Menara Pisa Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas Belum Diperiksa Langsung ke: navigasi , cari Menara Pisa Menara Miring Pisa (Bahasa Italia : Torre pendente di Pisa atau disingkat Torre di Pisa) adalah sebuah campanile atau menara lonceng katedral di kota Pisa , Italia . Menara Pisa sebenarnya dibuat agar berdiri secara vertikal seperti menara lonceng pada umumnya, namun mulai miring tak lama setelah pembangunannya dimulai pada Agustus 1173 . Ia terletak di belakang katedral dan merupakan bangunan ketiga Campo dei Miracoli (lapangan pelangi) kota Pisa. Ketinggian menara ini adalah 55,86 m dari permukaan tanah terendah dan 56,70 m dari permukaan tanah tertinggi. Kelebaran

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Menara PisaDari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

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Menara Pisa

Menara Miring Pisa (Bahasa Italia: Torre pendente di Pisa atau disingkat Torre di Pisa) adalah sebuah campanile atau menara lonceng katedral di kota Pisa, Italia.

Menara Pisa sebenarnya dibuat agar berdiri secara vertikal seperti menara lonceng pada umumnya, namun mulai miring tak lama setelah pembangunannya dimulai pada Agustus 1173. Ia terletak di belakang katedral dan merupakan bangunan ketiga Campo dei Miracoli (lapangan pelangi) kota Pisa.

Ketinggian menara ini adalah 55,86 m dari permukaan tanah terendah dan 56,70 m dari permukaan tanah tertinggi. Kelebaran dinding di bawahnya mencapai 4,09 m dan di puncak 2,48 m. Bobotnya diperkirakan mencapai 14.500 ton. Menara Pisa memiliki 294 anak tangga. Dengan adanya menara ini, sektor pendapatan ekonomi jadi bertambah karena adanya objek wisata

[sunting] Sejarah

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Pembangunan Menara Pisa dilakukan dalam tiga tahap dalam jangka waktu 200 tahun. Pembangunan lantai pertama dari campanile yang berbatu marmer putih dimulai pada 9 Agustus 1173, yang merupakan era kesejahteraan dan kejayaan militer. Lantai pertama ini dikelilingi oleh pilar dengan huruf klasik, yang mengarah miring terhadap lengkungan kerai.

Ada kontroversi mengenai identitas dari arsitek Menara Miring Pisa. Selama beberapa tahun lamanya desainer dipredikatkan kepada Ahmad rezio Pahlevio dan ronaldo Jeremiaso, seorang seniman lokal terkemuka abad ke-12 di Pisa, yang populer oleh cetakan perunggunya, khususnya di dalam Pisa Duomo. Bonanno Pisano meninggalkan Pisa pada 1185 menuju ke Monreale, Sisilia, hanya untuk pulang kampung dan meninggal di kampung halamannya. Sarkofagus nya ditemukan di dasar menara pada tahun 1820.

[sunting] Galeri

Menara Pisa

Pintu masuk Menara Pisa

Menara Pisa

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Kompleks Menara Pisa

Kios Cenderamata


240 × 320 - Menara Miring Pisa (Bahasa Italia: Torre pendente di Pisa atau disingkat ...


Menara Pisa (Miring dan melengkung)By: red | Inspirasi | 25 Januari 2010, 09:44:01 | Dibaca: 6328 kali

Menara Pisa merupakan salah satu dari tujuh keajaiban dunia yang dibangun pada 1178. Kontruksi yang miring namun tetap kokoh berdiri walaupun sudah lebih dari 8 abad berdiri dengan kondisi tidak lazim menjadikan

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menara dengan lonceng di puncaknya ini spesial. BIla ada yang bertanya, “Apakah menara yang kemiringannya bertambah tiap tahun ini bisa roboh?” Jawabannya adalah “Ya”. Menara Pisa pernah hampir roboh pada 7 Januari 1990. Pihak pengelola pun memutuskan untuk menutup menara Pisa untuk publik sebab kemiringan menara sudah dalam taraf mengkhawatirkan dan diprediksi bisa roboh sewaktu-waktu.

Rekonstruksi intensif pun segera dilakukan demi melestarikan monumen bersejarah yang menjadi bagian dari katedral di kota Pisa ini. Seluruh penduduk yang tinggal di sekitar menara dievakuasi untuk mencegah jatuhnya, lonceng di puncak menara pun sementara dipindahkan untuk mengurangi beban menara. Kabel-kabel baja pun digunakan untuk menjaga stabilitas menara. Rekontruksi difokuskan pada perombakan fondasi yang memang menjadi masalah utama. Akhirnya setelah masa rekonstruksi yang intensif, Menara Pisa dibuka lagi untuk umum pada 15 Desember 2001. Pada Mei 2008, para insinyur memastikan bahwa kondisi Menara Pisa akan aman (kemiringan tidak akan bertambah) paling tidak untuk 300 tahun ke depan.

Sejarah Menara Pisa sendiri sebenarnya cukup unik. Menara ini dibangun dalam empat tahapan dan memakan waktu dua abad. Kemiringan yang menjadi daya tarik sebenarnya merupakan kesalahan perhitungan, karena bagian fondasi terlalu kecil dan menara ini dibangun di atas tanah berpasir. Sehingga pada saat pembangunan mencapai lantai ke-3 sebagian menara amblas dan menara menjadi miring. Setelah ditunda selama 100 tahun, akhirnya pembangunan Menara Pisa dilanjutkan dengan menambah 4 lantai lagi yang dibangun ke arah “menuju tegak lurus” untuk mengimbangi kemiringan. Jadi sebenarnya Menara Pisa bukan saja miring, namun juga melengkung.

“Tetapi setiap orang yang mendengar perkataan-Ku ini dan tidak melakukannya, ia sama dengan orang yang bodoh, yang mendirikan rumahnya di atas pasir” (Mat 7:26) (Red)

Sumber: Renungan Siang, Januari 2010Travel Tips Travel Tips » European Travel » Perjalanan Eropa » Italy Travel » Italia Perjalanan » Leaning Tower of Pisa » Leaning Tower of Pisa » How to Visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa » Bagaimana Kunjungi Menara Miring Pisa

How to Visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa Bagaimana Kunjungi Menara Miring Pisa by Laura Dixon, Demand Media oleh Dixon Laura, Media Permintaan

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Leaning Tower of Pisa image by Lauren O from Fotolia.com Menara Miring Pisa citra oleh Lauren O dari Fotolia.com

This architectural error is a tourist magnet. Kesalahan ini arsitektur adalah magnet wisata.

Overview Ikhtisar

The Tuscan town of Pisa is famous the world over for its leaning tower, which has been gradually sinking for centuries and is now one of Italy's top tourist attractions. Kota Tuscan Pisa terkenal di seluruh dunia untuk menara miring, yang telah berangsur-angsur tenggelam selama berabad-abad dan sekarang salah satu atraksi wisata utama Italia. The iconic tower dates back to 1173, when workers began to erect what they assumed would be just a routine addition to Pisa's cathedral. Menara ikon tanggal kembali ke 1173, ketika para pekerja mulai membangun apa yang mereka dianggap hanya akan tambahan rutin untuk katedral Pisa. Centuries later, the tower is still closed occasionally so engineers can continue to strengthen its still-sinking foundation. Berabad-abad kemudian, menara ini masih tertutup kadang-kadang jadi insinyur dapat terus memperkuat pondasi masih tenggelam nya.

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Leaning Tower of Pisa image by Lauren O from Fotolia.com Menara Miring Pisa citra oleh Lauren O dari Fotolia.com

Leaning Tower of Pisa image by Lauren O from Fotolia.com Menara Miring Pisa citra oleh Lauren O dari Fotolia.com

This architectural error is a tourist magnet. Kesalahan ini arsitektur adalah magnet wisata.

d3241e04-7e47-ef90-269e-f5a413dd0c20 400 300 d3241e04-7e47-ef90-269e-f5a413dd0c20 400 300

o Step 1 Langkah 1

Reserve your tickets for the tower in advance if you want to avoid the sometimes hours-long lines and don't mind paying 2 euros more than the regular 15 euro admission fee, especially during high tourist season from May to September. tiket Cadangan Anda untuk menara terlebih dahulu jika Anda ingin menghindari garis kadang-kadang jam-panjang dan tidak keberatan membayar lebih dari € 2 biaya 15 masuk euro rutin, terutama selama musim turis tinggi dari Mei sampai September. Check availability and purchase tickets on the tower's ticket office website (see Resources). Periksa ketersediaan tiket dan pembelian di situs kantor tiket menara (lihat Sumberdaya). Ticket

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reservations are available for half-hour brackets of time. Pemesanan Tiket tersedia untuk kurung setengah jam dari waktu. Print your ticket voucher from the website to bring along. Cetak tiket voucher Anda dari situs web untuk membawa. You also can buy tickets at the site. Anda juga dapat membeli tiket di lokasi.

o Step 2 Langkah 2

Make your way to Pisa's famous leaning tower, less than a mile from the train station and across the Arno River. Membuat jalan ke menara miring Pisa yang terkenal, kurang dari satu mil dari stasiun kereta api dan menyeberangi Sungai Arno. Ask for a map at the train station, the hotel or one of the many tourist information offices nearby. Mintalah peta di stasiun kereta api, hotel atau salah satu kantor informasi turis di dekatnya. Bus lines numbered 3 and 4 run from the main train station to the tower, and taxis are plentiful. Bus bernomor baris 3 dan 4 dijalankan dari stasiun kereta api utama ke menara, dan taksi yang berlimpah.

o Step 3 Langkah 3

Get to the bell tower as early as possible to avoid crowds. Pergi ke menara lonceng sedini mungkin untuk menghindari orang banyak. The tower is open daily from 10 am to 5 pm from November through February, 9 am to 6 pm in March, 8:30 am until 8:30 pm from April to September, and 9 am to 7 pm in October. Menara ini buka setiap hari 10:00-5:00 dari November sampai Februari, 9:00-18:00 Maret, 08:30 sampai 20:30 dari April sampai September, dan 09:00-7:00 pada bulan Oktober. Be at the front of the line for the tower no later than 30 minutes before closing to be admitted. Berada di garis depan untuk menara paling lambat 30 menit sebelum penutupan untuk diterima. Check the tower website to verify the hours, as they are subject to change on certain dates (see Resources). Periksa situs menara untuk memverifikasi jam, karena mereka dapat berubah pada tanggal tertentu (lihat Sumberdaya). Enter the bell tower after you've had your ticket checked and begin the climb up to the tower, where you'll have a view of the city. Masukkan menara lonceng setelah Anda sudah tiket Anda diperiksa dan mulai mendaki sampai ke menara, di mana Anda akan memiliki pemandangan kota.

[Kembali]Terjemahan 1.

