SUNUN AN-NASAISunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 1 ϫϵϡό الله ϱϡص ِاللََّ Ϟُϯسُرَ Ϛَرََت اϤَ ϞَاَϘ ،ثِرِاَحْϠا ϧِْب Ϯرِϥَْό

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    SUNUN AN-NASAI ( ن النسائ (سنن


    BOOK # 29


    كتاب اإلحباس

    Translated and Explained



    Sahih Iman Publication

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    Utmost care has been taken in the presentation of Ahadith, their translations and explanations.

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    Table of Contents

    1. BOOK 29 ENDOWMENTS (1 .............................................................................. (كتاب اإلحباس

  • 1 Return to Contents

    بِسم هللا الرحمِن الرحيم

    الحمد هلل رب العالمين، والصالة والسالم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين


    كتاب اإلحباس

    CHAPTER (1)



    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 1

    ِ صلى هللا عليه أَْخبََرنَا قُتَْيبَةُ ْبُن َسِعيٍد، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا أَبُو األَْحَوِص، َعْن أَبِي إِْسَحاَق، َعْن َعْمِرو ْبِن اْلَحاِرِث، قَ اَل َما تََرَك َرُسوُل َّللاَّ

    ِ وسلم ِدينَاًرا َوالَ ِدْرهًَما َوالَ َعْبدًا َوالَ أََمةً إاِلَّ بَْغلَتَهُ الشَّْهبَ ةً .اَء الَّتِي َكاَن يَْرَكبَُها َوِسالََحهُ َوأَْرًضا َجعَلََها فِي َسبِيِل َّللاَّ َوقَاَل قُتَْيبَةُ َمرَّ

    .أُْخَرى َصدَقَةً

    Amr bin Al-Harith (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) narrated that the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) did

    not leave behind a Dinar nor a Dirham, or any slave, male or female; except his white mule

    which he used to ride, his weapon and some land which he left to be used for the cause of Allah.

    (One of the narrators) Qutaibah said on one occasion, ‘in charity.’

    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 2

    ٍ، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا يَْحيَى ْبُن َسِعيٍد، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا ُسْفيَاُن، قَاَل َحدَّثَنِي أَبُو إِ ْسَحاَق، قَاَل َسِمْعُت َعْمَرو ْبَن اْلَحاِرِث، يَقُوُل أَْخبََرنَا َعْمُرو ْبُن َعِلي

    ِ صلى هللا عليه .وسلم إاِلَّ بَْغلَتَهُ اْلبَْيَضاَء َوِسالََحهُ َوأَْرًضا تََرَكَها َصدَقَةً َما تََرَك َرُسوُل َّللاَّ

    Abu Ishaq narrated that he heard Amr bin Al-Harith (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) say, ‘the Apostle of Allah

    did not leave behind anything except his white mule, his weapon and some (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)

    land which he left as a charity.'

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    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 3

    إِْسَحاَق، يُونُُس ْبُن أَبِي ، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا بَْكٍر اْلَحنَِفيُّ أَبُو َحدَّثَنَا ٍ، قَاَل ْبُن َعِلي أَبِيِه، قَاَل سَ أَْخبََرنَا َعْمُرو ْبَن اْلَحاِرِث، َعْن َعْمَرو ِمْعُت

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم َما تََرَك إاِلَّ بَْغلَتَهُ الشَّْهبَاَء َوِسالََحهُ َوأَْرًضا تََرَكَها .َصدَقَةً يَقُوُل َرأَْيُت َرُسوَل َّللاَّ

    Yunus bin Abi Ishaq narrated that his father said he heard Amr bin Al-Harith (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ)

    said, he saw the Apostle of Allah (آله وسلم and he left nothing behind except his (صلى هللا عليه و

    white mule, his weapon and some land which he left as a charity.'

    CHAPTER (2)

    َكْيَف يُْكتَُب اْلَحْبُس َوِذْكِر ااِلْختِالَِف َعلَى باب اإِلْحبَاِس

    اْبِن َعْوٍن فِي َخبَِر اْبِن عَُمَر فِيِه

    How Endowment is to be recorded, and mentioning the differences reported from Ibn Umar (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ)

    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 4

    الثَّ ُسْفيَاَن َعْن َسْعٍد ْبُن عَُمُر ، اْلَحفَِريُّ دَاُودَ أَبُو أَْنبَأَنَا قَاَل إِْبَراِهيَم، ْبُن إِْسَحاُق اْبِن أَْخبََرنَا َعِن نَافِعٍ، َعْن َعْوٍن، اْبِن َعِن ،ِ ْوِري

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم فَقُْلُت أََصْبُت أَْرًضا لَْم أُِصْب َماالً أََحبَّ عَُمَر، َعْن عَُمَر، قَاَل أََصْبُت أَْرًضا ِمْن أَْرِض َخْيبََر فَأَتَْيُت َرُسوَل َّللاَّ

    فِي اْلفُقََراِء َوِذي اْلقُْربَى - َعلَى أَْن الَ تُبَاعَ َوالَ تُوهَبَ -فَتََصدََّق بَِها . "إِْن ِشئَْت تََصدَّْقَت بَِها " قَاَل .إِلَىَّ َوالَ أَْنفََس ِعْنِدي ِمْنَها

    ٍل ِ ْيِف َواْبِن السَّبِيِل الَ ُجنَاَح َعلَى َمْن َوِليََها أَْن يَأْكَُل بِاْلَمْعُروِف َغْيَر ُمتََمو قَاِب َوالضَّ .َماالً َويُْطِعَم َوالر ِ

