UCUN 2 TAHUN PELAJARAN 2017/2018 LEMBAR SOAL Satuan Pendidikan : Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Rabu 28 Maret 2018 Waktu : 120 Menit PETUNJUK KHUSUS: Hitamkanlah salah satu kotak pada huruf A, B, C, atau D yang Anda anggap benar pada lembar jawaban komputer! The following text for questions 1to 3 1. What is the announcement written for? A. To inform how to register some extracurricular. B. To ask the students to join some extracurricular. C. To inform famous clubs and the activity in the groups. D. To tell how to get the information about extracurricular. 2. What should the students do to get more information on the various clubs? A. Choose one of very popular larger clubs. B. Click “select a school” in the upper left corner. C. Check the State College High School web page. D. Choose the extracurricular at State College Area High School. PETUNJUK UMUM: 1. Tulis nomor Anda pada lembar jawaban komputer (LJK) 2. Periksalah dan bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum menjawabnya 3. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah 4. Kerjakanpada LJK yang disediakan 5. Hitamilahkotakpadahurufjawaban yang Andaanggapbenardenganmenggunakanpensil 2B 6. Apabilaadajawaban yang Andaanggapsalahmakahapuslahjawaban yang salahtersebutsampaibersih, kemudianhitamkankotakpadahurufjawaban lain yang Andaanggapbenar. Contoh: a. sebelum dijawab a b c d b. sesudah dijawab a b c d c. sesudah diperbaiki a b c d ANNOUNCEMENT The school district prides itself in making more than 80 extracurricular options available to interested students. Among these are some very popular larger clubs, as well as some smaller, less well-known activity groups. Please also check the State College High School web page for more information on the various clubs. (Click "select a school" in the upper left corner and choose State College Area High School.)

Soal Try Out 5 Bahasa Inggris fileLEMBAR SOAL Satuan Pendidikan ... Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Rabu 28 Maret 2018 ... They will order

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Satuan Pendidikan : Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Rabu 28 Maret 2018 Waktu : 120 Menit

PETUNJUK KHUSUS: Hitamkanlah salah satu kotak pada huruf A, B, C, atau D yang Anda anggap benar pada lembar jawaban komputer! The following text for questions 1to 3

1. What is the announcement written for? A. To inform how to register some extracurricular. B. To ask the students to join some extracurricular. C. To inform famous clubs and the activity in the groups. D. To tell how to get the information about extracurricular.

2. What should the students do to get more information on the various clubs?

A. Choose one of very popular larger clubs. B. Click “select a school” in the upper left corner. C. Check the State College High School web page. D. Choose the extracurricular at State College Area High School.

PETUNJUK UMUM: 1. Tulis nomor Anda pada lembar jawaban komputer (LJK) 2. Periksalah dan bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum menjawabnya 3. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah 4. Kerjakanpada LJK yang disediakan 5. Hitamilahkotakpadahurufjawaban yang Andaanggapbenardenganmenggunakanpensil 2B 6. Apabilaadajawaban yang Andaanggapsalahmakahapuslahjawaban yang salahtersebutsampaibersih,

kemudianhitamkankotakpadahurufjawaban lain yang Andaanggapbenar. Contoh:

a. sebelum dijawab a b c d

b. sesudah dijawab a b c d

c. sesudah diperbaiki a b c d

ANNOUNCEMENT The school district prides itself in making more than 80 extracurricular options available to interested students. Among these are some very popular larger clubs, as well as some smaller, less well-known activity groups. Please also check the State College High School web page for more information on the various clubs. (Click "select a school" in the upper left corner and choose State College Area High School.)

3. “... 80 extracurricular options available to ...”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to .... A. given B. offered C. prepared D. mentioned

Read the text to answer questions 4 and 5. Hi Sari, Feeling better now? By the way, we have a project in Biology class, cassava fermentation. It sounds interesting. We are in the same team. I hope you get well soon and return to school next week. We have to prepare. Miss you, Sandra 4. What is Sandra’s purpose to send the message?

A. To show her sympathy to Sari. B. To ask Sari to go to school next week. C. To remind Sari that they are in the same team. D. To tell their Biology project that has to be prepared.

