• SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. K~ REFUGEES FROM ASIA MINOR REGISTRY. (•menti Document No, Dossier No. 48 X 215T+Ÿ r»6&Ec.hsr’’ wtthlr* \^AVl£C-4 ^ - ( l i n necuiul llfcü)T lU-ponsvs, kr. (Out Letter Jfook ) : — Copies-envoyée» pour Prière d'inscrire les commentaire» sur la feuille blanche à l’intérieur. Voir, pour Distribution (éventuelle), la feuillu bleue a l'intérieur.

SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another

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Page 1: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another




(•menti Document No, Dossier No.

48 X 215T+Ÿ

r»6& Ec.hsr’’ wtthlr*

\^ A V l£ C -4 ^

-( l in necuiul llfcü)T

lU-ponsvs, kr. (Out Letter Jfook ) : —

Copies-envoyée» pour

Prière d'inscrire les commentaire» sur la feuille blanche à l’intérieur. Voir, pour Distribution (éventuelle), la feuillu bleue a l'intérieur.

Page 2: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another

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Page 3: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another

9 . 10 .?::

£SfI!'V‘ ;S -^r-.r : s o j s i k j p j i i z

F o l lo w in g w i r e r e e e i v e d traa ffanaen r » r ,_ Pail l0e

C o u p o n .no te S u g g e s t C o rfe s h o u ld r e t u r n if

p o a . ' i b l e v i u S o n a t M t i n o i .1» f o r c o n f e r n o . r e f u s e

l u e a t l o n . o ’’ In view p o e s i t i i l i t y X proo . ei i

A thena b e f o r e h e o o n ld a r r i v e h e ro w ould t e l e g r a p h

ay p l a n e W o r a o r ho vouli i oou nn n io n to th e n Corf g

Be-I g r a û e Unquote

V/AïïiiVI LiB 10


Page 4: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another




Page 5: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another

1 2 . 1 0 . 2 2

TOUji U& m aCJ.ifB M liA H U

iB ïM H j u s t aeojtT isD r o e e c o s s q l i w ith d m a i m


YOU P3Q0££1D 0Û5PQLI 3001 A3 ?0r’. 3 IBIiB TO M5Ï5T BâliSXH






A3 POtSSIBLiS vfAimarna» n

R<rugl<B groan

Page 6: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another




/ > U V T . J

A )M |?fra Palace Hotel,


13th October, 192J

My dear Coloftol tiorfe, f r - ^

I have Junt received a telegram Informing me

that after a 1 you nre going straight to Athens lnster.d

of coming here on your way, and thet you will arrive

there on Tuesday. I am accordingly morlfylng my own plans

and shall leave for 3ofla on Sunday. I hope this will

bring me to Athens by Thursday or at latest Friday of next

weak* In the meantime there are a numler of things

about which I must write you : -

f 1 • lâT.f. Fle^diyi;: As n6 doubt you h ve been Informed

by Mr. do ffattevllle you will find In Athens Ur. Fielden

./ho Is acting as my representative and to whom I gave

Instructions tlr t he was to consider himself at the disposal

of my Constantinople o flee. As, however, there are at

present sufficient people here to take c.re of the work which

the Constantinople office has in hand, and as you may need

assistance will you please dispose of Ur. Fielden as you

thinfc best. He Is, < s perhaps you know, practically voluntay

as ho is receiving no salary nd Is paying most of his own

expenses. I think you will find him a very serious and

useful person.

u wft-gfVLit „ „AUiBlnlpt.rfit.l.pn unflg = Perhaps U. de W tteviiie has

ex lalned to you that the Council of the League voted from

its unforeseen expenditure a sum of V 00,000 for the

administrât!vn of our refugee work for the reaainder of this

As I expect you will need funds at once I am asking sir

Herbert Ames to pay over to you til000 . we can discuss when

we arrive In Athens whether th a sum will meet your require 0I1


Page 7: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another

for administration. I suggest thla awe now because I

want you to feel free to male* any arrangements which you

may think 1 iredlately required.

^ 3* the Greek CoTarrment: I send you here­

with a copy of a letter which I hare written to 11. Senlzelos

concerning the refugee problem In general.

It ex laIns In broad lines my views as to the refugee

problem and the solutions which I think are required. How

much we shall bo able to do towards helping In arriving at

these solutions of course I do not know. All I know la that

our funds nre wholly lnadoqurte for the great needs of the

situation. If, however, we can make some real contribution

towards Inducing the Greek Government to pursue a sound

policy from the first I think that will be of real importai»

and value.