Tower of Pisa Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Not Checked Jump to: navigation, search  

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  Tower of Pisa Leaning Tower of Pisa (Italian: Torre pendente in Pisa or Torre abbreviated in Pisa) is the campanile or bell tower of the cathedral in Pisa, Italy. Tower of Pisa is actually made to stand vertically like a tower bell in general, but it began to list shortly after its construction started in August 1173. He is located behind the cathedral and is the third building Campo dei Miracoli (Field of the rainbow), the city of Pisa. The height of this tower is 55.86 m from ground level as low and 56.70 m from the top soil surface. Width of the wall beneath it reached 4.09 m and at the peak of 2.48 m. Its weight is estimated at 14,500 tons. Tower of Pisa has 294 steps. With the existence of this tower, sector of economic income to be increased because of the tourist attraction [Edit] History Pisa Tower construction is done in three stages within 200 years. Development of the first floor of a rocky white marble campanile began on August 9, 1173, which is an era of prosperity and military success. The first floor is surrounded by pillars with classical letters, leading to tilted against blind arches. There is controversy about the identity of the architect of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Over the past few years designers predicated to Ahmad rezio Pahlevio and ronaldo Jeremiaso, a prominent local artists of the 12th century in Pisa, which is popular by bronze molds, particularly in the Pisa Duomo. Bonanno Pisano left Pisa in 1185 leading to Monreale, Sicily, only to return home and died in his hometown. His sarcophagus was found at the base of the tower in 1820. [Edit] Gallery • Tower of Pisa • Entrance Tower of Pisa • Tower of Pisa • Complex Tower of Pisa • Souvenir Kiosk   Leaning_Tower_of_Pisa.jpg 240 × 320 - the Leaning Tower of Pisa (Italian: Torre pendente in Pisa or simply ... rikuroku-valerinasoulz.blogspot.com

• Tower of Pisa (Leaning and curved) By: ed | Inspiration | January 25, 2010, 09:44:01 | Read: 6328 times Tower of Pisa is one of the seven wonders of the world which was built in 1178. Construction is tilt but still sturdy stand, despite being more than 8 centuries stood with unusual conditions make the tower with a bell on top of this special. If anyone asks, "Is the tower that this slope is increasing each year could collapse?" The answer is "Yes". Tower of Pisa had nearly collapsed on January 7th, 1990. The management decided to close the tower of Pisa to the public because the slope of the tower is already in the alarming level and is predicted to be collapsed at any time.

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Intensive reconstruction was performed immediately in order to preserve the historic monuments that are part of the cathedral in this city of Pisa. All residents who live around the tower were evacuated to prevent the fall, the bells atop the tower was temporarily moved to reduce the burden of the tower. Steel cables were used to maintain the stability of the tower. Reconstruction focused on the overhaul of the foundation which is becoming a major problem. Finally after a period of intensive reconstruction, the Tower of Pisa reopened to the public on December 15, 2001. In May 2008, the engineers ensure that the conditions of the Tower of Pisa will be safe (the slope will not increase) at least for the next 300 years. History of the Tower of Pisa itself is actually quite unique. The tower was built in four phases and take two centuries. The slope is the main attraction is actually a calculation error, because the foundation is too small and the tower was built on sandy soil. So when the construction reaches the 3rd floor partially collapsed tower and the tower became skewed. After having been suspended for 100 years, eventually building the Tower of Pisa was continued by adding 4 more floors built in the direction "toward the perpendicular" to compensate for the slope. So actually the Tower of Pisa is not only skewed, but also curved. "But everyone who hears my words and do not do it, it equal to the fools, who built his house upon the sand" (Matt. 7:26) (Red) • Source: Meditations Noon, January 2010Travel Tips Travel Tips • »European Travel» European Travel • »Italy Travel» Italy Travel • »Leaning Tower of Pisa» Leaning Tower of Pisa • »How to Visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa» How to Visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa How to Visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa Leaning Tower of Pisa How to Visit by Laura Dixon, Demand Media by Laura Dixon, Media Requests     Leaning Tower of Pisa image by Lauren O from Fotolia.com Leaning Tower of Pisa image by Lauren O from Fotolia.com This architectural error is a tourist magnet. This error is a magnet architecture tours. • Overview Overview The Tuscan town of Pisa is famous the world over for its Leaning Tower, the which has been gradually sinking for Centuries and is now one of Italy's top tourist attractions. Tuscan city of Pisa famous throughout the world for the leaning tower, which has been gradually sinking for centuries and now one of Italy's major tourist attractions. The iconic tower dates back to 1173, workers began to erect Pls They assumed what would be just a routine Addition to Pisa's Cathedral. Iconic tower dates back to 1173, when workers began to build what they considered to be only an additional routine for the cathedral of Pisa. Centuries later, the tower is still closed cans occasionally so engineers continue to strengthen its still-sinking foundation. Centuries later, the tower is still closed at times so engineers can continue to strengthen its foundation is still sinking.    Leaning Tower of Pisa image by Lauren O from Fotolia.com Leaning Tower of Pisa image by Lauren O from Fotolia.com Leaning Tower of Pisa image by Lauren O from Fotolia.com Leaning Tower of Pisa image by Lauren O from Fotolia.com This architectural error is a tourist magnet. This error is a magnet architecture tours. d3241e04-ef90-7e47-269e-f5a413dd0c20 400 300 d3241e04-ef90-7e47-269e-f5a413dd0c20 400

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300 • o Step 1 Step 1 Reserve your tickets for the tower in advance if You Want to Avoid Sometimes the hours-long lines and do not mind paying 2 euros More Than the regular admission fee of 15 euros, especially During high tourist season from May to September. Reserve your ticket for the tower in advance if you want to avoid the sometimes-long hours and do not mind paying more than € 2 entrance costs 15 euros a routine, especially during high tourist season from May to September. Check availability and purchase tickets on the tower's ticket office website (see Resources). Check availability and purchase tickets at the ticket office tower site (see Resources). Ticket reservations are available for half-hour of time brackets. Ticket reservations are available for half an hour from the time brackets. Print your ticket vouchers from the website to bring along. Print your voucher ticket from the web site to bring. Also cans you buy tickets at the site. You can also purchase tickets on site. o Step 2 Step 2 Make your way to Pisa's famous Leaning Tower, less than a mile from the train station and across the Arno River. Make your way to the famous leaning tower of Pisa, less than one mile from the train station and cross the Arno River. Ask for a map at the train station, the hotel or one of the many tourist information offices Nearby. Ask for a map at the train station, hotel or one nearby tourist information office. Bus lines numbered 3 and 4 are run from the main train station to the tower, and taxis are plentiful. Buses numbered lines 3 and 4 run from the main railway station to the tower, and taxis are plentiful. o Step 3 Step 3 Get to the bell tower as early as possible to Avoid crowds. Go to the bell tower as early as possible to avoid the crowds. The tower is open daily from 10 am to 5 pm from November through February, 9 am to 6 pm in March, 8:30 am Until 8:30 pm from April to September, and 9 am to 7 pm in October. The tower is open daily from 10:00 to 5:00 from November through February, 9:00 to 18:00 March, 08:30 to 20:30 from April to September, and 9:00 to 7:00 in October. Be at the front of the line for the tower no later Than 30 minutes before closing to be admitted. Being on the front lines to the tower at least 30 minutes before closing to be accepted. Check the tower site to verify the hours, as They are subject to change on to perform certain dates (see Resources). Check the site to verify the clock tower, because they can change on a certain date (see Resources). Enter the bell tower after you've Had your ticket checked and begin the climb up to the tower, Nowhere you'll have a view of the city. Enter the bell tower after you've checked your ticket and begin to climb up to the tower, where you will have views of the city.


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Wisata Menara Miring Pisa Ditulis oleh Wayan Manuh/ Era Baru Selasa, 13 April 2010

Menara Terre Pendente, di Kota Pisa, Italia.(Wayan Manuh)

Diantara banyak kata-kata yang salah kaprah tentang suatu objek, salah satuya adalah menara Pisa ini. Nama sebenarnya bukan menara Pisa, tetapi dalam bahasa Italianya Terre Pendente. Karena keberadaannya di kota  Pisa, di Tuscany yang mana adalah wilayah tengah dari Italia,  maka gelar menarapun dinamakan menara Pisa.

Penulis memulai perjalanan dari pelabuhan Livorno yang  berjarak 15 mil atau sekitar 24

kilometer dari Menara Pisa. Untuk sampai ke bangunan yang terkenal ini dari alun-alun kota Livorno tepatnya dari Piazza Grande harus naik bus dengan harga tiket €1 ke stasiun kereta api di pusat kota Livorno atau Livorno Centrale.

Kemudian kita bisa memulai perjalan berikutnya dengan kereta api menuju Pisa. Jadwal kereta api hampir setiap duapuluh menit sekali. Jarak tempuh yag tidak terlalu jauh ini hanya memerlukan waktu tempuh 15-20 menit. Untuk mengurangi antrean dan menghemat waktu pada saat kembali, sebaiknya kita membeli tiket pulang pergi yang berharga € 3,6. atau sekitar Rp 43,000. Kita akan diberikan tiket yang berlaku selama 7 jam, sedangkan tiket bis kota yang bisa di beli dari kios-kios majalah hanya berlaku dalam jangka waktu 75 menit.

Setibanya di stasiun Pisa Centrale, kita bisa memilih transpotasi, apakah mau jalan kaki atau mau naik taxi ke arah menara yang berjarak kurang lebih satu kilometer. Kami memilih untuk berjalan kaki. Gerimis hujan dan angin yang sukup kencang membuat suhu udara pagi itu menurun drastis.

Suhu udara pagi ini paling rendah mencapai 6,5°C dan tertinggi juga hanya 11 derajat.  Rute untuk mencapai komplek Campo dei Miracoli atau Alun-alun Keajaiban sebenarnya tidak susah, hanya saja karena kita berjalan di antara bangunan-bangunan yang cukup tinggi, kita tidak bisa melihat menara itu dari jauh. Tetapi hanya dengan menempuh jalan lurus dari stasiun kereta anda tidak akan tersesat.

Setelah menyebrangi jembatan di Sungai Arno anda sudah berada beberapa ratus meter dari menara. Menara yang hanya berketiggian 56 meter ini masih belum bisa kita lihat kaena tidak ada tempat yang lapang dari bangunan kota yang rata-rata bertingkat dua atau tiga.

Begitu memasuki jalan terakhir menuju alun-alun anda akan tercengang dengan taman yang luas

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dan jalan yang lebar hanya untuk pejalan kaki. Anda sudah berada di tempat bersejarah dan

terdaftar mendapat perlindungan dari UNESCO (Organisasi Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan PBB).

Hujan yang turun hari ini memberikan pemandangan berbeda dari menara dan keseluruhan komplek ini. Kita bisa mendapatkan foto yang lain dari pada yang lain karena kita bisa mendapatkan bayangan menara di genangan air hujan.

Terjemahan 2.

Leaning Tower of Pisa Tour

Written by the Wayan Manuh / New Era Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Terre Pendente Tower, in the City of Pisa, Italy. (Wayan Manuh)Among the many words that are wrong about an object, one only place this is the tower of Pisa. The name is actually not a tower of Pisa, but in Terre Pendente Italian language. Because of its presence in the town of Pisa, in Tuscany which is the central region of Italy, the title menarapun called the tower of Pisa.The author began the journey from the port of Livorno, a distance of 15 miles or about 24 kilometers from the Tower of Pisa. To get to building this famous town square of Livorno Piazza Grande rather than have to ride the bus with a ticket price of € 1 to the railway station in the city center or Livorno Livorno Centrale.Then we can start the next journey by train to Pisa. Schedule train almost every twenty minutes. Yag mileage is not too much of this only takes 15-20 minutes travel time. To reduce the queues and save time at the time of return, should we buy a return ticket is worth € 3.6. or approximately USD 43.000. We will be given a ticket which is valid for 7 hours, while city bus tickets can be purchased from the stalls magazine is only valid within a period of 75 minutes.Arriving at Pisa Centrale station, we can choose transportation, whether to walk or ride a taxi going in the direction of the tower is located approximately one kilometer. We chose to walk away. Drizzling rain and strong winds sukup make that morning the air temperature dropped dramatically.The temperature this morning at a low level of 6.5 ° C and the highest is only 11 degrees. Route to reach the complex Campo dei Miracoli or Miracle Square is actually not difficult, just because we walk between the buildings is quite high, we can not see the tower from afar. But only by taking the straight road from the train station you will not be lost.After crossing the bridge on the River Arno you already are a few hundred yards from the tower. The tower is only 56 meters berketiggian this still can not we see there is no place kaena field of building an

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average of two or three storied.Once entering the last road into the square you will be amazed by the spacious parks and wide streets only for pedestrians. You are already registered historical places and get protection from UNESCO (United Nations Educational and Cultural Organization).The rain that fell today gave a different view from the tower and the whole of this complex. We can get another photo from the others because we can get the shadow of the tower in a puddle of rain water.

