РОССИЙСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК ИНСТИТУТ ВСЕОБЩЕЙ ИСТОРИИ И. Е. СУРИКОВ Ответственный редактор доктор исторических наук Л. П. Маринович ЯЗЫКИ СЛАВЯНСКИХ КУЛЬТУР МОСКВА 2006^ Остракизм в Афинах

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................................................................................................................ 7 ................................................................................................................ 10 ..................................................... 21 1. ...................................................21 2. . ............................... 48 ....................................................................................85 I. ..............................................................125 II. .............................................. 167 1. .................... 167 2. ? .......................................................................182 3. .............................................. 205 III. ............................................................229 1. ..........................................229 2. 6000 ?.............................................. 243 3. .. 256 4. .............................................. 269 5. .............................281 IV. .......................................................................295 1. V . . ................................................................................295 2. ......................................322 3. ..................................... 347 4. .............................................. 356 V. ..................381 1. ....................................................... 381 2. * ............................................................................... 399 ..................................................................................................... 409 1. ......................................................... 409 2. .............................................. 415

I IV ............................................................................... 429 II ......................................................... 443 III ................................... ................... 473 IV ..........................................................................................................487 V ................................................................................................. 541 VI ....................................................................................553 .................................................................................................555 ....................................................................................595 ....................................................................................597 SUMMARY.............................................................................................................. 617


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