SSteSSc&f?"- . -'•^SMf^^^^'^^^^^'^^^^^K :t."-5 ^T^I&OR^^ APRIL '• 2*7*920- p Ontario€ount!es Combined-.Than Anf Other- Weekly N^pti. ; - ^:fllift-'--- -• ^-•v : :-;^^^^^ sssia -v. »>&: >; ; \J^E^ifport 1 ? Pioneer N e w ^ f i S H J l l ^ riiWl*? f:K^^^l^iliMiv- ersonal Items - - . . ,. , *3ji* " . - . - - . , ' - . - t t . i t .--j. -£- / , i •'--„* _""*'* ' . '- - " ^ . . , . .** » > V **'^Vi*.* : -"gas: y?r " \W S-., -y •"- 7 .C/Nbw ^plumbers /dress . in . .broadcloth ^suita) : ;.;/^-'\, ;..':;X '«ji-j &w : ***' pj^a^^kei^8h v irte r t)£: varJedrbue,- ^ i m ^ M 0 S ^ m M ^ ^ ^ & l^ffe^ 1 ™^ •* re siting- Miss ^^^^tiHA"^^'i?'i^^^"''"^-^** badge 16clteir^on^E r e^Pitt8f6rd"rbad to WfnT . .attPaTmyriLdvefSunday. • - ^ .-v~ • •'* :, t?':v** s •••".-'#-''''•; v b t . , , /v -^r^sv.:,/•*>,?, ^ : ~r •. i -^ f^Mrai^Anna^Bi.Wyman has sold the ^rs<:Fred barker;:spent Saturday faotp^bich ahe'recently purchased^ anlSunday with friends at Clifton^ ", ^ g ^ g i ^ B t r e e t t o ^ E.. M. Grichton, =^^;Roc1heater,"-w .«':."<•.-. ^Isteei^sT:.-;^:--" -.•- ) J'';- c :.; : ;^^ . ii.The. Cobb Pfeieryihg Company/Inc.y. have filed.notice;of/increase:of capital: , sB^ck froni ?150,666 to $375;000:'V ^^^^^^Ugl^uc^o^t^ej^rfl^ household, wentto New- York 'last week j#or special treatment in->:a ;{'Less f than-six weeks to Memorial l)ay^u-':- >Vr-..'.\. ,-...•• S^^J)V^Smi tb^of^Eittaford^was aurrecently-of-Bataviaj rmi Jrm^f&tenBt-;— -. ^J^l^ii^Enl^rt has. sold his farni fcospitaK—,- " '. ; r ; _- * - ->—~ ^Mre.^E. V, >!ead expects to go sooii t6frapehd ^ >tHe• aainmer "with Mrs; Vickery,-; of Rochester, at the< latter's -.v cottage at 'Charlotte. ; _ - ; _^: ; j ^ J^iL^j^^ork^h^the^Wesfc^hurch^atreefe 5.^^ ment r^i B . being pushed albnj£ .; T __„ rapidly, —The ~bi g- power-excavator-ia- -' «lose : jto Wbodlawn avenue in'-IttfTejaBt-• ' s- ^itffiulimarch.. r , "'"• •-' Denald-i^rasetf, ^he painter/ formerly here, has imbved from . Kochester to decora/ing c o n t r a c t i n g in" Rpch^eB'ter^ -Caledonia Era. &Res^Edward^w^iv^f^&mihdnds< t- 1 Po^cli as ,^beenlap"pointed_-tp;the^^paator-. _^*te of the Cathol icf church St r Palmyfa » ; receptly made vacant by the death of Rev. J. E. Hartley. vlt is;.reported that the Thompson ,& Field company, makers of carbon pro- IIjdn^^JKhfiBXli^ ^^t^iW-^miaetiBg^'blC" Er-A"."STHcum •W^JS;|ifeM6'nday-Jiight .a class of fbur^ canjjdaie^:7wa8 initiated,, after which light*refreshmerita were Berved. • % G'eprgd iilewellyn ia quite sure there la: ja^dbfeGcbllar, thief in the yic[nity, ^g^p^r^was?removed-froro-h I s dbg jpnp,;day .raaT~weekVrtag and all, andihB\. was--.Under the necessity cf obhiininga new tag. -... :>'Mrrand Mrs. Harlan C. Hutchinson, of Buffalo, were guests at the home 'til.th^lprm'er'B.'parenta, Mi*, and Mrs HUtcbinBon,' Monday. Mr. Hutching 4bu^fc£^ fibrinerVQteel-workBi : s •.. ^nr^jBM~MfiT;CrM~^ rephibf hbma!ffbiti their Florida trip Motiday night ? and the. doctor was on the job yesterday bright and early making V; INTEREST GROWlNiM SyangeliiuQ,' Meetings TTrantferr'- _ T.he. Reea union ^eyahgdii8^j|d ( ^(!QQ^ pa!gn~which*--beganHaBtr>y^kjij^^b; Coprgegational church,; willrKet^aft|| ferred. to the First MethodiB^^^Ut thiB evening, and the aer.vices^^jH^^ MACHINES PURCHASED i-i pf;the other cb.urches. ~U Dr. Reje^and^^8 ; ^Ree8|b^^ Itantly*1ouiTd favor with; t t i b ^ b l ^ and are Warmly^and'hearfiry .Teceiyeidif They^do-not^Tes6rt^to£Bbmft%^^i^ l }ff ree > completely^rinBtaHed. methods of sbme evangellatB^1B5|T^i^ flnelrth^mselves to the ^piaim«^M|| trutha'in song aridlaefmoli2 ; s ; l]^^Kees, emphasizes the fact that nobody 1B &o be placed in a corner or m amemoaftJ 1 rasping situation in the.- meetjfngjB^ Good^^ongTegations^bave-gfe^t^diitKe evangelists so far t . and "thatraBie, Suhday uighTcfow the chulrch^ioiaJlL full capacity* The auditorlum^a!? well filled with men Sunday. aftertfQb^ when'jTir. Reea gave a telling.-ipe^^' His subject Sunday evening \w&~g m .quipping Power JPlantf for" Handling Niagara Current. The municipal commission have pur- chased the necesaary machinery -to-be installed at the potfer station oh John street for converting electricity fur- nished by the Niagara.- Lpckpoctijnd Ghtario Power Co. for use in the vil- iWge."" The equipment 'consists bf three frequency changers and the neceB ^ary switch boaFd and oth^r appurte- nances, and the cpatrja to be in the Seighborhdoo* of $iyrf)U0 fbX the* This amount i» only about half bf - What the '.commission was t:: autSori2ed to expend il,tJt found ituecessary/^$3.5,QQftbeing. .made available by the vote of the people at the special election in "rDecember. V* : The machines^ purchaB6(j_ C onie-from ^he Empire ^as—aridij^eic^ic_Co. at Unburn, where* th^y?bW(iTT)een^ in use (for a few years and are to be replaced ipy higher power machines. The commission Bet out to purchase ^wrigjwy ~%?*a££*22Z9£. tmvgs. Monday night was lwowtf^il^^W, m's night, and preceding"{' prayeraM^^ men .moh "abort talka and given by laymen. Lastreyenrng^^ ion pigh^wl&eli^De' known as organization various groups were.^brlgahlzedl^^D ^RasSsi professional calls, looking hale and A checking pf the signed cardB of j the 2,654 persons who regiutered at this yeBr*B _ farmers* = week = at^Cornel 1 ahoWf^ha:r68^perscml = from this county attendedLV:-There were no doubt others in attendance who did not register. : W. ^Fitzgerald, who lives in the •w^at^ pfa^offthe ,village—was arrested known as young people/'s nigh'tsM the.' orchestra that furnished miwi^at the Rochester meetings wi ji ba^OTeaerif and-the junior choir-wiu -Bing^dstdiBj; WANT SERVICE CHARGE ^sa^tf^A- r^ . —* TF .•L.j.ft\..<msr Ga» Corporation t Haj RequestsQefbre Public Service Commiation. , An Albany despatch Bays tbaV C<wf*t potation Counsel CharlSa~I^PIe^fc : e7fef| , peSt r Mfr MlneFT" Rochester, appeared before the'public service commission Wedne8jiaj^qvOj)i_ pose a petifion bythe Rocbeater^GaB and Electric Corporation for> ; authprJty to modify its rates." The commission experience on strike, haying to leave our sleepers 1 a£§y3I$f ^miojmced__that—a-4iear^g-wou4d4^(BH^ !TMgfidy.rfllTtKCT]&eT^^^ - several tyears to come, and from three manu- facturers secured figuresrangingfrom |f21.000 to $28,"0O"Oi;: r and were natu- :fally gratified that-the^oppbrtunity presented itself "for obtaining three ^machines at a considerably less figure ^^J^.^^lQgS^^H^^g^^ftsUgoat^ ^eharge^of-^49—cents—on eacfrTiietgF itjf^ly^^^^gja£^»thl^oming-peHi m an were the ^CbtbfciotiB -for* only Before finall^y^decidin'gion^he- rchase of the Auburn machines they fhk:C^aB;d^4trbyed;byvfi*o.a few d§ys agbf layfSaturday^evenihg- by-Officep..3wift early Monday mqrn< ing:ihvW est ^venue on th7e qhargeipf jgblic^ |in^icatibn. Ho^deppsjted. ^audsndtf;afe^6flrfng,^ ^clalred^foffeited^^ , :M&^ : ^w^l imstarting^the campaign aniohg autpi ,iata for^proper parking and observance of rules of the road on thTMaih~stfeet pavement. "^ ~ ^Miss Mildred Torrens entertained eleven- young ladies at dinner'at her homei.lafltr TnHfldBjE^prmTg^iHfc^wliiTfe time her engagement to'- Elmer Wheeler/son of Mr. and Mrs: Robert Wheeler, was announced. — EaBt Bloomfield Review. ."..?.' - .- Mra. Joseph Smith, of Fairport,- spent Tuesday and VYedne8day! with Mr", and JMra. F.. I.-Gatea.-^-Ontario Mail. ..Mra.. Smith has gone to Roch "^Mi^i„el?lrr~ H ap|8, l,' whtr^Tdiidil iltt Webater Monday, waa.known by many in- Fair^ort:siidJiicinity^ilShe.leavea; one sister, Lydia M. Harris, and one sister-in-law, Mrs.\ Julia L. Harris, of "Webster, also several cousins. The _funer aU, ifL .tQ^hb^heJd^^ia^afJ^rnpbnf ^^^^h^efy7 Penfield. * ~ •-'*• Dr. Reea will address aftother?mbnl" ; meeting Sunday *afternbbhVat?3:30i, ployed Profesabr^-Peraeh, an electri- *al expert from Gbhiell university, to ^o to Auburn and give the machines a" Critical and exhaustiye examination, is advice was that the machines are excellent condition for^a long period f service and adylaed the purchase. The deal was closed Monday, and the |iiachine8 are to be shipped very soon, ""The Wages of Sin-.'^ABthelloalBltg Jnd probably will J)e ready for busi ih'ga are growing •ihFereBXi; attendance the, record{cM^|ad^al^l8]^an get .their part of the work done in looked lor on SupdB^V£fgSi^^j|e^jt£^jbeing able to deliver current here. meeting will be preceded^by^si Ber-vice,^.a.