    Sufyan Ath-Thawri narrated from Ibn Awn, from Nafi', from Ibn 'Umar ( ئ هللا تعالی عنہرض ), from

    'Umar (عنہ تعالی هللا that he said, ‘I was allocated some land at Khaibar. I came to the ,(رضئ

    Apostle of Allah (وسلم آله و عليه هللا and said, I have acquired some land and I have never (صلى

    acquired any wealth that is dearer to me or more precious than it. He said, if you wish, you can

    give it in charity. So, he gave it in charity on condition that it would not be bought or given

    away, and it is meant for the poor, relatives, slaves, guests and wayfarers. And there is no sin on

    the administrator if he eats from it or feeds others on a reasonable basis, with no intention of

    becoming wealthy from it.’

    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 5

    ِ، َعنِ ِ، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا ُمعَاِويَةُ ْبُن َعْمٍرو، َعْن أَبِي إِْسَحاَق اْلفََزاِري اْبِن َعْوٍن، َعْن نَافِعٍ، َعِن اْبِن عَُمَر، َعْن أَْخبََرنِي هَاُروُن ْبُن َعْبِد َّللاَّ

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم نَْحَوهُ .عَُمَر، رضى هللا عنه َعِن النَّبِي

  • 3 Return to Contents

    A similar report was narrated from Abu Ishaq Al-Fazari, from Ayyub bin Awn, from Nafi', from

    Ibn Umar (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ), from 'Umar (تعالی عنہ آله ) from the Prophet ,(رضئ هللا صلى هللا عليه و


    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 6

    قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا اْبُن َعْوٍن، َعْن نَافِعٍ، َعِن اْبِن عَُمَر، أَنَّ عَُمَر، قَاَل أََصاَب -َوهَُو اْبُن ُزَرْيعٍ -أَْخبََرنَا ُحَمْيدُ ْبُن َمْسعَدَةَ، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا يَِزيدُ،

    أَ فَقَاَل بَِخْيبََر فَأَتَى النَّبِيَّ صلى هللا عليه وسلم بِِه قَاَل عَُمُر أَْرًضا تَأُْمُر فََكْيَف إِْن " َصْبُت أَْرًضا لَْم أُِصْب َماالً قَطُّ أَْنفََس ِعْنِدي

    قَاِب َوفِي فِي اْلفُقََراِء َواْلقُْربَى وَ -َعلَى أَْن الَ تُبَاعَ َوالَ تُوهََب َوالَ تُوَرَث -فَتََصدََّق بَِها . "ِشئَْت َحبَّْسَت أَْصلََها َوتََصدَّْقَت بَِها الر ِ

    ْيِف َواْبِن السَّبِيِل الَ ُجنَاَح َعلَى َمْن َوِليََها أَْن يَأْكَُل ِمْنَها بِاْلَمْعُروِف َويُْطعِ ِ َوالضَّ ٍل فِيِه َسبِيِل َّللاَّ ِ .َم َصِديقًا َغْيَر ُمتََمو

    Yazid bin Ruzaiq narrated from Ibn 'Awn, from Nafi', from Ibn Umar (تعالی عنہ from ,(رضئ هللا

    'Umar (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) that he acquired some land at Khaibar. He came to the Prophet ( صلى هللا

    آله وسلم and said, I have acquired some land at Khaibar, and I have never been given any (عليه و

    wealth that is more precious to me than it. What do you command me to do with it? The Prophet

    said, ‘if you wish, you can 'freeze' it and give it in charity. So, he gave it in (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)

    charity to the poor, relatives, slaves, for the cause of Allah, guests and wayfarers on condition

    that it would not be sold, given away or inherited. There is no sin on the one who administers it

    if he eats from it on a reasonable basis and feeds his friend, with no intention of becoming

    wealthy from it.'

    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 7

    ْبُن َمْسعَ دَةَ، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا بِْشٌر، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا اْبُن َعْوٍن، أَْخبََرنَا إِْسَماِعيُل ْبُن َمْسعُوٍد، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا بِْشٌر، َعِن اْبِن َعْوٍن، قَاَل َوأَْنبَأَنَا ُحَمْيدُ

    بَِخْيبَ أَْرًضا نَافِعٍ، َعِن اْبِن عَُمَر، قَاَل أََصاَب عَُمُر إِن ِي أََصْبُت أَْرًضا َعْن فَقَاَل َر فَأَتَى النَّبِيَّ صلى هللا عليه وسلم فَاْستَأَْمَرهُ فِيَها

    َعلَى أَنَّهُ الَ -َق بَِها فَتََصدَّ . " إِْن ِشئَْت َحبَّْسَت أَْصلََها َوتََصدَّْقَت بَِها " َكثِيًرا لَْم أُِصْب َماالً قَطُّ أَْنفََس ِعْنِدي ِمْنهُ فََما تَأُْمُر فِيَها قَاَل

    ْيِف الَ ُجنَ -تُبَاعُ َوالَ تُوهَُب ِ َواْبِن السَّبِيِل َوالضَّ قَاِب َوفِي َسبِيِل َّللاَّ َعلَى َمْن -يَْعنِي -اَح فَتََصدََّق بَِها فِي اْلفُقََراِء َواْلقُْربَى َوفِي الر ِ