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Villa Barcarelli

A beautiful farm house and romantic cottage built around 1850 and nestled in the Tuscan mountains with uninterrupted panoramic views. The property wh... read more

Villa Features 7 Bedrooms 7.5 Bathrooms Pool Add to Favorites

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Villa di Montelopio

This villa, dating from the 16th century and located in Peccioli, still retains the atmosphere of an antique Templar residence. The central part of th... read more

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Bellavista is an elegant Tuscan villa with its antique tower dates back to the early 1900's. Sited on a hilltop, this property boasts 5 bedrooms in th... read more

Villa Features 6 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms Pool Add to Favorites

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Le Rondini

Le Rondini is a very special property located in the area of Montopoli Val D'arno. It has been recently restored to a very high standard, preserving t... read more

Villa Features 5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms Pool Add to Favorites

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Photos of niLna


Jalan-jalan ke Menara Pisa yuuk! Feb 12, '07 5:43 AMfor everyone

Menyusuri jalanan negeri Italia, tiga ratus delapan puluh kilometer, tiga jam perjalanan darat ke arah utara dari Roma, ibukota Italia, terdapat sebuah kota kecil, letaknya di profinsi Tuscany, namanya Pisa. Di kota kecil inilah sebuah menara berdiri dengan kokohnya, tapi miring, dan akhirnya menjadi ciri khas Italia. Menara Pisa.Pisa tak beda dengan kota-kota kecil di Italia. Rumah-rumahnya tetap beraksitektur eropa memenuhi kiri kanan jalanan kota. Di sela-selanya, ditemukan toko-toko Pizza yang dinamakan Pizzeria, juga gelateria, tempat

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khusus untuk para pencinta es krim Italia.Namun saat mata bertemu dengan gerbang Santa Maria, barulah terasa bahwa tempat ini bukanlah tempat biasa. Gerbangnya berasitektur abad pertengahan dan di depannya terbentang luas halaman rumput hijau. Di tengah rerumputan itu, berdiri bangunan marmer.Di tempat inilah terjadi beberapa kali evolusi sebuah bangunan. Bangunan yang akhirnya menjadi peninggalan penting bangsa Roma dan kini dikenal dunia.

Tiga bangunan marmer. Bangunan pertama bernama Baptistery, bentunya setengah bulat dan terjadi beberapa kali pergantian arsitek dalam konstruksinya. Dibangun oleh arsitek Diotisalvy pada tahun 1153 hingga akhir abad perteengahan.Yang kedua adalah Gereja Katedral. Mulai dibangun pada tahun 1063, oleh arsitek Buscheto. gereja ini dibangun ketika terjadinya pertukaran kebudayaan dan kesenian, di antara para prajurit, pedagang dan peziarah. Hingga terciptalah gereja dengan arsitektur yang dipengaruhi elemen Bizantium dan Arab.Dari ketiganya, yang paling menonjol adalah Piazza Dei Miracoli atau yang kita kenal dengan Menara Miring (Pissa). Menara ini mulai dibangun tahun 1173, oleh Bonanno. Ketika mencapai lantai tiga, proses pembangunan menara ini dihentikan disebabkan adanya endapan tanah yang mengakibatkan kemiringan bangunan. Seabad kemudian, menara ini disentuh oleh tangan Giovanni di Simone yang melanjutkan pembangunan hingga lantai enam. Pertengahan abad ke-14, Tommaso menghadiahkan menara lonceng pada puncak bangunan ini. Semuanya berjumlah tujuh lonceng yang bebunyi sesuai tujuh not tangga nada. Dan akhirnya terciptalah sebuah menara Pissa.Untuk mencapai puncak Pissa, pengunjung harus melewati 294 anak tangga. Lorongnya tidak terlalu lebar, hanya muat dilewati dua orang. Karena miring, pengunjung bersensasi bahwa tubuh mereka yang berposisi miring.Setiap tahunnya menara Pisa bertambah miring satu milimeter. Hal ini menimbulkan kekhawatiran, hingga diputuskan bahwa menara Pisa ditutup untuk umum terhitung tanggal 6 Januari 1990. Berbagai cara dan metoda pun digunakan untuk mengurangi proses kemiringan. Tapi, tetap saja tidak berhasil.Menara Pisa kembali dibuka untuk umum bulan Nopember 2001. Meski miring, wisatawan tak berniat untuk tidak menggunjungi menara ini. Wisatawan tak hanya mengagumi menara miring tapi juga asyik berjemur di bawah terik matahari kala musim panas. Menara Pisa akan tetap menarik meski para arsitek berjaga-jaga. Setiap tahun pelataran menara ini ramai dikunjungi manusia dari berbagai macam negara. Inilah menara Pisa dan sejarah panjangnya.Ketiga bangunan ini, Baptistery, gereja katedral dan menara Pisa adalah

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bangunan monumental dan fenomenal. Dibangun dalam rentang waktu tiga abad oleh generasi arsitek. Hingga tercipta hasil karya seni yang berbuah dari kepekaan dan cita rasa orisinil, dan kemudian disebut gaya Romawi Pisa.Prev: What's a matter??Next: Oleh-oleh

TERJEMAHAN #:thinknilnathinknilna

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Blog Entry The roads to the Tower of Pisa yuuk! Feb 12, '07 5:43 AMfor everyoneAlong the country roads of Italy, three hundred and eighty miles, three-hour overland journey to the north of Rome, the capital of Italy, there is a small town, located in profinsi Tuscany, Pisa name. In this small town stands a tower with a sturdy, but sloping, and eventually become the hallmark of Italy. Tower of Pisa.Pisa no different than small towns in Italy. The houses remained beraksitektur meet the left-right European city street. Between them, found the shops named Pizza Pizzeria, also gelateria, a special place for lovers of Italian ice cream.But when his eyes met with the gates of Santa Maria, then feel that this place is not the usual place. Berasitektur medieval gates and in front of vast stretches of green lawn. In the middle of the grass, stood marble building.This is where evolution occurred several times a building. The building that eventually became an important legacy of the Romans, and now known worldwide.

Three marble buildings. The first building named Baptistery, bentunya half round and occur several times a change of architects in the construction. Built by architect Diotisalvy on in 1153 until the end of the century perteengahan.The second is the Cathedral Church. Was built in 1063, by architect Buscheto. This church was built when the exchange of culture and arts, among the soldiers, traders and pilgrims. Until the church created the architecture that influenced the Byzantine and Arabic elements.Of the three, the most prominent is the Piazza Dei Miracoli, or that we are familiar with the Leaning Tower (Pissa). The tower was built in 1173, by Bonanno. When we reach the third floor, the construction of the tower was halted due to the suspended solids that cause the slope of the building. A century later, the tower was touched by the hand of Giovanni di Simone who continue development up to the sixth floor.Mid-14th century, Tommaso reward bell tower on top of this building. There were seven bells bebunyi accordance seven note scales. And finally created a tower Pissa.To reach the top Pissa, visitors must pass through 294 steps. Streets are not too wide, only passed fit two people. Because of skewed, visitors bersensasi that their bodies were tilted position.

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Each year the tower of Pisa grew slanting one millimeter. This raises concerns, until it was decided that the tower of Pisa is closed to the public starting January 6, 1990. Various means and methods were used to reduce the slope. But, still, to no avail.Tower of Pisa re-opened to the public in November 2001. Although oblique, tourists do not intend to not menggunjungi this tower. Tourists do not just admire the leaning tower but also fun basking in the sun when the summer. Tower of Pisa will remain attractive despite the architects just in case. Each year the court was crowded human tower from various countries. This is the tower of Pisa and its long history.The three buildings, the Baptistery, the cathedral church and the tower of Pisa is a monumental and phenomenal building. Built over a period of three centuries by generations of architects. Until created artwork that fruitful results of the sensitivity and the original taste, and then referred to the Roman style of Pisa.Prev: What's a matter?Next: By-by MENARA PETRONAS MALAYSIA

Taveling in MalaysiaPosted on March 1, 2011 by admin

If you’re traveling to Kuala Lumpur there are some pretty interesting places to visit.

Petronas Towers

KL Petronas Towers twin towers are located on the second highest in the world. The tower is located at the Kuala Lumpur City Center. We must rise up to the bridge between these two buildings are on the floor 42. But for that we should have given free tickets, but we have to queue. And should really from the morning. I arrived at 7.30, was already snaking queue is very

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long. Counters are located in the basement. I am getting information that they issued a ticket for the 1600 people per day.

One person can queue up a ticket for a maximum of 5 persons. After obtaining a ticket then you will know what time we should go up, and we can walk first, then 15 minutes earlier to get ready to wait on site. Do not be late, because if too late, the tickets will be scorched. In addition to the ticket counter, there is a small museum room that shows how the use of high technology in order to build the skyscraper. Because the need to anticipate an earthquake, lightning, fire, weather changes, and so forth. Beware: CLOSED Monday ..

Suria KLCC

Inside this tower there is Suria KLCC, a huge mall and sell the goods – goods famous. Along with the campaign “Visit Malaysia 2007″, Malaysia also heavily campaigned Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival in mid-year 2007. However, from a simple survey I compared a few things, namely camcorders, mobile phones and some other electronic equipment found in Indonesia is much cheaper. So why would spend far less would be difficult if there is complaint. For fashion products too, which I find sale / discount of 20-30% on average there is also a 50%. Well it’s still in Indonesia if for sale 50% hell still we often encounter. So let us focus on the streets alone .. But for food, price is not too far with Indonesia, and even some food at the food court cheaper than the mall in Indonesia.


Menara Berkembar Petronas

Daripada Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas.

Lompat ke: pandu arah, gelintar

Menara Berkembar Petronas

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Lokasi Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Status Siap dibina

Tempoh pembinaan


Kegunaan Pejabat

Dibuka 31 Ogos 1999

Musnah -


Antena/Puncak 452.0 m (1,482.9 ka)[1]

Bumbung 378.6 m (1,242.1 ka)

Tingkat atas 375.0 m (1,230.3 ka)

Maklumat teknikal

Bilangan tingkat 88

Keluasan tingkat395,000 m²(4,252,000 sq ft)(1 & 2)

Bilangan lif 78 (1 & 2)

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Kos AS$ 1.6 bilion [2]


Arkitek César Pelli

JuruteraThornton Tomasetti dan Ranhill Bersekutu Sdn Bhd

KontraktorHazama Corporation

(Menara 1), Samsung C&T (Menara 2)

Pemaju -

Pemilik Petronas

*Pernah menjadi bangunan tertinggi didunia.