-B6nga;B^r^i66k'at ; -;7j8Q|j;!'jan^' one,—for_ the regulM a e r y i c e ^ 7 : 4 S 3 P I S ^ S liachines, regular aer>ice^gt!'7:4&a£^Mfogj& :hesB as ^oon' a«« the Niagara company The element of time is an important with the purchase of these held in Rochester^oh' April 227on'^the: petition for modification of the rates. The company asks permission to make a service charge of 40 cents a~nibD>h on every meter and offera to lowej^i.tcr net rate froro 95 to 90 centB. "'' f^^;; — Corporat.on Counsel Pierce Baid that* Commissioner John A. Barhite wqu/d, hold, the bearing. Mr. Pierce will appear in opposition at the Rocheater. hearing-which wi 11 be held^ ip=^the court house. ~~^'~"^ : The cbhipariy holds that this plan has worked out in other citiea* ih a favorable manner. This plan would require that consumers must" pa^V a every-month and "ft is Ton tended would result in jan increased[revenue to the company —it!"! When asked about the requested change in* rates R. M. Searle, vice preaident„oiLithe jRocheater^.GaBliand. Electric Corporation, atated that trie changes "if allowed would "MeaT^apr average-increase for each UBer of gas in this city of .about-one_cent a_dayi;~: —Consumers, who- use 8, OOO^feet^bf gas a month, he stated, would about break even as compared with the pres-' entrate, through the imposition of .the, _prnpo8ed service charge and- the"de- crease of-S.centBi-in-the^rate.^^^f^^ At the same time it is expected that imposition of a service charge will in. creEsa consumption on the part of -HpMEWARO^BOJQl Pr^-fanxl Mr#. Briggs S top in Wayhing^a-^^%?; '^.V^^n.^,Zfpr.^^hUeeing.Z \^^^^^^^^ Washington, D. C., April4§^pi|P^ One more little shot at you Washington, where we arrived Thura day afternoon after a rather unpleasan* account/ of* railroad \0M^ m coaches, which brought UB into Wash^^ ington about four hours late .8>nd;thea:^'^-^ was uriableSto pull into the Ilhion'^gljpft dep^t,^Btopping at 7tfc;St^atatip5P^^^^^p P: But we are here and find. Wishing^ -^ ton beginning r to lbbk'™g^een, '.;•witB magnolias and-tulips in bloom, visited the capitoI yesterday afternoon and heard the senators jangle a while without seeming to get any where and tbffP-SBaw^Beyeral—other^gqyerrmie^^ buildings and expect to resume bur - mm m sightseeing today. >•/ :> ^ - ^ ^ The scenery from Jacksonvilleitb/^^B^ Richmond was very pretty, riding/-,^' along the forests and lands now bean- ^sylsM' Cherry and pear trees were pretty with dogwod and wild The woods XS^^W" <«* azallas, Which ! we're exceptibnaU^^-^M^ pretty. Rivera were high.and[muddy- from recent rains. >mm :^.mm SxfeVa Darky„.hut8_ Bhowed_.mbre .-Bignsl.of .uszasss zjea*M 4ife'and^the^razor back pjga wiBre^roy-: Iffg^eVe^wfiere^hrbugh fieTd ;r MdlfVrt»at and also through door yards and:iutha>i.. atreeta of. the villages^ alrmg^tho route. These poor specimens of-swf he those who now use very little gas each •month, yet who have The service available. vu As the law forbids the levying of a meter charge the local company aska permission-—to impoi r C»*sJV Family at. Canandaigua. pachineB, the equipment will be inj|'charge ( !'\'5r'h^h'MrrSearliB'-explai«iB '{a "l^rkiqg-or^er^rtWn^a^ §hereaa^ v ^-aitibg }• fbr. neW; machines feght^mBatf58^ear*8^^ Knows who has Occasion .to pur- tme chasedmaterials in that field; 7 For ^The^iypni8^flZ6W^ 'there'unib'uo^ of Rev: W. •E^Seajl^^jitjCajiaipLdaigua^haB^ IhTng to say, concerning them that ap 'plfes equally well;in Fairport, where they reeided. aorne^/years. The article follpwsi w' .;/• •"•'.;:-'-n r^HAwl^the-friendflr-^fid^they are many .-^-of the Searles. family will rejoice J over the happiness which the reunion, A class of candidates received the .jto^hj-jejiylin^^ Xltntoiravertue, soutri^ thjfdHegfee in fuirfdrhT.ih "Fai7pdrt Lodge, F. & A . M., ; Monday nighty with ^an attendance of about IQOy Master Masons, including several: visitors from Rochester, 'Penfield and etterH-b-fr^tg-fre^ a~Bocial hour was enjoyed.with prchea* tra music, vocal solos and numbers by Heirs of the late Mrs. Franc G. , SchummerB? whose death , bccurred a doable q °f tet L,ght ref "Bhmenta 1 were served. about twenty years ago, have started an action in the courts to bring about a judicial accounting and settlement 'of the estate, a Niagara Falls attorney -appearing for -the-contestants, The executor itTF. F. SchummerB. Letters"of admihistratioh were is- sued in Liyingaton^cpuhty Surrogate ^'"-Gbu%t c FrldSy T ^ Richmond B'. Short bf.^chmondon the $3,000 estate of his mother, Adelaide ET "^hbrt, who died in Richmond town on April 10. -i Besides the administrator, a daughter S* tfcAlmira ^fie-wTll-^oFafoinTBt "aied*at Manchester February 27, was admitted to 'probate at Canandaigua Monday. According to the published reports^he will was made March 14, 1917, and in it was a CIBUBO giving a grandson, John Burps, of Fairport, $100. - A codicil dated December/ 31, 1919," provides that a legacy bf$l,00figi in the'-wiU to a daugh^er : in-laW, Julia Farrell Burns, of Fairport, be cancelled ^nfTL^Rnn of that sum be. paid to John inatahc^pthree.jey^notorB' that woi'o to bedSlivered lo the Herald orrFeb~ ; ruary l-'have not yet reached us. DEATHS Thn thensxpensea of cafrying-tbe account, furnishing metpr ^hd bitter charges ;infeident Jta the jcompany^pain^, tainihg service adequate to the con* sumer's requirements. In cases where iiletera are removed the-servi»e charge would cease, as it would be imposed pnXy"1rr cases where _metera are in- stalled. »•$*» B. Newton of Fairpbrt, is the 1* B ? rn ;- - - -—x^ U-t -^-^— —P-T X Burns.r J. Burns and $500 to Rose GOrman' "MF. ahTTliIfB7"X3.^r"Wiuagle"eT^ to leave Monday on a two weeks trip. ^ -firBt" \1altifig relativea in PenhBylVinia then going .to Waabihgton for a few —-days^and-returning* to^New^York - M ay _.When-Carl-Marlettr^l-years-oldrof- Fairport, waa crossing Main street east, Rochester, near, Stillaon street, Monday afternoon^ he , w a ( struck :by ati_ automobile driven by George E. Lapham, 41 : yeara v o.ld # ' of No. 990 will bring to the various members of the.family.. Although it was sixteen years' 1 ago thiB fall that Livonia said gpp£Lby& jtO—these., good people t „they hftveV been far -from forgotten during that-rwribd^"^ - T^ : : ;Mr8C-H.. N. Howard, who was Miss Eatella Searles, has been. engaged in mfssibnary work with her husband in^OldvUmtali, Africa, Bince 1911. Thefr were—home—on—a furlough in 1916* Mr.-and Mrs. Howard, with their three children, two girls and a boy, r are here '• now, -because of the forrper'B ill health'/ whicli requires a Warm climate and a sea-level - !!';'tufde: They have been in Cape Town since }aat"Auguat/ , ^Plai^-g6ar-lea t who—went—to-China In January of 1915, has been teaching in Ihe ,Univbrsity of Pekin, and his present purpose here ia ,tb_take_ a pos.t_ Thomaa-Slocum, a life long resident of the town of Perinton, died Monday at hia home,. 84 East Church Btreet ffoerheart troubls~ r wlih _ wbli!h - lie _ bad been affected since January. Mr. Slocum was born on what is known as the Bryon Ellsworth farm in the south part of the "town on May 20, 1851, andsrJbiB^aj^r-life-.w^ -faxui..^After hia removel to Fairport he served the town aa highway com- mfaaioner several terms and. also the village as street superintendent. For several- years he was engaged in threshing, and was called on for mileT around to . do the season's thteshing for the farmers. (&• He married Miss Mary E. Starkp, of thia town, on March 28. 1870. the Mews Paragraphs The O.leanJ&lfigtrjic company has ap s.^flth'e, vtl lages of Bolivar and Richburg and tlje towns of Bolivar,-Wirt and Genesee for fran- chises to furnish electric light and muat^be well educated, aa they seemed^'fi0r very industrious and, I judge, they ar& some "mathematicians, as they were almost 'continually^doing exampl ^^^Ua^egrSiOt^an^rseem^besS^ entire living in that way. They-are ^ mostly of a rich mahogany color. There JB.munh to see in Waahing'L^j.^^i mwa* ^pn, but w'e^ miss the sea shore and ;^||2$3| baachea of white sands, etc. 'Yet we-.. jare p^bl" to leave off the 4, 8hocki^'^^^ abseifbera/" from eur glasses, which^iB^S^^ o.uite''*a' relief. —We-are-npt-juE r of arrival in B airport on account :OtM\$$0£%k MrBiear-GiadHo-noar-^f^e-^ncourag^ff?^^ ing .start on the eyahgeliaticcam^^ ^ififid^hopB^^ part in it. Kind regards, - ^ - ^rr-r-r— C. M.