    ٍل اللَّْفظُ إِلْسَماِعيَل َوِليََها أَْن يَأْكَُل أَْو يُْطِعَم َصِديقًا غَ ِ .ْيَر ُمتََمو

    Bishr narrated from Ibn Awn, from Nafi', from Ibn 'Umar (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) that Umar ( رضئ هللا

    عنہ وسلم) acquired some land at Khaibar. He came to the Prophet (تعالی آله و عليه هللا and (صلى

    consulted him about it. He said, 'I have acquired a great deal of land, and I have never acquired

    any wealth that is more precious to me than it. What do you command me to do with it?' He said,

    ‘if you wish, you may freeze it and give it in charity.' So he gave it in charity on condition that it

    would not be sold or given away, and he gave it in charity to the poor, relatives, to emancipate

    slaves, for the cause of Allah, for wayfarers and guests. There is no sin on the administrator if he

    eats (from it) or feeds a friend, with no intention of becoming wealthy from it.' These are the

    wordings of Isma'il.

    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 8

  • 4 Return to Contents

    اُن، َعِن اْبِن َعْوٍن، َعْن نَافِعٍ ، َعِن اْبِن عَُمَر، أَنَّ عَُمَر، أََصاَب أَْرًضا بَِخْيبََر فَأَتَى أَْخبََرنَا إِْسَحاُق ْبُن إِْبَراِهيَم، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا أَْزهَُر السَّمَّ

    تُبَاعَ َو الَ تُوهََب َها أَْن الَ فََحبََّس أَْصلَ . " إِْن ِشئَْت َحبَّْسَت أَْصلََها َوتََصدَّْقَت بَِها " النَّبِيَّ صلى هللا عليه وسلم يَْستَأِْمُرهُ فِي ذَِلَك فَقَاَل

    قَاِب َوفِي اْلَمَساِكيِن َواْبِن السَّبِيِل َوالضَّْيِف الَ َوالَ ُجنَاَح َعلَى َمْن َوِليََها أَْن يَأْكَُل ِمْنَها تُوَرَث فَتََصدََّق بَِها َعلَى اْلفُقََراِء َواْلقُْربَى َوالر ِ

    ٍل فِيِه ِ .بِاْلَمْعُروِف أَْو يُْطِعَم َصِديقَهُ َغْيَر ُمتََمو Azhar As-Samman narrated from Ibn 'Awn, from Nafi', from Ibn 'Umar (تعالی عنہ that ,(رضئ هللا

    'Umar (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) acquired some land at Khaibar. He came to the Prophet ( صلى هللا عليه و آله

    and consulted him about that. He said, if you wish, you may 'freeze' it and give it in (وسلم

    charity.’ So he 'froze' it, stipulating that it should not be sold, given as a gift or inherited, and he

    gave it in charity to the poor, relatives, slaves, the needy, wayfarers and guests. There is no sin

    on the administrator if he eats from it on a reasonable basis or feeds a friend with no intention of

    becoming wealthy from it.

    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 9

    أَنَ َحدَّثَنَا ثَابٌِت، َعْن ادٌ، قَاَل بَْهٌز، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا َحمَّ نَافِعٍ، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا ْبُن بَْكِر أَبُو نََزلَْت هَِذِه اآليَةُ أَْخبََرنَا ا لَمَّ تَنَالُوا اْلبِرَّ }ٍس، قَاَل لَْن

    ا تُِحبُّوَن ِ قَاَل أَبُو َطْلَحةَ {َحتَّى تُْنِفقُوا ِممَّ ِ أَن ِي قَدْ َجعَْلُت أَْرِضي ّلِِلَّ فَقَاَل َرُسوُل .إِنَّ َربَّنَا لَيَْسأَلُنَا َعْن أَْمَواِلنَا فَأُْشِهدَُك يَا َرُسوَل َّللاَّ

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم . "اْجعَْلَها فِي قََرابَتَِك فِي َحسَّاَن ْبِن ثَابٍِت َوأُبَى ِ ْبِن َكْعٍب "َّللاَّ

    Anas (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) narrated that when this verse was revealed - ۚ ا تُِحبُّوَن لَْن تَنَالُوا اْلبِرَّ َحتَّٰى تُْنِفقُوا ِممَّ

    بِِه َعِليمٌ َ تُْنِفقُوا ِمْن َشْيٍء فَإِنَّ َّللاَّ You will never come to piety unless you give in charity the things] َوَما

    you love, in Allah's cause; and whatever you spend is known to Allah.] (Aal-i-Imran – 92), Abu

    Talha (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) said, 'our Lord will ask us about our wealth. I adjure you, O Apostle of

    Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) I am giving my land to Allah.' The Apostle of Allah ( صلى هللا عليه و آله

    ) said, 'make it for your relatives, Hassan bin Thabit and Ubayy bin Ka'b (وسلم عنہما یرضئ هللا تعال ).

