Teacher’s note: An additional assignment I gave to students this year (in place of the Autobiographical Incident Essay) was to write the stories behind three of their chapter titles in Cisn eros’ style. Lie !he "ouse on #ang o $treet% the stories were supposed to connect in some way% be it thematically% a common symbol or issue% etc. !hough I did not i nclude this assignment in my lesson plan% some of t he students did such an outstanding &ob on this tas I wanted to include their wor. Student Sample #1: Creative Pieces Hey Kid? #e and 'obiel grew u p together% my older cous in by two years. eah% he my cousin* I would say when people ased% on account he couldn’t spea for himself. It didn’t matter because I ne w what he was trying to say. +e didn’t need words. ,ids would be outside playing. $ome would loo and stare% others would pay no mind. I would &ust push my cousin in his wheelchair and sate on my sates. #e and him had our own fun. "ey% id% that’s yo’ bro ther-* some id would a s. o% he my cousin.* I w ould reply. 'obiel and I have al ways been lie brothe r and sister% though% togeth er all the time. #e and the cousi n I grew up with% agai nst the world. Grandma, hy? Every year the same thing. /ne dress after another% wheth er you lie it or not% the same routine0 !han you % grandma .* Christmas of 1223% ev eryone at my

Student Samp Creativ

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grandparent’s house to collect their presents. I new it was coming% a dress fit for

an old person. "ere we go% my turn. I opened the bo4 with the big pin flower on

it and pulled out the dress with the soggy green loo that made you want to turn

your head. Ewwww%* I remember thining to myself% but the word formed into

!han you.* I mean this was my grandmother who went out of her way to buy

me the ugliest dress in the store% but who can hate her- 5o try it on%* she would

say. 5randma% why-* I would thin. I’d stand there in the mirror with the

guacamole colored dress on looing lie I was going to audition for a star role in

the circus. 5randma% why-* I would play it over and over in my head0 +hy%

why% why- !o thin I’d have to wal in the outside world looing lie an over6

grown frog. /h well% I guess I might as well wear it a few times. ears pass% the

same thing each year. A new dress until ’22 when my grandma died. ow I say%

5randma% why- +hy won’t you come bac home-*

!y "oll "on’t eed o Com$

I can remember as a child not liing African dolls. !he +hite one’s were always

 better. #e and my cousin #egan would sit in the living room of my Auntie’s

house and play with our dolls. Every time would be the same 7uestion0 +hy you

 playin’ with that doll-* and I would answer% 8ecause my doll don’t need no

comb.* !hey mae the African dolls with nappy hair that broe your comb when

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you tried to comb their hair% but not my white doll with hair so sily lie the

 princesses you see in the storyboos. "air so neat% it didn’t need a comb. #y

mom and sister tell me stories of how they would buy me white and blac dolls

and when they proceeded to give me the dolls% I would run away from the African

doll as if she had suddenly become human and reached for me. 8ut I would run to

my white doll lie I found comfort% to see she was an ordinary doll.

8eing the age that I am now hasn’t really changed anything. I still will play with a

white doll before I’ll play with an African doll. /nly now I will consider playing

with both. 8ecause I choose to play with a white doll doesn’t change who I am. I

am proud to be me. $till% I always find myself answering the same 7uestion +hy

you playin’ with that doll-* with the same simple answer0 8ecause my doll don’t

need no comb.*

Student Sample #%: Creative Pieces

The Time & as So Sic' 

I was hot lie the steam that rises when water boils% so sic that nothing came out

of my mouth when I taled. #y whole body was burning. I wanted to &ump into

water that was free9ing cold. I felt lie a house that is caught on fire.

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8eing sic is lie my worst enemy. I couldn’t fight it. It was hurting me. I

thought it was going to last forever. It seemed lie a car stopping at a stoplight and

the light never turning green for you to go. :ntil so much later.

It didn’t stop until I awoe the ne4t day% feeling lie $leeping 8eauty when the

 prince issed her.

(ost !oney

I was a little girl% age ;. #y mom offered me five dollars if I washed the dishes. I

did it and when she came bac from my auntie’s house% she gave me the money. I

wasn’t smart at the time. I was sitting in my living room watching television. I

didn’t have any pocets in my pants so when I left the living room to go to my

room so I could sleep% I left my money where I was sitting. I came bac the ne4t

day e4pecting it was going to be there. 8ut it wasn’t there. I was so mad. I ased

my mom who too my money. "ow am I supposed to now where you ept your

money-* she said in Cambodian. I ept trying to find it everyday when I passed%

sat% or &ust stood there lie a Californian looing for gold in the tunnel that would

never find. I was so frustrated. I felt lie &umping into another person’s body and

 beating them up% but there was nothing I could do about it. !hen I decided to as

everyone in my family% "ave you seen or taen my money-* !hen they said% I

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don’t now.* All of a sudden my sister said that my older brother has it. I went to

confront him and he was denying it. I did believe him because I really didn’t now

who did and I couldn’t &ust blame it on him. $o% I let it go. After all I went though

looing for five dollars% I learned that money could come and go at any time.

!y Heart

I felt lie a bug that got smashed. #y heart felt lie it was out of place% but still

 beating faster and faster. #y heart was beating lie I was running 2< laps non6

stop. #y heart was sad. I didn’t want to live. I also didn’t want to die.

I &ust wanted to be left alone.