-Brigga— RAIL LINt "CROSSES OCEAN power. Castile farmers, are selling their cows because of daylight saVing. Of the l,2ia miles of highway in ^ojiriiB cifflniy^I^I).2^a^ improved. Thousands of Americans at the c va- cation time of the year take the only ocean trip which can he made on a -mllronri train, writes "Niksnh" in the Chic:ipo News. They go to Key West by way of the line which runs through the Atlantic ocean on an embankment built from one to anotherjof_those tiny islands known as .the-Elorida—keys. ( _ The action of Geraldine Smith, the Oriskany Falls school girl who sued, through her father, Principal Irja M cerernony being performed by Rev. Mr. Butler, then pastor of the Congre- gational church. Their golden wed- ding anniveraary~7w a8 c^pTebTated"1 asV month/ They began housekeeping on the John Donk place south of the vil laeran^^'rn!oml!ig~t?rtn'e J vl llagf Have ^duate-course in the University of g|nce - „ ved bere . Six chil dren\have W ^ m ^ ^ - B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ to them^^^^-4&d those, children surviving are Mrs. Matie S, Aldrich, Charles Slocum, Mra. Anna Jordan and Howard H. Slocum! all of Faimort. He^also JCing^yice president of the University leayea a . brothfr Hvlo in the Btate of of.Peki iufatlb^™Cra1r7^fings wltF him his little 1 daughter, Katherine, two years bld'f--The Bad news of the death of his wife, who was the daughter of Dr. danages resulting from chastisement administered by the principal paying the plaintiff $110. When the case was tried the jury rendered a verdict of^ix^SMs. The attorney for the plaintiff appea'ed. Remarkable Trip That Is Taken by Travelers on Their Way to Key West, Florida. . - -''j-fjn '•'1*5*4 —AfT=j0H-rid&r^tong=ttki8=T^jaMKa^fii^^ ~m railjoad, you look out the window and. down into the clear shallow water and see great schools of fish playing near-- the surface, and deeper down you can glimpse now and then the shndowy Sfeanton-of-that-viUage_for-alleged)_ fmT]5 o f fl smal] ^ ^ Qn e|ther side -T ~ Btast~by~ Electricity. —- South African gold mines^are ex- perimenting with blasting by electric- ity- wtth-ftr-v4eJiv—tewnln4ml«lng—the-fine- dust, which is thought to be the chief cause of miners^ phthisis. \"~ -. " '"•^^^^-y^aasz^v, held Saturday at East Rochester and interment was made in Riverside cemetery, Rochester. of you reaches- awny to the horizon a vast 'expanse of brilliant blue ^vate^, dotted with islands, which vary in size from a fraction of an acre. 1 to" perhaps n*qunrter~nfa square mile.—They "are - low and flat and covered with low- growing mangroves, and other swnmp plants. .Here and there a group_ bf_ coconuts or royal psTTms Tifts a feath- ery silhouette., Occasionally a little shack Is glimpsed, and a few sails are seen In the distance, blTt tor the mPBr ' ' ' »T*i Km *Ujt representative of Jrt.Lodge, .. ^ _ , ^ _ According ' to.^a revised 'acheduje .- ' adojited by. the postofRce department the weight of parcel post packages has beWiricr^aaed/frbrn 60to 70 lbs., for \ the. firat,. ?econd fiind?' th\rd zenea, or 300 Tallea' from, the mailing point For'all pther^zWeBVAnJnerease'ifr^om 20HP.50.lbflylamade.'' Thia will give the'big*city mail order hPuaea another strangle hold on the Country stores, a.i. - _ We,'cbngr^tuiate:"; KdltbrlMiner, of. the Fairport;Hbrafd,bppn t tn6 forty ~-""ninth anniybreaTy^^r 'ia onb .of iheexchangeB. which wo'en- '?• jby -iobHtng at week by^Week^ Clean;* s neway and-Talwayll^eeklng^tHe"' beat ^^ntereatooflthB^Hlago^anUgOrn^ which it £erv,e8. A^ will haye^ Vbabhed xthehfelf ^century head and / a bruiaed^Bhoulder. Hia hutta --were dressed^N^. phyBjcian.. His clothing waa.hadly torn a8,he7feil on the pavement ' After a tlnie v he waa able to return home. Laphonr was arreated by Patrolman Pohlraan and.Mounted Officer Prlbua on a charge of reckleBa driving; *-» v - ' [Oaeta of cucafOr magazine articles, have^.been puzzling'over a. recent very great increase in prices" fbr auch artU clea. The answer is fourid in "the, fact that the Photo?Engravers' union of New York adopted a scale of prices Which^*lh'eif~empl6ye>*8 r muaf chVfge)*1n order' to give them a desired increase in pay, and agreed to refu'ae to work daigua. ;' Charles is in business with tkc^Jlrn/JirInvestment Banking com- pany {at Rpcheater, but makes hiB hohie at Canandaigua. Roland is en- gaged in industrial work in St. Ixiuis, Will is a phyaician at Kokomo, In- thjs afternoon, Rev. E. B. Taft, paator of the First Baptfat church, ofitciatihgr and interment wifl be made in Green- vale cemetery. r part the region is a wilderness of blue water, whlte _jand_ and low-growing ju*i?fe^^^^^v/^s.lhirt you won love to explore Inn small boat. " Of life you see little. Now and then white flocks of ibises rise from, the.ls-.—-,^^^ lands; a tree duck spatters clumsily away from the train, or a great blue heron trails Mr*. Marv McCarthy. I heron trails his legs in lojely .dJgnl^J^^^ ^.Xhsbfufi«caU444xBiJAary.^^M^wthj^S^yir^tnV^lc^ For tile^ibsT part . •,? 'IS silence and sunlight own the .place. , -;}tfm ".-• Hazel May Corner. Mrs Hafeel May Corner, wife of djana^and Wesley iB pastor of the, Edwar<J ^ Cornerf died Fr|day at ^OthPdlat-church at .Geneseo ^ i theirhoiiie-|i6 the Egypt-Pittaford road 9qnd^ ^'"r^atteV a brief Illness. Her age waa pulp t, and Gharlea Is to furn.sh. 2Q yeft ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ? dftyB( Qnd ?Ft 9 ,*l^ u * •:?' , o , i besidea her huaband and three year-old "Livonia people- wish the Searles 80rt ; a n e J B ' 8urvived bv her mother, great joy in their reunion. ».i» Mrs. Roaa Javin, of Fairport Tne at for any firm which; did noVaseTthelig prf to-scat w^Lab^f^eemi^ tancing capital in fleecing the gentle public! The' CarroH liilF now beforj i l«i^j:takfng Its piaco among'>thb.older batabliahlng Uila method of "doing; buaK ' countty\we^jie8: df;^ba^ "Geneva fpFall partrof the ,.. \ 1 ; L _ ; - .^ ., # .i ; funeral Was held Sunday afternoon , ttBltlW-TOklftK-wmhl^y of he 4 o , c c R ^ ^ -^ American Can company at Geneva and| Other places will be auctioned off at *aki&^!& --v r^tfOiig"WihrJa^ ^cfiuBed Ice-to float-up the T?onawanda creek at the Tens VanMi^fo^^hb firat time fin over a r .^. m louring the next few weeka between of the Congregational church, ofikiat-. ing r and interment was made in Perin» ton •^Celiter^feejrrjaterv, of Fourth' avenue, whone death was reported in the Herald last Week,, was h_eld^^ta^teyHimortfifig^Hhi^^ of the Assumption, and interment was made in Holy Sepulchre cemetery, Rochester. She ia survived by eight sons, Charles M., Edward J , William M., Peter J., Raymond P., Hilary P., Leo and Francis E. McCarthy. Wm - -m ago, active development of the ^:^lM0i ment only began after the Boi--,;^iM .X Mr§. Benjamin Lull. Mrs. ."EfhilyjiW. Lull, wife of Ben- TTTocai mK7.£Z&iQ&&OQ*t<,r one and tw6 million tF6« and shruBT npmp^tn;J^ait Rocheater. Besides her Mr». Franc Palmer Brown. Mra. Franc Palmer Brown, who had bednin failing health for a number of years, passed away eBrly Friday morn- ing at the home of her aiater, Mra. George Luitweiler. on Baker road. She had made her home with "her sla- ter a number-of years, since the death of-her-husband."—-The-funeral. waa.held- Sunday afternoon,_ Rev. G. F^ Mc- -ElveinfpSstbf^r^lhlr-Raym^^ Church, officiating, and interment .was made in Mount Pleasant cemetery..- . •'*• Mi^Bto^^c 2 ^ ^ ^ ^ In NeVriYotV The Chinese mall bag Is new apbpr ulnr Institution throughout the whole of the ancient empire. Established 23 years department er revolution. In 1918 8,000 miles of, overland routes were added to the sefy*.'} Ice. And now a" new continuous byef?\i land cburler route-of rbugnly 8375'"; miles, the longest lp the world, > con- nects Kalgan by way of Mongolia With ; Tlhwafu, capital of the Slhklank (Ch^: nese Tiirkesitan)' following in part;the • : ?^~£$j old trade routes from China to Persia. : The townspeople of a-flburlshing man-;. ufacturlng.district wbre so bnfaged ro- ; ^ '=*; ; .='f cently by the delay Of mail that-thejr-1... ap^eaicTjtojffie"(Qourt arid~tn31pa1r|y •: responsible: was ordered to bejAecapU "'Sv f tatcd if ho .offended again. Probably they had j. missed tbclr copies Pf ^tho ri Family HcrpfdT . .'•..".. . ' 7 v Vdled_ Friday mornlng^fltihcar. ^y^ctobor^^l889 r ^daaght«r*t)f ; huaband Bhals survived by one tiater, Ailc^^^ward^ jThe fanoral w«a John G. Palmer and Euphenla Bishop. Mostof her life was-paiBed in this vicinity m ii 111*: Ha,. Vlerity of^MBrrlmjr >^i*i m ;y:A ;; .ABhermah says that a shokl of,. ahBrring^j^abmetime.s.flYCJ?r al^.Pitle^,,,,;,,;,,^ ,•--:•• Hm&^^v^t^mi^'/z. :;.• . '" • . V V^i^(-.^l?i6ng^alid;iwb or three mlle« brozdiVpCf^a "-:'.: •• -' ^>- ; s; -• ,.'-.! £ ••'. '..vis •'.•'••••t.-.'A 1 .: ','.-'V..<-^- '. : . -, .... '-:-.i"i..'t •<i<;\>£--J\*l#*W*HK : y:.-•.•...•; ;a->s .^.-^^••,-->.«:.•• ^ • y . ^ : - ^ - ^ ^ ' , --f."'V l ',•;••.•• -••.-.••-^j^^aaa iAt&iZMmsMsxM

