Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama

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  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    Overview of Syllabus 2015

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    Overview of Syllabus 2015

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    Overview of Syllabus 2015

    Grade Descriptions

    Grade F To achieve a Grade F, a candidate will beable to:

    • make a few straightforward points in termsof narrative and situation

    • show a few signs of understanding of theauthor’s intentions and the surfacemeanings of the text• make a little reference to the text

    • show evidence of a simple personal

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    Overview of Syllabus 2015

    Grade Descriptions

    Grade C

     To achieve a Grade , a candidate will be ableto:

    • make a reasonabl! sustained"extendedresponse with detail of narrative and situation• show understanding of the author’s intentionsand some of the text’s deeper implications and

    theattitudes it displa!s• show some thoroughness in use of the text forsupport• make some response to the wa! language

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    Overview of Syllabus 2015

    Grade DescriptionsGrade A

     To achieve a Grade #, a candidate will be able to:• sustain a perceptive and convincing responsewith well$chosen detail of narrative and situation• demonstrate clear critical"anal!ticalunderstanding of the author’s intentions and thetext’s deeperimplications and the attitudes it displa!s• make much well$selected reference to the text• respond sensitivel! and in detail to the wa!language works in the text

    • communicate a considered and re%ectiveersonal res onse to the text

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    Overview of Syllabus 2015

    ambridge &G'( )iterature *(nglish+ candidates take omponent and either Coponent 2 or omponents - and or Coponents

    ! and 5"

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    Overview of Syllabus 2015

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    Overview of Syllabus 2015

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    Overview of Syllabus 2015

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    Overview of Syllabus 2015

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    Overview of Syllabus 2015

    Set te#t for Coponent 2$ Draa

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    Coponent 2$ D%A&A

    'ie allowed$ 1 hour( !0 inutes

     This is an optional written paper. */0 to 100 words+

    andidates answer two )uestions on two te#ts. #ll2uestions carr! e2ual marks.

     There is a choice of two 2uestions on each text: either*a+ a passage$based 2uestion or *b+ an essa! 2uestion.

    andidates must answer one passa*e+based)uestion and one essay )uestion"

    3elevant passages are printed on the 2uestion paper.

    andidates ma! not take their set texts into the exam

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    Coponent 2$ D%A&A

    #ll 2uestions encourage an informed personal responseand test all four assessment ob4ectives. andidates will

    have to demonstrate the following:

    • knowledge of the content of the text 5 through referenceto detail and use of 2uotations from the text ,AO1-• understanding of characters, relationships, situationsand themes ,AO2-• understanding of writer’s intentions and methods 5response to the writer’s use of language ,AO!-• personal response 5 sometimes directl! *answering

    2uestions such as 67hat do !ou think8’, 67hat are !ourfeelings about98’+ and sometimes b! implication*answering 2uestions such as 6(xplore the wa!s inwhich9’+ ,AO.-"

     The written paper is an externall! set assessment, marked

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    /hat is a passa*e+based


    assage$based 2uestions askcandidates to re$read aspeci;c passage or poem

    from the set text beforeanswering. The passage"poem

    is printed on the exam paper.

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    For all passa*e+based )uestions( considerthe ey words and phrases you will

    coent on in your answer.

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama



    ?ighlighting or underlining ke! words and phrases or ma4or ideas isthe most common form of annotating texts.

    #nnotating a text, or marking the pages with notes, is an excellent, ifnot essential, wa! to make the most out of the reading !ou do forcollege courses. #nnotations make it eas! to ;nd importantinformation 2uickl! when !ou look back and review a text. The! help

    !ou familiari@e !ourself with both the content and organi@ation ofwhat !ou read. The! provide a wa! to begin engaging ideas andissues directl! through comments, 2uestions, associations, or otherreactions that occur to !ou as !ou read. &n all these wa!s, annotatinga text makes the reading process an active one, not 4ust backgroundfor writing assignments, but an integral ;rst step in the writingprocess.

    # well$annotated text will accomplish all of the following:

    •clearl! identif! where in the text important ideas and information are

    located•ex ress the main ideas of a text

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    % di h f 3 i 4 b

  • 8/17/2019 Syllabus 2015 & Component 2 Drama


    %eadin* the portance of 3ein* 4arnest byOscar /ilde'he portance of Conte#t$

    Aefore reading the novel, it is imperative that studentsbecome familiar with the literar! and social context of thetime period as well as the author. This knowledge willenhance student comprehension of the events and

    character motives in 7ilde’s pla! and enable them tomake insightful observations and inferences in laterassignments, rather than simpl! grappling for the rules ofthis foreign societ!.

    Facilitate understanding of the context of this pla! b!allowing the student to do the discovering.3esearch the following topics: Bscar 7ilde, historicalcontext of (ngland, literar! histor! context, social

    status"classes, etc.