Special Lagnas

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  • 8/9/2019 Special Lagnas



    Aug 7, 2011

    Special Lagnas (Special Ascendants


    Li"e the no#mal Lagna, the#e a#e man$ othe# #e%e#ence points to get an idea o% &a#ious othe# cha#acte#istics o% a nati&e 'ith much mo#e

    cla#it$, li"e his basic mentalit$ to'a#ds &a#ious sphe#es o% li%e, his business ideolog$, p#ospects in ca#ee#, business, 'ealth, inhe#itance, his

    political ca#ee#, o# p#ospects in politics, po'e#, %ame, autho#it$ etc.

    Special Lagnas, ha&a Lagna, )o#a Lagna and *hati Lagna, S#i Lagna, A#udha Lagna, +ppada Lagna, ndu Lagna, a"a Lagna.

    Lagna is a #e%e#ence point to #ead the lines ahead, Ascendant 'ith oon as %ocal point is the no#mal Lagna as pe# edic Ast#olog$, and this

    gi&es us the idea about the gene#al cha#acte#istics o% a nati&e 'ith #espect to the 12 sphe#es o% li%e mani%ested b$ 12 odiac signs and

    houses (ha&as.

    ha&a Lagn. #om sun#ise to the time o% bi#th e&e#$ *hatis (o# 120 minutes constitute one ha&a Lagna. 3i&ide the time o% bi#th (in

    *hatis, ighatis etc. %#om sun#ise b$ and add the 4uotient etc. to Su#$a5s longitude as at sun#ise. 6his is called ha&a Lagna.

    ha&a Lagna inuences $ou# natu#e.

    )o#a Lagna ()L as $ou see in an$ &edic cha#ts is a special lagna calculated as gi&en belo',

    )o#a Lagna. Again %#om sun#ise till the time o% bi#th )o#a Lagna #epeats itsel% e&e#$ 2 *hatis (i. e. 90 minutes. 3i&ide the time past up

    to bi#th %#om sun#ise b$ 2 and add the 4uotient etc. in ;plained ea#lie#. 6he natal Lagna is to be calculated acco#ding to

    bi#th place, 'hile ha&a Lagna, )o#a Lagna etc. a#e common to all places.

    a#nad Lagna, is also #elated to the &a#na o% the pe#son, the#e a#e %ou# &a#na, Cshat#i$a, #ahmin, ais$a and Shud#a, 'hich tell us aboutthe "ind o% 'o#" the nati&e 'ill be gi&en.

    a#nad lagna inuences the mentalit$ o% the nati&e 'ith #espect to the beha&iou# in &a#ious social situations, %e' might immediatel$ sit on

    the oo# the moment the$ come ac#oss a #ich pe#son, %e' might stand ne>t to him and %e' might Kust a&oid such people, all this happens

    in the mental plane.

    a"a Lagna: a"a Lagna is that house o# asi 'he#e the lagneca o# lo#d o% the lagna is posited.

  • 8/9/2019 Special Lagnas


    e.g. Lo#d o% *emini is e#cu#$ and i% e#cu#$ is posited in isces, o# een asi then een is a"a Lagna, and lo#d o% een, Dupite# is

    a"eca o# lo#d o% pa"a lagna.

    n a cha#t, %ou# points should be 'ell placed to sail smoothl$ th#ough the a#ena called Ga#th, Lagna, a"a Lagna, Lagneca, and a"a


    a"a lagna: (L gi&es a idea about the ideal ca#ee#, o# the ?eld 'he#e the mind is appl$ing the intelligence, it also sho's $ou# li"es and

    disli"es, %antasies and desi#es, a pe#son 'ith genius mind can appl$ his intelligence in an$ ?eld he desi#es, and he can e>cel in that ?eld

    'ith out help, 'he#e as a 'ea" pa"a lagna might cause p#oblems to a nati&e to su#&i&e in his o'n ?eld o% e>pe#tise, so the$ might loo" %o#

    talented people to #ide on thei# bac"s. :-

    S#i Lagna, (SL S#i lagna is #elated 'ith La"shmi 'hich is the blessings o% Lo#d ishnu, so S#i Lagna gi&es o# enhances the eEect o% othe#

    lagnas and planets.

    S#i o# S#ee is conso#t o% Lo#d ishnu, % Lo#d ishnu is 'ith S#i La"shmi, that 'ould mean 'ealth 'ith blessings, so it 'ould also inuence

    the ma#ital #elations, and p#ospe#it$, and the mentalit$ o% the nati&e to'a#ds mate#ial aspects o% li%e.

    ndu Lagna: (L ill sho' ho' much mone$ o# 'ealth $ou might ea#n, p#o&ided the ?eld o% ea#ning is co##ect as pe# $ou# cha#t.

    #anapada Lagna: ( 6his lagna sho's the amount o% positi&e and negati&e ene#g$ in $ou li%e and its inuence.

    A#udha Lagna: (AL 6his sho's ho' othe#s a#ound $ou pe#cei&e $ou in this 'o#ld, meaning ho' $ou mani%est $ou#sel% in this 'o#ld, though

    $ou# inne# sel% might be enti#el$ diEe#ent, a &e#$ st#ong pe#son inte#nall$ might be pe#cei&ed as a co'a#d b$ the 'o#ld and the t#ue sel% is

    #e&ealed onl$ a%te# the 'o#ld inte#acts, and &ice &e#sa, o# a &e#$ dumb pe#son might #ule the 'o#ld as a genius, and a genius as a dumb

    pe#son all this can be seen 'ith the A#udha Lagna. (AL, li"e an$ lagna point, AL should be seen as anothe# point o% #e%e#ence.

    +pa pada Lagna (+L, 6his lagna sho's the natu#e, li%e o# longe&it$, and health o% the ma##iage o# #elations, 7th %#om +L, gi&es t$pe o%

    ma##iage, and 8th %#om +L gi&es the health o% ma##iage.

    So a complete stud$ o% a cha#t in a gene#al &ie' is complete a%te# it is #ead %#om all these angles, then %o# %u#the# minute and speci?c

    details 'e ha&e di&ision cha#ts.

    Aum ama) Shi&a$a!