SSteSSc&f ?-.- '•^SMf^^^^'^^^^^'^^^^^Knyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85026408/1920-04-21/ed-1/seq-1.… · SSteSSc&f ?"-.- '•^SMf^^^^'^^^^^'^^^^^K :t."-5 ^T^I&OR^^ APRIL '•

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Page 1: SSteSSc&f ?-.- '•^SMf^^^^'^^^^^'^^^^^Knyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85026408/1920-04-21/ed-1/seq-1.… · SSteSSc&f ?"-.- '•^SMf^^^^'^^^^^'^^^^^K :t."-5 ^T^I&OR^^ APRIL '•

SSteSSc&f ?"-.- '•^SMf^^^^'^^^^^'^^^^^K :t."-5

^ T ^ I & O R ^ ^ A P R I L '• 2 * 7 * 9 2 0 -

p Ontario€ount!es Combined-.Than Anf Other- Weekly N ^ p t i . • ; - :fllift-'--- -• ^-•v::-;^^^^^

sssia -v. »>&: >; •

; \J^E^ifport1? Pioneer New^fiSHJll^ riiWl*?

f : K ^ ^ ^ l ^ i l i M i v -ersonal Items

- - . . ,.,*3ji* " . - . - - • . , ' - • • . - t t . i t . - - j . - £ - / , i •'--„* _""*'* ' . ' - - " ^ . . , . . * * » >V**'^Vi*.* :