    CHAPTER (3)

    باب َحْبِس اْلَمَشاِع

    Endowment benefiting everyone

    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 10

    ْبِن عَُمَر، عَ ِ ُسْفيَاُن ْبُن عُيَْينَةَ، َعْن عُبَْيِد َّللاَّ ْحَمِن، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا ْبُن َعْبِد الرَّ ِ أَْخبََرنَا َسِعيدُ ِللنَّبِي نَافِعٍ، َعِن اْبِن عَُمَر، قَاَل قَاَل عَُمُر ْن

    فَقَاَل النَّبِيُّ صلى .ْم أُِصْب َماالً قَطُّ أَْعَجَب إِلَىَّ ِمْنَها قَدْ أََردُْت أَْن أَتََصدََّق بَِها صلى هللا عليه وسلم إِنَّ اْلِمائَةَ َسْهٍم الَّتِي ِلي بَِخْيبََر لَ

    . " اْحبِْس أَْصلََها َوَسب ِْل ثََمَرتََها " هللا عليه وسلم

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    Ibn 'Umar (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) narrated that Umar (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) said to the Prophet ( صلى هللا عليه

    آله وسلم the one hundred shares that I acquired in Khaibar, I have never acquired any wealth' ,(و

    that I like more than that, and I want to give it in charity.' The Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) said,

    freeze it and donate its fruits.’

    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 11

    ِ اْلَخلَْنِجيُّ ْبُن َعْبِد َّللاَّ دُ نَافِعٍ، َعِن اْبِن عَُمَر، َعْن عُ أَْخبََرنَا ُمَحمَّ ْبِن عَُمَر، َعْن ِ ُسْفيَاُن، َعْن عُبَْيِد َّللاَّ بِبَْيِت اْلَمْقِدِس قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا َمَر، ،

    ِ إِن ِي أََصْبُت َماالً ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم فَقَاَل يَا َرُسوَل َّللاَّ لَْم أُِصْب ِمثْلَهُ قَطُّ َكاَن ِلي رضى هللا عنه قَاَل َجاَء عَُمُر إِلَى َرُسوِل َّللاَّ

    بَِها َب أَتَقَرَّ أََردُْت أَْن َوإِن ِي قَدْ َخْيبََر ِمْن أَْهِلَها َسْهٍم ِمْن بَِها ِمائَةَ َرأٍْس فَاْشتََرْيُت ِ َعزَّ َوَجلَّ ِمائَةُ فَاْحبِْس أَْصلََها " قَاَل .إِلَى َّللاَّ

    . " َوَسب ِِل الثََّمَرةَ

    Umar (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) narrated that he came to the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) and

    said, 'O Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم), I have acquired some wealth the like of which I

    have never acquired before. I had one hundred head (of livestock) with which I bought one

    hundred shares of Khaibar from its people. I wanted to draw closer to Allah ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل) by means

    of it.' He said, ‘freeze it and donate its fruits.'

    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 12

    ِ، َعْن عُ ي ْبُن ُمَصفَّى ْبِن بُْهلُوٍل، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا بَِقيَّةُ، َعْن َسِعيِد ْبِن َساِلٍم اْلَمك ِ دُ ِ ْبِن عَُمَر، َعْن نَافِعٍ، َعِن أَْخبََرنَا ُمَحمَّ اْبِن عَُمَر، بَْيِد َّللاَّ

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم َعْن أَْرٍض ِلي بِثَْمغٍ قَاَل . "اْحبِْس أَْصلََها َوَسب ِْل ثََمَرتََها " َعْن عَُمَر، قَاَل َسأَْلُت َرُسوَل َّللاَّ

    Umar (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) narrated that he asked the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) about

    some land he owned in Thamgh. The Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) said, 'freeze it and donate its


    CHAPTER (4)

    باب َوْقِف اْلَمَساِجِد

    Endowment ( َِوْقف) for Mosque

  • 6 Return to Contents

    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 13

    ُث، عَ ُسلَْيَماَن، قَاَل َسِمعُْت أَبِي يَُحد ِ ْبُن أَْنبَأَنَا اْلُمْعتَِمُر إِْبَراِهيَم، قَاَل ْبُن إِْسَحاُق ْبِن أَْخبََرنَا ْحَمِن، َعْن َعْمِرو ْبِن َعْبِد الرَّ ْن ُحَصْيِن

    اْعتَِزاَل األَْحنَِف ْبِن قَْيٍس َما َكاَن قَاَل َسِمْعُت األَْحنََف يَقُوُل أَتَْيُت اْلَمِدينَةَ َوذَاَك أَن ِي قُْلُت لَهُ أََرأَْيتَ -َرُجٌل ِمْن بَنِي تَِميٍم -َجاَواَن،

    نِي النَّاَس ُمْجتَِمعُوَن َوإِذَا ِجِد فَاطَّلَْعُت فَإِذَا يَعْ َوأَنَا َحاجٌّ فَبَْينَا نَْحُن فِي َمنَاِزِلنَا نََضُع ِرَحالَنَا إِذْ أَتَى آٍت فَقَاَل قَِد اْجتََمَع النَّاُس فِي اْلَمسْ

    بَْيُر َوَطْلَحةُ َوَسْعدُ ْبُن أَبِي َوقَّ ا قُْمُت َعلَْيِهْم قِيَل هَذَا بَْيَن أَْظُهِرِهْم نَفٌَر قُعُودٌ فَإِذَا هَُو َعِليُّ ْبُن أَبِي َطاِلٍب َوالزُّ ِ َعلَْيِهْم فَلَمَّ اٍص َرْحَمةُ َّللاَّ

    فَقَاَل عُثَْماُن أَهَا هُنَا َعِليٌّ .فََجاَء َوَعلَْيِه ُملَيَّةٌ َصْفَراُء فَقُْلُت ِلَصاِحبِي َكَما أَْنَت َحتَّى أَْنظَُر َما َجاَء بِِه -قَاَل -قَدْ َجاَء عُثَْماُن ْبُن َعفَّاَن