5. What should Sari do after receiving the message?

A. Go to school immediately. B. Make the cassava fermentation. C. Prepare the project with Sandra. D. Prepare the project in Biology class.

Read the text to answer questions 6and 7. To Hanny,

You must be very happy to graduate after four years of sacrifice and hard work. It takes special dedication and perseverance to get through such a demanding course of study. We congratulate you and wish you the best as you embark on your next exciting adventure. Your achievement is an example to us all. Keep in touch!

Your friend, Yany

6. The writer hopes that Hanny will ... A. be always the best. B. have a good dedication. C. always greet each others. D. be a good model for others.

7. “... as you embark on your next ...”

The underlined words have the closest meaning with .... A. end to B. start on C. come to D. bring into

Read the text to answer questions 5and6.

Source: https://www.google.co.id/search?tbm=isch&q=shop+close+temporarily 8. Where can probably we find such announcement?

A. On the door of the shop. B. At the public services of a mal. C. At the announcement board of a school. D. At the parking area of a supermarket.

9. What will the customers do if they want to buy some cakes? A. They have to call on early March. B. They will order by calling the shop. C. They must wait until February 17th. D. They will come after renovations done.

Read the text to answer questions 10 to 12.

Mrs. Jane, My son just told me that you came to our home yesterday. I am so sorry I was not at home. I had medical check-up at the central hospital. I would like to ask you to have lunch next Sunday so we can have a chat. I will be glad if you could come. Mrs. Sarah

10. What is the writer’s intention to write the text? A. To ask her to accompany her to the hospital. B. To apologize and invite her for lunch on Sunday. C. To meet her son and ask for forgiveness for being sick. D. To inform her to come to her house and have medical check-up.

11. What will Mrs. Jane do on receiving the message?

A. Forgive all Mrs. Sarah’s mistakes. B. Come to Mrs. Sarah’s house for lunch. C. Inform Mrs. Sarah that she will come soon. D. Tell Mrs. Sarah weather she could come or not for lunch.

12. Based on the text, Mrs. Sarah ... medical check-up at the hospital.

A. will have B. had done C. is having D. has done

Read the text to answer questions 7 to 9.

13. The text would be best read by ones who ... A. do not have time for learning in Spring season. B. do not have to pay for the school payment 100%. C. want to have proficient in business and technology. D. want their children learn continuely until PhD program.

14. What makes the people are interested to read the advertisement?

A. They can choose the campus for learning. B. They will get discount up to 50% in every seasons. C. There are so many Doctors to teach them in the institute. D. There are many choices in faculty and at time for learning.

15. “50% admission fee waived”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to .... A. bill B. salary C. charge D. payment

Read the text to answer questions 16 to 18.

16. By reading the text above, we will know ... A. when the product is consumed. B. the component of the product. C. where the product is made. D. the nutrition of the fruits.

17. Who should consult the doctor before consuming the product?

A. Children under 18. B. Children above 18. C. Young mother. D. Adult person.

18. “... If safety seal is damaged or missing ...”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to .... A. broken B. injured C. spoiled D. enhanced

Read the text to answer questions 19 to 21.

It was the last day of our vacation. My sister and I were buying some souvenirs when we saw a poster for a Jay-Z concert. We tried to buy tickets but they had sold out. We were really disappointed because we had wanted to do something special on our last night. In the end, we went to a restaurant. When we were ordering our meal, Jay-Z walked in and sat at the table next to us! We told him we were big fans of him. We eally wanted to watch his concert but the tickets were sold out. He felt sorry and invited us to the concert. We had the best night ever.

(taken from Got it level 3 student book and workbook. Philipina Bowen and Dennis Delaney)

19. The writer told his experience in order to show ... A. how wonderful the Jay-Z concert was B. how easy to get the tickets for the concert C. how important the last day of his holiday was D. how lucky he was to get a chance to see Jay-Z concert

20. The writer was surprised to meet Jay-Z at the restaurant since it’s ....

A. accidently B. on purpose C. well planned D. unplanned before

21. The writer wouldn’t watch the concert ... he didn’t go to the restaurant.

A. so B. if C. but D. since

Read the text to answer questions 22 to 24.