-"gas: y?r " \ W

S- . , - y •"- „ 7

.C/Nbw ^plumbers /dress . in . .broadcloth

^ s u i t a ) :;.;/^-'\ ,;. . ':;X '«ji-j &w:***' p j ^ a ^ ^ k e i ^ 8 h v i r t e r t ) £ : varJedrbue,-

i m ^ M 0 S ^ m M ^ ^ ^ & l ^ f f e ^ 1 ™ ^ •*re s i t i n g - Miss

^ ^ ^ ^ t i H A " ^ ^ ' i ? ' i ^ ^ ^ " ' ' " ^ - ^ * * badge

16clteir^on^Ere^Pitt8f6rd"rbad to WfnT

. .attPaTmyriLdvefSunday. • - ^ .-v~ • •'*:,t?':v**s•••".-'#-''''•; v b „ t . , , /v -^r^sv.:,/•*>,?, ^ : ~r • • •. i -^ f^Mrai^Anna^Bi.Wyman has sold the

^ r s < : F r e d b a r k e r ; : s p e n t Saturday faotp^bich ahe'recently p u r c h a s e d ^ a n l S u n d a y with friends at Clifton^ ", ^ g ^ g i ^ B t r e e t t o ^ E.. M. Grichton,


.«':."<•.-. Isteei^sT:.-;^:--" -.•-) J'';-c:.;:;^^ . i i . T h e . Cobb Pfe iery ihg Company/Inc.y.

have filed.notice;of/increase:of capital: , sB^ck froni ? 1 5 0 , 6 6 6 to $ 3 7 5 ; 0 0 0 : ' V

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ U g l ^ u c ^ o ^ t ^ e j ^ r f l ^ household, w e n t t o New- York ' l a s t week j # o r special treatment in->:a

;{ 'Less f t h a n - s i x weeks to Memorial l)ay^u-':- >Vr-..'.\. , - . . . • •

S ^ ^ J ) V ^ S m i t b ^ o f ^ E i t t a f o r d ^ w a s

aurrecent ly-of -Bataviaj rmi

Jrm^f&tenBt-;— -.

^ J ^ l ^ i i ^ E n l ^ r t has. sold his farni

fcospitaK—,- " '. ;r;_- * - ->—~

^Mre.^E. V, >!ead expects to go sooii t6frapehd ^ >tHe• aainmer "with Mrs; Vickery,-; of Rochester, at the< lat ter 's

-.v cot tage at 'Charlotte. ; _ -; _^: ; j ^

J^iL^j^^ork^h^the^Wesfc^hurch^atreefe 5 . ^ ^ m e n t r ^ i B . being pushed albnj£

.; T__„ rapidly , — T h e ~bi g- power-excavator-ia-- ' «lose :jto Wbodlawn avenue in'-IttfTejaBt-•

' s- ^itffiulimarch.. r ,

"'"• •-' Denald-i^rasetf, ^he painter/ formerly here, has imbved from . Kochester to

decora/ ing contracting in" Rpch^eB'ter^ -Caledonia Era.

&Res^Edward^w^iv^f^&mihdnds< t-1Po^clias,^beenlap"pointed_-tp;the^^paator-.

_^*te of the Cathol icf church Str Palmyfa » ;receptly made vacant by the death of

Rev. J . E. Hartley.

vlt is;.reported that the Thompson ,& Field company, makers of carbon pro-


^^t^iW-^miaetiBg^'blC" Er-A"."STHcum •W^JS;|ifeM6'nday-Jiight .a class of fbur^ canjjdaie^:7wa8 initiated,, after which light*refreshmerita were Berved. •

% G'eprgd i i l ewe l lyn ia quite sure there la: ja^dbfeGcbllar, thief in the yic[nity,

^ g ^ p ^ r ^ w a s ? r e m o v e d - f r o r o - h I s dbg jpnp,;day .raaT~weekVrtag and all, and ihB\ . was--.Under the necessity cf o b h i i n i n g a new tag. -...

:>'Mrrand Mrs. Harlan C. Hutchinson, of Buffalo, were guests at the home 'til.th^lprm'er'B.'parenta, Mi*, and Mrs HUtcbinBon,' Monday. Mr. Hutching

4 b u ^ f c £ ^ fibrinerVQteel-workBi :

s — •..

^nr^jBM~MfiT;CrM~^ rephibf hbma!ffbiti their Florida trip Motiday n ight ?and the. doctor was on the job yesterday bright and early making

V; INTEREST GROWlNiM SyangeliiuQ,' Meetings TTrantferr'- _

T.he. Reea union ^eyahgdii8^j|d(^(!QQ^ pa!gn~which*--beganHaBtr>y^kjij^^b; Coprgegational church,; w i l l r K e t ^ a f t | | ferred. to the First M e t h o d i B ^ ^ ^ U t thiB evening, and the aer.vices^^jH^^



pf;the other cb.urches. ~U Dr . R e j e ^ a n d ^ ^ 8 ; ^ R e e 8 | b ^ ^ I t a n t l y * 1 ouiTd favor with; t t i b ^ b l ^ and are Warmly^and'hearfiry .Teceiyeidif They^do-not^Tes6r t^to£Bbmft%^^i^ l}ffree> completely^rinBtaHed. methods of sbme evangellatB^1B5|T^i^ flnelrth^mselves to the ^ p i a i m « ^ M | | trutha'in song aridlaefmoli2 ;s ;l]^^Kees, emphasizes the fact that nobody 1B &o be placed in a corner or m amemoaftJ1

rasping situation in the.- meetjfngjB^ Good^^ongTegations^bave-gfe^t^diitKe evangel ists so f a r t . and "thatraBie, Suhday uighTcfow the chulrch^ioiaJlL full capacity* The a u d i t o r l u m ^ a ! ? wel l filled with men Sunday. aftertfQb^ when'jTir. Reea gave a t e l l i n g . - i p e ^ ^ ' His subject Sunday evening \ w & ~ g m

.quipping Power JPlantf for" Handling Niagara Current.

The municipal commission have pur­chased the n e c e s a a r y machinery -to-be installed at the potfer station oh John street for converting electricity fur­nished by the Niagara.- Lpckpoctijnd Ghtario Power Co. for use in the vil-iWge."" The equipment ' cons i s t s bf three frequency changers and the neceB ^ary switch boaFd and oth^r appurte-nances, and the cpatrja to be in the Seighborhdoo* of $iyrf)U0 fbX the*

This amount i» only about half bf - What the

'.commission wast::autSori2ed to expend il,tJt found ituecessary/^$3.5,QQftbeing. .made available by the vote of the people at the special election in "rDecember. V* :

The machines^ purchaB6(j_Conie-from ^ h e Empire ^as—aridij^eic^ic_Co. at Unburn, where* th^y?bW(iTT)een^ in use (for a few years and are to be replaced ipy higher power machines . —

The commission Bet out to purchase

^wrigjwy ~%?*a££*22Z9£.

tmvgs. Monday night was l w o w t f ^ i l ^ ^ W , m's night, and preceding"{'

p r a y e r a M ^ ^ men .moh "abort talka and given by laymen. L a s t r e y e n r n g ^ ^

ion pigh^wl&eli^De' known as organization various groups were.^brlgahlzedl^^D


professional cal ls , looking hale and

A checking pf the signed cardB of j the 2 , 6 5 4 persons who regiutered at this yeBr*B_farmers*=week=at^Cornel 1 ahoWf^ha:r68^perscml=from this county attendedLV:-There were no doubt others in attendance who did not register.

: W . ^Fitzgerald, who l ives in the •w^at^ pfa^of f the ,village—was arrested

known as young people/'s nigh'tsM the.' orchestra that furnished m i w i ^ a t the Rochester meetings wi j i ba^OTeaerif and-the junior choir-wiu -Bing^dstdiBj;

W A N T SERVICE C H A R G E ^ s a ^ t f ^ A -

r^ . — * TF .•L.j.ft\..<msr

Ga» Corporation tHaj RequestsQefbre Public Service Commiation.

, An Albany despatch Bays tbaV C<wf*t potation Counsel CharlSa~I^PIe^fc:e7fef| ,peStr Mfr MlneFT" Rochester, appeared before the'public service commission Wedne8jiaj^qvOj)i_ pose a petifion b y t h e Rocbeater^GaB and Electric Corporation for>;authprJty to modify its rates." The commission

experience on strike, haying to leave our sleepers1 a£§y3I$f


!TMgfidy.rfllTtKCT]&eT^^^ - several tyears to come, and from three manu­facturers secured figuresrangingfrom | f 2 1 . 0 0 0 to $28,"0O"Oi;:rand were natu-:fally gratified that-the^oppbrtunity presented itself "for obtaining three ^machines at a considerably less figure

^ ^ J ^ . ^ ^ l Q g S ^ ^ H ^ ^ g ^ ^ f t s U g o a t ^ ^eharge^of-^49—cents—on eacfrTiietgF i t j f ^ l y ^ ^ ^ ^ g j a £ ^ » t h l ^ o m i n g - p e H i

m an were the ^CbtbfciotiB -for* only Before finall^y^decidin'gion^he-

rchase of the Auburn machines they

fhk:C^aB;d^4trbyed;byvfi*o.a f e w d§ys agbf


by-Officep. .3wift early Monday mqrn< i n g : i h v W e s t ^venue on th7e qhargeipf j g b l i c ^ | i n ^ i c a t i b n . H o ^ d e p p s j t e d .