Perhaps you wlinbe good enough to reflect on what I

have written to li. Venlzelos and ao to the beat way In which

we can approach the Greek Government.

4" aborted r e fU»eea In Anatolia! I also send

you a copy of a note v/hlch I circulated to the Allied High

Commissioners I hoping to be able to see Kemal Pasha

In a short time - proLably after ay visit to Athens - and I

hope I may beable to Induce hi» to releaae at l„aat some of

u thti nale refugees who have b.cn deported lnto/Anatolla. I

had yesterday a meeting with ail the A-lied High Commissioners

here In Co stantlnopl. and they have agreed (subject to

confirmation by th. United state, and th. Japan... Govermient)

to glv. me their full support In ay demarche with K.-al. I

think thlo should produc. son Impression on hie mind. I sand

you this not. bevau.e you may find It us.ful to Incleat, to the

Greek Gov.rnm.nt that we are .nd.avourlng to help them on

lleperla-A matters of policy as thla undoubtedly 1».

Page 8: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another

5. Li.it of TwrfctBfr Pr^sjpsr.a t o n cr- ̂ R-a Cr.&flJ!

I am, however, mo t anxious to be able to tell Kemal when I

1see him th t I h ve lready done aomothlni; to help the Turks

eo th' t I csri show th t I m absolutely imparti 1 as botweon

the two sides. If I had already done Bouethln( for the

T rks I think it would greatly as&ist me In connection with

the deported -ale refugeea.

There is one &mal- matter c-buut which the Turks here

h- ve ma- e great coraplr.i ts. It is that they have nover

been able to gut out of the Cree Coverne-.t or the Greek

Red Croas lists of the Turkish prisoners in Oreo!; hands.

They allege that they supplied 11 to of Greek prisoners

within a few weeks after their capture and continue to do so

regularly, but inat insnite of continued/rotests by the

lntematlonc.1 Red Cross the Greeks hr.ve never supplied

any lists at all. I promised to see if I could get such

11 ts an the Turks expressed their complete disbelief in

my ability to do so.

I should like therefore very much to get these 11 ts

without delay as I believe It would make some Impression

on the minds of the Turks and particularly on Hamid Bey ,

who besides being President of the Red Crescent is a person

as you know of great Influence with the Angorr Government.

On this matter no <!oubt M. Strait could help you or if he

is away hlo representatives in the Greek Red Cross, but

I hope you will take 1 mediate action on this if you think

it possible to get ; . y thing- done.

to 11. Venizelos that the Epidemics Comr.ilaslon have promised

us their full co-operation. Perha s you ha . e been in touch

you have not I shoul tell you that the Epidemics Commisi,inn

mlon: You will note in my letter

with Dr. Rajcliman in Geneva. I much hope so. In case


Page 9: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another

r are sending one of their Commissioners, Colonel Gauthier,

to Constantinople In a few days time. They are also

desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon.

I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople,

another to the British Consul at Sr lonlca and another to

you In Athens. I hope this may arrive with little delay.

I believe there may be much anti-epidemic and sanitary

work to be done and that the league might play a considerable

role In this reepoct. We muc-t discuss this whole question

an ..hither it woul be right to a pond some money on this .and

on medical supplies, when I come to Athens.


Che Con tantlnopie office will in two or three days

be feeding a certain nunber of refugees at seven different

centres In Eastern Thrace. At each of these contres we will

have p. League representative. These representatives will

have instructions to endeavour to > ove theV refuses into

Western Thrace as ccon as possible. If it. can be done,

however, *e are an..loua to arrange that they should be moved

to places where there Is re.'illy room for the ."nd re also wish

to organise their tranaport by means of iîrltlsh or other ships

fron sea porto on the oo*. t of the Sen of .’.Sr.rnora to their

destinations in Western Thraca.

Do yo . think you ;ould make it possible to take up the

question of places for these refugees to go to In Western

Thraee with the Government, and when you have * rogramme of

rl'.ces to t.ler.raph to my Constemtlnople of lice who will arr nge

thu noces ary shipping' The numbers actually being fed by our

representatives will be only 15,0vC (7 lots of 2000 and one of

1000) but they will each be In a centre where there are

roughly ten to fifteen thousand refugees congregated. If the

Greek authorities could Indicate seven places tc which ten

Page 10: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another

thousand refugees could go the Const, ntlnople office would

then bo able toraake a p og.ramme of ship Ins.