Menara Berkembar Petronas di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ialah sepasang menara berkembar yang pernah menjadi bangunan tertinggi di dunia sebelum diatasi oleh Taipei 101. Sungguhpun begitu, kedua-dua menara ini masih merupakan menara berkembar tertinggi di dunia dan juga merupakan bangunan tertinggi pada abad ke-20. Menara Berkembar Petronas memegang gelaran bangunan tertinggi dari tahun 1998 hingga 2004 dari segi ukuran dari aras pintu masuk utama hingga atas struktur, iaitu rujukan ketinggian asli yang digunakan oleh pertubuhan antarabangsa Majlis Bangunan Tinggi dan Habitat Bandar sejak tahun 1969 (tiga kategori ketinggian tambahan diperkenalkan ketika menara ini hampir disiapkan pada tahun 1996).[3]

Isi kandungan


1 Perbandingan dengan menara lain 2 Pembinaan 3 Penyewa

o 3.1 Taman KLCC o 3.2 Jejantas o 3.3 Sistem lif o 3.4 Sistem penghawa dingin terpusat

4 Peristiwa terpenting 5 Galeri 6 Rujukan 7 Lihat juga 8 Pautan luar

[sunting] Perbandingan dengan menara lain

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Perbandingan struktur tertinggi dunia.

Mengikut CTBUH, puncaknya yang menyumbang kepada ketinggian keseluruhan menara ini, oleh itu mengatasi Menara Willis.

Menara Berkembar Petronas menjadi bangunan tertinggi di dunia sehingga siapnya Taipei 101 pada tahun 2004, seperti yang diukur hingga ke atas komponen strukturnya (kemuncak, bukan antena).[4] Puncak (spire) dianggap sebagai bahagian penting dalam reka bina bangunan, dan jika diubah boleh banyak mengubah rupa dan reka bina bangunan, manakala antena boleh dipasang atau dicabut tanpa memberi kesan kepada rupa bangunan. Menara Berkembar Petronas masih merupakan bangunan berkembar tertinggi di dunia.[5]

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Menara-menara Willis (dahulunya Spears) dan World Trade Center terbina dengan 110 tingkat yang boleh diduduki, iaitu lebih 22 tingkat berbanding Petronas Twin Towers yang ada 88 tingkat. Bumbung-bumbung dan tingkat tertinggi menara Willis dan World Trade Center agak melebihi ketinggian bumbung dan tingkat tertinggi Menara Berkembar Petronas. Antena tertinggi di Willis Tower adalah 75 metres (246 ka) lebih tinggi berbanding puncak-puncak Menara Berkembar Petronas. Walaupun demikian, mengikut peraturan dan garis panduan CTBUH,[3] antena-antena Menara Willis tidak diambil kira sebagai sebahagian ciri-ciri seni binanya.[6] Sebaliknya, puncak-puncak pada Menara Petronas dikira dalam ukuran ketinggian kerana bukan merupakan tiang antena. Oleh itu, Menara Berkembar Petronas mengatasi ketinggian rasmi Menara Willis dengan beza 10 metres (33 ka), padahal Menara Willis lebih banyak bilangan tingkat dan lebih besar kakian perseginya.

[sunting] Pembinaan

Menara Petronas yang direka oleh jurubina César Pelli dari Argentina ini, siap dibina pada tahun 1998 setelah menelan masa tujuh tahun sehingga menjadi bangunan tertinggi di dunia sewaktu disiapkan.[7] Menara ini dibina di atas tapak lumba kuda Kuala Lumpur.[8] Kedalaman batuan dasar menjadikan bangunan ini dibina pada tapak yang paling dalam di dunia.[9] Tapak sedalam 120 meter itu memerlukan sejumlah konkrit yang berlebihan untuk dibina dalam masa 12 bulan oleh Bachy Soletanche.[10]

Menara setinggi 88 tingkat ini banyak dibuat daripada konkrit bertetulang dengan muka bangunan buatan keluli dan kaca yang direka untuk menyerupai motif kesenian Islam untuk mencerminkan agama Islam di Malaysia.[11] Satu lagi pengaruh seni Islam dalam bangunan ini ialah keratan rentas kedua-dua menara yang berbentuk Rub el Hizb, ditambah dengan bahagian bundar untuk memenuhi keperluan ruang pejabat.[12] Menara 1 dibina oleh konsortium Jepun yang dipimpin oleh Hazama Corporation manakala Menara 2 dibina oleh dua kontraktor Korea Selatan, iaitu Samsung C&T dan Kukdong Engineering & Construction. Jejantasnya pula disiapkan oleh Kukdong.

Disebabkan kekurangan keluli serta kos pengimportan keluli yang mahal, menara berkembar ini didirikan atas konkrit bertetulang teramat kukuh bereka bentuk radikal yang murah sekali.[13] Konkrit yang amat kukuh dikenali ramai kontraktor Asia dan dua kali lebih berkesan mengurangkan gegaran berbanding keluli; however, oleh itu bangunan ini dua kali beratnya pada tapak berbanding bangunan keluli yang seumpamanya. Disokong oleh teras konkrit 23-kali-23 meter[14] dan segelang luar tiang super yang beruang legar, menara-menara ini menggunakan sistem struktur canggih yang menampung profilnya yang langsing serta menyediakan ruang pejabat tanpa tiang seluas 560,000 meter persegis (669,754 ela ps).[15] Di bawah menara berkembar ini ialah pusat beli-belah Suria KLCC dan Dewan Filharmonik Petronas.

[sunting] Penyewa

Menara Satu diduduki sepenuhnya oleh Petronas dan sebilangan anak syarikat dan syarikat sekutunya, manakala ruang pejabat di Menara Dua pula disewakan ke syarikat-syarikat lain[16] Antara syarikat-syarikat yang mendirikan pejabat dalam Menara Dua termasuk Al Jazeera [17] ,

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Carigali Hess [18] , Bloomberg [19] , GE [20] , IBM, Khazanah Nasional [21] , McKinsey & Company [22] , Microsoft [23] , Reuters [24] , Shell [25] .

[sunting] Taman KLCCRencana utama: Taman KLCC

Di bawah bangunan ini, terdapat sebuah Taman KLCC seluas 17 ekars (69,000 m²) yang tersedia lorong berjoging dan bersiar-siar, kolam air pancut yang dihiasi pertunjukan cahaya, kolam randuk, dan taman permainan kanak-kanak. Suria KLCC ialah salah sebuah pusat beli-belah terbesar di Malaysia.[26]

[sunting] Jejantas

Sebatang jejantas menghubungkan kedua-dua menara.

Pemandangan dalam jejantas.

Terdapat sebatang jejantas udara yang menyambungkan kedua-dua menara di tingkat 41 dan 42, iaitu jejantas dua tingkat tertinggi di dunia.[27] Jejantas ini tidak dipasang terus pada struktur utama, sebaliknya direka agar berlongsor ke dalam dan luar menara agar tidak patah akibat angin kencang.[28] Jambatan ini terletak 170 metres (558 ka) dari paras tanah dan panjangnya 58 metres (190 ka), dan beratnya 750 tans (750,000 kg).[29] Tingkat 41 dan 42 juga dikenali sebagai podium, kerana para pelawat yang hendak ke tingkat lebih tinggi perlu menukar lif di sini. Jejantas ini terbuka kepada semua pelawat, asalkan mendapat pas percuma yang diberi mengikut

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resmi siapa dulu dia dapat (terhad kepada 1700 orang sehari).[30] Para pelawat hanya dibenarkan berada di tingkat 41 kerana tingkat 42 hanya dibuka kepada kakitangan penghuni bangunan.[31]

Jejantas ini juga berperanan sebagai peranti keselamatan, yang mana sekiranya terjadinya kebakaran atau kecemasan seumpamanya di satu menara, para penghuninya boleh mengosongkannya dengan menaiki jejantas ke menara yang satu lagi.[32] Kadar pengosongan yang tercetus oleh ancaman bom palsu pada 12 September 2001[33] (sehari selepas tragedi keruntuhan menara berkembar World Trade Center di Bandar Raya New York) menunjukkan bahawa jejantas tersebut tidak berguna sekira kedua-dua bangunan perlu dikosongkan serentak, kerana muatan tangga kecemasan adalah tidak cukup untuk menghadapi kejadian sebegini. Oleh itu, adalah dirancangkan agar lif boleh digunakan sekiranya kedua-dua menara perlu dikosongkan, lantas dijayakan oleh raptai kecemasan yang mengikut rancangan tersebut pada tahun 2005.

[sunting] Sistem lif

Syaf utama lif buatan Otis terletak di pusat setiap menara. Semua lif utama merupakan lif dua tingkat yang terdiri daripada dek bawah yang mengangkut penumpang ke tingkat bernombor ganjil dan dek atas untuk ke tingkat bernombor genap. Untuk mencapai tingkat bernombor genap dari tingkat bawah, penumpang perlu menaiki tangga bergerak ke dek atas lif.[34]

Dari tingkat bawah, terdapat tiga kelompok lif. Kelompok enam lif "jarak pendek" mengangkut penumpang ke antara tingkat 2/3 dan tingkat 16/17. Kelompok enam lif "jarak sederhana" pula mengangkut penumpang ke antara tingkat 18/19 dan tingkat 37/38. Terdapat juga lima lif segera yang membawa penumpang terus ke tingkat 41/42. Untuk ke tingkat-tingkat melebihi 41/42, penumpang perlu menaiki lif segera, kemudian bertukar lif ke tingkat-tingkat tinggi itu. Lif-lif penyambung ini melebihi paras tertinggi lif-lif yang mencapai tingkat 2 hingga 38. Corak perkhidmatan lif berulang dengan tingkat-tingkat atas, iaitu satu set ke tingkat antara 43/44 dan 57/58 dan satu lagi set ke tingkat antara 59/60 dan 73/74.[34]

Selain lif-lif utama ini, terdapat juga sebilangan lif "penyambung" yang mengangkut penumpang di antara kelompok tingkat lif utama. Berbeza dengan lif utama tersebut, lif tambahan ini bukan jenis dua tingkat. Dua buah lif disediakan untuk mengangkut penumpang dari tingkat 37/38 ke tingkat 41/42 (tingkat 39 dan 40 tidak boleh dimasuki). Oleh itu, tidak perlulah seseorang di separuh bawah bangunan untuk turun ke tingkat bawah untuk sampai ke separuh atas bangunan.

Lif-lif ini dilengkapi beberapa ciri-ciri keselamatan, seperti kebolehan mengeluarkan orang dari lif yang tersekat di antara tingkat dengan memandu salah sebuah lif bersebelahan secara manual ke sisinya, kemudian membuka panel pada dinding untuk membuka laluan kepada penumpang dalam lif yang tersekat agar melintas ke gerabak lif yang lain.[35] Ketika mengosongkan bangunan, hanya lif segera boleh digunakan, kerana hanya dilengkapi pintu keluar di tingkat G/1 dan tingkat 41/42; oleh itu sekiranya terjadinya kebakaran di separuh bawah bangunan, syaf yang terlindung ini tidak akan terjejas. Lif bomba turut disediakan untuk tujuan kecemasan.[35]

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[sunting] Sistem penghawa dingin terpusat

Di kawasan timur perkarangan Menara Berkembar Petronas, di sebelah utara Masjid As Syakirin [36] , terletaknya bangunan utiliti KLCC District Cooling yang bertujuan membekalkan air sejuk kepada semua bangunan di perkarangan KLCC. Unit air dingin pacuan turbin janaan gas ini mampu membekalkan udara nyaman sebanyak 42,000 RT [36] , bukan sahaja kepada Menara Berkembar Petronas dan Suria KLCC, bahkan juga Menara Maxis, Menara Exxon Mobil, Pusat Konvensyen Kuala Lumpur, and Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur dan Masjid As Syakirin.