^audsndtf;afe^6flrfng,^ ^clalred^foffeited^^ , : M & ^ : ^ w ^ l

imstarting^the campaign aniohg autpi ,iata for^proper parking and observance o f rules of the road on thTMaih~stfeet pavement. " ~

^Miss Mildred Torrens entertained eleven- young ladies at d inner'at her homei.lafltr TnHfldBjE^prmTg^iHfc^wliiTfe t ime her engagement t o ' - Elmer W h e e l e r / s o n of Mr. and Mrs: Robert Wheeler, was announced. — EaBt Bloomfield Rev iew. ."..?.' - .-

Mra. Joseph Smith, of Fairport,-spent Tuesday and VYedne8day! with Mr", and JMra. F.. I.-Gatea.-^-Ontario Mai l . . .Mra.. Smith has gone to Roch

"^Mi^i„el?lrr~ H a p | 8 , l,' whtr^Tdiidil iltt Webater Monday, waa.known by many in- Fair^ort:s i idJi ic inity^i lShe. leavea; one sister, Lydia M. Harris, and one sister-in-law, Mrs.\ Jul ia L. Harris, of "Webster, also several cousins. The _f uner aU, ifL .tQ^hb^heJd^^ia^afJ^rnpbnf

^ ^ ^ ^ h ^ e f y 7 Penfield. * ~ •-'*•

Dr. Reea will address aftother?mbnl";

meeting Sunday *afternbbhVat?3:30i,

ployed Profesabr^-Peraeh, an electri-* a l expert from Gbhiell university, to ^ o to Auburn and g ive the machines a" Critical and exhaust iye examination,

is advice was that the machines are excellent condition for^a long period

f service and adylaed the purchase. The deal was closed Monday, and the |iiachine8 are to be shipped very soon,

""The Wages of S in- . '^ABthel loalBl tg J n d probably wil l J)e ready for bus i ih'ga are growing •ihFereBXi; attendance the, r ecord{cM^|ad^a l^ l8 ]^an get .their part of the work done in looked lor on SupdB^V£fgSi^^j|e^jt£^jbeing able to deliver current here. meeting will be preceded^by^si Ber-vice,^.a.-B6nga;B^r^i66k'at;-;7j8Q|j;!'jan^' one,—for_ the regulM a e r y i c e ^ 7 : 4 S 3 P I S ^ S l iachines, regular aer>ice^gt!'7:4&a£^Mfogj&

:hesB as ^oon' a«« the Niagara company

The element of time is an important with the purchase of these

held in Rochester^oh' April 227on'^the: petition for modification of the rates. The company asks permission to make a service charge of 4 0 cents a~nibD>h on every meter and offera to lowej^i.tcr net rate froro 9 5 to 9 0 centB. "'' f^^;; — Corporat.on Counsel Pierce Baid that* Commissioner John A. Barhite wqu/d, hold, the bearing. Mr. Pierce w i l l appear in opposition at the Rocheater. hear ing-which wi 11 be held^ ip=^the court house. ~~ '~"^:

The cbhipariy holds that this plan has worked out in other citiea* ih a favorable manner. This plan would require that consumers must" pa^V a

every-month and "ft is Ton tended would result in jan increased[revenue to the company

—it!"! When asked about the requested

change in* rates R. M. Searle, v ice preaident„oiLithe jRocheater^.GaBliand. Electric Corporation, atated that trie changes " i f allowed would "MeaT^apr average- increase for each UBer of gas in this city of .about-one_cent a_dayi;~: —Consumers, w h o - use 8, OOO^feet^bf gas a month, he stated, would about break even as compared with the pres-' entrate , through the imposition of .the,

_prnpo8ed service charge and- the"de­crease of-S.centBi- in-the^rate .^^^f^^

At the same time it is expected that imposition of a service charge wi l l in . creEsa consumption on the part of

-HpMEWARO BOJQl Pr^-fanxl Mr#. Briggs S top in Wayhing^a-^^%?; '^.V^^n.^,Zfpr.^^hUeeing.Z \^^^^^^^^

Washington, D. C. , A p r i l 4 § ^ p i | P ^

One more l i t t le shot at you Washington, where we arrived Thura day afternoon after a rather unpleasan*

account/ of* r a i l r o a d \ 0 M ^ m

coaches, which brought UB into W a s h ^ ^ ington about four hours late .8>nd;thea:^'^-^ was uriableSto pull into the I lh ion '^g l jp f t dep^t,^Btopping at 7 t f c ; S t ^ a t a t i p 5 P ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p P: But we are here and find. W i s h i n g ^ - ^ ton beginning r to lbbk'™g^een, '.;•witB magnolias a n d - t u l i p s in bloom, visited the capitoI yesterday afternoon and heard the senators jangle a while without seeming to ge t any where and tbffP-SBaw^Beyeral—other^gqyerrmie^^ buildings and expect to resume bur

• -

mm m s ightseeing today. >•/ :> ^ - ^ ^

The scenery from J a c k s o n v i l l e i t b / ^ ^ B ^ Richmond was very pretty, riding/-,^' along the forests and lands now bean-


Cherry and pear trees were pretty with dogwod and wi ld

The woods X S ^ ^ W " < « *

azallas, Which ! we're e x c e p t i b n a U ^ ^ - ^ M ^ pretty. Rivera were high.and[muddy-from recent rains.

>mm :^.mm SxfeVa Darky„.hut8_ Bhowed_.mbre .-Bignsl.of . u s z a s s s


4ife'and^the^razor back pjga wiBre^roy-: Iffg^eVe^wfiere^hrbugh fieTd;rMdlfVrt»at and also through door yards and:iutha>i . . atreeta of. the vi l lages^ a lrmg^tho route. These poor specimens of-swf he

those who now use very l i t t le gas each •month, yet who have The service available. v u

As the law forbids the levying of a meter charge the local company aska permission-—to impoi

r C»*sJV Family at. Canandaigua.

pachineB, the equipment wi l l be inj|'charge(!'\'5r'h^h'MrrSearliB'-explai«iB '{a " l ^ r k i q g - o r ^ e r ^ r t W n ^ a ^ §hereaa^v^-aitibg }• fbr. neW; machines feght^mBatf58^ear*8^^

Knows who has Occasion .to pur-tme chasedmaterials in that field;7 For

^ T h e ^ i y p n i 8 ^ f l Z 6 W ^ ' t h e r e ' u n i b ' u o ^ of Rev: W. •E^Seajl^^jitjCajiaipLdaigua^haB^ IhTng to say , concerning them that ap 'plfes equally wel l ; in Fairport, where they reeided. aorne^/years. The article follpwsi w' .;/• •"•'.;:-'-n

r^HAwl^the-friendflr-^fid^they are many . -^-of the Searles. f a m i l y will rejoice J over the happiness which the reunion,

A class of candidates received the . j t o ^ h j - j e j i y l i n ^ ^

Xltntoiravertue, soutri^

thjfdHegfee in fuirfdrhT.ih "Fai7pdrt Lodge, F. & A . M. , ; Monday nighty with ^an attendance • of about IQOy Master Masons, including several: visitors from Rochester, 'Penfield and

e t t e r H - b - f r ^ t g - f r e ^ a~Bocial hour was enjoyed.with prchea* tra music, vocal solos and numbers by

Heirs of the late Mrs. Franc G. , SchummerB? whose death , bccurred a d o a b l e q°f t e t L , g h t r e f " B h m e n t a

1 were served. about twenty years ago, have started an action in the courts to bring about a judicial accounting and set t lement

'of the estate, a Niagara Fal ls attorney - a p p e a r i n g for - the-contes tants , The

executor itTF. F. SchummerB.

• Letters"of admihistratioh were is­sued in Liyingaton^cpuhty Surrogate

^ ' " - G b u % t c F r l d S y T ^ Richmond B'. Short b f . ^ c h m o n d o n the $ 3 , 0 0 0 estate of his mother, Adelaide ET "^hbrt, who died in Richmond town on April 1 0 .