Komodo dragon is the world's largest living lizards. It grows to be 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighs up to 126 kg and belong to the most ancient group of lizards still alive.

The Komodo dragon has a long heavy tail, short, strong legs, and rough skin. It is covered with small dull, colored scales. It can sprint at up 18 km per hours, but only for short distances. When it opens its wide red mouth, it shows row of teeth like the edge of a saw.

Komodo dragons are good swimmers and may swim the long distance from one island to another. Like other lizards, they swim by undulating their tails, and their legs held against their body.

The Komodo dragon is totally carnivorous. It hunts other animals during the day. It hunts deer, wild pigs, water buffaloes, and even horses. While smaller komodo has to be content with eggs, other lizards, snakes and rodents. Komodo dragons are cannibals. The adult will prey on the young one as well as the old and sick dragons.

Lizard digs a cave with its strong claws in the cave at night.

22. The writer writes the text in order to ... A. tell where the komodo dragons found. B. show the way life of komodo dragons. C. explain how thekomodo dragons swim. D. inform the characteristic of komodo dragons.

23. The text above describes that komodo dragons ...

A. hunt their prey at night. B. can swim for a long distance. C. live in the cave during the day. D. are the biggest land crocodiles.

24. “The Komodo dragon is totally carnivorous.”

The sentence means that the komodo dragon .... A. is dangerous for other animals B. eats meat and never eats plants C. hunts for its prey during the day D. eats its eggs and other komodo dargon

Read the text to answer questions 25 to 28.

I make friends easily, so I have a lot of friends. I can’t imagine my life without them. There is one, who will always be in the first place in my heart, her name is Utami.

Utami is a very beautiful and charming girl. She is taller than me and has straight brown hair and deep chestnut brown eyes. Like most teenagers she pays a lot of attention to her appearance and likes

dressing in the latest and most extravagant fashion. By nature Utami is communicative and outgoing. Her biggest dream is to become a singer and I

believe that her wish will come true as she has won many prizes in many concerts, she sings really incredibly.

However, Utami also has her shortcomings. She never goes on time to her dates. Sometimes she is absent-minded and inconsiderate and that makes people think she never takes things seriously. But this is not true.

Another thing about her is that she likes to look after people. Once she ever saved my life! We went swimming in a pool. Suddenly, my left leg went dead I couldn’t go on swimming. I lost consciousness. When I opened my eyes I found myself lying and Utami held my hands. She, herself had pulled me out of the water. If she weren’t there, I would have drowned.

For me, friendship is the most important thing in the world. I am proud to say that I have such loyal and helpful friend – one in a million.

25. The writer writes the text in order to .... A. tell the characteristic of her closest friend. B. show her pride having Utami as a closest friend. C. express her feeling being Utami’s closest friend. D. share her experience how to keep a good friendship.

26. From the text above, we can say that ... A. Utami also has weaknesses. B. Utami can make friends easily. C. The writer is a fashionable girl. D. The writer could not swim well.

27. After reading the text, the writer wants the readers have to ...

A. loyal to their friends. B. receive ones’ goodness and weakness. C. helpeach others to keep communication. D. greet among us to maintain relationship.

28. “...,Utami also has her shortcomings.”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to .... A. faults B. strengths C. confidence D. selfishness

Read the text to answer questions 29 to 32. Your vacuum cleaner doesn't need very much attention, but a little simple maintenance will keep it working and cleaning as efficiently as it can. Maintaining your vacuum cleaner properly can also head off more costly repairs or replacement. The steps are: 1. Unplug your vacuum cleaner before performing any maintenance on it. 2. Check the bag regularly and replace it when it is full. 3. Replace any vacuum bag that is 2/3 full. Remember that the air must pass through all the

collected dust and debris, so a full vacuum cleaner bag means that the machine must work harder, or that it will not clean as well, or both.

4. Empty the bin or tray on bag less models frequently. 5. Clean the brush roll. 6. Clean and lubricate the bearings on the brush roll.