[sunting] Peristiwa terpenting

Ribuan orang mengosongkan bangunan setelah menerima panggilan ugutan bom pada 12 September 2001, sehari selepas serangan 11 September membinasakan menara berkembar World Trade Center di Bandar Raya New York. Skuad pembuangan bom dikerah ke mari tetapi tidak menjumpai apa-apa bom dalam kedua-dua menara Petronas walaupun memindahkan keluar semua orang. Para pembeli dan pengunjung dibenarkan masuk semula tiga jam kemudian pada tengah hari. Tiada seorang pun tercedera dalam langkah pengosongan tersebut.[37]

Pada waktu larut malam 4 November 2005, terjadi kebakaran di kompleks pawagam di pusat beli-belah Suria KLCC di bawah Menara Berkembar Petronas. Tidak dilaporkan mana-mana kecederaan. Ketika itu, kedua-dua menara hampir kosong (kecuali Suria KLCC yang diisi pengunjung pawagam dan pelanggan restoran).[38]

Pada waktu pagi 1 September 2009, pemanjat bangunan pakar dari Perancis, Alain "Spiderman" Robert, berjaya memanjat hingga ke puncak Menara Dua dengan menggunakan tangan dan kaki kosong sendirinya tanpa apa-apa kelengkapan keselamatan dalam masa tidak lebih dua jam, setelah dua percubaan sebelumnya terhalang oleh tangkapan polis di tengah-tengah.[39] Pada 20 Mac 1997, pihak polis menangkap beliau di tingkat 60, iaitu 28 tingkat lagi ke puncak. Percubaan keduanya pada 20 Mac 2007, genap 10 tahun kemudian, sekali lagi terhalang di tingkat yang sama (tetapi di menara yang satu lagi).[40]

[sunting] Galeri

Bahagian hadapan pintu masuk

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Melihat ke atas dari aras dataran di ruang atrium Suria KLCC

Air pancut di pintu belakang Suria KLCC, dan Kuala Lumpur

Tingkat 41 jambatan langit

Menara pada waktu malam

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Pandangan dekat jambatan langit

[sunting] Rujukan

1. ↑ Petronas Twin Towers Official Website - General Statistics2. ↑ "Petronas Twin Towers". Encyclopedia of Things. Glasssteelandstone. 13 January 2010.

http://www.glasssteelandstone.com/BuildingDetail/191.php. Diambil 13 January 2010.3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat preamble to High Rise Database: other

measurements of height"4. ↑ Lee, C. Y.; Binder, Georges (2008). Taipei 101. Images Publishing. m/s. 7.5. ↑ Palmer, Alison Lee (2008). Historical Dictionary of Architecture. Scarecrow Press. m/s. 209.6. ↑ The Willis Tower. thesearstower.com.7. ↑ Sebestyén, Gyula (1998). Construction: craft to industry. Taylor & Francis. m/s. 205.8. ↑ Žaknić, Ivan; Smith, Matthew; Rice, Doleres B. (1998). 100 of the world's tallest buildings.

Images Publishing. m/s. 208.9. ↑ Baker Jr, Clyde N.; Drumwright, Elliott; Joseph, Leonard; Azam, Tarique (November 1996).

"The Taller the Deeper." Civil Engineering–ASCE. 66 (11): 3A-6A.10. ↑ Petronas Towers Base. thepetronastowers.com.11. ↑ Wee, C. J. Wan-Ling (2002). Local cultures and the "new Asia": the state, culture, and

capitalism in Southeast Asia. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. m/s. 193.12. ↑ Moskal, Greg (2004). Modern Buildings: Identifying Bilateral and Rotational Symmetry. Rosen

Classroom. m/s. 28.13. ↑ Wells, Matthew (2005). Skyscrapers: structure and design. Laurence King Publishing. m/s.

170.14. ↑ "Information Malaysia." (2005). Berita Publ. Sdn. Bhd.15. ↑ Taranath, Bungale S. (2004). Wind and earthquake resistant buildings: structural analysis and

design. CRC Press. m/s. 748.16. ↑ Chandran, Sheela. "Documentary on the Petronas Twin Towers", The Star, 25 Ogos 2005. 17. ↑ Aljazeera.net/Al Jazeera International (Malaysia Office), JobStreet.com. Dicapai pada 14

November 201018. ↑ Global Offices - KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA (CTOC OFFICE), Hess. Dicapai pada 16 November

2010.19. ↑ Bloomberg (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, 88db.com. Dicapai pada 14 November 2010.20. ↑ Contact Us - Energy, GE Malaysia. Dicapai pada 16 November 2010.21. ↑ Hubungi Kami, Khazanah Nasional. Dicapai pada 16 November 2010.22. ↑ Locations - McKinsey Worldwide23. ↑ Microsoft Malaysia - Contact, Microsoft. Dicapai pada 15 November 2010.24. ↑ Home > NEWS SERVICE > Reuters (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, eguide (Malaysia). Dicapai pada 15

November 2010.25. ↑ Offices and Installations, Shell Malaysia. Dicapai pada 15 November 2010.

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26. ↑ de Ledesma, Charles; Lewis, Mark; Savage, Pauline (2003). Rough guide to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei. Rough Guides. m/s. 132.

27. ↑ Frankham, Steve (2008). Malaysia and Singapore. Footprint Travel Guides. m/s. 68.28. ↑ Moskal, Greg (2004). Modern Buildings: Identifying Bilateral and Rotational Symmetry. Rosen

Classroom. m/s. 26.29. ↑ Chang, Fu-Kuo (2005). Structural health monitoring, 2005: advancements and challenges for

implementation. DEStech Publications, Inc. m/s. 270.30. ↑ The Petronas Towers Skybridge. thepetronastowers.com.31. ↑ Rowthorn, Chris; Cohen, Muhammad; Williams, China (2008). Lonely Planet Borneo. Lonely

Planet. m/s. 71.32. ↑ Wood, A.; Chow, W. K.; McGrail D. (2005). "The Skybridge as an Evacuation Option for Tall

Buildings for Highrise Cities in the Far East." Journal of Applied Fire Science. 13 (2): 113–124.33. ↑ "World's Tallest Towers in Malaysia Evacuated After Threats", People's Daily, 12 September

2001. 34. ↑ 34.0 34.1 Petronas Towers Lift System. petronastowers.com.35. ↑ 35.0 35.1 Wong, Ronald. Using Lift as an Alternative Means of Egress for Evacuation. The

Institution of Fire Engineers (Hong Kong Branch).36. ↑ 36.0 36.1 KLCC District Cooling Plant (Kuala Lumpur), Wikimapia. Dicapai pada 16 November

2010.37. ↑ Yoong, Sean. "World's tallest towers, IBM building in Malaysia evacuated after threats",

Associated Press, 12 September 2001. 38. ↑ "Fire Forces Evacuation at Malaysia Towers", CBS News, 4 November 2005. 39. ↑ "'Spiderman' scales Malaysia tower", BBC News Online, 1 September 2009. 40. ↑ "'Spiderman’ has another go at Twin Towers]", The Star, 21 Mac 2007.

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Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ke Inggris[Close] Berkembar Petronas Towers Instead of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: scout direction, gelintar Berkembar Petronas Towers Berkembar Petronas Towers Edict Location Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Flag Malaysia Who's Ready to be fostered Coaching Tempoh 1992-1998 Usability Officer Opened 31 August 1999 Destroyed - Height Antennas / Peak 452.0 m (1,482.9 ka) [1] Tube 378.6 m (1,242.1 ka) Level of 375.0 m (1,230.3 ka) Technical Notices Numbers 88 level Breadth level of 395.000 m² (4,252,000 sq. ft.) (1 & 2) LIF Numbers 78 (1 & 2) Kos U.S. $ 1.6 milliard [2] Sarekat-Sarekat Arkitek Flag of Argentina César Pelli Thornton Tomasetti and Ranhill Jurutera Allied Sdn Bhd Flag contractors Hazama Corporation Jepun (Tower 1), Flag of South Korea's Samsung C & T (Tower 2) Pemaju - Owner Petronas * He was the world's tallest building.

[close]Menara Berkembar PetronasDaripada Wikipedia, ensiklopedia

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Berkembar Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is a pair of towers berkembar ever become the world's tallest building before addressed by the Taipei 101. Even though so, the two towers is still the world's tallest tower berkembar and also the tallest building in the 20th century. Petronas Towers Berkembar mat holds the tallest building from 1998 to 2004 in terms of size of the levels above the main entrance to the structure, namely the original height reference used by pertubuhan antarabangsa Majlis Building Height and Habitat Airport since 1969 (three additional height categories were introduced when the tower This nearly put up in 1996). [3] Contents contents [Sorok]

* 1 Comparison with other towers * 2 Development * 3 Tenants o 3.1 Taman KLCC o 3.2 Jejantas o 3.3 LIF System o 3.4 penghawa cold centralized system * 4 the most important event * 5 Gallery * 6 References * 7 See also * 8 external Links

[Edit] Comparison with other towers Comparison of the world's tallest structure. Following CTBUH, a peak that contributes to the overall height of this tower, the tower was overcome Willis.

Berkembar Petronas Towers become the tallest building in the world so unprepared Taipei 101 in 2004, as measured up to the upper structure components (peak, not the antenna). [4] Peak (Spire) is considered an important portion of their building construction, and if changed allowed many to change their appearance and construction of buildings, when the antenna may be installed or removed without giving the impression to form the building. Berkembar Petronas Towers still the tallest building in the world berkembar. [5]

Towers Willis (formerly Spears) and the World Trade Center terbina with 110 levels may be occupied, namely over 22 levels compared to the Petronas Twin Towers which is 88 degree. Tube-tube and the highest tower of Willis and the World Trade Center slightly exceeds the height of roof and the highest level Berkembar Petronas Towers. Willis Tower's tallest antenna is 75 meters (246 ka) was higher compared to the tops of the Petronas Towers Berkembar. Nevertheless, follow rules and guidelines CTBUH, [3] The tower antennas think Willis is not taken as sebahagian binanya art features. [6] In contrast, the peaks at the Petronas Towers in size height kerana mistaken is not a pole antenna.

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Accordingly, the Petronas Towers Berkembar overcome altitude Rasmi Tower Willis with Beza 10 meters (33 ka), whereas the Tower Willis more levels and a greater number kakian square. [Edit] Development

Petronas Towers are cooked by César Pelli jurubina from Argentina is, ready to be fostered in 1998 after swallowing seven-year period to become the world's tallest building when prepared. [7] The tower was developed on top of the tread dolphins horses Kuala Lumpur. [8] The depth of rock makes the basic building footprint was established on the most in the world. [9] Tread depth of 120 meters that require an excessive number of concrete to be fostered in a period of 12 months by Bachy Soletanche. [10]

Tower as high as 88 levels, many are made rather than concrete bertetulang with artificial facade and glass keluli be cooked up to resemble motifs of Islamic art to reflect the religion of Islam in Malaysia. [11] Another influence of Islamic art in this building is keratan rentas both towers Rub el Hizb-shaped, coupled with a portion of the round to meet the needs of space officials. [12] Tower 1 Jepun fostered by a consortium led by Hazama Corporation when Tower 2 developed by two South Korean contractors, namely Samsung C & T and Kukdong Engineering & Construction. Jejantasnya also prepared by Kukdong.