    بَْيُر أَهَا هُنَا َطْلَحةُ أَهَا هُنَا َسْعدٌ قَالُوا نَعَْم ِ صلى هللا عليه قَاَل فَ .أَهَا هُنَا الزُّ ِ الَِّذي الَ إِلَهَ إاِلَّ هَُو أَتَْعلَُموَن أَنَّ َرُسوَل َّللاَّ أَْنشُدُكُْم بِاّلِلَّ

    لَهُ "وسلم قَاَل ُ بَنِي فُالٍَن َغفََر َّللاَّ يَْبتَاعُ ِمْربَدَ إِ . "َمْن فَقُْلُت ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم فَأَتَْيُت َرُسوَل َّللاَّ بَنِي فَاْبتَْعتُهُ ن ِي اْبتَْعُت ِمْربَدَ

    ِ صلى .قَالُوا نَعَْم . " فَاْجعَْلهُ فِي َمْسِجِدنَا َوأَْجُرهُ لََك " قَاَل .فُالٍَن ِ الَِّذي الَ إِلَهَ إاِلَّ هَُو هَْل تَْعلَُموَن أَنَّ َرُسوَل َّللاَّ قَاَل فَأَْنشُدُكُْم بِاّلِلَّ

    ُ لَهُ مَ "هللا عليه وسلم قَاَل ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم فَقُْلُت قَِد اْبتَْعُت بِئَْر ُروَمةَ . "ْن يَْبتَاعُ بِئَْر ُروَمةَ َغفََر َّللاَّ "قَاَل .فَأَتَْيُت َرُسوَل َّللاَّ

    ِ صلى هللا عليه قَاَل فَأَْنشُدُكُ .قَالُوا نَعَْم . "فَاْجعَْلَها ِسقَايَةً ِلْلُمْسِلِميَن َوأَْجُرهَا لََك ِ الَِّذي الَ إِلَهَ إاِلَّ هَُو هَْل تَْعلَُموَن أَنَّ َرُسوَل َّللاَّ ْم بِاّلِلَّ

    ُ لَهُ "وسلم قَاَل ْز َجْيَش اْلعُْسَرةِ َغفََر َّللاَّ ْزتُُهْم َحتَّى َما يَْفِقدُوَن ِعقَاالً َوالَ ِخَطاًما . "َمْن يَُجه ِ قَاَل اللَُّهمَّ اْشَهِد اللَُّهمَّ .قَالُوا نَعَْم .فََجهَّ

    .اْشَهِد اللَُّهمَّ اْشَهدْ

    Al-Ahnaf narrated that he came to Madina and he was performing Hajj, and while they were in

    the camping place unloading their mounts, someone came to them and said, 'the people have

    gathered in the Masjid.' I looked and found the people gathered, and in the midst of them was a

    group in which I saw 'Ali bin Abi Talib, Az-Zubair, Talhah and Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ( رضئ هللا

    عنہم یتعال ). When I got there, it was said that Uthman bin Affan (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) had come. He

    came, wearing a yellowish cloak. I said to my companion, stay where you are until I find out

    what is happening. Uthman (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) said, is Ali (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) here? Is Az-Zubair

    here? They (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) here? Is Sa'd (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) here? Is Talhah (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ)

    said, yes. He said, I adjure you by Allah, beside Whom there is no God but He, are you aware

    that the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) said, whoever buys the Mirbad of Banu so and so,

    Allah will forgive him, and I bought it, then I came to the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)

    and told him, and he said, add it to our Masjid and the reward for it will be yours? They said,

    yes. He said, I adjure you by Allah, beside Whom there is no God but He, are you aware that the

    Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) said, whoever buys the well of Rumah, Allah will forgive

    him, so I came to the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) and said, I have bought the well of

    Rumah. He said, give it to provide water for the Muslims, and the reward for it will be yours?

    They said, yes. He said, 'I adjure you by Allah, beside Whom there is no God but He, are you

    aware that the Apostle of Allah ( said, whoever equips the army of Al-'Usrah ( عليه و آله وسلمصلى هللا

    (the expedition of Tabuk), Allah will forgive him, so I equipped them until they were not lacking

    even a rope or a bridle?' They said, yes. He said, O Allah, bear witness, O Allah, bear witness, O

    Allah, bear witness.’

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    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 14

    ِ ْبُن إِدِْريَس، قَاَل َسِمْعُت ُحَصْيَن ْبَن َعْبدِ ُث َعْن َعْمِرو ْبِن َجاَواَن، َعِن أَْخبََرنَا إِْسَحاُق ْبُن إِْبَراِهيَم، قَاَل أَْنبَأَنَا َعْبدُ َّللاَّ ْحَمِن، يَُحد ِ الرَّ

    اًجا فَقَِدْمنَا اْلَمِدينَةَ بَْينَا نَْحُن فِي َمنَاِزِلنَا نََضُع ِرَحالَنَا إِذْ أَتَانَا آٍت فَقَاَل إِنَّ النَّاَس األَْحنَِف ْبِن قَْيٍس، قَاَل َخَرْجنَا ُحجَّ َونَْحُن نُِريدُ اْلَحجَّ فَ

    َوإِذَ .قَِد اْجتََمعُوا فِي اْلَمْسِجِد َوفَِزعُوا فَإِذَا النَّاُس ُمْجتَِمعُوَن َعلَى نَفٍَر فِي َوَسِط اْلَمْسِجِد ْبُن فَاْنَطلَْقنَا َوَسْعدُ بَْيُر َوَطْلَحةُ ا َعِليٌّ َوالزُّ