7. Check the belt for signs of wear, and replace it if it is worn. 8. Remove any large accumulations of debris from the air passages and the brush roll housing. 9. Replace the brush roll. 10. Replace or clean any filters on the vacuum cleaner. 11. Check the hoses for clogs and obstructions. Be careful not to pack clogs in even more tightly. 29. The writer’s purpose to write the text is to ... a vacuum cleaner.

A. show how to clean B. explain how to use C. tell how to keep up D. inform how to repair

30. What should we do first if we want to maintain the vacuum cleaner?

A. Switch off the vacuum cleaner. B. Clean as efficiently as it can. C. Keep it working as usually. D. Check the bag regullarly.

31. Why do we have to replace the bag although it hasn’t been full?

A. The bag is needed to clean things if it’s full. B. The air must pass through the dust and debris. C. The vacuum cleaner won’t work if the bag is empty. D. The vacuum cleaner must be repaired if the bag is full.

32. “...and replace it if it is worn.”

The underlined word refers to .... A. bin B. bag C. belt D. brush roll

Read the text to answer questions 36 to 39.

Spicy Penyet Chicken Ingredients • 4 piece Chicken • 300ml water • 2 piece Salam Leaf • Oil to fry • 5 cloves Garlic • 1/2 tsp Coriander • 3 cm Ginger • 3 cm Galangal • 3 cloves Shallots • 1/2 tomato • 1 tsp shrimp paste • 2 tsp salt • 1 bunch Lemon Basil (kemangi) • 2 keylime • 11 piece red chili


1. Combine 4 cloves of Garlic, Coriander, Ginger, Galangal, Shallots and 1 1/2 of salt and make them into paste.

2. In a pot, soak chicken with paste, salam leaf and water and cook until it is tender. Meanwhile, heat the frying pan with oil.

3. Once the chicken is fully boiled, fry the chicken in the frying pan until it's golden brown.

4. To make the sambal (chili sauce): Heat up 1 tsp of oil, add shallots, tomato and red chili for 2 minutes in a bowl, combine shallots, tomato and red chili with shrimp paste, salt, dash of sugar, keylimes, lemon basil and mix them until it forms a paste.

In a serving plate, place the sambal (chili sauce) at the bottom of the plate and place the fry chicken on top of the dish. 33. The text would be best read by one who ...

A. likes cooking B. likes traditional food C. wants to cook spicy food D. wants to cook fried chicken.

34. We have to fry the chicken until ....

A. it’s tender B. it’s ready to serve C. it’s golden brown D. it’s mixed with the paste

35. What will happen if we do not cook the chicken fully boiled?

A. The chicken won’t be tender. B. The chicken will not be spicy. C. The chicken is not ready to serve. D. The chicken will become golden brown.

36. “... and cook until it is tender.”

The underlined word refers to .... A. a pot B. water C. the chicken D. salam leaves

Read the text to answer questions 40 to 43. Once upon a time, there was a young man called Ma Liang. He was very poor. He helped a rich bad

man to tend cattle. He liked drawing and drew pictures everywhere. One night, he dreamed that an old man gave him a magic paintbrush and asked him to use it to help poor people. When he woke up, he found the magic paintbrush in his desk.

From that day on, he used the paintbrush to help people. Whenever he drew pictures, they became real. But a few days later, his master heard about the magic paintbrush and stole it. He drew a lot of pictures, but they could not become real. He was very angry and asked some people to get Ma Liang.

When Ma Liang came, he said to him, “If you draw some pictures for me and turn them to live, I will set you free.” The young man said, “I can help you, but you should obey your words.” The bad man felt very happy and said, “I want a golden mountain. I will go there to gather gold.” The young man drew a sea first. Then the young man drew a golden mountain which was far away from the sea. After that he drew a big ship. The bad man jumped into the ship. When the ship sailed to the middle of the sea, the young man drew a large wave and it destroyed the ship. After that, the young man lived with his family

happily and kept on helping the poor people. So the magic paintbrush was kown by everyone. 37. What is the topic of the story?

A. A young man and the king. B. A clever painter and a wise king. C. A good painter and a greedy king. D. A magic paintbrush and a helpful man.