Due to lack keluli and boarding keluli importing expensive, berkembar tower is founded on very solid concrete bertetulang bereka radical form of cheap. [13] Concrete is very strong recognizable bustling Asian contractors and twice more memorable subtracting concussion versus keluli; however, by This building is two times the weight of the building footprint versus keluli which for instance. Seconded by concrete patio 23-times-23 meters [14] and the outside pole segelang legar super bear, the towers are using sophisticated structural system that holds a slim profile and provides official space without pillars covering an area of 560.000 meters persegis (669.754 ell ps) . [15] Under this tower is the central purchasing berkembar apart Suria KLCC and the Petronas Filharmonik Council. [Edit] Tenants

Tower One is fully occupied by Petronas and sebilangan child Sarekat Sarekat and its allies, when space in Tower Two officials also Sarekat-Sarekat leased to another [16] Between Sarekat-Sarekat who founded officials in Tower Two, including Al Jazeera [17], Carigali Hess [ 18], Bloomberg [19], GE [20], IBM, Khazanah Nasional [21], McKinsey & Company [22], Microsoft [23], Reuters [24], Shell [25]. [Edit] KLCC Park

The main plan: KLCC Park

Beneath this building, there is an area of 17 ekars KLCC Park (69.000 m²) available aisle jog and bersiar-broadcasting, pool water is decorated pancut light show, pool hirsute, and game parks childhood. Suria KLCC is one of the biggest divisive purchasing center in Malaysia. [26] [Edit] Jejantas A jejantas connects both towers. Landscape in jejantas.

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There is a bar that connects your air jejantas both towers at levels 41 and 42, namely jejantas two highest levels in the world. [27] is not installed Jejantas continue on the main structure, on the contrary be cooked up for berlongsor into and out of the tower so as not to fracture due to wind tight. [28] Jambatan is located 170 meters (558 ka) from the sandstone soil and the length of 58 meters (190 ka), and weighs 750 Tans (750 000 kg). [29] Level 41 and 42 are also recognized as a podium, the traveler kerana who want to a higher level need to exchange LIF here. Jejantas is open to all travelers, as long as it gets useless fitting given the official who used to follow him to (terhad to 1700 people a day). [30] The traveler is only allowed at 41 level 42 level kerana kakitangan only open to residents of the building. [31 ]

Jejantas also play a role as a safety device, which in case of fire or anxiety for instance in one tower, the inmates allowed to empty it by climbing jejantas into the other tower. [32] Levels of emptying the blaze by a false bomb threat on 12 September 2001 [33 ] (the day after the tragedy of the collapse of World Trade Center towers berkembar in Bandar Raya New York) shows that free is not useful jejantas approximately two-two buildings need to be emptied simultaneously, kerana cargo anxiety ladder is not enough to deal with the incident sebegini. Thus, it is dirancangkan for LIF may be used if both towers need to be emptied, then dijayakan by raptai anxiety that followed the draft in 2005. [Edit] LIF System

Otis made the main Syaf LIF is located in the center of each tower. All major LIF LIF is composed of two levels lower than the deck that carry passengers to odd bernombor level and upper deck to the level bernombor even. To achieve the level of bernombor even lower levels, passengers have to climb the ladder to move into the upper deck LIF. [34]

From the lower level, there are three groups of LIF. Group six LIF "short distance" carry passengers to the level 2 / 3 and level 16/17. Group six LIF "simple distance" also carry passengers to the level of 18/19 and 37/38 level. There are also five LIF immediately carrying passengers continue to level 41/42. To to exceed 41/42 levels, passengers have to climb the LIF immediately, then exchanging LIF to high levels of it. LIF-LIF connector exceeds the highest LIF-LIF paras who reach the level of 2 to 38. LIF perkhidmatan recurring pattern with the levels above, namely a set to a level of between 43/44 and 57/58 and one set to a level of between 59/60 and 73/74. [34]

In addition to this primary LIF-LIF, there is also sebilangan LIF "connector" that carry passengers between the main LIF level. Berbeza with the primary LIF, LIF is not the type of additional two levels. Two LIF is provided to transport passengers from levels 37/38 to levels 41/42 (levels 39 and 40 are not allowed to enter). Accordingly, it is not necessary to someone in the bottom half of the building to fall to lower levels for up to half of the building.

LIF-LIF is equipped with several safety features, such as the permissibility of LIF release people who stuck in between levels by guiding one of a LIF manually adjacent to the side, then open the panel on the wall to open to passengers among the examined in the LIF is insulated to cross into gerabak another

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LIF. [35] When emptying the building, only LIF may be used immediately, kerana just completed the exit at G / 1 and 41/42 levels; by it in case of fire in the bottom half of the building, which is protected Syaf will not terjejas. Lif Bomba also provided for the purpose of anxiety. [35] [Edit] The system of centralized cold penghawa

In eastern perkarangan Berkembar Petronas Towers, north of Masjid As Syakirin [36], utility buildings situated KLCC District Cooling aimed membekalkan cool water to all buildings in perkarangan KLCC. Cold water unit janaan race gas turbine is capable membekalkan comfortable air as much as 42.000 RT [36] rather simple to Berkembar Petronas Towers and Suria KLCC, Menara Maxis even, Menara ExxonMobil, Kuala Lumpur Konvensyen Center, and Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur and the Mosque As Syakirin. [Edit] The most important event

Thousands of people clear the building after receiving a call ugutan bomb on 12 September 2001, a day after the September 11 attacks destroy the World Trade Center towers berkembar in Bandar Raya New York. Dikerah bomb disposal squad here but did not find any bombs in both the Petronas towers despite moving out of everyone. The buyers and visitors allowed into the original three hours later at noon. No one was injured in the evacuation step. [37]

At the time late at night 4 November 2005, a fire at the complex in central pawagam buy-sides under the Suria KLCC Petronas Towers Berkembar. No injury was reported everywhere. At that time, the two towers is almost empty (except for Suria KLCC which pawagam visitors and customers filled the restaurant). [38]

In the morning, 1 September 2009, experts from the French building climber Alain "Spiderman" Robert, victorious climb to the top of Tower Two by using hands and feet of empty itself without any safety equipment within a period not exceeding two hours, after two previous percubaan hampered by catching policy in the middle. [39] On 20 Mac 1997, the policyholder catch him at level 60, namely 28 to the top level again. Percubaan both at 20 Mac 2007, even 10 years later, once again blocked at the same level (but in the tower that one again). [40] [Edit] Gallery


Portion front entrance *

Suria KLCC complex buying split in principle tower *

Portion of the complex to buy split Suria KLCC *

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Front face of the tower *

Tower of pancut water park at KLCC Park *

Tower *

Tower *

Looking up from the level plain in the atrium space Suria KLCC *

Water pancut at the back door Suria KLCC, Kuala Lumpur and *

Level 41 jambatan sky *

The tower at night *

Close view of the sky jambatan

[Edit] References

1. ↑ Petronas Twin Towers Official Website - General Statistics 2. ↑ "Petronas Twin Towers." Encyclopedia of Things. Glasssteelandstone. 13 January 2010. http://www.glasssteelandstone.com/BuildingDetail/191.php. Taken 13 January 2010. 3. ↑ 3.0 1.3 Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat Database preamble to High Rise: other measurements of height " 4. ↑ Lee, C. Y., Binder, Georges (2008). Taipei 101. Images Publishing. m / s. 7. 5. ↑ Palmer, Alison Lee (2008). Historical Dictionary of Architecture. Scarecrow Press. m / s. 209. 6. ↑ The Willis Tower. thesearstower.com. 7. ↑ Sebestyén, Gyula (1998). Construction: Craft to Industry. Taylor & Francis. m / s. 205. 8. ↑ Žaknić, Ivan; Smith, Matthew; Rice, Doleres B. (1998). 100 of the world's tallest buildings. Images Publishing. m / s. 208. 9. ↑ Baker Jr., Clyde N.; Drumwright, Elliott, Joseph, Leonard; Azam, Tarique (November 1996). "The Taller the Deeper." Civil Engineering-ASCE. 66 (11): 3A-6A. 10. ↑ Petronas Towers Base. thepetronastowers.com.

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11. ↑ Wee, C. J. Wan-Ling (2002). Local Cultures and the "new Asia": the state, culture, and capitalism in Southeast Asia. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. m / s. 193. 12. ↑ Moskal, Greg (2004). Modern Buildings: Identifying Bilateral and Rotational Symmetry. Rosen Classroom. m / s. 28. 13. ↑ Wells, Matthew (2005). Skyscrapers: structure and design. Laurence King Publishing. m / s. 170. 14. ↑ "Information Malaysia." (2005). News publ. Sdn. Bhd.. 15. ↑ Taranath, Bungale S. (2004). Wind and earthquake resistant buildings: structural analysis and design. CRC Press. m / s. 748. 16. ↑ Chandran, Sheela. "Documentary on the Petronas Twin Towers", The Star, 25 August 2005. 17. ↑ Aljazeera.net / Al Jazeera International (Malaysia Office), JobStreet.com. Reached on 14 November 2010 18. ↑ Global Offices - KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA (CTOC OFFICE), Hess. Achieved on 16 November 2010. 19. ↑ Bloomberg (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, 88db.com. Achieved on 14 November 2010. 20. ↑ Contact Us - Energy, GE Malaysia. Achieved on 16 November 2010. 21. ↑ Contact Us, Khazanah Nasional. Achieved on 16 November 2010. 22. ↑ Locations - McKinsey Worldwide 23. ↑ Microsoft Malaysia - Contact, Microsoft. Achieved on 15 November 2010. 24. ↑ Home> NEWS SERVICE> Reuters (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, eguide (Malaysia). Achieved on 15 November 2010. 25. ↑ Offices and Installations, Shell Malaysia. Achieved on 15 November 2010. 26. ↑ de Ledesma, Charles; Lewis, Mark; Savage, Pauline (2003). Rough Guide to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei. Rough Guides. m / s. 132. 27. ↑ Frankham, Steve (2008). Malaysia and Singapore. Footprint Travel Guides. m / s. 68. 28. ↑ Moskal, Greg (2004). Modern Buildings: Identifying Bilateral and Rotational Symmetry. Rosen Classroom. m / s. 26. 29. ↑ Chang, Fu-Kuo (2005). Structural health monitoring, 2005: advancements and challenges for implementation. DEStech Publications, Inc.. m / s. 270. 30. ↑ The Petronas Towers Skybridge. thepetronastowers.com. 31. ↑ Rowthorn, Chris; Cohen, Muhammad; Williams, China (2008). Lonely Planet Borneo. Lonely Planet. m / s. 71. 32. ↑ Wood, A., Chow, W. K.; McGrail D. (2005). "The Skybridge as an Evacuation Option for Tall Buildings for highrise Cities in the Far East." Journal of Applied Fire Science. 13 (2): 113-124. 33. ↑ "World's Tallest Towers in Malaysia Evacuated After Threats", the People's Daily, 12 September 2001. 34. ↑ 34.0 34.1 Petronas Towers Elevator System. petronastowers.com. 35. ↑ 35.0 35.1 Wong, Ronald. Using Lift as an Alternative Means of egress for Evacuation. The Institution of Fire Engineers (Hong Kong Branch). 36. ↑ 36.0 36.1 District Cooling Plant KLCC (Kuala Lumpur), Wikimapia. Achieved on 16 November 2010. 37. ↑ Yoong, Sean. "World's tallest towers, IBM building in Malaysia evacuated after threats", the Associated Press, 12 September 2001.

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38. ↑ "Fire Forces Evacuation at Malaysia Towers", CBS News, 4 November 2005. 39. ↑ "'Spiderman' scales tower Malaysia", BBC News Online, September 1, 2009. 40. ↑ "'Spiderman' has another go at the Twin Towers]", The Star, 21 Mac 2007.

[Edit] See also


Rabu, 31 Desember 2008

Melancong ke Kuala Lumpur Seperti halnya berlibur ke Singapura, Kuala Lumpur telah menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata bagi sebagian orang Indonesia. Dengan ongkos yang hanya berbeda sedikit dengan ongkos Jakarta-Denpasar (Bali), Kuala Lumpur menjadi alternatif yang menarik. Karena ‘judul’nya adalah liburan ke luar negeri! Gengsinya jelas beda.