6. m - s r ^ a U gn Pf agxfel I gather from Mr.

Fielden'a very Interesting report fro:. Athena that there are

already a number of voluntary agencies "bee; Inn Inc to do relief

work of various : orts• I think It mo t desirable In order to

avo 1 ; overl- ping that we should endeavour to form some sort

ot Jolnfc committee of the kin th.t we have In Con?.trntlnople.

Perha s such a committee exists already but If It doos

not I think the League of Nations could very w.ll take the

lead In the matter, and ‘h t you could act -ù the preside t of

such a committee better than anyone else.

Perhaps If you think well of this BUgge tion you will

endeavour to take the preliminary steps to organise the

committee so that It might hold a meeting while I am in

Athens. Perh! a In this Mr. Pielden might be of use to you.

Yours .lncerely,

High Commissioner ofthe League ofnations for Refugees.

P.S. I must take this op ortunlty of expressing to you L.y immense satisfaction that you .-.re llling to go on working as League representative In this new refugee problem as you have d ne for the Russian refu, oes. I am cure we are lnnunsely fortunate in having your assistance and that it greatly enh noes our chance of successful action.

Colonel orfe.Hotel trail e Bretagne,

Page 11: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another


The Personnel Office also

has a dossier concerning Col. Corfe.

£ Ml -

Personnel Office.


Page 12: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another
Page 13: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another
Page 14: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another

rDear Colonel C orfe,

1f l l a t O ctober 198?.

v'itfa roforonofc to y our o r g n n ia a t io n f o r au lu

Minor r e zu g e eu , j o u w i l l , I un uu it?, unAeratanti the

v e ry g r t a t iuipoi i-onoe t lm t ^oncm uboulfi be i 'u l ly

iniorm od o f the profmsua o f yonr vork*

’’lo y a a a r rcm se t h a t r a t ru la r r e p j r t u he drawn up

nay a t w eekly i n e n r v a l a anti t h a t o o n le a o f thaae be

a e a t to 3enova an w e l l a a to „r« 1* inauu aa lo n g a s he

i<j i n the .Nvar * a t # I no où e c - ro u l> uuiuhaalae th e

roauon Tor whioh i t l a o f v i t a l im portanc e t h a t Oenora

be k ep t f u i l v uu gour a i t uL \h uovjlap^itidtu i n ijionu.

e uay be « « l ie d upon a t any .nouant t a .jüce a r e p o r t

to the a*0 *eï<.ry u o a a ra i or to the - o a a o i l on the

p ro c ré a s 01' , r . Sun j o n 'a v o rk , and the « h a le r e s p o n s i ­

b i l i t y f o r t h i a w i l l be thrown upon ua on noon aa t h e

High CiMttttluaionor ha a r e t u r a e â feoai h i s t o u r . I

dhouiU th e r e fo r e be oeoh o b li . 'od i f you .ould k ln o ly

tak.e the noo»eat>rv .itou» to have tho ru<iuired re p o r ta

drawn up and ae n t o u t a u to m a t ic a l ly fro-* thu very

b e g in n in g . Of ootiroo a l l û lm .lo a 0 " luaotlnge o f your

j o i n t c< u - i l t tu e a r e <aae 0* ltrei_t im p o r ta n c e , aa '.«11

a s any o th o r i a e te r l a l which au> be im e fu l f o r our

e f f o r t a i n o b t a in in g funda aa *021 a a i n o re u a in g

■ranural In tara at tuaon" t h e p u b l i c c o n c e r n in g the work

o f t h e r e f u g e e a . *e d io u ld t h e r e f o r e be e x tre m a ly

a n a io u a to h a re a c l e a r n o t io n a a to the work done by

C olonel C orfo ,Hotel hranue i r e ta g n e ,

Page 15: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another

tNi Tv.rtoa* r e l i e f o r g ^ n la u t lo n e , o s r e c i n l ly by the

Amer te e n Ped C ro es , the T n tem r.t io n r . l C roea , the

Have tt® Chi W ren i*i-nô, etc#

Yorra a ln o e re ly ,

Page 16: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another


[ C e t t e fe u i l le e s t r e s e r v é e à l 'u s a g e d u R eg is try . ]

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Page 17: SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. 1322 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REFUGEES … · desprtchlng vrOulne for cholera and typhoid lnocculatlon. I have asked them to consign one lot to Constantinople, another


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Index A. Ind

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