    بَْيُر أَبِي َوقَّاٍص فَإِنَّا لََكذَِلَك إِذْ َجاَء عُثَْماُن ْبُن َعفَّاَن َعلَْيِه ُمالََءةٌ َصْفَراُء قَدْ قَنََّع بَِها َرأَْسهُ فَقَاَل أَهَا هُنَا َعِليٌّ أَهَا هُنَا َطْلَحةُ أَهَا هُنَا الزُّ

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم قَ .نَا َسْعدٌ قَالُوا نَعَْم أَهَا هُ ِ الَِّذي الَ إِلَهَ إاِلَّ هَُو أَتَْعلَُموَن أَنَّ َرُسوَل َّللاَّ َمْن يَْبتَاعُ ِمْربَدَ "اَل قَاَل فَإِن ِي أَْنشُدُكُْم بِاّلِلَّ

    لَهُ ُ َغفََر َّللاَّ فُالٍَن بِِعْشِرينَ . "بَنِي فَقَاَل فَاْبتَْعتُهُ فَأَْخبَْرتُهُ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم َرُسوَل َّللاَّ فَأَتَْيُت أَْلفًا َوِعْشِريَن بَِخْمَسٍة أَْو "أَْلفًا

    ِ الَِّذي الَ إِلَهَ إاِلَّ .قَالُوا اللَُّهمَّ نَعَْم . "اْجعَْلَها فِي َمْسِجِدنَا َوأَْجُرهُ لََك ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم قَاَل فَأَْنُشدُكُْم بِاّلِلَّ هَُو أَتَْعلَُموَن أَنَّ َرُسوَل َّللاَّ

    ُ لَهُ " قَاَل ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم فَقُْلُت قَِد اْبتَْعتَُها بَِكذَا َوَكذَا . " َمْن يَْبتَاعُ بِئَْر ُروَمةَ َغفََر َّللاَّ قَالَ .فَاْبتَْعتُهُ بَِكذَا َوَكذَا فَأَتَْيُت َرُسوَل َّللاَّ

    ِ صلى هللا .قَالُوا اللَُّهمَّ نَعَْم . "اْجعَْلَها ِسقَايَةً ِلْلُمْسِلِميَن َوأَْجُرهَا لََك " ِ الَِّذي الَ إِلَهَ إاِلَّ هَُو أَتَْعلَُموَن أَنَّ َرُسوَل َّللاَّ قَاَل فَأَْنشُدُكُْم بِاّلِلَّ

    اْلقَْوِم فَقَاَل نََظَر فِي ُوُجوِه لَهُ مَ "عليه وسلم َغفََر ُ َز هَُؤالَِء َّللاَّ ْزتُُهْم َحتَّى َما يَْفِقدُوَن ِعقَاالً َوالَ . " ْن َجهَّ يَْعنِي َجْيَش اْلعُْسَرةِ فََجهَّ

    .قَاَل اللَُّهمَّ اْشَهِد اللَُّهمَّ اْشَهدْ .قَالُوا اللَُّهمَّ نَعَْم .ِخَطاًما

    Al-Ahnaf bin Qais narrated that he came to Madina and he was performing Hajj, and while they

    were in the camping place unloading their mounts, someone came to them and said, 'the people

    have gathered in the Masjid and there is panic.' So we set out and found the people gathered

    around a group in the middle of the Masjid, among whom were 'Ali bin Abi Talib, Az-Zubair,

    Talhah and Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ( عنہم یرضئ هللا تعال ). While we were like that, 'Uthman ( رضئ هللا

    came, wearing a yellowish cloak with which he had covered his head. He said, is Ali (تعالی عنہ

    here? Is (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) here? Is Talhah (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) here? Is Az-Zubair (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ)

    Sa'd (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) here? They said, yes. He said, I adjure you by Allah, beside Whom there

    is no God but He, are you aware that the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) said, whoever

    buys the Mirbad of Banu so and so, Allah will forgive him, and I bought it for 20 or 25 thousand,

    then I came to the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) and told him, and he said, add it to our

    Masjid and the reward for it will be yours? They said, yes. He said, I adjure you by Allah, beside

    Whom there is no God but He, are you aware that the Apostle of Allah (وسلم آله و عليه (صلى هللا

    said, whoever buys the well of Rumah, Allah will forgive him, so I came to the Apostle of Allah

    .and said, I have bought the well of Rumah for such and such an amount (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)

    He said, give it to provide water for the Muslims, and the reward for it will be yours? They said,

    yes. He said, 'I adjure you by Allah, beside Whom there is no God but He, are you aware that the

    Apostle of Allah (وسلم آله و عليه هللا said, whoever equips the army of Al-'Usrah (the (صلى

    expedition of Tabuk), Allah will forgive him, so I equipped them until they were not lacking

    even a rope or a bridle?' They said, yes. He said, O Allah, bear witness, O Allah, bear witness, O

    Allah, bear witness.’