38. How was Ma Liang like?

A. Smart and helpful. B. Smart but greedy. C. Clever but cunning. D. Humble and helpful.

39. If Ma Liang didn’t do what the King asked, he would ....

A. be poor B. loose in the sea C. stayed in the jail D. live in the mountain

40. What would happen if Ma Liang didn’t kill the King?

A. The King would kill him. B. The King would get a lot of gold. C. He would get prize from the King. D. He wouldn’t be able to help poor people.

Read the text to answer questions 44 to 47.

The Shard is an 87-storey skycraper, which sits in the heart of London. It is known as the shard of glass. Contruction began in 2009 and was completed three years later in 2012, making it Western European’s tallest building.

Designed by architect Renzo Piano, The Shard is the second tallest free standing structure in the UK. Its exterior boats 11,000 glass panels – that’s equivalent in area to eight football pitches or two-and-a-half Trafalgar Squares.

The building was developed to have multiple uses, describes on the websites as a ‘vertical city where people can live, work and relax’. This motto was clearly taken on board that was found on the 72nd floor towards the end of construction.

41. What is the topic of the text? A. The Trafalgar Squares. B. The architect Renzo Piano. C. The tallest building in London. D. The Shard, building in London.

42. In Europe, the Shard is popular on its ....

A. Height B. Exterior C. Function D. Glass panels

43. What probably makes people interested to stay in the Shard?

A. It has multiple uses. B. It is made of glass panels.

C. It is designed by famous architect. D. It is the tallest building in London.

44. “...making it Western European’s tallest building.”

The underlined word refers to .... A. London B. The Shard C. The skyscraper D. The construction

Read the text to answer questions 45 to 47.

Rainbow is a natural phenomenon that is so impressive. This phenomenon often appears after rain. Rainbow is an arc spectrum which is so large and occurs because the drops are refracted by sunlight. When the sun is shining and the light passing through water droplets, then you will see a refraction that causes a wide variety of colors. Light is refracted like light passing through a glass prism.

Other names of the rainbow is a rainbow which is a symptom of optical and meteorological phenomenon in which light with different colors refracted parallel to each other into water droplets. You can also see this phenomenon under the very high and heavy waterfall.

How does rainbow happen in detail? All the happenings begin when the sunlight passing through the raindrops. Then the light is deflected to the center of the droplet. The white light, now separated from each other into a spectrum of colors. The process does not stop there. The colors that have been separated, then separate again into the very small portions. There is more light separated from each other in the droplets. Then there are more curved and finally those color form a light curve called a rainbow.

45. How does the writer describe the rainbow?

A. It can be seen after rain in the evening. B. It has variety of colour and form a light curve. C. It occurs because of drops reflected by a spectrum. D. It can be met on the very high and heavy waterfall.

46. The form of the rainbow is like .... A. a light curve. B. a glass prism. C. water droplets. D. an arc spectrum.

47. The text probably will be read by people who like ....

A. outdoor activities B. travelling to waterfall C. to observe the variety of colours D. to read about natural phenomenon

Read the text to answer questions 48 to 50. Two frogs had lived in a village all their lives. They thought they would like to go and see

the big city that was about ten miles away. They talked about it for a long time and at last they set off to the city. It was a hot day, and they soon began to feel tired. They had only gone a little way when one

said to the other, “we must be nearly there, can you see the city?” “No,” said the other frog, “but if I climb on your back I might be able to see it.” So he climbed up on the back of the other frog to see the city.

Now when the frog put up his head, his eyes could only see what was behind. And not what was in the front. So he saw the village they had just left.

“Can you see the city?” asked the frog who was below. “Yes,” answered the frog who had climbed up. “I can see it. It looks just like our village.” Then the frogs thought that it was not worthwhile going any further. They went back and told

the frogs in the village that they had seen the city, and it was just like theirs. 48. The writer’s purpose to write the text is to ....

A. tell us never do something useless with our friends B. teach us to accept whatever information we receive C. show us always ask someone’s opinion for anything D. ask us never trust within single opinion without other evidences

49. Why did one of the frogs climb on the other’s back?

A. He felt very tired. B. He could not see the city. C. He thought it was worthwhile. D. He wanted to see their village.

50. “... and at last they set off to see the city.”

The underlined words have closest meaning with... A. left B. gave up C. decided D. stopped