Tulisan saya kali ini akan membahas cara menuju Kuala Lumpur, lewat Singapura. Rute ini adalah rute yang sangat menarik, karena ibarat pepatah, sekali merengkuh dayung dua-tiga pulau terlampaui. Tulisan ini sekaligus merupakan sambungan dari tulisan saya tentang cara menuju Singapura dengan biaya lebih murah melalui Batam.

Rute yang bisa ditempuh untuk paket hemat ini adalah berangkat dari Jakarta menuju Batam, lalu ke Singapura dan melanjutkan ke Kuala Lumpur. Kembali ke Jakarta langsung dari Kuala Lumpur. Atau kalau mau dilanjutkan lagi, ada banyak alternatif, misalnya ke daerah Genting (pegunungan seperti di Puncak, dengan berbagai fasilitas hiburan, termasuk judi), atau ke Pulau Penang. Genting dan Penang masih dalam wilayah kedaulatan Malaysia. Kalau mau terus lagi bisa juga ke wilayah selatan Thailand (Phuket dan sekitarnya), terus ke atas bisa sampai Bangkok.

Pada umumnya pelancong yang sedang di Singapura dan ingin melanjutkan perjalanan ke Kuala Lumpur akan mengambil alternatif perjalanan darat dengan bus. Selama ini rute baku yang diketahui adalah direct dari Singapura ke Kuala Lumpur. Naik bus dari terminal Golden Miles di Singapura, yang akan membawanya ke terminal Puduraya di Kuala Lumpur. Bus ini bertarif sekitar SGD 26/orang. Pilihan ini bukan yang terbaik. Karena dengan sedikit trik, anda bisa mendapatkan 1/2 harga, dengan naik bus yang sama!

Bagaimana caranya? Bus-bus yang berangkat dari Golden Miles (Singapore) ini akan mampir terlebih dahulu di terminal bus Larkin, di Johor Baru (Malaysia). Nah, cobalah naik bus tujuan Kuala Lumpur dari terminal ini. Tarifnya hanya MYR 24 (sekitar SGD 11 saja!). Untuk bisa tiba di terminal Larkin ini, ada banyak bus yang bisa dinaiki dari Singapura. Setidaknya yang saya tahu ada di dekat stasiun MRT Bugis, Lavender dan Kranji. Tarif bus dari Singapura menuju Johor Baru ini sekitar SGD 2.50/orang, dengan waktu tempuh sekitar 30-40 menit. Setiap saat ada bus yang berangkat. Mungkin sekitar 10-15 menit

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sekali di setiap tempatnya. Jadi, ngga usah khawatir.

Di perbatasan negara antara Singapore dan Malaysia kita mesti melewati checkpoint imigrasi ke-dua negara. Di sini, kita harus turun dari bus dan berjalan kaki ke loket imigrasi. Jangan lupa untuk membawa semua barang bawaan tanpa terkecuali. Karena waktu keluar dari sini kemungkinan besar bus yang akan kita pakai untuk melanjutkan perjalanan adalah bus yang berbeda. Tinggal naik saja. Yang penting perusahaan operator bus-nya sama. Ada beberapa yang saya ingat, misalnya SBS, Causeway, dsb. Jangan sampai tiket hilang, karena itu artinya harus bayar lagi. Bus berjalan sebentar, mungkin hanya sekitar 1-2 menit, sudah berhenti lagi dan lagi-lagi kita harus turun. Kalau tadi adalah imigrasi Singapura, kali ini imigrasi Malaysia. Hal serupa mesti dilakukan kembali, bawa semua barang.

Setibanya di terminal Larkin (Johor Baru, Malaysia), mungkin anda akan dihampiri oleh 1-2 orang calo. Ngga usah diladeni. Ngga perlu khawatir juga, terminal di sana cukup aman koq, jangan bayangkan anda seperti orang kampung yang baru tiba di terminal Kampung Rambutan atau Pulogadung di Jakarta, yang bisa “dimakan” orang. Bahkan di tengah malam sekali pun. Cobalah berjalan berkeliling beberapa loket agen bus yang ada di depan mata. Coba lihat tulisan jam keberangkatan bus tujuan Kuala Lumpur. Cari saja yang paling dekat jam keberangkatannya.

Ada baiknya juga sebelum memutuskan hendak naik bus yang mana, cobalah memandang ke bus-bus yang parkir, bus milik operator mana yang menarik minat anda. Saya menghindari penyebutan nama perusahaan bus favorit saya di sini, karena alasan netralitas. Tapi mestinya mata anda pun tak akan berbohong pada diri sendiri. Bus mana yang bagus, setidaknya dari tampilan fisik. Pada poin ini pun tidak perlu khawatir, setiap saat ada bus yang akan berangkat ke Kuala Lumpur.

Waktu tempuh antara terminal Larkin (Johor Baru) dan Puduraya (Kuala Lumpur) sekitar 4-5 jam. Perjalanan pada malam hari akan lebih cepat, karena jalanan kosong. Jika ternyata masih ada waktu menunggu, di terminal ini juga banyak kedai tempat makan yang bisa dipakai sebagai tempat duduk-duduk membuang waktu sambil menikmati makanan atau kopi. Karena saya adalah pecandu kopi tubruk, catatan untuk sesama penggemar kopi tubruk di sini adalah, bilang: “saye nak kopi o”. Jangan cuma kopi. Nanti yang diberikan adalah kopi 3in1.

Selama perjalanan di bus tidak banyak yang menarik. Tapi lumayanlah buat ganti suasana pemandangan. Satu hal yang menarik, di Singapore atau Malaysia supir bus itu digaji. Bukan kejar setoran seperti di Indonesia. Jadi ngga akan kebut-kebutan. Malah pernah saya menggerutu sendiri, karena menganggap si supir terlalu lamban menjalankan busnya seperti keong.Terminal tujuan di Kuala Lumpur adalah terminal Puduraya. Lokasinya tidak jauh dari daerah pecinan di Petaling street. Hanya sekitar 5 menit dengan berjalan kaki. Terminal ini pula-lah yang menjadi titik sentral bus-bus antar kota di Malaysia atau bahkan antar negara (Malaysia-Singapore atau Malaysia-Thailand). Jadi, jika nanti selanjutnya berminat melanjutkan perjalanan darat ke kota-kota lain –termasuk ke beberapa kota di Thailand atau kembali lagi ke Singapura– anda mesti kembali lagi ke terminal ini.

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Sama seperti terminal-terminal antar kota di Indonesia, di sekitar terminal ini pun banyak tersedia penginapan. Mulai dari yang kelas losmen/hostel sampai hotel yang bagus. Jika anda tiba di sini dini hari, mungkin sebaiknya beristirahat dulu di penginapan yang murah. Lumayan menghemat, karena seperti di Indonesia, jika anda check-in sebelum jam 6 pagi itu dihitung menginap 1 malam. Check-in jam 7 pagi tidak ada bedanya dengan anda check-in jam 7 malam. Setelah hari terang baru mencari hotel yang bagus. Ini jika anda ingin tinggal di hotel yang lebih bagus.

Alternatif arah perjalanan anda untuk mencari penginapan ada 2 (dua). Berjalan ke arah bawah menuju Petaling street (pada arah yang sama jika diteruskan berjalan 4-5 menit dari Petaling street anda akan menemukan lokasi wajib lainnya yaitu Pasar Seni). Pada arah ini, tepatnya di seputaran Petaling street dan jalan-jalan di sekitarnya, ada beberapa hotel dan juga hostel (backpacker). Penginapan backpacker di sini bertarif sekitar MYR 30-40 per ranjang.

Sedangkan untuk hotel berkelas bintang 1-2 tarifnya sekitar MYR 80-150 per kamar. Alternatif yang ke-dua adalah dari terminal Puduraya berjalan ke arah atas, ke arah Bukit Bintang. Ini juga adalah daerah wajib dikunjungi. Ada beberapa shopping center yang menarik, termasuk untuk belanja barang-barang elektronik (yang ini cari saja di Plaza Low Yat). Di seputaran Bukit Bintang ini ada banyak sekali penginapan. Lagi-lagi dari yang kelas hostel sampai hotel. Salah satu favorit tempat saya menginap ada di sini. Tapi tarifnya bukan tarif backpacker, tapi buat saya price per performance-nya lumayan.

Setelah urusan penginapan beres, tinggal masalah jalan-jalan. Ada banyak lokasi yang bisa dikunjungi. Selain Petaling street dan Pasar Seni yang tadi sudah disebutkan, tentu saja jangan lupa untuk meng-explore seluk beluk daerah Bukit Bintang ini. Seperti hal-nya daerah Geylang, Bukit Bintang adalah juga kawasan red-light. Tapi yang lebih banyak berkeliaran di sini adalah makelarnya. Pernah ada yang dengan terang-terangan menawarkannya ke saya dengan mengatakan: “awak nak ape… melayu ker? cine ker? atau nak keling juge ade!”

Seperti halnya orang ndeso jalan-jalan ke Jakarta yang tidak akan melewatkan wisata ke Monas, para turis yang melancong ke Kuala Lumpur pun wajib datang dan berfoto di menara kembar Kuala Lumpur City Center (KLCC), yang merupakan salah satu dari gedung tertinggi di dunia. Dari Bukit Bintang bisa saja jalan kaki ke mari. Tapi sebaiknya naik taksi. Kurang lebih ongkosnya MYR 10, pakai argo. Tapi harap diingat, pada jam-jam tertentu (jam macet, jam pulang kantor) banyak supir taksi yang ogah pakai argo untuk jarak dekat atau yang melewati daerah macet. Ada juga perusahaan taksi yang mengenakan tambahan biaya beberapa puluh sen untuk tambahan per penumpang (jika penumpang dalam taksi ada 2,3 atau 4 orang).

Jika anda berminat untuk naik ke atas menara, pihak manajemen KLCC mengijinkannya.. dan gratis! Tapi untuk ini anda mesti mengantri tiket terlebih dahulu. Sangat disarankan mengambil tiket sepagi mungkin. Lokasi tiket ada di basement salah satu menara dari twin tower ini. Cari atau tanyakan saja pada satpam. Di dekat loket tiket ini juga ada toko yang khusus menjual memorabilia tentang KLCC. Setelah mendapatkan tiket, anda akan mengetahui kira-kira jam berapa anda boleh naik. Perlu diingat juga, kalau hari Senin tidak ada turis yang boleh naik, karena itu waktu perawatannya. Anda akan

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mendapatkan kesempatan sekitar 10 menit berada di atas jembatan yang menghubungkan Tower 1 dan Tower 2, yang berada di ketinggian sekitar lantai 41-42.

Selain KLCC Twin Towers –yang juga disebut menara Petronas–, Malaysia juga memiliki Menara Kuala Lumpur (KL Tower), yang juga merupakan salah satu menara tertinggi di dunia. KL Tower ini mirip seperti Menara TVRI di Senayan Jakarta. Tapi lebih besar. Menara ini berlokasi di Bukit Nanas. Bisa naik monorail untuk mencapai lokasi ini. Sebagai orang Indonesia, kita boleh ikut berbangga, karena arsitek bangunan kebanggaan orang Malaysia ini adalah insinyur Indonesia. Anda boleh berlama-lama di atas menara ini, karena untuk menaikinya mesti bayar, MYR 20. Tapi dari atas sini kita bisa melihat sekeliling Kuala Lumpur dan meneropong berbagai tempat dengan teropong koin. Posisi anda pun jauh di atas posisi jembatan penghubung Twin Towers.