    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 15

    اجِ، َعْن َسِعيٍد ا ِ، أَْخبََرنِي ِزيَادُ ْبُن أَيُّوَب، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا َسِعيدُ ْبُن َعاِمٍر، َعْن يَْحيَى ْبِن أَبِي اْلَحجَّ ِ، َعْن ثَُماَمةَ ْبِن َحْزٍن اْلقَُشْيِري ْلُجَرْيِري

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم قَِدَم اْلَمِدينَةَ قَاَل َشِهدُْت الدَّاَر ِحيَن أَْشَرَف َعلَْيِهْم عُثَْمانُ ِ َوبِاإِلْسالَِم هَْل تَْعلَُموَن أَنَّ َرُسوَل َّللاَّ فَقَاَل أَْنشُدُكُْم بِاّلِلَّ

    " ِدالَِء اْلُمْسِلِميَن بَِخْيٍر لَهُ ِمْنَها فِي اْلَجنَِّة َمْن يَْشتَِري بِئَْر ُروَمةَ فَيَْجعَُل فِيَها دَْلَوهُ َمعَ "َولَْيَس بَِها َماٌء يُْستَْعذَُب َغْيَر بِئِْر ُروَمةَ فَقَاَل

    َن الشُّْرِب ِمْنَها َحتَّى أَْشَرَب ِمْن َماِء اْلبَْحِر فَاْشتََرْيتَُها ِمْن ُصْلِب َماِلي فََجعَْلُت دَْلِوي فِيَها َمَع ِدالَِء اْلُمْسِلِميَن َوأَْنتُُم اْليَْوَم تَْمنَعُونِي مِ .

    نَعَْم قَا اللَُّهمَّ اللَّهُ .لُوا قَالُوا َماِلي ِمْن اْلعُْسَرةِ َجْيَش ْزُت أَن ِي َجهَّ تَْعلَُموَن هَْل َواإِلْسالَِم ِ بِاّلِلَّ فَأَْنشُدُكُْم نَعَْم قَاَل ِ .مَّ بِاّلِلَّ فَأَْنشُدُكُْم قَاَل

    َ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم َواإِلْسالَِم هَْل تَْعلَُموَن أَنَّ اْلَمْسِجدَ َضاَق بِأ َمْن يَْشتَِري بُْقعَةَ آِل فُالٍَن فَيَِزيدُهَا فِي اْلَمْسِجِد "ْهِلِه فَقَاَل َرُسوُل َّللاَّ

  • 8 Return to Contents

    َرْكعَتَْيِن قَالُوا اللَُّهمَّ نَعَْم فَاْشتََرْيتَُها ِمْن ُصْلِب َماِلي فَِزدْتَُها فِي اْلَمْسِجِد َوأَْنتُْم تَْمنَعُونِي أَنْ . "ْنَها فِي اْلَجنَِّة بَِخْيٍر لَهُ مِ . أَُصل َِي فِيِه

    ثَبِ ثَبِيٍر َعلَى َكاَن وسلم عليه ِ صلى هللا َرُسوَل َّللاَّ أَنَّ تَْعلَُموَن هَْل َواإِلْسالَِم ِ بِاّلِلَّ أَْنشُدُكُْم َوأَنَا قَاَل َوعَُمُر بَْكٍر أَبُو َوَمعَهُ َمكَّةَ يِر

    َك اْلَجبَ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم بِِرْجِلِه َوقَاَل فَتََحرَّ يٌق َوَشِهيدَاِن "ُل فََرَكَضهُ َرُسوُل َّللاَّ قَالُوا اللَُّهمَّ . "اْسكُْن ثَبِيُر فَإِنََّما َعلَْيَك نَبِيٌّ َوِصد ِ

    ِ اْلَكْعبَِة .نَعَْم ُ أَْكبَُر َشِهدُوا ِلي َوَرب .يدٌ يَْعنِي أَن ِي َشهِ .قَاَل َّللاَّ

    Thumamah bin Hazn Al-Qushairi narrated that he was present at the house when 'Uthman ( رضئ

    looked out over them and said, 'I adjure you by Allah and by Islam, are you aware (هللا تعالی عنہ

    that when the Apostle of Allah ( صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) came to Madinah, and it had no water that

    was considered sweet (suitable for drinking) except the well of Rumah, he said, ‘who will buy

    the well of Rumah and dip his bucket in it alongside the buckets of the Muslims, in return for a

    better one in Paradise?’ I bought it with my capital and dipped my bucket into it alongside the

    buckets of the Muslims? Yet today you are preventing me from drinking from it, so that I have to

    drink salty water.' They said, 'by Allah, yes.' He said, 'I adjure you by Allah and by Islam, are

    you aware that I equipped the army of Al-'Usrah (Tabuk) from my own wealth?' They said, 'by

    Allah, yes.' He said, 'I adjure you by Allah and by Islam, are you aware that when the Masjid

    became too small for the people and the Apostle of Allah ( لى هللا عليه و آله وسلمص ) said, Who will

    buy the plot of the family of so and so and add it to the Masjid, in return for a better plot in

    Paradise? I bought it with my capital and added it to the Masjid? Yet now you are preventing me

    from praying two Rak'a therein.' They said, 'by Allah, yes.' He said, 'I adjure you by Allah and by

    Islam, are you aware that when the Apostle of Allah (آله وسلم was atop Thabir in (صلى هللا عليه و

    Makkah and with him were Abu Bakr, 'Umar ( تعال هللا عنہما یرضئ ) and myself, the mountain

    shook, and the Apostle of Allah (آله وسلم ,kicked it with his foot and said, be still (صلى هللا عليه و

    Thabir, for upon you are a Prophet, a Siddiq and two martyrs?' They said, 'by Allah, yes.' He

    said, 'Allahu Akbar, they have testified for me, by the Lord of the Ka'ba that I am a martyr.’

