soalan ulangkaji hbmt1203

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  • 7/31/2019 soalan ulangkaji hbmt1203


    1. There are many ways that pupils can act out stories when learning

    addition. Name four of these ways.

    2. The two common methods to write number addition are adding horizontally and

    vertically. Give an example for each and state the suitable situation to apply each


    One properties of addition operaton is that it is commutative. Explain how you would teach the

    commutative property of addition to your students.

    How the usage of "doubles" and "near-doubles" in the class can assist thechildren?

    Minuend, subtrahend, and difference are three terms used for subtractionoperation. Explain with an example the relationship between these three terms.

  • 7/31/2019 soalan ulangkaji hbmt1203


    What is the meaning of the word difference in subtraction? Explain with the help

    of an example.

    Why are addition and subtraction called inverse operations? Explain using an


    Subtraction can be solved by translating (menukarkan) a subtraction

    sentence into an easier subtraction sentence. Give an example of how the

    above can be done

    Mengapakah pertukaran barangan tidak merupakan cara berkesan menjalankan perdagangan

    pada masa dahulu?

  • 7/31/2019 soalan ulangkaji hbmt1203


    Describe a teaching and learning activity that would enable students to learn about

    adding and subtracting money.

    Explain with an example how you would teach children to recognize money symbol.

    Explain the concept of money that children must learn at the kindergarten and Year

    1 levels.

    How do you teach pupils to solve simple problems involving money in real lifesituation?

    Money is an important topic in primary school mathematics curriculum. Why is this topic


    Explain one activity that you can carry out in class to help students understand the meaning of


  • 7/31/2019 soalan ulangkaji hbmt1203


    Before the use of money in trade, humans used bartering. Explain with an

    example the meaning of bartering?

    How do we identify money? How do the blind identify money?

    Perihalkan secara ringkas bagaimana anda akan mengajar konsep siang dan malam kepada

    kanak-kanak. Berikan contoh-contoh yang sesuai.

    Dalam sejarah pelbagai jenis jam telah digunakan oleh manusia untuk mengukur masa.

    Senaraikan empat jenis jam yang pernah digunakan oleh manusia. In history various types of

    clocks have used by man to keep time. List FOUR types of clocks that have been used by man.

    Briefly describe how you would teach children about the days of the week.

  • 7/31/2019 soalan ulangkaji hbmt1203


    Van Hiele Model of Learning Geometry states that children should learn

    geometry in five stages. State the five stages. How many of these stages

    should be covered in primary school?

    Anda perlu memberi penerangan yang lebih mengenai setiap peringkat. Contohnya, bagiperingkat pertama (visualisasi), anda boleh tambah

    " At this level, the focus of a child's thinking is on individual shapes, which the child is learning

    to classify by judging their holistic appearance. Children simply say, "That is a circle," usually

    without further description.(Dari wikipedia)" Maksudnya ialah pada peringkat ini tumpuan murid

    ialah pada setiap bentuk secara berasingan dan mengenal pasti satu bentuk berdasarkan apa

    yang dia nampak secara keseluruhannya (tanpa membanding atau merujuk kepada ciri-ciri


    Bincang secara ringkas geometri transformasi menggunakan contoh-contoh sesuai.

    Perihalkan secara ringkas jenis aktiviti yang anda akan melibatkan murid ketika mengajar

    mereka mengal pasti dan namakan bentuk

    Apakah geometri Euclidean?

  • 7/31/2019 soalan ulangkaji hbmt1203


    Van Hiele mengenal pasti lima peringkat pemikiran geometrik. Perihalkan secara ringkas DUA

    (2) peringkat pemikiran geometrik.

    Jelas secara ringkas DUA (2) sebab mengajar geometri di sekolah rendah.

    Apakah yang menentukan nama poligon?

    Explain what is spatial sense.