at 4:00 p.m. B.Monday from noon to 2:00.C.Any day except Monday.D.Tuesday through Friday from 12:00 to 2:00.E.Monday through Friday from 12:00 to 2:00.

32. SKL 2.10How many days is the center open?

A. two daysB. three daysC.four daysD.five daysE.six days

The text is for questions number 33 to 35

33. SKL 2.1When will Dr. Helen Forbes come?

A. In the eveningB.At noon.C.After lunch.D.In the morning before noon.

E. In the afternoon.

34. SKL 2.1Who will accompany her to go around the company?

A.JuliaB.Helen ForbesC.No oneD.Henry SiahaanE.Both Julia and Henry Siahaan

35. SKL 2.1 What kind of company will Helen Forbes visit?

A.canned foodB.book publishngC.shoe manufacturingD.engineeringE. tourism

The text is for questions number 36 to 40

Cigarette smokers are said to have a good chance of getting various fatal diseases. But I think that other people’s tobacco smoke to increase the chances of non-smokers getting a range of cancers.

First, although passive smokers inhale less tobacco smoke, the researchers point out that the smoke they breath in is richer in many toxic chemicals. There is for example, three times asa much as benzo – apyrene, six times as much toluene and more than 50 times as much as and dimethyllnitrosamine. Of course these substances will harm our body in the long run.

Secondly, the recent research indicated that the risk of getting cancers not normally associated with smoking. It also rose among passive smokers. The risk of leukemia rose 6-8 times and the risk of cervical cancer increased 3-4 times.

Thirdly, past studies have found that the products of cigarette smoke such as nicotine and thiocyanate, turn up in the blood, urine, and saliva of non-smoking adults, children and fetuses that have been exposed to smokers. These substances are the main causes of various cancers.

In short, the effects of exposure to the cigarette smoking of others are greater than has been previously suspected. That is why passive smokers have more chances of contracting cancer than people with no such exposure.

36. SKL 2.6What is the main idea of paragraph 3?A. Passive smokers are as risk as smokers.B. The causes of cancers are toxic chemicals.C. Toxic chemicals are fatal to the passive


D: Naskah SPGB /PPDU/2015 -2016 Hal. 6 dari 8


Please feel free to contact our information center, toll free, at (800) 555-6843. Call during off peak times. The busiest day is Monday, and the busiest hours each day are between 12:00 and 02:00. The telephone center is open from 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

From : JuliaDate : Tuesday, August 24, 2009, 3 p.m.To : Henry SiahaanSubject: Helen Forbes, UNICEF ambassador

Dr. Helen Forbes Ph.D, a UNICEF ambassador will be visiting to our company on Monday, August 30. I’d like to prepare a program for her. She will arrive in the morning before noon. Please start with lunch in the cafeteria and then show her your department. After that, take her to our printing department.

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D. The more toxic chemicals we breathe in, the shorter time we live.

E. Passive smokers inhale smoke which is richer in many toxic chemicals.

37. SKL 2.6In the text, the writer is trying to . . .A. explain the danger of smoking cigaretteB. expose the risk of getting cancers for

passive smokersC. discuss about the dangers of inhaling

cigarette smokers D. describe the substances cigarette smokes

containsE. persuade smokers to keep on smoking


38. SKL 2.6The following statements are true based on the text, except . . . A. Toxic chemicals in cigarettes’ smoke are

not the only causes of cancers.B. Cigarette smokers have great possibility to

get various fatal disease.C. Researchers said that passive smokers also

have the risk of getting cancers.D. The reseachers have found the amount of

people suffering from leukemia and cervical cancer increasing.

E. Passive smokers have little chances of getting deadly disease than the smokers themselves.

39. SKL 2.6The following substances are included into the toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke, except . . .

A. toluence D. thiocyanateB.saliva E. benzo-apyreneC.nicotine

40. SKL 2.6’. . . the reseachers point out that the smoke . . . ’(paragraph 2).The underlined word has the nearest meaning to . . .