    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 16

    َس، َحدَّثَنِي أَبِي، َعْن أَبِي إِْسَحاَق، َعْن أَْخبََرنَا ِعْمَراُن ْبُن بَكَّاِر ْبِن َراِشٍد، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا َخطَّاُب ْبُن عُثَْماَن، قَاَل َحدَّثَنَا ِعيَسى ْبُن يُونُ

    ْحَمِن، أَنَّ عُثَْماَن، أَْشَرَف َعلَْيِهْم ِحينَ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم أَبِي َسلََمةَ ْبِن َعْبِد الرَّ ِ َرُجالً َسِمَع ِمْن َرُسوِل َّللاَّ َحَصُروهُ فَقَاَل أَْنشُدُ بِاّلِلَّ

    يٌق أَْو َشِهيدَاِن "يَقُوُل يَْوَم اْلَجبَِل ِحيَن اْهتَزَّ فََرَكلَهُ بِِرْجِلِه َوقَاَل أَنَا َمعَهُ فَاْنتََشدَ لَهُ ِرَجاٌل وَ . "اْسكُْن فَإِنَّهُ لَْيَس َعلَْيَك إاِلَّ نَبِيٌّ أَْو ِصد ِ

    ْضَواِن يَقُوُل ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم يَْوَم بَْيعَِة الر ِ ِ َرُجالً َشِهدَ َرُسوَل َّللاَّ ِ َوهَِذِه يَدُ عُثَْماَن "ثُمَّ قَاَل أَْنشُدُ بِاّلِلَّ فَاْنتََشدَ لَهُ . " هَِذِه يَدُ َّللاَّ

    ثُمَّ قَاَل أَْنُش يَقُوُل ِرَجاٌل يَْوَم َجْيِش اْلعُْسَرةِ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم ِ َرُجالً َسِمَع َرُسوَل َّللاَّ بِاّلِلَّ نَفَقَةً ُمتَقَبَّلَةً " دُ يُْنِفُق ْزُت . "َمْن فََجهَّ

    َسِمعَ ِ َرُجالً بِاّلِلَّ ثُمَّ قَاَل أَْنشُدُ ِرَجاٌل لَهُ فَاْنتََشدَ يَقُوُل نِْصَف اْلَجْيِش ِمْن َماِلي ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم فِي هَذَا " َرُسوَل َّللاَّ يَِزيدُ َمْن

    ِ َرُجالً َشِهدَ ُروَمةَ تُبَاعُ فَاْشتََريْ . "اْلَمْسِجِد بِبَْيٍت فِي اْلَجنَِّة ِلي فَأَبَْحتَُها تَُها ِمْن َمافَاْشتََرْيتُهُ ِمْن َماِلي فَاْنتََشدَ لَهُ ِرَجاٌل ثُمَّ قَاَل أَْنشُدُ بِاّلِلَّ

    .اِلْبِن السَّبِيِل فَاْنتََشدَ لَهُ ِرَجاٌل

    Abu Salamah bin Abdur Rahman narrated that Uthman (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) looked out over them

    when they besieged him and said, by Allah, I adjure a man who heard the Apostle of Allah ( صلى

    آله وسلم on the day when the mountain shook with him, and he kicked it with his foot ,(هللا عليه و

    and said, 'be still, for there is no one upon you but a Prophet or a Siddiq or two martyrs,' and I

    was with him.’ Some men responded and affirmed that. Then he said, "By Allah, I adjure a man

    who witnessed the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم), on the day of Bai'at Al-Ridwan, say,

    'this is the Hand of Allah and this is the hand of Uthman ( ئ هللا تعالی عنہرض ). Some men responded

    and affirmed that. He said, ‘by Allah, I adjure a man who heard the Apostle of Allah ( صلى هللا عليه

  • 9 Return to Contents

    وسلم آله say, on the day of the army of Al-'Usrah (Tabuk): 'Who will spend and it will be (و

    accepted?' And I equipped half of the army from my own wealth.’ Some men responded and

    affirmed that. Then he said, ‘by Allah, I adjure a man who heard the Apostle of Allah ( صلى هللا

    say. 'who will add to this Masjid in return for a house in Paradise,' and I bought it (عليه و آله وسلم

    with my own wealth.’ Some men responded and affirmed that. Then he said, ‘by Allah, I adjure a

    man who witness Rumah being sold, and I bought it from my own wealth and allowed wayfarers

    to use it.’ Some men responded and affirmed that.

    Sunan an-Nasai, Vol 4, Bk 29, Hadith # 17

    ِحيِم، قَاَل دُ ْبُن َسلََمةَ، قَاَل َحدَّثَنِي أَبُو َعْبِد الرَّ دُ ْبُن َوْهٍب، قَاَل َحدَّثَنِي ُمَحمَّ َحدَّثَنِي َزْيدُ ْبُن أَبِي أُنَْيَسةَ، َعْن أَبِي إِْسَحاَق، أَْخبََرنِي ُمَحمَّ

    ْحَمِن ال ا ُحِصَر عُثَْماُن فِي دَاِرِه اْجتََمَع النَّاُس َحْوَل دَاِرِه سُّلَ َعْن أَبِي َعْبِد الرَّ ِ، قَاَل لَمَّ .َوَساَق اْلَحِديَث .فَأَْشَرَف َعلَْيِهْم -قَاَل -ِمي

    Abdur Rahman Al-Sulami narrated that when Uthman (عنہ تعالی هللا was besieged in his (رضئ

    house, the people gathered around his house and he looked out over them, and he quoted the

    same Hadith.