- i Besides the administrator, a daughter S* t fcAlmira

^fie-wTll-^oFafoinTBt "aied*at Manchester February 27 , was admitted to 'probate at Canandaigua Monday. According to the published reports^he will was made March 1 4 , 1917 , and in i t was a CIBUBO g iv ing a grandson, John Burps, of Fairport, $ 1 0 0 . - A codicil dated D e c e m b e r / 3 1 , 1919," provides that a legacy b f $ l , 0 0 f i g i in the'-wiU to a daugh^er :in-laW, Julia Farrell Burns, of Fairport, be cancelled

^nfTL^Rnn of that sum be. paid to John

inatahc^pthree . jey^notorB' that woi'o to bedSl ivered lo the Herald orrFeb~;

ruary l-'have not ye t reached us.


thensxpensea of cafrying-tbe account, furnishing metpr ^hd bitter charges ;infeident Jta the jcompany^pain^, tainihg service adequate to the con* sumer's requirements. In cases where iiletera are removed the-servi»e charge would cease, as it would be imposed pnXy"1rr cases where _metera are in­stal led.

» • $ * »

B . Newton of Fairpbrt, is the 1* B ? r n

; - - - -—x^ U-t - ^ - ^ — — P - T X Burns.r

J . Burns and $ 5 0 0 to Rose GOrman'

"MF. ahTTliIfB7"X3.^r"Wiuagle"eT^ to leave Monday on a two weeks trip.

^ -firBt" \1altifig relativea in PenhBylVinia then going .to Waabihgton for a f ew

—-days^and-returning* to^New^York - M ay

_.When-Carl-Marlettr^l-years-oldrof-Fairport, waa crossing Main s treet east, Rochester, near , Stillaon street, Monday afternoon^ he , w a ( struck :by ati_ automobile driven by George E . Lapham, 4 1 : yearavo.ld#' of No. 9 9 0

wil l bring to the various members of the . fami ly . . Although i t was sixteen years'1 ago thiB fa l l that Livonia said gpp£Lby& jtO—these., good peoplet„they hftveV been far -from forgotten during that -rwribd^"^ - T : :

;Mr8C-H.. N. Howard, who was Miss Eate l la Searles, has been. engaged in mfssibnary work with her husband i n ^ O l d v U m t a l i , Africa, Bince 1 9 1 1 . Thefr were—home—on—a furlough in 1916* M r . - a n d Mrs. Howard, with their three children, two girls and a boy, r are here '• now, -because of the forrper'B ill health'/ whicli requires a Warm cl imate and a sea-level -!!';'tufde: They • have been in Cape Town since }aat"Auguat/ ,

^Plai^-g6ar-leat who—went—to-China In January of 1 9 1 5 , has been teaching in I h e ,Univbrsity of Pekin, and his present purpose here ia ,tb_take_ a pos.t_

Thomaa-Slocum, a life l ong resident of the town of Perinton, died Monday at hia home,. 8 4 East Church Btreet ffoerheart troubls~rwlih_wbli!h-lie_bad been affected since January. Mr. Slocum was born on what is known as the Bryon Ellsworth farm in the south part of the "town on May 20, 1851 , andsrJbiB^aj^r-l ife- .w^ -faxui . .^After hia removel to Fairport he served the town aa highway com-mfaaioner several terms and. also the vil lage as street superintendent. For several- years he was engaged in threshing, and was called on for mileT around to . do the season's thteshing for the farmers. (&•

He married Miss Mary E . Starkp, of thia town, on March 28 . 1870 . the

Mews Paragraphs The O.leanJ&lfigtrjic company has ap

s.^flth'e, vtl lages of Bolivar and Richburg and tlje towns of Bolivar,-Wirt and Genesee for fran-chises to furnish electric light and

muat^be well educated, aa they seemed^'fi0r very industrious and, I judge, they ar& some "mathematicians, as they were almost 'continually^doing exampl ^^^Ua^egrSiOt^an^rseem^besS^ entire l iving in that way. They-are ^ mostly of a rich mahogany color.

There JB.munh to see in W a a h i n g ' L ^ j . ^ ^ i


^pn, but w'e^ miss the sea shore and ;^||2$3| baachea of white sands, etc . 'Yet we-.. jare p bl" to leave off the 4 , 8 h o c k i ^ ' ^ ^ ^ abseifbera/" from eur glasses , w h i c h ^ i B ^ S ^ ^ o.uite''*a' relief. —We-are-npt-juE r

of arrival in B airport on account:OtM\$$0£%k M r B i e a r - G i a d H o - n o a r - ^ f ^ e - ^ n c o u r a g ^ f f ? ^ ^ i n g . s tart on the eyahgeliaticcam^^ ^ififid^hopB^^ part in it.

Kind regards, - ^ -^rr-r-r— C. M. -Br igga—



Castile farmers, are sel l ing their cows because of dayl ight saVing.

Of the l , 2 i a miles of highway in ^ojiriiB ciff lniy^I^I) .2^a^ improved.

Thousands of Americans at thec va­cation time of the year take the only ocean trip which can he made on a

-mllronri train, writes "Niksnh" in the Chic:ipo News. They go to Key West by way of the line which runs through the Atlantic ocean on an embankment built from one to anotherjof_those tiny islands known as .the-Elorida— keys. ( _

The action of Geraldine Smith, the Oriskany Falls school girl who sued, through her father, Principal Irja M

cerernony being performed by Rev. Mr. Butler, then pastor of the Congre­gat iona l church. Their golden wed-ding anniveraary~7wa8 c^pTebTated"1 asV month / They began housekeeping on the John Donk place south of the vil laeran^^'rn!oml!ig~t?rtn'eJvl l l a g f Have

^ d u a t e - c o u r s e in the University of g | n c e - „ v e d b e r e . S i x c h i l dren \have

W ^ m ^ ^ - B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ to t h e m ^ ^ ^ ^ - 4 & d

those, children surviving are Mrs. Matie S, Aldrich, Charles Slocum, Mra. Anna Jordan and Howard H. Slocum! all of Faimort. He^a l so

JCing^yice president of the University l e a y e a a . b r o t h f r H v l o i n t h e B t a t e o f

of .Pek i

iufat lb^™Cra1r7^fings w l t F him his l i t t l e 1 daughter, Katherine, two years bld'f--The Bad n e w s of the death of his wi fe , who was the daughter of Dr.

danages resulting from chastisement administered by the principal paying the plaintiff $ 1 1 0 . When the case was tried the jury rendered a verdict o f ^ i x ^ S M s . The attorney for the plaintiff appea'ed.

Remarkable Trip That Is Taken by Travelers on Their Way to Key

West, Florida.

. - -''j-fjn


—AfT=j0H-rid&r^tong=ttki8=T^jaMKa^fii^^ ~m railjoad, you look out the window and. down into the clear shallow water and see great schools of fish playing near--the surface, and deeper down you can glimpse now and then the shndowy

S f e a n t o n - o f - t h a t - v i U a g e _ f o r - a l l e g e d ) _ f m T ] 5 o f fl s m a l ] ^ ^ Q n e | t h e r s i d e

-T ~ Btast~by~ Electricity. —-South African gold mines^are ex­

perimenting with blasting by electric­ity- wtth-ftr-v4eJiv—tewnln4ml«lng—the-fine-dust, which is thought to be the chief cause of miners^ phthisis. \"~ - . " ' " • ^ ^ ^ ^ - y ^ a a s z ^ v ,

held Saturday at East Rochester and interment was made in Riverside cemetery, Rochester.

of you reaches- awny to the horizon a vast 'expanse of brilliant blue ^vate^, dotted with islands, which vary in size from a fraction of an acre.1 to" perhaps n*qunrter~nfa square mile.—They "are-

low and flat and covered with low-growing mangroves, and other swnmp plants. .Here and there a group_ bf_ coconuts or royal psTTms Tifts a feath­ery silhouette. , Occasionally a little shack Is glimpsed, and a few sails are seen In the distance, blTt tor the mPBr

• ' ' ' • » T * i



representative of Jrt .Lodge, .. ^ _ , ^

_ According ' to .^a revised 'acheduje .- ' adojited by. the postofRce department

the we ight of parcel post packages has beWiricr^aaed/frbrn 6 0 t o 7 0 lbs . , for