Tempat lain yang menarik untuk membuat foto kenangan adalah Dataran Merdeka (Merdeka Square). Di sini ada gedung menarik, Sultan Samad Building, yang juga menjadi icon Kuala Lumpur. Masih ada beberapa tempat menarik lainnya. Tidak usah khawatir, di berbagai tempat (misal di dalam mal di KLCC) anda akan dengan mudah mendapatkan berbagai brosur tujuan wisata di sekitar KL dan/atau kota lain di Malaysia.

Terakhir, untuk kembali ke Jakarta, anda bisa menuju stasiun KL Sentral dengan menaiki LRT. Dari sini, perjalanan dilanjutkan kembali menuju bandara. Uppss, bergantung pesawat apa yang anda naiki. Jika naik AirAsia, anda mesti menuju LCC (Low Cost Carrier) Terminal. Tapi jika naik pesawat selain AirAsia, anda harus menuju KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport). Jika tujuan anda adalah LCC (naik AirAsia), anda mesti berjalan ke luar area stasiun LRT, cari petunjuk ke arah bus menuju LCC Terminal (turun ke bawah). Anda akan menemukan bus yang akan membawa anda ke LCC. Tarifnya hanya MYR 9. Tapi jika tujuannya adalah KLIA, mesti naik kereta KLIA Express. Kalau yang ini, anda ngga perlu ke luar area stasiun LRT. Cari di mana loket tempat membeli tiket KLIA Express. Keretanya bagus dan bersih. Hanya perlu waktu 30 menit untuk bisa tiba di KLIA. Tapi harganya juga bagus. MYR 35. hehe. Kalau bepergian dengan partner, 3 atau 4 orang, mending naik taksi ke KLIA (dari Kuala Lumpur sekitar MYR 80).

Sumber: http://www.zikri.com/2007/05/11/melancong-jalan-jalan-murah-hemat-ke-kuala-lumpur/

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008 Traveling to Kuala Lumpur

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Just like a vacation to Singapore, Kuala Lumpur has become one of the destinations for some people of Indonesia. With costs that differ only slightly with the cost of Jakarta-Denpasar (Bali), Kuala Lumpur an attractive alternative. Because 'judul'nya is a holiday abroad! Prestige clearly different.

My writing will discuss how to Kuala Lumpur via Singapore. This route is a route that is very interesting, because like the saying goes, once grabbed a paddle two or three islands exceeded. This paper is at once a connection from my writing about the way to Singapore via Batam cheaper cost.

Routes that can be applied to these packages are set off from Jakarta to Batam, and then to Singapore and proceed to Kuala Lumpur. Back to Jakarta from Kuala Lumpur. Or if you want to proceed again, there are many alternatives, for example to the Genting (mountains such as the Peak, with a variety of entertainment, including gambling), or to the island of Penang. Genting and Penang are still within the territorial sovereignty of Malaysia. If you want to continue longer able also to the southern region of Thailand (Phuket and surrounding area), continue to the top can be up to Bangkok.

In general, travelers who are in Singapore and wanted to continue the journey to Kuala Lumpur will take an alternative land route by bus. During this time a known standard route is direct from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur. Take a bus from the terminal Golden Miles in Singapore, which will take him to the Puduraya terminal in Kuala Lumpur. These buses cost around SGD 26/orang. This option is not the best. Because with a few tricks, you can get half price, with the same bus!

How do I? Buses depart from Golden Miles (Singapore) this will stop first at the Larkin bus terminal in New Johor (Malaysia). Well, try to ride the bus destination Kuala Lumpur from this terminal. Transit is only MYR 24 (approximately SGD 11 only!). To be able to arrive at the terminal Larkin, there are many buses which can be climbed from Singapore. At least I know is near the Bugis MRT station, and Kranji Lavender. Bus fare from Singapore to Johor this New about SGD 2.50/orang, with travel time about 30-40 minutes. Every time there is a bus departing. Probably about 10-15 minutes once in every place. So, guns worry.

At the border between Singapore and Malaysia we have to pass through immigration checkpoints to-two countries. Here, we have to get off the bus and walk to the immigration counters. Do not forget to bring all the luggage without exception. Since time out of here most likely we will use the bus to continue the trip is a different bus. Stay up only. The important thing his company the same bus operators. There are a few that I remember, for example SBS, Causeway, etc.. Do not let the ticket is lost, because it means you have to pay again. Buses run briefly, maybe only about 1-2 minutes, was stopped again and again we must go down. If it had been a Singapore immigration, this time Malaysian immigration. The same must be done again, take all the goods.

Arriving at the terminal Larkin (Johor Baru, Malaysia), you might 1-2 people will be approached by touts. Diladeni have guns. Guns have to worry too, there is secure terminal koq, do not imagine you as a villager who had just arrived at Kampung Rambutan terminal or Pulogadung in Jakarta, which can "eat" people. Even in the middle of the night once. Try walking around a few counters that there is a bus

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agent in sight. Take a look at the writing at the bus departure destination Kuala Lumpur. Find just the closest at his departure.

Just as well before deciding which would take the bus, try looking into parked buses, buses which belong to the operator that interest you. I avoid mentioning my favorite bus company's name here, for reasons of neutrality. But your eye should not even going to lie to yourself. Where buses are nice, at least from a physical appearance. At this point was not to worry, every time there is a bus that will travel to Kuala Lumpur.

The travel time between terminals Larkin (Johor Baru) and Puduraya (Kuala Lumpur) about 4-5 hours. Travel at night will be faster, because the road is empty. If it turns out there's still time to wait, at this terminal are also many places to eat shop that can be used as a place to sit around wasting time while enjoying a meal or coffee. Because I was addicted to black coffee, a note to fellow fans here is instant coffee, said: "Saye nak o coffee." Do not just coffee. Later given the 3in1 coffee.

During the trip the bus is not much interesting. But okay for changing the atmosphere of the scene. One thing that is interesting, in Singapore or Malaysia that bus drivers are paid. Not pursue such deposit in Indonesia. So guns will be racing-kebutan. In fact, I've grumbled to herself, thinking the driver was too slow to run the bus like the snail. Terminal destinations in Kuala Lumpur is the Puduraya terminal. Its location not far from Chinatown in Petaling street. Only about 5 minutes by foot. This terminal is also the one who became the central point of inter-city buses in Malaysia or even between countries (Malaysia, Singapore or Malaysia-Thailand). So, if interested then later proceed overland to other cities-including to several cities in Thailand or go back to Singapore, you must return to this terminal.

Just as inter-city terminals in Indonesia, in the vicinity of the terminal is also widely available lodging. Starting from the class inn / hostel until a good hotel. If you arrived here early today, maybe you should take a rest once in a cheap lodging. Not bad save, because like in Indonesia, if you check in before 6 am It was calculated to stay 1 night. Check-in at 7 am no different than you check in at 7pm. After a bright new day find a good hotel. This is if you want to live in a nicer hotel.

Alternative direction of your journey to find lodging there are 2 (two). Walking downwards towards Petaling Street (in the same direction if forwarded to walk 4-5 minutes from Petaling Street you will find the location of other compulsory namely Art Market.) In this way, precisely in seputaran Petaling Street and surrounding streets, there are several hotels and hostels (backpacker). Backpacker inn here cost around MYR 30-40 per bed.

As for the 1-2 star-class hotels charge around MYR 80-150 per room. An alternative that the two are from the terminal Puduraya walk upward, toward the Bukit Bintang. It also is the area must be visited. There are some interesting shopping centers, including shopping for electronic goods (which is looking only at Plaza Low Yat). In Bukit Bintang seputaran have a lot of lodging. Again, the class of hostels to hotels. One of my favorite places to stay here. But non-tariff rates backpacker, but for me its price per

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performance tolerable.

After lodging affairs gone wrong, just a matter of the streets. There are many locations that can be visited. In addition to Petaling Street and Art Market that had been mentioned, of course do not forget to explore the ins and outs of this area of Bukit Bintang. As his case Geylang district, Bukit Bintang is also red-light district. But more is makelarnya roam here. Someone once openly offered it to me by saying: "crew ... malay ker nak ape? cine ker? or nak ade juge rivet! "

Just as people Ndeso a trip to Jakarta is not going to miss the tour to Monas, the tourists who travel to Kuala Lumpur was obliged to come and take pictures of the Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur City Center (KLCC), which is one of the tallest buildings in the world. From Bukit Bintang could just walk over. But you should take a taxi. Less is more cost MYR 10, use the meter. But please remember, at certain hours (hour traffic, at home office), many taxi drivers who refuse to use meter for short distance or a passing traffic. There are also taxi companies that charge extra fees for an additional few tens of cents per passenger (if a passenger in a taxi is 2.3 or 4 people).

If you want to climb onto the towers, KLCC management allow it .. and free! But for this you have to queue up tickets in advance. It is strongly recommended to take a ticket as early as possible. The location of the ticket is in the basement of one of the twin towers of this tower. Search or ask the security guard. Near the ticket booth is also there are stores selling memorabilia of KLCC. After getting tickets, you will know approximately what time you can ride. Remember, too, if on Monday no tourists are allowed to ride, because it is time to maintain. You will get a chance about 10 minutes of being on the bridge that connects the Tower 1 and Tower 2, located at an altitude of about 41-42 floors.

Apart from KLCC Twin Towers-also called the tower-Petronas, Malaysia also has the Kuala Lumpur Tower (KL Tower), which is also one of the world's tallest tower. KL Tower is much like the Tower of TVRI in Senayan Jakarta. But bigger. The tower is located at Bukit Nanas. Can ride the monorail to reach this location. As the people of Indonesia, we can come with pride, because the architect of this building is the pride of Malaysians Indonesian engineers. You can linger over this tower, due to ride must pay, MYR 20. But from up here we can look around Kuala Lumpur and observe a variety of places with binoculars coin. Your position was well above the position of the bridge connecting the Twin Towers.

Another interesting place to make photo memories is the Plain of Merdeka (Independence Square). Here there are interesting buildings, Sultan Samad Building, which also became icons of Kuala Lumpur. There are still some points of interest. Do not worry, in various places (eg in the mall at KLCC) you will easily find a variety of brochures on tourist destinations around KL and / or other cities in Malaysia.

Finally, to return to Jakarta, you can go up the KL Sentral station with LRT. From here, proceed back to the airport. Uppss, depending on what plane you are riding. If the increase AirAsia, you must go LCC (Low Cost Carrier) Terminal. But if in addition to AirAsia's plane, you need to KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport). If your goal is to LCC (an increase of AirAsia), you must walk out of the LRT station area, looking for clues to the direction of the bus to LCC Terminal (drop down). You will find a bus that

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will take you to the LCC. Transit is only MYR 9. But if the aim is to KLIA, KLIA Express train should. If that is, you need guns out of the LRT station area. Find where to buy a ticket booth where the KLIA Express. The train nice and clean. Only took 30 minutes to arrive at KLIA. But the price is also good. MYR 35. hehe. If traveling with a partner, 3 or 4 people, mending took a cab to KLIA (Kuala Lumpur from around MYR 80).

Source: http://www.zikri.com/2007/05/11/melancong-jalan-jalan-murah-hemat-ke-kuala-lumpur/ Posted by Administrator at 22:40 Labels: Malaysia Newer Post Older Post Home Send Email to I To get info about the Travel, Lodging, Accommodation, Transport, Guide, Car Rental / Bus in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, please send email to jalanjalan.asik @ yahoo.com. Facebook Badge DolanDolan Asikk

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