The text is for questions number 41 to 42

41. SKL 2.1The message tells about . . . A. apologizing for broken windowB. apologizing for hurting someoneC. apologizing for not knowing anythingD. apologizing for not being to repay the billE. apologizing for not accompanying her


42. SKL 2.1‘I assure you that this will not happen again.’The underlined word refers to . . . A. My daughter B. The repair billC.The accident D.reimbursement E.damaging the window

The text is for questions number 43 to 46Get Married

Illustrating the current situation happening in Indonesia, Get Married presents the figures of unemployment. A few big-name celebrities show up in cameo roles. The movie tells about a true friendship of your youngsters, Mae (Nirina Zubir), Guntoro (Desta ‘Club Eighties’), Eman (Aming), and Beni (Ringgo Agus Rahman) who judge themselves as the most frustrated people in Indonesia. Soon, they turn out to be streets kids and spend most of their times at street, bullying people who pass by.

Suddenly, it comes to moment when Mae is persuaded to grant her parents’ wish to have a grant child. Mae’s parents (Meriam Bellina and Jaja Miharja) firmly state that Mae must get married little while. Soon, they are busy finding candidates who would marry their only daughter. However, along the process of finding the right one for Mae, the three male friends of Mae turn out to be brutal evaluators for the candidates. In the mean time, Mae falls badly in love with Rendy (Richard Kevin), a rich, handsome and kind-hearted man. Unfortunately, Rendy, Mae, Guntoro, Eman, Beni are brought into a misunderstanding and soon fights break out between the two groups of Mae and Rendy.

Written based on some youngsters, real life brotherhood experiences, this story will stir you to emotional core while bringing out your sense of brotherhood. There are lots of little things and big things that make this movie worth watching. The story is good, the banter is great,

D: Naskah SPGB /PPDU/2015 -2016 Hal. 7 dari 8

Dear Ms. Green,I would like to apologize for the damage

my daughter caused to your window. Please send me the repair bill, so I can reimburse you. I assure you that this will not happen again.

If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know.


Betty Grimes, your neighbor

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the relationship between the characters are great, and it’s fun time at the movies. While some of the jokes are amusing, some of the fights go on a bit too long.

43. SKL 2.7Which one is TRUE about Get Married movie?A. It tells a story of a true friendship of four

youngsters.B. All the four youngsters like Rendy.C. It shows an uncommon condition of

Indonesian youth.D. It tells youngster life in the past.E. The cameo roles are played by new-comer


44. SKL 2.7What is the main idea of paragraph 2?A. Mae loved Rendy very much.B. Meriam Bellina and Jaja Miharja are mae’s

parents.C. Mae’s parents asked her to get married

soon.D. The true friendship between the four

youngsters.E. The four youngsters couldn’t find the right

candidate for Mae’s husband to be.

45. SKL 2.7What is negative side of this movie according to the writer of this review?A. There are so many jokes in the movie.B. The story is too sentimental.C. It encourages sense of brotherhood.D. The fights went on too long.E. The relationship between characters is


46. SKL 2.7“There are lots of little things and big things that make this movie worth watching. The story is good, the banter is great” (last paragraph).The underlined word has the closest meaning to . . .


D.fightE. teasing

The text is for questions number 47

47. SKL 3.1Which of the followings is the good arrangement to be a good text?A. 4-3-1-5-2B. 4-3-1-2-5C. 4-1-3-2-5D. 3-4-2-1-5E. 3-4-1-5-2

Questions no. 48 to 50 based on the following cloze test.

When I was a boy, I liked swimming very much. Each year my two brothers and I ... (48) … the holiday with our uncle and aunt in their house by the sea. It was only twenty yards from the water. The water was warm; the sun shone ... (49) …, and most of days there were no waves. In the middle of the day a wind always began to ... (50) … , but it was not strong and did not make the sea rough.

48. SKL 3.2 A. spent D. wentB. made E. sawC. gave

49. SKL 3.2A. beautifully D. darklyB. brightly E. nicelyC. clearly

50. SKL 3.2A. come D. flowB. shine E. flyC. blow

..............Be the Best and

Keep Honest.............

D: Naskah SPGB /PPDU/2015 -2016 Hal. 8 dari 8

1. Beat the eggs and milk together and when mixed thoroughly, add to the frying pan.

2. When cooked remove from the pan and serve with a garnish of parsley.

3. Break the eggs into a bowl and add the milk.4. Take the pan and put in the oil. Heat the oil

until it is hot.5. Fry until the omelet in brown on one side and

then turn it over in the pan.