\ the. firat,. ?econd fiind?' th\rd zenea, or 3 0 0 Tallea' from, the mail ing po in t F o r ' a l l pther^zWeBVAnJnerease'ifr^om 20HP.50.lbflylamade.' ' Thia wil l g ive the'big*city mail order hPuaea another strangle hold on the Country stores,

a.i. - _ We,'cbngr^tuiate:"; KdltbrlMiner, of. the F a i r p o r t ; H b r a f d , b p p n t t n 6 forty

~-""ninth anniybreaTy^^r 'ia onb .of iheexchangeB. which wo'en-

'?• jby -iobHtng at week by^Week^ Clean;* s neway and-Talwayll^eeklng^tHe"' beat

^ ^ n t e r e a t o o f l t h B ^ H l a g o ^ a n U g O r n ^ which i t £erv,e8. A ^ will haye^ Vbabhed xthehfelf ^century

head and / a bruiaed^Bhoulder. Hia hutta --were d r e s s e d ^ N ^ . phyBjcian.. His clothing waa.hadly torn a8,he7feil on the p a v e m e n t ' Af ter a t ln ie v he waa able to return home. Laphonr was arreated by Patrolman Pohlraan and.Mounted Officer Prlbua on a charge of reckleBa driving; • *-» • v- '

[Oaeta of cucafOr magazine articles, have^.been puzzling'over a. recent very great increase in prices" fbr auch artU clea. The answer is fourid • in "the, fact that the Photo?Engravers' union of N e w York adopted a scale of prices Which^*lh'eif~empl6ye>*8rmuaf chVfge)*1n order' to g i v e them a desired increase in pay, and agreed to refu'ae to work

daigua. ;' Charles is in business with tkc^Jlrn/JirInvestment Banking com­pany { a t Rpcheater, but makes hiB hohie at Canandaigua. Roland is en­gaged in industrial work in St. Ixiuis, Wil l i s a phyaician at Kokomo, In-

thjs afternoon, Rev. E. B. Taft, paator of the Firs t Baptfat church, ofitciatihgr and interment wifl be made in Green-vale cemetery. r

part the region is a wilderness of blue water, whlte _jand_ and low-growing j u * i ? f e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ v / ^ s . l h i r t you won love to explore Inn small boat. "

Of life you see little. Now and then white flocks of ibises rise from, t h e . l s - . — - , ^ ^ ^ lands; a tree duck spatters clumsily away from the train, or a great blue heron trails Mr*. Marv McCarthy. I heron trails his legs in lojely . d J g n l ^ J ^ ^ ^

^.Xhsbfuf i«caU444xBiJAary.^^M^wthj^S^yir^tnV^lc^ F o r t i l e ^ i b s T part . •,? ' I S silence and sunlight own the .place. , • -;}tfm

• ".-• Hazel May Corner. Mrs Hafeel May Corner, wife of

d j a n a ^ a n d Wesley iB pastor of the, E d w a r < J ^ C o r n e r f d i e d F r | d a y a t

^OthPdlat-church at .Geneseo ^ i theirhoiiie- | i6 the Egypt-Pittaford road 9 q n d ^ ^ ' " r ^ a t t e V a brief Illness. Her age waa pulp t , and Gharlea Is to furn.sh. 2 Q y e f t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ? d f t y B ( Q n d

? F t 9 , * l ^ u * •:?' , o , i besidea her huaband and three year-old "Livonia people- wish the Searles 8 0 r t ; a n e J B ' 8 u r v i v e d b v her mother,

great joy in their reunion.


Mrs. Roaa Javin, of Fairport Tne at

for any firm which; did noVaseTthelig prf to - sca t w ^ L a b ^ f ^ e e m i ^ tancing capital in fleecing the gent l e public! T h e ' CarroH l i i l F now beforj i

l « i ^ j : t a k f n g Its piaco a m o n g ' > t h b . o l d e r batabliahlng Uila method of "doing; buaK ' c o u n t t y \ w e ^ j i e 8 : d f ; ^ b a ^

"Geneva fpFal l p a r t r o f the

,.. \1;L_ ; - .^ . , # .i ; funeral Was held Sunday afternoon , ttBltlW-TOklftK-wmhl^y of he 4 o , c c R ^ ^ - ^

American Can company at Geneva and| Other places will be auctioned off at

*aki&^!& - - v

r^tfOiig"WihrJa^ ^cfiuBed Ice-to float-up the T?onawanda creek at the Tens V a n M i ^ f o ^ ^ h b firat time fin over a

r . ^ . m l o u r i n g the next few weeka between

of the Congregational church, ofikiat-. i n g r and interment was made in Perin» ton •^Celiter^feejrrjaterv,

of Fourth' avenue, whone death was reported in the Herald last Week,, was h _ e l d ^ ^ t a ^ t e y H i m o r t f i f i g ^ H h i ^ ^ of the Assumption, and interment was made in Holy Sepulchre cemetery, Rochester. She ia survived by eight sons, Charles M., Edward J , William M., Peter J . , Raymond P., Hilary P., Leo and Francis E. McCarthy.

Wm - -m

ago, active development of the ^:^lM0i ment only began after the B o i - - , ; ^ i M


Mr§. Benjamin Lull.

Mrs. ."EfhilyjiW. Lull, wife of Ben-TTTocai mK7.£Z&iQ&&OQ*t<,r

one and tw6 million tF6« and shruBT npmp^tn;J^ait Rocheater. Besides her

Mr». Franc Palmer Brown. Mra. Franc Palmer Brown, who had

b e d n i n fai l ing health for a number of years, passed away eBrly Friday morn­ing at the home of her aiater, Mra. George Luitwei ler . on Baker road. She had made her home with " h e r sla­ter a number-of years, since the death of-her-husband."—-The-funeral. waa.held-Sunday afternoon,_ Rev. G. F^ Mc-

-ElveinfpSstbf^r^lhlr-Raym^^ Church, officiating, and interment .was made in Mount Pleasant cemetery..- .

•'*• M i ^ B t o ^ ^ c 2 ^ ^ ^ ^ In NeVriYotV

The Chinese mall bag Is new apbpr ulnr Institution throughout the whole of the ancient empire. Established 23 years department er revolution. In 1918 8,000 miles of, overland routes were added to the sefy*.'} Ice. And now a" new continuous byef?\i land cburler route -o f rbugnly 8375'"; miles, the longest lp the world, > con­nects Kalgan by way of Mongolia With ; Tlhwafu, capital of the Slhklank ( C h ^ : nese Tiirkesitan)' following in part;the • : ? ^ ~ £ $ j old trade routes from China to Persia. :

The townspeople of a-flburlshing man-;. ufacturlng.district wbre so bnfaged r o - ; ^ '=*;;.='f cently by the delay Of mail that-thejr-1... ap^eaicTjtojffie"(Qourt arid~tn31pa1r|y •: responsible: w a s ordered to bejAecapU

"'Sv ft

tatcd if ho .offended again. Probably they had j. missed tbclr copies Pf ^tho r i

Family HcrpfdT . . '• . .". . . ' 7 v

Vdled_ F r i d a y mornlng^flt ihcar. ^ y ^ c t o b o r ^ ^ l 8 8 9 r ^ d a a g h t « r * t ) f ;

huaband B h a l s survived by one tiater, A i l c ^ ^ ^ w a r d ^ jThe fanoral w«a

John G. Palmer and Euphenla Bishop. M o s t o f her l i fe was -pa iBed in th is


m ii

1 1 1 * : H a , .

Vlerity of^MBrrlmjr >^i*i

m ;y:A;;.ABhermah says that a shokl of , . ahBrring^j^abmetime.s.flYCJ?r al^.Pitle^,,,,;,,;,,^

, • - - : • •

Hm&^^v^t^mi^'/z. • :;.•

. '" • . V V ^ i ^ ( - . ^ l ? i 6 n g ^ a l i d ; i w b or three mlle« b r o z d i V p C f ^ a

" - : ' . : •• -' ^ > - ; s ; -• ,.'-.! £ •• ' . ' . . v i s •'.•'••••t.-.'A1.: ' , ' . - ' V . . < - ^ - ' . : . -, ....'-:-.i"i..'t •<i<;\>£--J\*l#*W*HK

:y:.-•.•...•; ;a->s .^.-^^••,-->.«:.•• ^ • y . ^ : - ^ - ^ ^ ' , - - f . " ' V l ',•;••.•• — - • • . - . • • - ^ j ^ ^ a a a i A t & i Z M m s M s x M